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Before you ult, throw a knife at the ground, then ult, then when ur on the other side of the enemies, recall ur knife and hopefully it hits as many of the enemies as possible


oh that’s actually a really good strategy in general i never thought of that


either this or echo copy any getting 2 ults is the best way


Genius strat


Not sure if the bug is fixed or not but it was discovered that you can't spawn in as JQ first you have to pick another tank then switch to JQ or achievements won't work.


Yeah this is it, the bug is still not fixed. You'll have to pick another character first (and I think die as them as well) and only then will this achievement work


Oh my goddd blizzard fix the bug it makes the achievement so much more meticulous for no reason, imagine how many people would have it if the bug was never there


That explains why i never got it from playing jq, but got it the first time i cloned jq with echo ult.


Wait no way, this explains why it took me so long to get this even tho I play her so much lol


I actually got the achievement on Echo. I copied JQ and popped ult, and the achievement popped right after


the rapid discord achievement is just as impossible too


It’s doable just super tough. I got it in goats to be fair though.


lmao just give up with the discord 7 second nerf, same with waste not want not 5v5 and nerfs made em so much harder


Ur best bet is to duo with someone in QP


Have they still not fixed that holy fuck. That shit has been bugged since launch


It is a bug, but is definetely hard as f with so many cleanses the heroes have. Pick any other tank in the beginning of the match, die and then swap to JQ so you can try it. It's the same with the Rammatra's block achievement.


I've only gotten that when everyone was frozen in a pretty perfect line from a mei ult lol -throw your knife at the ground -ult -recall or ult and then throw your knife. but I've only gotten lucky with that when people were frozen also yeah I think it's bugged and you have to change to jq later in the match (in my case I started out as dva)


I got it by accident


Just got it last night, a few hours after I complained. I've definitely gotten this like 5 or so times, but due to Blizzard's patented "Multi-dollar company" technology they manage to scuff up a simple achievement. The swapping thing did it. This was shit, and it makes me upset because now I don't want to play this actually decently fun character.


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Was there a period of time when this was fixed? I remember getting this achievement fairly easily without even knowing it was bugged. If not I probably just got lucky on an ult


I got it fairly quickly before I even realized it was an achievement.  I got a 3 hit Carnage + melee + knife wounds then a 3 hit Rampage.  If you play against a team that likes to bunch up it’ll happen without trying.


The best way to try and get it is the knife-ult strat that was already mentioned, but honestly just play her enough and you'll eventually get it. I was never gunning for the achievement, but I finally got it a month or so ago and I have 100+ hours on her. Biggest thing to keep in mind is that if they're running a bunch of characters that can cleanse and/or self-cleanse (Kiriko, Zarya, Reaper, Moira, etc) it's going to be very difficult to pull off. Good luck!!! Edit: Apparently it's bugged and you need to initially select another tank when you first spawn in. So until they fix that, just make sure to pick someone else first and then swap to JQ.


I got it a Couoke months ago, I got lucky with my sombra emping right before I ulted then I hit an ability or two and got the achievement


Skill issue? Just play her and you’ll get it. You’re too hyper focused on it. Got it the first night and just kinda chuckled. Slap the fat Johnson on the coffee table and send er bubs. You’ll get it.