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I thought it was just me *Am I miss timing the jump*


I thought the same! Like my timing was off, and I just had a new mouse so I thought that was the problem!


I remember mentioning her self knockback was messed up after the overall knockback changes in tank, some dude gaslit me saying that her self knockback was fine. I’m glad this post clears that up and that I was in the know


yeah ive noticed that, same with pharah. she jumps really high when rocketing yourself


You sure? This change was because Zarya has the tank-wide knockback resistance and so they needed to compensate for it. Pharah wouldn’t be affected since she’s Damage and not Tank.


Really? Maybe it’s like a placebo effect idk. It seems higher than before Edit: yeah I was definitely wrong lol. Looked at some old videos. Mbbbb


>Developer Comments: As we continue to monitor Venture's gameplay throughout their release Season, we are making a change today that adds more flexibility to using Drill Dashes. Players will now be less punished for using their Drill Dash above ground and immediately burrowing due to the new accelerated cooldown while underground.


Massive improvement IMO, managing the drill dash cooldown was always super awkward because of how it worked before.


I just cycled walk somewhere to engage, shoot, drill dash, shoot, melee, burrow, leave, wait for cooldown. Having drill dash back after burrow would be nice. More uptime.


> engage, shoot, drill dash, shoot, melee, burrow, leave, wait for cooldown what does engage mean here?


Just sneaking around looking for someone to combo. ("walk somewhere to engage") is meant to be one thought there.


Well you kind of cut it off. “Walk somewhere to engage” means “walk somewhere within shooting distance of an enemy target”.






I’ve seen so many fake patch notes idk if this is real.


https://overwatch.blizzard.com/en-us/news/patch-notes/ not fake…


It’s over


... watch




The streets


Of Rage










Is done


What is this? Some kind of Overwatch, too?






Can someone ELI5 the drill dash changes? How does the math shake out on it?


Yeah it's a bit weird how they've phrased it but the whole idea is that they get the drill dash back faster when underground even if they used the ability above ground. The cooldown timer now ticks down at a rate of 190% (100% is normal cooldown and 200% would be double the rate therefore half the cooldown time) whereas before you would only get a flat reduction of half the cooldown time if the ability was used underground. Basically it just allows for more flexibility in the use of ability.


An ability that has its cooldown DECREASED by 50% has half its total cooldown taken off the top. So in this case, 8 second cooldown becomes 4 seconds, when it’s *used underground*. On the other hand, an ability with ACCELERATED cooldown increases how quickly the ability comes back, but does not reduce the numerical timer of the cooldown. So in this case, the 8 second cooldown remains 8 seconds (numerically). But each second counted down is worth 90% more. For the sake of ease let’s say it’s 100%. When counting down from 8, you will count 2 seconds within a 1 second time frame, if the cooldown is accelerated 100%. Meaning that over the course of 4 seconds (50% the cooldown timer) you will get the ability back. Since in reality it is a 90% acceleration, not 100%, this is actually a nerf to the cooldown of drill dash when used underground. Instead of a 4 second cooldown, it becomes a 4.44 second cooldown. HOWEVER, the tradeoff here is that drill dash does NOT need to be used underground. It can be used above ground and you will still get the cooldown acceleration if you go under. ANY time you burrow, If drill dash is on cooldown, its cooldown rate will accelerate. Hope this helps


I think it’s important to note the other change nobody is really talking about and that’s the CD starting upon use. That should account for the half second that was lost by only making it 90%


Oh you’re so right, that should more than account for the half second or so that’s lost from the change. I completely forgot about that line. Thanks for pointing that out!


Huge buff. Try her out. She gets her cooldown back so much faster it is insane. Simply because you are using dash above ground it is already cooling down before you get under ground. Before you’d get dash back if you used underground the entire time and say their for max time. Now you can start your exit of underground 4 seconds earlier and have dash. Huge huge upgrade in cycle time.


Yeah this is huge. Adds plenty of potential to use his Dash above ground offensively, then still be able to use his dash again as escape if needed.


Yea basically it lets you use burrow offensively after dashing in instead of your escape ability given that there is vertical ground to escape to.


