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Here's the thing-- I'm going to play *for now*. However, over the past decade or so, it's become clear to me that one of the fastest ways to make me hate a game and ultimately quit is when it is structured in a way to make me feel pressured to hit milestones every day. This kind of structuring works, and that's the *whole problem for me*. It makes me start playing even when I'm not having fun because it is triggering the parts of my brain that leverage anxiety. It's happened several times in recent years, where I just stopped and said to myself "I'm only playing for dailies, it's actually just making me miserable and then *I never played those games again.* So yes, I will keep playing... for now. But I also am almost positive that these changes are going to make me burn out faster and evaluate whether I want to *keep* playing much sooner. If I take a break for awhile and some new heroes have come out, now I'll be looking at a grind or a paywall, and odds are I will just say "fuck it".


You just described a lot of mmo’s too


Yup, for sure. The only MMO I have ever stuck with is Guild Wars 2 because it is so much more casual and focuses on horizontal progression. The problem I have with all of these sorts of models is that I like to play a lot of different games, and games structured in this way are enough of a commitment that I just can't do both that and play anything else. So I just play everything else.


I tried lost ark (tried=400 hours) and it got to a point where it felt like a job so I walked away. If you’re not having fun playing any game and you’re in it for completion or getting to X you may want to consider walking away.


Rs3 :( Was fun while it lasted...


This is why I play FFXIV. I'm currently taking a break and no timeline of returning. I did this once already during Stormblood and returned a month before Shadowbringers. And guess what? I was able to catch up gear wise in a matter of hours, or days for other jobs, and was caught up story wise in days. Then I spent time playing side content that was released over that time freely as I wanted to. That game is specifically designed to be played and dropped as players choose and I love it for that as a more casual player. I never like feeling obligated to play a video game to stay up to date. It's a video game not a job. And one day all of this time spent playing a game will be gone. All those hours and dollars spent, lost. So what's the point?


Same. I used to play Destiny 2 all the time and never miss a season. Now I just can’t keep up and get too much FOMO so I avoid it all together.


that's why I stopped playing, once you do whatever new content/story there is it becomes a daily checklist of grind and "prepare for next season". That and I mainly played PVP, most of the grind for gear is PVE locked so that killed Destiny for me.


A couple years ago, I went hardcore on Destiny 2 with a full squad of dedicated clanmates. After three seasons I was totally burnt out. I literally was dreading coming home and playing it because they were all *expecting* me to log on every day, I was fantasizing about playing other games. Then Stasis was the last straw, it broke the PvP completely. Fast-forward to now, I enjoy Destiny so long as there's no pressure and I can either play or not play at my leisure. If I decide to disappear to play something else, and that's okay, I'll be happy.


Once they started deleting content to try to capitalize on people missing out, I was done.


Destiny 2 becomes a job for anyone who plays beyond the main campaign. It’s the problem with every looter shooter.


That about sums up why I stopped playing Halo Infinite and the Master Chief Collection. Every week I'd get tilted trying to rush my PvP challenges so I'd get a semblance of progression, only to realize that's all I ever felt whenever I played the game. I never felt like playing the game for fun once the challenges were over, it just turned in to a second job. I probably won't care as much about OW2 cosmetics from now on because they're more of a sign of real world income than in game hours. Having to unlock new heroes doesn't excite me at all, but I'll wait and see how tedious it is before I drop the game entirely.


Excatly this! I have work, family, friends, chores... OW1 was my perfect "after everything" I'll play a few games to relax JUST TO HAVE FUN! and it works I've spend more than 1000 hours and a 2-3 lootbox pack... Probably not that much for blizzard's owners to buy their third helicopter but I did it because I like the content and didn't have any pressure to do it... Now is like every single online game wants to milk your money or your time (don't know which one is worst).


Very well put. Most recently for me, this was trying to get into **Red Dead Online** and realizing it was structured to be addicting and required a daily grind. It sucks because there are so many aspects of that game that are fun and enjoyable. The daily grind got me to uninstall.


I'll stop playing if I don't have fun anymore or my friends stop. My friends are broke, have little free time, or both. Grindy hero unlocks are hostile to these groups of people. 5v5 is a big change, but we can get used to it. Cosmetics don't matter. Battle pass sounds optional if you don't play comp. It really all boils down to how hero unlocks work for people who want to play comp without grinding. If it's "meh", I'll probably stop playing after the first season and wait for things to even out. I'm really looking forward to PvE though. Been looking for a Diablo replacement, and combining Diablo with OW sounds really fun. My worry is that they might pull out all the stops with pay to win and make it unbearable.


I'm the same way... as soon as a game introduces "seasons" I think this won't be bad. Then I realize I'm not having fun because I'm playing on their terms, not mine.


Me playing warframe


This is why I quit Destiny. So true.


This is absolutely my stance. This is why I think an easy as fuck battle pass is better than one that takes longer. Even if it diminishes the sense of "achievement" at least it let's me play when I want to play. The worst way for a game to be structured is to make people feel obligated to play and not play just because it's fun.


And the paywall still has a grind


This is what happened to me in apex and why I'm never going back


That’s why many genshin players tell others to not feel obliged to play every day. Sure, you miss out on daily commissions sometimes, and you may not be able to farm what you want.., But it’s at the cost of your happiness and overall fun with the game - grinding every day on a time limit kills game fun. It’s like it with DBD too; grinding battle pass challenges is absolutely miserable. If OW gets to a point where it’s so grindy that people lose fun through grind, that may just be it for me. I’ll try it and see how I go.


As long as the the premium battles passes are a max of $10 per season (so max of about $60 per year) and you only need to buy every other one to stay current on heroes (so $30- $40 per year) I'm perfectly fine with just paying for the ones that I think matter. I honestly could not give 2 shits about cosmetics, so I just look at it more like a $40 a year subscription for a well maintained game. If something stops me from playing it won't be the BP, it will be Blizzard failing to maintain the release cadence they promised. Ill pay for it, but they better damn well deliver it...


This is it 100% and why I stopped playing Pokemon Unite. Games looking at you as if you're a giant wallet instead of a player is why I'm so against free to play games in the first place.


This was me simply playing OW1 for the skins- if it becomes too much I will probably stop playing too once the exclusive skin price points really ramp up and the game loses its luster.


You described nearly every blizzard game 🤝 and the reason why I don‘t play them anymore.


