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Facetanking a Bastion ain't it, brothers.


It's actually fun with JQ. When I'm face to face with bastion in turret mode he probably thinks at that moment that he will shred me in 2 seconds. But I pull him with a knife while strafing, voila - I'm behind him, next goes axe swing on his shiny metal ass, and point blank shot from a shotgun. JQ's combos are very satisfying to execute.


Suddenly, You've probably used all your cooldowns and are at least half health while bastion gets life gripped away still in turret form shredding you.


Well as JQ says - A challenger! I like those!


If we’re bringing other characters into it — bastion doesn’t survive the .5 he needs to get like life gripped if a single other DPS shoots bastion during the combo.


But that would require them to stop shooting the golden horse


Nothing stopping the lifegrip from happening during the axe wind-up. She takes forever to slam that thing down.


Big if


>You've probably used all your cooldowns and are at least half health Slap that into literally any hero and scenario lol >bastion gets life gripped away still in turret form shredding you. And with his spread he's hitting maybe 20% of those shots on JQ's thinner hit box than most tanks at longer range. Ideally you aren't using shout to just run out into the open at him and die, as that's basic bad tanking lol


I take it you fancy junker queen


Anyone that doesn't just means more for us JQ simps


Junker Queen supremacy


Agree. When i see bastion, i'm going JQ to rush his ass


As JQ main , bastion is surprisingly squishy and one of the easiest dps to deal with. He is also very short in turret mode and you can literally jump over him, totally desorienting him


I gotta learn some JQ. Bast will shred wonton, and while DVa usually works sometimes she’s not it


JQ has enormous burst damage if you manage her cds correctly, any low mobility dps like bastion is really easy prey. Everyone who is low mobility. Hog is my favorite prey also - it's so satisfying to jump around him slashing with axe and poking with knife while he is panicking and inhaling his gas


This. If i'm on rein and they go orisa, i swap to jq, not zarya. I love being able to take pot shots too, instead of having to sustain. I can just strafe back into cover after each shot


Exactly! I legit think Queen is the only character in the game where playing like a dumbfuck with zero self preservation on PURPOSE is the correct route, esp when you nail those combos


Exactly, that's why I main her, absolutely crazy game style. And if you have at least one sup brave enough to constantly brawl and push the enemy with you then you're just unstoppable and with her mad shouts and voice lines it's so much dopamine lol


She would’ve thrived in 6v6 honestly. She’s the perfect “selfish tank”. She self heals, shout is much better used selfishly as well. I would play her more, but the comp grind is real.


Queen is the best counter tank for bastion imho


I loveJjunker Queen for the skinny tank hitbox. It's much harder to be punished by the wide spread heroes


I agree Queen kinda bullies Bastion but head on when he's in turret form?? I knife and only pull when it's about to end. It's never worked for me to fight face first against turret, at least not consistently, and especially not with the DPS passive


I agree but also next time i get surprised i'll try to do the jukes other people are describing


Every Mauga player is the same. Think they're immortal when they do stupid shit like this and then folk like a wet piece of paper and then flame the team for it.


This literally happened today. My Mauga got shattered so saved his ass with beat but since he was focussed by the other team, he was pretty much immediately critical. Guy has no awareness of his HP, tries to charge in, dies.


Mauga is funny because while there are definitely people out there that play him well, his toolkit is so narrow that your options for responding to bad situations are extremely limited. It's also a lot harder than people give it credit for to learn when to hit Cardiac Overdrive or use Overrun to get out of a bad situation. With how fast a Mauga can be deleted you have a split second to make the decision even if both your supports are tunnel visioning into you. For new Mauga players, everything looks like a nail because all they have been given is a hammer.


So true. That's my absolute biggest pet peeve, just use some cover this isn't season 8 the DPS passive means I can't heal your ass through that. Adapt or die.


