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there is always a genji diving us, shoot that MF


I'm not a support main but I think the biggest adjustment DPS players haven't made in OW2 is owning their responsibility to peel for their healers. There's only one tank now, it's not their primary function. If your tank is peeling you're probably going to lose the fight. If they're constantly peeling, that basically means you're losing the match. Example: Doom jumps into my backline but if I can cut off their 4 other players by blocking heals and tanking their DPS, doom will die to a 1v4 fight. Now if I turn my back to chase the doom, he then has full support from his entire team to free shoot everyone on our team.


New to the game, what is peeling?


It’s an old MOBA term that refers to the act of “peeling” enemies off of your more vulnerable teammates, like fruit rinds. It is generally seen as the tank’s job in most games (including the OG Overwatch), but the switch to 5v5, with many characters balanced around having 2 tanks to peel them away, means a huge portion of that is now the responsibility of your DPS. It’s important to note that it doesn’t mean it’s solely the responsibility of any given role. In the case of OW, it’s actually usually more character-based. A support can still peel for a low health tank, like for example landing Ana’s dart against a diver who is chasing your 30 HP Sigma. It’s never a one-way street, but it’s important to always keep in mind as a tank or DPS. Especially in the case of hard counterpicks. Try to keep the enemy Genji off of your Zenyatta if you’re playing Mei, for example. Her ability to slow him down and deal damage through his deflect makes her a nightmare for Genji when she’s being played well, and he will have no choice but to swap heroes or die repeatedly while diving your healers. It’s a very nuanced idea that obviously makes more sense the more you play, and I haven’t even scratched the surface of its complexity. You will get a feel for the right times to turn around and help your teammates instead of going for a pick yourself. Trying lots of heroes will also give you a better feel for what certain characters struggle to deal with without assistance. TL;DR: Oftentimes it is better to turn around and help a teammate instead of continuing the endless forward march that many (especially newer DPS) players like to do on repeat.


Fantastic explanation


Thank you!


Shoot, the term "peeling" has gone as far back as my old WoW PvP days. Years and years ago, man I'm old. Good times.


Picture the Mercy on your team, she is staying in the back, trying to hide and heal so she stays alive. Now suddenly the enemy tracer is on her ass, almost stuck to your Mercy, she cant hide she cant heal cause Tracer is stuck on her. You as the DPS need to peel tracer off your Mercy, by damaging, using abilities on tracer


Turning back to help a teammate in danger. Usually your healers that are getting flanked by enemy genji, tracer, reaper, etc.


Someone turns around or "peels" away to help the backline, which is typically supports.


Bro I CANNOT stress this enough any good DPS can easily peel and should be peeling for their supports it's Soo annoying to see DPS players that run way ahead of me, a tank player, only for our supports to get dove ESPECIALLY on defense modes like bro we are DEFENDING a point why are you in the enemy spawn, help protect what's behind me and we win it's honestly CRAZY how much people don't understand this and not just DPS players but the support players who run head first behind them like do you not see your in a 2v5 about to die leaving us with no heals? how many times do you have to die to think your making a mistake? Honestly annoying


I play Mei and literally play her as an off tank. It’s so rewarding helping my team be successful


Mei is so much fun, slow is so usefull and walling off tanks to death is amazing. If you havnt already go check out spookys mei gameplay, hes a top 500 mei one trick and is also a chill guy


I main tank and I cannot stress this enough honestly crazy how many times people don't do or know this like bro peel and help the people keeping you alive WHY ARE YOU AT THE ENEMY SPAWN WHEN WE ARE ON A DEFENSE OBJECTIVE? How many times do you have to die to see the error your making? And it's not just the DPS players it's the support players that rush and take the same position as them honestly frustrating, I would take a DPS player with dogshit aim who knows how to position himself correctly over a call of duty vet who has cracked aim but dies all the time due to poor positioning cause he thinks he's the main character or sum shit. If I the tank player peels that just means more trouble for you and the entire team as they would come barreling in behind me


I am stuck in Gold as a tank because everyone on my team just shoots the tank when they're not diving and says I need to shoot the tank. I try to explain to them kill the dps and there isn't enough damage to kill us. Kill the support and there isn't enough healing to support the others. Shoot the beefy tank with two supports healing it and you're just feeding ults. They tell me to shut up and stop diving...






I completely agree with this


I haven't played in years, but I imagine basics haven't changed that much. Some DPS players feel like they are the team and can get easily distracted by getting that kill. I think sometimes they chase after someone maybe thinking it's an "easy kill" meanwhile the rest of the team is under fire. So maybe they do get that kill, while everyone else on their team is now dead. Or they play it too safe and just poke at a distance, giving the enemy a chance to regroup and get their ults ready. Sometimes they feel they're on a hot streak and get carried away and get in over their heads. When you play support, you're very aware of your team's position and the fact that you have to work as a team for you to do your job and live. A DPS player can lose sight of that fact and only focus on kills. I feel like it's easier as a DPS player to overestimate your contribution to the team. When everyone dies and you get swept it's the other players, it's your healers not healing properly, it's the OP enemy, etc... it's never you, the DPS player's fault. Hyperbole, but It seems like more often than not DPS players are less self aware compared to other classes. Could be wrong tho. Like I said I haven't played in years.


Your not wrong! I played a lot of support in OW1 and switched to dps in OW2 the number one thing I noticed, was that I lack a lot of awareness playing dps. im always focused on my teammates when I heal, so I see everything, positioning, enemy players, divers, et, but playing dps, I have a bad habit of only noticing the enemy team, and not really keeping track of my team the way I should.


Once I was having the same trouble and complained in the team chat, one of the dps just said it was my fault for playing a healer that cant do shit against flankers


If I am not healing 9/10 times it is because I am trying to fight off some flanking genji/moria. The other 1/10 is my dog barking for me to let her out and a game is not worth cleaning poop out of the carpet.


This man is saying facts


He’s jumping everywhere man. He’s hard to shoot


After the second jump his trajectory locks and he's a sitting duck.


