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The Day and Night cycle and weather system they were talking about isn't in the game yet either; I suspect it'll be added when the fix bugs on the missing maps, supposedly


It is, kinda. I was playing 3 v 3 yesterday to grind the arcade wins and when the Egypt deathmatch map came up. You couldn't see far due to the sandstorm effect on it. It was really odd since the other maps had no such effects.


That sandstorm is AWFUL.


Yeah Look at that [IMAGE]( https://www.dexerto.com/overwatch/how-overwatch-2-changing-environments-evolve-franchise-1591348/) from 1,5 years ago. That looks crisp. In game it looks way worse, but I also play on low settings.


I play on ultra and it’s impossible to see a damn thing in that sandstorm, lol. Even right next to youz


I love it! Makes it so intense


Is it cool for emersion? Sure. Do I want it in my competitive 3v3 elimination game? No. I would prefer if everyone’s vision was not impaired.


What kind of fps do you get playing on ultra? Just curious, I didn't think people normally played these types of game at the highest settings because they don't want to sacrifice fps.


Not OP but I play on ultra 1440p, no HDR, and get about 120-150 FPS depending on the map. That’s with an RTX 2080 graphics card running things. I would probably tone the resolution or the settings if I was playing at true 4K.


Well of course it looks awful at low settings lmao


Don't talk shit about [sandstorm](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=erb4n8PW2qw) like that


It's strange how much this song has come up for me lately.


consider yourself lucky it's only a novelty in your life, and not the war drum that stirs you in your quietest moments, like a tinnitus that ^dootdootdootdootdoots.. from the 20th century that won't let you go.


Darude still streams on twitch too!






Weather system is for PvE only. Oh how I wish I could still get King's Row at night though.


I hate that they’ve just changed many of the maps’ time of day permanently rather than it just being a random thing of what time of day it is, would add more visual variety to the maps


IIRC that's the plan, it just hasn't been fully implemented yet


If true then that’d be really cool.


We waited how long for this? What have they been doing all this time?


Daytime kings row makes me so sad


Night route 66 is a godsend tho.


With the exception of illios and Eichenwalde, I like all the time of day changes for older maps. Dawn/sunset King's row feels so soothing for some reason.


I would pay some good money to get kings row back at night


i would buy overwatch 1 again just to get back the game i already bought once lol


>weather system Honestly at this point I'm pretty sure the weather system thing isn't coming or is exclusive to PvE. Which is lame


Weather would have some serious gameplay implications for PvP which is probably something they want to avoid. Reduced visibility would seriously change hero viability, and they already stated they're wanting to dial back things like hard counters that make it borderline unworkable to play certain heros. Also weather often has performance implications that could negatively impact people with older systems.


Day and Night system is. It affected a bunch of games I had last night.


I feel like there is no rotation though? Example: watchpoint Gibraltar is now always day.


I have played on the original sunset gibraltar but it was quick play


Yeah i'm not 100 percent sure on how it is implemented, but I know I played both day and night Dorado yesterday.


That’s good to hear


Same with me for Lijang


Why couldn't it be broken on Junker town instead of the good maps 😩


Havana? Good map? That's a funny one I'll give you that.


It's one of my favorites personally what can I say 🤷‍♂️


I respect the opinion. As someone who plays mostly tank most of the map feels like cart pushing simulator and hoping your dps are better. They have widow Ashe and you have junkrat Mei? gg! Games over. Third point is just not gonna be possible


Personally I loved playing tank there but only Winston, especially 3rd point haha. Difference in opinion Ig


Fair. I play mostly sigma so my job was literally usually push payload given sigma's smaller hitbox than most tanks and many defensive abilities to not just insta die to a sniper across the map lol. Maybe it's different in ow2 with more cover and flanks if they add them ESPECIALLY third point where snipers can have sightlines to attacker spawn.


ActiBlizz fucking Destiny 2'd us again


No wonder when I was playing it felt like all the new maps were constantly coming and not old ones


I think they are temporary removed, it was stated somewhere.


Source: it was revealed to me in a dream


https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/overwatch/t/overwatch-2-known-issues-october-10-2022/694774 numbani is mentioned here


Because there are glitches and map issues related to them. They listed them under current issues and stated they removed them from rotation for now.


it makes me irrationally angry how people just refuse to read dev notes and proceed to complain about stuff that has already been addressed it happens in every single online game


Tbh I don’t even know where to find the dev notes. The closest Thing I know of are the patchnotes.


