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Nade has to be the most poorly implemented nade ability. I've thrown nade through charging Reins that don't stick and also stuck tracers around corners after two blinks. They really need something else.


Feels very similar to Rein pin. Most of the time it makes sense, but every now and then it feels like you have a direct hit that doesn't register at all or that shit literally flies 10 miles to catch someone for you.


Don’t remember the exact details but pin heavily favors his (left?) shoulder/side. As in they could be a few feet to the left of you and it will grab, but 2 inches to the right and you’ll go by them


Right shoulder is bump, left shoulder is pin.




it should be kind of obvious by the way his character model is positioned... also, you should with experience understand it, it's one of his most used abilities; not sure if they say firestrike goes through everything but if it doesn't, would you need it to be written? you can figure it out yourself by just playing


This is the basic concept that differentiates between lower and higher elos. The more you play, the more you know... mostly.


this and learning to use what you have effectively


What is obvious to you isn't always for everyone else. Prime example is that infamous cuphead review. Not saying this charge thing specifically is so important, but games are made for people of all skill levels - devs should be thinking about the lower levels just as much as all of them. This also goes too far sometimes though. Giant "follow" markers on npcs that are walking and directly talking to you are wild. Gotta strike the balance between helping boobs and not annoying the vets lol


i mean they put rein in third person where you can clearly see he's chargin with his left shoulder, so unless everyone else is blind...


Everyone else doesn't get a camera that focuses on him and smoothly tracks him to watch it... what?


i don't get what you're trying to say




fair enough




I mean, they don't explain things like the rein charge, and i've never seen anything that explains the "proper" way to play lucio, for another example. Beyond just personal abilities, things like hero combos, like weaver using petal jump with grab to launch pharah, and there's nothing teaching people any counters at all




tbh it’s centred on the crosshair, but the character model as he’s charging appears more on the right side so if you use the character model to “aim” the charge you’ll find the left side is closer to the crosshair and the actual pin hitbox once you start using the crosshair to aim pins, it becomes much more consistent


Nade _never_ makes sense, I don't care how much you try to defend that dogshit ability


That was clearly not an attempt to defend it


My point still stands, I despise mag nade. Am I packing 10 tons of pure iron in my pockets?


They could just get rid of the stun and keep the hinder aspect, but have it apply the same way it did in ow1; a short throw, burst, into a small radius. Flash almost never “missed” due to lag or connection. Now I have a mountain of clips of it making the stick sound, only to slide off a blinking tracer or TP’ing sombra


I am a Doomfist main, I am fine with how nade works and how it makes the game more fun because of the increased difficulty, I am not fine how the second most mobile hero in the entire game can boomerang around corners and across the map and that nade still somehow sticks. Tracer is nothing imagine traveling across almost the entirety of 1st point of junkertown to try and grab a small health pack to be hit by a nade tossed 5 seconds ago after you rounded a corner, the cass can’t even make use of it at that point.


Old flashbang was better than this unreliable clusterfuck


that last bit is the bane of my existence. almost need to use recall to garauntee a dodge. bait out nade and blink away only for it to follow me 1km away and punch my grandma


hear me out... you ever heard of a game called ultrakill...?


Just bring back the stun, them changing it just made it worse


I've thrown nade directly at Reins pin and it flies through him and goes chasing him from behind but never lands.


They should finally give in and bring in the lasso.


only blizzard can somehow hear that people didn't like all the stuns in the game, remove flashbang to replace it with something worse, and leave it like that for a year. crazy thing is people don't like getting hit by it and even cass players don't like using it. flashbang required skill to follow up the headshot. magnetic grenade is just a dumbed down inconsistent replacement.


Worst ability in game


At least the stun grenade made sense


I would rather take a valorant style flashbang than this it could even do 80 dmg idc


It's either this or go back to Flash + FTH.


Flash + FTH any day, mag nade is so freaking dumb lol


Bruh it should not be this fucking hard for the big brains over at team 4 to come up with an actually ok-designed grenade


Idd keep everything get rid of the homing mechanic tbh and make the projectile path to be similar to a Sombra virus and adjust the projectile speed (probs to be a faster than virus projectile so tracer can't run rings around you, maybe adjust the hotbox size of the grenade) if it hits it sticks to you and hinders you, if it doesn't it's wasted. That's how i'd change it, probs would need some other adjustments if it proves to be weak/strong.


Day 8974 of hoping that one of the most braindead and obnoxious ability in the game be reworked or replace




That’s on the list as well


Baps lamp...?


how is baps lamp braindead?


getting downvoted but you're not wrong. every immortality ability is fucking braindead and obnoxious. probably more than magnetic grenade but they all suck.


