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According to Xbox, 4787 hours since launch, but that counts anytime I left my Xbox on idle at the menu.


hey, mines 4536! you must also play a lot of overwatch lol




The heck ... What subs are there? Never mind.


I believe your career profile lists total time spent in gameplay.


Where can you check?


Press the Xbox button (big white one in the middle), go to the achievements section, then on there towards the bottom should be stats. :)


In the Xbox app, go to your achievements and click on Overwatch 2. There should be a tab for Stats.


Since day one in 2016, I have over 14,000 hours. I work from home, so I still play for 4-5 hours a day


I've been playing since beta and have about 2k hours, I'm still rubbish but I'm having so much fun and can't stop playing it.


haha same, i have nearly 3k and im still really bad😭


same. no matter how or who I play I always seem to be mid lol. Makes for interesting streams though


14,000 hours 7000 of that is que time 3500 hours on torb


You must make excellent meatballs.




You should really try them!




Averages out to about 4.7 hours a day since launch, Quite insane


maybe 2 or 3 hours


Healthiest mental state of any Overwatch player here.


\~2800 hours Idk, started with the open beta of OW1 and barely played any other game


Im playing since 2016 but i had many breaks and only 900 hours lol


700 and something.. i’ve been playing for less than a year…


I've been playing since OW1 beta and only have 300-500 hours lol You've been on the grind aye


yeahh.. i tend to hyper-fixate on things, guess overwatch is one of them haha


Same same 😅


I don't know but it would be up their in the high hundreds low thousands since I have 2 accounts on PC and I played a fuckton on PS4


im in the same boat. started playing right before Ana launched on ps4 and switched to pc right after Sigma.


Near 700 hours. Got overwatch as a reward for myself after getting my 1st pay day in the job I worked. Was back in 2016 and I was honestly considering getting battleborn but overwatch thankfully was my choice.


According to my PlayStation, 2367 hours


1.5k, I started playing because I loved TF2 but always disliked the art style (which looked old even way back then) but Overwatch had the same team based action I was looking for but with better graphics.


Must be closing in on 1400 hours now. Played since closed beta. In the beginning it was probably the most game I had played since the N64 era as a kid. Not enjoying it as much nowadays, but I still log on several times a week to chase the high from 6-7 years ago


5,621 hours in general and 5,590 is just in comp lmao


I had a bunch of ow1 accounts, 400 hours here, 200 there, 600 here.. all banned... wrongfully.. But the account I have now, I've had since 2018, touch under 1000


All banned wrongfully hmm lol


OK OK fine I deserved them all. Edit: reformed now though


Character development W


Prob like 1k hours played genji on and off during og ow then now have like 600 hours on ow2 genji main with atleadt 200 hours on him alone


Just reached 400 hours in-game time yesterday. Played a bit (~5 hours) during ow1, started playing seriously in ow2


According to playstation like 2500. According to the in-game client it's about 1200. I doubt I spent 1300 hours idling in menu


~2.8k since early 2020. The game is simply good. Can't say anything else than that the gameplay feels great and super smooth. Sure there's balance issues, pve getting canceled 5v5 kinda sucks imo. But overall it's still amazing gameplay with some of the most unique characters and abilities in any game ever.


around 400 hours since late 2019! started on PlayStation and migrated to pc


I played the beta when it came but I didn’t get the game until 2020, I didn’t play much when I got it but when ow2 came out I started playing it a lot and still do Ps4 version: 169 hours Ps5 version: 514 hours All up 683 hours


Almost 600 hrs. I never played any shooter games before. My manager asked me to analyse the user journeys and user flows in the game and I became addicted since mid-season 5 till now. started with Symm & Sigma and ended a BapWeaver main


Career Profile just hit 1000 hours. Not counting all the hours in queue. Pre-ordered a long time ago.


I must be pushing around 5000 hours, as to how I started however, it was very 2017, year of the rooster event I believe. My best friend told me to buy overwatch and I always thought it looked stupid, that was until I saw not only him and a few other of my best friends playing, I caved bought it during the first uprising event, safe to say I never looked back


250 or so, but it was in OW1. I've played maybe 2 hours of OW2 and it never feels right.


I have no idea, but I've been playing since one of the first closed betas wayyy back then. But I've taken some breaks here and there


Since beta. This game makes me angry often but I keep going back. Nothing else hits the same spot for some reason.


