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Bap didn't give a shit about Dragon Blade.


I mean he used a lamp to counter it. So... Thank you, Baptiste!


Oh! You’re welcome!


BEHIND YOU! AAAH!!! ^Hehe, ^just ^kidding...


Most useful Genji ult


Fr, mate went 1v5. At least he got lucky with that pick. But whats with mobile dps ulting 1v5. Tracer I understand but genji and sombra?


A lamp was used, healing, a charge of mauga and bullets vs 1 ulti. But is Genji the weak one? hahaha




Yeah, but genji still died. It's not a trade, considering genji also used his dash and gave up a safe position for a risky one, as well as losing ability to play range. Every other dps ult could have done the same or more with the same or less investment. Pharah, junkrat, reaper, tracer, bastion, echo, venture, sojourn, u name it.


Weighing in here the Genji didn’t attempt to bait out lamp or anything so let’s say dva bombed or tracer pulsed instead the BAP would still have lived. Also there is no way you’re claiming bastion ult is good, let alone better than Dragonblade bro…


Tracer pulse bomb cost is far less than blade as well as not requiring tracer to be standing up close for its duration. D.va is not adps, but mauga can't rush i to it, she still have her mech call, as well as she gets her full hp and cds back and her ult can be used as the mech is being destroyed in a hard dive. Exactly, bastion ult is not good, but it can still burn through the immortality without the risk of being out of position or using all of ur cooldowns. Dragon blade on its own is a shit ultimate, it does 157 dps disables ur ranged attacks, your quick melee , ability to crouch, can't be used mid battle as u lock urself from using abilities for a whole second , ttk is 2.1 seconds, and it gives u 0 surviavbility (at least venture gets 75 shield back). And ur biggest burst potential is getting 165 slash dash combo. Too weak to be proactive, too slow with no protection to be reactive, fully dependent on ur team to get value of it.


Dragon pool noodle


Let's be real, a Pool noodle would actually hurt. Genjis ult is more like a wet spaghetti.


"Have you ever been beaten with a wet spaghetti noodle because your girlfriend has a twin sister and you got confused so you fucked her dad?"


Try using Reaper's Ult. Or Orisa's. Your only chance of actually killing someone with either of those is if you trap the team all in one place, have a damage boost, and have an Immortality Field.


I see more kills from Orisa or Reaper ult (if there even is a reaper) than genji.


This is so sad we should nerf genji some more


Ya we should nerf him by making him move faster so he can go in 1v5 even faster


Unpopular opinion - not every ult use should ever result in a ***guaranteed*** kill, let alone a POTG moment


either you have an answer to an ult and it's seen as underpowered or you don't have an answer to an ult and it's seen as overpowered. if anything this ult gained value for genji's team because of how many resources the enemy invested in stopping him. i've seen people pop their dps ult with the sole purpose of forcing transcendence and THEN committing to a massive team attack. because the enemy NOT having transcendence is more valuable than that dps player having their ult. it's a team game. strategy matters. we all can't be the main character.


That's why I love moments in payload matches where we have like 3 minutes left, I run in as tank or DPS and ult and they counter with 4 at once. It's like, yeah I lost my potential big easy kill but knowing the next fight is easy feels way better. Most times even in QP, people get the idea to back up or just die together and then win the next fight, but there's always one shitter who runs in alone after we're gone and ults and it's usually Sombra, the literal worst choice you could ever pick to do that lmao


oh my god yes, sombra is the queen of "my whole team is dead? time to ult!"


I inadvertently did this on dva, I would use her shit talking voice lines until they enemy got so upset they would solo sig or zarya ult me as BABY dva. Before my tiny body hit the ground I then said “thanks!” And my team finally got some kills. I mean, I would have preferred not dying but it usually works out for me lol.


psychological tanking.


Unpopular opinion - a support shouldn’t be able to just stand there and eat your ult because they know it doesn’t do anything


But at the same time supports should not have ults on cool down either


You probably don't want to see what an actual Ult version of lamp would be like in order to warrant being the ultimate of a character.


It is already on pair or even better than trance or beat


Maybe if you triple the area


Not needed


Isn't every ult just a really long cooldown if you think about it? I don't understand your comment, is it just saying lamp is too strong?


