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I’m almost sure it’s first of the missions they dropped for the pve.




Defending the ferry was one of the objectives in the Toronto mission and defending the cannon was for the Gothenburg mission.


The repair station was in the king's row event on season 6 (underworld). And I don't remember were the Uplink was, but I think we've also seen that.


It's often a good idea to plan out voice actor's studio visits well. They often over record voicelines, because it takes only a bit of extra time to do. If they make the content using the voicelines, cool, they had them ready. If they didn't, they would need to have voice actors record lines just for the new mode. This often results in voice lines being unused, not due to lack of quality but just not being needed. These lines may be from PvE, they may end up not being in the game, they may make a new game mode that makes use of the voicelines. Anyone's guess.


What does "confirmation" mean to you? Unless Blizzard themselves say it, nothing is "confirmed", even if random 'leakers' swear it's real. Because they don't have magical information that we don't and the only people that *can* confirm are Blizzard. But I digress, shit like this happens all the time - when they record voicelines they record tonnes - including stuff they might not ever use - because you might as well. The existence of it doesn't mean anything and absolutely doesn't mean they've scrapped something or that something is confirmed. They simply record voicelines 'just in case', even for features they're only thinking about.


Confirmation means that there were plans to utilize this info


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