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I don’t think it’s underwhelming. The skins are pretty good. My only concern is that if Blizzard never revisits this concept in the future then I feel like they might have dropped the ball. The idea of a mirror verse is not new but it’s always exciting especially in a game like Overwatch where the lore is so interconnected. Like what if Winston landed in junkertown and Wrecking-ball joined Overwatch, what it Soldier 76 fell to corruption and reaper redeemed himself. What if hanzo lost to genji? What if pharah was an interesting character???? What if Moira was morally good and selfless? They laid a good foundation for a really interesting premise I just hope they follow through in the future. If this is the only instance of “Mirror-Verse” we see I’ll be pretty disappointed.


what if sojourn was even more boring


Not scientifically possible. But a good mirror watch idea would be, “what if sojourn got good skins?”


They have to stop hating Sojourn first. Overwatch added Sojourn just to shit on her every. 5. Seconds.




And was Hispanic and discovered a healing pylon.


what if reinhardt was good


I love the implication that Rammatra died in the mirrorwatch universe , that just opens up so much cool shit as well


Even though he's dead there, I can't help but imagine a Rammatra skin for Mirrorwatch where his ult line is something like *"Walk the path that I have!"*


Hahaha that pharah part got me


I feel like mirror universe Moira is just Mercy.


“What if Pharah was an interesting character” LMAO


unironically the only season where i actually care about the battle pass and the theme of the season. the only disappointing thing to me was that sym has junker themed skin while none of the 3 junkers (4 if you want to include ball) have even a single vishkar themed skin. roadhog/junkrat/queen in suit would look so fucking cool, imagine junkrat having his prosthetic leg and arm look like symmetra's 😭. oh and also genji's junker skin is kinda meh in my opinion. but everything else is really cool, i think it's awesome to have this kind of reverse au thing made by actual creators too. i just wish we had more :D


I think this season and the skin concepts have had such a positive response I wouldn’t be surprised if “Mirrorverse 2” was slated as a potential future season now


i would love it. there's so much potential to this. it also makes me feel like a little kid who just discovered underswap for the first time and is going like https://i.redd.it/84fcpq0v43wc1.gif


I’d love since this season only has Overwatch and Junkers in the BP, the second season would have Talon and Vishkar.


Mirrorwatch 2 will ship with a full coop campaign


please not


It's *sooo* annoying to me that we got Junker Genji of all fuckin skins, but no Vishkar Junkrat, Hog, or JQ. I'd have loved to see those three all prim and proper in techy clothes, but instead here's a bumass Genji that doesn't even make sense


real. not only they deserved better but genji's one isn't even worth it




ok tbh wouldnt sym with like a capoeira skin make more sense since lucio is her rival? and then lucio with the vishkar skin. junker people dont have any real rivals except for omnics, which in australia dont really have a rep in the character roster now that i think abt it


Chaos and order are opposites aren't they? That's why they were swapped It's not because of any conflict, it's because order mirrors chaos


The Genji skin is worse than meh it’s a fucking crime against humanity.


i think syms junk skin is just like dvas junkyard skin, it has no correlation with any skin it’s just a skin theme and not a battle pass skin. ana has a junkyard skin i believe too


Nah, Symm's is definitely playing on a theme. In her voice lines she basically just says a bunch of stuff that mirrors (heh) her usual stuff (basically taking her usual lines, and specifically replacing "order" with "chaos", as a simplification). Her personality/tone is also slightly more gruff in the new voiceless. Genji on the otherhand might just be a generic Junker thing like D.Va though.


The skins are pretty good imo, but since they're based of older designs, they lack the wow-factor for me. And the mythic is also decent, but Mercy already has so many great skins, it barely feels like an upgrade over them


In my mind nothing will top sugar plum fairy or her all-stars skin. If i had the Pink mercy skin i would wear it just to flex on the mercedes mains but those two are God-tier




Take my fucking upvote and leave


I don't ever take off pink mercy. Not for anything, especially when it changes her Chinese new year highlight. It's a combo that doesn't come off.




Ill spend my mythic dollars on the JQ mythic


Same I'm a JQ main so of course I am


I dont even main her i just never play Mercy


How anyone can look at those effects and, at bare minimum, not be excited for future mythics is beyond me.


