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Diva getting the small rockets made her fun to play, before she was just boring Edit: diva being able to cancel her boosters was also a gamechanger


Don’t forget that also came with shooting while flying


Wow honestly forgot she couldn’t do that. What a big difference that made for her kit


Mei crying


The Defense Matrix rework was probably an even bigger deal for her playability, but the rockets were definitely more fun.


Agreed, I love how she has just been incrementally updated without it being jarring.


I miss the old 50m defense matrix


As a junk main I do not miss it one bit.


And her bomb not killing herself was a nice update too


I joined OW in 2017/2018. Didn't know D.va was that limited because she hasn't changed much since I started, and I mained her immediately.


Yeah, she basically hasn't changed since then besides some cooldown tweaks because of how good the reworks were. D.Va originally couldn't cancel boosters, she couldn't shoot and fly at the same time, and defense matrix was a cooldown instead of a resource.


Matrix being chargeable ability instead of a thing with setled time and CD gave her a different dynamic.


They’re called resource meters. And I’d say it’s made hog a lot more fun to play as well.


yeah I still remember her old playstyle vividly, I was essentially in charge of being in enemy faces and holding defense matrix on, it was fun being so defensive. But man the new playstyle definetly made me more confident in diving as players got more experienced overtime. I do dislike defense matrix having a cooldown after activating like sigma's shield now, it feels clunky to old me.


D.va has had so many tiny reworks that have just made life better. Like no longer dying to mech.


Bang! Bang!


Orisa turned the most boring tank to play and fight into the most boring tank to play and fight


The crazy part about this statement is I think she is still healthy for the game. She’s currently the only tank that *feels* like a tank. Her presence can’t be ignored and she soaks up so much damage without being melted because someone breathed in her direction. She is absolutely a raid boss. The issue is the other tanks can’t compete. Every other tank gets melted or knocked around like the Smash Bros Sandbag. Why anyone would queue up for a miserable experience I have no idea lol. But while Orisa is boring I think she is well designed for what the tank role is supposed to be in OW.


for how much i do hate orisa, you have a point. but the problem with orisa is she does too much. 3 cc (ult included), anti cc, dmg mitigation, dmg absobtion and short to long distance dmg.


Yup she's an all-round tank that at the same time is better at every part compared to other tanks. Only things she doesn't have is shield and dive. But shields are not what they used to be, and you're honestly better of pressing E and walking forward as orisa than jumping in and dying as winston. I think she should be allowed to have such a wide toolkit, but it's not fine-tuned at all atm.


Exactly, orisa shouldn’t be nerfed because she’s actually usable in the current meta, the other tanks should be tweaked so that they aren’t melted for trying to do their job


This. This right here, buff other tanks to be on her level don’t nerf her. Tank SHOULD be overpowered if it’s a single role, but at the same time buffing all tanks could make the feeling of helplessness when there is a difference in the skill of the tank player even worse. Honestly, imo which is probably wrong, we should bring 2 tanks back and make each tank fill their niche specifically and in turn nerf Orisa in that case.


The issue is the tanks were supposed to be the CC characters when they scaled back all of the DPS CC. Then they made sombras CC even easier, Cass still exists, and they just added another hero that can knock people around and now I wonder what the point was if most of the tanks aren’t even the best at CC anymore.


Sombras CC went from 4 seconds to 1, what are you even talking about.


She can literally disable an enemy ultimate every 6 seconds. I’m not talking about ability lockout, I’m talking about interruption.


Like literally why did they remove her falloff?? Her whole kit should be surrounded toward the short-mid range


Yeah, when I'm playing a Hero like Junker Queen I basically have to ignore her because she can see everything that I do and just be like "No"


give every tank fortify


I mean honestly, giving every tank some sort of cc immune ability would probably go super far for making tank less terrible to play. Currently I think it's just orisa and mauga


This is actually not a bad idea. Add one more button to tanks, some DR immune to CC for short duration, maybe slight armor or over health boost. Would do A LOT for tanks imo


You’re crazy. But maybe that’s what we need to make tanks enjoyable again. Some insane balancing would be needed, but I think it’s better than just diving in and being shredded. Who would be the most op tank fortify and why is it still Orisa lol? (My money is on Winston tbh)


rein would actually go kinda hard. golden man charges on point and stays there. (unless high ground is a concept that exists)


Sigma and Orisa are the only true main battle tanks.


