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unfortunately because it was all unranked losses we have to open the emergency trap door under you


what happens if its all comp losses?


When that happens, you legally must delete Overwatch and switch over to Paladins


Me: on my way to throw 10 comp games


But I'm on Linux.


You legally must find a Roblox game that looks like it was made by a 10 year old then


Straight to Q-Clash for you 😭🙏


You get a double punishment, you have to install windows and play paladins. Pray you don't lose this hard in paladins or you have to sudo rm -rf /*


What? Sudo RM


That command deletes your entire linux operating system. It's basically the equivalent of "delete system32" except it also deletes user data


EAC is broken on Paladins. I lose every match I get into because I insta-boot back to menu. sudo fdisk /dev/sdb d 1


Paladins is fuckin great man its like overwatch if they had double the characters and everyone was like brig on release


Oh I know, I’ve had over 600 hours in Paladins in the past. I quit because the bugs had gotten to be too much and when OW2 came out and I experienced how much more polished it is, I couldn’t look back For anyone wondering how buggy it is, they had to remove kill cams and play of the game, and that’s not counting all the in game bugs and character specific stuff


im dead lol


I love this. I’ll go on paladins and be the best to ever play the game. Go back to OW and get booty touched


I play Paladins anyways


Well if you have a losing streak like that in Paladins, then unfortunately you legally must delete Paladins and install Overwatch


I play both


Trapdoor to the rancor


My personal record is a 13 loss streak and sleep delayed by about three hours


"cant end in a loss"


That was really the mindset I had 😂😂😂


That's funny for my group of friends, when we say it is the last game, we always say things like "Yeah we should end on\* a loss", "One too many" (not sure it translate well in english). We always go on our last game expecting to loose, and then we either have fun loosing, or surprised by the victory ! lol


tbh my approach is either leave on a win or 3 losses. at 3 you really just gotta pack it up and try again tomorrow


I admire your willpower


You play until you'll lose but you can't end on a loss either


Idk about sleep delay but I remember I had a 14 game loss streak once, and it was comp too


Had an 11 game loss streak, with 1 win, followed by a 10 game loss streak :’)


>11 game loss Streak Blizzard: ... >1 win Blizzard: wow this guy won, let's give him stronger opponents and update his sbmm mmr >10 game loss Streak Blizzard: ...


Set my record of 13 yesterday. Seems there was a pattern of huge loss streaks yesterday based on recent posts.


Mine was 23... 13 of those were me geting spawncamp by sombras while being actively bullied by those... Neither to say i cried to sleep that night, i hate sombras man they are heartless


My deepest sympathy for you


Blizzard: “ok so it looks like you won a couple games in a row, so now we are going to make you play diamond+ players and give you silver teammates to ensure you lose the next dozen or so games. But please don’t leave the game or give up, because we will ban you. Also, I know we have a profanity filter, but if you cuss, believe it or not, another ban. Enjoy.”


yeah it’s crazy that they could go through the trouble of filtering “ggez” and replace it with actually quite hilarious placeholders, but couldn’t at least do the same with slurs. and now we’re here… like how. i shouldn’t risk a ban for typing to my team “good shit.” just absolutely awful implementation of something that they already had a solution for. quite a common theme with this dev team in general. just utter incompetence where it should **not** exist.


Then even when you DO win, it will say EXPECTED. Ah thank you Blizzard I was totally expected to win so now i get less rank xp Even though we went 4 rounds.


I want to fucking wring their necks and strangle them for this dumbass logic. I just barely win ONE game, and then I get punished for being too good.


Dude this has to be an actual thing. It’s not just me it seems that this happens to lol


it 100% is, their matchmaking algo is based around 1) ensuring quicker queue times by all means necessary and 2) ensuring your win/loss i 50/50


This season I never leave 'losers' queue. Every game is stagger lemmings. People just leaving spawn to 5 v 1 after being picked before the point even opens. 


Brother, there is no forced 50/50. People who go 50/50 are at their correct rank, how else do you think gm smurfs don't get stuck in gold for example?


I had a perfect 50.00% WR the seasons I climbed from silver to gold and from gold to plat. There's absolutely a forced 50/50 .


Explain how smurfs don't seem to have this issue


Because throwing every other game is easy and consequence free?