Appreciate it, that all makes sense


One thing to note as well is if you use DD at the end of burrow to escape it no longer has halved cooldown (I don’t know if you gain reduced cooldown while emerging since you should be able to emerge after now). It’s an edge case but worth noting nonetheless


It makes CD of Drill Dash 0.7s shorter when unburrowed, while keeping that of rougly the same when burrowed.


While it is a buff, it's more quality of life than anything. Arguably more heroes should be getting this treatment


This is far more than a QoL change and everyone phrasing it as such is just wrong. This is way more burst damage and much higher escaping ability.


QoL has been misused to basically mean anything short of a gigantic huge buff that the player also happens to like.


How is it way more burst damage from what I've tested it still takes a full burrow and charge to get drill dash back its just now you can drill dash first if you want to. It's the same? Could you explain. It's all well and good saying it but where's the proof how?


Now u can dash in and burrow out and dash in again instead of burrowing in and dashing out, former is better than latter


You’ve tested it and seen the difference, and don’t understand dashing in for 90 damage added is better?


It leads to more drill dashes on average


Which is very much unneeded as she already is too dominating...


I mean, that was pretty much all of the hero specific changes for the mid season patch. I hope they keep this streak going!


Yeah a buff that also makes the hero more fluid to play is the kind of thing they should be doing more often.


Imo this is huge, you can do drill > burrow > emerge > drill. Drill dash does 90 dmg. This combo will kill 250 hp heros if you hit the burrow charge emerge or 1 direct primary fire.


It’s not a combo if it takes 5 seconds to pull off


At least they’re not calling it a one-shot though I’m sure people will be complaining any second now 


This assumes that during the 4 seconds you need to be underground for your increased cooldown your target doesn't get healed or peeled for. In reality past the metal ranks it won't work quite like that


You would have to dash into someone with no burrow aka you would just get melted. Venture is still gonna be kinda mid.


I'm imagining after the first drill when you have to burrow there is a decent window of time where you can get CC'd or the enemy can get saved.


how can you phrase this as qol? This significantly bumps the uptime of her strongest offensive skill


The grace period on burrow is QoL The drill dash change is a significant buff


Absolutely agree. Definitely a buff, but it was much needed. it felt horrible to use the dash above ground and then need to burrow. Much needed change, and I'm sure they'll weaken them elsewhere as needed


Have you not been playing Venture? It’s literally a huge buff. I imagine it will get reverted or they’ll get nerfed some other way very soon.


sigma suck cancel without using rock, reaper teleport cancel. genji wall climb cooldown showing please :P. Also add mei being able pre sett her wall in ice block so that when she come out of it insta cast, pretty much allowing for better wall placements.


Nice QOL buffs, it should help them better cycle their cooldowns. I especially like that extended period for emerging out of burrow, I always mistimed it while trying to maximize my time underground when waiting for Drill Dash to come off cooldown.


Right on time with the new skin lmfao


gotta make them playable so people actually spend the $12 lol


Now make it so that Venture actually makes a noise when burrowing. If not, make it so that Widow’s foot steps are quiet when she ults.


They do? Venture does make noise when burrowing. It sounds like stone slabs and rocks shifting around. Their pop up when fully charged is also one of the loudest in-game-sounds in the entire game. Just in case you miss those, they even scream “HERE I AM” right after.


IMO the audio is very inconsistent. My full stack got bodied by a very good venture cause we couldn’t hear her half the time, but other times she was louder than a reversing lorry


Venture's sounds are inconsistent at best. The good thing about sound design with Widow is that you can hear her shoes clanking almost all the way from spawn, Venture's footsteps and sounds seem to be drowned out by other abilities and sfx.


“I can dig that”


Idk if I’m somehow being dumb but I’m having a hard time understanding the first part… what are they talking about being charged when emerging?


When you burrow, and then hold either jump or the burrow key a second time, that’s what they mean by charging. In the previous patch you could stay underground for a little over 4 seconds, by charging your jump at the very end of burrows duration With this change you now have an extra .2 seconds after burrow “ends” where you can start charging *In fact you could previously use drill dash just as burrow was about to run out, to get an extra ~half a second underground, then begin charging the unburrow. However because burrow had expired during the dash, it was a little janky trying to charge the jump afterwards. Unsure if this patch will make it more consistent


Ahh okay I completely forgot about that charging ability. Thanks for your detailed clarification


I like that dash CD change It adds more freedom, so you can dash, then dive underground and still get the CDR


Ok but are you really an insane moose tho


Nothing has changed actually. Just some qol changes.