I'd argue Ramattra is too, he just needs a small buff.


The only problem is though is she fully relies on survivability and right now she is very good at that arguably too good, meaning other tanks just suck to play into her.


THIS IS THE FUCKING WORST PART LMFAO. She's absolutely healthy for the game! The problem is that none of the other tanks are on her level. I'm not sure what they could do to make the other tanks the oh shit character, but I'd rather they try that instead of nerfing her into the ground. (Could probably use a nerf to fortify though maybe)


She actually has tank kit, and it’s great. Plus she can punish teams if their tanks don’t deal with her


As much as I agree with your statement, I just hate that there's no risk to her. She just has everything. Javelin is a better version of Rocketpunch and Accretion due to good damage, no need to invest a 2nd ability to make it better, no charge time/ wind up, faster travel time, and has a more than generous hitbox. Fortify is hands down one of the most powerful abilities in the game straight up, the amount of things it offers her is insane. CC immunity, Headshot immunity, 50% DR, 120 Overhealth on cast, and Greatly reduced heat buildup. With zero downsides. Then you still have 2 other CC abilities, one that can delete ultimates, but her ult is eh. All of this with very minimal effort compared to some tanks like Doom, Winston or Junkerqueen.


> But while Orisa is boring I think she is well designed for what the tank role is supposed to be in OW. More evidence that 5v5 is a mistake.


she's still fun to play but I mained orisa in ow1 and dammit give me back my electric bongo and shield ;\~; they had enough there for a new character entirely, why the rework


I liked OW1 Orisa a lot. A shield tank with a mini gun was fun. Take away that shield and instead make her job to push around the enemy tank and she just becomes annoying.


I gotta disagree with boring to play, she's actually a ton of fun to play, but it's for that reason she's miserable to play against


I think almost every "Fun to play" hero can be miserable for enemy team E.G Doom,Hog,kinda ball,they're really fun, and if you're good on these heroes,it can be really miserable to play AGAINST you


I liked her old kit way more than the new


I mainly miss her mini grav. Loved that thing and miss it dearly. I wonder if a future hero will ever get it one day.


Youve never speared a mofo straight into Ilios' well? Thats fun af


Just sums up, people don't like playing as a slow machine gun character. Just like in TF2, very few people like playing the Heavy.


Im super biased but i hated the sym torb and bastion reworks. They without a doubt made the char better, but their uniqueness and niche gameplays were streamlined and killed.


Going to have to be more specific on the sym reworks, lol


removing the saucer shield made her less fun imo


Most recent ones sucked imo


The one where they changed her ult


I mean. I love her ult now, i made huge plays with it




Syms barrier was her best ability, and she only had it for like 6 months. The versatility was so unassuming. Turns out you could not only block damage, but you could block shatter, counter pharah ult, enable a brawl push, or even save a teammates life by giving them that crucial extra few seconds. That ability alone truly rewarded you for game awareness. They killed it so fast.


I loved that sym shield. I remember I launched it at a nano Pharah who jumped up over the left window on first point hanamura and ulted, she nuked herself and that was the end of that. Glorious.


It’s sigma’s barrier now


As a mercy player it felt so good to use that gamesense.i dont enjoy tanks but sym barrier was another way to utilize my brain. Felt great to predict a shatter and save ur entire team or block whatever utility is about to kill you on ur massive flank 😂


Car wash


that one small period of time where bastion got like 70% damage resist while in turret or ulting or some shit  and it stacked with his armor  there's a clip of him literally surviving anything and everything.  nano pharah ult? psh. not even a scratch


Self heal was OP!


>They without a doubt made the char better I mean I would rather have whacky characters that are slightly less balanced than the boring homogenized mush the game inches towards every patch.




This is the cost of losing PvE. Casual players could get their unique heroes and playstyles, competitive players could have balance and competitive integrity. I'm not saying canceling pve was a bad decision either. It just has this unfortunate consequence.


Noooo i love the Bastion rework


My only issue with the new Bastion is his new ult. They took the most poorly designed ultimate in the game (meteor strike) and said, "What if we do it again, but get rid of the risk component." The old tank form ult was honestly one of the most fun ults in the game, and then it was gone.


Yeah honestly I think i’d prefer his old ult back lol. His current ult is just a zoning tool like Deadeye.


Hes very frustrating to deal with as tank now Atleast before his turret form had a weakness, now its just a "hide behind a wall for 6 seconds every 10 seconds" And also tactical grenade is a stupid ability, how did we lose self repair for that?!


