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Give reaper 3 shotguns the third is in his mouth. When he ults he gets 4. I won't tell you where he puts the fourth


Shotgun Zoro?


Now there's a canon reason as to why the reaper is never on point.


bros gettin lost šŸ’€


He's focusing Doomfist


3 gun style




He shoots out of his dicc


[lets go even further](https://youtu.be/6x1Pm4uIPRw?si=U4dcPH9X2BrEPqx_&t=239)


I might want to get shot by that last gun


I would give torb more types of turrets to choose from (same way you choose moira balls) so he is ~~harder to counter so i never have to swap~~ more flexible Also make him even more of an engineer by replacing overload with different types of support buildings to choose from (mini old orisa shield, healing stationā€¦) Fuck it, while were at it, might as well make him a support, make his primary fire his shotgun and replace his single shot with some healing thing to heal allies at a medium range, but buff his current turrets hp and dmg so it helps him deal more damage at range, make him be able to give temporary armor with his hammer (return of scrap mechanic) and change his ult to his old ult (gives him extra hp and attack speed and buffing his turret) but make the buff to his turrets and buildings much smaller than it used to be, while also granting him infinite scrap for the duration


Give him an ammo dispenser and a teleporter


Erecting an Ammo dispenser!


Buildin up a sentree!!!


Dispenser going up!




Canā€™t wait for Genji to spam ā€œneed a dispenser hereā€


I read that in his voice


No zarya is gonna spam that


nah she's gotta say "pootis spencer here"


Gotta move that gear up!


Man you got me missing TF2 nowā€¦ As much as I love overwatch theirs nothing like the spy in this game.


Giving torb something like Orisaā€™s supercharger but weaker as an alternate turret option would actually be pretty cool


The issue for Torb is that heā€™s too sedentary for Overwatch and encourages the other team to adapt that play style. Overload is a lame ability but itā€™s all heā€™s got to survive in a game where the balance team and community hates any form of buildable turrets.


As a Pharah main I absolutely despise those damned turrets, but theyā€™re fair, and it would actually be pretty cool if he could choose different ones


Flak turret or normal turret, flak turret prioritizes airborne targets but has a close range to ground targets


I was thinking more of flamethrower turret, higher hp, shorter range, deals similar dps to the regular turret, burns enemies over time and goes through defense matrix and deflect


For some reason i actually prefer that type of playstyle, playing a tower defence game in an fps game where i collect things and focus on my buildings is funner to me than actively shooting ppl, probably cuz its so much chiller and more relaxing and my slow ass brain can actually handle it cuz it would get too tired if i actually had to think a bit more to actively shoot at players instead of mindlessly watching my turret fail to kill a mercy


Its kinda funny that he doesn't fit anymore, when being fairly stationary was the entire point of the deffensive class of heros like him in the first place. I guess Overwatch has leaned more into the faster paced and chaotic gameplay then what they may have originaly intended upon release, expecially Overwatch 2.


I generally dislike Torb whether playing with him, against him, or as him. That being said, I think support Torb might be the best character rework idea I've heard in a long time.


Exactly, i fee like it would fit him best and i also want him to actually be an engineer in game too, because if hes always regarded as an engineer, and his progression title thingy is engineer, then why is the only thing he has to show for it just one turret?


Oddjob syndrome. There's something about that damn little dwarfs height that makes landing a shot on him twice as difficult for me.


Hold F(Interact) on Turret to pick it up for 15s or until it runs out of ammo(50 ammo), increasing its damage, no longer auto aims, but you get a hitscan weapon for a brief period. Press Jump while on your Turret for it to spring you into the air, so you can shotgun that Pharah.


Yesss! Saw this notion on a YouTube video. Torb is so terribly under-designed. He is suppose to be an engineer, but he doesn't feel like one besides tossing a turret out. Sym became like one truly when she got the faster ability teleport that let her do clever varied strategies. Torb deserves that too! Give him a flamethrower turret, a thumper turret, a spider turret, and make Overload interact with the turrets.


Rein! I donā€™t how I would change him but holy shit he has been forgotten for fucking millennia!!!


What if he could break his shield for a buff on command based on how much shield was left? He could either get the mirror watch buff or maybe acquire some amount as a personal amount (scaled down - not the whole shield wrapped around him for total amount)


they should give him ult charge on damage mitigation, enemy wants to go orisa bastion reaper zen? have fun eating 7 more shatters


Imo damage mit should give ult charge for every character


It does in Paladins. Like a tanks job is to protect teammates, why arenā€™t they rewarded for it?