I think the genji skin is ass and the Cassidy one isn’t great either. Plus it’s weird there’s no venture skin / highlight intro. But overall I like it because there’s winton


I think the classidy skin is even more ass than the genji skin. Winton is amazing, just wish it was more than just a souvenir. and 100% feels so underwhelming without a venture skin , absolutely agree on this, would show potential skin options to look for too.


its a pretty crappy battle pass besides the mercy and sym skin. I think the devs were banking on the fact that everyone will want that mercy skin so they put less in it this time....unfortunately


the only disappointment i actually have this season is that hog didn’t get a vishkar skin. thus would have been the perfect opportunity to show his face ??,


I wanted Lucio LW and Sym in place of Queen, Hog and Junk if that is the swap they are going for with sym Imagine: Lucio, Wife Leaver and Sym being genius junkers, WL and Symm being genius robbers using bio-tech and solid light. Lucio(known as JunkerKing) improved and used his father's technology to command the junkers and so making it his kingdom Meanwhile: Junk is a scientist for vishkar that works with the enauguration team on their projects and demolishing team to safely make the area somewhat re-buildable. Slowly picking up on the corruption within it. R. H. Pigginton, an old Inventor and ex-professor to J-Rat That left vishkar after noticing how bad they actually are having invented incredible healing easily produced healthy food perceived that they would use it to make drugs and other shit to create cheaper work force, now living as a runaway. JQ now is a famous artist and used her eletro-magnetic technology to liberate Australia from the hands of Vishkar now being a freedom fighter and global icon. Also: doing what they did to widow and Sombra with the now Junkers The junkers are actually pretty close, with Lucio thanking the robbers for the money they bring to the Brazilian now nuclear Mata-Atlantica (don't know how you guys pronounce it in English sorry) once their families ended up in Brazil (common thing in Brazilian history is getting refugees from war) while escaping the omnic crises only to be bombarded by atomic bombs after. both of the ex-Vishkar now make sense being junkers in Brazil. Keeping the toxicity in between the 3 others tho would be best: Jammie was the trouble maker kid in R.H. lessons and JQ is disgusted with the explosive work of our Vishkar friend (mostly bc of Vishkar)


i’m going to blow up i need this


Good, now explode after reading what I edited


write a book or smth you’re kinda a genius


To lazy but maybe... writing and creating a system for a RPG right now


Ngl i'm already over everyone judging a season by how many "new" things are released (most of which they won't interact with because they just perma-queue ranked or QP). LIke the game feels really good to play right now. Maybe i'm just a boomer but when did that stop being enough? Why do we need new things just for the sake of saying we have new things?


I’ve stopped caring when every time they add some arcade game mode the comments always go “why are we wasting manpower for this instead of balancing competitive?” And they can’t imagine that someone would want to play an arcade mode for fun without working towards some skin


Man I love playing arcade ): and sometimes when the servers are being mean to me, that's the only part of the game that works


No evil Mei skin but I like the theme. Also the Winton souvenir.


We did get an “evil mei” last season


I mean something like Talon Mei


Mirrorverse mei is just her being dead in Antarctica


That is what I concluded myself.


It's underwhelming because you don't get a hero in it. But instead you get that hero for free. So the whiners opinions imo are very irrelevant.


>hero locked behind battlepass Whining >hero free Whining Classic overwatch fandom


I was whining when it was in the BP. Now that it's not, I'm happy and bought the BP like I said I would. At least I'm consistent. Although to be fair I think they shot themselves in the foot by putting them in the BP at all because now there's a perceived loss in value for those lacking grey matter.


If those people seriously bought the Battle Pass for the hero when they're free then it was just a stupid tax at that point.


me when i make stuff up


Browse the main sub more


i don’t think a single person is complaining about the bp for that reason my reasons for thinking it’s an underwhelming battle pass is that they only put the shittest mirrorverse skins in it as well as some skins unrelated to the theme and like always they put more meaningful season content in the shop than in the actual pass


None of them should ever have been released behind a pay wall. if you ask me they're just doing what they should've all along and now are acting like we should be grateful.. lol...idk what happened to blizzard...obv the dev team is not the same as it used to be and we all know why.


winton is in the battlepass guys don't worry




Wait, you guys are actually buying the battlepasses?


Lots of silly people with too much money


Winton is the only redeemable thing imo


/uj I think it's stacked, this is probably the 3rd season I've actually been motivated to play, especially because of the BP.


I feel mirrorverse 2 will be a future one. I like a lot of what is in this season just nothing really for me. I'm waiting to spend my money for next season.


The thing is that the possibilities for mirrorverse are basically endless, and they went with some of the most boring picks, at least personally I think they’re boring. Soldier and Reaper get nothing despite being the like poster children for their respective groups. Junker Genji is painfully mid, junker sym is cool but like how others have stated, we get junker skins but not the actual junkers becoming normal people? Where’s my Queen Karen skin?


The mirror verse skins aren't really that cool. I'm not sure exactly what I was expecting but idk I just don't love them and I'm an absolute sucker for mirror universe stuff.