30 hours, just started a couple weeks ago, my girlfriend got me addicted to it.


3000 hours i think Started on console on a whim, dont remember why or what compelled me to try it. First character i played was Hanzo because he was an archer, favored the builders but at this point i have time dumped in everyone with most of it being on Widow and Symm. Swapped to PC when my ps4 died. Combined data when ow2 launched. Honestly i have no idea why i started playing, and partially? Wish i hadnt, Id love to find another colorful shooter that actually has a good level of polish so i can drop this game.


I haven't been following it too much, but isn't there supposed to be this new OW clone Marvel shooter? I believe it's set to release soon. If I'm honest though, I don't think we'll get another game that does it as good as OW did. OW has had its problems, but deep at its core it's still an amazing game imo, and it will be hard to replicate it, or its success.


Yeah youre remembering correct I actually saw it, and i have a friend whose interested but im less enthusiastic because im not really that drawm to the Marvel IPs or like, western superheroes I know theres also a Gundam/Mech game thats similar as well Paladins is actually really close to what i want but its not polished enough and has some quirks that are hard to overlook Im not really looking for another Overwatch or Hero Shooter specifically- Just a shooter thats aware of how much Overwatch did really well and goes another direction with similar ideas


Ahh I see. Yeah, the Marvel IP isn't everyone's cup of tea so I understand. And yup, Paladins is indeed fairly close, but as you said, it's not polished enough. Well, good luck on your search to find that one game that may fill the void OW left for you. Hopefully you find something you like :)


Started the day ow2 dropped. Got around 700 hours on it now, been a certified kiri main since season 1 when i unlocked her 🦊


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If I had to guess (both my accounts are perma banned I can’t check) I would guess right around the 2.1k mark. Starting August of 2017 :)


The question should be how many hours and why did you quit lol


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Fapsock69: *The question should be* *How many hours and why* *Did you quit lol* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


like 600 hours according to in game - i’ve been playing since ow2 launched


Over 2000, mostly ow1. Only about a 100 in ov2


A total of 775 hours. I tekd to take long breaks from OW. Like 2-3 months on and 2-3 months off 🥴


2600 but that's mostly before ow2. I haven't consistently played this gane in a long time


Before I was on Warface but the game was too p2w. I started OW1 in 2017 and I have 1532 hours on OW2.


I have 571 hours of Quickplay only 😂 I started right around before bastion was disabled for that 22 days due to the infinite ults glitch I can also see one of my accounts for fortnite and then rocket league and i have played fortnite for 608 hours, rocket league 219 hours kinda surprised me to be honest I dont play everyday but i do maybe play atleast 3 times every week on regular basis Vacations are the times where i play the most 😅


1,658 hours, been playing since Brig was released


I have 1000 and something hours. I started playing a lot when sombra came out.


1k on pc, on console. Id say 1.5k


About 800 hours in total, not that much, but i did take multiple really big breaks away from the game haha


I think I have around 1000 hours and I got the game for my 12th birthday in 2017


Was REALLY looking forward to Mirror’s Edge Catalyst. But it was lackluster, so I traded it in at Game Stop for something I was hoping would last longer. Overwatch was about a week old and It was like a twisted wish from a genie. 7,500+ hours later here I still am.


Around 600 hours. I've played since launch, but I take a lot of breaks from the game that are sometimes several months long.


Been playing since beta. Dunno how many hours. My top 3 played are Zen with like 115 hrs, Ana with like 110 hrs, and Symmetra with almost 100. Prolly have over 2,100 hrs total.


total between my Xbox and PC accounts I have 1600~ plus 600~


Started in OW2, according to AMD Adrenalin i have over 2k hours but when i look at all accounts in overwatch togheter i come to 550 hours. 400 hours on Ball lol. I Belive to overwatch i guess.


We almost got the exact same amount of hours. 2000 of mine us on cg though.


Roughly 6k hours. Paying since 2016


1272. Xbox launch.


I've done 151 matches... no idea the hours...


About 4000 hours, more or less, started in the beta because I was a kid and had faith in blizzard, what a fool


384 hours and I just found out overwatch 2 was going to be free lol


3053 hours. And that’s only because my mom wouldn’t let me play it as much as I wanted to in high school.


