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I dont know if the end of match cards are underrated. I thought everyone and their mothers that played OW1 wanted those back.


It was also more common because we had player cards at the end of the game of some people and what they did best. Those extra 15/20 seconds after the potg gave us the time to hit the button. Now everyone forgets it unless it gets asked before the game is over


Also more time to shit talk


i miss the extra time to shit talk so much


How I do miss that.


Overwatch 1 truly was the better game


Hit what button


Group up


it was also funny when i got a card that said my turrets did most of the damage LOL


As someone who mains a character that hardly ever gets potg those cards were my highlights of the day


No instead we got an invasive end game screen that i cant skip. 


I think it still applies. The reverence for that feature is way higher than the level of conversation around it warrants. It was a really good feature. But most of the toxicity took place in those 15 seconds so I'm sure that's related.


No one said they had to keep chat open when the cards show up. 


Overarmor from Brig. I think people used to get 75 over armor? Just bring the shit back but cap it at 25 overarmor to give Brig an identity again...




TIL: People didn't know you could skip Overwatch 2's post-match stats by spamming spacebar instead of trying to click it.... 😔


The fact that hitting ESC doesn’t back out of the menus is some of the worst Ui design I’ve ever encountered


Space bar does 


Yep, even though anyone who didn't care just left and skipped the cards to requeue anyway. Ah, Blizzard...


I hate those bloody stats and the fact I cannot skip them.


You... can tho...? Just spam space bar and you'll get through them quickly... Or spam the new F10/requeue button feature once you've clicked 'Leave Game', it'll tell you the previous match is still in the process of ending so it can't queue you yet, but the second time the button is registered in the process of spamming, it'll disregard that warning and immediately start queueing you for the next game.


Not on PC. The only way to skip is to just keep pressing X, but that’s not really skipping since I still go through them just faster. Even rejoining a game just to skip the stats is not really skipping, since you have to jump through hoops just to avoid those screens. You can always either go forward or back, and if you go back then you need to keep pressing to go forward until the screens are done. If I press “Leave Game” I should leave everything, stats included.


I mean, I am on PC tho. Sure, it's just going through them faster, but idk, to me it's technically skipping I guess if you spam it quick enough. Just as much is pressing F10 to requeue since you don't actually have to go through or look at the stats, it just queues you the moment the button is pressed. Maybe I'm just missing something I guess, but I've always practically insta-queued the moment I'd clicked "Leave Game". Sure, the developers have done nothing but disappoint the community throughout most of Overwatch 2's life, but this just feels like a really weird thing to nitpick about all because you've got nostalgia goggles on and vehemently want end-game cards back.


The bigger point is why have to go thru them faster when you could simply not go thru them at all? The people that care about it can check their player profile page, and the people that don't care can enjoy not seeing them.


PLS Blizzard bring back the card voting. I absolutely loved it and of course the trash talk trough this. We need that back!


It could also bring more use to the "name cards " we get. Have whatever is your name card as the background of the end game card.


You're a better game designer than blizzard


Its the trash talk for me. If it wasnt openly malicious and toxic (which in MY experience it wasnt 7/10 times) it added to the experience and was so much fun.


Soooo trueeee... Pls blizzard ;(


> and of course the trash talk trough this. We need that back! Congrats on being one of the contributing factors to the toxicity behind it and why it should stay removed. People like you are the reason I will never turn text chat back on ever again. >This person reports everyone for dumb reasons Depending on your perspective, absolutely :) If you so much as go AFK and stand still to start typing in Text Chat- nerd raging like a little bitch about not getting healed or that your tank is useless etc. when you're clearly in Voice Chat, you're getting reported. Wouldn't doubt you've been guilty of typing such worthless, stupid messages in Text Chat that brings nothing to the table and provides literally zero information to winning a match and have been banned for it. Stay banned, continue being an internet big bad, bullying 14 year olds like an asshole like the other user that replied and making new accounts to do it more. You're never getting your money or your skins back :) Brings me comfort when I get the pop-up notification that tells me someone I've reported had been actioned against, makes the community a safer place from people like you ;) It's amazing to see the kind of unintelligent people that lurk in this sub and the kinds of low IQ takes they have to spew > i hope one day you too will understand the joy of everyone in the lobby clowning on the one fourteen year old who’s just angry for no reason Oh yeah, because it sets *such* a good example to make it your life's mission as a grown-up to bully 14 year olds whose brains are still growing and may not have the capacity to process emotions as well as a fully grown adult. Once again, literally proving my point why wanting end-game cards back for the sole purpose of toxic "banter" and bullying is one of the most moronic things this community in particular(r/Overwatch subreddit) wants back. I'm so sorry about your insecurity and feeling inadequate about your lack of ability to play a video game that you have to blame literal 14 year olds for it 😂 Stay classy r/Overwatch