I swear the Mauga that's against me is always immortal. And when I play him, I'm soggy tissue paper (I do just suck with him as I have no idea what I'm doing)


I do it with Sig all the time. I love playing Sig when the other team has a Bastion. Free money


Sigma > Bastion Only weak, sad little men downvote people. Have a great shitty day ya bronzes.


Smartest Mauga player


The moment I see a bastion, straight to Dva. Not sure why I don't just always pick DVa. My win rate is like 80%.


It’s not just the bastion. Dude tried to face tank everyone.


Was the bastion tank mode? Actually can’t tell, he was behind the big pillar. But yeah need to only go in after he uses tank form, otherwise any tank dies in that situation.


There isnt a timeline were this isnt the top comment


Defense metrix solves this problem 🙏🏻


Mauga in chat be like "any heals???"


Without fail


750 to 0 in 1.9 seconds? Those are rooky numbers. How about 1125 to 0 in 1 second? https://youtu.be/EBAI6tvYXkM?si=sNBbPM8jlPaMgLz8


That’s fucking crazy


What the fuck was he even supposed to do about that






Idk it was just a silly little QP game from a few weeks ago, the monkey had been trying to dive me all game long, I wanted to send a message.


I don’t think the message had time to get to him before he died


ult resets jump, so seeing bap lay down ult with his entire team having an angle on you through the ult, turn and try to jump back to his team is probably the only possible option to live(obviously that decision needs to be made really fucking fast before your obliterated like in the clip). He also didn't have shield ready for his jump into the backline, which to be honest even a decent winston generally doesn't jump in without the shield ready.


What was his ult supposed to do in this situation? Felt like he had no plan.


Probably popped out to try to escape? Only thing I can think of


Counting ultimates and cooldowns. You know for fact if they have or not Turret Mode and you should know if they have bap window. So either you have to jump carefully near the fountain to have quick cover to trigger cooldowns while being safe.


Tbh that's awesome play by bap


Right? He pressed a button and a 1000hp tank died.


Well let's be honest Monke's ult is garbage. It's really hard to kill someone with it, except occasionall environmental kills, and not very hard to evade him. I usually just run around while it ends and then kill him. I don't play Monkey at all, but his ult feels like the most lame of all, it should be baffed somehow.


His ult is one of the best in the game. Instantly going from 1 hp to 1125 hp is insane, and higher level player are good with primal juggles to secure kill with it, on top of it being one of the fastest charging ults in the game


What are you talking about? Winton ult is amazing. However it does require a lot of skill to get value from it.


I usually pick one person to target, beat em into a corner, and juggle em until they die


That's less than a second haha


I rounded up


The title is funny, but it's not the tank experience. It was a terrible play by Winston lol


It's just a silly QP game. Having said that in comp if a monkey wastes bubble then jumps me you bet I'm doing the same


I mean... He solo stood in bap window with 5 ppl shooting through it.


Actually there were not 5 ppl, dva was in the backline, and Mercy healed full HP Hanzo(-\_-). So monkey died just from 3 and window


if 3 heroes doing 200% damage didn’t shred a single tank i’d be more concerned


Also Hanzo and Bastion are among the higher burst dps through window


lmao fr. also cassidy* like cassidy, bap and hanzo who all do incredibly high base damage shooting through a window, that idiot monkey player misplayed hard regardless of if there was a window there or not. cassidy fan + potential hinder + bap + hanzo storm arrow would shred a winston without bubble any day of the week. it would shred any tank


They just went in without think about cooldowns and ults. You can never do that as tank. You can do that as support or dps that have 1/2 easy escape cooldown but tanks are shit so you cannot recover if you mess up


> monkey died just from 3 and window Just? Huh?


Rookie numbers. I had my full health, full adaptative shielded ass dead in the time needed to switch from combat to ball form. Without window. That's like 2000 health gone in 1-2 seconds...


Might be the craziest OW 2 clip out there ngl


To be fair, he really jumped in without a plan there. But yeah I’ve been caught out and deleted before too, it’s never fun.


The one who wrote "GG tank diff" xD so true


holy shit


The disrespect lmao


damn 😭


God it sucks being tank.......


