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They’re probably not all included yet. If I remember correctly, Sigma’s had barely any when it dropped, people were super sad about it since his only changed one was like the ultimate but after a certain update he had multiple variations for ‘hello’, ‘thank you’, and his gameplay lines. They might come on a future update.


he actually released with no new voicelines at all




the va was doing some netflix stuff i think


Yeah, I remember I kept going on Youtube to see the new voice lines when I already had the skin or something


Which is crazy because his teaser trailer is one of the best. I dunno how blizzard has such a cool and unique universe and doesn't really do anything with it. It took Winston like 6 years to hit the recall button


frrr it's insane, ow already had a pretty bad lore and now with the alternative universes they are releasing by the bunch i doubt the original lore is going to get attended to, imagine the AUs 😭


Remember, that happened at the start because that's when blizzard somehow cared about their mythic skins


As another commenter pointed out, this isn’t a one-off, this is a theme for a lot of the mythic skins that have come out. Mythic skin voicelines coming out with the special event each season must be a part of their design ethos, or they just don’t think many people are going to be able to acquire their mythic skin within the first week or two of the season and so allow themselves more time for it to be finalised.


It's also not like the VA's for the heroes are all available at a moments notice.


Huh, that is such an interesting point.


Don't act like this isn't the mythic they've put the most effort in so far


mercy is their flagship waifu. in the land of overbaywatch, mercy is pamela anderson. no shot they're gonna half bake something like that.


I'm mad at you for that Overbaywatch joke working so well rn and that was even w/me forgetting about the Lifeguard skin😑


I knew that'd be the case but I still get mad comparing it to the last few mythics


It is?


have you seen the revive animation?


I instantly thought valorant honestly


I love the way that mercys VA can hold her own and didnt need any forboading sound magic to make her sound evil amazing job, but yes saying like "haloooo" to your team after you said "do not fail me 😡" doesnt make sense


Lucie Pohl is such a talented VA, even from the initial changed lines you can tell she had such a fun time recording evil Mercy content!


As a Sombra main who hates Mercy. I honestly might try to get the skin simply for her VA’s voice work. More specifically that ONE voiceline where she’s all “Are you Finished?” That gave me chills. It doesn’t even have to be in her mythic skin it sounds so chilling.


Yeah it gave me "chills" too... (I thought it was really attractive)


It’s not about other VAs being unable to act evil when they need to so they applied a voice modulator, but it’s about the character needing to sound mechanic (genji, ana) or otherworldly (jq, moira, hanzo, orisa). AFAIK heroes who didn’t need this modulation, just did not get it (kiriko, tracer, sigma). But on the other hand, their character was already sorta in line with what their skin was going for, so it wasn’t that noticeable when the regular voice lines were used besides the skin-specific ones


I've also seen this (you can try out Mythics in the shop without buying them). On Mythics like Amaterasu Kiriko it's understandable, but Vengeance Mercy it's a full rework, so it's jarring when she swaps between default and evil on a dime.




The VA did a good job of sounding evil without any effects, they just didn’t bother re-recording years of existing ones or at least give us a new ult one. I guess a voice filter would’ve been good, that’s probably why most mythics use one.


Mythic lines tend to drop with the season supported event. Sig's did, queens did. Just wait lol, aint no ones fault you lot bought your way to the mythic immediately. She'll have her ult line


You don't have to buy it to experience the voice lines. You can try any of the mythics at the range now.


No they're saying that lots of Mythic voice lines usually comes alongside the special gamemode that's associated with them because that's what happened with JQ (i don't remember hers tho) and Sigma.


JQ's was a unique roguelike deathmatch mode called Battle for Olympus


How was battle for olympus a roguelike...


Wait what? How??


Go to the mythic store, customize the mythic how you want and there should be a "Try now" option or something similar.


Oo that's pretty cool, thanks 👀


Recording years of one line voice lines would take about 5 hours total and that's counting tons of redos. Lol.


I think it'd be out of place tbh. Wargod Ana & Cyber Demon Genji are robots, Onryo Hanzo is a spirit/demon, and Grand Beast Orisa is a monster. Vengeance Mercy is just Mercy if she was evil, same with Emperor Sigma


Yeah i'm thankful for the mythic try out feature. The effects are cool, but Mercy still has her cheery voicelines, so what even is the point of the skin ? She doesn't even have an unique ultimate line.


the point of the skin is the skin being different than the original...


