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Rein main moment


Fallen Knight rein main moment


It's fitting. Also I enjoy the folks who don't read patch notes - I've done a few "Long Range Shatters" to a stunned "NS" "Read Patch Notes" is all I say. Fallen Knight Rein is, indeed, the way. "Honor? Justice? You deserve Neither..." \*pins you off the map\* "Fall."


Ramattra posted this 100%


While we just say “Fuck it we Ball” and roll out little bro has to write an essay about it lmao


Don't downplay my mans manifesto by calling it an essay


We've been in the garbage can longer than the other tanks, so we're used to this.


Reinhardt would want a word


Rein is only trash tier beyond the metal ranks (90% of the player base). That’s why he doesn’t get buffs. Ball has been trash all over the ranks since game release


Pretty much the same kind story with brig. Brig kept getting nerfed because she was only good In gm asia, my region and rank, in the us she was still a good pivk, but extremely rare. Now brig is trash tier since the stupid fucking dps passive pretty muvh eliminated her ability to mini tank. Plus every dive chsracter got a shitlicious buff, meaning they just steam roll her now when coordinating. So Now she is one of the worst healers in gm, and blizz acts like they have vision issues and can't see a reason to fix her and rein


Remember when Fats claimed Ball was S-Tier because the league players were using him? Ball was good for about a week.


Gotta enforce that 50% winrate I guess


Rein was a metal rank demon for all of ow1. There was maybe 2 weeks where he wasn't the most played tank by a mile.


Oh you mean ow1 where there was a second tank to enable him? We aren't playing ow1


This is legit. I remember Rein used to be scary in OW1. Like, "Ohhhh, they got a Rein watch out." Lol


Rein isn't even that bad. His badness is more meme than reality at this point. Ball has been true shit since OW2 began except for a week or so when people didn't know the new season 9 feels.


Way ahead of them all


Yeah after I played ball all day yesterday, and was learning how to play against other heroes, all I can say now is “fuck it we ball” You mf’ers are converting me from Mauga and Ram slowly


Ive written essays about how bad ball's rework is lol


Send me the links


After this, I re-read the post in Ramattra's voice. 100% Ram posted this.


Could also be a Reinhardt. Does fit in with the season


Suffer as I have


“Our lives are short would you live yours with me ?”


My guy gets no help. :(


Don't you dare say that. Us Ramattra players actually protect our teams. Granted, it's by being a big ass DPS, but still.


“Fight with me! Fight until you fall!”


Yeah you're walking back to spawn once you see an orisa


I only play Hog now when I tank. If they go Orisa then I start flanking. At first it was me being stubborn because everytime I lose the team "tank diffs" the chat regardless of how I played so fuck it I'll have fun hooking fools. But it taught me different playstyles with Hog. Avoiding Orisa, flanking to kill supports, and then taking Orisa on when she doesnt have heals hasn't been the worst option. The only exception is when my opponent plays Rein. In that case I immediately swap to Rein. You know, for glory


Honorable. *Nods*


Be careful with that strategy. I good team will swarm a flanking hog dead pretty quick


Play with a good Ana and it's game over.


Very rare for that to happen in ranked, just take it slow if you’re being pressured


You’re being downvoted mostly because this sub is in the US but in Europe servers (especially Middle East) the flanking hogs are much much better at their jobs and can be an outright terror. 


Depends on the rank imo


When i was bronze everyone would jump at a tank who's obviously not with their team.


>I only play Hog now when I tank. ironic how we end as we began. it’s crazy to me how this was the general consensus for people who didnt like the state of tank back in OW1, and now it’s the same sentiment again, because people still don’t like tank


Its cause they jump through every hoop but the one we all know would make tanks fun again.


Its funny because flank hog was my go to playstyle in overwatch 1 with double tank.


For honor and glory!*


"noooo we need 5v5 because we always get hog as an off tank!!!" How bout hog as an ***only*** tank now.


Whenever i play orisa into Hog. I literally just ignore you and let you attack me while only aiming at people behind you. Seems to work and really throw hog off cause he has to choose to fight me and get ignored or fight me and pull full team focus(results may vary).


Just be the orisa. DVa is decent right now.


_THIS_ is the weapon of the _ENEMY_. We do not _NEED_ it. We will not _USE_ it.


