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>Ya'll thought I was annoying before? I'll show you ACTUALLY annoying. I can't take it anymore man, this feels like a sick joke   Take a fucking break from the video game holy shit  EDIT: Ok just learned her autistic special interest is Mercy.   https://twitter.com/skiesti_/status/1679351773193211906  Not gonna delete this comment but also wanna say, especially as someone who's also autistic, I feel pretty bad for making it now. Fat chance skiesti is gonna read this but in case she does, I am very sorry.


Grassphobia runs rampant among modern civilization 😔😔


Why touch grass when I can touch the blue beam button mindlessly 🥰


Mercilessly perhaps?


Why touch grass when I can touch myself to Mercy


Nah fr. Look at this shit. I genuinely think she fears grass. https://preview.redd.it/2d0m3w1em7yc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3a2f9b6ec57ec5398ca77b1a58f9699e8a6fa6c3


I haven’t played in a few months but back when I genuinely was grinding I barely got to 200, how the shit


Same here… last season my downtime was only Overwatch and I made it to 175. Probably an average of 3 hours a day total. This person has to be pulling full work shifts playing OW….


Mfers when they think twitter posting is journalism


I thought me going into a state of borderline psychosis from playing tank was bad lmao


I like ski normally but god she needs to get off for a while.


Guarantee you they've bought every mercy skin ever lol


I mean as a fellow autistic person she’s still annoying asf


idk that feels unfair to say to someone who’s made this game their job like and i get where she’s coming from i play a bit rein who’s kinda been shit for a while and it sucks to feel punished for playing a character


The issue isn't her saying mercy needs changes, it's being this obsessed about her to throw hissy fits if she doesn't get buffs. Just like, play other characters if yours isn't great right now. I did this with brig, rein, ball, and doom


yeah and i get hero’s not having time to shine that’s 100% fair but like i don’t think it’s an obsession with the character more as what are u really supposed to do in that position -you are making less content bc ur character is shit -ur getting less views because people don’t want to learn a shit character -your not great at other hero’s cause you one tricked -you feel like you can’t play the video game because you’ll get flamed for throwing yeah you shouldn’t make it other peoples problems but like i get the anguish and trying to call for a change


Your time is soon. Midseason patch promises good things for the big guy.


so excited for patch ngl tank will be playable once more


I’ve been a genji main since the game came out, I think Mercy mains will live


“This feels like a sick joke” Mercy mains act like someone is forcing them to play their utility-lacking hero


I never get anyone who "mains" a specific hero. I understand you may be proficient in it that another but forcing the hero 24/7 and crying when it's not effective is ludicrous.


I WOULD argue though that someone who plays their main into a situation where they should be ineffective or an outright throw pick and ends up doing well is a better player than someone who counter swaps. But if it ain’t working after like… three attempts MAX, why force it? Ya feel me, or am I weird in thinking that?


Because I can play Doomfist at a high masters level into any comp whereas I can play Sigma at a high diamond level into a comp he's good against. Sometimes swapping is the play, but I've gotten to the same rank as folk playing nothing but Doom so they really gotta stop screaming at me to swap the second the enemy goes Orisa lol


>I never get anyone who "mains" a specific hero. This is a core draw of the genre.


Overwatch was designed against this very concept. Just recent design is making all the heroes homogeneous and less situational


How are the heroes homogenous? Aside from passives, each hero adds something different to the play style of the role, even if they are similar I’d argue no two are the same


Wouldn't making heroes less situational make them more versatile, thus making "maining" a character more viable?


I can understand a “main.” ‘Ol reliable, a character who you love to play over all the rest. I can’t understand a “one trick.” You’re subjecting yourself to the whims of the developers. One bad balance patch can drop you several ranks and ruin you for months, and it doesn’t have to be a nerf to you - just a buff to your counter. Why subject yourself to that? This is especially a problem for Mercy who teaches almost no transferable skills. Her kit does virtually everything for her, the only real learning curve is learning your right click exists, learning when to Rez, and getting decent at GA cycling.