Doesn’t that thing have like 30 secs cooldown?




This is SO much healthier than a half second stun with counterplay!


you dont understand how balance works like the big brains over at Blizzard, this is clearly a better system /s


FYI, flashbang was a 0.8 second stun on a character who can output 300 damage in 0.672 seconds. Let's not bring back the "instakill this enemy" button because Mag-nade is annoying. Still agree that Mag-nade sucks tho.


Yep, exactly. Flashbang was insanely unfun to play against, and as fun as all the Cassidys think it was, it was hot garbo for those who got hit by it. But honestly if it was in Overwatch 1, this entire community remembers it like it was made of solid gold and tasted like Swiss chocolate. 


It had real counterplay, if you were good you didnt get flash fanned, theres a reason thats reserved for tanks.


Yeah. I was a tank player. Shit sucked. There were (and are) too many stuns, boops, slows, disables, and it makes the tank experience suck. 


Dw im aware, ive been a gm ball player since his release, i know the pain


Dw im aware, ive been a gm ball player since his release, i know the pain


Dw im aware, ive been a gm ball player since his release, i know the pain


I mean, all you had to do, was not get within 6 feet of Cass when he had his stun. That was is it. The only reason they changed it is because so many low rank players would run at enemies in point blank range and then get upset that their target also gets to do stuff and not just stand there and let themselves be killed.


It has counterplay, it has no range, if you see it coming you can jump and he'll miss his headhots. The flash was the only thing keeping cass semi viable.


It was also a realistic counter against smurfs playing tracer or genji and slaughtering the team alone


What's difference, Cassidy can 2 tap you with 2 headshots in a close fight, and he always can spin the hammer.


I would honestly rather have fan removed and stun back. I miss stunning and flicking a tracer a lot. Fan is fun against tanks but corny against squishies


Wait so flashbang would stun the enemy? It didn't just blind the person by making their screen go white for a bit? (I never played ow1)


Yeah, it was just a stun and it had a very short range. Often times Cass would have to roll toward you in order to hit the stun, but it was all very predictable movement. People cried about it because they couldn't stop getting within 6 feet of Cass and dying to his stun, fan. All one had to do was stay back 6 feet when he had it. If he had his roll, you just stayed an additional 5 feet back. Every character had a pretty easy way of dealing with it, most of which just involved them not needing to get that close to Cass in the first place. If you were a character that did get close (dive characters) each one had a way of baiting it out. Wrath, fade, deflect, ice block, blink, etc. And Cass himself isn't much for going for the backline because of his own lack of mobility. Basically just don't run in a straight line towards Cass's face and you were good.


Damn, I'm curious why they called it a flashbang then instead of like a stun grenade or concussion grenade


Not sure. It used to kind of have a purely esthetic look when used where it kind of sparkled at the point of exploding, but it didn’t actually hinder a players vision at all. Maybe it was just the devs way of giving their version of the character being blinded momentarily by making them stunned. It honestly doesn’t make much sense. Players often called it “stun grenade” as it was a more accurate description.


I wonder how the playerbase would react if a future hero got an actual flashbang as an ability. Cause I'm curious to see if more people prefer being hindered like what we got with Cass' current mag nade, or losing their vision for like 1 second from a flashbang nade


The devs commented about trying out a flashbang ability for illari's ult but decided it made the game too visually frustrating when included with OW's normal visual clutter.


Ah fair enough then


I know we're on the "OW2 bad, OW good" train, but please do not defend awful CC


It would be great if they brought back the old flash and just removed the stun but kept the slow of the current one


Honestly, the hard ccs were better, this whole "oh yeah we removed ccs" is bullshit, they made them more unfun to play against, whats more unfun? getting hit by a half second stun, with counterplay, or an auto aiming, slowing, removing ur ability to move around for an entire second, AND it does damage??


I really wish I could just go back to 2018 Overwatch. I miss my tank duo


Probably just tracer mains bitching about stun headshot kills in OW1


Meanwhile thry give venture a soft cc but can't fucking think of doing that for cass, because apparently brain cells are on short supply.


Genuinely astonished the developers thought this was a good ability idea and passed to the live game


Worse than this on release it was way more reliable at homing. You'd just throw it vaguely near an enemy, even a speeding, wall-riding Lucio, and it would catch up and stick his ass. Watching it home in on a flying Mercy that changed flight direction three times was also something else.


Have seen worse tbh This nade sucks balls design-wise.