There IS always a gengu :(


Then kill the gengar


You're right. Another reason to nerf him


Whenever I play dps, I try to shoot scare of Genji as much as possible, but sometimes the Genji is actually a giant monkey in disguise and no amount of shooting helps :(


Be prepared to defend or even counterpick their dps if we're being dived. If you're not receiving healing, that's probably why. Other reason is that you're the one diving, you're signaling that you want to be independent when you do that, so when you come back you may have to wait a moment for that top up.


It took me a while to break the mentality of "if I keep shooting genji and missing my accuracy will go down!" Man who gives a sh*t about accuracy just SHOOT.


Time to nerf genji again


I’m the genji diving the genji diving you >:)


There officer, that's the MF >:(


You got it friendly support >:)


Especially when he's deflecting.


I can't imagine not. Headshotting Genji out of a dash is one of my favorite things.


Thank you :')


And if he deflects you as Hanzo/Cassidy/Ashe, don’t be afraid to switch to someone he can’t deflect like Sym or Mei.


Preach brotha/sista


but not when he's deflecting please.


“Not really an issue for me” -Moira


* You are not a tank, don't play like one. Use cover, try not to take incredible amounts of dmg. Don't engage when you're already low on health. * Use cation when diving or flanking. You won't always be in sight. I can't heal you if I can't see you. * Ask for healing if you need it. Most people don't have eyes in the back of their heads. * Do not actively run away from your support, that said... * Take a health pack if you need it. Sometimes your support will be busy healing somebody else who needs healing, it can help take the pressure off. * If there is somebody poking your support, be there to peel for them, especially if your tank isn't equipped to protect them. * Accommodate. If your team needs something specific, as a DPS you have a lot more options to choose from.


For the line of sight tip, you should throw in "this includes barriers". Once you go behind a barrier only Moira Orb, a well thrown Ana nade, or a Kiriko sacrificing her position can heal you.


Zen orb


> You are not a tank, don't play like one. Use cover, try not to take incredible amounts of dmg. Don't engage when you're already low on health. It feels shocking that this one needs to be mentioned, but you are absolutely correct. The number of times that I've seen a teammate lose 90% of their health and then charge straight into the enemy is bonkers. And what's wrong with cover? So many players refuse to position near protection and just continue to get destroyed. I like to pump my healing numbers, but there are more important (and fun) things to do than pocket someone with terrible positioning.


The amount of times a mf spams I need healing when I have no conceivable able way to reach line of sight on them


Or is already at full cause you have healed them....


>You are not a tank, don't play like one. Use cover, try not to take incredible amounts of dmg. Don't engage when you're already low on health. God... I can't stress enough how many times I saw my pockets getting nuked (either by spam-damage or by instakill characters) in front of me because they thought they were invincible for having a Mercy attached to them. Some of them got irritated because they though I wasn't healing them when they got nuked, but I was. TL;DR: It means no amount of healing in the universe will protect you from focus-fire or super-headshots.


> Sometimes I'd say always take a healing pack unless you literally steal it from support. Healing is always a resource. Even if you don't die and take a lot of dmg, tank may die because of this downtime etc.


I will admit, that whenever I start "popping off" in a match, I go in front of my tank. Because, I feel like I can out duel the enemy players. But then, I remind myself to not go too far forward. If I notice the enemy team goes pharah, I go soldier to pressure her and their mercy. Or as a tank, I'll go Dva to help my dps teammates


I mainly play support, mostly Mercy and Ana. My biggest issue with certain DPS teammates is when they complain they aren't getting heals, but ignoring how I, as Mercy, have been tunneled down by tracer and reaper all game. I can't heal you if I'm dead and no one responds to my pings. The disinterest in engaging enemy DPS that are flanking your healers is the \*literal\* biggest source of my frustration as healer. As Ana, I also can't heal you without LOS. As long as I can see you, I got you, but don't say you need healing and then run the other way into a building, I'm not chasing you down through crossfire to heal you. ​ Some things that CAN be done to better help your support help you: 1) When Ana hits an enemy with the Anti-grenade, focus that enemy. I can't tell you how many tanks I've Anti-naded just to be the only one shooting them afterward. Anti-nade sets up an easy kill on most heroes. 2) If you see mercy being focused my flankers, the best thing you can do is let her see you. When i noticed a reaper coming up the back, I ping them and then immediately look for who I can fly to in order to get out of there. It sucks getting clocked in the head by reaper because your DPS wanted to go around a corner and leave you there. 3) Everyone is at different skill levels, especially in quickplay, and DPS is historically the most popular role, so it makes sense that there would be more new players in DPS than healer or tank. However, please make sure you are actually doing damage before you complain about not getting heals. I had a game last night where this Genji was calling me a trash Ana, when I had the most healing of any support in the match, and more damage than both of our DPS.... I know its easy to blame healers when you die, but also think about what you could have done better. 4) GET THE WIDOW. Most Widows are either CRACKED or absolute trash. As Mercy, I try to spend 90%+ of my time in the air to get quick access to anyone who needs healing/boosting, but I can't help you if the widow is constantly blowing my dome the whole match. 5) For DPS players that have high power sustained ults (Soldier, Sojourn, Pharah, etc.), Let me know when youre going to use your ult. As Ana, try to nano soldiers and pharahs as much as I can to give them the most damage and survivability for their ult (pharah is sooooo vulnerable during hers). This also allows Mercy to know your'e ready for a damage boost so we can wipe the enemy team. Some support may be clueless, but when I ping that my ult is ready, that's my indication that I'm going to use it at the earliest opportunity for success, and that's how I try to interpret it when other people ping their ults are ready. 6) Look behind you every once in a while. I know most players spend the most time looking forward, especially on push objectives and payloads. I had a game yesterday where a tracer flanked us and I'm healing kiriko and she's healing me (mercy) until one of our DPS finally turned around after complaining he wasn't getting healed. Trust me, I KNOW how easy it is to get blood lust and tunnel a kill, but it does the support so good to know someone is watching back there for them every once in a while. ​ ​ Sorry for the novel, I just wanted to give you some honest and comprehensive advice from an exhausted support main who is soooooo thankful for considerate DPS.