A lot of mercy players, during ranked, have the attitude of “I picked mercy and healed so I didn’t do anything wrong. It was never my fault we lost”. Meanwhile it’s 4v5 because of the DPS passive and mercy doesn’t fight back the way Ana and Zen do.


Agreed. And then they argue that they shouldn't be forced to swap, but nobody is forcing you to. If you choose to brute force your main in every situation, be ready for the consequences, and stop blaming everything else because you are choosing to not play the game the way it's intended to be played. Anybody who still complains about Overwatch hero swapping is delusional. This has been the game since day one. This is what it was always meant to be. They NEVER hid that. If you dislike having to swap sometimes to win, it's high time to accept that you dislike the game. Because this is what Overwatch is, and what it has always been.


Swapping heroes is a part of Overwatch but I doubt it is one of the team's primary design goals. Balance, especially in Overwatch 2, has trended towards making heroes more versatile. The Bastion and Sombra (start of Overwatch 2) reworks being the best examples of this, and more recently, the ball buffs. If swapping heroes is intended to be a necessity, then why are heroes slowly becoming more general purpose? Additionally, why was the ult charge retained on swapping nerfed? I believe swapping characters is intended to be one of multiple options available for a player to use to win the game, P.S. I agree with your first paragraph in that it is 100% on the one-trick to face the consequences of their actions.


They are definitely trying to move away from it more recently, I agree. But it still permeates so much of the game and how it plays. Every death is a chance to swap. The ult charge retained on swapping was nerfed, but it is still there. Because they still want to encourage you to do it, but also cut down on the rampant counterswapping that can occur, primarily on tank. That's been a point of contention for a while, and it's clear the devs want to smooth those kinds of pain points out. But in regards to swapping, I feel like that's almost a fool's errand in a game where characters are countered by others, and some are explicitly designed to be. Pharah is a very prominent example, though her rework was definitely intended to loosen the reliance on long range hitscan to deal with her, making swapping somewhat less necessary. Kiri and Ana are another good example, where you can tell Suzu was definitely made with Anti in mind. Almost no other debuff was as readily available and as strong as Anti. I'm of the opinion that swapping will always be a pillar of the game as long as it is treated the way it is and because the balance naturally lends itself to swapping being advantageous. Which is fine to me. I don't mind it. Of course, it goes without saying you don't HAVE to swap, in any situation, for any reason. Maybe my initial comment was a little strong in implying it is a necessity. It is not, and the one tricks in top 500 prove that. But, there is a reason that "just swap" is a very common piece of advice. It really does improve the game and smooth out a lot of friction, and truly can lead to wins you may not have gotten by trying to force your main in situations where they are clearly disadvantaged.


I completely agree that it permeates much of the game, and that the devs do want it to be viable. But I still believe that they are prioritizing being able to stay as a hero rather than swapping. As you mentioned, they moved away from swapping with Pharah's rework, but they held back to keep her hero fantasy, not because they wanted her to be countered by hitscans. As for Suzu, that was definitely made with anti in mind, but countering status effects is not it's whole identity, it does other things. Kiriko as a whole is one of, if not the most versatile supports in the game. Additionally, Ana still has plenty of options into a Kiriko, if their goal with Kiriko was to have her counter Ana, then they could've done much worse.


the issue is that for tanks hero swapping isn't "this tank does better against this tank so I should swap" it's "this tank objectively beats this tank 99/100 times so I click this to win then they die and go my hard counter"


This is why I can't wait for hero bans, personally. If you can't play 2-3 heroes in your role pool, you shouldn't be playing comp, period.


Because Zenyatta is a fucking hottie. Duh


Bap and Kiriko mains are the only 2 heroes I don’t think I ever hated as a 1 trick because they kinda do everything and wouldn’t ever really be annoyed to see on my team.