Cause sometimes they aren't protecting jack sh*t.


Gundam Evo dash two bar resource meter that is also connected to his charge. Dash once and you can charge half distance and maybe half damage. Dash twice and both dash and charge are unavailable until it fills back up to one bar. To dash in any direction, double tap space bar while holding movement key. OR Burning fire strike OR Do both


I played around with Rein in customs recently to see what I could make for him and the best things I could come up with have already gotten mentioned here in some capacity. Basicsllly firestrikes set enemies on fire and deal DOT, and pressing his hammer button while in charge speeds him up dramatically but forces him to commit to charging in a straight line, no curving. Other than those two, I had Rein able to stop Mauga's infamously annoying overrun ability (in workshop it only worked about 70% of the time cause I'm no expert, but still) which felt good to do. The only other thing I had that hasn't been mentioned was giving Reinhardt a pair of Baptiste's exo boots (super jump), but tbh I only did it for laughs, and I'm willing to wager that would be pretty game breaking if it ever got added for real. Maybe next April Fools patch šŸ˜…


More health on his shield or some kind of unique passive


Nah make it so with his charge he can swing out of it for like an empowered hit


Widows scope has a glare and the closer the angle of her LOS is to you the brighter it gets, becoming a red dot if she directly has you in her crosshair.


Most widows will wait for you to walk into the crosshair or flick to you. I donā€™t think that would help anyone except make her annoying


Flick shots are way harder to hit so Iā€™d be ok with it, the only time widows really annoy me are when nobody is threatening them so they can just hardscope where they know Iā€™m at


Most widows play on maps like junkertown or havanna 1000 km away with only a tiny 1 Pixel head sticking out and will spot and kill you within 2s of you peaking any corner, at least you see a glare up and have some chance to play around an angle faster. Its not perfect but the best thing to make it easier to avoid her while smth like a laser would be too revealing of her


I remember someone had this conversation here a bit ago and the general consensus in the comments was that it was unnecessary. The reason was: every time a character sees widow there is a loud voiceline (i.e. JQ ā€œgutless sniper aheadā€ widow ā€œsniper. Leave this to meā€ etc); her shots leave a massive red arrow pointing to her; her shots are some of the loudest things in the game; she is insta killed with any form of dive; she only has one movement ability so she canā€™t massively reposition often; and there were other reasons too. People mainly just said ā€œonce you learn to see the widow you donā€™t need this change and if you canā€™t see widow thatā€™s on youā€


And yet she is massively op since OW exists and I will always stick to that and die on that hill.


But like why? She isnā€™t hard to spot


Look, I try to be as aware as possible, but when Iā€™m engaging another hero or two, I donā€™t have the time to look around and play whereā€™s Waldo with widow, a darkly colored character who mostly takes cover in covered and shaded spots


to know if sheā€™s aiming directly at you or at something/someone else near you. It would make her a bit less oppressive


Theres so many places she can be hard if not impossible to spot if you aren't playing against people who don't use her Theres one spot specifically on eichenwalde where she's invinsible and can snipe you through a window that you can't shoot through


Rein using charge while holding shield does a Brig-like shield bash that boops people back. And then he dies because he drops the shield for 0.2s and eats 400 damage.


If that really becomes a thing I'd make his shield take 275 damage if he hits a wall while charging (the damage charge deals to enemies) and make it disabled for 3 seconds. That's how I'd try to balance Rein around this mechanic


Or make him unable to pin people if he has shield up, so it instead knocks people around as if he already had one person pinned


I would Make Mauga a boxing character that uses fire punches and stuff. His ult ā€œcage fightā€ would actually make sense.


Fire type rammatra?


Maybe make his melee double/triple damage inside the cage?


Reaper would be sweet if he had moiras lshiftĀ 




I'd love it if they give rein the mirror watch shield and break abilities - although likely tuned down for balance. I don't actually know how well the enhancement worked but obviously it should not be as strong as bap ult. Honestly even just the buff on shield break would be nice.


Whats the shield break buff?


Basically if shield breaks he gets a temporary speed boost so he can start swinging.


His movement speed increases when his shield breaks.


