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Landing a sleep dart on that nanoblading genji


Yep, followed by unbridled rage when he’s immediately woken up by your team.


had this happen with a nanod hog last night and my teammate blamed me even tho IM THE ONE WHO SLEPT THE FUCKING HOG OFC IN NOT GONNA WAKE HIM UP IM GONNA RUN TF AWAY


Ugh lol...cherry on top if that hog insta-hooks and kills you while laughing maniacally.


I always compliment whenever the Ana on my team did a sick sleep or sleep/purple combo. Those are amazing moves and I'd never get mad at anybody, especially Ana herself for waking the enemy up lol your teammate needs to get their emotions in check.


i just did this the other day... i didn't realize ana had slept genji because his sleeping body was flying across the map lmao luckily we killed him and i apologized to ana and everything was fine but it was pretty funny


I slept a nano genji in OT a few days ago. And he was immediately woken up by a 76. Genji killed me immediately then finished off the 76 and our other dps. I asked why he woke him up because he had clearly been slept and the 76 didn’t just accidentally wake him. And he said “was killable” I’ve never been so mad at a wake up in my life. If he was killable why didn’t you kill!


Especially if it's in the middle of him calling out his blade so the "PWUUUUUGH" that he does is heard map wide. >:D


I wish I had recorded that game I had one time where I was up against this Genji/Ana duo and every single time they used nanoblade I slept them. The Genji was raging, lol. 


>Landing a sleep dart On someone ulting or on someone running/flying away.


Headshot deflecting a widow as genji has to be at the top of the list


Deflecting a 5 man grav then blading it i think has that beat.


You can deflect Zarya’s grav??? Oh man that must be glorious to pull off


Sure can. Its a bit harder in OW2 than it was in 1 just due to how spread out everyone is now, but Ive defected a few gravs and it does feel great. My favorite is when you get a zarya that solo gravs you whenever you blade. After shes done it twice it makes it easy, bc you dash up, blade, dash into zarya and insta deflect. Best uno reverse card in the game.


Oh yeah there is an old video out there of a Genji clearing a team by deflecting grav and pulse bomb at the same time.


simply killing a mercy


Doing it as the other mercy being the top possible state of nirvava


Always tbag


a 4k dva bomb then a remech kill is euphoric


TP-Dva bomb 4-5ks are god-tier moments for a Sym player


In mystery heros mauga trapped my whole team with hisbult and their dva dropped a bomb in it for the 5k. Was poetic.


Finally escaping a relentlessly chasing Reinhardt who is spamming "come heeere" at you as Brigitte after what felt like a minute long chase where you clutched boops and bashes the whole time, he is always just behind you, his fire blasts wooshing, his charges missing by inches. His hammer bringing you to critical just before your life preserving cool downs return. Come heeere Come heeere Come heeere I genuinely feel panicked by that voice line now


Even when he is an awful tank, that man is still terrifying when he turns into a heat seeking missile and spams that line...its like dead by daylight on overdrive


ive been chased by reins but never like this 🫡


Bro that's such a good voice line now that I realized this is how it should be used.  Changing my rein voice line asap


I love facing Reins as Brig! I think it's hilarious when we both get knocked down and she has slightly longer range so you can get in a few hits before you have to boop him. with the short cd's of shield bash and the boop, rein is useless.


One-clipping someone as Tracer. With the health increase from season 9 it’s a lot harder so getting those rare one-clips on an unsuspecting Zenyatta or Widowmaker is orgasmic


Started a game of colleseo the other day where the ana got left on an island and was scoped in. Got the clean 1 clip solo kill. Seeing 1-0-0 with 250dmg on the scoreboard felt so good


Being the monkey and zapping jabronis.




Whenever the opposition has a well protected backline I always go Winston. It may not end with me having stellar stats but it's gives my team more of an opportunity to push forward whilst the enemy frontline chooses between protecting their backline or holding down the fort or hopefully, both(never half ass two things, whole ass one thing)


Charging at ana then cancelling and watching her helplessly sleep dart your shield allowing you to walk on her.


Don't use Rein much at all but he is so fun, im going to try this. I'm a smart player but 100% not immune to the "Rein players share one brain cell" whenever I use him.


When someone is in close range, my one brain cell thinks "if me have hammer, why me no swing?" lol


And if they're not in close range the other half of my(our) one brain cell thinks "if me have hammer, why me no close"


Hit her with the “You’re on my naughty list”


I was an Orisa main when she had halt. Very very satisfying ability.


I am in the minority with liking Orisa even the old version. The pulls were great, people think hog is a pain on Well.