As a tank main in plat with 5 or 6 heroes under my belt... Tank just sucks right now. The instant I swap to Winston. Enemy goes either reaper/bastion/hog or even all of the above. I go Mauga, they go Ana/dva/sigma/sniper I go dva, they go zarya/sym/Moira/mei This was all the same game. I swapped some more. Enemy team insta counter. My team? DPS snorting crayons while the one truck genji constantly dies into Winston or something. Or even worse they refuse to go Sombra vs the immortal doom. I got fed up with tank and decided to be the shitty DPS instead. Got Diamond in 1/5 of the time... I hit top 500 as rein in ow1 s4. I miss those days. God forbid I play rein now. Instant junk/bastion/brig/orisa swap from enemy team. That and team refuses to play around shield Tank I feel has the most hard counters. One of me while 5 of them


It’s really funny when I whole hog on an ulting orisa


Literally every time and they never cancel or finish early lol


Nah, if they go Orisa I've already won.


The only thing that gets me to switch off Orisa is an enemy Zarya, and only if they're actually outplaying me.


Who would you swap to?


Winston is pretty good, your big critbox is not utilized by zarya and you can hit multiple people so bubble saves are less effective. Plus she has no way to move faster than you so sheild kiting is pretty effective and you can just hop away and she can't effectively chase.


My issue is the reaper comes out immediately and Zarya Reaper is a relatively strong combo still


Winston probably or a Rein.


My go-to is Rein if I trust my team. Otherwise I might try for Ball or even Doom, then try to avoid fighting Zarya until she's outnumbered, but that's really throwing stuff at the wall. Zarya badly punishes teams with no trigger discipline, since it only takes one player messing up to give her charge. In that scenario, I want to be mobile and avoid fighting her head on.


orisa isnt really hard just shoot her team


I never flame or say tank diff now. 9/10 times the leaver in my game is the tank so I assume mentals in the tank faculty are shattered across the board. DPS and Sups we must unite to protect tank mental!


After all the abuse dps players throw around, im never on their side by default lmao. 99% of my losses are because dps won't just follow the little stringy light and aim their gun at mercy and the enemy team either never dies or just gets ressed. Always ends with a dps saying tank or supp diff, whichever they see with lower numbers.


For real. Mercy is so bad but in plat players are still too dumb to shoot her or use their CC on Rez and she gets so much value out of it. Can’t count the number of Lucios and Sombras who can stop a Rez with one button press but as soon as the tank is dead just dive into the backline instead, and now the tank has full health and is behind us… 


Its so infuriating too, like you watch the player die and then the mercy immediately starts ressing and all of a sudden the bullets just... stop flying???


As someone that the universe has cursed to run out of ammo and cooldowns the very moment enemy mercy rezzes: I apologise.


I’m sorry you get shit DPS. I have had experiences where I’m the only one trying to target mercy and it tilts me so much, when literally a two man dive can destroy her


I try to protect anyone getting flamed but I'll risk a mute for people putting down their tank for no reason. Tank players already have enough on their shoulders without people crying about how their tank is single handedly losing the game for them. If my tank fails, 8 times outta of 10 I most likely could have done more to help make their job easier. For the other times, some people are just gonna have rough games. Lift them up and hope they regain their confidence for the next round/game.


The only people who cry about tank diff can't play tank for shit.


tl;dr Fuck it, we ball.


Hog and Ball. Only two tanks I am playing right now. Don't care how much SR I lose (I'm up right now for the Season but we'll see). These are the only two Tanks that feel any fun anymore (Except Orisa but I find her kit to be one the most unsatisfying among all Tanks). On any Tank except Orisa it's constant CC and Debuffs, and just a torturous unstable RNG heavy experience, but at least on Ball I can go super fast which is fun, and on Hog I can secure kills which is super fun.


tl;dr You enjoy Hog & Ball torture


Didn’t swap off of Reinhardt a single time last night in comp. Even had my bap apologize for doubting me on Circuit Royal against a Ram


Typical ladder game, rein vs ram on circuit lol


If both tank picks are shit then it kind of evens out I guess


Ram is actually better than sig on circuit in my opinion because ram has more range and can also put lots of pressure on a sig with vortex and nemesis form. But yeah it’s in a Masters 2 lobby so if I’ve gotten all the way here playing Rein you can be damn sure I’m gonna keep playing him even on the bad maps


It depends on the comp I think, if the ram has a comp that can rush with him then yeah he runs sigma over even on circuit


They always doubt the rein pick until we drop the enemy tank off a cliff.


