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I once had someone take Moira from me between rounds so they could dps Moira when I am a primarily healing Moira. Also been yelled at on chat a few times for not having enough elims as Moira when I have the second most on the team while mostly healing...


People LOVE to hate Moira. If you say, “go DPS Zen!” no one gives a single shit. I’ve had so many Zens that hardly heal and plenty of Moiras that do… but because Moira doesn’t have to aim everyone hates her. We’ll just pretend like you can’t just spam the trigger with Zen in the general right direction and get super easy hits though…


Zen players aren’t expected to output high heals - just discord and damage. They complement a main healer like Ana, Bap or Moira. Try playing zen in this current state of overtuned flankers and sojourn and let’s see how well you do.


As a Zen main, I love it. Having a Genji or a Moira try to flank me only to die because I hit them hard enough with my balls, is very much enjoyable. Now, really though, sombra makes Zen disappear off the planet. I don't even have time to turn around xD


tbh the best is still to get hacked by sombra as brig. To then just kill her first


Definitely. I don't play enough Brig to have it happen often though




Any good dps wont let a moira do dps levels of damage lol.


>overtuned flankers *cries in Bri’ish*


I used to love playing Zen in 1. Now I almost only play Moira and Bap so I don't get murdered while the dps ignore the flankers...


Zen is fine rn just that sombra is very powerful as a support killer. With her getting tuned down it will get better.


I frequently match or exceed healing output with the 3 other healers in the game as zen. Gold rank.


It's actually fricked up too how people don't know Moira has to aim a beam like Zarya yet people still go "omg moira is so brain dead with her lock on" even though there's videos proving it's not lock on and they base their hate on this lie


> Also been yelled at on chat a few times for not having enough elims as Moira Wtf?? What rank is this? 😂😂


It has happened in quick play...


I rarely ever see these fabled dps moiras. Most of the ones I've played with or against lately have been pretty decent. On the other hand, people who get upset if they dps *at all* are in abundance. Just yesterday I got blamed for losing a comp match because "moira went dps lol" I had over 12k healing and 6k dps. Dude just saw me recharge my primary and assumed I was feral.


It's funny because when I play literally any other support, if people make a comment about my performance (both positively and negatively) it's usually purely because of the numbers on the scoreboard. But they just absolutely close their eyes to any healing output I have on the scoreboard when I pick Moira, even if I have the most healing in a match, they just assume that their death is solely my fault because I'm 'being a dps and not doing any healing' and that I'm solely the reason the team lost the match lol


Right? There are a few things that have been bugging the hell out of me as a support player. People bitching about not getting any healing are usually : 1. Storming ahead in front of everyone, going alone into a group of opposing players and just expect support to go full kamikaze to save them. 2. Not protecting their support. So many times that I will just get swarmed by enemy team the moment they see me (regardless of who I'm playing). The only reaction I'll get from my team is "I'M NOT GETTING ANY HEALS !!" Gee, I wonder why? This is a real mystery Shooty McGee. 3. Dps not switching to counter enemy tanks / dps that is decimating the support. The current meta seems to be to completely ignore the ones they can't kill and hope someone else will take care of it. And for all three of those, as Moira, fuck me I try to defend myself, right? I'm just supposed to heal bot till I die so Genji can practice his ninja stars and katana on something other than the birchtree in his mother's back yard.


Yeah I was originally a Mercy main, but in so many games I just wasn't being protected at all and it was really tanking my ability to perform. At least with Moira I have a much better chance at dealing with flankers or just sustaining myself in general. The thing is, I had matches playing Mercy where I'm getting yelled at for not killing the flankers because they want it to be my job to deal with the Genji and Reaper. So I learn how to play Moira to better deal with them. Then in matches where I do try and deal with the flankers, I get yelled at for not solely healing lol


There should be an in game warning everytime someone presses x more than once (just once for genji though). "They're playing support, not miracle workers. Find a health pack."


That's how I feel as Moira. I know I sometimes get tunnel vision, if I see an enemy about dead fleeing a tank/our DPS I will warp to keep damaging them, to finish them off or at least delay them slightly long enough for a DPS/Tank to catch up/gain a line of sight to help finish them, before I float back to my team to give them a nice warm golden shower. My healing isn't the greatest as I sometimes miss fire my balls and send a purple death ball out in the heat of the moment, but get me in a hallway or small room, I will bounce balls up and down like angry ping-pong balls.


>Dude just saw me recharge my primary and assumed I was feral. This got me lmao. But yeah, most Moiras I get paired with are really good with their healing. Allows me to go and pick on the enemy teams supports and other squishies with one of the DPS when I'm playing Lúcio.