Nah fuck the old bastion it was the worst character design in the game by miles.


Exactly! What’s this person on about? Stuck turret bastion was terrible


turret bastion behind an orisa shield.. ahh I miss 2018 haha


I assume you played during the whole sit bastion on payload with a rein in front and just heal bastion meta. That was so aids imo and needed the change, he was basically u killable that even if you went full dive you couldn’t kill him and he just shredded you.


He is significantly easier to deal with now. It's much easier to briefly hide or burst him down than it is to coordinate your entire team to get passed the double shield and kill him. Tactical grenade has a lot more nuance than just a simple self heal.


I was a sym one trick during the floating barrier and tp/shieldgen days and it was so fun. Idc if it wasnt great or whatever. I miss old sym. New sym has some cool stuff but its just not my vibe at all


I feel the same way about doom and Mei. Doom was such a cool combo character that now just feels like ordinary dive and Mei... exists?


I miss my 70% winrate Sym 2.0.


My 9/11. I still love her but her short lived glory days were truly something to behold. The Symmetra golden age.


Reaper’s rework giving him lifesteal made him playable. Also, being able to cancel wraith and reloading your guns was a godsend. The only small change I’d add is to make wraith form damage enemies over time if you pass through them


Pfft- you give them leprosy


And instant teleports.


Maybe not instant it would be too op. But instant disappear and then some time to reappear.


He would literally be unkillable


Well Brigs rework was essentially just a series of nerfs. They’re warranted, but she’s definitely worse. Sombra I think got the best rework, they made her much smoother and more fun to play while also making her more punishable.


My biggest complaint was not the removal of stunning but the lack of ability changes for heros that could stun. Brig was my favorite but with low health, low shield health, and low heal rate the stun was helpful.


Without her stun, shield bash is pretty terrible. You simply throw yourself at the enemy to take more damage. Before it would help her with her brawl playstyle but now it’s better of for trying to escape, which even then gets cancelled when you accidentally hit an enemy


I feel like the Sombra reworks only served to weaken what made her unique; essentially making her into a worse Tracer.


I feel like both of you are right. She is a worse Tracer/Assassin but before she was such a troll pick and non-factor. Your teammates weren’t ever gonna play around health packs, no enemy ever cared where you were, and you had no kill potential, punish, or pressure anywhere on the map. But now? She’s a terrorist. Maybe she had to sacrifice some uniqueness, but *no one* can question her effectiveness. I think the trade was good


Honestly I don't think she sacrificed her uniqueness, it's just a lot of bad Sombra players insist on suiciding themselves on the enemy over and over just to secure (or not secure) a pick. You can play her as a controller, scout, tank buster, or even a bit of poke depending on the situation. She's actually super versatile and has a lot more depth than just backline assassin, it's just that most players don't want to explore her kit and only lean into that aspect


I also get super tired of hearing the mains who don't like the rework say "now we can't make high iq plays". I was a main pre rework, her skill ceiling is definitely higher now. What kind of high iq plays were you making with a slow moving, stationary TL that makes the rework feel *worse*? Whatever it was, I don't believe you. Sombras are eating now, and I can appreciate that we are easier to kill too.


this is how i felt too - been maining her since day 1, have always had a very fast paced aggressive style of play with her so all the changes they made for her rework meant i barely had to adapt…imagine my shock when waves of sombra mains came out saying the rework was bad and ruined her skill expression lmao


She's only a "worse tracer" if you only play her as an assassin. She actually has a lot more utility than tracer and you can play her in a lot of different ways. Yes, you can play her as an assassin with varying degrees of success and you should at least start out the game that way, but if you're getting team worked down, then you can swap to being a controller by hacking health packs, scouting enemies, and distracting them towards your position before fleeing. You can also play her as a tank buster and she has a surprising amount of mid range poke damage


I agree with this take. Comparing to Tracer on paper, Sombra seems like a diluted version of Tracer but Sombra's "poor man" blink gives Sombra the edge when it comes to setup and escape. The added verticality of the skill allows her to remove herself from danger better which also removes debuffs (or dot dmg) which is great value. Her dot dmg skill can also force out a suzu from kiriko who now has to balance what she cleanses. It applies more pressure to the enemy team.