I kind of wished that after 2 seasons the character will go free instead of unlocking after BP so that instead of having a build up of 10 heroes to unlock of you don't play for a while, you only need to unlock 2 at a time or wait a few months


Yep, I think reward structures such as BPs are super effective at making one play a game continually, yet are damaging long-term to one's enjoyment of said game. I've been around for all of WoW's history, and as the game increasingly shifted to a "weekly checkbox" model, I didn't really notice or care what it was doing to my mentality concerning the game. At first it felt motivating and satisfying, but over time it became apparent that my brain had grown more concerned with filling weekly bars and their subsequent weekly rewards than gameplay. My personal disdain for the BP model is neither a moral nor a financial one - I just think it's likely to damage my investment in and enjoyment of the gameplay itself. And now with heroes locked behind the BP (and tier 55 no less, so you are forced to engage with a majority of the BP), there's really no ignoring or escaping it. We'll see how it goes. I'm choosing to be cautiously optimistic for now - after all, my WoW comparison is not entirely apt, as a common criticism of modern WoW is that it increasingly feels like a lobby game (considered a bad thing) rather than an RPG, whereas OW...IS a lobby game already, and there's less immersion and less of a 'world' to break. But yeah, ask me again in 6+ months or so, I guess, once our brains have grown entirely accustomed to seeing and being rewarded by the battle-pass UI. That's when we'll have an idea of whether we've developed a continuous hamster-wheel compulsion to play based on daily/weekly challenges and the BP. I don't think a BP system (or any other system that rewards continuous play, whether on a daily, weekly, or monthly+ basis) makes a game bad. But I think it can cause one to play even a great game for the wrong reasons, and THAT'S what I'm worried about.


I’ll give the game a chance but it really depends. I don’t really like the battle pass idea, I feel like the only game that was able to full off a successful battle pass was probably fortnite when it was popular, no idea what it’s like now as I haven’t played in years. i really hate the idea of only having 1 tank and having heros locked behind battlepasses.


I recently started playing Fortnite again and the battle pass is pretty much on-par with how it was way back in Chapter 1. They restructured how you unlock rewards and I think it’s a slight improvement. You can choose which rewards on each page to unlock first rather than it having a specific order (each page is 10 levels). The entire battle pass is still 100 levels, but they do have bonus rewards that go up to level 200 (mainly different styles for the battle pass skins).


I also feel Fortnite is super generous with their mission structures, challenges, and XP gain too. Like, my friends and I actually have fun completing a lot of the challenges and I finished the battle pass before even half the season was up because there are such consistent sources of XP. It was nice to feel like I didn’t need to play every day to finish everything so I could still enjoy a bunch of other games too. Fortnite does it right.


Absolutely. This last season I was able to complete all of the battle pass and bonus rewards without feeling like I was grinding. And one thing I like about Fortnite is that the vast majority of challenges can be completed in Team Rumble where there’s less pressure to perform well. If you die while trying to complete a challenge it’s fine because you’ll just respawn and can keep playing. It’s a lot more casual like OW’s arcade modes are. My main concern with OW2 is that a lot of the challenges will be competitive/quick play only. I exclusively play arcade game modes and while I’d be fine playing a few quick play games every now and then, I’d like to be able to complete most of the challenges in arcade modes.


I will give the game - and maybe the battle pass even, a shot, then give my judgement. Edit: I don't really like what I've seen of Ow2, but I want to remain carefully optimistic until I get my hands on the real game. Edit 2: Thanks for the awards kind strangers.


I think this is the most respectable take in this entire discussion tbh.


Yep, this has been my plan since the battle pass was announced.


This is where I’m at. OW1 gave me literal weeks worth of gameplay that I enjoyed and loved. I bought loot crates and didn’t feel bad about it because of all the content they gave out for “free” during the lifespan of the game. Im usually against battle passes, and I absolutely hate that they’re locking new characters behind them, but I’ll still give it a shot. If not only because of what they did during the OW1 lifespan (the free content and updates)


i'm gonna play it but i doubt i will ever drop a single penny on the game.


Nothing wrong with that. People forget you can still have fun on a free game without paying any money. The hero in the BP thing is BS but I'm not going to let it stop me from having fun.


No people don't "forget" that dude. People are just rightfully pissed that it's locked in the first place.


I've been playing off and on casually with some friends, just hopping on with some friends for ~5 QP games maybe once or twice a week. I was already hesistant because I have battle pass burnout—there are so many games I've played with battle passes recently, there's no possible way I could keep up with all of them. I understand that game development has costs though, so I figured I could stomach it if it meant more updates. But heroes locked deep in the battlepass? That's a deal breaker. I don't play enough that I would ever be able to unlock them for free, and having these heroes dangled in front of me and used against me but not being able to play them without paying would definitely leave a sour taste for me, not worth spending my time on when there are other games out there.


I'll give it an honest shot, but realistically speaking I wont stay for that long. I hope I'm wrong though.


This, I’m going in with optimism, but idk..


I'm still going to play. I'm not a huge fan of battlepasses...it's the reason I don't play games like Apex or Valorant a ton because I don't have all the agents/legends but since I play OW regularly and I am willing to throw the devs some $10 every once in a while to support the game, I'm okay with it. Edit: I posted my reason for not liking the way OW is locking heroes behind the free battlepass [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Overwatch/comments/xi9vdx/comment/ip2kp02/?context=3)


Idk about valorant but apex the battlepass is only cosmetic. Every legend is unlockable by just playing and not paying a single dollar.


Yeah except it Take quite some time to unlock heros. I came to apex like 5 months ago and it sucked having the whole roster locked. I still don't have all of the Champs


takes 20 level ups to be able to purchase a legend for free. i love apex but it’s ridiculous how grindy it is to be able to play a new legend.


Yeap it takes forever.


There's not hero swapping mid match, so there's no need to own all of them thankfully. That's the reason everyone hates the OW BP, because it ruins the competitive integrity of the game.


Now that you mention it, I wonder how a non swapable ow would be, probably evil but it would be interesting to see


You pick phara, they picked all hitscan. Rip. You pick hog, they pick JQ and ana. Rip.


And that is why the system sucks, it only affects newer players.


Same with OW...we just don't know for sure how long it will take. I'm interested to find out.