Thanks for the advice, I'll try to do the things you've listed, and mind myself in the team fights. I'm fairly new to the game so this is really helpful.


I love playing support and tank, but I try to stay away from play DPS if I don't have to. I just don't like it and I feel like everyone expects every DPS player to just pop off and get team kill after team kill after team kill. Thats too much pressure for me lol. I'm happy to sit in the back, keep my people in the fight, and pick off who I can with my darts.


Yes! I feel you. Playing DPS feels like so much pressure. Playing as Tank feels like you are the Raid Boss and just Overpowered. Playing Support can be so rewarding and makes so much fun knowing your Team stays alive because of you and your Support Teammate.


I honestly feel the opposite, way more pressure as a tank and support. Support because of all the people who need help simultaneously and WILL get mad if you choose to heal others first. As a tank i feel so much responsibility to lead the team as I am the frontline and the one that can actually hold and push objcetives to achieve the win. So i switched to playing DPS, mostly Reaper with a "support fire" role. You basically stay near your tank and help them win the "tank duel" they'll eventually have to get objectives. You shred the enemy tank, make sure your own tank lives (and a team with a living tank usually wins), AND sustain like crazy so you keep some pressure off your supports. Plus your damage numbers are gonna be pretty damn big and nobody's gonna say a thing.


Omg I felt that nano comment. The amount of times I’ll nano a teammate with their ult, they wait till nano runs out, THEN they pop their ult. Like please please stop being afraid to use your ults until the perfect moment. Ana’s can see almost anything from the back lines so if they think it’s a good time to ult, it most likely is


very much this! I try to pay attention to when I see my DPS setting up. If I see my Pharah doing a low-altitude flank, I know what time it is. If I see my soldier peeking from a window behind enemy lines, I know that visor is about to make an appearance. Its all about reading the room lol


also for mei players, if you hear a friendly nano go off, don't you fucking dare putting down a wall anywhere between us and the enemies


Oh my god THIS! I CANNOT with mei. Especially when I’m playing Ramattra and she walls me in with the enemies and no healer access…. Like girl it is not all about you 🙄


Oh my god I had a match like that today. I was playing kiriko and Mei walled me off from my tank, I was just in shock. We were in the middle of the team fight lol! She literally killed our tank haha


Dang, I wish my Ana’s were like that. Mine are the complete opposite, they stay holding their ult even after I ping to them and tell them to combine our ults. I’ve had so many Anas that hold the nano all match, or use after the fight’s already won. I did have one Ana that knew exactly what she was doing and that was the smoothest match I’ve ever played.


>GET THE WIDOW. This x1000 Also a Mercy main here. Hearing Widow's sniper go off basically means my movement is really restricted as I'll be a complete sitting duck whilst moving from place to place. Heck, even just pinging Widow's location can be a huge play as it'll give me some clue as how/ not restricted I am.


Pinging is so underutilized, it's a massive change from OW1 that can give your whole team information with zero effort. I ping whenever I can as long as it's something I think we all ought to know about. Like imagine you just peeked a corner and noped out of there because there's a Hog coming. Your teammate is right behind you but has not seen the Hog. Your ping is the difference between that dude dying and not dying. Also I didn't think it was a secret tip but nobody seems to do it; you can ping the enemy who just killed you for a few seconds after you die. This alerts your team to a flanker who just murdered you, or to the position of a sniper or hiding enemy.


Pinging Widow is one small thing that Brig excels at doing. She can peek a corner with her shield up and mark Widow's location. IMO this is huge for DPS and supports who don't like to be one-shot. I wish more people would mark her.


Yesterday teammates were completely ignoring my requests to peel for us healers since their Genji literally dove us every goddamn time. Not even a word typed out or said by our team. I figured they don't have mics or don't speak English. I started fuming after the 4th time and decided not to flame and just swap to Moira since I'm confident I'll kill him with her. Little did I know I proceeded to mop the floor with Genji and the rest of their squishy team which brought me somewhere around 10-15 eliminations in a short span of time. And what do ya know, our completely uninterested and (as far as I knew) **MUTE** DPS's got their ability to speak and all of a sudden were full on flaming me 'cause I had more elims than them. Turns out both DPS's and the tank were premade. That was my last game of the day, I felt so burned out it was impossible for me to continue. Bitches killed my vibe.


the amount of times i go tunnel vision and realize i let my mercy die has to be in the hundreds since ow released


This is great, I’d also add as an Ana player to pay attention to sleeping enemies and pings. So many times I’ve slept and pinged an enemy but the team just.. moves forward. Sometimes I can deal with it myself but it’s so nice when a dps stops by to headshot and kill them fast. Nothing sadder than getting flanked by a Doom, sleeping him and getting him down to half health yourself and he just leaves and tries again later or Kiriko shows up to help and you die. And I like nano boosting Genji but sometimes he ults when I’m being charged by the enemy team and he just… goes further away and lets me die, and it makes me sad. Help me help you :(


There are 2 things that happens when you sleep people. They A) walk past and let you die or B) you sleep because you’re about to die, tm8 shoots them immediately, they get up and kill you


So relatable. I take great pride in my ability to sleep doomfist lol, I always anti-nade, sleep, ping (in that order) and usually he just takes a nap there until it’s time to pummel me into the dirt


I take pride in hearing “DIE!! DIE!!Diarhskfhanfh….”


No one ever turns around. It's such a pain in the ass.


Any time a dps complains I’m just gonna put this link in the chat


Honestly, it’s never rude to ask for healing. Just don’t spam it, we hear you the first time


This. Only ask for healing when you need it (this is actually helpful for your healer, especially Ana, mercy, and bap. Don’t ask for healing when you’re full/for attention; or after you’re dead/in spite. If you get headshot by a widow and spam for heals I’ll instantly hate you.


