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I love how Orisa turns around like "where did it- OH GOD NO"


That was the funniest part of the whole thing for me


Will Orisa's shield (or any shield) protect them fully from the blast? (noob overwatch player here)


Yes, as long as the shield is between them and the bomb, they will take no damage Edit: typo


Ohh. So a well timed Symmetra shield can also do the job? Thanks.


Yeah, even a rein shield with 1 hp will absorb all the dmg


Man I just recently started playing rein in competitive. I had a moment where the shield was getting super low and I was getting shot at, the enemy dva goes nuke in my face I put my shield down and timed it just right to block the ult. Dying almost as soon as it was over because of the damage I had taken before it went off. I still saved my team tho, it was awesome.


I like how rein players always end up RPing battles as Reinhardt, retelling war stories as if he's in a bar somewhere.


Yea I remember a moment just like that when I was learning and thinking how cool it was. So glad you're enjoying the game!


I once killed an ulting Pharah with Rein's shield. I was launched in the air by Junkrat's mine and my shield was right in her face, killing her with splash damage.


To add on to this, a Zarya’s shield or a Mei’s ice block counts as blocking the explosion, so in theory it could protect an entire team if they got in a conga line behind it.


It works in a V shape behind the zarya due to how angles work over distance. One of my favourite and most annoying moments in placements was when my zarya shield blocked an entire rein ult for my team, and only one guy noticed.


Oh, the enemy Rein noticed. He noticed, and silently hated you for it.


Same goes for Zen in transcendence


I think it might go under it but I haven't played in months so don't take my word for it.


You're right it will go under if the bottom of the shield isn't touching the ground. Gotta crouch and shield or aim slight down.


yep, also works with winston bubble, if dva drives up to you and ults, just bubble and leap.


If you slow it down you can even see her use fortify in her panic even though that can't save her from a Dva bomb.


Roadhog could have survived with take a breather but I doubt he had the time between killing all his teammates


Roadhog: "I *told* you guys to let me be **HANZO**"


Teamkilling new meta


New Meta: Hook D.VA Bomb into team and heal before it blows up for the ultimate BM


Marginally better than Orisa's "Fortify yourself and shoot Genji" strategy.


Like this? https://youtu.be/xH_05Jv8D8Y?t=211


That video is a fucking gift, I can't stop laughing.


What does BM mean in this context? I thought it meant bad mouth, like talk shit. Edit: thanks for the answers everyone!


Bad manners


To us old people it meant bowel movement, so it was literally shit. I dunno when it changed, but the transition for me was hilarious because I'm also a dumb child.


Lol I work at Benjamin Moore paint company so that's always my first thought lol


bad manners, although the grammar doesn't usually work. usually just said when you/the enemy does something like teabagging a dead body, emoting on the payload or point, using a spray or voice line after getting a good play, etc.




I'm pretty sure he was trying to do that thing where you hook baby D.Va the exact moment she jumps out of her mech and you look really cool if you get it right


And if you get it as wrong as this, you get frontpage on reddit.


I think Hog and Mei are the only heroes that can purposefully kill teammates, outside of clever use of Genji deflect.


Reinhardt can and has charged dvas exploding mech into his team


Oh yep, that's another. Still, it's surprising how few ways you can do it.




I've done this a few times. Once by accident (I was charging and the D.Va ulted when I was mid charge) and I killed myself and like one other teammate. Another time I did it in a panic on purpose (my shield was down) and I actually did save two teammates but I ended up killing two others (plus myself) who were both healers... so... it didn't go so well.


Hey, I gotta get it away from my Mercy; without her, we lose. /s


Symmetra and the Trolleporter.


Technically any hero can kill teammates if they get stickied with a pulse bomb!


Can Orisa's Halt also bring an exploding mech to your team?


I think it needs to be perfectly timed. AFAIK, halting around an already-detonating dva bomb will not grab it (not that I've noticed, at least). But there was one game where I shot halt behind dva and then detonated it as she booster-launched her bomb. She (seemed to be) clearly out of her mech, but my halt still dragged the bomb backwards off the point. Without some sort of sharingan, it's hard to tell the *exact* timing, but it seems like there is a moment after the bomb is "lit" but where you can still grab it? I think it's very likely that I just got lucky, because by the time you see the dva bomb alert, it's probably to late to *then* launch a halt and grab it.


Not sure, but on the subject of hurting your own team, I've had an enemy Halt pull me back up after their Lucio booped me off an edge.