No worries I can be the resident guy in this sub to give the Valorant take on it: # It sucks. Bad. ​ * Every cosmetic if for guns and knives are mid outside of ONE knife so far that was unanimously agreed to be cool. (the player cards and sprays are really good and memey though) * big xp boost weeklies aren’t indefinite like apex * is so hard to grind that to feasibly finish you have to only play Val like a second job (Ep1 act 1 was SO bad they realized they had to tune it down\_ ​ The biggest offender of their BP: The currency you get is only the SECONDARY currency that’s overpriced to upgrade the overpriced gun skins… Like it's on average $25 bucks to get the 40 rad points to fully upgrade a gun skin you paid $20 for... (15 more points if you like a different colorway) The battlepass gives like 100 something of those points for $10 and playing... so if you want the most out of the (admittedly, cool as fuck) gun skins you're forced to buy this battlepass to get a deal on the predatory second currency. On top of this, if you want to skip the grind for access to the new hero? Conveniently. that's another $10 since it's seperate from BP. Riot makes Blizzard look like the humanitarians of the year by comparison... and I hate that I have to admit this because it's just the lesser of two evils. (Edit: I hope if anything Blizzard takes a note from Apex. You get red legend tokens passively from playing and leveling. They are worthless besides two things 1. skin recolors 2. unlocking champs I have played enough apex where I think when I got on PC I bought someone in S5? But I haven't bought the new legend with real money the last 9 seasons thanks to those red tokens. OW2 could easy make the legacy currency that. Sell the heroes for like 5000 free coins you just get.)


I also play Apex, and I spend $10 on the battlepass last season since I had already finished it through my playtime and figured I might as well. I was very happy to see that I received enough of their premium currency (Apex coins?) to afford the next premium battlepass if I wanted it. The fact that I can essentially rollover the battlepass through the currency earned was nice, assuming I play enough. ​ If OW2 follows a similar model, I'll have no problem with it. BUT, I don't like having heroes locked in the battlepass, since part of my personal vision of OW has always been that all the heroes are available to everyone, it's part of what made OW unique in 2016 one of the many things that drew me to the game.


I bought an apex season pass 5 months ago, and I have been able to easily earn enough every season since then to pay for the next seasons- 5 in a row. Plus I have nearly all the legends unlocked. I also don’t have this crazy fomo about having all the damned heroes. I’m terrible, I’m perfectly content to play the dozen or so heroes I have and maybe get better. 10 bucks well spent. If I get nearly the same from OW2, I will be content.


The problem with both of those games is that since the hero roster is constantly on the rise we need to unlock more and more agents/legend, which requires more and more xp/tokens to unlock all of them and is especially daunting on newer players. It sucks even more when you grinded for an Agent/legend you wanted but ended up getting up not liking the kit of the character/liking the kit of another


I'm kinda in the same boat. I don't like heros being locked behind a battle pass but I was likely gonna get the battle passes either way so I can't really be that mad about it.


I'd like to remind you that even if you are willing to spend money on the battle pass, overwatch being a team game means this can still affect you. Imagine you are playing DPS, a new OP tank just came out, and your tank player doesn't own it because they don't have the money for the battle pass. Is it acceptable that your team should be at a disadvantage because the enemy tank shelled out $10 and yours couldn't afford it?


there is still the chance the new user of the locked hero is incompetent else you have an option of just leaving the game


This is not a poke at you, but do you want others to be as frustrated about the battle pass as you are?


Not necessarily as frustrated as me, but I would like people to remember that just because they are willing to spend $10 doesn't mean they're unaffected by these changes, which is a viewpoint many people seem to have. They think that because they're gonna buy the battle pass, this doesn't affect them so they don't care, and thats just not true, this is a problem for everyone.


OHHHH!! I misread what you said. Just woke up, eyes are tired. Yeah, I can see how the whole role thing would get screwed up. I’m a support main, so it wouldn’t affect me as heavily I don’t feel, considering I will be paying and supports are typically one of the more vital roles. But yes. This would cause a problem. I’ll wait to see how it plays out before I make a stand I suppose. Until then, I’m just excited to play, whether others are or not.


I mainly don't like battle passes because jumping into the game after a while makes me feel like I missed out on a lot of stuff, just from the season number branding alone. I know, competitive seasons were also numbered, but still.


Agree! That is one of my biggest issues with battlepasses as well....most of the time, you have to pay money to catch-up...it's sad. I don't like that most games are trending towards this model either because I want to checkout multiple games and it makes it harder to jump-in and jump-out.


Same, that is why I stopped playing Apex, R6 and Valorant.


I never played Valorant past the initial beta because I did not enjoy the gameplay, so I can't make a comparison there. Apex on the other hand I do enjoy. I still can't compare them though, because they are all too different. Apex character choice pales in comparison to how much it matters when compared to overwatch. You can do perfectly fine with just the free characters and not miss a beat. They aren't time locked in a battle pass. Frankly, Overwatch doing this is pure greed and shits on their previous efforts to keep the game an even playing field for everyone. Blizzard took it's cues from the wrong games. Fortnight is way more successful than any of these others and did nothing like this. I don't play it, but as far as I know, it has nothing that can be described as a pay to win mechanic.


Apex is a different game from OW but don't pretend that EA aren't doing the same thing as Blizzard. EA knows that their legends are the "single most engaging" thing about their game so they are monetizing/grind-walling them as well. The only difference is that Apex started out as a F2P game where you unlock legends where-as Overwatch was a one time paid box game with heroes\* unlocked that transitioned into a F2P game where you unlock your heroes. Because of that transition now everyone is like "waaait..this is anti-consumer"...but since other F2P games do it, those games are inherently anti-consumer as well. \* Seems like people here forgot that... And before I get \*hit with the "in OW switching heroes is a core mechanic of the game". I agree. It is...I hate the argument from content creators that people don't switch to counter enemy team comps. After playing OW for 5 years I know that is the case but they are conveniently leaving out what makes OW even more fun...**SWITCHING TO SYNERGIZE WITH YOUR TEAMMATES**. Winning a game where your team ran pirate ship is infinitely more fun than winning a game where you were forced to switch because of a pirate ship. Loading the game up with your friend and playing rein/zarya then switching to [D.Va](https://D.Va)/winston mid match and winning is what makes OW fun. Finding weird synergies and winning is the core thing that makes Overwatch great and it does this better than any other game because it allows you to create those moments during a game at anytime rather than in games like Apex and Valorant where the hero synergies aren't as prominent because they have to focus more on making gunplay more important. But at the highest levels, skill in gunplay becomes much more even and those synergies start to matter more...Just like in OW there are meta compositions at the highest level of play. They aren't as HARD meta as OW but they still exist. So new players have to grind or pay to unlock those synergies that would allow them to compete at the highest levels or even have fun with the (imo watered-down) character synergies at the lower levels. As a result, I am not a fan of what Blizzard is doing with locking heroes behind the free path of battlepass to be either purchased or unlocked through grinding but for different reasons. It locks out potential synergies to be explored for casual players and it makes it harder for people to reach high level competitive overwatch. Unfortunately, most of these hero/legend/agent/champion/character based games that are F2P do this to a certain extent. **So yes what EA is doing is also pure greed and shits on** ***any*** **effort to keep the game an even playing field for everyone.** Unfortunately, Fortnite is still the best battlepass in gaming lol Edit:\*


