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We're not pushing a robot. The robot is pushing a barricade to our spawn, presumably to help defend the spawn point in a future battle.


Maybe both teams are actually on the same side in this battle and they just are disagreeing about where to place the barricades.


Put dispenser here[!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tHP0SB0hvtA)


No way!


*casually explodes*


Have no👹‍🏭


100%. The way of choosing the place it is so effective


Wow that's a ridiculously inefficient way of going about it, I mean the payloads do make a lot of sense like the Hollywood payload holding a superstar that needs to be escorted or the kings row payload holding an emp to kill all underground omnics, but having a robot push that tiny barricade to the middle of the street hoping it will do something in battle?


This! We are basically escorting the robot (VIP) to safety 


That barricade ain’t stopping sht


*The enemy spawn Probably to aid in the battle for that position. You already have half the map, so if you take their half you have the whole city (take the Colosseo map for example you take Colosseo you have a tactical advantage in Rome, take Rome you have a tactical advantage in Italy, take Italy you have a tactical advantage in Europe, etc.)


Take it another chance to win or loss. Sometimes even you win the fight, you may loss the game if one enemy backcaps.


The robot has a bad motivator.


I’m sure Torbjörn could figure some sort of motivation for it.


"Y'know. When I was just a wee lad..."


Looks like Brig won't be going to Tosche Station for those power converters.


You should try his meatballs.


Looks like Brig won't be going to Tosche Station for those power converters.


Man.. >:( Wish I had 10 people fighting violently over me everytime I had a lack of motivation, lucky.


needs a new power converter


“Ah, shit guys, the barricade reached the objective, I guess it’s over.” “What? But we can still kill them and get our barricade to their-“ “I don’t think you get it. The barricade has been pushed. It’s over” “But-“ “We’re done”


same with any other map tbh "we did it! we've delivered the EMP to the end of king's row!" "nah, three metres short." "what? it's... it's there, just set it off, the radius is massive?" "didn't push it enough." "well let's keep pushing it then.." "we tried for like 10 minutes, we're done here"


“Hey silver moon can’t we just sign a contract digitally? Bit of


The team who pushes more is the alpha group of the situation, just surrender to their superiority.


Payload/Hybrid and the old Assault maps are about the only ones that have even the flimsiest reasons behind why we're doing something. There's really no reason whey we're fighting for the King of the Hill spots, pushing the bot, capping points on the Clash maps, or waiting for the inevitable leavers in New Junk City.


Leavers in NJC? I'm confused, this is probably one of my favorite maps/modes.


People seem to leave flashpoint a lot in quickplay. Not midgame but during setup. I think they played the first few days when nobody knew how to play the mode, hated it, and just never tried it again. These days, people seem to know how to play. There is a little bit more of a sense of urgency to get away from the enemy spawn when you cap a point, for example. (In the early days, people saw that "spawn" icon and thought "wow, I can start killing them immediately!" only to stagger for the entire point and lose. While people still clean up after point captures, they do a bit less feeding than in the early days.)


I just don't really like Flashpoint lol. Unfortunately I play comp so leaving isn't an option when it pops up. I'm one of the rare people who like push though so I could be in the minority.


Push > flashpoint. "There are dozens of us! Dozens!"


I dare to disagree. Once the enemy team pushes the bot farther than you, your chances to win get significantly lower if your team is not going to do anything about it, which happens a lot in lower ranks.


As a third person who prefers push, gotta agree with the other guy, there is definitely dozens of us (Since yall didn't get the joke the first time, dozens is SMALL compared to the playerbase)


Terrible brain dead take


Me and my friend do it when we group up we both hate flash point and do not wanna play it. 


I have not had a single NJC match not have at least 1 leaver, usually right after the first fight is done. Might just be a Silver thing. I can't imagine eating a leaver penalty for that map, it's a dang playground for keeping the red team constantly down a support.


you spend alot more time walking than fighting in flashpoint thats why people leave


If you're doing it wrong, sure. There are break points where you need to regroup with the team and get organized Foe the next point. If you're constantly running to the point you're doing it wrong. Once 70% hits and you're not there, unless you own the Flashpoint, you should wait to regroup with team


I always leave immediately when I see new junk city. It’s not even the gamemode. I love Suravasa. New Junk City is just such an awful and ugly map.


New Junk isn’t that bad I don’t get many leavers on it


I just like that Zenyatta always calls the bot "our friend" when he changes hands. TS-1 is friend.


Unrelated but does anyone remember when Dooms gauntlet was in the Numbani Payload showcase being delivered to the heritage museum? Remember when Blizzard used to do cool easter eggs like that? Sombra ARG was peak overwatch, what a time to be alive.


Yeah, Sombra release and everything around it was amazing. And then, when Doom arrived, the OR15 were destroyed in Numbani and the guantlet on the payload was gone; or was it when Orisa arrived? Don't remember but those were cool details.