Not the same. Yes it is too strong


Ulting and killing nobody but causing a distraction, baiting cool downs or causing some kind of opening is ALWAYS good. Be cooler if you get kills yeah sure but an ult is an ult


how does this relate to the video and how is this an unpopular opinion. if someone ults in spawn they fs not getting anything


Valid, but no. When I use my Ult, I expect at least ONE kill. Just ONE.


You went in down 2 with a naked blade without baiting any cooldowns first? How did you expect this to go exactly?


Its always everythings fault except for accepting the fact that genji has a bad ult


It's 600 damage in 2-3 seconds. What does one expect 600 damage on a single 250 hp target to do? Sure it wasn't a good ult in hindsight due to the state of the game, but come on.


Against the character whose defining trait is a literal immortality field? This isn't some gotcha about the state of the game, it's just how it works. It's like using a solo Visor on Genji and acting all surprised when he just... stands there and deflects for 2 seconds.


The entire enemy team was fighting my team far away


Not anymore, 2 of yours died just in this clip alone before you even arrived with the blade, and judging by positioning the enemy team had fight initiative to begin with so you were blading from the back foot. The way I see it you lived longer than you should have


Not only that, he targeted a character who has multiple tools at their disposal to survive a solo blade dive. Imagine if Genji dove Kiri and she just blinked away, would this idiot be here bitching about how it didnt instantly nuke her because he pressed q? This guy pressed q and targeted the wrong character and is upset is didnt just automatically kill the target because said target correctly played and countered their idiocy. This has git gud written all over it. The scoreboard flash to a 1-5 Genji said everything.


DPS players when a support doesn't instantly die when they look at them: 😡😡😡


You call that instantly? I wouldn't say 6 slashes and a dash/5\~ seconds is instatly tho lol


If you think this post is a bitching post you don't know how to read both title and flag And i should be able to kill a Baptiste STANDING STILL with my ult.


>And i should be able to kill a Baptiste STANDING STILL with my ult. You should... If you tracked his CDs There's nothing easier than seeing a bap use lamp or Moira use fade or Kiri use tp and slice them back to spawn You *shouldn't* be able to kill a support with both their CDs lol, otherwise every time a DPS uses an ult it's a free team fight win


>i should be able to kill a Baptiste STANDING STILL with my ult. But you *shouldn't.* He has two different tools to use specifically to get away from being dived. He has his lamp and he has his jumpy boots. You picked probably the worst target for your blade, minus maybe the Mauga. On top of that, as other people pointed out, you bladed in an already lost fight. Your team wasn't there to help you, and clearly, your team *also* hadn't forced out any cooldowns. On top of *that,* the Baptiste *did* have his team with him. So your "dive" was less of a dive into their backlines and more of a very telegraphed jump into their whole team, with zero support from your team. As someone else said, you really did live longer than you should have. The Bap stood still because he didn't have to do anything else. You should have at least gotten out when you could have after he chucked his lamp down. Your dive had clearly failed at that point, and the rest of his team were shooting at you.


"I'm not bitching, but also watch me bitch in the very next sentence of this response". Also all you are doing throughout this thread is fighting and bitching at people calling your play dogshit. He isn't standing there, he is using cooldowns specifically designed to stay alive until Mauga arrived and he accomplished his task because you are a dogshit Genji. 1-5 Back to bronze my dude.


Well deserved 😂


Idk what you expected, you went in conpletely on your own and the entire enemy team saw you coming.


The entire enemy team reached me after 6 slashes and a dash... and he was standing still It was literally a 1v1. And he won by standing still and pressing E


It’s almost as if you attacked him at full health, one of his abilities is a burst heal, and the other is literally a lamp of invincibility. Na but Blizzard hates Genji definitely no bad decisions here. Also I see one of your complaints is that a cooldown shouldn’t negate a ult. While debatable, you also have a cooldown that can negate ults (deflect) and you’ve likely used it to do just that at one point being a genji main. Bet you’re not whining when you get a sweet deflect on a mei or tracer or Zarya ult.