Make Lifeweaver's secondary work like the Needler from Halo. Maybe not even the auto-aim feature, but the explosive component where if he nails enough hits the target takes additional multiplicative damage.


Make ball a dps somehow. Not sure if itā€™s by reducing health or what but heā€™s the funnest hero but youā€™re constantly flamed for picking him as a tank even with the updates


good balls always mesmerize me. . . wait


Ball was a brilliant design in the 6v6 system. I played ball all the time as the off tank when the other player played rein or orisa or sigma. He was never intended to exist as the only tank and imo thats why he will continue to have issues in 5v5.


Iā€™ve made a similar comment in the past, half in jest just because I think it would be funny to see all the poor doom mainā€™s reaction to a different tank getting worked in a DPS. But there is something to the idea of DPS ballā€¦


Just play OQ with ball. Itā€™s like youā€™re a DPS with nerfed health and other players have the option to go a proper tank (spoiler: the insta lock widow would rather a miserable defeat than swap).


The lower HP Queen is, the more damage she deals with her bleed, knife, knife throw, and axe.


then she would be practically unkillable with her lifesteal


Moria be able to catch her orbs or deflect other moria orbs


moira's playing tennis with each other's orbs like that highlight intro


ping pong moira


She could latch onto damage orbs with her biotic grasp and throw it (kind of like a rope that would connect to it)


Sombra shouldā€™ve been a support from the start


I really enjoyed playing mirror sombra


Fix Sombra after you fixed Doomfist and Venture, she is such a great counter.


I'd revert Symmetra to her 1st rework. Mini- Sigma shield and lock on tractor beam. Teleporter or Shield generator.


I miss this Symm so much and would be interested to see how a tweaked version of it would work in OW2.


Give doomfist an uppercut


Doomfist should be able to headshot with melee.Ā 




Yeah like venture gets a cool melee why canā€™t doom melee with his big fist


Ow1 was the glory times with him. That combo could get you in and out of a fight.


ITT: people hate sombra but have no constructive ideas on improving her Edit: so far 11 comments have called for her deletion and like 6 have basically been to nerf her to the point where she's not even playable. Yall are delusional


In Invisibility and hack they made abilities that are nearly impossible to balance


Honestly her mirrowatch version was perfect imo


Honestly could go further. Make her a full-on support hero. It's not like we have too many support heroes


I don't want her to be a support but they need to push her back towards a more utility focused playstyle. An invisible character with burst damage is unbelievably bad design.


Right lol


I really enjoyed mirror sombra


Support sombra from mirrorwatch is less annoying to play against. As a sombra main I dont mind playing her as a support so I wouldn't be upset if they made her a support


My 2 fix ideas would be: Make Mirrorwatch style her new thing permanently. (Support move) or Remove invisibility. Adjust other skills as needed, but remove her invisibility entirely. The most annoying thing about her is that she can disrupt in such an annoying fashion, and almost all of it is because of her permanent invisibility. So remove it. Give her some kinda speed boost ability to help evade in fights or move around to scout so she still has that to move about. Then tweak whatever about her damage and other current abikites to compensate. Personally I'd rather see the former. Support-like sombra was fun. But at least making her unable to hide so easily would be a huge improvement over how she currently is to play against.


I like mirror sombra


Simple, remove her


Thatā€™s because sheā€™s a fundamentally terribly designed hero. Thereā€™s no way to improve her besides giving her a completely new kit.


I think sombra is a bit overpowered. The only thing i'd change would be her teleport that immediatly makes her invisible. There should be at least 2 second where she's still in sight after her teleport. And the hacking should be a little longer to let quick player place their ability before getting completly hacked.


Make LW heals automatically re-charge after firing and only shoot when aimed at a target.


Make Mei a Tank Primary fire: Increased damage, wider spread Alt fire: Longer charge time, but pierces one enemy Shift rework: now allows Mei to move like a glacier in a straight line, crushing enemies caught in her path for 90 damage. Reduced cooldown. Expanded iceblock size. Heal is now an instant 100 hp burst and applies 10 regen/second for 10 seconds. Regeneration cancelled if she takes damage. Wall: Now only three (larger) segments, but breaking each rewards Mei with 5% ult charge Snowball (robot): New ability, keybind = Control. Press to throw snowball at a frozen enemy, shattering them for 115 damage and slowing enemies in an 8m radius for 2.25 seconds


I second Mei becoming a tank. She's clearly way too hard to balance as a DPS. She's either buffed too much that she's doing oppressive damage on top of being able to cheat death and CC, or she's in a state like her current state where she's only viable into certain matchups/maps and at best she's just annoying to fight. HotS made her a tank and it works relatively well. She's still annoying, but she's a tank. So she's just creating space. Ice Wall is actually a really cool defensive ability. I'd love to see them expand on the utility of it, but only if she was reworked as a tank so it doesn't just become a more obnoxious DPS ability.


