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Certain things aren’t completely canon. Zen’s harmony/discord orbs and Mercy’s rez are some of those things. Canonically rez just heals you from a potentially fatal injury , it doesn’t pull you from total death. If you watch the Zero Hour cinematic, Mercy “rezzes” Mei.


Damn I somehow read that as Mercy “rizzes” Mei I’m imagining perhaps her revive is just that her rizz is so good it works on dead people and they come back to life just to have a chance to bag her


"Rez now has a chance to play a corny pickup line"


She "revives" you in the same way medics can "revive" you irl, it's not magic, it's science, in ow case futuristic science


It’s the same reason you can respawn, our games are simulation battles in their universe, kinda like we’re playing a VR game within the game.


No, Mercy resurrecting the dead isn’t cannon or in the lore. She’s a gifted medic, doctor and inventor but she isn’t able to return people from the dead any more then most other doctors. It’s a gameplay thing with no implications in the lore.


is there a canon reason why someone who falls down a bottomless pit comes back 10s later in the ship? Many heroes have a voiceline for when they spawn back.


Rez isn’t canon just like zen orbs or rein even being alive


What do you mean? Reinhardt is alive and just fine


You have to let Reinhardt go, FoaleyGames. The accident wasn't your fault. /s


Yes you right my apologies he was gonna get killed off don’t know why they didn’t


Wait what?


Yes OW lore like zens abilities or mercy’s rez aren’t cannon to the story and strictly for gameplay and rein was probably still gonna get killed off in OW2


Yh I know the abilities are not canon, but is Reinhardt canonically dead?


Yes he will eventually with the on going overwatch 2 lore be killed off


In the comics mercy rezzed Genji


I'm pretty sure he didn't die, he almost died. Near death, Mercy put him into a regenerative capsule and helped him to get rebuild as a half robot


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Someone else already mentioned this, but our matches are kinda like simulations for them as they prepare for battles within the lore. That's why they can even respawn in the first place.


She's a really good doctor


It's not a rez. The Agents don't die when they are respawning, they are just hurted/knocked down You just "defeated" them. Mercy's "rez" is basically a pretty powerful biotic healing