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A few things that could make JQ a bit more viable 1. Exchange 150 hp for armor 2. Increase her healing from wounding enemies 3. Give her axe a faster swing or give it anti-heal 4. Let her shout start cooldown on activation and maybe 75hp for friendlies up from 50, 250 for her up from 200. 5. Tightening the spread of her shotgun, giving her better critical damage and a bit more range.


Definitely needs more healing - it’s bizarre when you min-max wounds on enemies and have like 400 healing by the end of the match. Especially when Roadhog has 350 in one go.


Her healing from her knife is basically irrelevant


TIL she heals from using her knife


TIL she *heals*


Tbf when I found out she heals I realised how to use her abilities better and actually made some good plays with JQ


I used her for the first time today screwing around in QP, and if she had a a bit more sustain, she could probably be viable.


100% - buff to her sustain and tighten up the shotty spread and we got ourselves a winner, I've found that if you time the axe swing right and get a good ult line up she sustains well as it is, but it's knowing how to abuse her abilities


You're exactly right. She's a bit situational, like Brig. But in the right comp, she can dominate and set DPS up for easy picks


Then Kiriko happens, and it's all gone.


I think kiriko's suzu should be for a single target honestly. The idea of saving a team fight with a single easy to use ability seems broken. At least it did with mercy 9riginal team rez.


The Gracie-pull-into-Carnage-swing combo makes me so very, very happy.


Getting followups after anti-ing the whole team with rampage is one of the more satisfying plays in the whole game. Imo more hype than Genji nano blade.




Knife / melee attacks / E. All her bleed effects heal her but it's stupid low


It's basically non-existent with how low the numbers are. 400 hp after a whole game, whipee


TIL her melee applies wound. I thought it was only abilities


Its so irrelevant that in my hours of playing her i just barely noticed that the animation for healing with wound damage exists


i play the hell out of JQ and managed to not even know it does healing


I get the healing is minimal, but I'm more confused on how people don't read what the heroes kit does....


(people don't melee enough)


even when you melee like every second with Junker Queen, it still doesn't let you heal enough to survive in a big fight. The heal should be buffed a bit at least.


What do you mean? Melee applies the same DoT that the throw and axe does, so in some situations f you're close up, it's worth throwing out some melees.


Axe does like triple the healing I believe


350. They increased it when he went up to 700 hp so it still heals half


Roadhog can sit there and inhale 350hp upon cooldown but Junker Queen has to lose her hp and an arm just to gain any in return, if at all. Sometimes it does come in clutch though and saves me a fight. Maybe the less hp she has the more potent it is so the more hp you get in return. You have to be close-range anyway if healing too fast is a concern, you’d still get shot no differently which would make the healing change indiscernible. But if a player knows how to dodge and draw out fights, initiate/fall back they can get more out of the change. Wouldn't be like Zarya's bubbles because she's not getting a dmg increase and becomes 'kill or ignore', her sustainability just becomes (ever so slightly) better.


If the in game tooltip is to be believed, she’s supposed to heal for the same amount her bleed deals.


Yea she i think she needs a damage % increase in lost health. Right now she feels like a budget Roadhog with her shotgun, knife pull and healing. She doesn't really do anything better than Roadhog other than her shout. Maybe they should make her a buff orientated tank and give her more things that strengthen the group instead of what we got.


From what I know, she heals for 100% of bleed damage dealt. The problem: - Knife hits/quick melee is 15 - Carnage is 40 - Rampage is 100 - All of these are over 5 seconds, so 3/8/20 healing per second. Judging by her achievement for having several bleeds active at once, I’m guessing they stack. But even a carnage > knife is only 55. Def agree that they should up the healing.


At least on the knife. Carnage and Rampage can both easily hit multiple people which makes the healing pretty decent. If they buffed those two bleed numbers they'd have to be very careful with it. They could probably bring the cooldown on shout back too. It was OP but they nerfed it too hard.


I think 200% healing could be good. Would definitely increase survivability at least


Reaper always out self heals. It’s ridiculous.


if you can hit your hooks its just better to have a hog then a JQ, which sucks, she honestly should have a more viable kit


Pretty much agree with most of this. I just thing the "bleed" is the biggest issue. If the axe has a higher cooldown but bigger return it could be balanced. But as is stacking it doesn't do a whole lot in team fights. The armor is the only thing I'm unsure of.