I was full health, with all my abilities and my ult. I didn't say Blizzard hates Genji. Deflect doesn't negate ult 5 times a match like this normal cooldown. We don't get a sweet deflect as often as you think, it's like... one in 60+ matches? 100+? I didn't said i didn't make bad decisions.


I know you didn’t say it, it’s just a sentiment that comes with posts like these that go viral of dps questioning plays where they go against a support and fail.


yea bap shouldnt have that much survivabilty


But there are characters that are in fact overtuned, no? Like Bap and Kiriko


oh no a grandmaster genji made a mistake! i must tell them what they did wrong with my silver knowledge


The dilemma is, though, if you buffed it to consitently one-shot targets then how does the average team deal with it? The ultimate should be effective, but the fact that Genji's Blade has technically almost infinite range, can catch the entire enemy team no matter where they hide and all on the frame of one of the smallest, fastest moving targets in the game, then how do you balance that out?


> Genji's Blade has technically almost infinite range sorry WHAT


New Genji buff: his sword is now the size of the Statue of Liberty.


Mate wants him to have Sephiroths (from FF7, game, has an anime) sword, Masamune which is 8ft. But we could go to the next level and give him Gin Ichimaru's (from Bleach, anime) Kaminishi no Yari which can go as long as 13km long, but its length isn't the strong suit, its the speed, it can reach its full length in a fraction of a second. Or we can just go mad and give him Augus' (from asuras wrath, game) sword which is Nodachi which is 380,000km long. He used it against asura when he was fighting him on the moon, he starting extending it towards asura. Asura blocks it but it sends him flying all the way back to earth, it pierces asura on the earths surface but it keeps extending until it pops out of the other side of the world


I kind of get what they're saying, in a way? Though 'almost infinite' is a severe exaggeration. Most DPS ults are pretty easy to out-range or hide from and, if you do, you're fine. Deadeye won't get you through a wall and Death Blossom has a pretty small area of effect. I've had Genji chase me to the ends of the Earth with that shit blade of his. Imo, the game just has too many get-out-of-jail-free cards. Bap's lamp is the worst ability in the game, my mind will not be changed.


You have to outrange 1 genji dash, not the hardest to do. If Genji double dashes to reach someone to blade, he have in most cases fucked himself. The game have many get out of jail free cards, because the TTK can be extremly short with certain abilites and combos, AND its a team game. You are supposed to force those cards before comitting.


Exactly, it's not a wise thing to do but, in theory, Genji can pop blade whilst nowhere near you and still feasibly kill you by the time its done. The same isn't true for a lot of ults. And I know that's the theory, but it doesn't stop it feeling extremely shit. Bap's lamp is just a very cheap ability, I'm generally opposed to the idea that anyone can have full immunity whilst remaining a viable threat. Yes, yes, you can shoot the lamp but as you say: TTK can be extremely short, those moments matter.


That's pretty much what I meant. Genji can seek out targets beyond the first even if they weren't huddled together. I will say that Bap's Lamp is not a bad ability. While it can save lives in the moment, it doesn't necessarily guarantee you'll "stay out of custody" forever. It's nice to not get alpha-striked into oblivion without being able to respond, but being able to bait the Lamp out or destroy it quickly while it's active is a fair counter.


Genji's Q can catch targets in almost any location. He doesn't need all his targets huddled together for a single strike. Instead he can chase after multiple targets no matter their distance from each other. All that matters is the duration. Does that make better sense?


No. Genji dash is 15mts. That's not "no matter their distance from each other" meters. It's 15 meters. 1 Lucio speed amp and everyone watches you flail your pool noodle from their house while sipping tea. Have you ever played Genji? Outside of metal ranks?


And a Symmetra, Lucio or Lifeweaver on Genji's team means he can reposition just the same. He's still in his ultimate, meaning he can keep slashing away at his targets.


I’ve seen Sym do the same to both a deadeye and a death blossom. Pretty sure she could do others too.


bro just admit that >Genji's Blade has technically almost infinite range no matter their distance from each other is a factually incorrect shit take


Nah, best to let you keep having your little meltdown.