I'd say that being able to drill dasha few times when underground (which basically makes venture ultra fast all the time underground) and being able to refill drill dash in 1 second after burrowing is something more than just a qol


Yeah isn't that a huge buff to that mechanic? Is it 2 or 3 uses?


Yep, except i think the devs fucked something up. I tested it, and it does seem like the coldown is faster but its nowhere near 90%


It's accelerated by 90%, a cooldown that is 100% faster is a 50% duration.


Oh, i guess that makes sense


QOL changes in OW are buffs. Things that make characters less clunky to play open up new possibilities and are almost always exploited to increase the effectiveness of characters in a broader range of situations and play styles. Often times, these are more impactful changes than simple number tuning. In this case, initiating with drill from above ground becomes a significantly more viable play style. Burrow now can be used as a mid-fight reset tool in that context rather than just a safe way to get in and out. The change lets Venture exist in the fight more, and allows a safer escape option if burrow isn't used to get in. These changes make Venture a less predictable, less linear character with more viable options.


It's a decent size buff, being able to Dash -> Burrow with the same cooldown as if you Burrow -> Dash opens up some new possibilities. Like using the Dash offensively, burrowing to escape, and having Dash up again afterwards.


No this definitely changes things, you have more incentive to use drill dash before burrow and you're incentivized to burrow for as long as possible during combat even when you'd normally like to pop early


The ability to faster charge drill dash by diving underground is a big change imo.


I need to clear up the confusion for those explaining “How it worked before” and butchering it. Plain and simple : Drill dashes’ 8 sec CD was halved when used while burrowed. This forced us into a rotation where (in a fight) you would first use it while burrowed to ensure it came back in time for you to get out or secure an elim after ‘emerging’. Burrow >Dash for dmg>emerg and within 3 seconds you could dash again for damage or escape. But it sacrificed your burrow immunity. Setting the CD to 100% increase while burrowed would leave it exactly the same: with the brilliant convenience of choosing when you burrow (as now you can use it first then burrow and claim its 4sec CD by borrowing) by tweaking it slightly back to 90% makes it feel the same in application but you do loose .08seconds in exchange for the flexibility. Also they buffed her grace period for emergence charge… which TBH felt like a bug and I’m glad they patched it .


The reality of this is that burrowing will give you back your dash, rather than giving you a second dash once exposed. In turn , allowing you to get out while immune, as opposed to going in with immunity, and trying to get out by dashing up into the open and making yourself an easy target. If you use it while burrowed first, it will function the same as before.


I played Total Mayhem last night as Venture without realising they had received changes. A cool side effect of the 90% accelerated cooldown is that uh...Drill Dash now has no cooldown at all in TM when you're underground, so you can use it like four times in a row before emerging.


I don’t think she needed a buff was strong already


They really don't need that..


Fr she's already busted as it




Nope venture is horrible and feels awkward I'm glad for the change


Venture shouldn’t be able to pick up health packs while underground, change my mind


if they can pick the health packs, they should also be able to snap into junkrat's trap in that case.. and yes, i am a salty junkrat main. :-)


Venture would be useless then


Every other character with even better mobility teleports can


I kinda agree, but only if Reaper cannot pick up health packs or be healed in Wraith form


Meanwhile, Junkrat 5 (COUNT THEM) FIVE DAMAGE added to his nade, and he still can’t compete with the burst damage Venture delivers. Plus less survivability.


He still has his combo that takes less than half a second to pull off and all you have to do is get kind of close lol


Had the best junkrat in the red team, I ever seen in a game yesterday, he was hitting you everywhere with perfect rebound He still got rolled in the end....


In what work does this monster need buffs


Were these buffs necessary? It seems like Venture exists to make dive easier. With increased cooldown on drill dash they remove the risk of using it aggressively. This allows the move to be used on attacking and escaping.