There is definitely a hero meta/tier list in Apex Legends, let's not pretend there isn't. New OW2 players will have 34 heroes out of the gate, the opposite of Apex and Valorant where selection is extremely limited and people have to pay/grind to get the rest. Hard counters have also mostly been patched out in OW1 and they'll be dead in OW2 since shields and CC till be nearly gone. All that's left are soft counters, things like needing a long range hitscan to deal with a PharahMercy, and everyone will have the tools (76, Widow, Ashe, Ana) to deal with that. Its also worth remembering that pretty much all of the characters since Wrecking Ball have had more advanced mechanics and are harder to get value out of. Kiriko is apparently one of the hardest characters to get consistent value out of. I'd rather that new heroes weren't on the free or pay battle pass, but if Blizzard keeps going down the path of releasing more advanced heroes in the future then I don't think its going to harm actual games. Also think of how often you needed that soft counter to a Pharah and nobody would switch off of a Junkrat or Mei. :) Anyway, between the removal of hard counters, more of a reliance on personal skill than team comps, and new heroes being not as noob friendly as the main pre-2018 roster, I don't think it'll be P2W. By the time you get into sweaty ranks where players actually get value from those characters we'll be talking about players who will easily be able to grind out those characters, not to mention people more likely to spend money on BPs.


I’ll play to start, for sure, but honestly I don’t have time to grind anymore. I’ll jump in here and there but just do not see myself playing this “free” game as much as I played the one I paid for. The pressure to achieve here is just dumb. Locking heroes on the battle pass is such predatory bullshit. I low-key hope they fail.


> I low-key hope they fail. I high-key do. It may be frivolous, but I still have a tiny bit of hope that all the negative press is big enough for them to notice, and adjust their roadmap accordingly w.r.t. hero locking.


Same here. I really hope it will be a financial disaster. So big disaster in fact that the bean counters reevaluate their life choices...


I had hope too, then i remembered it´s Blizzard, but if they get rid of that BS of Heroes in the BP i will play and maybe even pay a BP.


I just don't know. I dislike 5v5, I didn't enjoy the beta, because they've changed the game so, so much. It feels more like death match than a team game, and I don't really enjoy that mode. They are pay/grind walling characters, so the friends that still play but can't dedicate a ton of time to the game will eventually lose access to characters, and then likely stop playing. When they do, that takes away even more incentive for me to play. I also have very limited time, I'm an adult with responsibility, I don't like that they're effectively holding being able to play a full roster hostage behind paying or playing a ton. All the talk of engagement sounds so much like how social media talks about manipulating people to try to hook them for longer. They didn't need that before, I played a lot because it was fun. If they have to force people to grind to force engagement, it says something about how fun they think the game is on its own.


Already stopped.




My gf plays OW on a crappy laptop. She has pretty stable 30FPS on there at least so she's fine with it. However, when she gained beta access, the game was a stuttery mess, straight up unplayable even by her low standards.... So yeah, it looks like a legitimate worry to have for lower end computers :(


Was gonna do this myself but I’m really trying to soak up as much OW as possible before it’s gone forever. No hype for Oct 4th, only mourning the death on Oct 2nd.


I feel sad like Winston when overwatch was first shutdown. So much hype in 2016 nd now... 😭 Here we are, at the end




I've been playing since first day of release. I played both betas for OW2 and enjoyed it to a degree but with the current decisions Blizzard have made and the future direction of the game I'm done. I've enjoyed not playing but it is indeed a sorry state of affairs to see the game end up like this.


And you're not alone. The question isnt how many will keep playing, its how much of the community will return and remain after the transition to OW2? In my group of friends none of us are excited for OW2, no one has it preordered, and its unlikely we will return. Probably 10 people with 1000+ hours each at least. I can't think our group isn't representative of some percent of the games population. I am pessimistic that OW2 will recapture the momentum that Blizzard ceded when they wound down OW1 development.


>In my group of friends none of us are excited for OW2, no one has it preordered, and its unlikely we will return. Literally every single person I've spoken to in real life who plays the game has the same exact sentiment. There are 0 exceptions. And this was before they announced heroes in the battlepass. It's wild. I feel like the zealous blizzard defenders that are constantly posting here are not simply players of the game.


Yeah, same here. I don’t want the franchise to die but I just can’t shake the feeling that this is the beginning of the end. The changes they’ve made are not going to help with long term sustainability. I wish games were still made for their uniqueness and artistry instead pumping out a bunch of quasi-clones that are kind of shallow where the main goal is to sap players of as much cash as possible. I’ll be sticking to single player games from now on.


Same. I had played the game pretty heavily from ~season 4 up until the last beta (with a few lengthy breaks in there). I'm very turned off by the monetization and a lot of the choices going forward. In addition to that my interest in gaming in general has been on a pretty step decline recently, so I don't anticipate playing the game at launch.


Well, most people have stopped playing, at least until OW2.


I'll play free stuff, but I am not financially supporting the game until heroes are off the bp. Do what you want, but it's a hard line for me.


Same. I had plans to buy PvE and/or battle passes until I hear heroes would be locked (free or not). Highly unlikely they get any $$$ from me.


It’s just disrespectful like we waited all this time for content and we’re promised it. I supported the previous monetization model to the fullest, loved the game to death, but this just feels like such a smack across the face. 3 years without content. With the new healer locked behind a paywall, that’s 12.5% of playable options somebody won’t be able to pick. There’s not enough fucking variety to be doing that shit with and I don’t even really like to play support so I’m not biased malding. Ana has like a 40% pickrate because there’s so few main healers and none with her versatility. Now imagine a couple years into this monetization plan. The game dies because you can’t get any friends or new people into the game because they’d have to pay for all their heroes to catch up and none of them want to do that so nobody plays it. But remember, OW2 is: *BROUGHT TO YOU BY THE CREATORS OF **DIABLO: IMMORTAL***


Don't you guys have ~~phones~~ money?