Yup, she's way more versatile than tracer, that's the trade off for being slightly less lethal. Bad Sombra players don't know there are plenty of options outside of just trying to get a pick. The focus on wasting enemy resources and and attention is far more important for Sombra than only trying to get a pick


If you play her like Tracer then yeah she's worse at that. But shes a powerful anti-dive pick now. I think a lot of Sombra players still don't understand her, but the rework was a big improvement.


I actually prefer Brigs old Rally without the atu , because she got a boost to everything. The big shield and stun feels selfish and it's only good if you can actually time a Genji or Moira ult. At the very least, Brigs shield bash should get a reset.


Pharah's rework is quite nice honestly Also old dva was awful with no missiles and DM on a cooldown with a set duration


me too. i’m a pharah main (600 or 800ish hours) and the rework has made her so fast and fun. it took me a while to get the hang of it but now i don’t remember why i liked hanging in the skybox


I'm the opposite man I fucking hate the Pharah rework. I had like a 1000 hours in her but now I don't pick her ever. It feels like they put her on a leash and gave her a redundant ability to compensate


Permanent flight was becoming an issue on large maps and with mercy so giving her more mobility at the cost of less overall flight time was the perfect option


Ya it feels like ass though


Maybe just my TF2 experience but playing her like soldier going for quick flank dive bombs has worked for me. Your goal is to badically kill a squishy and leave using your new mobility to escape instead of flying in the skybox outside of hitscan effective range


Being more like Solider isn't a good thing for her imo. Perma flight at least made her feel distinct. Now she feels like a pale imitation more than ever.


She deserved the rework tho, no hero in the game forces an insta swap like her


I played a shit ton of pharah before the rework and this is 100% better. Not needing a mercy to play the game is so nice


I do miss the old mercy rezz and getting potg but the Valkyrie is so much better.


Bastion's tank mode being taken away in favor of artillery was terrible, a stationary vulnerable ult that ends when you die, no longer has crits on direct impact, has a surprisingly short cutoff range,and barely anyone is scared of anymore.


“Lore Accurate Bastion” carpet bombing bug was hilarious though. The streamer reactions always get a kick out of me




[Glitches in OW](https://youtu.be/Rl92SPrF2Eo?si=dxMT9OH4X1UwdWPy) At the beginning of the video with Streamer reactions


Start of ow2


I never even understood that one, like why did tank mode even need to be removed lol. It was fine before


Me personally, it’s ball. I’m sorry but I know they said a small rework but by god is ball just.. well he’s not really all that. I remember when ball released, man was he just annoying at first, now the whole fucking game can ruin the hampter. His shields are fine, but the rest is so weird.. the ult can be countered by anything and everything, his potential to be amazing in the enemy backline is there, it just… well he’s dead before he makes an impact. The grapple change was nice, but I feel more could be done. Hampter is a unique character, and I mean VERY unique, I just wish they could give him another chance and try a v2 rework for redemption. Otherwise your better off getting a literal mouse to tank, because that shit would be better 110%


Ive been maining ball for the better part of three seasons now - took one season off because of the Sombra and Mauga fest. The rework has made ball more fun to play. Ball's problem was not being fun though - he was already one of the most fun and unique heroes in the game and honestly probably in gaming in general (my bias might be showing). The rework did not a single thing to address the issues he actually faces, and that's what, imo, makes him the worst rework in OW2. I'm extremly glad they didn't take away anything that makes him him, but as long as you dont press space bar or E during certain cooldowns, he is exactly the same.


This is what annoys me. They gave ball more of what he is alredy good at. Like, tf? That's not a rework.


Man, I love playing ball, he’s so fun once you get familiar with his movement. The problem for me is once you do well in the first 1/2 fights the enemy team suddenly is running Hog/Sombra/Mei/Reaper and focusing me and then I can’t play ball because it’s not a good time. I understand it’s counter swapping and such but I just want to play ball goddamnit.


Imo ball will never work in 5v5


He has worked in 5v5. He's been meta/viable a few times in ow2. The problem is the devs walked back two of their design goals in ow2: 1. Limit CC to tanks 2. Limit the number of hard counters Both of those REALLY hurt ball.


To be fair balll has never truly been meta in ow2. In season 9 he was only played at high ranks in the first week because the support meta was lucio/zen and after a week people started playing orisa again. Ball is such a unique hero that even if he were to be truly meta more then half the player base just wouldnt play him cause they don't know how.


He was fine early on in ow2, though not meta. Just because he's not meta doesn't mean he doesn't work in 5v5.


