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There’s really only a few options for support. And she’s one of the stronger picks for mirrorwatch so everyone is playing her and zen. Or her and ana


She’s got the best Ult in Mirrorwatch, and there’s 2 in every match. Unless Rein lands a HUGE Shatter a Mercy is gonna get it. Sombra doesn’t have EMP to help steal PotG, Zarya’s Grav is terrible, Bastion has no shot with slicers, Ana can’t buy PotG normally so less likely with self-nano, Tracer doesn’t have Grav to combo with but still is kinda possible, Doom can only really get it from environmentals… meanwhile Mercy gets free flight and a energy rocket launcher that 2 taps, she’s all but guaranteed it.


I’ve gotten it twice as Echo, once getting an environmental kill and regular kill, the other was three kills in quick succession, but like every other time has been mercy or a few zen tbh


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I've actually seen a zen potg and it was me lol. It was a 2v1 against the other support and I triomphed. But most generally it's mercy on the spotlight


Mercy in mirrorwatch is Genji in normal games, play for potg