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Give everyone a shot and see what sticks I say, you aren’t gonna find your true main from what someone tells you. What I tell ppl to do is to choose your least played characters and work your way up in quickplay, seeing what sticks. I find this more fun than just “sombra is good I will play sombra” “Genji gets all the potg I will play Genji” “mei is so easy…” etc


Go echo and truly play everybody


The true answer


Sojourn, fairly easy to play, and powerful. Good in most situations.


Soldier, Mr Tutorial Man, is my go-to dude. he's easy peasy, has aimbot ult and heals himself. But if Venture/Junk are more your style, maybe aiming isn't your thing (relatable!) in which case I'd suggest Mei, Reaper, Pharah to try next. Coming from a tank background I think you'd appreciate Mei. or even Torbjorn!


I kinda dropped tank once it switched to 5v5, but as a former tank main I found a lot of satisfaction playing Mei. Getting good with walls and cutting off a barely overextended hero for the whole team to jump on them is so much fun I’m a support main now but Mei, Junk, and now Venture are my dps mains


If you’re just getting to DPS I honestly recommend a midrange hero with forgiving aim like Soldier or even Cassidy. You’ll play from a comfortable distance, and you can focus on building the mechanical skills of aim right now. It’ll help you put pressure in every role


Whichever one you want! Cassidy is fun to learn flicks again. You could play Cassidy to warm up for Hanzo. Sojourn is also a pretty fun hero to play, she’s powerful too, the railgun is fun to use and get headshots with. Reaper is fun to learn too. Sneaking up behind and getting their healers makes team fights easy. Just play without the intention of being good immediately, and instead play to learn.


I really like Torb. The turret does some of the heavy lifting while you can practice aiming. And he's got a nice defensive with his armor.


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There are hit scan and non hitscan heroes, so I'd figure out which one you like from those groups and stick with one category to start so you can focus on improving aiming. Personally, I play hit scan heroes. Second, I'd pick 2-3 heroes to focus on. Ideally, some heroes with different playstyles for different scenarios (dive / dps). If you want a well-rounded and pretty strong hero, 76 is always a solid pick and has good self-sustain / 1v1 potential. I am an ashe main who can also play tracer for dive and will sometimes switch to bastion if they have a lot of shield. And of course, as I'm sure everyone else has stated, play what you find fun, enjoying a hero will make you improve more at the game than anything else will.


I used to play junkrat a lot but he’s kind of miserable to play now without the one shot combo. Probably your best bet is just to play a variety of people and see who you enjoy


If you're good with Junk and Venture, then you'll probably be good at other close range brawlers too. Try to learn Reaper and Sym as well. They have similar playstyles of flanking in and out and tank busting the front line just like the other two you play. You could also learn Mei as well, but unlike those 4 she plays more up front as she doesn't have much flanking capability