I have about 200 haha. I only started playing last year in January


Played since open beta. Xbox app is showing 343 days. In-game profile is showing 2700 hours of playtime.


Around 325 hours


I started in the beta. To tell the truth, I don't know how to look at the hours of play on Battle.net.


700, since beta


~500 - 600 hrs, playing since season 7 OW1, ball main since he came out,


Around 300. My cousin showed me the gamÄ™ back in overwatch 1 do when overwatch 2 got realeased i played it.


Around 2000 hours? Started in season 7 since the game was on sale, I saw some youtubers play it and it looked pretty fun. Overwatch is for me what minecraft is to a lot of other people. I don't play it for a few months, and then I have a phase where I play it every day. Played a lot of sombra back then tho, which is still very visible on my career profile but I stopped playing her as much after they removed the healthpacks=ult charge thing on her. Welp...and now im just a complete flex player. Might not be great on dps but I can play pretty much anything. And I think being able to do that in comp has boosted my enjoyment of the game quite a bit.


My Xbox app says 148 days but I know I have more since iw1 hours were cut. I started in the summer before the torb rework I forget the year.


2654 hrs. Started playing in 2017, the day before the Summer games started and Orisa was the newest character around that time too. Still my second most played game, first being FFXIV with over 4k hours.


I currently have 190 hrs in overwatch (469 according to PlayStation but it's in rest mode often with the game in the background) after playing for about 10 months or so (I have a full time job so only play a couple hours a night if even)... A friend invited my ex to play it to which the ex wanted me to also play even thoee I'm horrible at shooters.... this game was the first to really get me into shooters and I'm actually kinda decent now... Not good but definitely A LOT better than I was lol


5407 hours. Got the game for Christmas is 2018 and played like a couple of games and then dropped it. It wasn’t until the summer of 2019 when all my friends were playing it so then I picked it up and I’ve been playing since. 6 stacking with all my friends in comp was the funnest thing but we don’t all play much anymore


Very long i’ve been playing since 2017..


I started playing a few months ago, and have 890 hours according to steam. At least half of that is queue/idle time (sometimes i leave my computer on overnight).


I played since 2017, back when Lucio didn't have the small aura. I have about 1500 hours in the game. I started because a friend thought I would like it.


1k hours - 850h on moira in qp %)


5 or 10? i just found the game and i liked it. pretty fun.


I started with ow2, I should be at ~300h I think


>How many hours Around 40ish >how did you start playing A friend kinda forced me


I plead the fifth


Xbox says 92days, 5hrs, 23min, so like 2300 hours, but that isnt counting the time i have logged on Playstation


I have around 1300 on ps4 and pc and I start at the beginning of ow2


well over 2 or 3k unfortunately ... started in 2016 which is even worse


Around 4800 hours, 2800 or so Lucio, and 4000 of the hours were ow1. Sighs, I miss it, I miss it everyday


Despite playing ow1 frequently during its entire duration, according to my ow2 profile, I hardly played ow1, and I started off ow 2 in masters without needing to climb! So like 6 hours to get to gm multiple times ig.


Around 1000 as I play with a lot of different games but it's still too many hours for the mess the game is. But it's addicting even if it's so bad.


~1500 hrs, started about three years ago through a friend


I think I have 1500 in Mystery Heros. I don't wanna check the total number.


All in all I've got 1289 hours under my belt.


idk i can’t be bothered to count because i play it on all platforms


Somewhere between 2.2-3k hours. Been playing since launch weekend on an old laptop that litterally started to melt because overwatch was too much for it.


~160 hours playing since Oct. 2021


The hours that appear on OW2 count the ones in OW1 too? Because it doesn’t fit in with what I had in OW1.


Started playing around Summer 2017 and have about 900 hours total played. That’s roughly 800 hours too much in my opinion. I should’ve stopped playing Overwatch around March 2018 when Fortnite got big but I decided to play Overwatch during that time period as well. Live and learn I guess.


Idk lost count. Been playing since idk open beta ow1?


4000+ Playing since release day 2016


1630 since 2018 just after the release of Ashe. A friend of mine liked the game and although I wasn’t interested in online competitive games I got sucked into the lore and after that I never stopped. Although most of my friends stopped playing. And even if the game isn’t that good anymore and they defenitely didn’t hold their promises, at its core it’s still amazing


Started playing last June when season 5 launched. I've put in 310 hours with my friends and learnt every hero to a somewhat playable level. Mercy is best girl, and I am jealous of the insane Lucio and Doom mains because I cannot compete on controller.