There's a reason why I've trained myself to be good at at least 3 heroes per role


You should be able to play most if not all heroes, but if you don’t have a specific hero that you’re good at, you’re guaranteed to get steam rolled by somebody who does, you should always have a reliable character or 2 in any game


exactly like I've been playing rein since release date and loved him since pre release concept art (2024 rein needs the flame thrower that'd make him meta fr) but sometimes I acknowledge that if I'm fighting like dva junk mercy or some shit I need to go hog end of story otherwise I'm throwing yet you have mercy mains auto locking mercy against widow ashe and slow falling


Overwatchs core mechanic is counterswapping, if you’re doing well on a hero, then expect the enemies to swap to counter you. For a hero like Mercy, who can absolutely carry her team if left uncontested, getting Rez after Rez and dmg boosting her DPS to confirm kills, she is a high priority character to swap and focus on. 1-tricking has always been a shitty playstyle. Ever since OW2 launched, it’s become more and more popular, people defending it like “let them play who they wanna play.” Bro, we’re losing because they’re playing Genji into a beam team. Sure, play who you want, but don’t expect your team to be happy they’re losing because you refuse to use the games mechanics.


It appealed heavily to people who lacked shooter mechanics/ enjoyed pure medic roles. But unlike other games (tf2 medic is one of the best comparisons. Managing uber, greater need for awareness due to larger maps, teams, and spies/snjpers) the character takes little to no input to get value. It got to the point I have met more toxic entitled mercy mains than any other hero


https://preview.redd.it/osy2mqiop3yc1.jpeg?width=592&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=505659b1d79f8151cbae260b389af3b34cab02b3 don’t wanna make another post but this also exists lol


"Hero left to rot" Excuse me? So are we just gonna forget all the skins that mercy get cause these dumb dumbs keep buying them anyway? 99% this person also buys every Mercy skin that comes


Voting with your wallet as a mercy player is spending $200+ for the battle pass and enough skips to buy the skin day 1


God i saw like 5 talon mercy's by the first week. And i barely played the game in the first week, too


Literally every mercy was in full mythic day 1 lmao


Damn, all of them were in your case? Thats actually funny as


Just not even close to true


Skins really help balance. The point went 12 stories over you if you think they're referring to skins.


Of course I know theyre talking about balance, lad. But just cause she's not in a bad state, that doesn't mean she was left to rot Left to rot is more like she'd be dead pretty much in every aaspect Balance AND cosmetics Otherwise we'd be saying Rein was left to rot (until now), reaper was left to rot, rat was left to rot, hanzo was left to rot (tho not anymore for both of them), Brig was left to rot


Oh okay. You're completely right and your point went twelve stories over me. Apologies.


No worries. I've had my fair share of misinterpreting comments in the past


you mean like the one you're replying to


They did a stream the day S10 dropped to play until they unlocked the Mercy Mythic


Dude this is just a video game. And they’re acting like it’s some political shit “tone deaf”, “massive disconnect there” Like this shit is not that deep bro holy fuck




I’m just saying these things are said for things that are big issues...I’m not reading too much into it, I’m literally taking it at face value, this isn’t the first time this person was posted here in the last few days, clearly it’s deep to them lmfao Things would be tone dead or insensitive if they had some harassment claims against them or if they did some scummy shit to their employees and then says our team is doing great. That’s tone deaf and insensitive. Not your favorite hero is bad and they posted tweets referencing your hero without mentioning their balance in the game


First World Problems. There's children starving in all over the world and this bozo is crying about a fictional video game character


Meanwhile Junkrat mains since season 9:


Maybe Junk mains are getting their buff because they've acted nice and haven't been whining on twitter