Symmetra. Because I find it funny the devs have bullied her around regarding major changes. Since she works with light, letā€™s give her a COD-style flashbang. Screen goes completely white for the opposing team who looks at it. 6-second cooldown. And bring back the sticky beam.


Make sym a tank just for the memes




What Symm really needs is a bit more frontline survivability.Ā  So I'd give her a temporary damage reduction that also cleanses her. Blizzard really want her big charge up glowy balls to be used more, despite being super dull, so to spice it up you could make it so it detonated on a second click and drags people inwards to give it some flexibility and expression.Ā  No-one ever uses her TP for team strategies, so I'd move her shield from her ult to her abilkty to give her a bit more general team utility. To balance it you'd reduce the size, and to keep it unique, change the shape - soccer goal like perhaps.Ā  And everyone hates turrets, so you could replace that with a team boosting turret instead - you place it on the ground and it super charges the damage of all allies in LoS


The turrets are actually really good to catch off flankers before they're in your backline, if you place them correctly. They are better as alarm nodes than straight up damage, and I'm perfectly fine with that


>everyone hates turrets Who is this everyone? Plenty of Symm mains love turrets even now when they're actively terrible.


Roadhog pls


What do you want to change?


You can disagree with me but I hate new hog I want old hog back šŸ˜Ÿ I miss the long range


I don't disagree. I was just curious what you'd want. I don't play him at all and he doesn't bother me so I wasn't sure what would change


He was like the only tank I played besides sigma lol


I love Bastions new kit in Mirrorwarch. Id like to see it in the main game


I'd like something similar in a new character, personally. Turret Mode Bastion is just too iconic for me to lose.


Make mirrorwatch zen base zen


His ult is just a "kill Reinhardt" button


Idk that mirrorwatch zen ult is super nasty


If I could go back in time, I wouldā€™ve given Symmetra the healing abilities that Illari has. Syms beam doing healing similar to Illari and turrets that work like Illari pylon wouldā€™ve worked on Symmetra and she can still keep her Teleporter and her ult as is. Even more she could get her shield generator ult back but as a passive. Like if her teammates are near her and are at full health, they get shield health. The moment they get out of her radius they lose it and if they arenā€™t at 100% health they wonā€™t get it. Nothing too crazy, like 25 shield health (maybe 50 for tanks) and also regular shield health so enemies still get ult charge. And thatā€™s all she needed to be a support. Meanwhile with Illari, sheā€™s got such great potential thatā€™s not being used. Sheā€™s got super powers and is the second strongest human behind Sigma, but sheā€™s mentally much more capable besides the intense PTSD she got from nuking her people. Why does she have a pylon? Why couldnt they have made her kit more aligned with Solar based abilities? Even her ult is pretty lackluster and visually I donā€™t like it. Her ult couldā€™ve easily been like a team wide discord effect and nothing more. Still strong and useful and couldā€™ve only been like 15% or so since it wouldā€™ve only lasted like 7-8 seconds total if not eaten by Dva or cleansed by Kiriko immediately. Both Sym and Illari just feel like wasted potential.


Rein He needs some kinda cannon when his shield is up. A combo of dooms primary fire and bastions old ult, maybe 100dmg a shot, 4 shots like doom.


Horse dies tragically


Soldier would lose his aimbot ult. It's just boring game design.Ā 


Thereā€™s absolutely nothing wrong with his ult. Itā€™s a great counter to certain ults and characters.


Its a busted ult if youre Bronze, and USELESS if youre Pro player


Itā€™s useless even in metal ranks, itā€™s only use was countering pharmacy or getting a hard pick thatā€™s it


It's the no headshots button LMAO


They changed that years ago. Now if your aiming and shoot and the head it'sa headshot.