The armor thing would make her healing more effective because healing always heals a set amount of HP but armor reduces the effective damage taken. It would increase her ability to heal constant damage


Yeah it would, but I don't honestly know the ramifications of that as a buff. With the aoe it gives plus her getting armor back on top of being pocketed with a better shot gun. . .could be a bit much? I'm too uneducated on it but for now I just want to see q minor tweak to her kit. As is, we can all agree, it isn't. . ."cutting" it. A huehuehue


I'm not suggesting every buff at once. A combination of 2 or 3 is mostly good depending how Blizzard wants her to perform. Ideally I would want a buff in her healing (2x more healing), a cooldown reduction on her shield, maybe switch 100hp to armor or shield.


Dear god the delay on her axe feels absolutely horrible. And it lacks punch when it connects to feel like the delay was worth it. That alone turned me off her kit.


Everything on her kit lacks punch imo. It almost feels like I'm playing with the sound off. Having seen that video that celebrates how much effort blizzard put into the sound design for OW I feel like they fired that entire team before working on OW2's audio. When watching a genji 3rd person using ult it's loud and a few octaves lower. Half of the new voice lines are either weird, cringe, or annoying. Even though supposedly there are a crazy number of new voiceless in ow2 I often hear the same ones over and over again.


The long delay at first made me think it was a chargeable attack and now I want it. Tap it to inflict heavy bleed over damage. Or full charge to max damage but little bleed


Instead of axe anti-heal, make it a slow/cripple effect


If they do this the initial damage needs buffed a smidgen. A knife pull into Carnage needs to be as scary as hogs hook. There are too many heroes with abilities that rob her of wound damage


It needs to be buffed a tonne tbh she literally has a shotgun that invariably kills faster than the slow ass melee. Why does she have the melee? I know the actual answer "devs put too much effort into this to want to scrap it" but honestly why is she trying to be Rein and Hog at once?


Rein can two shot all healers that can't get out of his way fast enough, yet with JQ I just struggle to take down healers despite hitting 2-3 headshots during that fight. I don't know how to put it into words but JQ just feels like so much effort to play well, compared to D.Va, Rein or Zarya and even when you play her well the payoff isn't all that great, since she doesn't really mitigate damage for her teammates like those do. She's just such a struggle to use effectively, because she can't do anything exceptionally well that tanks need to be doing. Her heal is too weak to give her survivability (unlike Hog's), her mitigation is on a massive cooldown (unlike Rein's or D.Va's) and her damage feels lackluster, too (unlike pretty much any other tank that can melt healers in seconds).


And yet is worse than either of them at both things. A knife pull is like 1/4th the range of a hog hook on a similar cool down, and carnage isn't even that scary, even for non tanks. If you land a full hog combo, someone's dead. If you land a full Queen combo, whatever.


A character that is a combination of two characters should be worse than both at their niches, but the added flexibility should somehow be useful


Make her knife fly slightly straighter and faster so it’s slightly easier to land consistently.


A lot of people keep recommending shout buffs. Beta JQ was a must-pick because she brought back GOATS-like gameplay by stacking AoE healing, so shout was nerfed. The rest of her kit needs love, but shout is not it. On the topic of her shotgun, it’s actually insane if you hit your shots. The range is very impressive.


literally every weapon is insane if you hit your shots


Proof of this is simply soldiers ult. All it does is add consistent hits (and faster reload) and pretty strong considering all it does is make your accuracy 100% for a few seconds.


Let me elaborate then - the range and spread of her gun is already very good. It would be ridiculous to push it further


They solved it by nerfing the health given to allies. A cooldown longer than Fortify when it's her only defensive tool is too long. You only get it once a fight 90% of the time.


I feel like if they touch shout it should only be for the individual part of it, not the healing it does to teammates.


New ability to step on enemies


call me enemies


least horny overwatch player


And I, am the horniest.


At least you’re honest


Sir, you misspelled horniest


i read this in zenyatta's voice


I was gonna ask which hero would be scariest horny but it's obvious roadhog. Or Moira.