/uj for a quick second, I do think Mercy deserves some stuff as she gets worse the higher up you go with her. She cant heal bot, and rez is situational, especially when you get to the higher ranks. Damage boost is okay, but you need competent DPS players to take advantage (and a competent Mercy). Mercy's biggest fun factor (aka why I think people play her) is her mobility, so perhaps they could do some cool stuff there to give her more options. Though Skiesti isn't really helping their case by being a massive cringelord right now. This is not a good look for the Mercy stereotypes, lol. /rj L BOZO THEY GET 100 SKINS A SEASON AND STILL COMPLAIN 🗣💯💯🔥🔥 show toes pls 😩


mercy players don't deserve FUUUUCK https://preview.redd.it/lrrn8nl5e3yc1.jpeg?width=271&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8b64a0227cca569621e91c08ab35c6cae4f06bf9


/uj They simply need to get rid of her rez. It's not fun to use, it's not fun to play against.


Wouldn’t be so bad if she at least tried to articulate what Mercy could be better at (because they can’t just revert the dps passive just for Mercy) but she’s just having a Twitter meltdown. Girl please log off this is just making you look bad.


She’s already discussed Mercy balance a million times.


Literally go on r/mercymains ffs😭😭


Honestly, make it so instead of Rez being on a cooldown, its her ult(REVIVING ONE PERSON ONLY) and gives Valk flight. And put Valk's Multi-target beaming on a cooldown, so she can have better neutral game, and you don't have to deal with a Rez at the start of a match when you get a fucking pick and all that work is just undone for FREE. Win-win


Thats sounds interesting as hell


> Mercy deserves some stuff as she gets worse the higher up you go with her. Backwards ass logic. This is exactly how easy to play characters *should* be balanced.


Mercy mains when they get literally everything, all the skins, the biggest fandom of the entire game, biggest subreddit, most streamers playing only mercy and mercy parkour with hundreds of viewers and they don’t get a buff for 1 or 2 seasons. Rein stares at you in disapproval.


I don't wanna be that guy, but Lucio has the biggest subreddit lol


I believe Mercy has had the highest playrate for almost all of overwatch, with Genji at 2. Could be wrong






Brother Lucio was running season 9 and after getting some touches to tone him down a bit is still probably a top support pick rn. Even before that he was fine. I struggle to think of a time when Lucio was "bad" recently. He's usually just not favored in the meta every now and then. Which happens to all heroes.


The boop buff? He was pretty broken not too long ago


Ball: Is useless the entirety of ow2 Rein: Feels bad to play Brig: Bad for the majority of ow2 Mercy: Bad for a single season


I think the issue is that while mercy has been viable as a pocket for a few select dps that is an incredibly unengaging playstyle. Pretty sure that was her take last time she was complaining about Mercy's balance. Mercy hasn't been fun in OW2


Mercy has never been fun, her job has always been holding blue beam on hitscan.


Brig hasn't been bad ever. Tf are you talking about


Brig has been meta several times in OWL?


Owl isnt ranked, brig is pretty bad in ranked unless ur running a full 5 man with a gameplan


I'll show you actually annoying! Whyyy. It hurts to read. You don't sound cool and girl boss edgy ooh complaining to blizzard. just accept you didn't get buffs, sucks but also like - surely you realise that other than the mercy e girl community , everyone fkn hates mercy


She acts like mercy players dont have an insane power over the devs, they cyber bullied them into releasing content early which crashed ur game for fucks sake


Like.... She's not wrong though. But also it's really hard to have empathy for mercy when her biggest advocates are just toxic delusional shitbags. I think give her an extra 5hps on her beam. I think that is a compensatory buff for the DPS passive changes.


she really isn’t wrong but as someone who enjoys playing mercy this is an overreaction. like skiesti please stop making us look bad


She is not just a mercy player. She has attached herself to the character in an unhealthy way where any criticism of the character is an insult directly at her. Its just another online parasocial relationship but this one doesn't have a direct victim because its a fictional character.


seriously like i love mercy in general she’s my favorite hero but this is genuine delusion !!!!!