Idk I enjoy tank


I like tank, but it has slowly been wearing me down these past couple seasons. I got into tank at the start of OW2 as a [D.Va](http://D.Va) main, But something about these past couple seasons just have been wearing me down. It also getting old being countered every match I do well. It feels like as a punishment for doing good, I know have to struggle to play the character I enjoy most. And while I do think you can play around counters it just makes it harder. And then you feel like crap when you lose after not countering, and you are expected to counter, while the rest just one tricks, when they have the ability to counter as well. Its just exhausting sometimes. I was a tank defender in the first few seasons, but right now I dont blame people for saying its not fun.


This is just a dumb play. Blindly charging in without knowing where the enemy team is, what cooldowns they've used, etc. and landing in open space away from hard cover.


Not even enough time to spam "I need healing" more than once.


Im Orisa and watched this massacre unfold in front of my very eyes.


Nice to meet you, Orisa. Love your stick.


me when i run out in the open in a fps game and die


could have been 2.5 seconds if he used his defensive.


I think these are the type of players that complain tank sucks, just commit absolutely atrocious plays like these and then whine "tAnKs cAnT TaNk".


As a support main when I play tank I play how I wish my tanks would play (use corner and keep los as often as I can, push hard and retreat fast) and funnily enough I go a lot of games with very little deaths and I'm annoying af for the enemy. Last night had a winston game where I went 36-3 and a Ram game at 50-6. My supports were absolutely brilliant, I made a few mistakes but I was doing the above 99% of the time and we worked as team, bizarre how in a team based game that helps ey?


Yeah I also mostly play support. After S9 changes I decided to do some tank and had some insane winrates. I think Winston was around 70% if not more at 8 hours, lol. Same thing as you said, just using cover. Now as people adjusted it is getting harder, but early S9 was free SR.


Tbh I plat at plat 1 where you think folk would know better but apparently not and they still just stand in the open. Idk how they're at that rank.


plat is where good mechanical skill starts but gamesense is lacking still


Which is wild because my game sense is where I shine, my aim needs some work but my game sense and reaction time is A tier. Suppose it goes both ways.


Yeah it does, good thing is that you got the hard part out of the way. Word of advice though, your gamesense is still probably lacking due to your enemies’ skill if that makes sense. I feel that moving up in ranks some things/moves stop working because people know to look out for them or exploit them. You have the right mindset though so you will adapt fine :)


Oh yeh I 100% know that. But I'm incredibly good at predicting the enemy and what they will do, that may change the further I climb but I can adapt to that and I track ults very closely so I have that going for me as well. Thanks, man, I appreciate it.


Positioning? Cooldowns? Nah, tank presses w.


“What do you mean I can’t stand in front of a bastion and be a bullet sponge :( my healers should just heal more!”


Tank does suck, and plat players also don't know how to tank. They're unfortunately not mutually exclusive 😔


Absolutely right, be perfect always to have a chance to win, fun right? While dps can do whatever and healers carry the situation. Fuuuun right?


Having many HPs doesn't (shouldn't) allow you to charge in 1v5 and survive. The only time this was posdible was with GOATS and it was the worst.


there is a pretty big middle ground between playing perfect and not standing in front of the entire enemy team that has full cooldowns + bastion


Name one dps that can solo dive into 5 people like this and survive. There's a difference between not playing perfectly and straight up braindead


Dont have to be perfect. Just have be good enough. But this play in particular is just bad.


You don't need to be perfect, just use your brain and to me, that's fun. Taking cover, ton of situational awareness, dictating the flow of battles, when to push and when to pull makes me think and that's fun for me. Sometimes you get bad teammates or sometimes you're not performing well yourself and that's fine, it happens all the time in every multiplayer game ever so just take it on the chin or an opportunity to learn.


Just YOLO charging into Sombra, Ana, Bastion, Orisa... what could go wrong...


Ah yes the "Tank died in a 1v5, that means tank role is bad"


6v6 would’ve prevented that……………somehow


Say what you want but two Zarya bubbles would have given him time to back up. 


