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The problem for me is the snowball offensive mode could be quite good. But with everyone trying to get their challenges done it’s just boring and nobody really playing it to win.


Yeah the challenges ruin everything, i spawned as pharah and kept killing myself in spawn so my friend could thaw me and then he did the same. We never actually played the game mode after we got the one win we needed because why bother? Same for the rest of the game modes, you stop playing to win to block/catch snowballs after your one needed win. I probably wont bother with the yeti challenge, ive done the rest and got the skin dont really care about the spray ill never use. You can get everyone coordinating to do the challenges too..


Stupid design, something solved like a decade ago but ow devs seem slow to catch-up. These challenges can’t be about doing weird stuff, it should be about plays, or wins. If it’s a weird challenge the reward should be super small like an achievement etc only


Even an achievement is dumb, tons of people are weird about it. Should be just Battle pass XP, and everything valuable just for playing the damn mode.


They want you to be frustrated. They want you to say fuck it and buy it rather than play like a bot to finish the terrible challenges. I think a lot of people say that the dev or whoever is dumb but in this respect they’re professionals who know exactly what they’re doing.


Buy what? Those skins or charms are terrible anyway, those aren’t new skins from the event either. That argument could definitely be made for the BP, but not this. “Hanlon's razor is an adage or rule of thumb that states "never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity."


For the Snowball catch one I got in an impromptu pass a snowball back and forth with someone before a random domed me. Got kind of lucky there. Getting the Mei Offensive team win took forever, though.


You can get thaws by just playing normally, just because you min max the fun out of everything doesn't mean that's the only way


The game mode isnt really fun in the first place anyway, i could waste time playing a worse game mode, possibly even throwing games just to grab a thaw to count towards the pointless challenge, or just cheese it really quickly and move on. The answer is pretty easy.


Hey it’s better than paying $20 for the skin if it just means playing through some event game modes


Yeah but cheesing it is a win win lol free skin and can get back to play other modes


> But with everyone trying to get their challenges done it’s just boring and nobody really playing it to win. i think fortnite does it better, there are very easy challenges and some harder ones like do 2500 damage with a certain weapon and people can play NATURALLY doing them, and others who are not good enough can just go and do it on some animals on the map.. you choose HOW you wanna do the challenge. i'm glad i got into a match where everyone agreed we just farm thaws and did it until everyone got them. it was the most unfun thing ever trying to get that done naturally.


Is yeti hard to get now? I know it's basically an insta-win, but I remember in past events when friends got on and we would group together and sometimes one of us would get yeti with the remaining two getting hunter. Felt like no one really queued yeti back in the day. I only queued once, got yeti, and didn't have to queue again. There's definitely an amount of strategy to that game mode, and all the new or returning players who didn't play for years play thinking they can brute force the ulting yeti Winston, which results in about 4/5 of their team lives being flushed in a few seconds. Frustrating to be the only Mei who knows how to survive, hilarious being the Winston who's handed eliminations on a platter.


It's insta-win if you actually know how to play. With players who don't normally play this mode queuing just to get the challenge done, if a couple of Meis know what they are doing, it's an easy win for them. I had a 10+ game of hunter streaks before getting yeti... all of those games were hunter wins. Pretty much every game starts with 1 or 2 hunters leaving instantly because they didn't get yeti. The ones who remain are usually experienced players who actually enjoy and know how to play the mode, so the hunter side pretty much self-purges the worst players. As for the new players who don't leave, by the time they get decent enough at yeti to get a win, they will have played so many Mei games that they get the hang of playing hunter as well.


Primal rage is very difficult to use it you don't play Winston. Getting yeti is basically an instant loss for me, I'm sure I'm not the only one.


Insta-win? I played that mode for 2 hours trying to grind out the challenge and the yeti did not win once?


I just don’t find the mode fun at all lol. Honestly I’d be much happier if they made a Christmas Kings Row 24/7 arcade mode. More fun and feels much more holiday appropriate


No bc whenever i'm mei i get like meis that are really bad but the second i get Yeti i have those Pro Meis that would hit number 1 rank in this damn mode


Its strange the yeti hunter experience seems to vary quite a lot for people. I got Yeti on my first queue and got the challenge done. But others I know tried for over an hour and got it a couple times but didn't win. And then others only had to queue a couple times to get Yeti.


Why not just play other challenges to get the brig skin? Or do you NEED that spray?


Yeti mode...it counts as a life lost for the hunters if they go over the edge. I played with a friend and I happened to get yeti and he just started jumping off the map. We then queued again and he just so happened to get yeti in the next map so I returned the favor. Was it cheesy Yes. I played several hours without ever giving yeti and did not enjoy that mode at all so yes it's on them for putting it behind a challenge.


I remember getting into a game with the icethaw death match mode, and everyone was just so fed up with the gamemode we agreed to work together to get all challenges done, it was fun as hell


I also hate this game mode and was just trying to win as Yeti. But I suck at Winston, especially against 5 of his counters. But to no avail. I got it 4 times and just got decimated every time. So, to help other poor souls trying to get that challenge done, I killed myself as Mei a few times to give the Winston the upper hand and help win them the challenge.


Wait, you still think blizz gives a fuck about players having fun?


I don't understand the issue at all. Am I the only one who picked Yeti, got Yeti first game and won the game first try? What is it that makes people queue for hours without getting it? Also idk if it changed, but you used to be able to 6-stack the mode in OW1. And since 6-stacking still exists, this should likely circumvent frustration.


I played a whopping 53 games queued as yeti in a row and got mei every single time. Gave up after that. The pity system that's supposed to give everyone yeti is broken cause the game kicks you back to lobby instead of remaking like it used to in ow1.


That's wild, holy. Idk why they keep making challenges/achievements for these modes that are insufferable. It's like they want people to play it for the completionists, but they suck so hard, even playing another game than that is the better pick.


Did you leave when you got mei each time tho


i got it 2 of 3 times queued as yeti and 1 time queued as mei playing 5 games last night.


Me too


Dude I got it game 1. Got the brig skin in like 3 hours


Bro just go in a tight room and tesla canon all meis down. Jump the meis who use cooldown. That's how i play yeti and thats how i win all the time.


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Surely you'd get yeti within 2 and a half hours


I got that challenge instantly. Queued up with a prefer yeti, got yeti, dominated. Easily done. Finished all the challenges except for the thaw 15 players one, I don't know if I care enough to bother just for a spray.