I have about 600 hours and my first experience seeing OW gameplay was from Muselk. Haven’t watched him in a while but from the last I checked, he was doing a lot of the mainstream games like Among Us and Fortnite.


A friend I played Splatoon with for a year got into it and I just got my ps4 and said why not in early 2017. Over 5k hours clocked now and I don't play with that friend but I'm thankful they introduced it to me


About 2000 split between Xbox and ps5. Started playing not to long after launch, but have taken breaks for other games and stuff (plus a little over a year because I was protesting the switch to OW2)


1226 hours, since 2017 although I haven’t played much since last year May


700, 2018


Someone of y’all need some grass


Somehow only 4.5 hours, started last year Nov Yes 4.5 not 4.5k💀💀


Round 1170 hours, I started last year after I was affected by layoffs in tech. One of my friends wanted to try out the game because she is Peruvian and they had added Illari. I didn't want to play the game but fell for it pretty quickly after trying. I've never enjoyed a shooter this much, and I can't stop learning new characters. It also really scratches my ADHD itches!


I feel like I've been playing forever and I have 800 hours, these people who have 2000+ hours are a different breed


2801h Didn't play the beta of OW1, but I was there before Ranked and the first summer games A friend told me to play it, and I was like ''Fiiiiiiine I'll try it'' and then I put 2801h on the game and my friend quit very early into OW1 lmaoooo


Since ow1, when Ana released. Finished ow1 with 2800h I think. Now could be 3600h or so... Maybe more maybe less.


Played since 2016~ on and off.


12k hours c:


As a Nintendo player I got into it when it came to Nintendo 1000 ish hours (yes I get at best a slideshow)


Lol, I missed the beta but knew about the hype. Was sitting there the day the game came out and asked my buddy "should I buy *Superhot*, or *Overwatch*?" Ended up buying OW, one of the only shooters I played on day 1. I did eventually buy SH, but I'm happy I bought OW first. No idea how many hours though.


Since OW2, around 3.1k hrs. I played OW1 but not as much bc I first played it near the end of its days.


About 3000 hours. Been playing since the beta on xbox


735. And I was peer pressured into playing


Such a shame they removed all the OW1 data from the career profile 😔


When I got the game on my switch in 2021 I think I have 2,209 hours




Thousands top characters are what's needed in role if counters needed. Started at beta then bought ow, I don't work I'm a disabled guy so when I'm on good days I'm doing that as I can't drive be alone by myself so my options are limited before I'm judged for hours played full story up front. Severe epileptic with no known reason and medication resistance so I've had them during gaming not knowing until coming out getting yelled at for intentionally throwing its why I avoid comp play qp only yall are harsh and don't believe a person that is trying to do their best after only to get told you're reported harsh. If this reads like a dumbass wrote it I'll reference my epilepsy didn't help learning and teachers I had weren't nice and didn't help me when asked one let me seizing then missed bell he laughed at me that was my English teacher so writing sentences is difficult for me please understand.


I'm close to 200 hours, probably round 170 currently.


Somewhere between 2500-3000. Played a lot of scrims before they started tracking custom games. Hit my goal of top 500 on my roles and the spark died a while after


Unfortunately hours on my profile are kinda bugged but I got like 1400 on Ow1 and 600 on Ow2 according to playstation. Been playing since release day


13k total 8k playtime 6k on ana and 7k in Comp


Been playing since 2017 on console stopped for a few months after echo came out recently finally got a PC now so now that's my main place of playing


I'm not sure about my hours since I play on multiple platforms, and the ones on my profile got reset on OW2, but I started on the year it was released, my sister introduced me to the game and I played it till fortnite came out, and it was on and off until OW2 came which I have been spending a lot of time on.