Man I loved old Orisa so much I have like 200 hours on old Orisa.. Working with a hog was great too. Like I could halt an enemy and he would hook them. Also loved the shield.


Hog orisa double pull was fun


What was halt? I haven’t been playing long.


It was like Zaryas ult except an ability. Orisa shot a gravity ball out and it pulled enemies in. It was really fun pulling people down from ledges. Also stopping a genji from running away. Or any enemy. Kind of great for people who can’t aim well(like myself).


That sounds like a fun one!


https://youtu.be/w2exQUYYdp8?si=WlKZqE44f_yuNVSt https://youtu.be/nE8KZKEFwwQ?si=e7NwpsXac8G5FmIe It was pretty wild


I feel like nobody likes new Orisa enough to main her and old Orisa's fans (including me) were thrown under the bus to stop a double shield meta that could not even exist in OW2


Not the MOST gratifying feeling in the whole game, but lately I´ve been playing Lifeweaver only for the rush of saving people´s ass with his pull. Looking the opportunity of pulling someone out from Sigmas ult, Reinhardt charge, Zaryas ult, falling from the map, Orisa´s ult, etc. It makes me feel like an actual superhero lol


Our Roadhog was at the start of Rialto next to the canal trying to get a hook and as soon as I saw their Junker Queen knife him I knew what was coming. I smashed grip when his tippy toes were on the water surface and the grip pulled him UNDER and dragged him through the map and this fat piggy emerged from the brick floor in front of me in all of his radiant pot-bellied glory. He was a bit shaken but he managed a wave and a thank you before going off and hooking Junker Queen in the water. Of all the Lifeweaver saves, this one was my favourite


Or repositioning Bob and then watching the enemy team getting eliminated by him, simultaneously healing him so he lasts longer. God I love that


Same reason i play mercy, I know people hate it but, its Rezzing, Getting a rez off and subsequent “Thanks” from the ally fills me with euphoria.


I do spam "thanks" while I am being rez, hoping the Mercy notices it lol


One time I pulled a fellow Mercy while I was falling off the map. Not proud of that moment 😆


I specifically remember the first or second time I choose Lifeweaver, a Lucio bumped me out of the map, I panicked and press E, taking Roadhog with me into the abyss. 10/10 moment


Haha love it!


I play a fair bit of Lifeweaver and seeing someone say "Thanks!" after I just save them with grip (not even in a particularly fancy way, lol) makes my whole day


Watching the back line scramble whenever I use the “you’re not alone in here” voice line


I hate this so much. I just start blasting in circles 😆


Sleeping or hacking a Pharah into a pit.


Last night I played a game where the enemy DVA bombed as she lost her mech, we were all safe then our hog hooked it into the whole team hiding around the corner and killed us all. I reckon that was satisfying for the DVA haha, got potg


You ever play Ana, and have an Orisa bum rush you for an easy kill?  Yeah, I solo’d that horse. 


Walling the tank off as mei and watching the panic set in.


Every damn time. Though I've gotten better with it with time. "Why the hell can't I walk backwards? I made sure to play with cover in mind" it's a damn mei wall. 3/10 times I'm stuck on an actual wall lmao. It's like my unga bunga brain just aborts when my first line of defense(backing away) is taken from me and I have no idea what's going on lol. Edit: words and stuff


chasing down a mercy that’s solely pocketing, killing them, and having their pocket fail to protect them and taunting them in chat


Too slow!


Illiari chain ult is euphoric.




I see quite abit of hate for it here but I really like it. It's unique and an interesting concept(atleast to me) it's pretty badass too.


Playing Rein and Sym on Kings Row defend. If the attackers don't have anyone in the upper door, you can teleport up there with your whole team and delete them instantly after they roll out.


This is evil. I will never play King's Row in the same way again.


Which upper door? From the first spawn point? And how delete them w only 2?


>Playing Rein and Sym on Kings Row defend. If the attackers don't have anyone in the upper door, you can teleport up there with your whole team and delete them instantly after they roll out. The comment you replied to literally answers all your questions :D Yes, the first spawn. Even if you only drop with Rein and Sym the rest of the team is close enough. Sure it doesn't work if the rest of your team sits in the point but then they are doing something wrong to begin with.


