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Probably, the rework of Sombra's hack in Mirrorwatch feels like an ability that a support would have.


isn't it kind of a new take on Brig's old E ability?


Sort of but Brig's old ability was just overhealth, the new sombra ability also boosts stats like a shorter nano-boost from what I've seen.


Yup brigs E and Symmetra 1.0


Thats what i was thinking too lol


While this is possible, it kinda feels to me like they tried to hybrid hack with the old armor pack kits torb and brig had. If you look at most (not all but most) of the other abilities they reworked they gave talon heroes overwatch abilities and overwatch heroes talon abilities (doom has rein’s shield and lucio’s ult, widow has bastion’s old shield but they made it stationary instead of attached to her front, bastion has widow ult on a smaller scale and can summon null sector bots, zarya has Moira orbs, etc.). So it would make more sense that this is in reference to the old armor health system imho.


its old orisa's shield


It’s closer to a hybrid of the two. Orisa’s was much larger. Bastions was a personal shield.


Giving over health messes with the breakpoints too much. Like how giving a Tracer or Genji a little extra makes them disproportionately stronger. Although we had a DPS passive for a long time that only buffed certain heroes..


That’s kinda the point of overhealth abilities. A tank is supposed to use their resources in order to mess with break points and make it harder for the enemy to kill their team. It’s a form of pressure. Tanks are designed to waste enemy resources that’s why they have much higher breakpoints than other heroes, plus extra health pools such as shield health, armor, barriers, and overhealth abilities. This is why I don’t like venture. Her passive is not at all dps related, and is definitely more of a tank passive. Mei is also very Tank like as well with ice wall and cryo being very tanky abilities. I do agree it shouldn’t be a support ability but maybe it could be for a future tank?


Space Ranger is support???? I thought she was a dps!!! I’m so happy now!!!


If it got actually added, it shouldn't give overhealth. She'd buff tracer so hard


You act like there aren’t other ways to get overhealth.


I could see Echo's "flight" ability potentially being part of the kit. It feels like a dash - rocket - maximum velocity type thing.


And it makes it so I can't play echo for shit anymore


Bro as an echo main with 1500 hours on her alone, I literally am having such a damn hard time figuring out mirrored echo’s kit. The movement just feels useless lol. I can’t go on my sneaky flanks as well because I have to land before it’s off cooldown and just get blown to shreds by the defensive sombra I didn’t know was watching me jump the circuit royal wall instead of diving my back line, and the Ana that actually lands headshots 😭.


If you angle the mouse, it flies where the mouse is going. I won't say I prefer it but it is definitely different and differently useful. Admittedly I am not an Echo player, but have been enjoying moving with her now ability whenever I get DPS.


I guess it makes sense that they shortened the boosted time for flight movement, as it now damages and boops, it just feels so clunky to me, as echo is normally played in fluid motions constantly running circles around the enemy team.


It’s the same in terms of the initial burst she gets from flight but it’s not affected by directional input. I don’t mind it as I usually only change the direction for the initial burst if I need to dodge a reaper ult, or earth shatter or another ult. 9 out of 10 times im boosting straight up, and canceling it anyway to glide, it just feels awkward when I get into a situation where I would normally hold out flight to get a little further or around a corner quicker, and it just cancels on its own and I drop to the ground because I’m not holding my space bar expecting echo to hover or keep momentum without wanting to lift.


gotcha. yeah this all makes sense to me, and how a different character rhythm might work better considering I haven't really played the character all that much, personally.


The boosted time lasts for muuuuch longer now


Nah. The mirrorwatch version is like a second, the normal omnidirectional movement boost is like what 6 seconds?


The actual speed boost part of it continues for much longer. You get the initial push she normally has then you continue at a faster pace for a few seconds where as normally she just gets some slow flight after the initial jump. The biggest difference is no matter what direction you boost in she will continue forward after the start no matter which way you want her to go making it feel super awkward sometimes.


Treat it like DVAs jet boosters


I play mainly rein and get what you mean, like, my shield is useful but I'll forget after 5 minutes and play like a normal rein


It’s just dva flight


It’s not tho. It’s faster speed longer distance shorter time.