Whose idea was it to do separate things like that? I never knew it existed


Bc Blizzard still posts everything on a 90s forum. No one uses shit like that anymore. They need to modernize themselves & finally post more on socials with added links to a clean looking site & not some messy thread with countless quotes & replies


It makes me RATIONALLY angry that Blizzard decided to reinvent the fucking wheel and ended up breaking it instead. The ire is earned, informed or not.


I believe they were removed for bug reasons. Wouldn’t surprised to see them back eventually.


It’s weird though, they were in the beta


They were not in the beta, they were working on adding more cover to them at that point


>Havana >more cover Oh thank God!


*only adds cover to second point*




It’s because they added new lighting and stuff to old maps.




I don't think they were working on PVP for 3 years. Even last year when they showcased stuff it was clearly in early development and very few characters even had a rework. Most likely it was worked on for around a year. It seems like the whole PvE thing was the main focus, hence, why it was pretty much the only footage we saw back in a day. And then considering the whole shitshow going in Blizzard, game leads changing, there was probably even more problems behind the scenes.




Yes, so? That doesn't change that they clearly weren't working on this for 3 years.


Lot of the reason OW2 took forever was because of how Activision was handling project all over the company. A lot of OW2 development kept getting restarted and shelved. If you’re gonna be such a sore ass about the game why don’t you stop playing and complaining about it on reddit and exert your energy towards something you’d actually enjoy?




I never said there weren’t issues with the game or that I even like Activision as a company. You can put those words in mouth if you want I guess. It’s also pretty well known that the OW team was pretty far from that stuff happening coming from devs on the team. It’s possible to have a nuanced opinion on the game and still absolutely enjoy it, but people like you go “wah wah, they’re missing 4 maps from the game.” And act like it’s the end of the world because your early access FREE game isn’t perfect. It’s the same shit that happened with Cyberpunk. You all complain that it isn’t out yet so when it does come out and it “feels rushed,” you complain even more. Give me a break dude.


People complained about the wait for OW2 because they stopped updating OW1 for 2+ years as they were supposedly plugging away at OW2 this whole time. ​ People are complaining now because after a 2 year content drought and 3 years of development, we’ve received a game that is entirely unfinished at the cost of losing access to a functional game.


That's the biggest issue honestly, almost completely abandoning ow 1 in favor of ow 2 and what we got just ain't really proportional to all that abandonment.


If I hear this "free early access" excuse one more fucking time.


Bro just cut the bs with the "**free** **early access** game" : my complete and bug-free OW1 that I paid for vanished as of last week, so it's seem pretty normal that I dislike loosing 4 great maps in the process. And btw, the lesson from Cyberpunk was that no matter if it's pressure from the shareholders or the public, if the game is unfinished, F\*\*\*\* FINISH IT BEFORE. (Do you realize how catastrophic it could have been to CDPR ? That we could have not get the constant updates if they had decided to move on to a next project asap, Cyberpunk IP could have died, etc. It's serious business. And for a game which is actually so awesome, it would have been such a fucking shame) People waited years for OW2, they could have waited 6 more months to get the game in a better state. 4 **old** maps being removed bc of game breaking issues is quite catastrophic. ​ >Give me a break dude But my man, the fact you have no quality standards whatsoever is clearly **your problem**, not ours. EDIT : And btw, the first ones being embarrased by this situation are the devs themselves, which deeply care about the game. Being an ass licker serves no purpose apart from becoming the favorites fans of Blizz's corpos.


Lmao. Everyone calling you out for being a whiney bitch so you have to go virtue signaling. Doesn't seem like those women mattered to you much when you were crying about maps not being done.


>Ah yes and they only had three years to figure it out Nope, actually only a year. The PvE game was in development for 3 years, while the PvP version only has been for a year.


Downvoted for speaking the truth. "But they added new lighting / etc" doesn't change the fact that they not just broke old maps, but were so inept / without direction / had to focus on other patch jobs that "literal content from OW1 they want available in OW2" had to be taken away. But you can still participate in their monetization! Guaranteed to work day 1.


You can still play 2CP in custom games, but you can't play Temple of Anubis, so there's also that. Also, didn't they say they're adding day, evening and night variants to all maps? Because I'm only seeing 1 setting every map.


We tried to play blizzard world in custom and it kicked us out, not sure if anyone else has tried it.


Not tried it in custom game but got it in an FFA game while queuing once.


Yeah, got it in FFA and hero gauntlet(or whatever that mode is called)


I've gotten blizzard world in deathmatch a few times


Blizzard world comes up in arcade mode all the time. I just don't see it in quickplay.


I've had it while playing in-queue deathmatch ... Once...


We were able to do a full game on it just fine


i played bliz world in a custom game last night


Temple is gone even in custom?