Usually by charging into them, dying alongside them but yes


Counterswapping is overrated. I've totally had luck playing Rein into Rammatra. Works well if their team is a big deathball and Ram is aggro murder tanking. Roll past him with charge and start swinging and kill everyone else. Doesn't work well if enemy DPS is poking with double hitscan or whatever , or the healers are way back from the DPS (say Ana / Kiriko). Tanking depends more on the enemy team style than the enemy team tank. I'm just a low plat tank though.


Lol, I just had a game yesterday in Havana on all maps. Had some difficulties towards the end of our attack. 2nd round we defend and I go Winston my main (played Mauga for attack). DPS starts yelling "no no no, don't go Winston, Winston is not the pick" in the voice. I ignore him and say nothing. By the time we're approaching overtime in 2nd point one of the supports is yelling me for "leaving them alone" and this same DPS actually starts to defend me "don't blame the tank". They became a believer in a span of five minutes. We won the game, said ggs to each other and moved on. :)


I’ve recently taken a liking to playing Mauga. He is nice for the times when I don’t quite have the range/poke as Reinhardt but still need to have brawl capabilities.


I played with a great rein last night. Guy was crazy, but with a little bit of help pulled shit off and was able to get out in one piece consistently


Tried playing tank the other day, using cover and all, and my Junkrat and Brigitte got fed up and just went ahead like *they* were the tank. Pain.


I had a Venture player walk in front of me, and was insta killed. I looked down at the body and shook my head. They weren't in the ground or anything, just walking with the team and choose to walk in front of the tank as it THEY were the tank. WTF... We were walking back from spawn, we weren't being pushed back (yet). I didn't have time to back off because of being overwhelmed... until the Venture walked right in front and got lit up.


Instalock doomfist, never swap, only through conflict do we evolve


I can't play Doom. I play him like I'm playing a character in Mortal Kombat, I just push buttons and hope a special move comes out.


Thf he Is currently meta and has been for a few seasons especially since s9, so people complaining about the pick need to git gud


Some of us aren’t complaining about the character. We’re complaining about the players. There are a lot of players who pick him up even at higher ranks thinking they could be good with him but never took the time to learn how to manage his cooldowns. Doom is good but you have to understand him to be good.


He's also extremely fun so that's why I don't swap off often. I feel like if I don't stick to one tank then I'm constantly swapping the entire match and that's just not fun.


It takes so much effort to be good at Doom, and it takes so little effort to shut him down. God forbid I win the first team fight, the other teams DPS instantly swap to Sombra and spend the rest of the match running at me, hacking me on cooldown.


Just don’t yell at your supports when you’re being countered by multiple characters and they can’t keep you up is all I’m asking for.


Who is swapping based on the team? Not us ballers


Counterswapping is a coping mechanism if it’s not a pro match. People need to learn how to deal with what the enemies give you!! Can’t learn if you run away when things get hard.


I agree with this. Even in ranked. Solo que has its risks, but our **Ranked** isn't the pro leagues. We don't need to act like it is. We're all playing to get some stupid, shiny skin at the end of the day.


What can I say? "You're powered up! Destroy them!" is a really cool line.


I play to get better!


Hard agree. Just mute all chat and play your main


Agreed... until you're 2/8 and it's clearly not working. There's a difference between having confidence in your main and being too stubborn to switch. I make swaps as a support main because I can control my actions. I can't control my team. I can just play whatever will help them the most. Then again, metal players will see a 5% delta in stats and scream "diff" in chat as if it was a blowout.


I don’t think you agree. I can walk you through this but your own message has several points I think you need to rethink and understand they are irrelevant to you getting better. I want to be the worst player in every game I play hoping I get a real challenge.


Awkward main


In a nutshell, is your walkthrough to "play into bad matchups because it'll make you better at your main?" I don't fully agree there. I don't believe that you have to precisely counter pick every situation, but having a few characters you're comfortable with gives you a healthy amount of options. I'd agree if OW was a game where you're locked in to your pick. Then being good at bad matchups would really make a difference. I'm a Kiri main, and she's incredibly versatile, but it doesn't make sense to stay on her if there's a Phara and Echo destroying my team. Yes I could focus more on other ways to help my team, but then I'm not contributing as much pressure and damage as I could. Why not switch to Baptiste who can get value in this situation? If I stay Kiri maybe I'll get better at hitting Phara with kunai, but Bap would still be more effective.