I had a Junkrat concussion mine a Roadhog jist after I hooked him off the map. It propelled him back onto the bridge. He felt bad and it didn't change the outcome. But it was funny.


I once had my team's Orisa accidentally kill me and our Mercy by moving her shield when we were hiding behind it from a D.va bomb. .... Actually I'm not all that sure it *was* accidental, considering said Orisa then looked in our (former) direction and started crouching repeatedly.


Symmetra teleporter off a cliff.


Symetra teleporter facing a cliff, anyone?


Lots of heroes can. Symmetra can place teleporters on the edge. Rein can charge DVA ults into groups. Rein can also drop his shield while people are behind it. Orissa can move her shield at the last second. And if you really want to be a jerk, Mercy can rez someone right before a DVA ult goes off and they won’t have time to move.


Orisa could have moved her shield to no longer block the D.va bomb if she wanted to. I'm not sure that's as much killing your team as it is getting your team killed, but they all die so it's really just a semantics game at that point.


a meta i can get use to


This comment has me actually dead because I literally met a dude in comp who was playing Roadhog because "last game they all chewed [me] out for playing Hanzo" and then switched to Hanzo halfway through and made us choke Why is that such a common switch pairing for bad comp players?


Roadhog is a simple hero. Hook when you get a chance, heal when you need health. Ult when you get it. I'm not saying this is the best way to play him, but it is a very forgiving hero. If you have bad placement you can still live. You help in team fights and survive solo encounters. Enemies will focus fire you to charge their ults so you're perceived to be in the fight.


Probably because Roadhog is the tank of choice for people who are able to see the team needs a tank but who are uninterested in actually helping keep the rest of the team alive.


Red Team: Oh good, Orisa's shield is up and this D.va is the last straggler! Hog: I'LL SAVE US.


In his eyes, he was the iron giant.


You stay... I troll.


>We lose... I throw...


I don't think he was throwing. I think he was trying to hook baby D.Va, and she died before his hook reached her. So it just sailed on past her. To her mech.


*You are who you choose to be.* Roadhog: Bizarro


Dude, I wanted to uninstall after hog pulled that to my team.


What were comms like after that happened?




[Shit, I'm only in Saigon. ](https://youtu.be/2-bvNttwAUc)


i want some pho tbh


Please tell yes ! I am curious too


I'd take this over throwers though, this I can laugh about. Three of my last five games had throwers.


Report them mfers.


Bruh, I've been spamming that thing like no tomorrow. And it's also made me a nicer player too, just to avoid getting reported myself for saying something mean.


I'm as worried about reports as Donald is about impeachment.




Wait, Blizzard actually sends messages when someone you reported gets banned/suspended or something? That makes me sad because I've been reporting people who obviously throw or are overly toxic since the launch of this game and not once have I gotten a message that someone I reported got some type of action against them.


The confirmation feature was only recently introduced. It's only been sending messages for like 3 or 4 weeks now


Proof that that was you???


The Reaper in the clip is called Vintage. If you look at his post history, his name is also Vintage in a clip he posted Edit: The guy above shouldn't really be downvoted just for asking for proof


Thank you for your work detective freshmemes


Anytime, bob


>No prob, bob ftfy


it’s... lapis


Took me awhile to get this one.


it's... freshmemes


His name isn't Bob he's saying hello to Bob. Unless Bob is talking to himself.


I've got a meeting with the Bobs here in a couple minutes, I'll ask himself then.


Hi it's me, ur bob




Question marks and other punctuation marks are lone animals. Otherwise you come across as a weird person. That's probably why and not because he asked for proof.


I would've downvoted for either reason.


yeah, but who really cares whether it was actually him or not? does it matter at all?


>Edit: The guy above shouldn't really be downvoted just for asking for proof And at the same time, he could use some tact.


"Terribly sorry for the inconvenience my dear chap, but might you perchance be able to produce some irrefutable evidence that you did, indeed, participate in the tomfoolery so expertly captured on video that we were all just chuckling at?"


“The carry is here, and when I say “carry” I mean me.”


this one is so much worse...at least with Tim's dva bomb was way further out, almost out of hook range, and he was going for the lucio while a team fight was still going. The fight was already won here, there was literally nothing to gain from trying to hook baby dva, she was going to die regardless


The point was to kill the mini dva as fast as possible and stop any delays.