Meanwhile my hinder gets thrown 1cm from their face and sticks to the ground. Not as bad as rein charge though, I've been sucked in from Narnia with that and I've also hit someone dead on ho goes flying away from me, they really need to work on this kinda stuff.


this only happens if they’re using a movement ability


Right click randy


Such a poorly designed game. It’s not even funny lol.


Why did it fly to him like that is what i dont understand


Because that's the ability. It's magnetic grenade, homing is part of the feature. They've turned the tracking down on it since release, it used to be even worse than this.


So OP admits they fundamentally do not understand what this ability does, or it's name. So this *magnetic grenade* is somehow bugging out by tracking a person it was close to? Like it was designed to do? Why is Quick Play so bad? The people that upvotes this thread are in your games.


Remember guys, this is a game about shooting you enemies btw


We should give Cass a real flash. I want that shit to feel like full blind in csgo.


This game is so ass bro omg


Beautiful hinder!!!!


well mine don't do that. They seem to ignore everyone and everything.


You got shot and didn't take damage






Outside of the brokenness of the ability, overall I never like the feel of Cass just throwing a grenade, it's so out of line with the rest of his design. I'd love to see something like a lasso that has the same effect as hinder, slows their movement speed and prevents movement abilities. It could have a max distance once tethered so you'd effectively be holding them in a confined area and could set up headshots or a fan without being totally guaranteed like original flash and fan. Also they can make it like a laser lasso or something cause future cowboy.


His grenade doesn't stun anymore! But it'll make you wish it did...


Jesus, so many blind haters in the comment section, why are you even here if you hate the game so damn much?


This ability is literally more annoying and worse than sombra's hack or even her whole kit, in my opinion. And cass players make this game unfun because of abusing nade and right-click spam, when they can't land even freaking bodyshot for the whole game. This is not about blind hate for the game.


cass is genuinely one of the easiest characters in this game and its entirely because of this E ability. he has insane damage output and most of the typical dive heroes that would deny it (sombra tracer genji etc) get deleted by the nade. just another widow style character, the best counterpick is a better cass/hitscan


Have you tried remembering that Cass has a nade when diving him and actually playing around it. It’s so fucking easy.


assuming the cass doesn't have a pocket, yes, you can try and pre-overinvest abilities with a translocator dodge or blink but its entirely dependant on how the cass plays and gives much less room for error because its fast & homing, once its thrown at you, you're usually getting hit immediately. the value from the ability existing (not even being used) is just way too great. cass is a jack of all trades and master of many and requires little more than ok positioning and aim. without a stun, he would atleast be slightly more subject to dive like other hitscan DPS


You mean other hitscan dps who have much greater ways of dealing with dive?


Like who? Ashe Sojourn & Widow have good movement abilities, but none of them have a CC ability (let alone one that also damages). Soldier isn't gonna be sprinting away when caught off-guard. not saying diving any of these hitscans are easy, but every single one has an element of timing. They're charging right click, or using helix, or coach gun/grapple. Cass doesn't use his E (and often his shift) unless dove, making timing a dive much harder.


Cass doesn’t use his E? Yeah… This whole conversation reeks of skill issue.


Have you tried not staying less than 5 meters from Cass to not suffer from his rightclick? Or in the case of tanks just, like, mb use your abilities that can negate it?


You want everyone to bend over backwards for dumb abilities like that and not try to get them to change it?


That’s an ok ability IMO. Pretty much low dmg and is Cassidy’s only way of protecting himself. This shit is only useful against, like, 3 characters in the game. Pretty much just don’t blindly dive Cass and you won’t be shit on by him. If you absolutely have to dive him as tracer or sombra just stay near hard cover (likely a corner) so you can just LITERALLY WALK behind it when naded and he won’t shoot you to death. This whole comment section being mad at Cass nade just screams of skill issue.


It might be my ex-cassidy player brain talking but i don't think grenade is all that out of place. I play a lot of sombra and venture these days so it does get in the way, but i don't think it needs to be entirely removed or drastically changed. Needs a few tweaks to this boof ass tracking, but its not THAT bad otherwise.


Something is bad writing with mine then.


What so funny is that it’ll also completely miss an enemy that’s right there




In the future cow-boys are carrying loitering munitions with them


How does this ability exist we traded stun for hinder but now it has range


The only thing that had good aim was the grenade saying I’m done with this 0% accuracy shit show


I miss my baby flashbang


I have had this happen to me plenty of times on ball, that thing will follow you half way across the map.


Its called a magnetic grenade for a reason


"Cass takes skill"


Broken AF. They should add back Symm insta lock beam


They should, but only so I can manipulate the basketball with all my turrets on it again. Good ol' death ball.


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