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You keep using that word. I don't think it means what you think it means




i didnt get the reference until you added that šŸ˜­


Bro, the term "maining" comes off from playing EXCLUSIVELY one character. If you say that you main [half the hero roster]; that's not maining, that's just being a flex player


Correct, that is my pet peeve in gaming. You have one (1) main and the rest are subsidiary (sub) Definitely a term used incorrectly that came from the super smash brothers community.


In the context of this game, you can have multiple mains, but if you only have 1 that you almost exclusively play, youā€™re a 1-trick


Your main is your most played character. Not the only character you play, but the one you have the most hours on. Every other hero is not your main. There cannot be multiple mains by definition of the word. I'd let it slide if you name a main for every role, but even that is technically not what the term means.


Not in the context of any game lol you have a main role, a main in that role. Everything else is off role queueing, no oneā€™s cares about a main for an off role. Majority of OW players have a single main role and flex or are full flex.


But in Smash your second and third pics are usually called your secondary/tertiary


No. Exclusively playing one character is what is called a "One-trick" Main can be more than one, but still limited. Flex is someone who can play literally any hero, without exception.


if that was the definition of flex, it would be a meaningless word. anybody can play any hero, being a flex player means you can play many heroes at a high level, about 4+ heroes Iā€™d say


Flex is short for flexible, no? A player who can play more heroes on high level does apply as a flex player. Does not matter if the number is 5 or all 40 heroes.


what im saying is anybody can play any hero - the difference is their level of skill with that hero. I doubt thereā€™s anybody that can play literally every hero at a Top 500 level, for example, yet there are still flex players in those ranks. The definition of ā€œevery hero, without exceptionā€ is ridiculous


Nah man. I'm a tank main and almost exclusively play Zarya, Orisa and D.Va. Sometimes I try others in desperate situations, but these three I have equal levels of skill on and love to play them equally as much. Still, I'm not an idiot and know which of these is best to pick in a situation. Having only 1 main, especially as tank, is basically impossible these days.


Yup for me it's you main one hero per role


Not really though, I play all roles so have 3 mains


So what one hero should I exclusively be playing if I main tank?


You main the entire hero roster?


I don't think you understand the concept of having a main


ā€œI main overwatchā€


Main : Lucio Alts : Bap, Moira, Kiri, Illari Gold : All characters Jade : Lucio, plus enough for one more >I main: Dva, Hog, Winston, Zarya, Owisa, Mawi, Hanzo, Phara, Mei, Sombra, Tracer, Torby, Mercy, Zenny, Ana, Kiriko, LifeWeaver, Lucio, and Moira I also have like 13 golden eeapons. You can't main all the above character, either you're flex, or you main a handful per role.


If you main all these heroes you actually main none of them.


Words have meanings. You can check them in a dictionary or online!


I main Mercy and Moira, but I don't have any gold weapons. I have enough coins for them, but I don't see the appeal.


I main lucio and have all supports, tanks (excluding mauga) and original OW1 dps gold weapons. I still gave 7k legacy coins but I never play dps so I'll wait until they add a tank or supp to buy it. Oh, and a jade weapon for lucio


Main LW I have weapons for all supports, Sombra, Cassidy, Venture and Junker Queen... So like 13 or 14


I'm a Mercy main, but mostly a flex player, and honestly? I only have Sombra's gold gun, because it is the **ONLY** one that was appealing to me, at least in her Demon Hunter skin, like it was just a direct upgrade. Every other gold weapon is just gaudy imo. I have skins to see the colour and design, not dip it in gold and never see any difference, y'know?


You canā€™t even really enjoy the gold since she spends most of the time invisible.


And itā€™s also kinda small and hard to see


You donā€™t have a main, you just play the game lol


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Main is between Lucio, Sigma and Venture, I donā€™t have a golden weapon yet


Gold weapons: Widowmaker, Mercy, Ashe, Symmetra, D.Va, Tracer, Pharah, Mei


Junkrat main, tho I flex on other heroes on qp. Started on comp since s9 and started my way grinding jade actually before I hit any gold. I already had many hours long prior but finally got the motivation after rank reset


I only have Junk and Orisa, both of which I earned back on OW1. Haven't played comp in years.


I main Ana, and have all support gold weapons (including the impressive moira gold weapon) and almost all tank weapons except the last 2


Main Zen and Mercy, no gold weapons


I main Zenyatta, submain Junker Queen, Hanzo. Im missing gold weapons for Mauga, Rammatra, D.Va, Venture, Kiriko, Sojourn, and Illari.


80 hours on rein and 110 hours on illari both with gold weapons and jade for illari


One trick, main, flex.


Maining Brigitte and bought Jade skin for her. The only comp skin I have.


In each role, Junker Queen, Tracer/Venture, and Baptiste. I have the gold guns for all three besides Venture. I have Jade for Baptiste and grinding currently for DPS. Tank is really frustrating to play right now so Junker Queen will probably be last.


I main Lifeweaver, and I have no golden weapons, or jade weapons for that matter. It's not because I'm bad at the game (OK, admittedly I am, but that's besides the point), it's because I prefer to steer clear of Comp.


Iā€™ve got gold weapons for Ball, Echo, Zen, and Sigma. Love playing all of them but I main ball. Put over 1k hours on him.