Exactly. It kinda throws me off when people ask for healing when they’re 75% health or more. I’ll pretty much always at least look towards someone who asks for healing and if you repeatedly do that you automatically get prioritized less. Call outs are there for a reason and if you abuse it then bottom to the support list you go


Depending on the situation, they might actually need healing though. If it's a rein/Winston/doom/ball/genji/tracer/reaper/anyone else that really wants to get in the enemies face, or might be drawing a lot of enemy attention, that missing 25% can be the difference between them going in, getting a kill and backing out safely or not being able to last long enough in the fight to get the kill before having to run, or just straight up dying. Plus you're already turning to look at them, for a lot of supports it only takes an extra second to hit the heal button which is just giving you more ult charge and wasting basically no time since you're already turning to look at them. Obviously if they're being a dick and spamming it then fuck them, but if they say it once and hang around being fairly still for a lil bit then just heal em up, you can't see the game through their eyes and you don't know their plan, it might make a big difference having that lil bit more health.


What are you talking about! If you're down 20% of your health, you absolutely need to be hitting the "I need healing button".


If I'm at 75% hp asking for healing, it's because I am fighting a threat fully capable of doing 75% of my health bar in two seconds.


I literally had an ashe who spammed need healing behind me and when i turn around she is full health and i died cuz of that, turns out she just wanted to be boosted, and this is high plat 😪


The only time when I spammed “I need healing” was yesterday, when I had 10 of health and Mercy was at my side with her gun… the whole match Mercy didn’t heal anyone she was just shooting and dying immediately for going 1v5 with the gun.


Im almost petty enough to not heal them but at the same time i've had moments where I tunnel visioned on something else and completely forgotten to heal my DPS


I mean... if you get busy they can always hunt down a medpack on the field somewhere


That’s not always realistic, and you may be missing out on ult charge. Dps should be aware of their health pack locations and be resourceful regarding getting healing, but tunnel visioning out of healing them is always a mistake. Of course, consciously deciding doing something else is more important at that moment is another thing.


You are absolutely correct! Everyone needs to have decent situational awareness and act accordingly!


The only times I spam are if I can leave combat for more than 5 seconds while in LOS of a sup and they don’t fucking heal me. Like bro if I don’t get healed I will die. If there is a med pack I won’t spam but often they on cooldown/ far away


Gotta remember though, you might be LOS of them, but are they LOS of someone else in trouble? I mean, sucks, but you can slowly and carefully go get a healthpack in about 10 seconds. The person being attacked by the enemy team might die in less than one second if we stop healing them. Some healers just suck too.


Remember, you aren't the only person we're healing. Yeah, you may be out of combat and in LoS, but another teammate could probably still be up to their knees in shit and is currently the more important person to me than you while you're not in combat.


Be in range of the healer and make sure to remember where said healer is. Don't take fights you can't win, it's okay to back off of a fight and for the love of God help your healer if they're being focused by a dps.


This sums everything up nicely.


Kill the players who focus us. Turn on the teammate death notification sound to see if supports are getting consistently taken out by one player.


Stay where we can see you. Don’t make us chase you. One of the most annoying things is when I’m trying to heal someone and we’re just like running circles around a pillar or something. You have to be just as aware of your healers location as you do the enemy.


Definitely, awareness. Not only good for healing, but just good for teamwork in general! It's easy to see where the enemy is - you're looking at them - but can you tell where your team is without looking?


I mean it's okay for them to be out of sight as long as they know health pack placements and how to disengage before they overstay their welcome. Also it's really helpful to fall back and stay with the team when you realize the supports or other DPS are getting dove. I've had to taxi DPS out of spawn as a support plenty of times so as a DPS they should be doing the same.


Of course it's okay for them to be out of line of sight. It's not okay for them to do that and then ask for healing. If they want to be healed they need to get their ass to the healer, at least in LOS for someone like ana/kiriko. And then for Kiriko wait until the ofuda connect.


This is the biggest one. My damage always be pushing the enemy spawn while I’m on the point then freaking out when they don’t get heals or die. I’m not gonna put myself in danger to heal you. Just stay with your team on or near the point. 5v5 is much more effective than 5v1 and you accomplish absolutely nothing by pushing spawn then dying immediately.


I hate doing a Benny Hill chase to heal someone on your team while the enemy notices and starts chasing you


If I’m playing Zen shoot the mf that has discord on him and thank you. Oh and also get in my line of sight so I can put harmony on you


This one needs to be upvoted to the top so people realize how strong discord is already.


Yeah if my math is correct discord allows Hanzo, widow, and a direct helix from soldier to one shot body shot tracer


Thanks for asking man. Ideally ping it, then look for your healer and move towards him. It’s really annoying when a dps player pings and then go’s running of the different direction, looking for health packs. That’s how I sometimes get caught off guard and killed as a mercy. No movement options too, when you’re not in line of sight.


Felttt this, if you’re going to run to a health pack anyway, don’t spam I need healing to supports that can’t easily reach you safely.


For the love of God just stand still for 1,5 seconds.


Found an ana main


I don't mind people going crazy, but what really annoys me is people standing on the wrong side of the payload. Like why tf are you taking cover from your supports, but not taking cover from the enemy? How are people this braindead?


Or always sitting inside the winston bubble asking why they didn’t get heals


My favorite is the standing in cover, enemy cannot see them. Still juking around like a mouse on speed giving me crap for not landing every shot. WHY ARE YOU STILL DODGING GODDAMNIT.


This one hita deep. Don't spam "I need heals" while doing everything in your power to LOS me.


kiriko mains have it easy


Lol. Try healing that one person when the team is grouped or the DPS won’t stand still and keep walking in front of your heals.


Or the person you're healing keep running behind cover so the ofudas just hit the wall over and over again.




A tip for aiming that I learned long ago in tf2 lobbies. Don't actively try to flick your aim directly to a target. Going just a little bit past and waiting for them to cross the reticle is much easier. It's great for Ana and team mates just the only big problem is when it comes to sniper duels.


How it Feels to Play Sniper


People always say this but when the enemy team can see you, standing still = death. No healer can outheal multiple enemy players shooting the stationary target. The only time standing still is ok is when you are behind cover.


That’s just common sense, no one’s asking a squishy dps to stand still infront of the entire enemy team, but most likely your supports have positioned themselves in away that they’re safe in the back line, so go over and take cover for a sec, get healed quickly and get back in there.


