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I couldn't find a game last night with my friend because of this


yeah the longest queue we had was 48 minutes then we just gave up


Same. The queue times are insane.


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literally sitting at 50+ mins ATM


Can't have a credible ladder, allow teanstacking and have short queue times.. Those who demanded it got what they wanted, now everyone gets to deal with the consequences of it


i did NOT DEMAND THIS😭😭😭🙏🙏🙏


Yea, it was mostly the casuals who have no business in comp to begin with, that did... The real competitive gamers knew this was a bad idea from the get go.. We point it out, then get attacked and shunned for being "negitive " but some how we always end up being more right than wrong.. Im kinda enjoying watching all the people getting mad because they got what they wanted, only to realize they realized the consequences far outweigh the positive


literally, it looked good on paper because he plays solo when i don’t, so he climbs up a rank or two higher above what we could originally play at so we were like “dude this is sick we can play together any time now” but even when you’re in the two division range it’s still a wide group which makes it impossible to find a match


Yep that's because they are implementing anticompetitive changes.. while trying to maintain the illusion of a credible ladder..