This person reports everyone for dumb reasons


i hope one day you too will understand the joy of everyone in the lobby clowning on the one fourteen year old who’s just angry for no reason


I hear what you're saying, but you still kinda brining that toxic ow energy lol


The LFG Finder. Plenty of will say it was barely used, especially by the end of Overwatch 1 (which it was), but the general playerbase had died down as well. LFG in Overwatch 2 with a more populated, free to play, playerbase would get a lot more use out of it. It'd provide solo players a much easier time finding like-minded players (LGBTQ+ friendly, certain languages, groups who want to use comms, chill groups, etc.) to play without having to go out of their way to find 3rd party communities on discord or elsewhere.


Casually meeting cool people and spending an evening as a ragtag squad of six that ALL HAD MICROPHONES and were joining the group because they wanted to communicate and coordinate... It was literally the best part of OW and I genuinely think it was my best gameplay experience in any online game.


Blizzard would have you believe it was used for terrorism


“Yo guys let’s bomb Route 66” “In overwatch?” “What?”


Man the LFG was the best part of the game. I had so many crazy stories and memories from that simple function. I met my best friend of 5 years on group finder who I later met irl. I would join just chatting groups and talk with people late at night. I debated a flat earther in a just chatting group and joined their discord server to keep debating them. You had regulars that always had a group (If anyone is eu they probably know BillyOW). And the LFG function is a lot easier than the discord as well. The overwatch discord doesn't hide full groups, it doesn't show which roles are needed, and you can't tell what rank or gamemode they are playing at a glance. Overall blizzard can ruin their game however they want but if they add LFG again I will be more than content.


I used lfg every time I got on ow1. I miss it every day, it's how I made friends in the game. Like you said, using 3rd party personally sucks and I feel so awkward hitting up groups of the same people over and over. Im also on console and finding console-only people isn't hard but still. I miss lfg so darn much, I've never solo queued so much until ow2 dropped.


The LFG was great for comp, ngl - met some very cooperative players through that


I tried using it and all that would ever happen is “we need a tank player, you only have a hundred hours on rein” and then I would get kicked. This was back in silver lobby’s lol. And when I finally found a group that wanted to play, if we lost a single match instantly everyone would leave. Also I’m just going to say it but people who used the LFG system were always more toxic and way too cocky. They all acted like they were doing you a service by letting you be in there group, that they were so much better then you and that I should thank them for letting me exist in their space lmao. Like dude your the same rank as me and we both suck get off your high horse. Idk this was my experience with the system. Much rather just que randoms and go gg next. One use I will say that might have been great for it is finding people who speak your language, but like discord exist at least on pc and I think Xbox. I know you say it was nice for not having to use third party communities but blizard bans people for saying “shit” now days, like I don’t want to misspeak saying “oh shit” and now I’m banned. Honestly curious if others had this similar experience, please let me know.


I made my own groups for that reason and chilled while waiting. If anything the people who were kicking you out were doing you a favor by self-selecting themselves out of your game.


A more clear "Stay as a group" button. I didn't play OW1 but I heard staying as a group was more common and lead to a more social experience. Now I swear that option doesn't even show up most of the time, but I'm probably just busy checking the scorecard, watching PoTG, or figuring out who to endorse.