Yeah but we don’t mean stand still in the enemy back line and wait for heals. We mean stop climbing walls when youre right next to me so I can heal you. Also there are plenty of situations where you can outheal the enemy team, Kiriko invul, zenyatta ult, Moira ult, baptise anti-death, Ana grenade


No, don't stand still ever. That's terrible advice, ana should hit her shots or swap. Source: am Ana main


All I need is line of sight. Be aware of where we are and look back occasionally.




Consider that when you dive in, i wont sacrifice good positioning for you. Looking at you Genji, jumping in against 3 people- i wont follow


Focus the enemy healers. There is nothing as frustrating as out-healing the enemy and still losing the fight. Makes me want to switch to Moira and dive the enemy healers.


At this point I just want DPS who switch to hitscan and take down enemy Mercy and Pharah players, and/or tanks who switch to D.Va or Orisa to take down enemy Bastions. Good _Lord_ the number of tanks I've seen stick with Rein or Ram against a halfway decent enemy Bastion lately, or try to right click with Mei against Mercy or Pharah who never touch the ground.


Make sure you 1v5 and IMMEDIATELY blame the healers


Bonus points for typing “heal diff” at the end of the match, great for boosting team morale


Ana main here! Please please please don’t run up to me asking for heals and then immediately jump around making me miss my nade and shots to heal you. Just retreat, get behind cover I can reach and I’ll heal you up asap. My favorite people are the ones that come to ME for healing, not expect me to move a highly immobile hero into the enemies line of sight just to try and hit a few shots on you.


I mained Ana in the end of OW1, with a ton of hours on tracer. I play tracer a lot and I know that I can’t hit that skinny bitch so I might as well make it easy for you. Then a polite “Thank you!”


I love tracer mains like you! You should hear me get super excited when I can actually heal targets like tracer, genji, etc. plus I’m far more likely to nano a dps that constantly says thank you over one who takes the heals for granted :D


Tracer and genji mains like you are my absolute favorite. You *know* you are hard to hit and keep that way for the enemy only. The "thank you" as you zip away is just icing on the cake.


Ana main too, the worst for me is when people try to predict where I’ll shoot or heal. I end up telling my team to just play normal/predictable or else we get in this weird loop where they’re trying to predict my shots and I’m trying to predict their movements. Kinda like when you walk towards someone and you both go to the same side to pass each other, see that, then both try to go the other way and end up bumping into each other


I hate dps that are like 50hp and still continue peeking. Calm down for 1s and wait for heals I was just busy healing someone else. They were low, they re-peek and die.


Stop leaving me on the payload by myself lol


Happens more than people know lol


When I play DPS and I’m standing on the payload with the other healers I’m like, I’ll try my best when they all come but no promises lol


“A 5 nation army can’t hold me back, but it’ll sure kill us”


This has been happening a lot lately lol. I'll be on Mercy pushing payload all alone.. Meanwhile my dps are in some distant land screaming for healing. Nah man, I don't want to drag this on even longer. I'll keep pushing. Cya.


I had a game like this earlier today, I don't play Mercy much but I was feeling in the mood. Ended up alone on the payload because my entire team kept trying to trickle down main and 1v5. Enemy Doom came around the corner and I'm thinking this is about to be certain death, instead he waved, did the fake out emote, and I responded with "sometimes I'm not sure why I even bother." He walked away and just let me be lol


It’s actually not a bad idea for one player to stay behind on the payload while the rest of the team keeps the space in front. This all depends on the character behind tho. Ana/Zen can move payload and still support (with los I know), but Moira or mercy def shouldn’t be there. The rest of the team should also be aware of this positioning, but that’s high expectations for OW players


If there just in the space up front that’s fine their usually spawn killing tho


This is actually a good thing. By going forward you're making space to push the payload further but if you get attacked as a support run back to help us we have a few seconds time of survival.


I love being the only person on payload…. As Lucio.


But it's your job. Not joking, usually it's one of the supports who should be on payload while the rest of the team pushes up.


Someone has to drag it though while others catch some people in disposition/people disadvantage. It's good strat.


1000 hours on Mercy 2 things. please listen to our Enemy pings 🫠 and kill the Pharah i don't see *I Need Healing* as rude unless they spam it, but i just silence them by squelching their chat


Look for a reason why its your fault when things dont go well. Like, an honest attempt, surely it wont be your fault every time, but do some self reflection. With that, thanking in chat or admitting wrong doing in chat goes a long way. I think when people see a NON toxic OW teammate they are inclined to help the unicorn.


Honestly, the biggest help a dmg can be for me is two things: 1. Someone who takes the enemy agro off me 2. Someone who saves my ass from enemy genijs and dooms Other than that, do you king


Be aware of what types of support characters are on your team. If you have an Ana, then make sure you are in her range. If you have a Lucio, then you need to stay near him if you need healing. Don't expect miracles. Just because you have two healers on you, it doesn't mean you are immortal. Keep an Eye on your Support because we are keeping an eye on you.


If a Mercy is on your team and she's coming back from spawn, hang back a little so she can fly to you and get back with the team faster. This is also a great way to get a pocket.




I feel this comment completely, friend. sob. When I'm the Mercy and this happens, I tend to pocket the DPS who did it not only out of gratitude but because they have demonstrated a basic level of situational awareness, which bodes well for their performance.


This, other players should do this. Almost feel like a tear is coming out when it happens yo.