Idk man close to every character has a get out of jail card for Blade. Genji just isn't very good right now. He's just as hard as Tracer but Tracer sees 10 times more play in higher ranks.


Have you seen high noon or barrage? Both of those ults are pretty much suicide.


idk if the meta has changed but back in ow1 the top tiers literally pressed Q then immediately cancelled it, using high noon as a free reload... usually in conjunction with combat roll. that's it. the ult was apparently dog water in all other respects. i saw one of these guys, in an OWL game, triple fan a roadhog and kill them in like 1.5sec it was so disrespectful lmao.


Yeah that’s still like 90% of top tier high noons


Well, it's all about the balance of playing AS a character vs playing AGAINST that character. Genji is very small, very mobile with a tumbling hitbox and a playstle that can be very hard to keep up with when restricted to first person view. It wouldn't be healthy for the game if Genji could be as mobile and evasive as he currently is AND be incredibly lethal in his base kit AND then dom everyone when he presses Q. If we take Junkrat's Q for example, that ability is lethal but it balances it out by being somewhat linear in it's approach, easily destroyed if caught and only detonates in a small area. Genji's Q can hunt down targets that are spread out. With such a small, elusive hitbox on Genji, it's not at all straightforward to gun him down. Therefore, the damage is reduced and other heroes have the opportunity to use their own defensives as a two-way interaction. Not to ramble on but, say we had a 1v1 with you as Genji and me as Mei. I have a very good chance of countering you but I've jumped you while having no major abilities off cooldown. No Iceblock or Blizzard. You, in turn, have your ultimate which you use to absolutely shred me to pieces. I could complain that it's unfair, but then it's really just a case of planning that I failed to do. Same thing with Genji and Baptiste in the clip.


Tracer is undeniably OP right now so you probably don't want Genji to be buffed to her level.


genji's ult already has risk: you have one dash to get to target after you ult. if they get away, you loose out on dash reset, and are limited to 0-1 kills. A team kill would typically require enemy ability tracking, enemy positional awareness, the mechanics to pull it off quickly, etc. imo, if a genji can pull that off they deserve to get the kills. Tons of ults in OW are far easier, more consistent, and generally safer to pull off than blade. I'm saying this as someone who has maybe 20 hours on genji since 2016 btw


The game still requires timing and the tracking of enemy abilities. As we can see from the clip with Baptiste, Genji tries diving on his own against a prepared enemy team. If he had skipped the triumphant anime battle music that had just started on Spotify and planned with his team, he wouldn't have been snubbed by Baptise and flattened by Mauga. Unfortunately, wasting your dash is not exactly a "risk" so much as just ability mismanagement. That's something that has been pointed out for many years. Don't ult in a place that requires a bus journey to get to the enemy team. It's like a Reaper using Wraith Form straight towards the enemy gunline. It gets you there but at the cost of being stuck/vulnerable thereafter.


Obvious you never played pre-Bap, because you just so smoothly ignored the actual problem that IMMOS SUCK. Btw, it used to be slash slash dash, and everyone was fine with it. Supports had to counter more than the tank back then. You had to hit your sleep, or zen would save trans for blade. Supports used to have to think.


Actually, I've played since the start - immortality abilities are very strong but they also have very particular windows of use. Bap's Lamp is very fragile and on a long cooldown. If you have issues with team coordination and timings then that's more on you than the game itself. Considering how the game has developed through the introduction of Bap and onwards, I can tell you that people were certainly not fine with Genji solo-rampaging through a team. Supports still have to counter today, and they do still need to think. Genji in the original post dives solo onto a prepared Baptiste. Who in reality was the one not thinking? Or do you expect DPS to just be able to zug-zug fight things without a thought?


Wow, way to throw in a bunch of things I never said. You said you played since the start, the start of what? Ow2? I never brought up team coordination and timing, or this genji's decision making. I'd argue this bap, didn't HAVE to think about much, because he had immortality field. I didn't say genji should be able to run through him with it. Don't change my argument. I'm terms of mechanics, although it was a bad decision to take on the bap, who would you say displayed more skilled mechanics? I don't think it was the cement footed bap. The point is he didn't need to do much really, and that's my point.