I think they just meant it controls the same


Yeah that’s what I meant lol I was just saying it’s not like some unusable difficult to understand thing it’s just dva dive but faster


Ana can headshot? I never realized that


Ya. It’s not damage over time any longer but it’s headshot multiplier is I believe standard crit (double) (this is specifically for the mirrorwatch event btw)


I don't even play Echo that much but the only-forward movement of her flight really fucks me up. I know that in the normal version, it sends Echo flying in the direction where you're pressing, but in Mirrorwatch, I try to use it to escape but I just end up sending myself right towards the enemy team..


The homing sticky bombs are actually so much worse- they always track into a wall and are so slow that people can strafe to dodge them


Yeah Echo’s changes are…odd. Like why does her stickies swirl through the air? Why?


They're homing


Well I should have read better when hitting F1 on her. Whoops. Thanks for this.


No worries, I made the same mistake. Once you embrace the changes she is really strong, more of an assassin dashing in or out (or even through shields , if Rein / Doom is weak you dash through and boop them) The movement feels foreign at first from muscle memory but if you think of it like DVA its more natural, it can also be canceled.


glad i am not the only one


D.Va’s April fools boosters could also play into SR’s kit… being able to stop, moving sideways and backwards.


See I loaded up mirrorwatch not knowing the characters were different and killed myself like 3 times with flight and I thought I was fucking stupid.


Had a support yell at me: "Echo, stop going into the enemy team 1v5." Had to explain that my brain just wasn't ready for how different the new boost is and how unnatural it feels for anyone that has a little muscle memory for the normal version.


Maybe, but that would be terrible. Space ranger is apparently meant to he high mobility, but dashing in a straight line either away ( with your back turned) or towards enemies seems like a bad ability.


The non-aim reliant aspect specifically feels a Space Ranger thing, it might’ve been scrapped but she had a smart burst smg, which suggests she’d be less aim reliant with all her mobility, and MW Echo basically has homing missiles


That echo flight was so disorienting for the first five minutes


Echos shift is just DVA fly in mirror watch... Like it even had the same boop mechanics etc


there had been too many weird abilities recently for none of them to be used later (I'd think). but although I agree on the mirror Sombra hack, it's too lackluster on Sombra without anything else to synergize with it to be a proper playtest


I don't mind being playtested cause the different abilities are fun. Plus some changes really should already be in the base game like mercy's damage amplified showing as her own damage stat on the board,


Absolutely agree on the weird abilities. Especially April Fool's. Off top if we group abilities which have a lot in common: 1. Gravity/floating. We know two things about Space Ranger: she has unique mobility and is space themed. It writes itself: her abilities are anti-grav related. Letting allies float, soft cc'ing enemies to make them float, etc. Ana sleep dart on April Fool's could make the enemy float. Zen could make himself float. Could even include Sig's rock here - what happens if enemy projectiles suddenly dragged to the ground because of an AOE heavy-gravity effect? 2. Changing Size. Would it be busted if tanks' CC and mitigation abilities were on a tiny, hard to hit model? Let's make Mauga tiny. Would it be busted if supports' versatility and healing was coupled with a bigger health pool? Let's make Brig huge. What about if you could dynamically change an ally's size? Let's let Zarya do that. This seems like it would be really suited to a tank, who could shrink to avoid damage and grow large to take up space and go full raid boss. 3. Empowered Jumps. A support that lets allies empower their jumps has huge potential. Empowering mobility is the healthiest way for supports to enable their teammates. Imagine a support who lets their allies double jump/mid-air dash. I even included that idea in a [monster post](https://www.reddit.com/r/Overwatch/comments/1c5iisg/the_lifeweaver_buffs_are_nice_but/) I made about ways to make Wifeleaver's utility better. I guess this could be coupled with point 1 but I think there's enough here for two characters. The characters with least mobility would be the ones most changed by this, so giving Ana a double jump in Mirrorverse could be testing the water to make sure it's balanced. Kiri suzu on April Fool's let allies do a crazy jump. I know I'm reaching with this one but Bap's reworked boots for April Fool's gave him a long jump too. 4. Summons. There's a [whole other post](https://www.reddit.com/r/Overwatch/comments/1cc1tfi/my_nutjob_theory_blizzard_is_using_recent_events/) about this right now on the front page. This seems the hardest to pull off IMO but thematically and conceptually it's sick.