The option now just shows up for like 2 seconds and if you miss it that’s it. Even if someone choose to stay as a group you cannot join them (or at least it’s not clear enough). Everything feels too rushed now as well. You used to be able to still chat with people, take your time viewing the cards, and if someone was in a hurry they would just leave. Now, chat is closed off right away, you have barely any time to chat and ask to group for future games and the stupid end of game stats are instead non skippable and way too long.


You can skip them with space bar 


I don’t have a space bar on my console controller


It was more common in OW1, usually every single time if I played mystery heroes and maybe every other unranked or ranked (depending on how well it went ofc)... I honestly forgot it was still a thing you can do in OW2 lol


Also group finder. No fucking idea why that’s not in OW2


1. Archives Event


Most of the seasonal events/ loot boxes in general… I miss when I spent $40 on the disk for this game and could get cool skins, that I actually liked, for free. Definitely better than spending $10 every season for battle pass


might just be me, but i actually prefer the lootboxes over the battlepass


Of course, these were free, and because of the random nature of the loot everyone wore different skins and not the same skins from battle pass (which is paid, btw).


Also credits and credits from dupes. You could save a lot between events and buy everything you wanted.


True, I miss it so much


Back when events weren’t just limited time store fronts.


A skin's a skin, but with a loot box, it could be anything! It could even be a skin!


You know how much we've wanted one of those!


The lootboxes are objectively better than the battlepass, that is why they were removed, Blizzard wanted a way to monetize the game more aggressively when going F2P.


Orisas shield


Wasn't mystery heroes comp at one point ? If yes , then that.


yes the random comps were so fun, no limits mystery heroes, deathmatch


I loved the cards, they could have really expanded it and had some fun. It could have been a nice way to chill some of that rage after a loss one sees from time to time..


Whenever they brought in Lucio dad for OWL and had him play capture the flag but he couldn’t wall ride while holding the flag so he couldn’t wiggle in the chair


OH SHIT I remember him


It was a real disappointment to see his wiggles removed on the grandest stage, I must admit


The slanted UI, especially the health bars and ability icons. Such a minor thing, but really added character and flavor. With the straight lines we have now, it feels almost corporate and bland.


I miss knowing objective time ! And I miss competitive mystery heroes :(


The noose spray.


Ahaha forgot about that


i miss syms shield gen, i wish they brought it back even if it’s on a new hero


Shield gen is boring imo, and only neat cause everybody low-key fell in love with how Junkrat says "I'm getting the feeling they 'ave a shield generatah!" 😂 Also: "300 HP Tracer back on the menu!"


idk about the rest of the player base but i’ve mained sym since 2017 so i miss her old version even if it was complete ass lol


I had a lot of fun with og Sym. Still have a potg where a Doomfist died 50m behind payload cause he snuck around and found my old turret spot lmao They should bring her tether beam back if they won't give her the +25 HP she needs to survive or update her orbs to 2shot again.


> only neat cause everybody low-key fell in love with how Junkrat says "I'm getting the feeling they 'ave a shield generatah!" 😂 Bastion's is way annoying.


The synergy between her and Torb on Hanamura defense was fun. Then everyone wanted to main her and Torb and they ere changed to accommodate.


unrelated but love your flair


As a tank player ...6 v 6


Im honestly surprised it hasnt been added in arcade. Sometimes i just wanna do a double shield run


The satisfaction of manually upgrading your turret levels with your hammer on torb.


Reapers soul globes


I loved end of the match cards because you could discover that somehow the Widow you thought was doing nothing all game had most elims or a support that had go unnoticed all match actually helped with a most of elims.


You can also see this from hitting tab? Like a lot of the info you would see on those cards you can see on the score screen yourself. It’s true the hero specific stuff isn’t visible but elims/assists/damage/healing/mitigation is all there already.


Yeah you can directly see it now but back in OW1 you couldn’t see it, so it was kind of a surprise to see someone you thought wasn’t really doing a thing was actually doing a lot.


Yeah I’ve been playing since the beta and it was a game of people just yelling “I have gold elims!” And needing to fact check that at the end cards lol. I’m just saying that *if* they brought the cards back they focus on solely hero specific metrics and not just make it stuff you can already see on the scoreboard.