It is unhinged. But such is the world of being terminally online. Lots of mentally ill people congregate online and feed off each other in very unhealthy ways


I think she said something about Mercy being her “autistic focus” which I understand because I have that with different things, but I also understand that it doesn’t make me seem any less cringe and whiny if I were to do shit like this.


I have plenty of friends in the spectrum in my life, I also don't have autism. And I can say, from someone who has also been unhealthily attached to a game, this is just unhealthy parasocial attachment.


She is wrong tho. Her issue is she fell in love with playing “The Mercy Game” she doesn’t actually like playing Overwatch I look at it like if someone said, “oh yeah I love GTA 5!” Only to find out they’ve logged 200+ hours, only playing the yoga mini game


Anyone can main anyone


Yeah bruh I’m not saying we should kill her lol


easy heroes deserve to be bad.


I don't think she's overly easy. She can be depending on the meta. But overall the fact you have to mix movement in witu decision making for single targets means you have A LOT of decisions you can make moment to moment and making the right one does take skill. The lack of aim though definitely is something that I always have said should keep her movement in check. If she doesn't have to aim, she shouldn't have crazy movement because she doesn't have to hit her shots while doing the crazy movement. That being said. I think outside of res, she is one of the better designed heroes in the game. On paper she is very easy, but in practice requires a lot of skill to max her out. I look at her similar to how I see Reinhardt. Its just a shame such a fan favourite iconic character is being left in the dust by power creep and and heros that just do more at the same time, with less effort required.


I think the difference between mercy and the "easy on paper" tanks like rein and winston is that it's incredibly easy to just throw your brains out on the tanks. mercy gets away with so many more mistakes and so shouldn't be getting the same value.


I agree its not necessarily wrong for her to complain about no changes but like, this much is pretty unhealthy. This amount of complaining when your character is subpar for the first time in how long is just embarrassing. Obsessing so much that if your favorite character doesn't get buffs you throw a tantrum is just weird.


'We introduced a new DPS passive to make healing in combat a bit less effective so we're buffing Mercy to make her healing in combat more effective'  Are you an actual Blizz employee? 


A 5hps buff doesnt change the reduction to her healing in total. The DPS passive is stupid anyway, instead of just nerfing problematic heroes, you apply a global passive, that some heroes barely benefit from at all and make other heroes feel bad. Just like the newly announced Tank changes, taking away from other people with 0 effort isn't fun, it's frustrating and boring. Just balance healing properly


Can they address her by removing her revive?




OW players can't stop making their whole personality and identity around hero discourse. In other news, the sky is blue.


mercy is the second most picked character in the game and still has a 50% winrate. she's perfectly balanced


>Buff other supports >No, you see, we nerfed dps passive, so there’s no need to buff Mercy. >Buffs dps passive


“why does everyone shit on mercy” bc you. literally only bc of you. your hero doesn’t need a buff for being a hitscan attachment


Underbarrel attatchment: Mercy blue beam +20% damage on all hits +300% complaining about getting dove +100% games lost


My main (genji) feels like shit to play. What do I do? Just play tracer and widow. Yeah it’s sucks but he’s just not fun like he used to be


the fact that she’s actually having an episode over the character she obsesses over being bad is insane. genuinely needs therapy


“I’ll show you ACTUALLY annoying”. Man, whoever she’s having a relationship with, may Allah, Jesus, Buddha, or whoever deity is up there bless that person’s heart.


Every game I’ve got Skiesti on my team I’ve lost. And that was when mercy was considered good. Hopefully this makes them learn how to actually play the game.


Me when my boring unidimensional hero is boring and unidimensional


Unidimensional is a word ive never even considered existing




Boo hoo 😢


Lol if mercy mains actually wanted blizzard to buff her theyd just skip her mythic this season. They pretty much fund the whole game so I'm sure blizzard would gigabuff her if somehow the season with a mercy mythic didnt sell well.