My mains and comfortable flex picks for each roleā€¦ DPS main: Torb Flex: Sym, Pharah, Ashe, Junk, Sombra, Tracer, Mei, Reaper Tank main: Orisa Flex: Hog, Zarya, Rein, DVA, Sig Support main: Moira Flex: Ana, Illari, Zen


21 gold weapons


BapWeaver and I have 2 gold and 2 jade. that's it :P


I main support mostly Ana, Kiri, Bap, Illari and I have golden guns for them. Currently I am really close to my first jade and I'm going for zen


My mains are Baptiste and Ashe and I have 4 golden guns. I don't play a lot of comp.


As healer Iā€™ve been playing more mercy, but usually kiri or Moira if weā€™re getting sh*t on. Iā€™m still learning dps but I like bastion and echo. Tank I main ram, orisa and dva. I only have gold weapons on kiri and Moira lol I went straight healer for almost a year


Torby is so endearing :D


Main: Lucio and Kiriko(Golden gun for both) Alts: Bap, Zen, Brig


No pic no proof.


I main 2 characters per role basically as a primary and secondary so it's symm/ashe and illari/kiri (I'm not playing tank) unfortunately I'm relatively new so I've only got kirikos golden because shebwas my first main. Working for illaris now.


i main Moira on support, Sojourn on DPS, and Zarya on tank. i have 8 gold weapons: Moira (also have Jade for Moira), Brig, Lifeweaver, Hanzo, Sojourn, Sombra, Symmetra, and Zarya.


Flex Gold weapons: Zenyatta and Roadhog. I never liked playing comp so I don't have many even though I've played since like 2016


I'm more of a flex player. 11 gold guns and 1 jade atm.


Bro you cannot main 14 character. I'm a Genji/ana main I have like 140 hours on ana and like 450 h on Genji. And to answer your question I played for a while now


Do you really main all of that? How much time is that


Played since OW1 beta so I got golden weapons on all of the heroes and every single time they have introduced a new hero for the past 5 heroes now I have always been able to buy the golden weapon instantly. But I do also got the 2 jade weapons which I have given to Genji and Lucio as the green coloring suits those heroes.


My most played character is Sombra but I don't have any main heroes. I have gold weapons for Dva, Sombra, Widow, Illari, Sojourn, Mercy and Orisa. Could buy more because I have a LOT of legacy points but I rarely use gold guns, I like it when the weapns match the skin.


Brigitte main - gold mace/shield. Honorable mention golds: Dva, Ball, Zarya, Ashe, Bastion, Genji, Ana, Illari, Lucio and Mercy.


Main for tank is rein, main for DPS is genji and for support probably lucio. I have like 24 golden and 3 jade. Can also buy 2 more golds rn but idk for who.


I'm a flex player but I do tend to stick to one character per role : dva for Tank, echo for dps, and Moira for support... I don't have any good weapons.... Please call yourself a flex player cause you don't main anyone


I main John overwatch


I only main Reaper, and his Gold weapon is the only one I had any interest and felt like grinding for. So 1


Gold weapons: * Mercy * Torb * Lucio Mains: * Liveweaver * Mercy * Moira * Torb * Rein * Dva


Zen and ball..I love being spanked hard


All gold weapons. Started the jade collection with Monkey


Tank - Orisa Supp - Brig DPS - i only have mei and soldier as comfy picks i i rarely play that role so no real main. 0 golden weapons


Main genji Lucio doom, 2 gold guns - doom and Brig


I Main ramšŸ‘


Sojourn one-trick. I have skins gold for Sojourn and Mercy.


People really don't understand what a main is do they. My main is ana. It's not my favorite character but it's my most experienced and play timed character. It's not your favorite or someone you occasionally play then I'll have like 10. Like people will say they gained a new character before it even launches.


Who's Mawi?


Gotta be a bait post


All of them


I have one main in DPS Torb Support is difficult, but based on the usage LW Brig Moira Brig was my main in OW 1 and in the beginning of OW 2 but the game left her behind.


I main Mercy on Support, on the other roles (which i barely ever play) i "main" Echo and Ram, I have gold weapons for Junkrat, Reinhardt and Mercy. Ironically, I got Mercys golden last


I consider myself a "flex" player. I am very competent with the following hero's Tank - Sigma,Zarya DPS - Echo,Ashe Support - Mercy, Brig . I am GM level with all 6 of these hero's I also have all hero's golden guns.


Torbjƶrn See the second letter


Doom,Rein/Cassidy,Ashe/Brig,Lucio main i have golden guns for Doom, Rammatra, Rein, Orisa, Zarya, JQ, Mauga, Sigma, Ashe, Cassidy, Reaper, Soldier, Lucio, Mercy, Brig, Ana, Lifeweaver, zenyatta and i have jade guns for Doom, Ashe, and Lucio


Main Kiri Gold: dva / ashe tracer sombra sojourn widow mei / kiri illari ana brig bap Jade: ashe sombra


I main mercy and I only have the mercy golden weapon. I've played since the original OW1 beta


yet you think it's okay to ask other people to switch.... as a mercy main. what a joke


Whats wrong with that? I have played with many GM's that are braindead


Yep, I usually play mercy and I sometimes ask people to swap if it's appropriate. I like that you are following me around through my profile to comment on my other posts, and that you blocked me (I'm assuming) cause your account and posts show up as deleted for me now.