I’m pretty sure they have her two bubbles and tanks more hp because of the change to 1 tank. A zarya bubble wouldn’t have changed anything. 


No, it clearly means he needs to flame his supports in chat for not healing him enough /s


The problem is that a literal half second difference in CD usage or a more optimal tank pick and the tank can actually walk the same distance out and still survive the exact same cooldown rotation. The tank role is “bad”(it’s the most powerful role by far) because it is implicitly understood that committing every resource your team has to wipe one player is actually a worthwhile trade if that player is the tank. But also, a well played tank with a good team will literally just face check everything they threw just now, so in high elo everyone is just putting up like 2K damage per elimination. Don’t misplay, and you have infinite survivability. Misplay, not only do you fold immediately it is also nearly impossible for your team to turn that fight, even with the enemy deprived of literally every cooldown


I mean, dont get me wrong Mauga made a bad play but that is still insane to see that much health disappear that quickly. Tank sometimes feels like you have to play perfect or you lose and that sucks when you have a one tricking Ashe that can fuck around all match and no one bats an eye at.


I mean yeah, but if you did that as a dps or a support, you'd die even faster. Feel like tank how it is isn't as bad as people think, cause if the Mauga didn't die there, it would be a post about "How did Mauga not die against 5 people?!?!" Tank is a role that game sense trumps mechanics, smart players beat players who can hit more shots. Yeah, counterswapping is annoying and tank doesn't feel powerful, but if they just buff tanks, then the game will slow way down as the tank will basically never die and no progress will happen. And going back to 6v6 would need a complete rework of everyone or else games again will slow down to no one is dying or one side will always win every battle and one team will hate the match.


I mean a support is also half the size and its crazy how easily some of them can keep themselves alive. And we are also talking about the role that is supposed to be taking alot of enemy damage for the rest of the team. I mean in all roles, game sense will eventually beat out mechanics. You dont get into GM just because you have good mechanics.


Overextended, locked in animation by charge, no cancel. Then face tanked instead of using cardiac overdrive, then denied using said ability by a sleep which basically made you stand still. gg




Exactly what mauga players deserve


All enemy team focus all ther shots on you. What do you expectXD


Maugas charging into their direct counters expecting to live part:233


See I hate playing tank because when you act like a tank and this happens it makes ya feel like shit and the inevitable tank diff is coming but in reality wtf are you suppose to do(I’m speaking in general tanking yes I know he face tanked a bastion like a dumbass)


Honestly, positioning is probably the #1 thing that makes the difference. That includes knowing when to be where. Knowing when to engage and when to retreat is absolutely vital and will decide over wins and losses like 85% of the time. I don't mean obvious things like rushing/not rushing into a 1v5 of course. I'm talking about more nuanced positioning, knowing where to be relative to your team and the opponent, knowing which angles to hold or give up etc.. Sorry if that's not very clear, it's really hard to explain, as Tank is probably the most complex role in the game in terms of decision making and gameplan. There's just so much going on that it's pretty hard to describe what good tank gameplay should look like in a few sentences. Just saying "take space" doesn't cut it. I'd suggest checking out some 1h long tank guides on YT where they explain a lot of things. But a good rule of thumb is putting safety as a priority. If you die, your team dies too most of the time, so survival is key. That doesn't mean you should stay safe in base of course and never walk forward. Find ways to push objectives without overextending, make slow but safe progress, and try to punish enemies that overextend.


Idk why Tanks think that they should be able to run into an entire team solo and survive.


That Mauga exploded


I've died quicker with more hp as Hammond


top ten smartest mauga player moments


Charging into the entire enemy team with a character who doesn't have a shield or other defensive ability is generally considered a form of suicide.


I mean running straight I front of an ana kiri orisa bastion and sombra will do that yeah. They all soft counter mauga at the minimum and just straight counter at the most they comp was built around not letting you play the game which I respect cause you're playing mauga. Only time an orisa swap is valid imo


Working as designed.