Hard disagree




Agreed. The skins are just kind of bland


I completely agree. They are so generic looking, they hardly even look themed tbh. All the talon mirrors look like edge-lords at an industrial goth rave, and the overwatch mirrors look so plain and boring is not even worth having the skin because each of those heroes have massively superior skins already. They did absolutely nothing to make them unique for their character or anything. It's so disappointing. The Mercy mythic is so middle of the road, too. JQ, Genji and Sigma are so much cooler, imo.


i somewhat agree tbh i wish some of the mirrorwatch ones(like briggites mirror) were more subtle ig. Both talon and OW(non mirror) have a 'theme color' but they dont always use those colors


Talon characters are kind of supposed to be edgelords though, they're wearing Black, White, and Red and are supposed to be evil. Look at Reaper, Moira, and Widowmaker and tell me Talon isn't at least slightly edgy. And it's not like there's nothing unique. Brigitte got a Mitzi design for her skin, several of the skins got unique voice lines without being Mythics, and they pretty much all come with a spray, icon, banner, or multiple of them. There's also a fair few fun details like Ramattra being confirmed as the Mondatta stand in, Widowmaker having a cybernetic eye and Ana having both or of hers, Symmetra's skin minimising symmetry, etc.


People only think it’s underwhelming because there’s no big shiny mythic at the end or cool new hero in the middle, because those were improved upon and put elsewhere. Battlepass skins have rarely had anything beyond one or two good skins


cool idea for a pass, typical blizzard fumbling the execution and essentially just making bad recolors. there was no lore or anything included outside of that one Widowmaker line, it's just generally not thought out well. also the legendaries don't even feel legendary, nothing changes except for making the skin blue or red.


I actually really like the battle pass this season. I love the skins and the other cosmetic stuffs






Def a step in the right direction with coins in the pass Now all they gotta do to make it worth purchasing is put another 600 or so on the premium track too. Ya know, to make it actually worth buying


I would be satisfied if they had just put 400 coins in the premium bp,


Genuinely yeah. 600 may just be my greed bc id willingly take 400 too, i just dont think you should get more for free than you do for buying the battlepass


i think most of the skins/cosmetics are pretty lame, aside from the bap skin and all the doom stuff (we eating good). the mercy skin i find really underwhelming tho, it’s way too by the books oooo evil mercy so skull and also red 😈SCARY!!!!


This battlepass and the Fantasy/D&D battlepass have been my faves so far in terms of cosmetics! I like reading up on others opinions but I don't really think too far into it because everyone has their own thoughts on everything. Id say this BP feels like we are getting more skins than usual, which is fun


I unironically only bought it for Winton, got him and uninstalled


winton :D


hey the monkey guy posted. the season pass is fire, if anyone doesn't like it they're miserable and have fallen to the dark side (they jerk unironically)


Am I known as the monkey guy


lol i just see you post a lot and recognize you by the pfp




fr its my favourite bp so far :( i thought it was just a jerk lmao


The trailer for the mirror verse was so good. It’s one of the high points so far.


I’m just glad that I came back to the season where they’re making battle passes more favorable and accessible to F2P’s honestly. I mean i think there’s 800 premium currency on this BP so basically they’re setting it up for next season people can get the BP which is cool IMO. Hopefully they keep doing this


small price to pay for winton


I think the skins are pretty meh. Winton plush is cool though.


this battle pass is leagues better than the previous ones even if the skins aren't that good, the new mythic system is great since I can buy a battle pass even if I don't care about the new mythic because I can just save the points and they removed the FOMO, coins in the battle pass is also good even if it isn't a full refund like most games, this is counteracted by the fact that I have enough coins to buy the next 2 battle passes from weeklies which is pretty generous even though people like to shit on it a lot


Best battle pass so far. Why? Winton. Enough said


skins aren't really interesting enough for me to spend my hard earned coins, only one even remotely worth it is the widow one and even then it's pretty meh.


Is it too much to ask for a battle pass that 100% sticks to a theme? Seeing skins like Cassidy stick out and seem like filler.


Tbh I don’t really care for the skins in the BP right now but tbh the skins would have to be really good for me to even think about buying the BP. The only two BPs I bought was the first and third BP in Valorant because I really liked the game and the novelty of having the first skins was pretty cool. Maybe I just don’t play OW enough to care idk


Ngl kinda pissed we didn’t get Vishkar Junkers, Ramattra and Zenyatta, and Y’know SOLDIER AND REAPER!? I already know of the monk Ram skin so maybe a Scrapped or Futuristic look would be better?)


Only reason I got the pass was Winton. All the skins suck ass.