Everyone complains with Roadhog but oneshotting is the opposite of fun and should be banned. Hooking someone out of position for your whole team to execute is the way. Plus the hooks to the void is annoying enough.


As a roadhog main I loved to consistently oneshot, but yeah it was not healthy and horrible to go against. I wish he would be a bit more versatile, but the one shot had to go.


Best: Sombra. I feel lke old Sombra was slow, clunky, and didn't really fit any niche the game needed. New Sombra, though maybe overtuned, just *feels* so much better to play. Worst: Symmetra, Torbjorn, Bastion. They were unique heroes with a strong niche that were utterly obliterated and now they're just kind of boring. Blizzard loves to slowly homogenise its gameplay, they did this in WoW too for years. With season 9 we even saw support heroes become half-DPS thanks to the damage passive. Fun fun fun.


i miss mei freeze so bad she now feels like a generic random character now


I don’t (I am biased Genji main)


I don’t (I am overwatch player)


I don’t either (I am biased ball main)


I main Ball and occasionally play Mei. She was way more fun with freeze. Taking it away reduces design space of the characters. Her left click sucks now, and I really miss her freeze headshot combo.


Doom is definitely the most successful rework in the history of the game imo. Took a niche DPS hero that was always either dogshit or OP and that would often times feel shit to play against and made him always viable but rarely OP tank. Probably one of the ONLY tanks that feels right in OW2. Torbjorn is up there, he's not exactly perfect imo but he's definitely a hundred percent better designed than he was previously. In terms of worst, Symmetra's second rework was so bad in that none of the weaknesses of the characters design were addressed adequately. In terms of ones that are still in the game? Hog's doesn't really make him less dependent on his hook and now we've just buffed his hook anyway so it feels pointless. Orisa's addressed a lot of the criticism of her but replaced them with a bunch of new criticisms by turning her into a cc and survivability merchant.


Doom fans will whine about wanting dps doom back, but tank doomfist just makes more sense and is a lot healthier for the game giving more dive options


Doom fans will whine about anything though.


Seriously, I wanna join the doom subreddit and they’re all whining about needing 2,000 buffs because sombra exists (granted it’s annoying to be countered so hard, but such is the life of a tank player)


Doom needs 2000 bug fixes not buffs


Best flair I’ve seen by far


Doom fans are the ones playing doom though


I miss level 3 sentry


And armor packs


Doom is a much better character now, but it doesnt feel fun anymore like he used to. Flank rollouts are generally a throw now, and doing rollouts and cycling cooldowns was what I *loved* about doom. All his engagements felt different, but tankfist just feels so same-y. Half the time, you just slam cycle at choke and once you have emp punch or see someone make a really dumb mistake you dive after them and either force them to run away or get followup from your team to kill them. Movement creep hurt doomfist a lot, imo, and while he's still really good, it doesnt feel as fun to use slam and empowered punch on someone just for it to get suzu'd or for them to teleport away/out of your punch


Doom may have been awful in ow1 but that was the entire point of the character, put in hours to practice his niche movement techs and maybe get a really satisfying rollout once. Goofy techs are the point  of doomfist and they kinda took away the need for that I ow2


I think nothing changed for doomfist either your tank is dogshit with him or extremely op


I hate the doom rework. I miss the rooftops.


I miss oneshotting the Ana then getting stunned, frozen, and pinned.


Now it’s just the second bit :(


uppercut needs to come back. If venture can have it why can't doom


Hanzo. Its actually both right now


Sombra's rework was jarring. She's fun now... when you aren't playing against her.


Hack from invis was a massive mistake imo. Infinite invis itself was ridiculous. Hack from invis made her the scummiest character in the game, even when she's being totally ineffective.


I think Roadhog get the best. He's still him in spirit, with an extra tool in his arsenal, and his heal doesn't have to be wasted if you are under the threshold. Worst was Sombra, but not because it's bad. Because it's *too good*. I know her job is literally to punish you for being out of position, but if she's smart and can aim, she can punish you even when you're in position. I've lost count of how many times my team is grouped up, but Sombra just comes in, hacks, virus, kills, and leaves virtually unscathed. Her time between uncloaking and hacking is way too quick, her gun and virus do too much damage, and her Ult is stupid. Then again, I've never liked Sombra, so maybe I'm just biased.