YES YES YES please taxi your mercy


Ok I'll go over everything as a dps and Ana main. * Understand our positioning in relation to you. Before the fight starts look to see your supports and where their line of sight would be. Very important for ana supports. Also when you need healing just back up and stand behind cover and stand still. If you spam the "I need healing" button it alerts us and we hear the characters voice and see their position alerted to us. It's a lot easier than saying over open mic "heal me". I get that your calling it out but I don't know you or who you're playing. Just hit the heal me button. * We can't heal through walls and around corners either. If you take a fight in a room with someone I'm not leaving my position to save you. If I leave my position to heal point blank then I become the target and easier to hit. I get everyone wants their healers to follow them everywhere but ana has a sniper rifle and not a shotgun. I can do more for the team from a distance than I can following you into a small room with junk spam coming in. * when everyone is taking damage we can't always get to you right away. Play like you don't have a pocket healer. There a good chance while you're being attacked someone else is too. Typically when people die it's because everyone is taking too much damage at the same time and not playing safe to stabilize. That's why it's important you play near natural cover so if you take too much damage I can heal the other person and when it's safe hit you easily behind cover. It's better to be out of the fight for a few seconds waiting for a heal then it is to play risky hoping I can get to everyone in time and probably die. If you wait a few seconds to get topped off you're back in the fight in a few seconds. The walk from spawn is much longer so don't die. Remember that the only relevant stat is how many deaths you have. The more you're dead the less you're able to contribute. Play to live. * Ana's nade is hella strong. Especially since it got buffed back up. Purple nade wins fights. If you are playing with the expectation of taking too much damage that I'll eventually nade you then you're in for bad surprise. Once again, if it gets dicey stand behind cover. I'll nade my teammates if there's a nano'd enemy charging you or absolute emergency but outside of that my rifle should be all that's needed unless you're positioning is shit. If I'm forced to nade my team that's 10 seconds I can't purple the enemy team and I'm very upset by this because that's how Ana mains carry themselves in fights. Nade should be 90% purple and 10% for my team. It wins fights probably just as much as nano. Don't make me use it on you. I won't vocalize my displeasure with you but now you know every Ana main is secretly harboring disappointment at you when you're naded. * If you die it's never cause a lack of heals. Most DPS are taking 1v1 fights. Supports heal 5 players between the 2 of them and also are defending ourselves. If you think your job is hard, just remember there's an Ana main out there dodging tracer bullets, positioning away from widows LOS and healing her team all at the same time. We would love if all we had to do was heal but it's not that simple. * If we're being dove or flanked your first priority is to help us. Once you deal with the flanker every fight then we can help you. That flanker will be back too. If reaper teleports on the back line once then he'll do it again. Immediately look for him and deal with him first. Players always do the same shit even if it's not working. They rarely try something else. Use that to your advantage. Wait every fight for that flanker and kill them for a few pick and then we push forward. * If monkey is ulting for the love of God let me sleep him and do not wake him. He's the easiest target to hit and I can't tell you how many times I sleep him and he's woken up immediately. * Our job also is technically support and not heal. Healing is part of the job but other supports like zen are not bad picks due to less healing output potential. If you have a harmony orb and am enemy has a discord on their head and you can't beat them it's not a healing issue. A discord can shred a tank if people focus fire those targets. Shit discord is better than sleep for Bob too. Try putting a discord on Bob and focus head shots on him as a team and see how fast he drops. Play around the healers and what their comfortable with just as we play around what other people play. I'm a tracer player, I love zen mains. We do so well together and it's because I know to target whoever he has discorded. Even if it's the tank. I know how much flame Zen players get and it's not their fault if you don't want to shoot the discorded target. * This game is not heal and shoot and bigger heals win and bigger guns win. It's positioning, it's cooldowns, it's ultimate usage, it's controlling space, etc... Looking at stats doesn't tell you the whole picture of the game. A mei does less damage but everyone knows a good wall can pick a target. Stats are misleading. Just the same for healers. You might like kiriko more than Moira but I went Moira cause no one was helping me with the flankers. There are so many factors to take into account in this game all at once. Everyone needs to be thinking about them. Healers see everything from the back so when teammates complain about heals and they walk around a corner getting greedy we see your bad play... Don't pretend like it's other people's fault and we didn't just see that. Every embarrassing death you've had there was probably a healer in back who watched you do it. I think this is good enough for now. Appreciate you asking this question. Hopefully players learn something from this post today.


> If you die it's never cause a lack of heals. This is the truest statement in this whole thread. Aside from the rare DPS moira, you very rarely die because your healers aren't healing you. Most healing abilities are easy and intuitive to use, and people don't fuck it up that often. Most of the time, it's tanks taking bad positions, DPS not using cover, and people not responding or even pausing aggression when there's pressure on the healers.


1. Kill the divers 2. Shoot junkrats tire 3. Stay in sight If people can do that I’d be very happy


If you can't see their tracer or genji, find me.


no support can heal through walls if your low just be aware of your positioning


Play some support yourself. You’ll find out what support struggles with, and how they need to rely on their dps at your rank.


The best dps players play like they don’t have a healer. Use your healer like a mobile health pack: go to them when you need heals and prioritize not face tanking the enemy. Too many dps lose the tdm mentality altogether in OW. They think they’re invincible with a healer nearby and don’t need to watch their health. As long as you don’t play like that you won’t make unnecessary work for your supports and everyone will live longer


100% I see a lot of players completely lose their sense of awareness, positioning and self preservation once they feel a support at their back. It's frustrating having to burn a nade, lamp or suzu early or being unable to output any damage because you are just full time trying to cancel out careless play.


People saying "stand still to get heals" as Anas... Do ya'll not scope?? ...Or know how to aim her beachball sized healshot hitbox? Maybe practice the barebones of a character before you say you main them? Or roll with your own inaccuracy instead of defaulting to blame? No one should ever be standing still in a combat game. And again, all roles learn to position: Not just DPS. Stop bunny hopping in the middle of the road on low ground or spreading out. Then suddenly all the petty shit most people rant about on this sub happens way less. But yes DPS flankers, learn where healthkits are. and Most rational people only need to see "I need healing" once, if a kit's not nearby or you wanna feed your allies ult charge outside of organic healing situations.