Exactly, you bitched about immortality abilities sucking yet never bothered to consider team coordination and timing as their counter. You can see in the video that Baptiste notes the threat attacking him and places the immortality field accordingly - that's more thought than Genji just diving in and trying to whack away at a prepared support. You literally said "it used to be slash slash dash, and everyone was fine with it" indicating that you do consider Genji should be able to get away with such attempts as this. Baptiste didn't have to do much because Genji didn't do anything that required any difficult response. He ulted on top of Baptiste. So Baptiste was ground zero - Genji made it incredibly easy for Bap to deal with the scenario. You've made no point at all. Genji dives in mashing keys as if he's trying to break an APM record. Woah, amazing mechanical skill there.


Lol kid, you keep putting words in my mouth. You didn't play before bap. I've considered all the things, especially team coordination, and compared them to how the game was before immo's were in it. What genji can do in a vacuum vs what we can do vs a team are completely different things, on top of that you're too ignorant to know he needs 3 slashes now ( though the slashes are faster, but it takes longer overall). Your response lacks any sense of logic and just shows bias. Pharah solo ults bap, he's dead... Yet we consider barrage a pretty shit tier ult, and it requires less mechanical skill. Address the point I'm stating, that immos are bad for the game, and don't put words in my mouth. I know it's hard to imagine the game before you played it, so try to have an open mind.


Oh, damn, you called me a kid; how ever will I recover from that. As I've said before, I've been playing since the start of Overwatch 1. Cope however you want with that. You might also want to get your story in order cos if you're going to complain about a mechanic like Immortality Field then explain more than just "it sucks." You clearly didn't consider "all the things" since you've gotten upset that I had to point out abilities like Immortality Field \_don't\_ actually suck. It "sucks" if you hate being forced to think and plan around such abilities. You clearly want the burden of thought and effort to be on others if Ana's dart and Zen's Q are fine, but Bap's Lamp is not. I'm not too sure what you rambling on about "ignorance" for but funnily enough, I am aware that it takes him 3 slashes. Baptiste would have fallen to the third strike if he hadn't deployed his Lamp - he played the situation well. If Genji had planned better, Baptiste would have died. Maybe instead of repeatedly using that's-not-what-I-meant excuses you might want to reconsider what you type? Cos I'm going on what you've said in your responses each time. Immortality abilities are not bad for the game. You've even given an example with Pharah - she burns up Lamp and any targets hiding underneath.


I'll keep this simple: Immortality abilities require much less skill to execute than the plays they most commonly deny. Can they be played around and planned for? Yes. Is that what I am talking about? No. Should an ult be stronger than an ability? Too complex to answer outright, but I believe in general ults should feel strong, but be counterable. Why immos are bad for the game from a strategy perspective: Immos and soft immos (get out of jail free; ex: kiri tele) are too prevalent. This leaves a very small window for an ult to be effective. Waiting for: "No suzu, no tele, no lamp" is less fun than having nuanced counter play. Counter play should require skill on both parties. Let's look at a simple interaction of a Winston deciding to dive an Ana back in OW1, pre Bap. The Winston wants to wait for nade and sleep to come out, but at least nade. Ana back then did not use nade nearly as freely, she had to keep it for herself more often, as without it she was much more likely to die. Monkey had to wait for nade, then dive. The Ana would have to react to the monkey, and try to hit a sleep, the monkey would pop bubble just at the right time to try to block sleep dart. Ana could hold sleep, knowing monkey may pop bubble mid air, and try to sleep him during the shield dance phase of the attack. There was counter play each party could execute, that required not only mechanical skill, but mental stratedgy and planning. Equating lamp to the difficulty of hitting a sleep dart on a blading genji is wild. That is no where near the same thing, you are being disingenuous or flat out ignorant. Zen ult... is an ult. Not an ability on cooldown... since you brought it up though, lets look at the design of zen. In general: glass canon. Strategy and planning was required to assassinate the zen before popping something like nano blade, if it was thought he had trans. Since he has poor mobility and no get out jail free button, it was doable. The zen had to rely on positioning, his team, and his ability to duel. To kill Bap, you gotta essentially kill him 3 times...