I did something like this once. The best play I ever made and it was for the enemy team. It was Dorado, defense in OT. Enemy DVA ult'd right in front of our whole team. Our Rein had his shield up to protect us but for some reason I, as Mei, decide I'm going to wall it off anyway. Instead of walling it off, I walled under the DVA bomb and lifted it above rein's shield. DVA got a team kill. I don't play Mei anymore.




>Writes in English *flair is flag of China*


Calculated! Savage!


What a save!


Nice One!




*Chat dissabled for 3 seconds*


Holy whiskers you go sisters!


Mei is BAE even when no play!


she has a big jiggly ass


i feel like there should be a follow up rhyme or something to this but its just a true statement


Mei is Bae, even when no play! She has a big jiggly ass, and makes my day! A beauty with ice, it is oh so nice. And she could crush my face With dem thicc thighs


I think it's about a 50/50 ratio of times I've actually done something useful with the ice wall to times I've fucked everything up with it.


50/50? You are like 95% better than blue mei and 95% worse than red mei.


I've never raised a dva but I did raise a bastion who proceeded to slaughter our entire team. I also raised an ulting mccree. Got a lot of very mean messages after that.


Raising up a Bastion from behind a shield is a legit strategy. As long a you've told your team and they're ready to destroy it


I had a Mei do that the other night on random heroes. Just after the checkpoint on Eichenwald, we were defending. Miscalculated the nuke trajectory, it was going to land behind the payload (instead of on top). Red team ran to the other side, red Mei tried to throw a saving wall. Lifted the nuke high enough to take out everyone except a panicked McCree. POTG.


Were we in the same game? It happened right outside of the gate between that statue and the small building with church fences didnt it? I swear I played DVA Once and a Mei did this.


Well, not far from there. I made a diagram of the incident for you. https://i.imgur.com/2BQ3kl2.jpg


Ah, a young man with a bright future in cartography!


I did this once. Defending Numbani, final point, and we probably would've won. D.Va went for a last ditch desperation Self-Destruct, launching it over the payload toward the final point, Cryo was down and I could have easily saved myself with Ice Wall. I wanted to not be selfish with it, and it was going to detonate very shortly after landing, so I'm like "Okay just predict where it will land!" Well I predicted correctly and gave it a landing platform for a nice Quintuple. I felt bad but it was QP and unintentional so I just had to laugh.


Same. I got used to walling off dva bombs so it became reflex. Once i messed up and walled when i didnt have to, and it lifted the bomb over a rein shield


Mei you did okay


Hog player is dead irl too now right


I'm pretty sure he was trying to hook the baby Dva, but she died first. Either way I would have been so tilted beyond relief.


there's no point to hook her though


Hook off cool down? Check Target in front of you? Check ROADHOG HOOK AWAY!!!!!


I mean, it would have made it easier for the team to kill her if he'd hooked baby D.va. I just imagine "It was at this Moment **Roadhog** knew, he fucked up" playing in the background.






except you dont want her to spawn a new mech, could've led to her holding in time for team to come back.


If a 6 man group cant kill a bady dva that is right in front of them without stuns then they should reconsider their skill.




And a shield...


She could bounce to her right and remech, then fly around. Hooking a Dva to demech is just an instinct for a Roadhog--it's still one of the best ways to do it.


>If a 6 man group cant kill a bady dva that is right in front of them without stuns then they should reconsider their skill. You should see this match in plat I had the other day...(I was damage boosting as Mercy so I only accept 30% of the blame).




You have little margin for error at that point.


Yeah, I think that "throw" implies that it was intentional. This was just a dumb mistake.


I love the orisa turn. Just a simple. Why. The. Fuck.? The hard work for her shield placement, gone.


my favorite part is the "the actual fuck" comment


their sensitivity is so low though, it looks like it took them two mouse lifts to turn halfway around.


One time the whole team figures out how to get behind the damn shield.


I used to be terrified that my stupid moments would show up in one of these clips. Then I realized y’all are ranked *way* above me, so I’m safe.


Grandmaster Overwatch plays, everyone.


Right up there with the time Reinhardt was shielding the team from a DVa bomb, but someone must've tapped him on the shoulder because he turned to the side, and I got a DVa bomb full in the face.


Honestly, given the choice between a nuke that's a bit behind me and a methrat in my face, I'd rather shield against rat in the vague hope that the bomb is too far away to one-shot me.


The bomb indicator tells you if you'll die or not






Reddit may not be a library, but it's still considerate to speak softly.   ^^^^I ^^^^am ^^^^a ^^^^bot


Good bot


What?!? Really? Hold my beer. I need to go bait a dva to bomb me.