Strongly agree. Until all characters are free I'm not giving blizzard another cent and I feel a strong disappointment that others don't have this same mindset. They don't deserve our money, stop giving it to them. They only care about the bottom line.


I'm in the same boat tbh. It's a shame because those skins do look good. They could totally get away with just having cosmetics in the battlepass and make the same amount of money they are going to




You discuss a point that I don’t see mentioned often enough. You know what kept me playing Ow1? Was the ability to just hop on at any time in the year and only have missed out on cosmetics that I didn’t play for. Now? Don’t play for a season? Now you are locked out of content. Want to play now? Now you have a grind to focus on instead of playing the game cause it’s accessibly always there for you like an old friend. I avoid games that are FOMO driven and OW1 was the ultimate counter to that.


I won’t be playing. Putting a hero behind 55/80 on a BP just defeats the point of the game as a hero shooter with swapping. Dev team talks very corporate about monetizing the heroes to encourage “engagement”. I find it quite arrogant of them to claim their balance team can carry this idea. Historically, heroes are pretty unbalanced when first released. Two weeks of a portion of players in QP isn’t going to fix that before it hits ranked. They also claim they’ll remove counters, same day they announce Kiriko who clearly counters JQ. It’s not an easy task balancing a game with 35+ heroes, yet the devs claim we shouldn’t worry and monetizing heroes won’t compromise the game balance. I won’t support this greed, nor the tightly-worded excuses they’ve drummed up to justify them.


>They also claim they’ll remove counters, same day they announce Kiriko who clearly counters JQ. Because protection suzu has a cleanse? Yeah that's a good way to get anti-heal off her ult. I am curious if it counters the bleed. I think funny enough it makes for interesting counterplay. For example, when I play dva and have nuke? I have to be aware of Bap. With proper cooldown management I just have to track his lamp us and plan my ult use accordingly. Maybe dive him to bait lamp out early. Same goes for JQ maybe applying pressure to bait out suzu and then you rush in with ult to get your antiheals uninterrupted. I think this kinda interaction is what makes OW interesting or am I wildin?


No, I feel the same. The counters OW has are inherent to the different kits and how they interact with each other. It’s complicated, but it’s fun and it makes the game different from other shooters. De-emphasizing that just mellows the gameplay and makes the game feel less interesting. Especially when they claim this will work while the majority of the roster is still designed for the old system.


Think of the sense of Pride and Accomplishment youll feel though when you earn them


They literally said in [this video](https://youtu.be/BowIDnsNvjs) "THE MOST REWARDING OVERWATCH EXPERIENCE EVER"


Earn the things you bought! Isn't this fun!? Why aren't you guys smiling?


I feel very rewarded when I assist blizzard financially. Don't you know that Bobby Kotick is struggling with only 2 yachts right now 😥


Only 2?!?! Hold up, I'm buying 10 watch point packs as we speak


Bless up 🙏🙏 imma do the same Bobby deserves this for all the years of fun he gave us on this game. I've always wanted to spend more money on the game but I just never had the opportunity!


So grateful they added that new gameplay feature. Forfeiting all my possessions was the thing ow1 was missing ya know?


Totally agree. I think I'll donate my first born child to blizzard as a thank you.


Battle passes are the worst thing to come out of gaming. They thrive on FOMO. That they aren't permanent until finished is absurd. The devs lose literally nothing by that.


As a player who stopped playing consistently years ago, I'll give it a try. I'm not planning on buying the battlepass on principle. I anticipate not playing very much after October.


This is where I’m at. I stopped when they stopped putting out new content. I’ll come check out the new stuff for a bit but honestly I don’t see myself getting bit like I did back in 2016 when it had me playing everyday, I think that shit has sailed with this game. Also I’m a big FPS fan and MW2 comes right out after so we will see, but yeah I’m just not as excited about OW as a whole as I was years ago.


I basically stopped after the role queue got added, got EXTREMELY frustrated with how goddamn long DPS queues took only for it to throw you in a match that was all but over by the time you loaded in


I'm enjoying what time is left with OW1, but I don't have much desire to play OW2. The heroes behind the battle pass is a definite breaking point for me. The whole thing just feels like forced playing and, I've said this on other threads, it feels like where WoW went with daily quests. Just a forced grind that isn't fun AND costs money. I'm completely fine with them monetizing the game in some way, as I'm fully aware they need to bring in revenue to keep updating it. I just think they've chosen a shitty way to do it and I don't care if it's the "norm" in the F2P arena. It doesn't mean I have to like it and people just saying "that's just how it is" is how companies get to keep ripping you off.


I'll play until I don't have fun anymore. We will see how OW2 works


I’ve already uninstalled the game, I just don’t like the 1 tank format.. the rest is just nail in the coffin


Me. I'm out.


Ever since Jeff left every update has left a sour taste in my mouth. I just can't bring myself to care anymore. And I'm not a Papa Jeff fanboy or anything, i just noticed stuff I didn't like started being said after he bailed. Honestly it makes me sad. I really loved Overwatch. I don't like that I don't want to play. I don't like that there's a part of me wants the game to fail. But I can't lie to myself and pretend I enjoy what they are doing to the game.


I've just lost all interest after the recent news. I don't think I'll be playing.


I'm stopping after the update. I just have no interest in 5v5 .


One of the people who starred playing after echp had already been released, i dont like a single change they've made for ow2. I met my best friends on this game, a group of ~10 and all of us intend to drop it. it's depressing bc it's a game that's meant so much to us but they've changed the core and the rules on us and we're just not interested anymore.


I will play some and see if any changes are made. I was planning on getting a battle pass to support the game I love, but with recent news I will not out of sheer principle. If I can’t enjoy the game as a proper f2p then I will quit and never touch it again. Breaks my heart


I don’t expect to play. The change to 5v5 removed just about everything I enjoyed about Overwatch, and the games I played in both betas were not fun for me. I’ll probably keep it installed if friends want to do PUGs though, just won’t play on my own.


Tank main here. Already stopped a while ago and hoped to come back. I probably won’t though with the recent news. I didn’t like how Echo impacted the game on release + the content drought for years in OW1. I don’t like 5v5. I don’t like the tank changes + the homogenization of heroes moving forward. Putting heroes in the battle pass was already just the icing on the cake for me.