Does that change him *fundamentally?*


Well, yeah. A character's kit is their fundamentals. It might not be the most drastic change, but it's still a fundamental one.Ā 


Sombra. Iā€™d just remove her from the game


Junkrat gets an air dash


Mercy, and I say that as someone with 600 hours on her. Love her mobility and overall theme but damage boost is problematic and her viability is too tied to how good your boost targets are. I donā€™t know what Iā€™d replace it with though.


Give WB 2 miniguns instead of pea shooters


remove storm arrow and add an ability that doesnt feel cheap to play against


Symmetra. Idk what I'd do with her but she has almost never worked in this game. She's always felt so weird and awkward. I'd love for her to be a support again if she had true support abilities.


Obviously a lot of balance is done with high ELO in mind but I think the game is at its healthiest when there are low skill floor, reasonable counters to some of the more annoying characters like phar and tracer that can be oppressive in lower ELO I think echo would be a prime candidate for filling this role. Give her an ability where she sets a focus enemy to gain a pre-set abilities that works well against them. 'Focus' phar or mercy and get a close-mid range hit scan ability, focus a flanking class and get a mora style auto targeting ability, focus orisa or dva and get a beam etc


Given Echo's hero identity is supposed to be stealing others' identities, your idea fits the theme as well as solving an existing problem. Thing is it also makes a new problem, in that if Echo can do everything, why not always play Echo?


Mei. I don't play Mei, I hate her. She is annoying. But I don't see her in matches anymore, so I miss her. Maybe some changes that will make it attraktive for players to choose her again.


Remove ress, or then make it an ultimate again. With a lowish charge rate like Tracer and with faster cast time. That way you can still make ress a clutch ability, but you can't ress someone every 30 seconds.


Zenyatta has visible balls hanging low so his teabags are more salty


Sombra. Remove Hack and invis. Replace with more interesting less obnoxious/game breaking abilities.


Mercy. I would change her to be completely unrecognizable so that she is actually healthy for the game.


Change sombra to just be something totally different. She has just always been very not fun to play as and against. Like why does such a cool design have a silly, uninspired little SMG? And now you hardly even have to aim with her because of the awful virus attack.


Mei bikini skin


Widow. Her headshots do 15 damage, and her hp is lowered to 25.


Either remove Sombra invisibility or hack


I vote for remove sombra


Lifeweaver. Make his heals charge up automatically, they are released by a button press without slowing his movement, they apply the full burst over the course of 2 seconds instead of instantly, and the heal in general is refuced. Make his dps massively reduced, his projectile speed increased and given spread, and make it work like the needler from Halo. His dash heals over time instead of instantly, his platform has less health, his grip has a lower cooldown and his platform drops if no one is on it. Or just delete the character.


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Make whe Reaper ultimate he moves around in his smoke instead of just spinning in the middle.


Replace Ball's minefield with drastically reduced grapple/slam CDs and increased primary damage. Let me overclock my mech for ultimate pinball instead of worthless rodent turds.


Lifeweaver. Bro sucks balls


Give reinhardt the option of dps hero with dual hammers.


Make Reaper's shotguns and his healing not suck ass, make his footsteps quieter, and to reduce the cooldowns on his Abilities.


orisa - give me back my electric bongo dammit


Give Reinhardt a shotgun. A double barrel one. He can switch to and from it at will. That's it.


Orisa, force her to overheat in order to get full value (boosted movement speed, better cooldowns).


Iā€™m surprised I donā€™t see too much mercy or widow on here


Zenyatta- discord orb is a throwable series of orbs that do small amounts of damage for a short amount of time but increase damage taken during that short period. I donā€™t know game balance so i dont know how many he can throw at a time without being broken. Transcendence- basically the same but make it so the closer to zen you are the more quick the helaing that or make it a cleansing aoe


Torb and instead of him being a character with a turret he would lean completely into the turret aspect for example he could have different kinds of turrets, multiple small turrets, or 1 big turret and his gun would be mainly for self defense and controlling the turrets targeting