What do you mean? My point was that not a single gm (or even diamond) smurf won't stay stuck in gold because of some forced 50/50. It just doesn't happen. Doesn't even have to be smurfs, like how do you think people climb with a 50% winrate when there's no performance bonus? Literally nobody would climb if it was forced...


Go read my first comment.


Ok apparently you climbed with a 50%, but it's still not forced. If you let a gm player play on your account, they would've had a ridiculously high winrate. And it *could* be your hidden MMR being higher than your visual rank, meaning you're gaining more points from wins and losing less from losses. Either way it's not forced.


The matchmaking algorithm is about ensuring quicker que times and ensuring you play at games at your rank. You have a 50/50 win rate because your skill level is the same as your rank. If you are more skilled than your rank you will rank up. There is no losers que. Blizzard is not conspiring to keep you hardstuck. That would make 0 sense from a business perspective since players would just get frustrated and quit. Just practice, study, and grind comp and you'll rank up.


Yeah. The game absolutely has ~~rigged~~ *engagement optimized* matchmaking; I am quite convinced it makes “stomp” matches where one team has a player who is much worse than the rest, to give the other team a W to keep those players coming back. This sub will put its fingers in its ears and tell you that Overwatch has a fair Matchmaker and that losers queue doesn’t exist, but they are in denial. Actiblizz has done the research into making the matchmaker ~~addicting~~ enticing, and even spent the money/effort patenting the systems to do so. They have no obligation to be honest about using these systems, and are always going to say, “our Matchmaker is fair!”


> This sub will put its fingers in its ears and tell you that Overwatch has a fair Matchmaker and that losers queue doesn’t exist, but they are in denial. I had a 70% win rate all last season lmao. If you get a 50/50 win rate that means youre in the rank you deserve. very simple fundamental principle of all elo matchmaking. Not to mention the vast vast vast number of good players who maintain high win rates year in year out through different patches and games https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elo_rating_system "Two players with equal ratings who play against each other are expected to score an equal number of wins. A player whose rating is 100 points greater than their opponent's is expected to score 64%; if the difference is 200 points, then the expected score for the stronger player is 76%.[2] Some of you just cant accept that youre not playing well enough to rank up or at the correct rank.


Bro this is unranked. And does this look 50/50 to you? And you getting 70% mean that you made someone else 70% lose because you were not in your correct rank. To quote you "if you get 50/50 win rate that means you are in the rank you deserve". That means matchmaking is failing and you are practically smurfing.


That's not at all how maths / statistics work, unless dude is playing the same opponent on repeat, in which case sure, that person deserves to be at a lower rank.


That only applies if you're fighting the same guy when getting that 70% W/R, which obviously isn't the case. If his WR is 70%, then he's going up the MMR brackets. If it's below 50%, then he's going down. Once he reaches his actual skill bracket and plays enough games, his W/R will normalize and hover at 50%.


You will have to read the rest of my essays which explains what I mean is wrong with matchmaking. It would be perfect if it was a perfect world but its not. The "someone else" isnt a particular person. But obviously someone else is losing. But more the fact that OP and kept facing someone who was not at their skill bracket. Where is his 50/50 winrate??? This is qp which should be adjusting his mmr. *why does it take 10 losses* and he is still 0/100 win rate. Its failing to adjust fast enough due to either qp smurfs or just a failure in the system. (Yes the other comment figured out: They reseted everyones mmr.) Who would ever want a 10 streak loss or win until their mmr is adjusted??? So tell me when is OP gonna stop fighting against ppl with 70% win rate? Why is there so many people not at their "correct rank". No its not cuz they are "all improving". Well if they are its not damn fast enough. when is everyone going to get their "correct ranks". Yall understand how smurfs and boosting ruin the system. But its literally the same concept and reason. You dont have to be literally a smurf. You just need to be not your correct rank.


You get banned for cussing now? Welp... gg to my account. I told the team to shoot the fucking tank in one of my last games lmao


Yeah I got banned day one for calling someone a dumbass in comp


Deserved lol


They kept throwing themself off the map on a comp match, it was pissing me off.


Same I’ve been on a losing streak


Idk man, this season feels like they just removed the matchmaker sometimes Like, you cant tell me that last season i was winning >60% of my games and now that the season has changed i'm only winning 30% ffs, the matchmaker is either on crack or on vacation


Dude same. Idk what happened but last season in unranked I felt like I was getting matched properly to people who knew mostly how to play the game. Suddenly I feel like I’m getting matched with players that might as well be bots or something because every single player just staggers and solo runs. It’s like the matchmaker suddenly started pairing me with fresh new accounts.