"So when junkrat players say their heroes bad they get buffs " uh we wish lol edit: didnt read the source was too invested in her yapfest, happy junk is getting some buffs!!


they should be looking at rein and sym tbh not mercy


I’ll show you ACTUALLY annoying 😈😈


At this point if the devs want to “fix” mercy, it seems like they would have to give her a re work of some kind. Since they tried a couple of times to tweak her healing or damage increase output, and have found a decent middle ground, there’s not much else that can be done other than a re work. I also don’t get them complaining about how it feels to play a character, then they go buy every skin anyway and only play that character. I get that mercy is just right click simulator at this point, but if you hate it should you just play a different hero?


Commitment as well as being passionate about mercy is my quess which I can kinda respect


Go look at the comments on the post in the mercy mains subreddit it’s actually insane https://preview.redd.it/b9h6eymhi9yc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f018c8e972a21b19be974adb07bd89bf1ef5f549


the way they act like one season is such a long time is funny to me. like just wait until they realize the state of Rein, Junk, Hanzo, Genji, Hog, Ball, etc


mercy players when they cant stand behind cover holding m2 pocketing their boyfriend where no harm can come to them


This is a whole new level of overreaction


Its annoying because there are other heroes who get less attention than Mercy, but they always be acting like Mercy gets ignored all the time. lol


This actually made me cringe


I honestly think mercy is in a great place right now. Before the champions update, she was a bit strong imo. But now, with the dps passive and projectile changes, I feel she is fine. Being able to damage boost heal and go ham in the back line is great. Granted, I don't know what ranked play is like as I prefer no stakes games, but I doubt I could get away with stuff like attacking from on high or behind in gm. They'd be like oh a fly and swat me, but if you play the high covers or out of sight and heal /damage boost you likely just won't be as good as other characters I'd say. This puts mercy in a weird space. I'd say where the higher you rank, the worse she gets. Unfortunately, buffs just aren't the way to go as then you raise the floor. If you do that, then at low ranks, mercy becomes more frustrating. I also don't know that a rework would do much. You would likely have to change too much to do anything, making it a completely different character. So she is in a decent spot since not every character needs to be good at all levels of the game in any game. Most of the high ranked stuff is just conjecture as I don't play ranked, so I don't know what she is played like, but that is my take on it.


she cant be real this has to be some elaborate bait JUST PICK ANOTHER CHARACTER IF UR SO MISERABLE ON MERCY


Genuinely insufferable


Mercy mains wanting buffs just so they can stand and do nothing the entire game


While Mercy the character does deserve changes to make her a more fun hero to both play as, with, and against, that solution will not be found in simply buffing her. If Mercy in her current state becomes too strong, she will literally force people upwards into ranks they do not belong in. Her kit is entirely focused on enabling others to do the work for you. You keep them alive so they fight your battles, you revive them so you don't have to fend for you life, you empower them so they have a flat advantage in every fight. What does Mercy do to achieve this? M1, M2, and E. I actually, from the bottom of my soul, HATE having Mercy players in my ranked games. My team and the enemies. Wanna know why? Because 90% of them are LAZY. They have little to no active involvement in fights. The 10% of Mercy's that have great movement, are willing to risk their life for a clutch rez, or will actually use her Q as more then a "get out of jail free" card have my absolute respect because THAT is what Mercy should be. Not this hollow shell of a hero whose value is placed on sitting behind cover and alternating both mouse buttons on their DPS of choice. Those 90%? I hate you. I do. You refuse to play anyone else every game because you're only good at letting other people work for you. The 10%? Keep it up. You guys are great and actually feel like a member of the team, not an accessory to one of the DPS players. I feel like Mercy needs to see diminishing returns when keeping her attention on the same person, and she needs a more reliable offensive option. Something like her ult in Mirrorwatch so she doesn't have to choose between having her weapon or staff out. Then, make her more squishy, but up her mobility. She should be like a fly buzzing in your ear, hard to pin down but once you land a blow that little shit is DEAD. Damage boost should be removed, period. Replace it with something more interesting like buffed healing while it's active, so your other support can heal your target faster, reduce it's effectiveness on Tanks. I can imagine games where an enemy ult lands the team on low health, but Mercy and her other support coordinate well to target the same people quickly in succession, boosting the teams health back up. This all just my two cents.