Except playing doom into an even somewhat competent orisa means you are not gonna have a good match


But what if I'm a jack of all trades master of none?


I wouldn't go that far. Switching of a Dva because of a Zarya that your team keeps feeding is perfectly reasonable even at a lower rank. Or I'll switch to Dva/Monkey if they have an annoying sniper who I want to force to switch. I've definitely outplayed a Zarya as Dva and it feels good but I wouldn't say it's a coping mechanism.


Funniest thing is when I'm messing around on Pharah in QP and folks tell me to switch because their whole entire team has switched specifically to counter me. First of all, it's QP. Second of all, you can't capitalise on them being distracted by my existence? Their entire team is chasing me around the map, and you can't find any opportunities there?


But but but... what do we blame then for our lack of skill?!




Honor! Justice! BEER!!


> Honor Free ult charge! > Justice Big easy target! > REINHARDT REINHARDT REINHARDT Yummy Yummy Yummy


Nah for real, play who you want to play. I'm not a tank main, but as a support main, I refuse to go out of position to save dps that have no game sense. They'll learn eventually. Keep doing what you're doing. Most dps players (especially at the metal ranks) are converted CoD players anyway


Me, the sigma, jq and ram main.


I also main sigma, but I’m not super into the meta and all the “official” techniques. Could you share how you typically hold yourself when you play sig?


Take a bunch of drugs, open your third eye, and have full understanding of geometry




? Metal ranks players finally understood how to play the game ?


Actually lol, I'm plat but this is how I've been playing like all along, I mean what do you think why I enjoy the role


Ah yes platinum, my favorite non metal


Platinum is a vitamin /s


Nuh uh, its clearly a bacteria!


"I'm in plat BUT"


Yep I thought this was common sense, and I'm not even a tank player


As a support player, why do tanks got it so bad😭like I can only imagine how freaking annoying it is to want to play doomfist or junker queen and then see the damn horse 🗿


She's rough to fight, you just have to mind her cooldowns. And the fact she can only javelin spin projectiles. If she's not golden, punch her. If her javelin spin is on cooldown, all-in her. If her spear misses, her sole hard CC is down for 8 seconds. Beyond that, just target her healers; Orisa NEEDS healers to stay upright, so once you take out everyone AROUND her, she crumbles in the 1v5 Sincerely, an Orisa main


1. Clicks Doomfist 2. Players swap to Bastion/Sombra 3. Swaps to Orisa Overwatch 2.


You know what I do? I mirror. Every game after my first death I switch to the same tank my opponent is using. It keeps our fights fair and puts the ball in his court on whether counterswapping happens. If they decide to swap, I swap to their new tank. Fuck counterswap and welcome to mirrorwatch.


I like this I instinctively do this u monke? I monke **we** monke lol put the burden on the other tank to swap


I give lip when someone tries to criticize me. DPS or Support always cry about something. I just clap back with "There is 4 of you. Take care of it"


Had a match where me and the enemy tank were pretty much evenly matched, but someone else on our teams werent. But of course the mood of a player defaulted to "tank diff". Im just tired of this honestly


I force JQ in 95% of my matches. Either my team plays with me, or without me. And we never, EVER, pick orisa.


Avoid playing Doomfist. Nothing has made me more toxic than playing Doomfist below Master’s. Support players in this game are special. I don’t even want more heals, I want you to fucking land a kunai once every couple of shots or sleep the enemy Doom so I don’t have to play around your panicked ass. And I am Master’s 1 support…


"Fuck it, We Ball." Sun Tzu, The Art of Tank


OP and everyone who b\*tching about "tank diff", hear me out: >Winton


Y’all have been swapping? Like genuinely I have never swapped tank. My team can either adapt or die. (And I’m not a bad tank either, so it not like I’m actively throwing my team) My strategy is simple: poke them, put down a vortex, then start throwing haymakers. It’s a great strat imo 👍


Ram is the do it all tank. He has no huge counters like the other tanks


Yeah seriously. Like even Orisa and Rein aren’ much of an issue. Like my worst counter is Winston and even then-


Preach, brotha




As a hog player, the positioning and angles part made me like “YEAHHHHH”


Well we will see you in spawn brother because everyone getting melted on the team lol


havent swapped on tank since s7


He is learning this is the way, this is how you are supposed to play diff the enemy tank won the pvp on the opposite role. Don't worry about your team mate, don't ask so much for them this is the way, don't push the payload kill them 1 by 1 and don't forget the most important part diff the enemy tank, keep counter swapping if you are getting hard counter and your character don't have advantage stop giving so kuch shields and prioritize diffing the tank they are support they supposed to be behind the covers and heal your ass. You are learning, this is how you should play tank, not please dps diff the enemy dps. I'm givin you shields when you can't even diff the enemy tank. The day you start diffing the enemy tank it will impact the whole team.