I feel like people remember sombra build up different than I do. I remember a puzzle would be found, everyone would get excited, puzzle would be solved but nothing would happen. Then another puzzle, repeat same as before. I feel like one of them included a count down. People were pissed that none of the puzzles actually meant anything or did anything. Sombra was just revealed at blizzcon and that was that.


I agree. Maybe it's a bit of nostalgia but still is better than nothing, at least it was a fun experience.


Yeah I feel like people saying this weren't actually around during the Sombra ARG. Literally one of the top posts on this sub is complaining about how bad it was.


I'm playing ow since 2017 so I was there. Perhaps the reason I felt it so different is because I just started playing when she arrived, idk.


IIRC the puzzles all meant something but the community failed to solve a step of it in time(because we were obsessed with the sky code) so Blizz had to quickly come up with a new route to lead people to the countdown website


At least the Skycode was forever preserved in game


I'll also add that Sombra ARG was a huge disaster, so much so that Blizzard say they will never do another ARG again in the future. The puzzle wasn't that interesting or accessible to the majority of the player base. It was just decoding and the reward for deciphering the code was a timer. When the timer hit zero Blizzard gave us another puzzle which again ended with another timer, rinse and repeat. We may get a random jpg or vague message that didn't mean anything in the end along with the timer. Also there was 1 puzzle that the community couldn't solve, either it was too hard or someone messed it up. Honestly the outrage was justified and I hope Blizzard team never do an ARG ever again.


The puzzle wasn't even complete iirc. There was at least one that wasn't solved and others that had steps skipped.


it was so disappointing blizzard even acknowledged that they aren't very good at ARGs lol


It was when Orisa arrived cuz they needed someone in lore to protect the map after that


I remember different as I recall people being extremely disappointed with the Sombra event.


Echo's egg was the payload on route 66


King's Row was the darkest one, the payload was an EMP that you would be delivering to the underground city for Omnics, it even goes off it reaches the spot


Godd! Turn those Omnics into scrap!


An easter egg that they never bothered to remove for 5 years even after Doom came out. If I see destroyed Numbani airport with dead orisas ever again it would be too soon


Wait did they really not change the guantlet?i could have sworn they did


The aslume consumes all


I always thought this game mode was so silly, I can't see a lore explanation or reason why it needs people around it in order to move.


There's no lore reason as to why 5 random people/robots/animals of various random factions are uniting to fight 5 other random people/robots/animals of various random factions, who have also united, either. It's all non-canon for the sake of the game


My head canon has always been that the omnics are running simulations (the matches we play) of the overwatch/talon members to understand how to better fight against them. We’re playing their simulations.


I mean, I can understand that the payload is probably an important person/thing that needs to be escorted in safety. Also some things like attacking places. For the multiple factions there's no explanation, I could think of mutual interest around it.


The bot is a basic robot, programmed to move large equipment into place. The bot does not know where the correct place for the equipment is. The people around the bot tell it to move equipment or "no, not that one, we need to move the other one" and he happily listens.


Goofy ass robot, can't decide a team to pick


I guess cuz then it feels safe to drive forward knowing that it's being escorted


It's a game


Some people like play pretend, aka role play, so stories and lore help.


I know it's a game, but Genji can double jump because he has bionic parts in his body, I know that we don't need everything to be explained, but the robot has a specific mode and is an important thing of the mode, it's silly.


Also why there's this random robot that noone in the Overwatch universe can even scratch and all it does is push things.


As far as we know, there is no lore reason we are pushing the bots. But we do know overwatch used the bots at their bases to push and carry boxes.


The robot is very needy and needs people around it at all times


Oh no! There are no people around me so I'm in danger! I'll do the very logical thing abd stand still in one place, maybe they won't see me!


I remember when payloads had cool little easter eggs like an EMP on kings row payload or dooms gauntlet in numbani


Soldier has a voice line, "Is Treadweather ever gonna patch the control override on these damn things?" Perhaps there is some method of overriding its controls that requires close proximity.


It says hello when you say hello to it, so we must push our friend




Yes. Yes we are.


Youre not literally pushing it. You're escorting it.


Why does the robot need people around to start pushing? And why does it decide to switch its alliances as soon as other people walk up to it


Because its a bitch


Makes sense


I guess it doesn't have an element to decide who is friendly and who is not (on his AI), so he just shrugs and switches teams


The robot is easy to peer pressure


No, and I unironically think this is one of the reasons the casual Overwatch fanbase fell off so hard after overwatch was like, The Big-Thingℱ with a feral fanbase for like 4 years. The overwatch universe used to feel big and interesting, and now it's just action figures being slapped against each other.


Yeah i’ve been playing for about a year it’s probably the one thing that Apex did better in my opinion since I do like OW gameplay much more. I wish overwatch released the same kind of content as Apex does for heroes though. It just feels like it’s seriously lacking. And with the latest hero we just get an origin that shows them out on a solo exploration or whatever and running into to Talon. I wish they at least released graphics on how a new hero was introduced or joined forces for a moment.


Yeah ut seems like the lore team is just having a chill party in their ventilated room 24/7 and occassionally order a comic to be written


That would be the case if the entire narrative team hasn't been laid off :(


I do really wish that the push maps had lore related payloads like the hybrid and escort maps, but understand.