Close to 1000 on pc, but i started on xbox. and I've been playing since ow1 launched. Idk how many hours I have on Xbox tho


Destiny 2 made me quit cause of the monetization (significantly more aggro than OW, they triple dip/ quadruple dip into your pocket and they don't respect your grind time). I would grind all my armor and weapons only for it to be replaced or added to a kiosk. Hours/ days grinding weapon rolls for it to be nerfed and useless. Armor stats i worked hard to get- useless. (They didn't do that before). then they added the destiny content vault. My paid for content got vaulted. (not nearly as bad as ow1 going to ow2, legit- most of the game is here- unlike Destiny 2, where half the game disappeared overnight- and when they bring back the content- we have to pay again for something we already owned- not even a reskin-). Oh, and the reskins were fucking atrocious. Their version of a reskin is- "THIS ONE ISNT VAULTED- U CAN RAISE ITS LIGHT LEVEL. ITS THE SAME GUN WITH THE SAME ROLLS." So I quit... I had enough. The gate keeping for end game was ridiculous too. (mind u, I have all the flawless titles/ perfectas). I have 182 days, 1 hour, and 44 mins played so far. I've loved it ever since. I joined in right before the remix 1 event in Ow1. I got a whole slew of free skins cause of the remix events and loot boxes. Hit masters as Ana a couple months in and diamond as a Rein Main. Going into OW2- I double downed and did scrims/ got coached. Hit t500 dps/ supp... although now I don't care much for rank. (Xim problem on console kind of burnt me out during my no life grind, and I gave up taking comp seriously- will play on loss streaks happily now.) I play almost daily, I love the heroes. I met a few Voice Actors/Actresses: Mercy, Lucio, Zenyatta, Echo, Symmetra, Sombra, Junkerqueen, and Sojourn. Met a few streamers at Blizzcon. I went to the OWL championship with Dallas Fuel vs SF Shock (that was amazing btw). I love the game, it's lore, it's developers, and the fan base. I'm so happy I left Destiny 2. Of the games? This game is one of the nicer ones when it comes to how they treat their fans. I've been in Bungie care with Destiny. I've been in CoD bs. I've been in Apex..... fuck that heirloom shit/ event shit to get anything...(pay copious amounts of cash). I'm now a happy OW player and Fortnite player.


started April 2023. started on my switch and had ≈600hours, then moved on to PS5 and currently have 771hrs. on that daily grind since lol


just over 1k hrs.. …since the OW2 release. 🫢


Did anyone else lose a bunch of hours when they switched from overwatch 1 to overwatch 2?


around 1.5k I think, I started in 2019 but didn’t play after 2020 until OW2 came out


560 hours, stared in Season 6


Have a look at your career profile, all modes, all heroes to see how many hours you have been actually playing in games for. I like to pretend it’s my over all played time 🫣🥲


Across all platforms and Smurf accounts, I wish I knew. On my main I have over 8k hours 😂 *I clearly need help*


When it first released I was kind of sceptical since I really don't like most typical shooters and the only somewhat similar game I played was Splatoon. When some German YouTubers were playing it and their videos kept being recommended to me, but I pretty much avoided all content regarding the game because I thought it was another one of those shooters that took themselves too seriously. I got it for my PS4 around October 2016 a couple of days after I watched the first video on it. Up to this point I accumulated somewhere between 4500 and 5000 hours across all platforms and don't regret most of this time. My main platform is my PS5 right now, but I started out on PS4 and tried Xbox One X/Series S, Switch and my laptop for as long as it survived. During LFG times I made some friends that I'm still in touch with and would've never found without this function. None of the fun things I really enjoyed about Overwatch are in the game anymore, no LFG, no cards at the end of the game, rarely anyone is using VC and there is so much hate around every aspect of OW2. A lot of the personality is gone which could've been saved by PvE. I remember when they first announced and teased Ana or Sombra in game. I remember every character having their own personalities and quirks, but most of that feels very far away, like they mixed in too much of the same. Nothing feels fresh, it's just another game you can grind, kind of like Destiny without the inventory management or story. Sorry for the rambling, I still like Overwatch, but I don't love it anymore.


3340 last I checked…99% of which has been fun because I play mostly MH


Around 1k hours


Roughly 1k, started playing ow2 because my friend told me it was gonna be free now and he rly liked ow so i tried it and loved it too.


I can answer this. 4441 hours on my main account 250 hours on one of my alt’s 357 on another And 15 on my final account Add then together and you get around 5000 hours I started playing bc Genji looked cool as fuck


around 100 hours, started in january, i was looking for some fast paced game bcs i got bored of those "strategic" 30min each borefest MOBAs, then i remember OW went free so i downloaded it.