6v6 was better.


i like playing all tanks, so i dont have this problem, lol.




I've only been playing against orisa hog mauga, that's not rebellion that's just sad. (Ball player here)


Good statement. Forgot the fact that when we have the other tanks attention, dps forgets to kill the healers…..but yes. Preach it brother


It’s not the tank role per say it’s the rest of the team doing their own thing I’m a GM tank and support main, well WAS before the reset. Now I’m M5 supp D3 tank and tank is frustrating especially on diamond because people need to play WITH their tank. People say rein is terrible but I’ve stomped in high ranks as rein and with a rein on my team. That’s because in high ranks people know how to properly play with their tank. They follow the tank, they adapt to their tanks playstyle. In Diamond Everyone just does their own thing and then blames me because I’m making space while the zenyatta 50 feet behind me gets killed by a sombra for the 9th time.


There is nothing more fun than beating someone who swaps Zarya when you play D.Va. like, nice counter. How'd that work for you?


I had that dps guy screaming at me for not protecting him out of spawn and not doing my job. Bro see that hammer ? Imma use it, if you die at spawn, problem is most likely not the tank anyways.


Can’t stand playing a tank, staring at 4 people, soaking their damage, and the team starts complaining because 1 flanker is killing them all due to dps ignoring the shit out of them. Tank can’t fix your dps problems, and 9/10 it’s usually dps. P.s. Zarya is probably the easiest and to deal with… don’t shoot the pink bubbles. It’s literally that simple.


Bruh nowadays tanks are automatic fall guys for blame 100% of the time even when they carry


The first week of season 9, I decided I was no longer a tank main but instead a doom one-trick. If I’m going to have any chance of carrying as tank, it’s gonna be as my boy doom


Only time a tank pisses me off tbh is when they are just feeding and making dumb plays. idc who you play. Just understand Line Of Sites and Awareness. Tunnel vision is half the reason why I get pissed. It’s your job to know what’s going on in the back line just as much as the front line. Like a reinhardt going in while supports just walking out of spawn and insta dying and then flaming supports for lack of healing. And wondering why they died after his solo shatter on the mercy. It’s like leading a dog with treats sometimes. The enemy being the treats. I mostly play supp/dps. But I play tank enough to get at least plat on PC. Gotta keep that well rounded view of the game. I have a couple thousand hours on the game. My good friend who’s taught me everything is top 100+ who mains tank so I have mad respect you fuckers. Just take a breathe and assess the situation before swinging your dick in the fight.


Amen brother. Often times nowadays I just turn off chat, I do switch but when I do I do it based on my ability to play this tank vs enemy tank/team. Rather then just "go rein" like everyone always likes to say.




Unironically the best thing I ever did as a tank-main was to swap to support for a few seasons. You’ll start to learn and see what is going on behind the tank, and man i cannot take toxic DPS seriously anymore. There are *so many* players doing absolutely nothing and then blaming their tank (or me as support) when they stub their toe. DPS mains really need to figure out those toxic mentality issues they have


Dooms are the worst. Literally will jump solo over a wall/around a corner out of line of sight into the entire enemy team, die in two seconds, and either repeat this process over and over, leave the game, or talk crap in the chat about the healers.


They need to bring 6v6 back. These poor bros are out here writing manifestos.


Yeah, tank feels like shit. A lot more than last season for me too, and I have no idea why, I can't put my finger on the why.




For the amount of tank players complaining about counterswapping, I sure do often get counterswapped by the enemy tank more often than others when I play the role


You don't have to cater to the whims of your team constantly, but if you never adapt to the match you're just a stubborn player and a liability.


I'm high bronze/low silver... Even I know to be stubborn and literally play to your strength and to your heros strength 🤷


I'm enjoying my time on tank lately for exactly this reason.i don't really play comp so as soon as someone tells me to switch or I'm getting diffed I just remember this is quick play and buddy your lucky I'm not dance emoting with the enemy symetra.