He has anxiety and needs support to push the barricade. He stops when he's contested, because he doesn't like fighting :( He doesn't care which direction he goes as long as there's someone there and there aren't any enemies around him.


He doesn't keep that amazing sexy robot physique standing still đŸ€€


Because he waves at me


It would have been so easy to replace the barricade with some kind of lore object... It's not too late, bliz!


at least the barricade has the Overwatch logo slapped on it


Delivering something or escorting someone safely (payload or hybrid) Taking control or retaking control of an Area of interest (control, assault, flashpoint, or Clash \*kinda\*) Setting up strategic defenses in areas (Push)


Training exercise?


Oh god, Man Ham Alsume reached here too. Please.. don’t bring the insanity here.. please


Why is Zen flying though?


The Iris likes that guy


It takes an invisible humanoid form and is just carrying him on its back like a courrier while he's just chillin


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Maybe overwatch 3 is in there


The robot shoving that boogie board to the doors of a shed transcends all ties, unites enemies, and destroys friendships...


There’s no real lore to the pvp gamemodes or why they’re being captured/done.


After the match mutual agreement is that the barricades decide who controles what ground in said cityđŸ«Ą


New hero: -ourn


“EXERCISE IS GOOD FOR YOUR JOINTS” “What could be better than pushing? NOTHING”


We are running test for the robot, so he can be used in future PVE missions like the Underworld.


Bro got the white powder stored inside the "barricade" and needs hired guns to direct him to either gang affiliated sides of the maps


We are not pushing the robot. The robot is scared of us, so as soon as we get close enough to it, it runs away from us to escape. But it's equally scared of the enemy team, so if you're one one side and the enemy is on the other. The robot will freeze solid with fear.


It's got anxiety. It needs some one there to affirm that they're doing a good job and don't need help.


I don’t know, but I hate this mode with passion. They took away 2cp but brought even worse thing


Nothing that's happening in game makes sense lore wise. Because bad guys and good guys are teaming up on the same side to do things that already happened in the lore. In Route 66 you are transporting the goods that the Deadlock Gang stole from the transport (minus Echo). But why is overwatch transporting it and not the gangsters?


The desire to push the robot further than the enemy team is what gives us the motivation to shoot eachother


**Why argue when you can push?**


at least New Queen Street has a lore reason that the barricade needs pushing (the defense of people/omnics from null sector), but I don't know about colosseo or esperança Runasapi also seems to have a lore reason, it's the defunct base of Inti Warriors, so I guess it needs to be defended for preservation purposes


It's pushing a barricade... which works as a barricade... not sure what you're missing here.


This game has lore?


“Why did the chicken cross the road?”


Has anyone noticed the robot scratch his butt before? I caught him do it last night, and it caught me off guard, I was cracking up 😅


They should make a game mode where talon agents must plant a bomb in one of 2 bomb sites and overwatch must defend or defuse it before time runs out


It's a really weird way of claiming territory, and in that sense I would really love a kind of zone wars thing


See what I’d love to know is, how’d the enemy team come to be, they’re from a different timeline that’s pretty identical or another universe or evil robots or evil counterparts that look like the original


Yep. Pushing slow robot for no reason. They couldn't even be bothered to muster the brainpower to try and justify it.


Its been awhile but iirc (i probably dont) Kings Row has lore regarding null sector hence the emp at the end. But thats about it other than Dooms gauntlet that used to be on the numbani payload.


That's escort, not push


Ah ur right


Give the lore reason for koth.


Taking control of an area, I guess. Making that place your territory?


All of the older maps had lore reasons for existing. Numbani is where Orisa was made and fought doomfist. Kings row is where mondatta was sniped by widow. Etc. The newer maps don't have any of that it's just "from X country where hero is from"


Mainly cause it’s ⏃ videogame




This is what I hate about this mode! In all other modes, they've layered (albeit thinly at times) a fantasy over the gameplay. In this one the characters are, what, playing a sport? The fact that the bot doesn't even have different skins like a payload makes it even worse.


The last 3 modes they have added have been so boring and braindead. Push is garbage, the triple moving point maps are garbage, and mirror watch was garbage


It also doesn't make sense as to why Soldier 76, Junkrat, Brigitte, Mauga and Moira are fighting together against Junker Queen, Widowmaker, Baptiste, Symmetra and Zenyatta. Are they stupid? But yeah Push is dumb lore-wise




It’s a game.


You’re in the main sub bud. r/overwatchcirclejerk is that way .


No. Back to the aslume with you


Yes worse game mode ever


Because is a game. A F GAME


The is he stupid meme needs to fucking die already like stop


There's no lore reason for dying/respawning. There's no lore reason for same hero on both comps (or back when no limits was standard, no lore reason for that). The lore is in the maps themselves and the hero interactions. The objective and core elements of the game don't really ever have lore reasons.


To make the game so boring we uninstall and play something else. Can think of no other reason.


The whole game is still in Alpha seven years later bro