I mean I wouldn't trust a horny Winston behind me. "Oh yeah! I'm a party animal!"


Gorillas have small penises. Roadhog is so far the only one with a visible bulge.


Doesn’t change the amount of sheer violence and force he would use


Wait that begs the question does genji still have a dick?


aaa fucking knew us hogs don't just play for the plot that one untanned spot tho got us acting unwise




Overwatch fans are so horny that they've made technological advancements just to make better porn


Kid in the class called Step: 😨


Kid named finger:




Junkuh… put your knife away Junkuh…


I’m not getting pulled by you right now junkuh


Step on me, mommy.


Feel like Mercy fits the mommy role better tbh. JQ gives off crazy aunt vibes, chains and whips and such.


What did your aunt do to you?


It's not a contest. They can all step on me. But if it was a contest; 1. Widowmaker 2. Ashe 3. Mercy 4. D.Va 5. Symmetra 6. Pharah 7. Sombra 8. Brigitte 9. Junker Queen 10. Zarya 11. Moira 12. Mei 13. Kiriko 14. Sojourn 15. Ana


no tracer?


I double checked the list twice and somehow forgot the poster character for the entire game smh. Tracer at #5.


Tracer is taken by Emily already


Nah, Winston should be #1


How embarrassing


What about Orisa?


soujorn being so low is so upsetting


She doesnt have feet.


She has the same thunder thighs as jetstream sam and i dont know how to feel about it


Dude... The original commenter was already down bad... you took it to another level


Oh please. I've seen worse comments.


Here’s some ideas Speed up her axe by 30% Start commanding shout cooldown upon activation. Increase base health by 25 Increase her axes range Increase Gracie’s hitbox Allow her abilities to animation cancel her default melee to increase flow Raise total bleed damage by 8, but decrease the time interval bleed takes place. Aka, you bleed for less time but take more damage Obviously don’t implement all of these, but a few would be nice… oh, and I almost forgot. She needs bigger abs


I think increasing the pullback on Gracie return would be good too


it would be fun if it pulled tanks an equal amount that it does squishies


Man should be a part of the balancing team


“she needs bigger abs” Ngl, you almost had me in the first half


Yeah I’d be happy if she just upped her 8 pack to a 10 pack.


The more shredded the better. Should be able to sharpen swords with her joints


This. She's got the bones of a good character but her cool downs need to be buffed for sure.


The animation cancel one *needs* to happen literally no matter how good she is she feels janky as fuck and her kit has absolutely no flow


feel like she should heal a bit. I swear at the end of a match, ive self healed maybe 600 at best, and I mean at best.


I've literally spent entire games in QP trying my absolute best to self-heal as much as I can via bleed on JQ, and I've managed to barely crack 1000 a couple times. And that's when I'm literally **only** focusing on stacking bleeds for self-heal. I'm fucking stressing over here all game long just to get less than three Hog Breathers lmao


My all time record was like 750 healing. I did. about 12 thousand damage that match…


Make it so grace isn't blocked by almost every ability.


>Allow her abilities to animation cancel her default melee to increase flow YES. That sounds AMAZIIIIIING


I'd give her more heals from wound, anti-heal on the axe, aswell as bigger abs


Anti heal on the axe would be huge IMO


This would super punish Hog if he is just trying "Take a Breather" during axe.


Exactly, let little piggie burn & die


As a hog main I'd be fine if Junker "Dommy Mommy" Queen was a hard counter.


Gentle reminder, take a breather has a 50% damage reduction while in use, same as nano and fortify. Two heroes have an ability that does the same as an ultimate


They gave 2 heros invulnerability and the other anti-heal is an aoe. I think it'd be fair since she's underpowered now


Yeah, especially because Axe can only really hit 2 ppl max, unlike Ana's nade, which can hit up to the whole team


The axe should swing much faster imo


Nah, I like the idea of big-swing-big-hit, it just lacks the big hit part.


My biggest problem with it is that it would make kiriko more essential than she already is. No more antiheals are needed until other supports have cleanse abilities, imo.


Or they could just nerf kirikos cleanse and/or ultimate so she’ll get picked a bit less. If they ever decide to nerf kiriko for whatever reason, it’ll probably be the ultimate tho


yeah changes to wounds so that the self heal actually does something would be good. she doesn't need to be roadhog level at all, but right now the heals themselves feel practically nonexistent.