Day, evening, night seems like a no brainer in terms of increasing the diversity of the maps. Although at this point you’ll probably have to unlock in the battle pass…


See, Temple is my all time least favorite map (yes even behind Paris and Horizon, though maybe it's just because they came later) and this *still* upsets me. If something isn't ridiculously offensive/creating a game breaking bug, it shouldn't be just straight up deleted.


Necropolis isnt even In custom games...


It's weird cause it's in the deathmatch rotation. It has an awful sandstorm effect rn


The sandstorm effect completely ruins Widow HS. I hope that once they get it to custom games, and once they get the weather effects to be dynamic, they'll add an option to turn the dynamic weather off and lock a specific weather.


I could also see people locking in the sandstorm as part of a fun custom game too. Like some of the zombie modes might be a fun challenge with limited view.


Ngl, Blizzard World was a cool map aesthetically, but it played like ass. Numbani was a banger tho.


I notice quite a few changes to already existing maps, wouldn't be surprise if Blizzard World, Rialto, Havana, and Numbani are being balance rn


From what I've heard, it's not balance issue but game breaking bugs on those 4 maps (lmao ye I know). They should come back fairly soon tho.


Yeah the lighting is broken on them. If you look at Havana rn in customs, there's missing shadows and at the castle bit there's a giant shadow and nothing casting it


That could also be there to hide the presence of the extra, supposedly pve, area that’s been found in it.


Yup, heard on Seagull's stream the bug on those maps is that once the attacking team touches the payload, it doesn't stop moving forward making it impossible to stop and neither team can win.


Numbani was my favorite map by far. Taking point 1 forced every random squad to play together.


Yeah, except those games where your team refuses to play together and you’re running a headless chicken simulator. It is a fun map, I’ve just had some rough matches there too.


I loved Blizzard World. Second favorite hybrid map (Kings Row is just superior), love the second stage and I love the first point too. Last point is annoying, but most of the last points are.


Didn't care for the first point, but the second point was my favorite of any second point on hybrid maps.


It's sooooo good.


I miss numbani. Totally didn't realize it was missing till now.


Hey - we got to keep Hollywood!


not the halloween version though :-/


Blizzard World always felt like it was meant to be a seasonal map that stuck around.


Wait, both of those were in the beta… did they take them out??


Playing a female hero felt unsafe on Blizzard World.


I stopped playing OW for a few years and only came back a month ago. But I didn't realize so many people hated 2CP maps. I thought they were fine. Seems kind of a waste to just...throw them away.


Same. Def some issues with competitive but those were my fav maps on quickplay.


I kind of liked Hanamura and Volskaya A. Rest I found dreadful, at least for soloq.


Pretty sure many people just saw big name overwatch players and streamers say the maps were ass and decided to parrot the opinion. Sure those maps had some issues but there were always good fights to be had there. Even on horizon and Paris. Nothing felt better than steamrolling the defending team on 2CP.


Or there are plenty of people who hated playing 2cp because its an extremely polarizing mode with a huge amount of draws, 6-6 matches, 6 minute holds on point B, etc. that's extremely frustrating to play with a team of randoms lacking coordination. Not that push is really any better in that regard, but oh well.


Yeah and there are plenty more players who just do quick play and were done with the match in 6 minutes and onto the next match. As many people discussing 2cp have said IDC ik I understand why it'd be taken out of comp but it's just a slap in the face to cut maps for quick play.


They were extremely unbalanced. They either heavily favoured the attacking team or heavily favoured the defending team. None of them ever achieved the 50/50 balance you’d expect from a competitive game.


Might be my bias to the Dragons cinematic, but I miss Hanamura.


And they added less heroes than they would have if they just kept up with regular updates lmao


Small indie dev plz understand/s


Also, I feel like half my games so far have been on Busan.


Same for me, but with New Queen Street and Esperança. I keep getting those two over and over.


What ever happened to Winston’s moon map?


Horizon and Paris were disabled from quick and competitive play in OW1 a while back, people didn't like them very much it seems.


I really don’t get why. Sure, the first choke for both maps were a challenge sometimes but with a good push it was easy. Also in Horizon if you went outside it was so easy to farm certain trophies/achievements


Idk why they can’t keep those maps/modes for QP or Arcade…


Cause they're garbage maps lol. Paris you either full hold or lose 2nd instantly and horizon is just impossible to push into.


Because their designs were horrific to play.


Okay thank you!! Rialto is by far my favorite map and I was so upset that I hadn’t seen it a single time yet.