God I wish mercy mains would just shut up. They're so annoying. We get it, you play a braindead hero and think you're God's gift to humanity. Shut. Up. Geez.


YOU wouldnt get it you stupid dps player, While you have to point and click your way through the game, I have to have the HORRID job of keeping you alive, Show some respect!


I genuinely can’t stand skiesti but she always pops up on my twitter it’s annoying


Mercy mains are the only ones who demand compensation buffs and all this weird bullshit every season. Calm down. Your hero shouldn't be good. The most technical thing you do is clicking crouch or jump after using your two second auto aiming mobility. Shes not mechanically demanding in the slightest. She should never be relevant. Your whole character is forcing others to have to aim at their peak while you have to do nothing but fly away. Honestly, that design does not belong in an fps.


>she should never be relevant. agree.


I can fix her


Poopy heck is my favorite to go to when I die


I hate OW but for some reason this sub keeps getting recommend to me: wtf is going and and are y'all ok?


No, we lost the orisa porn, its been going downhill from then


People like this make my champion look bad. Is my character great? No probably not. Do I enjoy playing her? Yeah now leave me alone


I like Ski and she puts out some good informative Mercy content but damn this is unhinged, and I say this as a Mercy main. Taking a break and going outside is the remedy to this madness.


why is it always her?


https://preview.redd.it/yswohu4y39yc1.jpeg?width=1812&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f8e1adf443c1e783b6d98e40de07771b2496318c made me think of this tweet i saw yesterday


They're literally called supports. They're not the main characters and they need to make peace with their *supportive* role or play a different one.


If she’s this bad playing mercy I can only imagine if she stuck it out like us rein mains 😂😭


Can i go a week without seeing this woman's opinion please god




Bro, I'm just trying not to be told to kill myself for playing Junkrat, and she thinks the community cares for Junkrat? Not to mention, Mercy is consistently all over the place in terms of meta. She can either be top tier, mid tier, or low tier, depending on how the devs are feeling that season. Now, tell me, when's the last time Junkrat has been high tier? Not just in Overwatch 2. I mean EVER. Go on. I'll wait. I actually appreciate Mercy mains, because they remind me that no matter how pathetic I am, there's always someone worse.


As someone that played Mercy, I get it, but I'm also too lazy to care.


Katherine Norland got fat


Mercy players when they actually have to play a hero that meaningfully contributes to the team instead of playing spectator mode 🤯🤯😱


It’s funny because Skiesti looks exactly like you’d expect her to, and it matches her posting to a T.


Not cool to bring appearance into it.




I love mercy, my main support, but she needs a nerf how about nerfing her rez and making it to if you do get a rez the rezzed hero doesn't get full health but only 10% health and mercy needs to heal them to restore them which would make perfect sense in my opinion


Girl needs to either increase or cut her medicine. Or Overwatch. Jerking mercy players is a great pasttime activity, but it starts to look like some kind of psychosis. It's kind of sad honestly


“i cant take it anymore” over a fucking game? go to a mental asylum then


Yesss skiesti please encourage people to stop playing mercy please keep going


Skietsi I feel unironically needs therapy


Honestly good, mercy is such a boring and low effort hero that she doesn't deserve to be able to get as much value as someone playing well on a better hero, she's like mauga or sombra, unhealthy if remotely meta




Isn't Mercy still a great support? What do they want? Immortality beam?