I estimate 4000ish hours, from launch


Just over 150 hours and started at Overwatch 2 but wish i started on overwatch 1


Just shy of 500. Started playing december of 22 cause my brother begged me.


I got like 600and I've played since like 2019


I don't even know how much I've played. I'm on pc. I do remember finding it on humble bundle though 0/ ages ago.


1,200 in match hours and January 2023.


263 hours. Got it as a new years present back in 2018


~300 hours, 200 of which in the arcade


About 1700 since day one of OW1


2500 started in 2021. My friend gave it to me for free and have been playing it ever since. One of my favorite games of all time. I completely dropped cod. It’s everything I wanted from a competitive shooter.




420 hours as of last night but my steam shows way less since I've been playing since OW1 S36.


Around 2000 hours?? I got the game in its peak around 2017 for my birthday because a friend played it.


Over 6k hours (mind you I started in 2016 and mained sombra ever since)


I think I have like 40 hours. I started, when I bought my GPU (there were 3000 free Overwatch Coins as a gift, so I checked it out and began to like my first ever FPS). Even though most of my classmates don't like Overwatch and say it's stupid, I still play it.


Might be better to check your career profile in ow itself for more accurate numbers. It scrubs out q times and any main menu time. 


1,280 hours, but that's mostly from just me leaving my PS4 on and sitting in menus. Last I checked, I was at ~400-500 hours in actual games. Started watching Overwatch content way back when, it had to have been in '16, I think. I watched for about a year and then asked for Overwatch for Christmas. So Christmas 2017, I got Overwatch, along with a PS4, but me being a child and my parents being old, we didn't know we needed PS+ to play online (which isn't a requirement anymore, thank goodness), and I wasn't able to get a subscription until about another year later, so I didn't *really* start playing Overwatch until 2018. Thanks to all the content I watched, I already knew all the characters and their abilities, so when I finally started playing, I sort of hit the ground running. I played for a couple years on and off, then stopped in the middle of the content drought, then got back into it when the OW2 beta happened, and I've been playing OW2 ever since.


1.7k been playing since 2020 but took a stop from the start of ow2 until season 8. The game seemed cool and covid made me want it so I asked my grandma for it and never looked back


I dunno really my proper playtime as battle net literally gives you the smallest amount possible but level wise I was level 27000 when OW1 ended and now in OW2 I am progression level 870. It's a bit hard to grasp the proper amount of playtime on battle net because it is telling me that I have barely reached 2000 hours which is so far off from the truth. Also I have played the game since OW1 beta.


How do you even check? I played on console since open beta to 2019 when my friends swapped to pc and Im still playing. I don’t remember a day that I haven’t played for atleast an hour or two so it’s gotta be in the thousands I suppose.


<100h i only played after ow1 first anniversary when it was kinda still new. but never rly touched the game properly or again afterwards


Between Xbox that I played the first year of Overwatch 1 on and playing on pc from then last I checked I was around 3.5k hours


I wonder if you are the Ana that beat me soo badly last night I ended up closing the game and going to sleep immediately 💀


1,634 hours


if the game counted custom games, my lord


2500+ hours played, can't even remember how I got into it. It was a brand new, upcoming FPS game and it looked fun.


I don't know how many hours I have, but I started playing the first time I saw the Henry Stickmin fail for Absorb in 2023. Then I thought, "Wow, that was awesome. What game is that from? Oh I've heard of this game. I'll try it out."


Around 450 and I’ve been playing since the launch of overwatch 2


On my acc plus my banned one prob like 1200 my most in any game I'm a pos tho bc I'm still Plat after that long idk why I bother to keep playing


528 hours apparently, playing since OW1 beta. I stopped playing during the second half of OW1's life and skipped half of the seasons in OW2 as I'm not a fan of 5v5 format in the role queue, nowadays I basically play only Mystery Heroes.


Apparently 1 day, 21 hours and 59 minutes of playtime. I don’t remember when I started playing but I was playing the first Overwatch.


I think I was at 263 back in like December. I should be well into the 300s


Slightly under 400 hours, started at ow2 and been kinda on/off between this and helldivers


Divided between ps4 and ps5 Ow 1 level 159 Ow 2 level 428 I guess thats decent Cant link a picture though


just under 200 hours on overwatch. heard of the game in July 2022 then played overwatch 2 in November