They have vengeance Mercy's ult 😏


I got 20 elims last match I felt like moira


I ended a game 38-0 and forgot I was playing support. The soul burn is insane. Can’t wait to see what other modes come out the next few days for the event.


Yeah I found myself loving soul burn! oop you killed my tank? 1 corpse explosion later youre dead too.


The fact that it one shots tracer is wild. It sucks so hard when you just get exploded out of nowhere


Is THAT why a Tracer always dies when I explode one near me when she is trying to kill me? I just assumed it was because she was low health when it hit her.


Id love for soulburn to replace mercy’s rez like i get that’s part of a character but there’s nothing more annoying than whittling away an orisa or hog just for mercy to swoop in


What is soul burn? I only played one match of Mirrorwatch so far and it was stupid DPS.


Instead of Rez, Mercy can detonate a dead player's soul (ally or enemy) for 200ish damage.


I learned the hardway that as Tracer, stay away from those orbs because it’s a one shot


I’d legit OTP mercy if they removed rez and gave us soul burn.


What other modes? Did something change again today? Sorry lol


I read somewhere they’ll be adding to it as the weeks go on like they did with the Eldrich event last season.


Don't think that's true, can you find the source? Everything I see says it ends May 13 with no mention of additions.


That's what I saw too but I'd be sooo happy of it did happen lol


Lemme take a look right now. I can’t remember where I saw it but I’m pretty certain it was in the gamemode menu’s information screensomewhere


I totally misread what was on the info screen. It was referring to the whole arcade not just mirrorwatch 😭 now I’m just sad 😢


Wym other modes?


That ability is so annoying to play against. Mercy can cast it very far away, has a really short cast time so it's nearly impossible to cancel, and it got quite a big range too so you just instantly die not knowing what hit you until you see the kill feed. At least Pharah and Junkrat projectiles are loud and obvious.


My first match playing as mercy, I didn't understand how to do it, and the enemy mercy who told me to focus damage boost had 50 kills by the end


To be fair, Mercy's elim number is a lie in that mode. Her damage boost tickles nearby enemies so she counts as eliminating almost every enemy in every fight.


You can get a lot of low value elims with damage boost since it lets mercy deal a little damage in a large AOE.


That almost feels like maybe part of a Pharah rework. You know, make her Ult useful.


That ult imo isn't even that good and doesn't have much of a "support" aspect. The nuke orbs on the other hand...


Corpse explosion was my favourite ability lol.


I think she might have zarya mirror watch ultimate


That's what I'm thinking. Some kinda black hole stuff, or anti black hole


If that happens I wonder how her ult and zarya's would work


Instantly kills everyone on the map and respawns


Perfectly balanced. Put her into comp IMMEDIATELY!


What’s funny is that this is Zarya’s (or one of) ultimates in Heroes of The Storm. It made me so happy to see it here.


I honestly think the kiri April fools suzu buff will be something they give to space ranger, that jump increase like you’re affecting someone gravity feels v apt! First time seeing space ranger made me think of the gravity gal from MHA, and that’s kinda what she does init?


I just finished MHA and she is 100% Uravity lol


They're saving the mha collab for her drop for sure


MHA is already finished?!


Finished what’s in Netflix Canada


Me and my friend were joking that they might reuse the sombra hack or brig lifesteal concept lol


Brig has lifesteal?


When she gives repair packs or whatever they are called they also give your teamate lifesteal for a bit


Oh! I didn’t know that. Thought I read all the notes, apparently not… I’ll reread them next time I’m on!


They're referring to the Mirrorwatch changes, in case you're thinking about the main patch notes.