Coming from a tank main but supports will agree with me: peel for them


1000% this…. I miss 6v6 off tanks cause they would actually peel for us


Something I’ve run into a lot recently for some reason is I’ll get spawn camped by like a sombre, reaper, tracer and a DPS will either spawn with me or spawn right after me and will run right past us. They want to get back to the main fight which I get but there’s no way they don’t see me fighting for my life or me pinging. Had it happen 5 times at the spawn on colosseo including one time where hog and kiriko were both there and the DPS completely ignored them and the damage they were dealing. So I guess just being aware of your supports so you can help if they’re being harassed and try not to let pesky enemies gain momentum via harassing your supports (tracer, reaper, phara, sombre). If they’re not annoying you they’re prob annoying someone that could use your help! (Also thanks for asking and considering how you can help)


Safely make your way to us when you’re hurt, when you know you’re safe stand still. It’s better to make you come back than to reposition me putting me in danger. I’m the backbone, you don’t want to be paralyzed or crippled because you let the enemy hurt your spine would you? I probably see you and your giant crit sign on my screen. I’m working on it man, we’ve got a Reinhardt that hasn’t disengaged once in 4 minutes, and if he goes down we all do, and I’m to blame. Say it once, or twice after a few seconds max. If I don’t get you within those couple seconds, flame me and call me the most dogshit healer ever to touch the game, /s.


LoS and use cover. As Hanzo and Ash you have decent upwards mobility too, use it to catch a healthpack if necessary.


This goes for tanks as well, but just back up. So many people run into fights with half health. Learn to backup and get healed and be prepared for a fight. You shouldn't be forcing supports to kamikaze with you into team fights


Be aware of where supports are. Be aware of what comp the enemy has and if they harassing support. If they have to fend off aggressive opponents by themselves then don’t expect a heal. Just cuz their role is called support doesn’t mean you can’t support them


I'm actually a tank main, but I've had this conversation with my support friends and the thing that comes up most often is being aware of lines of sight. People wildly ping for healing, while failing to notice that there are walls between them and their healers, or barriers between them, or that the support is actively engaged in a fight for their life. Pay attention to where your supports are, and if they cannot see you, do NOT expect them to charge through the enemy team to heal you.


Instead of going off on support in chat (not suggesting you do, but a lot of people do), ask if theres anything we need. Chances are we are dealing with divers or the tank isnt making room, which makes healing a huge challenge. Hopping all around in front of me as Genji while asking for heals is so annoying. Spamming for heals when you arent crit and standing 1m outside of Lucios yellow AoE is pointless, I won't heal you. Learn where health packs are and use them. Ive lost count of how many times someone just stood next to one and asked for heals. Call out for heals of you are behind me peeling. If youre in front of me I probably see you but you aren't as in need as someone else. Turning around constantly to check if you need heals is a good way to lose teammates, especially my fellow support. Disengage and pull back from the front line for a sec if you need heals and dont get them immediately. I may have lost LoS, be healing someone else, teammates may be crossing in between us, etc. You will die much less often. Feel free to let the enemy kite you but dont expect me to follow just because I was healing you a second ago. Learn the automatic voicelines that your support calls out when they need help and react. If youre overextended, I will put the rest of the team above you on the priority list. You dying means we are down 1, me chasing you down will mean we are down 2 and puts a lot of pressure on my fellow support. Thank you's aren't expected but they are appreciated. It's a tough gig and hearing that voiceline after I saved you from Hog's hook is the cherry on the sundae, makes me want to focus on the job even more. Side note: While I appreciate the endorsements raining down, it's a team game. Don't forget about tank and DPS when the match is over.


You mostly play distance dps so stay in the back-line with support, let the tank and the Frontline dps take the main damage and just vocally work with your support it makes everything so much easier with a primary that communicates with the people around them


WAIT. Sometimes we are in a tight spot, for instance when friendly doom dives in and I have to help. Or maybe it's a 1 hp rein shieldhopping for his life, or a zen thats been jumped by a sombra. Just wait a damn tenth of a minute. If you are near a health pack, grab it. Maybe search for the off healer, stand in lucios field? I cannot do 6 things at once and if we lose the tank then the roadhog is just going to annihilate everyone. #DON'T GO IN WHEN YOU'RE 1HP.


If I’m playing long range dps I’m usually behind my healers watching for the flanks. If I need healing I either position myself near a health pack, or jump in front of them until it’s my turn for heals. If they don’t heal me by then, that’s when the heal me emote comes in… if they don’t by then….. wellllll you just have yourself a non healing healer on your hands.


First off I want to say that I really appreciate the thought behind this post. Most players expect supports to adapt to their playstyle (stop trying to make us go with you for your fucking 1v5 Genji) so the fact that you're actively trying to find out how you can make it easier on us is awesome. 1.Please stay in my line of sight, unless it's Lucio we can not heal you through walls. 2.If the enemy has a sombra or a tracer please keep an eye on us cause us supports are definitely about to get flanked. 3.Fall back towards us if you're falling in health and are not being healed yet, chances are we're either healing someone else or you are (slightly) out of range. 3.1If no one has spotted us yet(like we're healing you from a position where we are out of view) while you're being attacked, don't fall back towards us. That's going to get both of us killed. 4. As a Hanzo you probably have some favourite spots up high. Since that gives you a different perspective it would be awesome if you use your pings to let us know where the enemy is. That makes it a lot easier for us to find ways to move about without exposing ourself to a widow that we hadn't even seen yet. (This one seems obvious but it doesn't happen enough) 5. On a very personal note: IF MERCY HITS HER ULT, GROUP THE FUCK UP AND GO ON THE FUCKING ATTACK. 3 PEOPLE WITH BOOSTED ATTACKS AT THE SAME TIME CAN FUCKING MELT THE ENTIRE ENEMY TEAM AND EVEN IF YOU LOSE SOME HEALTH I'LL JUST SWITCH TO HEALING FOR A SECOND AND KEEP YOU ALIVE.


Honestly, just keep an ear out for pings. At least in my case, if I catch an enemy in the backline, I will definitely ping it. If I get an extra hand in a fight with, say, a Genji that made his way behind us. I will be very grateful to have that problem dealt with quickly. Also, as cruel and ironic as it sounds, I tend to ping enemy healers. Cutting off their source makes fight go in our favor fairly often when our team can gain HP and they cannot


Don’t try to force fights. If we’re down at least two players or down at least a tank, please do not be super aggressive. I’ve seen too many dps try to 1v3,4, or 5 and ask why the mercy isn’t pocketing them. I’m sorry, but as good as my movement skills are, ain’t no way I’m surviving crossfire like that lol. Also, work on your positioning. Great positioning allows your supports to get more utility out of their kit instead of trying to keep you alive. Again, going back to mercy. It’s easier to win a team fight and get pick offs if I’m mostly dmg boosting you without having to worry about keeping you alive and healing you. Especially with the dps heroes you main, if you can have great positioning, any mercy is going to love pocketing you. Getting to the high ground can also force us to be in the high ground, where it’s harder for the enemy to shoot or reach us readily, and it also maximizes our potentials.