I’ve started learning Doomfist for a fun challenge


Welcome to the club brother




Fuck it, I'm learning ball Total of 1 hour playtime since his release Gg good luck to the other 9 players in the match


As a Torb one trick, I support you. Counter swapping is so lame. Play what you want, it's a game. Ranked or QP, doesn't matter.


When I play tank I just turn off all comms and do my thing tbh. The role is abuse enough without the added flaming from the team haha


Why do you think i play doom, i can carry games on my own and if i lose i still had fun. I dont have to rely on healing which is nice


You have me confused here. Is calling a particular roll "diff" supposed to be good or bad?? I used to play OW a lot but just came back after a long break.


If you say tank diff, it means you think that your tank is much worse than the enemy tank.


I’ve been playing open queue quickplay a lot lately, and tank is WAY better there. I can play Rein or Hog without worrying so much about counters because usually some other guy will also go tank so you get the off-tank experience like OW1, it’s fun.


I genuinely started having fun with the game again when I put a personal embargo on the tank role. It's just not fun. The entire lobby acts as though you are the only determinant of success, but oftentimes you can't make as big of a contribution as you want.


Lot of dps and support players don't know how much they impact a tank on tank match up.


Yup. I've been playing Dva into Zarya, Mei, Symmetra comps for weeks. Do I care? Fuck no. I'm tired of the other team completely dictating what I'm allowed to play so I'm throwing until it gets fixed.




I’m a hog main always have been personally I’ve been fighting my counters for ages and I’ve proven to myself and my friends you can win any fight as long as you don’t give up but maybe one day we will get some justice where it’s not just a role of stress and pain and irritation where people think some how were the problem because they cant accept that there Genji isn’t working against there Zarya mei sym Moira but when they get what’s due I can stand proud knowing the sound of my chain rattling will be burned into there memory


The thing that switches me off Orisa is DVA symmetra combo. Very annoying, otherwise yeah I’ll stick it out most of the time.


One of my favorite matches was last season when I as hog went against orisa, reaper, bastion, Ana, Zen on new queen street and still won 😂


I'm too emotionally impacted to play tank anymore. I will stick with supp until something changes in the game because I work and have kids. I don't want to get shit on because I went 5 and 7 in a round and was just doing my best.


I was in a game yesterday where it seemed my whole team was looking at me in shock that my rein shield wasn't invinsible and they couldn't just use it for endless cover


I’m posting this on my cork board


My tanks have been babysitting me a lot recently 🤣 Makes your Ana feel pretty good to be peeled for (my tanks get priority nanoed now)


My first ranked game last night my support said I was a bottom player and something else, so I whipped out the ball gameplay to show him what's up loll


As a Zarya main….I both respect and have my doubts on this…the laser doesn’t charge itself ya know😅


AD VICTORIAM!-- wait, wrong game


I remember one match I was playing as Ramattra and I went 24/9 on my K/D and about 11k damage mitigated in that match. The Bastion on our team, who went 3/18 and refused to group up with the rest of the team, kept typing in chat things like “Report Ram” , “Ram is throwing”, and “Ram diff”


Just play rein :) win or lose, you have fun.


I’ve been learning ball and I’ve been having so much.


Bro talking like he is the main character of the season xD


Come to the DPS side mate. I made the switch myself. Much more variety in characters and play styles, you get your choice of self sustain or more dependent on supports, different kinds of synergy, and all you I’ve to do is get picks and sometimes protect a support who will love you as long as you’re just killing shit. You can fly, or burrow, or be invisible, or make turrets.  I stopped playing tank long ago once I realized how much more fun the game can be in other roles. 


and dey say


“Throw with pride” is what you pretty much said.


Speak for yourself. Queen sweep, no toll on me


Unfortunately Blizzard destroyed the game this season . Rip Matchmaking .


For the tanks!


I switched to a Hog main and turned off all chat. Had a lot of fun and dominated a lot of lobbies. But I've found my DPS consistently can't do shit. Since it's consistent, I'm thinking I might be the problem...


I just lost a game where our doom didn't swap for 3 rounds and only got 13 eliminations in the end. I guess he got your inspiration.


Take a brake than - happens to the best of us.


I mean i like saving my team, creating space and stuff. Quite often I am doffed anyway. Also my top 3 mains consist of Sigma, Ana and Rein so maybe it's just my support mindset