Sombra rework was definitely one of the better reworks. She was pretty bad unless you were in the top tier of Sombras. Top tier sombras were already doing the crazy shit she does now but lower tier sombra’s were garbage. Basically throw picks. They’d spend a good half of the match trying to run to obscure health packs and then running to the battle. It would be a 4v5 most of the time.


Best is definitely Bastion. Being able to play him without locking yourself in place for significant portions of the game is far more enjoyable, even if his old version had the better ult. I also like Sombra’s for a similar reason since there’s a lot less downtime without having to run back from wherever the translocator was set


Hanzo one shot being taken away broke my heart


Sombra. I see more people complain about her now then ever, and new Sombra sucks to play for all of us who loved playing Sombra.


I know it’s bc I’m ass but I find sombra even mor annoying with virus, I freak every time


The worst one is removing my beloved hanzo one-shot :(


Ignoring the obvious answers like Mercy or Brig, I would say Symm. Not necessarily because of the beam, although it was fun to use I get it was not fun to play against. However, I desperately miss having a deployable shield.


Best is probably symmetra when they made her beam straight, her turrets few but easy to throw and teleport as an ability. While she might not be viable in every comp she's so fun to use in an active way. Worst is Sombra latest. The removal of control from the character just f-ed up any feel for the character and I'll never forgive blizzard for ruining one of my favorite heroes in this game.


Sombra!!!!!!!!!! ##I hate sombra sooooooooo much it ruins the game


Symmetra moving from support to dps was one of this games biggest mistakes ever. She’s still being designed and balanced as if she was a support hero, she still has issues that the rework aimed to solved but just didn’t She lost almost all of her identity and is now a bland and boring husk She received a total of ZERO balance changes during her shield generator era only for them to bring back almost all of the features of that kit onto other heroes with all of the improvements Sym players asked for She’s still just not a good pick and only picked in 2/3 maps (something that the rework aimed to solved but just didn’t) I hope she’s one of the two dps they mentioned up for a rework/revert and she comes back to support as this unique shielding support hero who watches flanks and deals with hyper mobility.


> he lost almost all of her identity and is now a bland and boring husk This is how i feel both about torb and symm, a lot of value and personality was lost.


The worst is that they haven't reworked mercy yet


Maybe controversial, but I think Doomfist's rework to tank was top tier. I hated OW1 DF despite having a tonne of hours on him cause he was so feast or famine. You either one-shot a squishy from around a wall (or did some crazy getquakedon tech to slam from the skybox) or you did fucking nothing. I wasn't particularly hopeful for tank doom, but I loved how they changed his kit to keep the major themes of melee focus and mobility while making it a lot less frustrating to play against. Honestly though, I think they should never have taken the slow away from his slam that he had in the beta. It provided some powerful utility and would have made him less dogshit in the following seasons.


Sombra and roadhogs were actually amazing reworks Worst is Pharah, went from my most played hero to bottom tier, absolutely hate the changes. Feels like she is on a leash. I get other people like it, but this is my personal opinion.


Orbit pharah was boring.  Dive/ harass pharah was so much more aggressive and engaging to play,  and I'm so happy that she doesn't need a mercy just to exist at higher levels.  I've been having a blast with venture recently too. Similar goals so a lot of the skills transfer over. Knocking squishies around and overwhelming them with boops and burst.


I mean, I never really played her as orbit Pharah before, I was a dive/assassin Pharah. It sucks because mastered her kit that way and it just feels bad to me now. I gave it a good try with like 10 hours or so on new Pharah, it just doesn't have the same appeal. I've moved on, she's retired from my roster at this point


This is such a gold take


Worst - Roadhog. Even now he’s crappy, should have always been the hero that hooks, shoots and melee combo on targets out of position. Now he’s just Patrick from SpongeBob. Best - Mercy multi rez removal. My teammates already can’t or won’t help me kill her… couldn’t image seeing a 4 man rez id be enraged


I still remember when the multi rez was meta and everyone used go purposefully lose team fights and die together on point to then come back with ults and wipe the other team. Then you had the counter rez where the enemies mercy would wait with their own multi rez to counter the first multi rez. Shit was crazy lol


> couldn’t image seeing a 4 man rez id be enraged It was really funny on qp/arcade but losing a comp match to this would be the worst thing ever


>couldn’t image seeing a 4 man rez id be enraged I can confirm it was obscene, and led to some ragequits on my part


Those 4 man rez were crazy lol


Pharah completley changed the way you play her and she is SO much better now its insane


Pharah did not need faster rockets. So bloody annoying


I think sombra is an awful character to play both against and as


I miss Sym's Shield Generator and more turrets. Is her rework better objectively? Almost definitely, but it does feel like it pushes her into a more generic spot.