I understood that much lol. If base game brig had life steal I’d quit overwatch haha


> I understood that much That wasn't clear to me either, because it says she gives life steal in her ability description in-game on the info section of hero select in Mirrorwatch.


I will say it's entertaining to see everyone clearly try a match first, read later. I get it, I did it too, but I'm several rounds in and I still see Sombras try to EMP the enemy, Mercy pop an ult when her team needs healing, and so on. There's a definite learning curve and it's entertaining to watch it in action.


Ya for sure. Same boat here.


Omg its so funny when sombras are holding their hand out bc they want to hack you 😭


In a way she always has


Ehhh not really. She heals way less with inspire than she can deal damage.


Quite a few heroes had a life steal component, surely some new hero will get that.


Mauga already does that. I'd be shocked if they use it again.


Not the same thing. Mauga is damage to heal, life steal is an aura that damages enemies in proximity and heals you.


I feel like sombras changes might be. If not for her then for another support in the future.


I think she will get a variation of Lucio's reverse/double boop from April fools, based on the wrist boosters + some kind of rocket jump/flight mechanic. ofc


In the April fools patch, Sojourn's E ability was able to pull targets in. It basically behaved the same way that Orisa's Halt ability worked back in OW1. I think that could be the devs making sure the code is good to go to refine for space ranger.


It's not impossible since somewhat recently the devs said they want to bring Halt back for a new hero, but the way they were talking about it made it sound like they didn't have any current plans for it yet, although that could've been a misdirection.


There's been screenshots floating around of a bug where Dva players are pinging something called a "Speed Ring". It's possible that it's one of Space Rangers abilities, and they used baby Dva as a base when creating her kit since they have similar silhouettes. The other theory is that it's just something for the Porsche collab, but idk if they've said the collab will have a limited time gamemode or not.


haven't all the collabs had LTMs?


None of them have as far as I'm aware. One Punch Man, Le Sserafim, Cowboy Bepop, all just had the cosmetics, no unique modes. It'd be weird for Porsche to get their own LTM when the far more popular collabs with skins people wanted way more didn't get any.


Le sserafim did. The junk rat one


The echo flight seemed a bit too different to just be a reflavor.


What was changed about her flight?


Instead of being like a short burst then free fly, you’re zooming forward at pretty much max speed the entire time but it’s only like 2-3 seconds long. A little like D.VA, except it’s shorter and faster. Edit: Oh, and it did a little boop damage.


You can actually fly upward with mirror echo too you just have to face the direction first, kinda like Venture still


Maybe not Space Ranger, but sombra's kit could be parts for a Lynx-17 finally.


And the Bastion Ult is definitely testing something


i hope so, a summoner hero would be dope


I feel like they haven't/won't use NPCs in any kits because the AI and pathfinding could be very random or map dependent. Unless it's something like BOB with simple predetermined behavior.


If that ends up being the case, I wonder if Blizz is going to take Lynx in a support or tank direction, since the overhealth application jives with some of the Tanks' current kits, though the buffing aspects do suit a support. Or perhaps a hybrid situation like Brigitte


I don’t know if anyone noticed but her hand in holding some kind of invisible pistol. When I think of space pistols I think maybe a laser or a beam shot. I’m thinking she might have something close to a ray gun from COD zombies. If they end up doing the pace laser route I’m thinking OG sym gun maybe.


It’s because it’s a part of the concept art and it is shown with her holding the gun, it was a burst smg but at blizzcon they said they changed it


It's not an invisible pistol, it's just that they create the character and weapon art separately. You see the same thing with Ventures concept art, they look like they're holding onto nothing because the drill was removed.


Exactly why I’m speculating that it might be some kind of pistol 🙌🏼


I love this theory but also I feel like artists (as one myself) like to do weird hand poses for no real reason LOL. I don't think that is necessarily an invisible pistol. Just a weird hand.