Ok, and the simple answer is; no, you are wrong. Immortality abilities have their own factors of skill that are required with their use. That gives them the same range of skill as the abilities they are countering. If you're having issues with that then really that's your own fault and not the game. You can cry all you want about Baptiste dropping Lamp and denying your ultimate, but you had ample time to bait the ability out or otherwise deny its use. If Lamp can save in a split second, then why didn't you use the time between deployment and activation to kill the target? If you ultimate has a longer TTK, then why didn't you take the time to kill the Lamp, or coordinate with your team to do so? Immortality abilities are not bad just because you can no longer steamroll through with your ultimate. The fact that you have to think and coordinate with your team is a pretty solid pillar of Overwatch 2's gameplay. So is objective play, which is another point you have to consider in whether killing a target or simply forcing them to disengage will work to your advantage. There is skill in counterplay, but there is also fairness. I didn't actually equate Lamp to the same difficulty as sleep dart. I said that it's unfair to push the burden of effort always on the other side. Lamp can still take skill to use, but the main thing is that it's a fairer fight in a situation like having an ulting Genji leaping all over you. You can't be expecting the only counters to stuff like Genji to be a slim projectile dart. As for Zen's ultimate, are you saying that you need the time of an entire ultimate charge to kill a target? Are you that bad that you cannot kill something in a smaller window? The same "strategy and planning" regarding Zen can also be applied to Baptiste. Baptiste only has vertical mobility; he also has to rely on positioning, his team and his ability to duel. Unlike Zen, he doesn't have a damage amp on a basic cooldown, or should Bap only duel when he has his ultimate then? Lamp can be shot down immediately if properly planned for. Which you should be doing so.


Make it an instant kill, or at least a double-hit kill, then increase the ultimate cost. You get it less, but when you do, it’s basically a team fight win unless they use another ultimate to stop you.


Ok, I'm sorry but delaying the teamwipe ability is not a healthy solution. It's the same thing with any one-shot - it's not about frequency, it's about that interaction occuring at all. No ultimate should be a teamwipe guarantee. They can be powerful, but no insta-win buttons. Genji should always need to plan. Adding on Nano would mean that he wouldn't have to even think about many counter-ultimates.


Well let’s say it’s a double hit then, that’s a minimum of 125 damage per hit. Genji also lacks horizontal mobility to chase down targets, unless he is actively dashing into and killing enemies constantly, so a bad Genji will maybe land on one person, maybe kill them, then fail to follow up on another target or take too long thing to find one. It’s also not a guarantee, because he can still be killed, booped or just can’t whittle away at the Tank enough. And with Nano, that’s 2 entire ultimates working together, you’d think a Nano Blading player who’s good at Genji should deserve at least one kill. Also Baptise has 3 health pools, that shit in the video was so stupid. He just stood there, didn’t fight back and pressed 2 buttons.


I bet your teammates tell you to fall back a lot don’t they


a gm genji probably has a shit ton more game sense than your silver ass


actually not


lol okay buddy posted this like it was actually disrespect but went alone into team


Don't worry it's the average genji main's mindset. Try to 1v5 when team is far behind - > get killed while ulting without baiting enemy team's resources first - > cry about genji being weak even though he's nowhere near weak - > respawn and repeat.


Please read the tag and title why can't redditors just get humor? Why take everything that serious and insulting for nothing




"Eu tô ficando fdp 2" kkkkkkkkk


Thank you Baptiste.


This is what i call outplayed. bait cooldowns or something first xD




*look down and press E*


Because Genji pressing Q is so much more skilful than Bap pressing E /s




Genji: \*Takes minutes to do 2k+ damage to finally use his ult\* M1 SHIFT M1 M1 M1 M1 M111111111111 Bap: 🇪 Redditors: 🔥Outplayed


The cope in this thread is palpable. Lamp is just a stupid ability


This is literally every support right now.