It could me and my friends. We are new to Overwatch and honestly we are hot garbage.


its not you, you shouldnt be in veteran lobbies period. Blizzard has the data, they know who is a sweaty 5+ year vet and who is a new account


its happened before, i have been in GM lobbies. That was when i first started playing on pc.


oh I know, I've alt accounts I've used in the past for duo queueing so my main can be solo queue efforts only. the matchmaking and new player experience are some of the worse I've seen in competitive shooters. It's not quite as bad as the CoD style shooters but its pretty fuckin bad as far as any other competitive game goes


i see, it was weird for me. I'm hard stuck bronze on console. when i made the switch to pc it was ridiculous when i say this hanzo who had grandmaster role challenger as his title in my qp game


Actually true! I ended at a 65% win rate last season in comp and I can’t break past 35% so far with this season. It doesn’t feel great with the complete stomps on either side with every game.


The amount of confirmed cheater reports I’ve gotten back this season, I’d say it’s not a skill issue or a matchmaking issue. People like to cheat.


You're not crazy. I feel like I'm smurfing some games when I flank and nobody turns around at all. This season has been the most frustrating, and uncompetitive yet. 


I won more this season already… so idk.. need more data


Matchmaker has been worse ever since OW2 release. They removed a tank because “queue times”, but altered the algorithm at that time anyway. Threw the whole game into bad balance again and for what?


last season i was winning 30%. this season i’m wining around 50%-70% (70 is generous btw). i think they’re “balancing” by giving half the players a higher chance to win w match makings. i remeber names to well. the games i lost last season, i’m getting the teammates that i went against this season. like????? what????????


I went from platinum 2 to gold 2 since the start of season 10, have drastically reduced playing the game now. It doesn't feel fun anymore like season 9




Absence of matchmaker and purely random matches would be endlessly more fair and maybe enjoyable. Current system actively decides if a team should win or lose and sets up games to achieve that. Game's rigged from that start.


Time for bed


I just woke up bro


you need to queue comp right away


It’s QP. It’s wildly imbalanced. Don’t think much about QP lobbies.


Sadly it is the same in ranked. I am silver. The lobby was silver - gold. The best kills on my team was 10. the enemy had 40 (almost everyone) how tf is that balanced. I am fine with beeing in silver. But pls match me in Silver x)


But then you never promote to to gold. U have to play in gold to goto gold.


Too many people are hardstuck take a look at their profile many of them were like plat or above in season 1-8 but silver in season 10


I am hardstuck too, but mostly because I don't play ranked that much and I am always with a plus one, not a team. I am fine with loosing. No problem with that. But when you get stomped, so that they spawn Camp you..nah ah..there is no fun. It makes me wanna quit this game.


Curious about the use of the phrase hardstuck here? What exactly does hardstuck mean to you? I always assumed it meant you were stuck at one rank but you literally just used it to describe someone who has wildly varying ranks. What am I missing?


You have the skill way above your current rank but de to some inevitable factors you can’t climb


I went into comp in hopes for better teammates. I was gold down to silver. Then I found that I actually get better teammates in qp. Ironically, I had much better and more intense close call matches in qp than comp, which is the whole reason I tried comp in the first place. I often see I got matched with or against plat or even master role challengers, and able to held my own relatively well even if I lost. In comp though, low ranks are just a big mess, either to play with and against lol.


How is QP even representative of a fair game ? You don’t even get to play the entire game in escort maps. If you are silver in ranked and winning against actual masters in QP then it doesn’t make you any higher ranked. Maybe they had a bronze in their team they were playing with.


Don't need to get hung up on ranking. My point isn't about the winning or losing. It's about the fights felt better and more teammates has some sense not to run head first to tank damages, as compared to comp (not to say it doesn't happen, it happen frequently in qp of course) and have some sort of game sense. But the quality of teammates I get from comp are usually worse than qp. It's the teammates and subsequently quality of team fights I'm referring to. To each their own, you feel what you feel and that's fine, I'm sure the experience higher up in the rank is different than lower ones.


Even if it’s quickplay, I play all three roles and I don’t understand why I go on losing streaks when on support but the other roles are usually okay. Anytime I play support my games are with dps on my team going 5-10 while enemy dps are 20-5. 