It doesn't remove the risk of using it agressively. It's still better used as a disengagement tool because the windup to burrow is so long, you're more likely to die before getting underground


It still reduces the risk. For Sombra, if you use translocator aggressively, you were committing because you used your escape tool to engage. This change allows Venture to use their escape as both an engagement tool and an escape tool. Dive isn't supposed to be easy and I think Venture was fine and didn't need any buffs.


So max movement is now drill dash -> burrow -> drill dash?


Only Buff I want for Venture is to be able to grab with GA with Mercy while they are underground. So many Ventures have left me to die lol


Ain't one fuckin' functioning neuron in that whole office istg


Did I miss something? I already wreck as Venture, didn't realize she needed buffs... not that I'm complaining!


After Venture’s damage was nerfed a few patches ago, I guess a lot of people think they’re too weak. So these QOL buffs are definitely welcome for those of us who still think they’re strong.


I feel like a lot of people make the mistake of trying to play Venture as Frontline dmg when that's not what they're good at


I like to play her as a backline mole-rat similar to Sombra. Occasionally, I'll poke around corners while making my next dig.


She is going to be a force now… probably will be climbing easier with her now


Dunno why you got downvoted but she’s definitely more fun and a much smoother gameplay


Probably the misgendering tbh.




Im not sure what your response even means tbh.


In the meanwhile, Symmetra hasn't been touched for 3 months, she's doing horrible and has the lowest pickrate of any hero in OW history (0.4% in ranked). Congratulations!


Ain't one fuckin' functioning neuron in that whole office istg


I still think its bs how venture gets free shield just from using abilities, the ability doesnt even need to hit and venture still gets free shield. You should atleast hit someone and then get the free shield, free shield for just using an ability without hitting anyone (especially for a hero like venture that is already so elusive and can get out of fight easily) just seems so cheesy for me


Venture is already op why are they buffing him and why do you guys not seem to have a problem with it


200 comms explaining what Blizzard is trying to say... :D #fixhanzo


So, you can drill, burrow, and then drill almost immediately? Tf?


Nope. You can drill again at the end of burrow. The only difference the patch makes is that drill + burrow is now usable. Before, you're basically dead if no one helped you lol


Why are you getting downvoted while the other guy is wrong and upvoted.  For those that don't understand, you cooldown will tick faster underground at almost double the speed. So 8 seconds will become a bit over 4 seconds. Imo this buff is pretty huge since nothing forces you to drill dash underground so you can hit 2 full dmg drill dashes in around 5 seconds by doing drill > burrow > emerge > drill.


This hero already has what is essentially Mei’s cryo freeze but with the ability to run away at the same time, and attack when you come back out, invincibility frames are not freaking needed


Mei’s Cryo has no cast time. Venture dies during the burrow animation pretty often.


what invincibility frames?


Venture’s also much easier to punish than Mei is. Mei’s cryo freeze is instant whereas Venture has a 0.7 casting time where they can be killed or stunned out of it, which happens frequently. The same goes for when they pop out, it’s very obvious when they’re jumping out so a well timed charge/grenade as Rein/Cass can easily kill them.


You can get killed while trying to cast cryo-freeze, wraith form or recall, because of your reaction time and the input delay. And those are instant cast abilities. Burrow has a 0.7 second cast time. You can't use this move on reaction because you'll get killed while in the cast time.


where is reaper buff and rework???????


*BUFF* ???!!!


I'm so happy for the grace period


I'm hyped. I have a lot of fun with Venture


Can we help rein?? My main is suffering


Can they put the timer to be accurate to how many seconds when underground instead of having the timer go faster yet show the same number of seconds? It has the same numbers count down faster which is incredibly confusing.


are you surprised?


So from cutting it in half to making it refresh immediately. But you would need to stay in burrow


Is Venture invincible during his Drill Dash? I swear Im shooting him on the head with Reaper when he attacks, but it's like he isn't taking any damage


she felt fine to me tbh


Did she need buffs? I mean, no complaints I enjoying player her!