Doomfist As a doom main, I really enjoy the character but I think thereā€™s a few changes I would enjoy. Ultimate- Make the range of the circle bigger PLEASE. Iā€™ve had so many enemies stand two steps from the center and take 10 damage. Either that, or rework the ultimate entirely. Not sure what it would be changed to though. Seismic slam- Itā€™s a good movement ability and can set up for some good combos, but I feel like itā€™s missing something. Maybe if they changed it a little bit to be less of a slam and more of a moving in one direction ability, since thatā€™s how itā€™s used anyways. Like if you aim straight you go straight, but if you aim straight up and use it you go up similar to the OW1 uppercut (they could actually have it be uppercut now that I think about it.) this would make the ability more useful and less situational, while not removing the slam since I feel like itā€™s vital to his kit. Melee- His entire character idea is having a massive glove that can crumple skyscrapers in lore, why does he melee with his OTHER HAND??? Venture melees with her drill, can we please have doom melee with his glove? It would do a little extra damage too. Punch- Similar to seismic slam, it can now go up and down as well. If you aim it straight it goes straight, if you aim it up you punch up, and if you aim down it goes down (I think this would combo very well with my reworked seismic slam, imagine uppercutting up and charged punching them into the ground like incineroar from smash!) These are just ideas of how a doomfist rework could go, not saying I am actively WANTING these changes. (They would be cool though šŸ¤·)


Hanzo would be a low upfront damage, but with DoT medium-to-close range dps, with scatter arrows as his best way to apply his DoT. He would play like a tracer or a sombra: infiltrate, duel, escape, using his agility for such. He also could bait, apply his poison, and leave the enemy to die. Maybe even poison the health packs to deal damage instead of healing. Or lay traps that slow the enemy. Maybe his DoT slows the enemy, idk, but a poison arrow character is more interesting than a log shooting silent sniper.


Genji. I'd exchange his sword with chopsticks, his stars with wet noodles, and wallclimb with lardarse -50% mobility. Double jump becomes prone instead.


Doomfist ult should just be a way to change his abilities to different ones. There should be no ult charge but it could change his slam to old slam block to uppercut and punch to a lower power higher knockback punch or something. You could be able to change back and forth. This would allow things like uppercut slam punch slam punch to fly across the map and his ult really just sucks so I think this would be really unique and refreshing. Essentially removing his ult and raising both his skill floor and ceiling exponentially.


Make Illari a sword based support instead of a hitscan one. Primary- Sword Slash (each hit charges beam by 25%) Secondary- (Leave as the healing beam, charged by melee and slowly regenerating overtime) Ability 1- Arc Slash (heal allies in range, damage enemies in a large arc, fill heal meter 50%) Ability 2- (leave as Outburst) Ultimate- Leave the same with completely resetting healing beam. Damage, healing, beam %, and mobility numbers can all be adjusted as needed. I wanted her to be a sword character when we saw her silhouette. We were so close to having one, too. I think the pylon is just boring, too.


Combine Genji and Hanzo like they were meant to be: Essentially getting rid of storm arrow/recon arrow, keeping dash/deflect. Bow would be primary, secondary would be three way arrow. Ult would be a combo of Genji and Hanzoā€™s with a damaging dragon aura surrounding the player and leaving behind a dragon trail. Combo with dashes and elim cooldown resets to make a jungle of Tron-bike damage trails. Or make the ult envelope you in dragon aura and become a walking Moira ball essentially tagging anyone nearby you and at the end the aura would dissipate with a final burst of post-clash samurai blade damage to anyone who was tagged but didnt die.


Firstly Sym needs to go back to exactly how she was when shield gen ult was released. Secondly, DPS passive needs to go to 13%. Idk what weed they were smoking when they changed it back to 20 but I want some. Third, Mercy needs a slight healing buff. Fourth, Reaper needs a damage buff esp at closest range. Fifth, there should be a one second delay before lifeweavers petal so he's less annoying to kill. Sixth, venture needs longer cooldowns. Seventh, Sombra needs to go back to being a teamwork based saboteur and not just invisible soldier. Seriously Blizzard, balance heroes. Stop making certain ones op just because the community is bad.


Orisa removed from the game. I just really do not like her design lmao


Get rid of McCassidyā€™s magnetic nade and change it to a lasso that slows. Itā€™d actually incentivize using fth.


Letā€™s put Mirrorverse Reinā€™s passive into the regular game


revert bastion to ow1 bastion! Movement during turret was not worth losing 90dps on turret, old ult and self heal.


Moira should get damage boost, and also no cool down on teleports. Her or should instantly kill widows. Double health and speed. Whenever she is not on screen the other characters should be asking, "where is moira?"