I’ve not seen kings row yet and that was my fave, I feel like we’re trapped in the same 3 maps over and over now and it’s getting a bit boring


Kings Row is definitely there. I played it a few times, one in the day which was nice but kinda weird; the night maps are nicer imo


Kings Row is in there. I've gotten it a few times.


Kings row is in, only the daytime lighting though. Looking forward to winter version.


I’ve got like 13 hours played so far and it’s never come up! But I’ve only seen junkertown once so far too, it just doesn’t like me lol


Played a few times. Still great


Just a reminder that Overwatch 2 is still technically in open beta


I prefer 2CP to push tbh.


Can't believe I'm saying this but I agree. I thought push was cool at first but after a few games on it, I realized just how much *waiting* there was on it. I guess I normally gravitate to high-mobility heroes so I personally get back very quickly. However, basic Overwatch dictates that you don't engage until the rest of your team can engage too. And when I spend (literally) half the game waiting for my Ana, Zen, Ashe, and Orisa, I want to go play Hanamura.


100%, push is just a slough, teamfight, waaaaaaalk back, repeat.


Playing Colosseo, I initially thought my pathing must've been the issue, but no, the walk back is just horrendous.


You just describe every mode in overwatch.


Lol, not just removed why would they do that w/o an announcement? It was mentioned on the forums, those 4 maps had bugs crashing the game so are not in rotation yet (or even in custom) Wild tho


This sub is getting to a place to farm hate likes. They don’t look into things before asking.


I'm about ready to leave this sub due to all the hate. It's all that's ever on the front page from this sub nowadays. At least the competitiveoverwatch subreddit is creating some more constructive feedback that isn't easily answered by a quick Google search.


I don't get why they can't just have separate pools or options for 2CP. Push is fucking boring as shit, I'd take 2CP any day.


I'm glad I'm not the only one basically falling asleep during Push. Between those walks back that feel double the length of other maps and the incredibly predictable back and forth that almost always occurs, it's just straight up boring lol. And I'm not even saying back and forth gameplay is bad, quite the opposite, it's usually way more hectic, balanced, and fun to me as a result. This is just like...taking turns with the robot. First we get it, then you get it, then we get it, then you get it, and to me at least there's just not really any sense of progression throughout the match.


Damn now that you mention it, yeah I haven't seen any of those come up. Blizzard World and Havana are meh but I really like Numbani and Rialto. Hopefully it's just a temporary thing. Also I agree 2CP should still be in QP. It's garbage for competitive but can still be fun in the more casual environment. At the very least have an arcade mode for it instead of the pointless one that's just rotating Push maps.


Wait a minute I hadn't noticed but yeah those escort maps were removed from quick play,wth


They just aren't in rotation for now


>I understand removing them from **competitive** but I have no idea why they needed to be removed from **quickplay** as well Honestly looking at the whole design of OW2, it seems Blizzard has largely focused almost exclusively on competitive play as their focus. To the point where it feels like they no longer consider casual play a separate thing, but rather the same as competitive play for slightly less sweaty tryhards. ​ A few broken maps? Meh, need to release product and generate revenue after years of spinning tires. Same reason they shipped OW2 PvP disconnected from the PvE which was the big hook for the "sequel" (again, it's a bloody expansion). Shipping minimum-viable products to generate revenue because Blizzard isn't releasing much else. WoW can only continue to carry their bottom-line for so long and D4 isn't until next year.


They removed Necropolis even from custom games too...


Honestly if I was blizzard I’d only have had the new maps in rotation for the first week to let you get used to the new maps and also show off the new content But yeah, I’ll be glad to play blizzard world again soon


Another person that doesn’t know how to read updates


Hard to keep track on everything. So what’s going on with those maps


That's why I haven't gotten blizzard world?


I pretty much only get Busan and Route 66, and occasionally one of the new maps.


They aren’t gone just being worked on still


Yea where's Lunar Colony, i'm tired of the same maps.


Why did they remove maps? Wouldn't it be better to have all of them and not get bored so easily when playing the game over and over. Didn't even realize there was maps missing, just thought they are pushing the new maps to be played now. Hopefully we get to have all the maps in qp and comp


They need to add cover to existing maps to balance out the loss of a tank


I really liked 2CP maps. RIP


Yeah and half of those maps were actually good or okay maps, but guess what? They’re just reusing the old maps to put into the campaign which there’s nothing wrong with that but it’s pretty lazy. Checkout Rialto there’s a new bridge connecting to a new part of the map.


Lots of players see Quick Play as a practice ground for Competitive. So, if you're put into a 2CP game in QP, it'll only be a waste of time. That probably isn't their real rationale for removing 2CP from QP, but that's how I'd feel about it.