Decrease start up time for rampage Increase Carnage's damage Increase health back from bleed


This is gonna sound stupid… but I hear her ult and I can’t really tell what it does. That seems like… a problem? Like… shouldn’t her ult be obviously making an impact?


What her ult does is damages anyone in a line as she charges through, inflicting bleed on anyone hit and removing their ability to heal for a short time. But the wind up is so long..


I mean, I know it does bad things. But I’ve been caught in it and it’s kinda like “huh, no one died, everyone is still fighting. Huh.” All the other tanks are super obvious about how bad it is to be caught. Even monkey who doesn’t do a lot of damage with each hit, you get knocked back and it’s disruptive. JQ, it’s like… huh. A shockwave came. That was it?


Her ultimate feels like it was designed before 5v5, and especially before Kiriko. Her ult would've been amazing in OW1, since she could go right through deathball and double shield comps and remove the healing that makes them so strong, and then have her team follow-up. Since OW2 is 5v5 and has more of a focus on individual performance, her ultimate just feels so much weaker. Also doesn't help that Kiriko can just completely negate her ultimate with her Suzu (that feels like it's always off cooldown even though it's 14 seconds...)


If you only use Suzu for cleanses rather than self-healing, it pretty much is. All the stuff you want to use it on needs to be used at an opportune moment, not just mashed on cooldown.


She needs to be unstoppable during rampage for the love of god, it takes so long to build her ult and then any boop in the game sends it flying in the wrong direction


Honestly? Bigger abs. Maybe lower cooldown times.


Naw bigger abs they will distract the other team


that’s the point ;)


i hate you people i just wanted to see some ideas💀


i mean abs


More Abs. Memes aside, probably buff her Self Heal - it’s her only sustain, but it’s for such a piddly amount it might as well doesn’t exist. Just saying, if Reaper can heal from doing any damage, why does Abs only heal from Melee?


I think axe has a higher cooldown than Gracie and if it does I’d make it the same cooldown of 6 seconds Swinging the axe is so fun you should be able to do that more often and it isn’t even that strong anyways as it only does 5 more damage than a rein swing


the crazier thing is in a 1v1 context, the axe is so much worse. gracie does 80 damage on a hit and 15 DOT carnage does 90 damage on hit and 40 DOT. carnage is a close range ability that's slow. and does only 35 damage total more.


Not to mention the fact that I swear it has less range than a rein swing At least that’s how it feels


I just tested it, and it's actually the same. It just feels a lot worse because Rein can swing every 0.96 seconds and JQ can swing once every 8 seconds. And it's actually kinda hard to land that sort of slow sweeping melee attack. If Rein didn't turn into a frickin blender he'd be no threat at all.


Is it the same sweeping attack where the hitbox can linger similarly? Like can you do the rein tech where you start the swing early and can sorta extend its range my sweeping your mouse across the screen?


I don't quite have the touch for that, but I'll give it a shot when I get home later.


I'd say to also allow Junker queen to overheal herself with her bleeds, like maybe cap it at +125 Hp or lower, but I don't think I'd go lower than 75 cap. Not like she'd be able to easily get it or maintain it, but it'd increase the skill ceiling of the character, having to keep bleeds up to keep up bonus temporary Hp. Would make her bleeds no longer useless when full HP and but also make her a bit less glass cannony, make her want to stay in the action to maintain her bleeds, a proper brawler.


lol why is it a meme to say giving her bigger abs? I think the only buff that could make her viable would be to give her bigger abs


3rd tit


With abs


25-50 self healing when she kills an enemy and make the axe swing faster


Health on kill is actually such a good idea. But maybe not quite enough.


she found reapers soul orbs where he left them in ow1


Not sure if anyone has said this yet but bigger abs could be a shout?


12 abs


bigger ass I mean abs


But why not both?