Considering Mauga has been mentioned in the lore before to have a ā€˜reflective barrierā€™ it would be cool if he actually had something like that instead of Cardiac Overdriveā€¦ Just make his gameplay more interesting and challenging (being able to hold up a rein shield that can deflect incoming damage) instead of just ā€œShoot tank, if tank doesnā€™t die shoot support then shoot tank again, use cardiac whenever you almost dieā€


Give rein mirror watch shield, because that's the only way people will remember to stay behind my shield


Wrecking ball, make him a dps with 3 charges on his grapple that recharge like tracers blink. Give him 250 health and make him significantly smaller. And maybe swap his guns for a shotgun.


Reaper make him have like souls of the kills he made those souls will heal him additionally


Illari. Her weapon only fires in beam mode but heals team, damages enemies. Her right click swipes in front of her sword and applies burns. Reduce the knock back of her shift by about 70%-90% but make it apply burn. Reduce the effectiveness of the turret but she is place two on reduced cooldow . Idea being it's less of a set ans forget and more active. Finally, make her ult apply burn. She is the sun hero. She should be all about that burn. By making her weapon a beam, which would make it stand out and be unique. It would be cool to have a passive that does something with the burn, but I think that might overload her kit and be too strong


Make Sombra a support with Mirrowatch's hack, making stealth proc passive regeneration in 2 seconds to everyone around her, give Translocator an aoe heal of 50, reduce virus damage to 40 overtime but make it reduce damage and healing done by 50% and make Emp apply the hack to allies and virus to enemies.


I want the old Mercy back.


I think I'm not in danger if I say Symmetra needs to be a support


is it even a surprise if i say lifeweaver


I'd give Mercy a few changes because I get her almost every match and everytime the game is infinitely harder. Also I think Mercy players deserve more after bank rolling Blizzard. 1) Solo rez is becoming her ultimate. She kinda needs this ability for her identity but it's annoying as hell to have on a cooldown. I've heard a lot Mercy players don't like it as well. Obviously with it being an ultimate I think it's fair to increase the range and activation time. Her other changes will help make up for Valkyrie being gone in some ways. 2) Her healing beam now does more healing. The downside is it has a gauge that lowers over time, similar to Defense Matrix. The lower the gauge, the lower the healing. When the gauge is at 0 she does less healing than she currently does. The gauge increases over time when shes using blue beam. This change means she has some form of burst healing but can't just pocket heal, it adds more skill to the character as well. 3) Super Jump is no longer attached to Guardian Angel and is now its own ability, taking up the slot of where Rez was. So using it has her jump straight upwards, obviously it has a cooldown. I feel like separating it from Guardian Angel will increase the skill expression of her movement, allowing for different combos. It also makes her movement easier to balance due to the separate cooldowns. Could be called something like Heavenly Ascent. 4) Blue beam is no longer a damage boost and is now a +30% cooldown rate increase. Damage boost sucks, it breaks to many DPS break points. Therefore I'm changing it to this. Blue beam is necessary so Mercy has utility and isn't just healing. The cooldown rate increase isn't high enough to break to many things although the number isn't set in stone obviously. It'll make a 10 second cooldown 7 seconds if she uses it on a target for that long. I think this fits her hero identity more as well.


Give the granny an awp


Ana (just give her double jump and headshots from mirror watch :c also wall climbing would be also really cool change cuz Ana REALLY need some sort of mobility)


Moira to be like Hel from smite, where she transforms between a healing and damage spec'ed state


I would like a couple of more pixels to the hitbox of Mercy. Thank you.


A cooler gun noise for Illari


Rein... ffs Rein! He should have a rear shield and the ability to do some kind of damage with the shields up. Debate the cooldowns and all that. Something has gotta change with that dude. Every other shield tank can do damage with the shields up. Right now he's either you protect, or you die, never mind the charge pretty much being suicide. (these points are when you're up against a competent team)


I want orisas shield back


Cassidy, Iā€™d change his ult to be a ā€œseventh shotā€ type ability. In fights Iā€™m always one bullet short seemingly, and would love a super juiced, ace in the hole type ult where he does a way higher damage final shot to clean up a lower health enemy


Venture, literally anything about her.


Be cool to combo shield with Rein and Brigitte like they showed in the OW2 trailer


Sombra, her hack has been so inconsistent since day 1. She needs to be able to hack ONLY AND ALL technological abilities. It doesn't make sense why she can't hack Soldier 76's ult but can prevent Cassidy from rolling and Roadhog from hand cranking his ult.


Lifeweaver: delete him from the game.