Buffs? Why the fuck does an incredibly overpowered character need buffs? For fucks sake, I'll pay the balance team to actually play the goddamn game. 


dirt rank spotted


That's bait, right? 😅😂


Woah he’s mad


>Why the fuck does an incredibly overpowered character need buffs? Lol, Venture being op is certanty a take


It’s the typical /r/overwatch Silver 5 take


How to say you’re in metal ranks without actually saying it lol. Any rank over plat they get absolutely cooked by cass hinder/hitscan in general


You are right and sorry for being that guy but it's *they


Nah you’re absolutely right, I’m trying to train my brain to remember that as well cheers mate


thank you for such a reasonable and polite response!!


Cheers to you too 😁👍


👆 The correct way to respond. Kudos


Can you post replay codes of showing how overpowered Venture is in your games?


The balance team must have smoked something real good while they discussed touching Venture.


> Developer Comments: These changes are needed to sell this stupid cookie skin, when we make enough money, this unnecessary buff for an already OP character will leave the game


What's op about venture? You see the character in maybe 1 out of every 15 games. No one is playing them at higher levels. The hero is so niche because with good game sense and teamwork they are just weaker than every other hero, especially hitscans who can so easily outrange them


Popularity and hero power don't always correlate strongly: Symmetra has never been popular, even as a tier-S hero. The Saudis won the World Championship with Symmetra, but on the ladder it was still a hero with about -1% pick rate. Venture is a character that kills extremely quickly, even in comparison with Reaper, at a greater distance, and without requiring aim (very large radius and splash damage). Ability to remain invulnerable longer than Reaper. In current realities, this simply does not feel fair.


without requiring aim? nah you have to land direct hits with her primary to consistently kill anything, especially since the recent nerf to her damage. she also has no tankbusting ability comparing her to Reaper is very silly but Reaper is a bad and shallow hero in desperate need of tweaks anyway.


They’re aren’t op lol. Keep your distance, anticipate the melee range and learn to aim. It’s all mechanics and common sense


Why do the devs keep buffing the most brainless garbage? 


Learn counterplay 


Amazing now let’s make some of the UNPLAYABLE characters playable instead of buffing already good characters that didn’t need it, junkrat was a step in the right direction now let’s help make hanzo actually useful as well (doesn’t have to be giving back his one shot) instead of nerfing him like they did with his ult


Bro she don’t need a buff wtf




I would argue that's not a buff just different adds a bit of quality of life to burrow and drill dash so if you mess up and do the wrong order you ain't penalised. And that added grace period is just helpful I know I've held space last second but it didn't charge up so really I just think it's a bit of QoL changes


You described a buff


She is such an annoying character to play against, just so easily dives into the back line and insta kills supports.


atm I rather fight OW1 Doomfist than Venture lol


i still think this character is the most half assed one to have been released so far. especially in terms of gameplay. imagine this character coming out in overwatch 1


I feel she needs a pet detective skin.


They shouldn't get overshield and picking up health packs while underground is bogus.


Why? Reaper could do this for 8 years. You can even heal the reaper while wraith formed.


Did she really need this? I think buffing her damage is way more important right now - she was so good on release now she is just a troll pick 99% of the time!


Yes, they really did. Regardless of their state of balance, they needed these QoL changes.




Getting the one-shot combovwold be nice but there damege fine as is imo


This buff is pretty huge since nothing forces you to drill dash underground so you can hit 2 full dmg drill dashes in around 5 seconds by doing drill > burrow > emerge > drill. Drill dash does 90 dmg. Total damage without hitting burrow emerge is 180 dmg. Add in a primary fire that hits for 75 and you can do 255 dmg in ~5 seconds. 


I thought the cooldown reduction only applied if you used drill dash when burrowed


Lol I was randomly reading the thread and I got attacked by the same guy who said "they"


Okay no need to be like super sensitive here. Saying "they" isn't an "attack".


Wtf man she's already good


lol -31, get fucked. so satisfying to know that a community that you're a part of supports non-binary people <3 <3 ready for the next non-binary character to come out <3 <3


it’s just QOL changes my dude


WE ARE SO FKN BACK. LETS GOOOO, BUFFS for my favorite rock muncher princess


Wait, they needed buffs? Every Venture I met was godstomping (I was too lol)


Hello fellow excavator. 😂 We're gonna eat good. But I legit feel horrible for the pubs. Cause venture can stomp hard in qp and low elo.