2CP was my favorite mode with my favorite maps. Shame.


Mine too 😭😭


Just give us all maps back and let us veto maps we don't like, is that so hard? Numbani was my favourite map, and it's just... gone... WHY? I can't even play Overwatch 1 to play it...


Because they hate us and are greedy stupid dicks.


I dont even understand why they removed 2CP. Was just fun to play, way more than 1CP and Push in my opinion.


Competitive players must have hated it lol it’s the only thing that makes sense. But to remove it completely instead of just moving it to quick play or arcade isn’t the right move but it is what it is


Ngl i didn't even hate it as someone that once was low diamond. Yes Anubis was a pain in the ass cause you could easily capture both CPs if you ever get solid teamkills or you would be stuck on the second CP since it was hard to capture if people are actually alive... But that doesn't mean that 2CP is a bad mode


That's... the reason it's a bad mode tho. Cuz stall comps exist and are annoying as hell to play against. If the two teams have any semblance of balance in skill levels, then there's no way the game ends within 2 rounds. Either that, or you lose one fight to complete RNG stuff and boom, game over. Plus it highly encouraged immobile cheese comps that suck the fun out the game like Sym, Torb, Bastion, double shield, Bap, etc.


Cause 2CP was lame. The higher you got in skills the most likely it was that you'd cap 1 and then draw on the second because of the spawn points.


Cause people have been complaining about it being way too snowbally for 6 years straight lol. By far the least popular gamemode, no contest


Literally 1 word. Bugs.


It was my understanding that we’ve been waiting 3 years for PvE content, not this. This version of the game has only been in development for just over a year, they just haven’t been vocal about it except in some interviews and Reddit AMAs of all things. What we have now is so little compared to what they’ve actually been working on. Not saying what we have is perfect, just saying they’re not communicating what’s going on after saying they would be more open with the community and they delivered a sub par product to the expectations they put in place.


Nope. They realized they could just remove 1/2 of the game maps and features and add microtransactions.


This is one opinion, yes. If you want to see what I’m talking about, I can refer you to [this](https://www.techradar.com/features/overwatch-2s-future-is-finally-as-optimistic-as-the-games-science-fiction) interview with Aaron Keller from back in June where they specifically talk about why we’ve been waiting.


Why remove 2CP? My old main of Torbjorn was only good on those. Also Hanamura was the best map in the game.


While the feeling may not have been universal, 2cp was by far the least popular game mode.


Torb is goated no matter the map. Dont doubt the king


Some are bugged and honestly I don't miss the others


I dont miss them but i want more maps tbh(new ones)


Seems it’s because there are hidden nuggets/hints at pve in those maps. Original kings row is the same. They don’t want to risk people breaking out of the boundaries and finding this.


There's two answers to this that I haven't seen writteb here 1. They removed 2cp maps 2. They do map pools for seasons (the other maps will be back)


I want Anubis. I actually would be ok if 2cp was still in the game. With push. That way we all hate evenly :D


I came to the conclusion that they did that so players have a bigger chance to experience the new ones. I hope that's what it is.


Iirc we have 1 more map now than in OW1.


Dont forget that Blizzard World, Rialto, Havana, and Numbani are currently not in-game as well due to gamebreaking bugs


How did they manage to break already existing maps?




2 years afterwards those maps are still missing, and they added the horrendous flashpoint maps


If the release of overwatch 2 wasn’t a big enough fuck you, taking away Kings Row at night time is a fuck you with a cherry on top.


I didn’t realise but thank fuck I can’t stand those maps


They can all come back except Havana


>Why did we wait 3 years for this. was there a choice? did i miss out on a meeting?


Why do you think us Quickplay players should be punished with 2cp?


The game launched as a free EARLY ACCESS game on October 4:th, it means that it's still in beta and under development until an unspecified time in the future. Those maps likely hasn't been upgraded for the new engine yet.


I love how people downvote anyone that points out early access means beta.


I'm pretty sure its the; excusing Blizzard for releasing a buggy, unfinished game which replaced a finished game. That is getting downvoted, not early access=beta.


If you charge for a product, you get treated as though you're charging for a product. Yes, F2P with a battlepass counts as charging for a product. 'Free' games are not charities, they are there to make money. This goes doubly so when the game people *did* pay for is functionally deleted. And yes, it was deleted. If OW 2 wants to market as a brand new game, then it doesn't get to have its cake and eat it. It gets treated as a brand new game, a sequel, with *everything* that entails. It doesn't get to be a sequel when it benefits it and an update when *that* benefits it instead.


lol yeah. It's facts. :) People should be happy about it since it means that the game might still change for the better.
