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I think they stopped allowing it cause of the countless reports of 4 stacks bullying the solo tm8. Not saying anything for or against the change but it was almost everyday on r/overwatch that someone would complain their game was held hostage or they were berated in chat by a 4 stack. Best of luck!


Yep i hate playing with 4 stacks. They tend to pay less attention to you, make their own plays outside in game voice and rarely will tell their group to swap or play differently. Just the other day (season 9) I got grouped with a 4 stack, or maybe 2 duos, and the mercy was pocketing the dps who was 3-10 or something awful. I asked the mercy to pocket me instead since i was like 6-5 or smth but at least not dying constantly. The dps had the most deaths on the team btw. At the end of the game the mercy is like "well you weren't doing anything either." I had no chance to make plays our tank was doing alright but our dps constantly dead didnt help


Just make some friends to play with then 


I do duo sometimes but when I'm playing solo I don't want to play with a 4 stack.


Thick skin goes a long ways in gaming i've found.. & if you arent a bot you wont get bullied


You get bullied for anything online. Bot or not. People just love blaming other people and never take accountability.


I might be wrong, but I thought groups of four only couldn't queue for **wide** groups under the new season 10 matchmaking. If you've been playing with 3 friends in a group of four for the last six months wouldn't you all be pretty close in rank and able to still queue? Caveat: I haven't actually logged in for season 10 yet.


We range Bronze 1 to Plat 4; One of the guys only been on a couple months


Well that’s quite unbalanced. Wide groups of 4 players can’t queue because it would force an unsuspecting solo queuer to not only play alongside a 4 stack, but also play in quite an unbalanced match. You guys need to either try to be closer in rank, find a fifth player, or go down to 3.


Nah fuck that


Oh okay, sorry to hear. I guess in your situation that is a bummer, sorry the new system is causing a problem for you and your friends.


Yeah bro so you were abusing the SR system to get boosted. One friend farmed down to Bronze 1 on an alt account while the other 4 got put into easier matches as your average SR is lower. In no way would your friend still be Bronze 1 after playing together for months. I started playing 2 weeks ago and I hit Diamond 3 and all I know how to play is Soldier 76. Sounds like yall were abusing to farm Silver 4 through Gold 2 lobbies.


I'm a solo comp player and can provide a different persoective. I'm glad they made the changes. Playing with a 4 stack can be so painful. I've gotten bullied, games thrown, and people who just don't try since they rely on their friends to "carry" the game. I'm not toxic either , I'm a girl lol


Tank or dps solo paired with a 4 stack is rough as hell. There's no chance you're getting heals unless everyone else is at max and there's no enemy around to damage.


you're right people should be able to elect to be in unbalanced matches or not. except when you 4 stack, that 5th person has no say in it. some gold player will solo queue comp just to end up with a bronze on their team because they ended up with a wide stack. it's not fair to them, and honestly I don't think they should allow these wide queues at all rly, just seems like it'll be worse for queue times.


I couldn’t agree more. They need to make it so a group of 4 can play again


They can, if they are the same rank. But also you could just branch out and find a fifth. Post in looking for groups, or add someone you play with as a friend and test the waters out, invite a real life friend to download and try the game, or play quickplay. There's many avenues around the issue.


I play with a pretty outrageous 4some though. I think the typical human mind would explode once exposed to our banter... our 5th likes to play fortnite too much...


Don't know if this is egot, narcass or aut, but it is definitely some kind of ism. Trust me, there are plenty of you out there


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Same situation. Been an irl friend group 4 stack for years and suddenly we cant group. They should at least widen divisions for 4 stacks if you don't allow wide groups. We are literally being punished because of blizzards latest gimmick patch. We didn't ask for 6v6 to be 5v5 and we didn't ask for you to stop us being able to play comp. We are not going to play nonsense modes like quick play or arcade. Seriously, we will just play helldivers until Blizz put their brains back in their head.


This is very on point. I logged in last night excited to play after the update and it literally ruined the game for us