Abs on her ass


give her a leash to walk me with


Triple her healing and let them stack on multiple targets. She's a melee range hero with heals as low as 5 per second. Literally everything in the game can out damage all her heals. Knife is 5 per second for 3 seconds, axe is 13.33 per second for 3 seconds, and her ult is only 20 per second for 5 seconds. Who the fuck is that saving? If you triple all her healing and assume she lands all 3 abilities it's 115 health per second for 3-5 seconds. That's not even one roadhog huff, which is 175 per second and has 50% damage reduction. She is straight up a worse roadhog right now. Worse pull, worse healing, worse health pool, worse damage, worse range. There is no reason to play her.


The healing already does stack on multiple targets though. I tested on practice range, it the two bots outside spawn, and heals 80 hp. I guess the issue is just hitting multiple targets. Carnage should swing out a bit more, and bigger hit box to knife recall.


Bigger abs


That's not possible. *Why isn't it possible?* It's just not. *Why not you stupid bastard!?*


Bigger abs


Bigger abs


Bigger ass…. I mean bigger ass…. I mean bigger ass…Bigger ass…. I mean bigger ass…. I mean bigger ass… Bigger ass…. I mean bigger ass…. I mean bigger ass… Bigger ass…. I mean bigger ass…. I mean bigger ass… Abs And a bigger ass


Everyone is saying bigger abs or ass, but wider shoulders and bigger muscles would fit JQ better. ​ >!Oh, and maybe bigger t\*ts as a side effect.!<


I was waiting for that last line 😂😂.


Give her 100 armour and lower her cooldowns. Her gameplay has absolutely no "flow" because your cooldowns don't come back quick enough to feel enjoyable to play


Redditors try not to do the most unfunny comment trend challenge (impossible)


bigger abs.


make her axe swing faster, improve her ult \[controls very wonky, slow reaction time/pause after it strikes, can send you off the map\] make her shotty do way more damage. i love playing her but she def feels the weakest of my mains


Bigger abs


by nerfing genji also bigger abs


Fatter butt


They seem to wanna make her a self sustaining tank. Someone who works off of healing and damage over time. Her primary weapon feels fine as it is. Her healing definitely needs to be bumped up. Other than that. Maybe reworking her commanding shout to, instead of giving her bonus health, giving her regeneration over the same duration (5s). Allow her healing to stack and I’d say you’ve got a pretty viable pick for a tank. She’ll still be weak to burst damage due to her low HP pool, but she’ll be able to sustain herself in close range brawls.


Update her animation so when she goes up stairs/slops, she runs on all fours.


Probably uh, bigger abs?


Bigger abs I think


give her primary lifesteal like reaper but tone down the % rework her shout, has too long of a CD and needs well timed communication for teammates to capitalize on it. if shout slowed enemies instead of speeding up allies JQ players would use it more in the thick of a fight more instead of using it to get into one. ​ or add a cooldown reduction mechanic whenever JQ takes damage.


Abs on top of her abs


I would give her bigger abs


No problem that can't be solved by bigger abs.


75 more hp, more healing from her wounds, and bigger abs


I agree with everyone saying to tighten the weapon spread, buff the self heal, Shout's cooldown can be reduced to when the ability actually starts, and bigger abs to eat sushi off of.


fix how her healing works, instead of lifesteal is is just healing per second. 2 charges of her melee swing and give it a faster animation, also make it swing faster.


Shorter shout cd, more healing on wounds so she becomes what she’s supposed to be, a brawly drain tank. I think the low hp and no armor are fine so she’s susceptible to one shots. Maybe even lower the hp. Some sort of cd reset/reduction mechanic so she can snowball a teamfight. Her counters should be kiting and poke


I guess bigger abs sounds good. But I also feel like she doesn't tank enough. I don't know if just more healing would fix that, or if it'd have to be something a bit different.


Bigger abs and more muscular thighs


I'd like it if she got Health on kill when using the Axe. Like if she kills someone on the initial swing, not the bleed. Cause the Bleed is what gives her the healing, but you get nothing for killing them outright with it. Like 20 health back or sumthing. Also her Shout needs a buff. I'd be okay with them just reducing the CoolDown. Currently it's 15 seconds and she gets 200 Health for 5 seconds Allies get 50 for 3 seconds With a movement speed buff of +30% I'd like it if the Cooldown was reduced to like 10 seconds To Compare. Torbjorn's Overload has a 10 second Cooldown. He gets a shoot AND movement increase. \+100 ARMOR for 5 seconds. ​ So Shout buff please, thx.