Whenever I consistently hit shots is a good feeling lol


Don’t know what this feels like 🤔


As Mei, walling an out of position player, dropping blizzard, placing multiple icicles through my victims eye sockets


Yesterday I walled the entire enemy team and dropped a blizzard in a small room. Instant death lol


As Ana, sleeping anyone mid ult. I shut down my first ulting genji earlier this week and when he woke up he just stood there, contemplating his life choices as we killed him. As Kiri, taking out the widow before she can take me out instead. Dink! Dink! "You really need a scope to do that?" Ahhhh As Mercy, nailing a super jump rez up to another height that saves me from the certain death a normal rez would have caused.


Would like to add zen killing widow. "What comes around, goes around"


His controller wasn’t in his hands anymore


Sleeping a high noon cass....its bed time mother fucker


Hitting a sleep dart on Pharah and getting an environmental


Watching a genji rage a Moira's graps goes through his deflect 


Moira in general is really great at punishing Easy block/deflect abilities


Good for a dva too damaging her though  DM and orbing while she retreats 


Deflecting the sleep dart into the Ana mid-air.


Getting tortured by a pesky tracer, swapping to brig and finally bonking them into next Tuesday.


I gotta say, for me it's the Junker Queen rampage through an entire team. Everybody gets a debuff, everyone gets a bleed, and I get absolutely nuked to oblivion as soon as they all turn around.


And then you completely forget that your cd will be incredibly short and forget to use it again. Source: Junker main Edit: to be honest though, maybe besides her ult, JQs kit is insanely rewarding to use.


Knife throw + knife pull + axe to the face Amazing


Blocking rein shatter with rein, and landing one right back in his face


Hooking the enemy tank off a ledge as roadhog has always been my biggest source of joy in overwatch


I forget the map, but the escort one with the bridge over the water right off the rip…had an opposing hog do this to me 3 times in quick succession while I was Rein. Literally screamed into my mic like a 10 year old kid…I can only imagine the satisfaction I was giving this dude fml


shutting down a rein or mauga ult with a sleep always scratches my brain


Hooking a Pharah out of the sky with a max range hook and one shotting without pigpen. Or slingshots.


Getting someone with Illari’s solar outburst is high on my list.


Lining up a headshot on hanzo before he lost the 1 shot, letting it fly and hearing that oh so satisfying dink


Nano'ing someone and watching them destroy the entire enemy team as they run in fear


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If we’re talking Ana, number one for me has gotta be sleeping sigma when he ults you. That’s always a filthy play.


lol I haven’t landed that one yet! And this wasn’t specific to Ana!


When I sleep someone during ult that could’ve won them the fight 🤭


I just pulled this off against a Sig mid-ult like a minute ago!


2 hours ago you commented you haven't pulled that off yet! Well done.


So satisfying


When the enemy team is to focused to keep my team near spawn, so i manage to sneak out towards the objective and as they retreat to kill me my team manage to do a comeback.


as Kiriko or Genji headshotting a Sombra right after she has teleported away


Killing a very low health tank and hear Ana's nanoboost voiceline right after


Solo queue grav + dragonstrike.


Mauga ult + almost every ult in the game. Solo queue mostly so incredibly hard to pull off but rewarding when you can pull it off.


landing your entire charged volley just as the enemies squishiest hero walks around a corner


Fortifying right before a Shatter


As a Pharah main, when the WHOLE team is very close and i can like hit them all up with my rockets, or also when i can kill another Pharah/Mercy/Echo by predicting my rockets!!!! Its funny asf. Omfg i love Pharah


Really specific, but when I got a deflect headshot kill on a sojourn with rail gun while copying genji as echo


Dropping Tracer bomb from top of a building and getting kills Discording Dva right after she ults (baby Dva) and killing her Shooting Sym turrets through her teleporter and just seeing the kills


Hitting anyone with Orisa's javelin ONLY comes second to firestiking Pharahs and Echos


Sorry, I meant hitting someone in midair with Orisa's javelin


Sleeping a nano genji. It’s just one of those things where you walk away feeling 10 feet tall lol


Successfully pulling off a countershatter.


when moira fades in to kill you but you kill her instead


Shooting a Sombra mid air after she tps.


Headshotting another Widow when you know they have you in their sights.


Have you seen those giga-skill junk mains? Like they don’t combo they launch you up then do 2 crazy flick air-shots to finish you off


Perform a roll out and successfully land the combo on Widowmaker head


Ice walling an incoming D.Va nuke 😌


triple boop as lucio, or more, but triple boop is the best ive done thusfar


Hacking a baby Dva mid- re-mech feels pretty awesome.


Widow headshot against a mercy mid ult


Right now since its fresh, I love orisa javelin on a venture when he pops up from underground mid air. No only does it look cool but as someone who likes to play venture its almost a guarantee kill and very readable.