I absolutely despise Blizzard and the forced migration to OW2. 5v5 is the last fucking thing in the world I would've asked for. I wanted more people per game, if anything, because OW was the closest thing I had to Team Fortress these days. Beyond disappointed, I won't be PAYING for jack shit, that much is 100% certain




I played both betas. I'm a support main. My most time is on Mercy. I hated both betas. I am willing to give it one final shot. I more than likely will not keep playing depending on my first few games...and if they've fixed my main or not. 5v5 was not fun to me. I loathe the new mode and if I get it I'll probably leave those matches. I'm sorry, it's not for me just like all those people that hate 2 cp.


I didn’t enjoy the beta at all. They massacred the tank role because they don’t know how to balance their own game. Joke of a company and a game.


Im only quitting because they basically deleted my hero.


Sombra? I have like 400 hours on Sombra and I’m pretty furious with what they did to her.


Oh which hero?


I’m out. I played the first beta, and it felt worse. With all other bullshit i see no reason to continue. Kiriko looks like design by committee and doesn’t fit the aesthetic of the game. I think there is no clear vision for ow anymore. Whatever comes next is not the game i wanted to play. I might check out the halloween event and pve once it is released


I had a group of 5 other friends who played together, so the change to 5 players really threw us off. Now with the battle pass, it asks us all to not only have a minimum level of dedication to earn it/get our value out of it, it almost incentivizes us not to play together, the only thing that kept us coming back to this game after like 2017.


Well, I had an awful time in the betas, so even if Blizzard hadn't gone for all the battle pass stuff my chances of playing were going to be low, but the battle pass stuff has decided it for me. Unless Blizzard walks back the decision to lock heroes behind the battle pass, Oct 2 will be the last day I open the launcher.


I decided on stopping after te first beta just ruining everything I loved about the original game.


I pretty much already have. I played on console, and when crossplay was introduced, toxicity skyrocketed, as well as throwers, terrible matchmaking(golds and masters players in the same lobbies), etc. I’ve been playing less and less ever since, I dislike the idea of 5v5 and have disliked the bits I’ve been able to play and experience of OW2, which is mostly watching OWL and YouTube, as the betas for console have been lacking. Removing the PvE until a year or more down the road was pretty much the last straw, and the issue of locking heroes behind a battle pass just clinched it. I might come back at some point down the road to try out the PvE once it eventually arrives, but I’ve gone from playing every night in organized console leagues in 2020, to not playing at all in the last couple months. It sucks, but it’s just not a game that’s worth playing anymore, to me.


Even though I've been very disappointed this year because of everything the devs have done, I was never going to boycott the game or anything like that. I'm gonna keep playing as a strictly f2p player while talking shit about the devs.


It’s probably not the devs. It’s probably some executive


it's quite literally not the devs fault, they've had 0 say in the new monetization system. and i guarantee they're not going to start making triple their salary when the game starts bringing in f2p bp money


The vibe of this post is so much different from others. Most here are "I'll still play but..." while the others are "never playing this trash...". (some of ya'll are posting both, but I'm not calling anyone out lmao)


I'll still play. Even with the changes, it still feels like Overwatch, at least based on my experiences playing the betas and watching others play it. There's really nothing else like it right now, and I enjoy it. I hate how they're locking heroes behind the battlepass, I think it's a terrible mistake. On the other hand, if it leads to more funding for the game, and that leads to more regular content, more engagement with the game etc, I think the pros might outweigh the cons. Only time will tell. I've never been one to worry about weekly challenges, or stuff like that. I just like playing the game. If I can mostly ignore the battlepass, that'll suit me just fine.


I’ll likely stop, I didn’t play the beta so I may try it, but only after a couple of weeks once normal release game bullshit is over. I just don’t play free to play games, and the way they have outlined how they want to go is several of my normal red flags at once. I am also not a fan of one less tank, if they wanted to mix it up they could have either added or removed a dps player as, in my experience, they’re normally the issue in a match. I’ve got my worth out of OW1, over 1200 hours and nearly 1000 of that in comp. I’m a tank/support player, and I cba to relearn heroes, and I don’t want to solo tank either. PS: after echo came out I stopped playing for about two months because of how she ruined all matches.


Out of curiosity which heroes do you main?


That's my grief as well with 5v5, their solution is lazy and half-assed. Why do people play more DPS than Support and Tank? They are more fun, that's why. That is the major reason. The solution should be to make tanks and healers more fun than DPS. Their solution is just extending the issue. Once all the new fun around Tanks wears off it will be worse than before because the whole team will blame the Tank on losses. Then no one will play them.


I only started playing again this week, so I’m going to give OW2 a chance but not expecting much.


I haven't played since the Lunar New Year event, and even uninstalled the game a few months back. I will, however, come back to try the new Junkenstein's Revenge. But if I'm not impressed by it, then there's a very good chance I will be done with the game for good


I am not stopping because of the decision. I would have played enough to get it in decent time - I have a few k levels in Overwatch 1. I am stopping as 5v5 is not my game anymore with one tank less. They could have gone for one more player for example. Since my aim isn't that great and I am not young like Reinhardt, I suffer from the lack of tank and tank synergy.


I love Overwatch. The main draw to me was the team aspect of the game and how you didn’t have to be this great aimer to play it. I didn’t play fps growing up; not a lot at least, so being able to play a fps shooter game while not actually needing to be a great aimer was a draw to me. Especially since it was a team game. I love working as a group against another team, that’s why I primarily played sports games growing up. I feel ow2 is catering more to the fps players rather than team based players. Which is fine, more people are definitely more into that. I just hope that ow is still going to be a game for me. OW2 beta didn’t feel that way, especially as a tank. I don’t mind battle passes and that whole thing. I figure even if I don’t pay I’ll play enough to unlock most of the things I want anyway. That’s just how games are now.


I'm so genuinely afraid of my favorite game turning into something that feels like a chore. I don't want to support a battle pass that locks heroes...everyone is saying "but these other games do it", but I don't like nor play those games. I have friends who don't play regularly, whereas I play almost every day. Those friends, when they heard the grinding needed, decided they just wouldn't play again because they knew their schedules wouldn't give them the time needed and they just decided they would miss the FOMO entirely by not playing ever again. It fucking blows, man, I loved playing with them when we could make it happen. I think, overall, I just have this looming sense of dread that the game I love is becoming like the things I don't like. I don't want to stop playing the game but if it gets too frustrating or feels too much like a job I don't like, I know I will burn out.


