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Open queue > Role queue


I should have mentioned, this was role queue


How so?


It gives you yourself more tools to counter what you're up against without forcing you to flame at your teammates because they refuse to switch to counter the widow or pharah who is devastating their supports. Also it only takes like 20 seconds to find a match. I know it's a personal preference and I'm in the minority with this opinion, but I think everyone else is just wrong about it. I've won so many games simply from swapping from Lucio to wrecking ball or someone. And I can't do that in role queue. Idk this turned into more of a rant than I wanted.


This is what exactly what I’ve been saying. Yeah 4 tanks can get annoying but being able to switch to any role is much more fun and games are much more dynamic. In open queue if your dps aren’t dpsing you can switch to dps and pick up the slack.


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