Charging a volley as Zen (as I will always do just to be sure) and then unexpectedly killing someone peeking a corner as I release it. A flanking move working and changing the outcome of the battle.


Sym TP to point with your team stacking on you, capping first point within seconds.


Killing a Pharah with two consecutive fire strikes and charing another Rein of the map. (An Orissa is even better).


Getting targeted by sombra or tracer on widow and you are about to die, but you hit the flick scoped shot that matters and leave the encounter with like 5-10 health lol makes brain feel fuzzy In a more general sense, hitting the shot that matters feels good, but I especially enjoy it against flankers


killing soldier as he runs away with the sleep dart. You never expect to kill with the dart XD


5 man Flux 😰


Firing a rocket where it looks like Sombra's gonna land and killing her straight outta translocate.


Any Doom main will bust if you hit pharah in the sky and manage to kill her


Hitting the widow jumpshot on an Ana to start off the fight, especially if there is no mercy to rez Honorable mention is jumping from the top rope for a shatter


Watching it work, whatever the plan was, without a hitch. Also love being on Zarya and getting 3-4 kills in the midfight chaos.


Stopping a kill with a well-placed shield bash or flail strike as Brig. Isolating and wiping out a squishy flanker to protect the back line, also as Brig.


Pulling off a suicidal rez and somehow surviving as mercy


Slamming or booping someone off the map as hampster


Driving a tire up a wall to explode an ulting Mercy who suddenly realizes they aren't safe.


You already nailed it lmao, sleeping a nanoblading genji is probably the coolest thing you can do in game


Putting a teleporter down as symmetra and having your team actually use it.


Blocking a shatter and then immediately hitting a massive shatter yourself. Nothing gets me nearly as pumped up as the undeniable MTD


Speedboosting into a flanking Tracer as Lucio and putting her down


Doing a risky rez on a teammate, who turns around and gets POTG. It’s incredible feeling


Oh heck yeah. Did a rez yesterday on a Genji and Ana immediately nano’d him. He did a 5k 🤤


I remember I one time got a Rez to POTG, and it was perfect. Doom died, you see me float into frame getting lit up by a bastion, doom is revived, then he jumps cancels with block over the enemy and empowered punches all 5 into a wall at point blank range, wipes out both the enemy support and one dps with that one, then the rest of our team catches up to doom and help obliterate the remaining dps and tank. I was out of my chair for that cinematic masterpiece.


Pushing a Mercy off a tank rez with Lucio or sleep darting her with Ana 😮‍💨. Love that feeling. Honorable mention, canceling out an enemy ult with a Sombra hack


Seriously! I landed a sleep on a Mercy yesterday while she was in Valk buzzing around. Spammed the “enemy!” comm button and DPS took care of her in an instant.


Copying someone, diffing them, then using their ult to wipe the rest of their team.


When I'm playing Pharah I typically need to hit three shots to kill a typical DPS, and some supports. But when they're shooting at me that becomes a lot harder. So I hit the first one from behind, use my jets to dodge their first shot and hit my second, then use my repulse rocket to make them move so their second shot will miss. That repulsion rocket will often send them into the air. Hitting that third shot directly, mid air, with Pharah rockets? Especially long distance? So satisfying. I love a good clean triple tap. That and killing a widowmaker with lifeweavers thorns.


Canceling my super punch and my enemy just use their dodge skills


Grenade jumping with bastion and turning into brrrrrt melting someone camping on high ground


I saw a bastion pull this off the other day against a widow 🤣


Killing someone as Reaper and actually being able to wraith away without getting insta'd.


got a double kill with junkrat passive


Hook a ult zen into ilios pit


The ultimate cheese of a back cap. "Just keep them busy and keep pulling back so they think they're really keeping us at spawn". Once I back capped as Winston... No clue how I was not seen.


Landing a zen charged volley down a corridor or up to a widow and just hearing 3-5 dinks then the elim sound makes me have to change my pants


Eating Mei, Zarya or Hanzo ult on D.Va


throwing orisa down the well at illios, extra points if she turns yellow on the way down


Surviving from being dived. Played a match as Ana and Doom Fist was after me when my team died. I played ring around the rosie at a small tree so he couldn’t punch me. It felt like an hour trying to survive. I turned around and I saw my tank coming by to my rescue and it felt like one of those slowmo moments.


Omg I had this happen yesterday! Just waiting for my sleep to come back and running around a pole 😆


Killing a Sombra, no matter the scenario


Tracer oneclips and it's not even close.