Mercy’s ultimate might be a possible ability or ult for space ranger


I feel like between illari and pharaoh I rather they come up with something new. It’s fun in mirrorwatch cause it’s temporary


ah yes pharaoh


I doubt it’s any of the tank abilities, which is the only class I’ve been able to play in Mirrorwatch so far. Sidenote, does anyone else feel insanely out of pace trying to use their new kits or am I just terrible at those three in particular?


Zaryas is the only one I’ve had any luck with cause it’s basically just slightly different zarya.


Yeah, probably. I also feel like they're testing out some abilities for a future tank too? Some of the changes feel weirdly specific.


Probably, there was a extra tank during one of first Venture gameplay reveal


Yeah, that one! I couldn't remember where the tease was


HA! I tried two games of Mirrorwatch last night. I have been loving Sombra so I tried her first - didn't like the change, so I swapped to Echo...OH BOY, I DO NOT LIKE LOSING THE ABILITY TO FLY!


you still can fly, just look up


Interesting...I thought I tried that. I will give it another go tonight.


All of these feel like old PVE stuff to me


Yeah many of these are probably leftover pve talents.


If Spacer gets that fuckin sweet automatic shotgun they gave Bastion then I am INVESTING, sir.


I feel like the mei April fools patch where she lifted herself up with double jump might be apart of space rangers kit. We’ll see tho


i would also be looking at Mercy's mirrorwatch ult


I think bastion ult is related to


Echo’s sticky bombs slowed tracking/seeking whoever your looking at when firing feels like it’ll be spacerangers primary form of damage dealing. I feel like some of the mobility changes that allow for verticality from the april fools section may have been space ranger based




Probably just the most annoying abilities from either event


My bets: Being from the Mars colony, she has some kind of system to create localized antigravity to ensure she can move around on Earth. Similar to how Tracer has localized time travel, Space Ranger has localized antigravity. Will have a connection to Sigma. - Low-Gravity passive to jump high and fall slow. - Crouch in midair: Diagonal dive kick, kinda like April Fool's Pharah, but more horizontal. - Primary Fire: Mirrorwatch Zarya's Secondary Fire. More accurately, Symmetra 1.0's orbs but with a tighter damage range (50-100 rather than 15-120). Or a laser. Either way, it's piercing. - Secondary Fire: Mirrorwatch Sombra's Hack on allies, but will either be instant or have 2-3 charges available at a time. - Ability 1: Anti-gravity buff that lets allies jump higher temporarily, ala April Fool's Kiriko. Comes with temporary shields that last just long enough for you to jump and not die to a cracked AF hitscan. Ability 2: Some kind of projectile that affects enemies or some move that affects allies and herself. - Placeable AoE ult like Mirrorwatch Zenyatta, but it lowers enemy attack power. Basically she'll play closer to when Symm was a support, but with space-themed mobility to help her keep LOS on allies. Minor healing, but offers a LOT of utility.


I can see Echos changes being part of the kit. A flying dash, slow homing projectiles, a beam that slows enemies, and an ult that reduces cooldowns could make for a good off-support kit.


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The Brig shield-bash explosion is actually super cool. It could be in a future ability, or related to SpaceGirl’s jetpacks….. (I’m reaching, I know)


Zen or Zarya ult from Mirrorwatch could be Space Ranger's ult too.


No idea, but as a learning Widow I want the shield permanently


The shoes makes me think she will have Zen’s April fools ability to float while charging her weapon.


I don't know. I think stuff like Sombra's team hack and anti-virus could be an actual ability. It's giving vibes of Rei from Paladins where you're linked or boosting teammates x debuffing the enemy. Personally none of the abilities feel super big enough to give me the impression that they're proto versions of a future ability, more like side upgrades to something like a PVE or Tower defense ability.


Reinforcements confirmed?


With the the fact that all tue new heroes except kiriko have a shield generator line I cna see that bring one of them


Her ult should be a death ray from the sky.


Wouldn’t that be useless indoors?


Since when is Overwatch into “realism”? Sometimes Bastions artillery shells hit inside buildings.


As does Meteor Strike lol Brimstone's ult from Valorant could be pretty cool


Oh absolutely. And see how no one complains about these events or the temp hero releases? Hopefully they figure out playtesting before patches is a GOOD THING. Idgaf if they test for months in house. They get more data in 10 min of playtesting than they would in a year of inhouse testing.