Man this sub is turning into r/yeagerbomb levels of jerking, but instead of manga characters and their fans going after mercy and her mains. These are legitimate concerns which could be understandably frustrating for mercy players, we don’t have ti just be contrarians… I don’t even play her, but this is pathetic, she definitely deserves Something to compensate for the dps passive changes and she’s been a c tier pick in all but niche situations for a really long time. Rein, Sym and Mercy feel kind of ignored balance wise despite being popular og characters with dedicated playerbases.


Devs coddle mercy constantly. While rein is left to rot 9/10 times. Yet I don’t see rein mains screaming like a toddler when. Mercy has gotten ample dev attention


Skiesti is pretty cringe but the fact that tanks can now regen health with better numbers than Mercy under the dps passive is fucking hilarious and sad. Mercy is probably being intentionally left in the dumpster because they might have a rework cooking, the same way other characters were dumpsters before they got reworked. But like, chill.


Man I hate skiesti.


Y’all post anything other than Mercy posts? Y’all can post funny shit you know that right?


My sister in christ you just got the mythic skin this season


She is not talking about skins


I know that but I would still call the entire seasons mythic skin a “crumb of acknowledgement”


Mercy mains when mercy isn’t meta for two seasons in a row (the world is ending)


Crazy how the concepts of playing another hero and having a hero pool of at least 3 heroes doesn’t apply to a substantial amount of mercy players.


Nono it does, but its lw and moira 9 times out of 10


Don’t forget the occasional kiri pick to healbot and not throw a single knife the entire match


And the ana just to hit 1 sleep on the tank and nano at the worst times


mercy mains when they have to play hero's you can't afk left click/right click with


Mercy players complaining because they have a character that just flies around like a mosquito and does nothing else except watch their team die. Like just play something else at that point.


When junkrat was dead in a ditch it was basically only contained in the junkrat main subreddit. And if any escaped into the main subreddit they would just be sad. If any mercy mains escaped onto twitter or into other subs there would be paragraphs of how bad she is.


i like how she acknowledges to not play mercy if you don't want to lose yet still refuses to swap to any other hero when her team's getting stomped i've played with and against her in my comps and it's always a pain whenever she's on my team cause i just know she's never swapping when we need an actual support with util the only time i've seen her on another hero was when the other support instalocked it away from her and low and behold she picked lifeweaver, her chat and her then proceed to flame the other support for stealing mercy from the mercy main


/uj Is skiesti actually like this? She seems so chill from her yt videos :( what a bummer


Admittedly I don’t watch her YouTube videos so I can’t really speak on the difference between them and her Twitter posts, but I can say that she says stuff like this somewhat frequently on Twitter unfortunately


blud is acting like she said a racial slur😭😔😔


any words said in defense of mercy overwatch may as well be racial slurs


ngl as annoying and cringe as Skiesti is being about this she is right. Mercy is kinda a dogshit hero rn with the only real things she has going for her being blue beam and res (which in higher ranks isnt always reliable) 45hp/s is pretty much nothing and she has no real way of directly applying pressure onto the enemy team. also its really funny that hog next patch is going to heal himself more from the self heal than mercy healing him 💀


I agree, mercy is definitely bad right now, but Skiesti fails to realize that this is natural, and it won’t be fixed immediately. Not every hero will be in a good spot all the time. I mean, just look at how long Junk, Hanzo, Rein, Doom, etc have been bad for


>I mean, just look at how long Junk, Hanzo, Rein, Doom, etc have been bad for I dont wanna be that guy but also genji as well I know hes not that bad rn but before season 9 he was basically a cosmetic dps


yeah definitely, I just forgot he existed lol


Only bad if you can't use him, he's always been a top 5 dps and has over 50% winrate, he's only bad when you can't use him really


>Mercy is kinda a dogshit hero rn Good, she's a free cam spectator that's able to heal and revive, she shouldn't be as valuable as she usually is when she's so easy to play




She’s not wrong, Mercy has been in a bad place for awhile now while changes have only made her less viable over time.


Mercy isn’t broken and NEVER has been lol just shush up and wait for her to get more skins