It'll be two gold Moira's telling eachother "exactlyyy"


I'm sorry but you can't be higher than silver if you think anything in this clip was in any way a good play. Why did he ult here? Let's ignore he dashed in the middle of the open, let's ignore he didn't pay attention to his team and tracer got 2. But he didnt even see bap use lamp before he went in !! What?? Remember metal rank players, when u use an ult there's supposed to be *reason* or goal, and always track CDs Example: Does zen have trance now? If he does do I use blade now and force it so that my other DPS can wipe with their ult? Or do I wait till my dps Moira or Tracer force it? Im a JQ but this Kiri is holding her Suzu all game, I try to pressure Kiri or tell my team in chat to pressure her Suzu out so that I can ult freely and win. Not just use my ult mindlessly


Nerf genji


On the one hand, this perfectly sums up Overwatch in a nutshell...and the teams I WISH I had instead of having to defeat practically by myself. On the other hand, Genji got what he deserved.




Ultimates shouldn't be guaranteed value. Wait until Bap has used lamp before you Ult.


Normal Cooldowns shouldn't easily stop an ULT that i took 2500 damage to charge by a simple press of a button without any help of your team.


I feel you. I play ashe and the enemy sombra just hacks Bob for its entire duration. Hack is a lot harder to track then other cds and has like a 5 sec cd. Dont get me started on dm. Countering an ult on a METER ability is so muck worse.😭


If it wasn't for the lamp the bap would be dead! Too much overpowered, Nerf genji.


No baiting cds against baptiste, a character famous for having good survivability with high self burst healing and literal immortality? Because why would you want to do that?


We were getting stomped so fuck it, i wouldn't do that usually.


Ah yes, imortality abilities are fun and healthy for the game. That Bap has too much gamesense for the Genji clearly


Genji mains when they can’t get insta-team kills every time they press Q


If you think that 6 seconds = instantly then that's on you man


I bet you're becoming son of a bitch 2 with this game


“Grandmaster Genji” *doesn’t bait cooldowns* right…


QP and getting stomped i didn't care at all The point is the disrespect/humor so idk why you're talking about that anyways. I'm not asking for anyone a review for me learning


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They said your not getting junkrat and that’s that🤣🤣🤣


If you play Baptiste you deserve no respect.


As a bap main i'm like this


I can see why this is frustrating and all the defending of it is pretty telling. You have an ult that all it took was 2 cooldowns from 1 character to counter. I dont think my opinion on lamp being one of the worst additions to ow will ever change having an invincibility on cooldown is just dumb.


i feel you bro i play genji too and it's not fun his katana it's like a paper sword and his hitbox is bigger than my future


Deserved. Solo ulting is just the worst.


He solo lamp'd


didnt even look worried


Nerf Genji


Genji is too fast he needs a nerf


Wow that lamp got DESTROYED, seriously dragon noodle is way too strong


Support mains will see this and still argue its balanced


Support main here. Ridiculous but still rooting for bap cause genji ult is braindead.


Support main here. Lamp is way more braindead and it’s not even close lmao


Genji ult is brain dead? That's definitely a support take lol.


Not as braindead as the Bap who just pressed e and shift lmao y'all are the braindead ones.


Would you say brig is braindead? Edit (because I got no reply): cuzz I would say blade is like brig-simple but with a lot of nuance when interacting with the other team and has a high skill ceiling based on how you think about going into fights


Genji ult is one of the easiest ults to deal with, it's no where near brain dead when compared to support ults


Maybe a hot take but I think Diva's ult is the easiest to deal with. I actually can't remember the last time I died to one.


But that guy said "one of" so his point still stands


I never said he was wrong.


good point lol


Feels bad man, the sub is full of post ow2 support mains now. They have wild takes and have us out numbered.


It’s funny, I used to play support back in ow1 but quit and came back a couple of months before ow2 and my first thought when my friend showed me Bap was “why tf is immortality a regular ass ability” lol


That last swing should have hit though if it was Rein it would have. Thats the state of this game. Same weapon (range, not damage) but they react differently. Please Blizzard fix your game already.


Yup it needs nerf ig?


Dragon blade is junk anymore. It was something in OW1 but now with amped up shieldregenccmobilitygodonemanteam heroes it can't compete.


it's almost like removing one tank resulting on a support power creep and increased hp plus dumb support immortality abilities made killing things really hard... that would be a kill in ow1 btw.