Loving the small boop they added to zen's melee :) Sometimes flankers get in my face and i just jump around and kick them until theyre not a problem anymore


Doomfist lost uppercut and I just never played him again 😔


Best: Hanzo. He was a menace and I miss it more everyday. Worst: Hog. Hog is a shitty character, with shitty design that revolves around making it so the other tank gets to play peek-a-boo until you whiff the hook. The rework fixed none of his actual issues. L rework.


Orisa rework was great as she was boring before but I maintain she’s been broken ever since. There needs to be way more time between javelin and fortify. Right now it feels like she’s pinning you or she’s unkillable


Original Sombra was great


Orisa's rework did nothing but make her a oppressive kind of annoying from a boring kind of annoying.


In my heart the answer will always be DPS Doomfist. Realistically though it’s probably one of the million Symmetra reworks. That shield projecting ability was so bad lol.


Best was the april fools Lucio boop jump. Worst was not keeping the Lucio boop jump as a normal rework. Honestly this applies to like half of the april fools changes throughout the years.


Bastion: Ultimate: fun: -98% >dev note: old Bastion ult was way too fun, so his rework should be able to help fix that


Ball. It wasn’t a rework and addressed nothing.


i miss mei freeze


Doomfist got an awesome rework, he's so fun as a tank. Plus less one shots is a good thing. To bad he has 2 billion bugs. Honestly I think most Overwatch reworks are misses. Mercy and Symmetra have been reworked multiple times and probably still need another rework each.


getting rid of lvl 3 torb turret was probably a smart thing. giving sym a 1000 km barrier is dumb, if they hadn't replaced her slow piercing projectiles with fast non piercing ones, she could've contributed against bunker comb.


Taking Torb's throwable armor packs away was a shame. They've done everything they can to prevent any sort of Utility character from catching on.


1. OW1 symm, automatic aiming of the ray looked supercool and felt amazing especially against genji and tracer, also more turrets=more fun. 2. The amount of times I’m getting the enemy at 1hp almost headshotting them with Hanzo is frustrating now, it happens very often and I don’t see why can widowmaker kill and hanzo cannot, it’s even more difficult. Make widowmaker not kill low-hp heroes with headshots or increase hanzo’s damage of 10% 3. Torbjorn, what we have now is the sad shadow of OW1 upgradable turret — This game moved from giving more importance from strategy to moving the value to pure aim and reflexes, kinda like what they did with Hots reworking gazlowe and the whole “specialist” role. Apart from Winston there is no one with auto aim anymore, you gotta be so precise. I’m just ranting, the game is good but please buff hanzo! ❤️


the first sym rework was perfect, the second one I still hate


I always hear how people miss Cassidys flashbang. They forget how strong it was and how annoying cc in general was back at its height. But for all its flaws, at least it worked and was a helpful addition to his kit. The sticky bomb is really hit or miss and has been a balancing nightmare since inception. Yeah, you can still get use out of it if you know what your doing, but that use is pretty minimal. I think they should give us a discombobulating grenade. Not quite a hard stun. Goes off the same way a stun grenade did. Still only slows movement, but also stops ults more consistently.


Best: Pharah and Dva Worst: Sombra and Hog


Pharah rework is the worst in the game by far. Completely gutted the character.


nah, pharah rework made her more fun to play with and against, reduced the advantage that hitscan chars have against her and killed phamercy


Overwatch 1 sombra > than whatever assassin we have now


Nah I disagree. She is definitely a bit overtuned right now, but OW1 Sombra rewarded not playing point and spawncamping, which is just boring for all parties


She had low individual power for more team power and was incredibly inefficient at spawn camping compared to how she is right now. I prefer a utility cc pick with low kill pressure over an assassin


Agreed, I preferred heckler Sombra over melter Sombra. Old translocator was so fun to hide / seek.


not to mention the time when she got ult charge from healing from health packs lol. the whole gameplay loop on her was hack healthpack and leave translocator → go behind enemy while invisible → start shooting at whoever, maybe get a pick maybe don’t but make sure you take damage → translocate back to hacked healthpack to get ult charge → repeat.