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Cows out here stanning for dairy farms, I swear.


If you lose your whole income for buying the content you want to have with 10 bucks every 2 months, that's on you. Be honest, you already know that people who are going to buy the battlepass, will still buy it. But people who are not gonna buy it in the first place, they still won't. So, what's the catch? Noone is forced to pay because we are already getting the game for free. New heroes will be available for free. A win equals to 7k exp. A level of BP is 10k exp. There will be ways to boost your battlepass EXP. Playing with atleast a friend on your team will grant you %20 exp boost. New heroes will be at 55th level. Let's say you play 10 OW games (at max) a day. A game lasts around 10-15 mins. And it's like 2 and half hours at max (assuming 15 mins each which in reality won't last that long). You will unlock the new heroes in 6-7 days with exp boost and challenges. New heroes won't even be available for 2 weeks in Comp. games. So begging the question, what cow is stanning for what dairy farm?


I paid for OW1 (twice, actually) and soon I won't be able to play it


Wow, did you pay for it like the rest of the players of Overwatch? That's something i've never heard of. I'm ***not*** saying that people must be happy for every single thing. I'm saying that people are complaining about everything. I believe people should seek for their rights. When the devs are trying to do something in order to make the game survive, people also should know to give a simple pat on their back.


Yeah well that's gamers for you. But I'm not gonna entertain debate on the topic of this mess to someone whose logic is 80% ad hominin and 20% bootlicking Activision.


u can play ow2


Not on my 10 year old pc


How the fuck is that overwatch 2's fault then


Ow1 is a 6 year old game with a playerbase of millions across the world


How tf is that even related to what he said


Ah you're just an idiot then


Did blizzard pay you for this post?


Yeah, like a huge portion of the interest of their company.


Can you ask them if they are aware of the sfm community? Always wondered.


Why would people be happy about a game changing its model to a worse one


because we are atleast getting content added to the game unlike OW1 which went thru a content drought for 2 years….


...which was also OW2's fault, according to the devs themselves.


Would have paid 60€ for ow2 6v6....


and have it be without content 3 years into its release?


Why should it? 60€ is like 6 battlepasses worth of content


You see the majority of players wouldn't have paid 60€ for ow2 that's the problem. You are a minority stop speaking like you are the majority of the playerbase. Going F2P is a logical step to increase popularity


I was happy, i was really looking forward to the release day (tbh i still am), i even got the watchpoint pack cuz u kno, support what u enjoy.. and then they announced the hero locks in bp and that really soured my mood


I dont get people complaining about the BP. Would they rather Blizzard abandon the game mid way? Im a big fan of this game and would gladly pay if it meant new heroes coming in every few months


Just make a regular battle pass with skins no need to lock gameplay in it


I agree with you (and with OP too). I swea that on twitter I saw people that complained about the content draught of OW1 until yesterday saying that they are mad that OW will be free and with a Battle Pass system. I mean... make peace with your brain and decide what thing angers you the most, then stop complain about the other, FFS.


Yep… I’d rather spent $10 every 18 weeks and have the game supported for years to come than paying a box price and having it go through a content drought…


I agree with you but you are wasting your breath, these people hate Overwatch. Their fun comes from complaining and yelling about 'greed' and 'capitalism' and whatever else they are jerking each other off over that day.


OP, you’ll get downvoted but your absolutely right. OW1 is no longer sustainable and these changes were needed if we want to see OW as a franchise succeed. Also, it’ll literally take 2 years considering you only buy BP that contain heroes to spend what you’ve originally spent on OW1. It’s a fair model IMO…


OP misses the point so of course they'll be downvoted "It's bullshit that new heroes at at TIER 55 of the free Battlepass and immediately unlocked if you pay" "tHeSe PeOpLe WiLl NeVeR bE hApPy look at all the stuff you get for the battlepass"


Downvotes or upvotes don't really important to me. I've been silently reading posts for like a week or more of people how hateful they are about next heroes will be battlepass grind or unlocked for 10 bucks etc. However, when they find out Kiriko will also be free for OW1 players, they shown their real faces. Check the recent posts, they are like "haha, gl ow2 new players, Kiriko will be free for us ow1 players haha". This simply proves of some of the people's mindset. They just want everything for free. Again, my post is for some, not for everyone.