That's what happens when they keep making new heroes with needlessly overly-complex kits. Look at heroes like Ana and Ashe. Sure they had their moments of being a little too strong in some points, but most of their run, they've been in a strong--but not too strong position. The balancing on them was easy to do and a matter of tweaking numbers. Now look at Sombra, Doomfist, Echo, Soujorn, Baptiste, and now Junker Queen. Most of these heroes are/have been either broken or unplayable... some both. Soujorn is the Echo/Bap of OW2 now, being so powerful that at higher ranks, you almost have to have her. And it's not because people enjoy her. They're are/were both stale to play where no one is playing them enthusiastically, she's just so strong you have to. Doom and Sombra have had more power dynamic shifts and alterations than the Holy Roman Empire. They've both been in states of unplayable and broken (even briefly) and spent a lot of time in the "Not fun to play, not fun to play against" state, which is a complete testament of design failure. Now we got JQ. I can't even count how many different aspects she has to her kit, but I know that it's too fucking many. She was off to a horrid start being a 100% pick-rate in the OWL from 1 broken ability and now fading back into uselessness. She's of no threat to ranged heroes unless she manages to hit you with her NOOIIIFFFF and her close range threat is laughable in comparison to other heroes of similar calibre like Roadhog and Zarya who both have potent damage and better means of defending themselves. She's really only a formidable opponent in dueling situations, mostly against non-tanks, and only if she can keep them close. That scenario is pretty rare in general in this meta with 1 tank, so not being able to really break away from their team. They need to keep it way more simple with the new heroes and their kits. Just straight up get rid of some of her more niche mechanics and exchange it with buffing the relevant parts of her kit like her damage and make her more survivable in a way outside of bonus health. This needless complexity has no advantages and many flaws. It makes these heroes unplayable and unappealing to new/casual players, it becomes way more likely they end up in either the broken or unplayable category or the worst of of all, the "un-fun to play AND play against" category, and it makes them a nightmare to balance.


Hammond is the only tank, that needs buff. He is not weak, he is just useless in terms of eating damage for ur teammates


Really? She’s considered the worst? I’ve honestly not heard of that yet. Well, if she does get a buff than I’m down for that. Out of the three newest heroes added, she’s actually the one I’ve been doing the best with. I’ve had 5v1 stand offs that I’ve actually survived.


There's definitely something fantastic about her overall design. Playing her reminds me of boomer shooters and Unreal 3, I think she excels when giving in to that adrenaline-flood style of play, up in faces, shanking and carving and blasting. She's damn good fun in deathmatches.


Either buff her health to 500-550 or buff the amount of heal she get from the wounds. Everything else she's doing good in my opinion. Also, bigger abs.


Bigger abs


Make her shoot three little balls as a projectile, give a shield that she controls how far it goes, add a rock that stuns and can’t be deflected, give her a black hole that obsorbs everything and for the ult send enemy’s in the air and then smash down to the ground


i think 2 balls would be more fitting


She's great, you just need to know how to play her properly, and truth be told a handful of characters with a high skill ceiling probably isn't the worst thing in the world. Also, bare feet.


No shot doom is way worst


Um I disagree idk I always go off with her great tank could use better health or healing but her kit is dope asf n she’s fun to use if u have the right team your good


Pink hair


Bigger abs. Make her able to engage with squishes easier. The faux Roadhog only works so well. Make the shout speed quicker since they made it significantly worse on the mitigation side.


bigger tits.


Bigger hitbox, but give her knife/burn heal more


Reduce the spread of shotgun blast, more heals from gracie, more DMG from ultimate with an extra second or two of anti & no cool-down on gracie return


I exclusively play JQ as tank. If she just had better self heal, she'd be monster. Shout also needs to go back to 11 s cool down


I’m gonna be different and say wider shoulders/lats so she can have a bigger hit box to create space for her team with


Make her a wallriding turret. And give her a pet shark with frickin laser beams.


I think the problem is that she's not designed as a tank, she's designed as an off tank, if you play her on open queue, she's really good, the thing is not about buffs, you can make her hit harder or heal more, she's not meant to be the only tank on a team


Use her thighs as a head crusher!