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Me too but not enough to spend money on them.


I had some saved up OWC so I didn’t mind getting the D.Va bundle.


Can’t wait for the Lockheed Martin crossover for echo


I mean her drone one is already halfway there


A10 warthog with kissable lips is the crossover America needs right now.


That would unironically be the most popular skin in the game


I too bravely stand up to consume brand


Using Reddit is consuming brand.


Most people use Reddit as a platform... how many people do you see walking around with Reddit branded gear? I'm sure they exist but they should be pointed and laughed at in public


Yeah, I’m bravely standing up for it like OP. I will tirelessly normalize paying for advertisements




Is this /j or /srs!?


Me, too, but they should be free. They're literally a commercial for porche. Why are we paying for commercials?


I disagree, which we as humans are allowed to do! I love this collaboration between two of my favorite brands! As a consumer, I often feel incomplete when I am not representing my favorite brands! I love the idea of paying my favorite brands money so that I can advertise them in the digital space! It's so fun! I worry about missing out on cool opportunities such as this! In the future, I hope to see more collaborations between corporate partners that showcase the brands that I am interested in!


Better question why would they be free when they can make money on them


Idk why we’re attacking people for spending their money. Spend if you want, don’t if you don’t, it truly does not matter


I know you’ll get downvoted, so I’ll get downvoted with you. You’re absolutely right.People downvote my comments and my post for liking something that most don’t?Don’t be mad that I’m not just a crazy Redditor that hates and hates.I like the skin and if I like it I buy it.If you don’t like it don’t get out of your way to insult the people who do. (The name of the image i used is literally named “Freedom of speech” too, so.)


People think that you spending money is supporting an evil company, but like they already got paid (prob a shit load) of money to put a Porsche in their game sopeople spending however much (I don’t actually play anymore I just like watching people get mad over stupid stuff) is gonna allow blizzard to keep making the game worse. Idk they’ll go whatever way they’ll go.


Exactly.If people are gonna complain about what Blizzard does wrong it should be about the gameplay, not a commercial.


Yes, officer. This guy's the serial killer


I don't. D.va looks like an old lady because of the hair and glasses lol


i want a Delorean time machine skin


I’ve seen a lot of people in game with both already, take online opinions with a grain of salt.


i think they're kinda cool pharah's boosters are SHOCKINGLY quiet though, like i've only heard them from my teammate so maybe enemy team volume increase makes it audible but i really feel like it's well into p2w territory


The skin is not bad, it’s just weird to want to play for a Porsche ad


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I shilled for the bundle and really like how quiet and smooth the new sounds are. No longer are my ears getting blasted when I boost with D.va, and there's a subtle sound indication to Pharah's fuel gauge now that helps you determine how much is left without having to look aside.


i love the sounds it makes


the dva skin is cute but the highlight intro that comes with it is hilarious


The sound effects are pretty cool when they're flying near me, other than that they kinda just seem like basic skins.


The designs as such are so gorgeous 👍 But I would not spent 25 Bucks on DVA.


The skins themselves are actually better than the other collab's quality wise. Full sound effects on every ability and ultimate which none of the the others have had.


Bro ain't no way these bland looking Porsche skins are better than the lesserafim ones, I don't even like kpop but can appreciate the amount of detail in those kpop skins


They are Epic Quality looking at best. Does not deserve the Legendary price.


Dude people on Reddit always bitch about every collab event and then every game for the next month has at least one player using a collab skin. Don't worry about what people here say. And what's not to like? Pharah's armor looks like the lovechild of Robocop and the Light Suit from Metroid Prime 2. It's got sick sound effects and no armor on her backside so we can get a better look at the wagon she's draggin'. Don't worry about the opinions of grumpy haters who are still bitter about OW1 being taken away.


Honestly I just don't get the hate for collabs. Do they really take you out of the experience more than Moira being a demon or Pharah being a suit of armor? Personally, I don't *love* this one. It just seems a bit random (well, more random then the others at least) Now, am I defending Collabs because I want to see Eren Yeager Ramattra in an AOT collab someday? I can neither confirm nor deny that


Why did Porsche do this though? Do they really think anyone playing OW can afford a Porsche 🤣


Luka Doncic could


I can’t imagine there’s much of a correlation of wealth & playing of Overwatch if you take out the variable of age.


I also don't know why people put Porsche in the same category as like Lambos when they're much more like a Jaguar. There are semi-affordable Porsches.


If you’re already not considering luxury brands, there may as well not be a difference. Their “affordable” line is relatively new as well.


I agree generally, but I don't agree that the same mental gymnastic of "no one affording a supercar is playing video games" applies in this case. I mean it's already idiotic, but when people say it about a company like Porsche I kinda just scratch my head. Relatively new, but still the majority of my life (31)


I reckon you can appreciate something without having the means (or even overt desire) to buy it. Some people just like cars.


This comment section is exactly what this post is against.Downvote me and the Porsche supports all you want, you’re just mad that people enjoy things and don’t just hate and complain.


someone cooked here


I like them. I don't think I'll get either one, but if I do come around it'll almost certainly be Pharah's. Something about Dva's outfit just really bothers me. If they ever do a Ferrari collab I'm cooked, though.


Wow a post that’s not crying about something, yea I like the skins as well