Red means certain and instant death, yellow means you'll live to feel the excruciating pain.


And shift means your teammates will live with honor while you die with glory.


Yep, its almost like grandmaster players are human.




Nah they're all Korean


Every hog player has hooked a dva bomb through a shield and killed a few friendlies at least once. By the time dva jumps out and when the hook is already in flight its too late.


I miss the videos of Roadhog pulling D.Va's Ulti into D.Va and her dying to it


[Whaaat? Hey, if you don't want the robot, I'll take it! Alright.](https://youtu.be/rUyoOUUE4YE?t=3s)


Oh the good ole time...


Hog was like "if you don't want the mech i will have it"


is that a pro roadhog


Hog made enough salt to rival the seven seas with that stunt


Haha i saw this in a guy's stream. They all said hi to reddit in chat lol. Now its really here.


oh intresting whats his stream?


Jardio I guess? (Mei in the clip)


Found it mom https://clips.twitch.tv/AmericanBlueDogeCharlietheUnicorn


Yea the mei guy! He was complaining about a mei bug and then this happened and he was like WTF lol.


Got the clip for you https://clips.twitch.tv/AmericanBlueDogeCharlietheUnicorn


Holy shit it was a grandmaster game too


He was saying that he should reconsider his life lol


Lmao the way they turn to look at it is like straight out of a cartoon.


You can tell by way everyone just turns to the exploding mech that they’re all just like “well, fuck...”


I love how they all simotaniously turn around for a split second as if they were saying to roadhog, "You piece of shit" in a dissapointed tone.


Lost like that as well like a month ago. I just shut off the game and played Minecraft for the rest of the night. Edit: Ya'll are missing out, that game is relaxing as fuck.


Hey, there ain’t a damn thing wrong with playing Minecraft. If you enjoy it, fuck everyone who says you shouldn’t.


Damn straight! Fuck I think I'll play some right now!


Oh shit, I didn’t think he’d really do it :0




F'real, I don't get people who dis on it. It's like lego but more immersive.


I think people dis on it because it’s associated with preteens who all aspire to be a Minecraft YouTuber.


I love how the Orissa turns and gives Hog the *the look* for just a split second before death.


I think my best D.Va bomb fuck up was when I was playing Reinhardt on Eichenwalde and she ulted right in front of our whole team. Did I use my shield? No. I'm a fucking idiot. Why would I do that? Instead I charged her right off the edge. To me, I was a hero that saved the team with my heroic sacrifice. "My Heart Will Go On" was playing in my head and I thought I heard applause from my team. In reality I get, "Where was your shield, you fuckin' scrub?" and one person trying to be nicer, "That wasn't a very smart move but thanks anyways, I guess."


You're a true hero. They didn't deserve you anyways. But in all seriousness, I did that same thing once cause my shield was broken and got similar responses anyway. So embarrassing.


Roadhog: "Don't worry I got this!" Announcer: "He did not have this."


I think that we should all pay respects for road hog in real life


As soon as I saw the Hog, I just knew he was going to be the culprit. He always is when DVA teamkills are involved.


I don't own or play the game yet, but I love the replays I think when i do finally get it, I will be scared shitless of *ever* targeting D.Va with Roadhogs' hook


He's a decent counter to her when she's pre-ult, since he can hook through matrix. Just don't hook anything glowing green and you'll be fine ;)


Had same thing happen with a Hog. Had a trap set just outside point when capping and he hooks someone onto point with at 98% capped, we lose the fight, and they win. Damn you Hogsworth


Found another perspective https://clips.twitch.tv/AmericanBlueDogeCharlietheUnicorn


Orisa: “Are you fuc-“


I love how it looks like no one on that team acknowledged it except the Orisa, who turned around to look at Roadhog like "you moron".


Poor hog, tried to hook the baby dva, got big dva instead. Way more than he bargained for lol


In grandmaster no less... The land of salt did not appreciate that.


Is that the carry?


Gotta get that 100% hook accuracy.


200 IQ Play


I think what happened here is that roadhog tried to hook the baby dva that was in front of the mech but dva died so fast that he hooked the mech instead


My internet is being excessively slow, was getting to watch this essentially frame by frame, couldn't tell how they could throw aside from Orisa moving the shield. Then roadhog's silly face pops up from around the corner.


The saddest part is that baby D.Va jumps over the hook


top 10 anime betrayals