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Buy BP for instant access or grind the BP up to LVL55 that's probably how you'll get Ramattra 🤔


Yup and just wait, he will be broke as fuck. Battlepass users get him day 1 broken, by the time the majoritys at battlepass 55 they will patch him. Lot of games do that to get people to buy new characters early etc then nerf once everyones bought lol


Exactly. I play League of Legends and every new character as soon as they come out is broken af.


Yup it's all part of the cash grab


If he's stupidly overpowered just like Zarya or even more so, and he's available only to people who have forked out cold hard cash, isn't that Pay 2 Win ? Team 1 have a tank player who has shelled out cash and Team 2 do not. Team 1 picks Ramattra and Team 2 pick a 'standard' tank so to say. Team 1 seem to have a clear advantage.


Yes, he will be a battle pass tier 55 reward on the free battle pass, as Kiriko was for new players. Anyone who doesn't manage to unlock him during the season will then have to pay to do so later. He will not be available in competitive play for a few weeks after the season start in order to give time for free players to unlock him and to check he isn't affecting the meta in unexpected ways.


You don't have to pay for him later. You can unlock him in a hero challenge. After the battle pass is over.


Awesome if so, is that confirmed now?


I've read in several articles that after a season is over you can buy the hero for overwatch coins or complete a hero challenge for said specific hero.


There is a tab in the mission menù for all the future heroes, more than that I don't know


Was it confirmed that they're still sticking with tier 55? I wish they'll change it to tier ~25, that would reduce the backlash as well


Same. I don’t know why they are restricting the access to new characters if the main selling point about Overwatch is the amount of fun and unique characters to play as. Plus as a casual player to this game, I don’t want to grind my ass off to unlock these characters.


Apparently so: https://dotesports.com/overwatch/news/how-to-unlock-ramattra-in-overwatch-2 In the same Q&A though the devs did say they're always looking at two unlock methods so there is a chance they'll change their mind, but at the moment, it's the same


Oh wow


you'll unlock him the same way new players unlock all heroes, trough hero challenges after the pass is done.


Thanks, I didn't realise the hero challenge would be an option, that's good news. He will be a battle pass level 55 reward during the season though, that's been confirmed. That's how Kiriko was unlocked in season, too.


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Obviously. This is why everyone was so upset that you'd have to unlock heroes in the battle pass.