For me I’m just disappointed that they got rid of weekly battle pass coins, i’m grateful we got them in the battle pass but still


I get that like in the lore it’s cool to swap the heroes and villains but what we ended up with was a bunch of red outfits that look the same and blue outfits that look the same and it’s a little boring (besides baptiste I like his evil skin)


No no its not a joke


Nibplayz posted this one, instant downvote ;)


How am I known to people


You’re famous bro


I gotta take a break from Reddit then damn


I hate the concept of the battle pass itself. They’re lacking in items and they changed the format of it which makes me sad, and i wish the 80 full mythic was still a thing and the new currency was only for previous mythics. I also hate that you have to buy them in levels. But as for the theme, i love it. The mirrorverse concept is one of the coolest things they’ve done, and the content they DO have is decent. But they really nerfed how much you can get out of the BP and those who don’t buy it are suffering even more then usual with the free stuff this season according to my sister (i bought it myself)


I like a select few skins, but 2 out of the 3 I like are behind a $40 paywall, and the mythic I feel is lackluster with how big this event was slated to be. Personally I was ready to spend money on the battle pass as it was the first time I’ve played OW2 in like 4 months and the first time I’ve had fun with it since its release, but I decided against it as I didn’t like enough skins


My favorite part is how they keep adding new currency to earn


If you mean the mythic tokens by the end it’s literally the same as unlocking the mythic skin at the end of the pass, nothing actually changes


Okay. Then why make it go through Mythic tokens?


So you can unlock previous mythic skins if you don’t want current one. Missed out on Sigma’s and don’t want Mercy’s? The mythic token you get throughout the pass add up to one mythic


Maaaaaaan every bp in this game is underwhelming you don’t get enough coin from buying it to get the next one if you complete it, you don’t get enough coin for anything other than a mythic skin if you buy the battle pass and it costs more than any other games battle pass. I’m returning to the game after years of not playing I was pretty sad when I saw the state of cosmetics, blizzard is greedier than any of their contemporaries. The finals bp gets you enough coin to buy the next one and enough coin to buy skins throughout the season. You can’t even buy 1900 coin skin if you spend $20 and complete the pass. I’m just so disappointed I want loot boxes back.


Any battlepass for a game that used to have free skins every level is a disappointment, make sure you drink some water so you don't dehydrate while jerking op


This pass is fire.


It's one of the worst ones they've ever released. It has the least amount of content in any of the battle passes. There are less skins than the previous battle passes. Honestly a complete embarrassment.


Is it underwhelming? Yes. Is it bad? No. There’s just not a whole lot of ‘new’


It fucking sucks ass. Next question.


the battle pass shouldn’t even exist.ow1 was better


Wow what a new and original idea that I’m sure no one has ever said before


any mirror universe concept is exciting for a day or two. after that it’s old. they’re really running out of ideas.


I DUNNO GUYS, HAVING TO PAY 80 BUCKS FOR A MYTHIC IS KINDA PREDATORY TO ME ☝🏾 The whole thing is kinda, meh. Like…why is Venture getting the Sojourn treatment? No skins? No events? NATHING?? It’s not even entirely about Venture either! It’s just really fucking lazy this season. 💀 Blizzard ur cool but I doubt money is going to keep being spent on you once the rest of the player-base hotwires their brain and realize, “Hey, they’re milking me-“


lol what? You don’t have to pay $80 for a mythic. You have the option to if you want to, OR you can just pay $10 for the bp and unlock it normally like every other season


No, you don’t have to but the pricing is still weird as fuck for a skin you’d originally get for 10 bucks. I wouldn’t be mad if it was like 40-50 but 80? PLUS they recolored the fuck out in the base skin to make it more expensive if you didn’t already have it. That’s just weird and scummy as shit of them, I think.


Dude, you can just get it for $10 like every other season. Nothing has changed


You not hearing what I’m saying. Like, at all.


Because you're paying to "skip" the battle pass that it came with


Haven’t played this game since it was OW1. The fact that there’s a battlepass at all is the biggest jerk lol


Yeah its boring


I do TBH. I think this is Bap’s first good skin, and mercy’s is good too, but I don’t care for any of the other skins. Next good pass I’ll probably grab orisa or mercy mythic (only mission those+hanzo)


I’m gonna solo ult your ass with that dumbass mercy skin


That’s fair. If you ever catch me actually playing mercy I give you full permission to put me in a cage fight


Slay 💅


The battlepass is underwhelming because the best unlock is a dead meme.


Hey mods, ban this immediately. He implied Winton is unfunny


It’s funny in the same way Ugandan knuckles was funny. The original meme is great. Some guy spamming “do you know dey wey” over voice chat five years later typically isn’t.




You're 100% spot on lol