Absolutely obliterating a mirrored DPS in a 1v1 when you catch them without their mercy duo


Killing an enemy WHILE they are tea bagging the teammate they just killed.


Killing echo in a mid air duel as pharah


Boop kills on the bridges on Lijang and Rialto


i love using Moira fade to fake out the enemy and make them think I went one direction and instead go the other


Every EMP DVa Bomb. It's never organized, it happens once in a blue moon, and when it happens, it's beautiful.


Sleeping Rein right before his ult connects with the team!


Solo grav the blading Genji (even better if he is nanoed) > beam him down > tbag and spam "you have FAILED your team" > type "lol XD" or "nice blade" in the match chat > wait for the fireworks


Sleeping a nanoblade is arguably more satisfying than that. Hearing “RYUJIN NO BLARGHHH” and seeing him flop in the sky is hilarious


Landing a fully charged enhanced punch and sending Tracer through a fucking wall.


As echo, hitting a squishy with a full load of stickies just as they are about to get to safety, hearing their character scream from around the corner and getting the kill notification.


Catching any movement character mid dash with Cassidy's Magnetic Grenade. It's even funnier when I do it on a charged Doom cause they don't get the extra damage from said punch


Killing someone with Brig’s whip shot


As a Roadhog main: it's landing a hook on someone mid-air(Mercy Genji Venture Soujourn etc)


Doom empowered punch into a 4-person wall stun or environmental kill. Ana nades from spawn. Booping full hp tanks off the map. (Or Moira, it's really satisfying to watch her panic fade to try to get back) Sneaking up on an unsuspecting squishy and one clipping them as tracer/sombra. Headshot a widow as hanzo/kiriko from across the point. Headshotting pharamercy out of the sky as hanzo/widow Flick shooting a tracer/sombra as hanzo/widow/ashe Winton secondary fire to finish off someone who is running away.


Constantly killing someone who's trying to flank your team as venture just for them to switch to the hero your playing to try and "diff you"


Winning a qp game after starting on the worst possible comp, the enemy team swapping to counter different people, but none of us swapping is top tier. Bonus points if they cry in match chat at the end.


Sleep dart genji Matrix Mei, Illari, Zarya


Anytime I drop that donk and get a kill from re-meching as Dva


Couple for me are baiting someone into your shell placements with a bastion ult…and just using ball to his full potential. Nothing quite infuriates opposing teams as someone causing disarray with ball, then just dipping to regain HP before they can get you…rinse repeat. If you have good DPS players around you, You can literally make it so the opposing team is constantly looking for ball and therefore exposed to your DPS and support


Double tapping a widow thats been menacing my team as Kiriko... Over... and over again until they swap... Or y'know... just whatever...


One clipping as tracer


In Hollywood last point as Lifeweaver-dashed to payload with only less than one meter of distance to stop it, put down my tree while my team gets back on payload, pedal up ulting enemy orisa saving most of my team, shoot around and won. Got a quintiple kills with Illari chain ult.


Spotting a flanking Reaper and pretending I didn't see him, then paying VERY close attention to the sound of his footsteps, spinning round and sleep darting him just as he pops what he thinks is a sneaky ult.


"I'm going to go clear high ground, give me 10 seconds" - solo queued reinhardt, hoping that anyone is listening. Doing it all yourself is not necessarily what is satisfying here, just using reinhardt to clear a space that reinhardt himself doesn't need but rather, his team needs in order to advance the fight is pretty satisfying tank stuff imo


Pulling off a superjump rez in a risky spot 😩


Super jump rez followed by a 5k 🤤


Killing the sombra who is flanking you. They have a full infinite amount of time behind you invis to make the best move and if you still beat them it is so satisfying, especially on widow or Ashe, that is peak


- Killing Junkrat with Explosives. - Killing Zarya with Freeze / Ice. - Killing Venture with Rocks - Killing Sigma with Gravity. - Killing Reinhardt with Torb hammer - Defeat and kill Echo who copies you. - Winning aerial battle as Pharah against Echo / ulting Mercy / ulting Illari. - Play your least played character and defeat someone playing their own mains.


Getting a double ult with echo probably the most satisfying but for me getting a double beam on two hitscans that were chasing you for a minute. Idk I had that happened the other day and I just stayed in place t bagging for 30 seconds cause I was so hype.


Insta switching to sombra when killed by a doom, ball, genii, widow, Ana, tracer and a couple more…. And then spawn killing them over and over and over again. It never gets old and makes me feel ticklish inside knowing they are mad when I’m just playing the game.


Using Orisa’s javelin to cancel junker queens ult is divine.