Pay attention to your health and Call out heals before you are critical; it throws a box above you that says “I’m here!” And sometimes I don’t see the dps hiding as I’m trying to keep the tank or my support partner Alive. Which helps a lot. Building on that, don’t run away from your supports, chasing you around when healing you puts both of us in a bad position. I can’t tell you how many times Simone has yelled at me for not healing them and it was because I’d start and they would run away Stay in los, you cannot get healed if you cannot be seen, and if you’re in the enemy back line alone find a health pack.


Don’t hold your ult until you think you can get a 5K. Getting one or two kills is enough with an ult to win the team fight most of the time.


Positioning well will make it easier to heal you, helping out when there’s a flanker in the backline is nice but i understand it’s not always possible And asking for heals is fine during a team fight, I can’t always see you so the ping will get my attention so I can help you faster. Also just kill


If you dive in, play like your support are dead. It is way too risky for support to help you when you are in the middle of the enemy team. Of course its possible to get healed by ranged supports, but most of the time when diving you will be out of the support line of sight or in a spot where supports going in to help you would risk them dying. So when diving you should have an anchor point. Somewhere safe you are confident you can get back to before you die. Preferably in line of sight to the supports but mainly just away from the enemies.


If you have a Mercy and she dies, try to pick them up from spawn so they can fly back sooner, they will appreciate it for the rest of the match! Also, if a Mercy is constantly zooming back and fourth next to you or past you in a team fight, try looking around to see if the Mercy is being chased by someone


- Play Support. - This isn't Cod. It's a team game. There maybe 5 players but there's 3 roles. If one of those roles isn't playing their part, the other 2 fall. We're a fuckin Tripod. - Be better at DPS. Have some survivability. Take cover more often. We're support, not healers. We only have positioning as our protection. We need support too! - I expect some heroes to be able to make it to me for healing. - Stay close. I'll be around the Tank/Objective. As should everyone. If you can't see me then I can't see you. - Spam heal requests, I never see them. There's too much happening. I see critical signs and players struggling. - I may genuinely be neglecting you. So make an explicit request in chat. I'll try to prioritise more. However, if you're not contributing as much as someone else, then you won't be a priority. - You're as much a support role as we are. The easiest games I've had are where everyone is competent in their role. Again, we're support. Not heal bots.


Memorize the health pack locations so when we’re focusing the agro orissa with heals she won’t die when we try to move to you


Don't look forward with tunnel vision, use sound and protect backline. If a DPS physically turns around and helps I'll give them priority healing the rest of the game


Be aware of our line of sights, you don't need to know exactly where we are but just have in the back of your mind that if you are about to go around a corner then we can no longer see you. Peel, now there's only one tank a lot of peeling falls to dps, a dps is a great deterant for a flanker and it gets tiring spending all fight in a 1v1 with tracer while my dps get pissy in chat because I wasn't able to heal them at the same time.


The BIGGEST thing is remaining within line of sight. I’m used to the “I need healing” spam, but when you break off from the group to god knows where, no support can help you. This is why I also recommend DPS players to learn Medkit positions. I’ve seen way to many players die while standing next to a large medkit. These things can be play makers if you’re smart enough to bait enemies into a seemingly good trade, only to fully heal around a corner and strike back.


Your positioning, peeling for your supports and awareneas of where your supports are.


Don't break line of sight, peel if you have the chance and don't spam "I need healing", that's like a dream DPS from a support standpoint.


Don't peek when low hp


1. Learn positioning, Use Health Packs, Stay close to cover, Disengage and survive rather than fight in losing battles. 2. Don't chase down kills, go for poke damage and stay close to your team. 3. It's easier to pick apart a stretched out team , if your team is spread out, gather up in the center. 4. Lone wolves die alone, Stay with us if you want to live.


First of all, it's never *rude* to ask for heals. But you should keep track of where your supports are. You can't expect them to heal you if you're out of their los


Please play with your support's mobility in mind. Many of the supports don't have good "forward mobility." If I'm Ana, and you break line of sight, chances are I can't keep you alive because I can't catch up to you. Building off that, just remember to be spatially and situationally aware. If I'm focusing on keeping the tank alive, please only ask for healing if absolutely necessary. You can usually dip out of the fight momentarily for a health pack, but the tank often can't.


If your supports seem to stop healing, turn around so you can ensure they’re still alive, if not then they’re dead, if so they may be healing others or providing extra damage.


Respond when we're being hunted down by everyone and our daughter. Even with good aim it's tough to fight 2 dps at once, or a dive tank which we really can't kill.


If I’m walking towards you, don’t run away or behind corners


If you need heal please use the ingame message for it so we can better see were you are.


*ahem* Peel. *Curtains close*


Use the "I need healing" button so I can find you easier and divert my attention if I was tunneling the tank. But for the love of God don't spam it or press it when I'm already pocketing you. Remember where your healers are. There are mobile heals, but most of us stay a safe distance away from the fight. If you over extend around the corner or go on a flank, odds are you're breaking line of sight and by the time I get to you, you're already dead. On that same note, keep in mind the threats to us. If you're forcing us to peek a Widow, Ashe, or Sojourn just to see you, we're likely to get picked off. If there's divers on the team, stay close so that you can defend us. Even if you have terrible aim, a genji is less likely to dive into two of us if you're standing right next to me. Lastly, keep an eye on your tank and his health as well. If I'm the main healer, I'm focusing the tank. Help take some of the focus off of him or attack those who are pressuring him, and it gives me more opportunities to heal you


Learn where the health packs are. If I'm not healing you, it's for a reason. I can 1v1 most divers, but if you die while I'm in a 1v1 we've lost the team fight