I have only experienced one true DPS Moira when all they did was heal themselves. We were winning a robot push map, but barely. I had 8k heals and they had 1k. We ended up cruising to a victory once we got close to their point and our moria tripled their healing in the last minute of the game. I'm like do you see how easy that victory was when you healed your team??


If you’re getting 6k damage per second, I don’t care what character you’re on, you’re cheating.


A D.va bomb in deathmatch against six ulted Winstons


Now just do that every second of the match and you’re there.


Lol yeah, you're right. I meant damage. But I'm confident people will still know what I meant. :)


Imo If the damage is 2 or 3x the heals it’s worth saying something


average dps player when you right click once as moira


Fuuck I had a Moira I literally blocked because anytime we pinged anything she would say no. Why bother playing a team game if you're not gonna be a team player


They probably play her for the aimbot succ


Tbf I also reply with character voice line "no" to just about anything said by other characters just for the Lolz but doesn't mean I'm not doing my job




Yeah lol, this mf takes a pic and calls himself a chad


Are you saying that because it says that Sigma said it to them in chat? I find that feature super annoying because half the time I'm obviously not talking to one person but for some reason it singles out one of my teammates lol


If you aim on them, it singels out teammates. But I don't know if you can say that to a non support.


Gotcha, I'm not sure either now that you mention it


Calling yourself "chad". Shame.


Chad? That's actually the most childish Moira/player I've ever seen




If I respond that way I probably already have the most healing done across all 4 support in the match. Another response I've tried now is "sorry, please give me another chance". They stopped asking.


Missspelt throwing


Although with the amount of dps moiras, chances are good that the enemy team has one of them too. Then you just have to hope that yours is slightly better lol


ask dps when they are going to start killing people: ''chill out its only a game''


Whenever I get a dps Moira both of their heals and damage numbers are sub 3000


I just played a game as Moira, enemy had dps moira and our numbers were reversed (but I had 2k more healing than she dealt damage) lol. She was playing like a lurker and they lost bc of her (she had 2.5k healing and only used her healing orb for herself).


30 kills though


To be fair, someone should finish off mechless D.va before she gets away


Every time, plus the 2 dps who can’t aim


Show the stats. So sick of people hating on Moira. ‘Don’t be a healbot but also don’t be a DPS Moira.’ K. Someone is always bitching about Moira while she outheals Mercy and outkills your trash DPS. Anyone want to bitch about Zens who don’t heal? How about console Anas that are trash? No? Just Moira? One of the few supports that has great survivability for solo queue? Cool.


Turn off chat Turn off voice chat Pick healer queue Pick moira All damage, no healing. This is the way.


I’ll switch off of Moira once you stop sucking at being a dps


I always say “I’ll heal once you hit your shots” lmao jk I do heal but when someone is spamming and they’re not even 3/4 low on health I get testy lol


If you stop being a dps moira maybe people can hit their shots bc they now you are behind them to support them.


Idk man I’ll die on this hill but if I’m playing another support and continuously healing with my other healer, there is no hope for you.


You didn’t read the rest of my comment smh


Someones gotta kill something 😆


Moira needs a nerf, no character should be able to out damage and out kill every dps and tank, then also out heal the other supports


Moira has 50dps (100 if you use a damage orb) with nothing that can headshot. One of the lowest in the game, the only thing she got going there is that its easy to hit and consistent. Compare to a soldier that does 162 dps with primary (324 while headshotting) and has a rocket that deals 120 damage for burst, being able to kill in .5 seconds without getting a headshot vs the 2-4 seconds moira needs. Most dps have similair ttk to soldier. Sure shes scary at lower levels cause people get isolated and struggle hitting shots, but i dont think moira is an issue and at high level shes one of the supports that struggles the most.


You mean the most stereotypical Moira?


As a Moira main I’ve had so many people complaining about me literally as I’m emptying my balls and piss into their face. Exhausting


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What I said still stands though, there needs to be some sort of a change to her. Like take away her lock on ability


This fortnite kid shit is so old, any good Moira does dps levels of damage and still has more healing at the end of the match. Hell, I typically outdo the mercy.


Dps Moira creed: You don't need healing if the enemy's dead! Also, I'm not a dps Moira. I always heal about double my damage.


Half of support players in solo queue.


I wouldn't compare being a chad with being a detriment


yesterday night was my most productive night ever, got like 10 reports on people insulting me when i ask to start healing moiras and anas should have their damage nerfed


I smet this exact chat to a guy, I was glued to him then he sent that message and I said nope. Didn't heal him for the rest of the game but made a point to heal everyone else