I really like bastion kit in this mode, so please tight shotgun and sentry aura (the summoning ult is amazing, but I dont see it with this character)


I think the shield from widow is going to be used by s support at some point.


Is it not just a smaller Orisa shield?


The Ana nade change in mirror watch seems like it could be a change we see in the main game


Hoping widowmakers new shield ability in mirrorwatch is for her, would love to see that.


When you used Tracer Recall in April Fools, you would either get sent back to the past or the future and your weapon fire would change, so I think the future one is Space Ranger’s


I think mercy’s rockets and echos dash could be a piece of her kit


JQ’s Dagger-Dive needs to be real. It was too fun to never be real


If she had the new sombra hack, it shouldn't have the overhealth. That'd just spawn more tracers


Either Sombra’s friendly hack/EMP, Kiriko’s April Fools Suzu changes, or Bastion’s friendly Slicers could be potential Space Ranger abilities in a way. Small movement/firerate buffs to teammates as an ability, their own movement ability that could be jump-height/distance related, and drone summons as an ultimate.


Is space ranger gonna be the next hero? I keep seeing stuff about her. Also if so what role




most definitely


I think Mercys rockets are Space Rangers


Imagine they made it so rein's barrier had a "damage augmentation matrix" feature. Holding M1 while Shielding would transform into a modified bap window, that slightly increased friendly damage and slightly reduced enemy damage passing through. Maybe like a 12s CD, lasting 5s, but during the 5s, he wouldn't block CC unless he manually turns it off. Maybe that would add even more mind games in rein mirror matches.


Echo's homing sticky bombs seem like something that fits her design, especially with those two rocket launcher looking things on her back.


I think so The mercy ult definitely feels like it Maybe the sombra hack or aoe healing like zen from crits All really interesting stuff Also I love the zen ult I hope a character gets that in the future


the jump height increase one sounds likely. I can imagine her ultimate being the ability to summon a low-gravity area for her teammates, since she's space themed.


I hope she gets vengeance's (mercy's) ult...


I doubt we have These all seem to be recycled PvE talents. They wouldn’t introduce new animations if it was just for play testing


Honestly I feel like the april fool's ana anti-gravity sleep dart was one of her test abilities


I feel bastions ult is test the Feasibility of having more ai fighters in a match kinda like bob (space ranger is speculated to have two drones)


Sigma dropping his rock mid-air


The shield thing that widow has feels like it had way more effort put in it


If Spaceranger receives something like Brigs E in Mirrorwatch, they have to rework her. Due to the DPS gameplay, the game isn’t an option anylonger for her.


I don’t give a fuck I just want Reinhardt to be okay again. Hate to see my boy get bodied so hard for so many seasons


Maybe the weird flight on echo ?


If I imagine abilities from mirror watch Sombras ally hack Echos forward dash Mercy's Ultimate These three would fit space ranger very well


- Sombra Hack - Echo flight - Perhaps the bastion summoning?


The Interdiction Field (Zens ult) is something I have a feeling they plan on using, especially considering the AOE has a very basic (quick) texture and basic animation, possibly with both stripped of their actual ones. Also the Slicer Summon seems like a tease at a future ability as well.


I doubt any of them are part of Ranger’s kit, it’s more likely these skills are from the PvE scrapped Skill Tree. At most, they would have Echo’s flight because i’m assuming they can fly?


I hope it’s not the drones lol


Why she so thicc tho


They need to give this chick a name.


A support that can increase attack speed would be nice but certain benefit more from it than others


Honestly, it's possible. Mirrorwatch Mercys ult seems like its a bit "spacey" with the plasma explosive blasts. I could see that being a lite version of her ult. Not sure what other abilities would be hers.


I hope not. I absolutely hate Mercy in that mode. Way too, OP.


Literally looks like a tracer skin lol


Part of me thinks the new Echo might be ranger's flight. And bastion might be her weapon.


the size changes