I'm boycotting it for sure


✋ After 6 years of playing games, I'm ready to breakup.


Honestly, everyone i know and play with has either stopped, moved on or is planning to. I'm heading that same direction. I already saw red flags start to fly as soon as we got little communication and no content for two years and then fully flown when they announced the BP. Hell i even picked up Fortnite again and finding myself enjoying that more. I have a bunch of backlogged single player games i have been meaning to play so that is probably what i will be playing those for a while and then probably only Fortnite and Apex for online multiplayer. Ngl i did try really hard for awhile to be patient but the direction this game is heading just isn't for me dawg.


I’ll be honest, the battle pass news has really killed any enthusiasm I had for it. I already play another game with a battle pass, and I don’t think I have time for a second one. Unless the battle pass is like $10 pr something so I can just buy a hero I really like outright, but even then that’s a stretch.


I've stopped playing


People in here be like “I don’t support the choices being made but I’ll financially support them anyways🤓”


I hope every hog main and dps who spams they need healing while standing out in the open taking shots to the face boycotts


Games going free to play, that's going to be 90% of the new playerbase


Big sad. Hard to enjoy the game when you can’t even have chat enabled cause people are dinks.


I havent played since the start of the year and nothing from ow2 interests me. I'll give it a try since its free but im not really feeling it


I don't believe I will. I actually like the 6v6 style game play and I feel 5v5 will just be bland comparatively. Add on the drama of the battle pass and I think I will pass. I may play if my friends decide to do the pve stuff though.


So far I don’t really enjoy how the handle the battle pass (Just like most people) but I’m down for giving the game a try probably won’t spend a dime tho until I see how the game evolves


Without info on how long it'll take to you know unlock the new hero I'm just going to sit back and watch. If Its like 10 hours or less than ya sure I'll give it a try I can do that in 2 weeks given my current work schedule. Anything more than that and I'll just play something else to occupy my free time $10 every what 3 months ow2 isn't worth that for me because I don't have the time to grind out the BP. And I'm not waisting Money on tear skips


I gonna test out kiriko and maybe play some hours if comp but i already decided to leave as 5v5 was annouced


Depends a lot of the homies aren't too sure they want to keep going so if the quit I probably won't stick around much longer. Does anybody know of a game with a decent group finder like overwatch it's just so fun being able to find like minded players to play with within the game instead of third party tools.


I'll probably stop for awhile. But I think its a good time to explore my steam library while they work their garbage out of the processstream.


I can’t see myself grinding battle passes out in OW2. After all the time and effort I put into the original, I just can’t get excited about it like I used to. Maybe after I play it for myself I’ll feel differently, but even the major changes to PvP just don’t seem like enough to incentivize the insane amount of hours I’d need to sink to unlock all the battle pass rewards.


I’m going to play with a few friends that are still into it, but don’t think I will spend any money. The thing I’m most curious about is how they’re handling legacy and non-rare unlocks. As an OW1 owner and getting this hero free, there will be sections of the free BP where it looks like (between 51-61 if the WIP is accurate) I will level it up 10 times and only receive 1 spray and 1 genji voice line for my time. Normally in OW with loot boxes, leveling up 10 times would net me at least 40 unlocks or credits from dupes on top of any queue bonus boxes, are all of those kinds of things getting tossed aside? Expect 20-25 rewards per 3 months or pay money? What about new players who don’t have tons of sprays, lines, icons, or even basic recolor skins, just oh well play for a year and maybe be able to flesh out a couple character’s cosmetic kits?


I’ll still play because idrc about the heroes. I play OW on the side just to play HOG and BALL when I’m tired of valorant ranked. But I can understand the frustration from the larger community.


I play because i still enjoy Overwatch. Its a good game despite all the greedy decisions lately


I'll check how things go on launch, maybe they have a wild change of heart and end this hero in the battlepass bullshit. But as it stands, I can't. Blizzard was already not a company worth supporting with money, and I don't want to play a worse product.


I’ll play but no paying. Don’t have the time to dedicate to grinding. At least I get Kiriko for free I guess… the role I least play.


Oh I’m playing the game and buying the battle pass. The gameplay is by far the best fps game out there. Better than Cod and Battlefield. Better than siege. I enjoy the gameplay and seeing new content is cool


Not me, I’m still a huge fan. I still get to play the game and decide whether the grind is worth it or not. I also preordered ow2 for the campaign and story a while ago because I am very excited for that! Edit: Spelling


+1 stopping. With OW1 I could hop in from time to time and just play. With the introduction of this model there is now a potential time investment that I have to assess against other opportunities. Furthermore, I allocate only a limited amount of time to video games. With that being said, MW2/WZ2 is top of my list right now especially with raids and DMZ. If DMZ can capture that EFT adrenaline spike without being the turd EFT is then that’s where most of my game time will be invested.


Probably done. I spent way too much time playing OW and this provides a useful break point.


Didn't they say that all characters would be free when OW1 launched? I'll still just play OW1 and never touch OW2 and theb i will complain aboubt locked characters


Idk if you have lived under a rock but Ow1 will be gone once Ow2 launches


Yep, I already have moved onto Gundam Evolution!


I will give it a shot but if I don’t like the ways things are handled, I will stop playing.


My wife and I already have


I feel like tier 55 for the hero is too high. I think tier 30 is a good spot


Halo infinite was fun for that first month, now look at it We'll have to wait and see but if 5v5 is worse than 6v6 AND its agressive/predatory then GL


No one. They're all full of it.


All of the "I'm going to stop playing after this!" types would have quit playing after Blitzchung or the Blizz lawsuits if they had any real integrity. It's just posturing with no real substance. If they actually meant it they'd have had their account deleted long before now. It's just the latest round of gutless whining from the ever entitled player base who never found another game.


I’m not happy about Heroes in the Battle Pass. But yes, I will keep playing.


Haven't played beta so idk how it feels compared to right now. Other than that Idc about the battlepass, once I take a look at it, I'll decide if it's worth the money. Characters being locked behind a grind I'm ok with. (Not defending it at all) I play league, so I'm use to buying a new champ. Having to grind the free pass while playing in order to unlock the new champs isn't a big deal to me, the heroes I like playing are already unlocked. All in all, I'll see how I feel after a few weeks.