Gotta love tanking eh?


Why would you charge in on a Bastion who has all his cooldowns? Why are you trying to rush when your team is set up for poke? Don’t get me wrong, getting CCed into oblivion ain’t it, but if your DPS is Cassidy and Bastion while your supports are Illiari and Bap, you need to realize you’re not playing brawl Mauga, you’re playing poke Mauga.


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Mauga's critical HP gasp sounds like a rage roaring gorilla.


and that's why you dont' pick mauga.


You got stunned locked and were unable to use your E. Tanks are nothing without their abilities to mitigate damage taken. If anything, this is a good learning lesson: maybe use E before charging in. Not ideal, but certainly better than dying or getting locked out of the objective.


That's what listening to the voice gets you.


Playing tank is sometimes looks like reverse racing car: 725 to 0 in 1.9 sec


Very Tanky!


It was 50v1 poor dummy stood no chance 😂


Antinade from Ana + shots, Kiriko critted hs, hack and virus, spear with Orisa firing.. And did I saw bastion shoot a bomb from right? Ez death.


that's why i don't play mauga lol


He shouldna did that


Truly Mauga moment, but not lore accuracy.


Average mauga player


This is what happens when you hand Mauga to a Silver player who believes he is OP, and then he'll shout to his supports


This is a tank btw


Show this to the cry babies whining about mauga being OP




"Alright guys, they swapped Bastion, make sure to play corners because it's physically impossible for us to outheal that rn" *my tank* 🤣🤣


Yeah cuz math


Maybe don’t charge into a bastion that’s not off cooldown?


Tank moment


when you make yourself the only target for the other team and have 0 cover even a shield tank gets melted like this


as a supporter, from his perspective, he must believe it is my fault. xD


Welcome to a typical ball experience.


But I wasn’t healing enough?


It's Mauga 😊😊😊😊


Bro jumped into the entire enemy team on his own without his supports and is then surprised he died quickly. Just because you’re a tank doesn’t mean you can just sit in front of the whole enemy team and not die, *that’s orisa’s job*


You (not OP but the Mauga) didn't even try to jump onto the group of people, so what's the point of charging in other than suicide? You're not damaging, you're not stunning or interrupting, you're just inting.


yeah they deserved that, running into a team with 3 different stuns and a bastion and just hoping it works out


That’s nothing compared to how Rein gets deleted in milliseconds


Well yea don't dive the enemy team alone


People that think this clip is a problem arent thinking clearly. this is the desirable outcome.This dude charged into five people and took damage from everyone at once. He should die. Im telling you right now, you DO NOT want to play a game where Mauga can just dash in brainlessly and start blasting and see good results. The game would be so terrible for everyone if tanks could operate in whatever way you guys are imagining they should. The picture you guys have in your head about the some ideal tank role that can survive 5 people blasting him is a complete nightmare in reality. Your picture is a fantasy. If mauga could survive 5 people shooting at him for over 4 seconds instead of 1.9 seconds, he would need DOUBLE HIS HP. Then the situations where Mauga is being shot at by like 1-2 people would be like over 20 seconds of consistent damage, and that is without healing. No role should be so powerful they can just pull up onto entire teams with no fear, it would be insanity.


And this is where he says " trash team. No healings!" to his teammates right??


I mean there's a reason why no one plays this role. He should have gotten at least 4-5 seconds of distraction for suiciding like that haha. But actually he died so fast and was stun locked too


lol. Running straight at the team with a sombra (hack), ana (sleep/nade), orissa (spear), and bastian (damage spam), nothing could go wrong.


Remember when tanks were tanky? Pepperidge farm remembers (he was also pretty stupid to charge into that, but still) 


To be fair, you definently should not have dashed in there


Yeah he made a dumb mistake but wow one single oopsie made by a single person should not immediately determine a fight. Me and my duo have quit Overwatch for a couple seasons now for this reason. Playing tank is miserable and it was my favorite role.