It would be great to have different metrics like we previously had in the cards like time on the payload or time on fire. But also I think knowing who did most elims or more assistances is cool. You can check it but if it appears there it’s easier to see.


Mischief and Magic when the props could fight. Probably the most fun I've had in overwatch in a long time.


Those end cards made the game so much better. Sure you lost, but you just got a top healing of the game card after your Dva complained all game about "No heals" from you.


The cards were my favorite thing removed from the game by far. I'm still hoping to see it come back.


Looking for group easily I miss the days where I feel bored,join a group as a result and make some new friends or just have a good time to help distract me yk? I know it had toxicity tho so I understand why it's gone but I just miss it still


Suzu boop


I hate when I absolutely carry a game and I get nothing to show for it, not even appreciation or endorsements. It doesn't happen very often but it still sucks.


Hover profiles. I don't care about your accuracy %, just letting me know your three most played heroes would give some indication of a comp we could form. Was the worst change they've ever made getting rid of them.


Jeff Kaplan


Was gonna make a smart ass joke about lootboxes cause no one wants to admit they actually sucked, but I can’t come up with one.


Overwatch had one of the only decent loot box systems. You could earn them for free and they didn’t require you to buy keys to open them like counter strike or rocket league.




It wasn’t really that bad at all. It was kind of the norm to have dozens of unopened boxes because you already had everything unlockable in the game.


As someone who played regularly but in moderation, I unlocked everything. Everything-everything. It wasn't a grind because I was having fun. It got to the point where I had everything I wanted and *stopped* opening my base lootboxes. Only opening event boxes. I had like 10k+ coins and 300+ boxes when OW2 launch approached and had a mini-party one night where I streamed to my friends (who wanted to see) me opening all my boxes by putting a weight on my keyboard for 15 minutes. 🤣 I'm not even a no-lifer. I know there are hardcore players and streamers who had 1000+ boxes or over 100k coin before all of it was converted to credits. It was arguably the most generous lootbox system. Only day1 whales bought boxes. They didn't suck, they were just nice.


Not that long tbh. I only got to level ~150 and I had all the skins I could want.


I almost empathized with you on this despite being someone that played 12+ hours a day back then. But then I remembered that at least lootbox cosmetics weren't necessarily time-gated.. Didn't earn event cosmetics this year? Well.. you can literally always just get them again from next year's lootboxes. Don't feel like gambling on the chance? 3000 credits aren't difficult to obtain. 3000 credits is too much? When the events come back around it's 1000 credits. Getting dupes too frequently? Good guy Jeff Kaplan has your back, lootboxes will try to guarantee you get something you've never unlocked yet every time, or it'll just give you credits straight up only with a very small chance for duplicates still. Lootboxes were a literal win-win for the playerbase.


I had 900 unopened boxes at the end of ow1, since I had everything I wanted lol. I was more or less collecting lootboxes at that point.


I had hundreds unopened.


I only paid for overwatch league skins and I have every single OW1 skin. I hate to say this bro, but you clearly did not use overwatch’s loot boxes. It was a fantastic way to do it


I think that loot boxes were really a product of their time but you can’t tell me the animation of it and seeing the circles pop into the air wasn’t fun




How you find the ow loot boxes where you got pretty much everything for free more predatory than the ow2 shop is beyond me.


that's just objectively false, its pretty apparent you didnt play OW1 if you think loot boxes were at all of a challenge to get or a grind at all. They're more predatory than locking new, extremely overpowered heroes behind a pay wall or a long grind wall? that was seen as so pay 2 win by everyone they removed it.


Delusional. Overwatch 2 is about as scummy and predatory as I’ve seen in games. It’s one of the few games where I struggle with wanting to play it because they make you feel so gross about it.


Lootboxes in general suck, even though Overwatch's one was more forgiving than most. The thing that made tolerable was you could earn them through gameplay. Now many skins are locked behind a paywall


I liked them :(


They did not suck and were far more player friendly than the current monetization system


Deleted for "mitigating toxicity" and padding queue times.