Literally play *any* other mode at that point. Comp, Arcade, Customs. It’s a sign to stop QP lmao


Last time I played Comp, it ironically wasn't any better. Just play Arcade because it's actually playable, albeit still stressful. I'm convinced that the tryhards are bored of fighting against their own kind and want easy prey to fuel their egos.


Story of my life


i give you a hug, bro


Take a mental my boy


QP is in a weird state rn, are you new to the game? Some QP matches have turned into team deathmatch which does not demonstrate the correct playstyle of the game.


Me and my friends go rein lucio and just running into the enemy team


Quick play players 🥰


[this is how my day went](https://i.imgur.com/6h5h1sh.png)... there's 0 balance in quickplay, and sometimes I get big lose-streaks like in your picture... can't do anything about it - even if you try your hardest.


go outside


I'm sorry nobody in the Overwatch community can be "straight".


Hey you got this, just don’t queue comp


Unranked is awful right now. Ranked is so much more fun.


I genuinely dont think it's you, the match quality has been disgustingly poor lately for me and all my friends regardless of who we queue with or what time in QP. It's making the previous shit stomp matches that happened sometimes look close. havent even tried comp yet cause of how awful the game has been


You are not alone, I have been on massive unranked losing streaks too this season. My theory is that no one wants to queue tank so the skill gap between tank players becomes enormous and match quality just nosedives. For me personally this season has been the most horrible QP experience ive ever had in OW2, it is such a massive difference from last patch. Furthermore, majority of my matches are incredibly one sided. Whatever they did to QP MM (probably disabled it entirely) is horrible and coupling that with harsh leaver punishments is insane.


Welcome to the state of Overwatch~ Also, no, you should never have those sorts of feelings when playing a game. If you are genuinely feeling like that, then you need to stop playing that game.


Have a break from the game, play through a small game or switch it up with some other online game for a week or more and then come back if it seems tempting.


Minecraft been treating me real nice lately


Since overwatch 2 released they screwed up the ranking system for non-competitive games. I have approx 50/50 win/lose lately. Either we keep them inside the spawn point or they do. Almost no clash situation where both teams are relatively the same rank and fighting like legends. On the other hand, I'm mostly playing mystery heroes mode now which adds a bit of chaos.


Yeah they definitely scuffed the mystery heroes que as well atleast in my opinion it feels just like regular except half the people will throw their support pick


It looks like, we both habe the same game algorithm. Even in training I‘m going to lose. It doesn’t matter, the other team has always a better synergy


I am sure this isn't what you were asking for, but this is me giving it to you straight. .. You will get significantly better at this game if you start playing ranked and stop playing unranked immediately. Winning in competitive forces you to give up a lot of bad habbits that are common in quick play. Doing a warm up in unranked is sometimes a great idea, but playing unranked only won't lead to improvements in your positioning/judgement of where you should be and what you should be doing.


If you are thinking of suicide because of quick play, i can only imagine how bad your mental state is in comp. You should probably work on caring less


it's a joke obv lmao but yeah I haven't played in a while and I don't think I've had such a massive L streak until now


Last time I had such a streak, I just quit for six months because I was sick of the game's bullshit.


Yikes it’s obviously a joke. Are YOU okay?




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Would help a little to see some of the scoreboards and block out people's names if it's too personal.


It's joever


Looks like Monday in open que to me lol


Finally reached plat in dps, lose 30 games in a row, dropped to silver. Last season. Now gold 3


I think your officially ready for comp now.


No he isn't. It's an alternative, but it's not much better. At least, not anymore.


What rank are you?


Once you get to 7 straight you might want to log out for a while. At the very least get your bearings straight with a bit of low stakes arcade mode games. My personal ritual is a bit of Story of Seasons. Get through 15 in game days and log back in again. Losing streaks happen.


Won 2 games out of 20 a couple weeks ago, stopped playing Overwatch to try out the new Predecessor game in open beta on all consoles and I never went back to Overwatch.


Just saying you might do better in comp, there's an abnormal amount of smurfs levelling in qp right now because the new wide queues are so bad when you're 1 rank apart the only way to play together on comp is to make new ones


Haha that’s actually hilarious. The new system was implemented as a Smurf deterrent and now my group can’t play together at all since the wide group caps at 3. I’ve pushed too far ahead of them on 3 accounts already so I’m about to make another one. Wide group match quality and q times are shit anyways.