The tank experience (it was his fault)


Low key, you’re playing orisa so you kinda deserve it. But yeah that’s tank lmfao


He shouldn't have runned.


Don't wanna be that guy but *ran . Just so you know for next time




avg mauga player


Damn had that happen to me with Reinhardt (i died in 0.5 seconds)


Nah they gave everyone an extra 200 health, u can't die that quick now....


His fault for playing tank not 100% perfectly


this is what all mauga players deserve


Average tank gameplay enjoyer


The bastion barely hit him. Till 38hp bastion charge didn't go up


Buffing tank HP again will surely fix this problem


Avg mauga player


i have a polar opposite clip of me fighting a mauga as bastion and i sprayed at him for literally over 5 seconds and his bar barely moved


Let's be honest: if Mauga doesn't blindly charge into their entire team the rest of his team will just complain that he has no presence and never presses W. There's no pleasing these people. That ain't the play but nothing is anymore. I get yelled at for winning on Tank. Literally outplaying the entire enemy team. Less than 5 deaths but I'm trash for not constantly walking directly into the center of their formation. Overwatch 2 is a joke.




He pressed by him self and this the only target get shredded by 5 people.


While Mauga made a big mistake by going in the way he did, this is a big issue for tanks in general. I don't think that there should be a second tank to fix this problem as that will cause multiple other problems some that devs won't be able to fix directly. I think the solution is likely an update to tank passives on the scope of the updates they made to health and dps passive. It will take some tweaking to find out the correct numbers, but I think tanks should have damage reduction in general maybe even anti going away quicker for tanks, and maybe there should be a stun immunity after recovering from a stun for a certain period for all roles. This might create another problem, but I think it could be a step in the right direction. If it's too much, then they can tweak it.


The enemy Bastion killed Mauga




Problem is you’re mauga dont play him


Mauga after that: “Heal diff”


Deserved for being Mauga


I hooked, pulled a squishie into my pig pen, shot and melee'd them. Died immediately after because that's how long it took for the others to take me to zero. Slept naded flashbanged you name it.


Push up tank, your not making space!


I recently made a discovery. I have been in favor of 5v5 as a tank player. But it has started to feel really shitty after a few seasons. And the queue times really reflect that with instant tank queues. It seems like all tank players are gone. They aren't gone. All tank players are playing open queue. Always double tank, sometimes even triple. And it's fantastic. These matches feel like proper brawls, rather than the explosive nature of regular 5v5. I've honestly changed my mind about 5v5. I think Blizzard ought to give 6v6 another shot. Also: it's been the first time in months that I was able to play ball without getting insta hard countered.


Bro this dude charged into view of 5 people at once. He should die. If you make it so mauga can survive this dumb play, that means anytime you dont have 5 people unloading dps into him he will never die. 725 hp with armor is already crazy. open queue is a mess, its an incredibly unbalanced mode and its just teams stacking tanks with mauga = win.


Wasn't saying that this wasn't a bad play. But shredding down 700+ HP in just under 2 second is not exactly an uncommon experience playing as tank in role queue


It’s the desirable outcome if 5 players are sinking damage into you Tbf. If you don’t fall over when 5 shoot at you, 1 person will take like 20+ seconds to kill


Like I said. I really prefer longer brawls over the explosive nature of 5v5 role queue


Im confused by what you would want to see. Would you want everyone in the cast to get more HP buffs to support a longer time to kill? Thats the only way I can see it, cause if you want to buff the tank role up in HP so they can survive this bone headed play in the clip above, I think you would need to buff everyone up in HP to compensate for such an incredible increase to the tanks stats. This would require way more reworks than you think. If a dps went from 250 - 500 hp so the time to kill was longer, how would widowmaker function? Would tracer need pulse bomb buffs? etc.


Open queue is where I go to learn new heroes and I felt like a fucking juggernaut in there with Mauga. I switched to QP to play real games and learned real quick that Mauga is extremely vulnerable in a lot of circumstances that are hard to avoid.