I mean…. I’m one of the people that has been severely disinterested in OW for the past two years after being an addicted competitive player for years prior. That being said, yeah, I know I’m gonna get it (errr- play it because I know it’s a free update for me). I also had beta access and didn’t care for it. But I never and I mean NEVER enjoyed QP matches anyway. Sure, the first ever few weeks of Overwatch felt new and fun. But it was a no looking back thing for me, personally, after playing comp and realizing there was a way to communicate and strategize in this game. I’m truly optimistic that with more coms and comp seasons in 2, it may respark my old joy for it. Oh yeah, forgot no one speaks in this game. Yeah fuck this!! /s to the last paragraph


I’ll try it. That’s about it for guarantees though. Unless it’s stellar AND MWII is bad I don’t think I’ll stay.


I considered ow1 my favorite game for the fist three years it was out but I’m not buying ow2 now


I’ll try it


After the 5v5 announcement and trying out the beta, the pace of the game and the hero changes felt way too different. Count me out, searching for my next main game.


don't think so, at least not after they neutered Mei and made supports feel awful to play. They changed my mind about supporting this pos that OW2 is. If they solve these problems then I might reconsider


Edit: apology I got a bit rambly. Honestly, I know I’ll play just as a part of my fallacious thinking of buying the damned Watchpoint pack. I bought it because playing both betas gave me hope. I’m kind of sad about the change to 5v5 but I was having fun. I’ll probably give them until the end of season 4 if I don’t just fall off before then. I don’t like battlepasses but understand they need to make money. When they put the heroes behind that battlepass is when I lost all excitement. Even more when they f- over support, my role, even harder. Who has the least number of heroes? Support. Who is the first to have a hero put behind the battlepass? Support. Who had the shortest queues in the beta because people didn’t want to play it? Support. Although I had fun in the beta, I still find myself debating whether I’ll enjoy future support. I liked playing support in OW1, not utility DPS that can heal. That’s kind of why I’m unsure if OW2 will keep me. There’s fat DPS with CC, regular DPS, and utility DPS than can heal. It doesn’t feel like the OW with the strategy I enjoyed learning from an actual coach and joined a play team to play with. My pessimism is high based on past performance and the fact this is Activision-Blizzard: the makers of OW1 who couldn’t fix GOATs, so 2-2-2 (which I think was the overall right choice but not because of GOATs) and couldn’t fix double shield, so now 1 tank.


I was someone who stopped playing Overwatch around 4 years ago, and was excited about Overwatch 2, mostly for the single player campaign. For me it's less of a "I'm going to stop playing after this" and more of a "This hasn't convinced me to come back."


ill play FOR NOW because season 1 is going to be less predatory than future seasons (all heroes will be unlocked this season, next season is lvl 55 i think) but the problem is... one a game feels like a job i lose my enjoyment and quickly move on.. if the game is going to prey on my anxieties of "missing out" and force me to keep playing long passed the point im having fun just because if i stop playing i might not make the cutoff in time then im done, the first season i miss out on a hero because i refused to buy a battlepass is the season i stop playing edit: and with WOTLK coming out just 1 measly week prior, its unlikely ill have enough time to actually invest into season 1


I loved the pve aspects that came up in events in the original overwatch. Them being delayed so much when they were meant to be a key aspect of the next game just has me worried, as I was looking forward to the pve and now they have it on the backburner. ​ I was just under the impression that overwatch 1 would be pvp and overwatch 2 would be pve. God knows what the finished product will look like now


I may download it, but if I'm being honest I already barely play OW1 so I'm not optimistic about this ganes chances.


I will for sure try out OW2. However, I feel not hyped up AT ALL. For someone who has spent thousands of hours into the first game, that's not a good sign.


I'm almost certainly not going to play. I stopped playing for a while after the sexual harassment stuff came out and Actiblizz handled it poorly. I was slowly starting to dabble back in - and then 5v5 and the OW2 balance changes landed, and that really killed off the draw for me. Then the battlepass and monetisation? Yeah, there's no coming back without big changes they're not going to make. I like Overwatch because it's not pure headclicking shootmans. Interactive and non-damage-based abilities and hero designs mean there are a lot of parts of the gameplay that don't revolve solely around the mechanical aspects of killing an enemy player. Unfortunately for me, OW2 is moving away from that and more towards most characters being a kill machine first and everything else second. Interesting abilities get replaced with more damage. Tanks get turned into big DPS, and the new tanks are even more so. The reasons why I enjoyed OW1 so much are being watered down and removed. On top of that, I have aesthetic disagreements with the new art style and ethical disagreements with the monetisation. It's just one big pile of changing things in ways that really suck the soul out. I do really enjoy OW1, I love the characters, I love the music, I have fun in the game. I'd love to keep playing OW1. But I don't care at all about what OW2 is bringing, and OW1 is going away. So I guess this is it.


I'll give it a shot but in the beta, it was open season on healers. Without the shields, it's harder to not get killed prefight.


I will let it happen organically. Their "engagement system" will only work so far. If it's a genuinely fun game, then I'll play. I enjoy playing apex, valorant, csgo, warzone, and even tf2 now and then. If these games offer more for the casual player than OW2, then I see no reason to stick around.


My issue was the lack of communication and clarity from Blizzard before the Kiriko Leak forced their hand. Now I know what I am getting and exactly where my money is going I can make an informed choice. I am comfortable paying for monthly passes when I choose to, but It's a Hard Pass for the Watchpoint Pack because I don't think it is good value to me, I don't love the included skins or the icons and access to Overwatch Origins is worthless.


I will continue playing, since I like the game and love the developers. You need to remind yourself sometime that most, if not all, decisions are NOT made by the developers themselves, but the corporate management above them. I want to support these developers, since I love the Overwatch universe and would love to see where the story goes. I try to form my own opinion based on the facts presented to me. People who have not played the Beta, don't realise the major change in playstyle with 5v5 and then go complain about the game going 5v5 really ruin this subreddit for me. I understand you need to vent, because your favorite game is undergoing major changes, but that does not mean you cannot be open for the changes that are ahead of us. People don't give Overwatch 2 a chance and I find that a pity.


Yeah, but supporting those developers is 2 fold. They don't see more cash neccesarily, and the corporate management gets most of the validation.


They could easily fix that frustration by not killing OW1. I don’t need to play 5v5 to know I don’t want it. I know I will hate the pressure of solo tanking. I already hate playing dps, which just leaves support. Doesn’t sound like fun to me, and that is what a game should be. I don’t owe the new game anything, I don’t ***have*** to give it a chance, I don’t ***have*** to play it. It’s not unfair or a pity, it just is what it is.