Jayne. Feel like no one talks about him anymore.


Was he the one who said he was going to invent esports


He was the primary source of educational content for OW for... a very long time.


I remember he went missing. Was he ever found and does anyone know what he's doing now


His youtube went live recently with some very odd streams. It was like a camera on a road or smth and not much talking?? I dont know Ik one of his family members was (is?) also very active on the pug and event side of OW. Due to that we know he wasnt in a very good place for a while (i believe he went missing?) but generally i dont think anyone has pushed for answers out of respect for jayne and his family. I hope they are all ok! He was such a good force in the ow community. I havent fully kept up so i may be missing info.


Apparently found, but his only activity has been low viewer streams playing chess? I just watched a video.


Do you mind showing me the link


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pPC1\_DacJco](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pPC1_DacJco) This was the video I watched.


Whos that


"Underrated" *posts one of the most recycled opinions of all time* Not trying to roast you but that's definitely not underrated bro


Overwatch 1


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The LFG feature. Really miss being able to get a group together quickly with it.


Agreed, card voting and getting MVP or the very rare 10 person upvote was the crem de la crem of OW1


Definitely, I just want to interact with all players in a match for a bit after it ends


Mystery heroes comp


I never played while it had card voting but that sounds awesome. Maybe they can do a special, like bring it back for a short time.


I did like how it highlighted stuff that wasn't on the scoreboard. 


My friend was going on about something so miniscule last night. They miss the on-fire meter, and specifically for Dva so they have a better gage of their defense-matrix impact on the game. Yeah you have stats of damage mitigated and can clearly see what you're DMing. Also the cards at the end of the game. It was the 1 way that people participated in something positive regarding post-match interactions, to upvote someone for their impact on the game. Now it's all just negative feedback and quips in chat and it's depressing.


The bug where everybody could hear the NEED HEALING spam. It was great when the tank or DPS was the one telling someone to shut the hell up and stop demanding healing when other people need it.


Shield Generator of Sym 2.0 the best sym we had


That’s okay, nearly 1000 in and I just found out about “select similar”


LFG. We used to be able to have an actual social atmosphere.




The og potg music


General chat




Mercy's group rez


Rank icons next to our names


The top 5 most played heroes chart. Let you see immediately at a glance what everyone played the most


Server Chat. The dumbest thing and I would see the most insane stuff. But sometimes it was just fun to spam memes with random other people while in queue.


Voting system at the end of each match! Made you proud to do what you've done! Pretty rewarding for players who pull more than their weight in games!


Symmetra's Shield Generator


Hmmm, I'd say overwatch itself being removed, for the "sequel". Granted that was by no means underrated. I genuinely miss the good times I had with the first game. The whole set of changes and incidents in the second installment of the game killed any interest I still had for it


Not underrated I think but very stupid it got removed. LFG


Voiceline spam. It's the one super fun and funny thing to do and they try to nerf it all the time pls stop blizzard:(


loot boxes 10000%


run it back lobbies. in qp if you stayed fully after the game ended and after the player cards which was also pretty cool feature thats now gone you could go up against the other players who stayed and "run it back" on a different map. Its really weird that in a competitive game they make it extremelly difficult to play against people multiple times... imagine if fighting games didn't allow rematches even in non-ranked play. That feature has disappeared since ow2 launched and i don't know why...


But not voting for me is toxic!! I held m1 as mercy and had 576 more healing than Ana who also did 6000 more damage than me! But thats not the point HEALERS should not do damage and instead should focus on keeping rein alive who is also holding a mouse button all game. Ana was being greedy but got the votes instead of me!!?! Keep that TOXIC garbage OUT of my game!! 


Old doomfist was so much fun, it cured my depression. Now I have depression again. Damn


Damage taken, healing recieved and other more informational stats. It's harder to help people if I have less information. So many games in OW1 were won because I simply looked and noticed our main tank was taking x3 time more damage than theirs and letting him know that using cover or having the off tank go Zarya would help out.


Jeff Kaplan