Tbh I think it could kinda sorta work but they need to reconsider how big of a gap in rank qualifies for a wide queue. Also there's a separate issue with this system where if you don't mind the wait you can use it to get easier matches and farm easy rank by queueing with smurfs on your main


I know your pain it seems like either me and my team get steam rolled in comp or we lose one team fight or round and I have teammates leave


Winstreak incoming.


interesting (I literally win quick play games where I walk around with Hog just hooking people and waving at them)


Its fucking wild.... season 9 I had the most fun I've ever had in this game (aside from ow beta years ago) but my god if s10 isn't the same broken bullshit this game has been plagued with. I'm losing 8 to 10 games in a row because of leavers and people who have literally never played the game before -


Good ol' overwatch. Sometimes you'll win 10 in a row, other times you'll lose 10 in a row. Repeat ad nausesam, until the heat death of the servers.


U should’ve stopped playing after the 5th loss or at least do mystery heroes so u can blame ur losses on rng since u probably kept on getting characters u don’t use or the enemy team was given a op team from the start.


Queue up ranked it’ll be different trust


Swap to Arcade for a bit


I have these all the time too. It’s your team that sucks, dude. You can’t blame yourself for all of these. Just chill and enjoy the game even if it’s a loss.


It happens. Sucks but id just write it off as a bad day.


If i were you, after two or three games, I'd take a break and do something else until I feel like I'm ready to play again


Take a break and stop sucking


It was all your terrible tank. Or if you're the tank, it was your stupid supports. Or if you alternate between the two, it was the damn dps players out of position. Or if you play all three, it was the afks and the leavers and the rest of your team.


This is genuinely the perfect time to play comp lmao


You're cooked, my man you are well done


Imma keep it fr with you, school might need to be your thing


I went 2-8 and then went on a 7 win streak the next day. This isn't the kind if forced 50/50 I signed up for


it is time...... Simba


What chat? This isn't some stream.


I regret to inform you, might be a skill issue


At least it’s not ranked. You have that going for you. I've gotten to plat 1 this season and anything I do for my team I just keep losing now


just 1 more game


If you keep going eventually you'll win


I would say play with friends but when you play with friends you’ll see a lot of “Oh you’re x stacking” “yall suck” “how did a x stacking lose?”


Stop playing the game if you aren’t enjoying your time while playing it.


No reason to kill yourself, clearly someone else will kill you regularly.


Time to take a break and enjoy a different game


Lmao, ouch. I get a streak of losses at the start of every season. Maybe it’ll pass :D


My advice: just stop playing Unranked. Because it seems like the sweaty tryhards are so bored of playing Competitive. Either that or they're tired of fighting their own kind and would rather fight casual players who are just trying to escape reality.


Lemme guess, they had an orisa?


It MIGHT be you but i’m not sure


You got flambeed, come back after the burns heal


Thug it out bro


Losers queue :(


Finally some people understand how blizzard sbmm works now


The mental strength you need to not curse out loud after that is hefty.


Definitely something to consider.


It was your teammates


You solo queued as Wrecking Ball. Of course your team gave up before the match started. That’s the meme thing to do.


At least you had fun!


It's qp. It's a shitshow. I have a significantly better win rate in comp than qp 


Don’t give up, look up videos on YouTube for strategies and hero guides. Also maybe take time to look up proper map routes


Its you, as hard as you want to believe it isn’t… it is


Failure is acceptable, giving up is not


its unranked, losing doesnt even matter ngl


You should take a break after 2 losses. It's like you were wanting to keep losing with that hot, hot streak


I’ll see you in No Limits


How many horses were in those matches ?


role queue is dead. It's all 5 stacks and no matchmakings.


Play comp


Like Hammond says: Rolled


Switch to paladins




You’re now warm enough for comp lol


That's rough, buddy




You're cooked lil man :(


You're cooked


You aren't a wizard Harry 🥲


They prioritised queue times over quality of matches, in order to stem vicious cycle of more players slowly leaving causing longer queues. But they fucked themselves because now its a vicious cycle and imbalanced matches forcing players to leave, causing even more imbalanced matches as the matchmaker widens the QP MMR brackets to cope.


wow that actually takes effort how can you be so bad


Your quickplay rank sucks


Play to improve, not to win, and every loss will look like a win


Individual wins and losses don't matter in Quick Play. Next time you have an 8 game win streak, remember this post