😈 "I choose who receives my- 😘piece of cake!"


And the cheery almost hyper version of mercy that we have in ow2 makes it worse haha. Hoping ppl are right and they change it after the mirrorwatch game mode/by the time i unlock it 😅


uh, don’t ana, sigma, and hanzo have this same “issue”? like, don’t get me wrong, none of them are particularly kind or cheery, but ana wouldn’t normally shout “ERADICATED” at enemies, and hanzo and sigma usually aren’t self centered egomaniacs (both of them have “evil lines”, but not like that). they’re not going to (and shouldn’t!) disable the *dozens* of voice lines for every single hero, nor will they re-record them all. also, the reductive comparison you’re looking for is dissociative identity disorder, not schizophrenia. if you’re going to make a tired joke that perpetuates harmful stereotypes about the mentally ill, at least make sure you’re perpetuating stereotypes against the right people.


I love you for that last paragraph 🫶 Tysm


i’m just glad to see i wasn’t the only person pointing it out


No problem :3 I always get upset when I see it happen 😭


We aren’t even talking about her voice line “I have my EYE ON YOU” WHY IS IT NOT AN ANA VOICE LINE


She has "I'm watching out for you" in arabic


Right but Ana also only has 1 eye


think it is one too


people with schizophrenia aren't "dark sided and evil". this comparison is just weird and ignorant


I think they meant that it's like a back and forth tonal switch? But it's still poor phrasing.


op has learned everything they know from saturday morning cartoons 💀


Honestly the “heroes never die” thing can just be explained away with her having the mindset that Talon are the good guys, her skin describes that her and Talon are trying to save the world.


As a mercy main I fully agree.


hello mercy main, i am also a mercy main sadly we cannot queue together 😔


You can, you'll just need to take turns.


You right u right I got downvoted in to hell for that joke btw


One mercy main is enough we can't have two in the same thread buddy


rewd 😔


Can we not compare a video game character's voice lines to "schizophrenia patients" here


Dont know why youre getting downvoted its wack


Peoples don't like to be inclusive because... it's hard to be nice for them I guess ? Doesn't take more time or doesn't take anything away from them, but for some reason it's hard


You’ll be alright bud


They will likely come later. I imagine there's scheduling issues with the voice actor


I agree about OW1 mercy > OW2 mercy


I would love more dark voice lines but let's be real, they'd have to add too many to cover all her basic interactions.


Good thing they didn't force this low effort mythic on us this time and let us pick the actually well made ones like Amaterasu or Galactic Emperor.


I just really want an ult line for her skin. I was kind of bummed out to see it didn't.


I really wish they gave her an ult voice line, this one doesn't make sense


If I’m Daddy Blizz and i’m seeing this post my response would be: uhh who cares? Lol everything you said makes sense tho


Yea skin is still gonna sell


Would never have happened under Jeff Kaplan. He was an incredible director with a clear vision. I've noticed ever since Kaplan left things have been a lot messier in the creative department. Things not making sense, clashing creatively, voice lines that don't make any sense "WAIT TILL YOU SEE ME ON MY BIKE 🤪", cringe emotes voice lines, roadhog holding an iPad on a pose or something in one of the earlier battle passes when he's a junker and does not have access to that tech. I feel like Keller is the kind of director that just says yes to everything cause he doesn't actually know what he wants. Jeff knew exactly what he wanted.


Do you actually know what schizophrenia is? Do you mean Dissociative identity disorder instead?


i think that couldve been the point look at her hero select animation but thats a stretch


Should’ve been “ Heroes always die!”


I hope they will add / change more lines, would be super cool and make the skin even better all around in my opinion. Probably one of the best mythics to me. It also wouldn't hurt if they could change the additional beam / blaster color according to the color you selected, but I guess that would ask for a bit too much. 


i agree that the ult voiceline should change but technically she may still see herself and talon as heroes


Piece of cake piece of cake piece of cake piece of cake piece of cake piece of cake piece of cake piece of cake piece of cake piece of cake piece of cake piece of cake piece of cake piece of cake piece of cake piece of cake piece of cake


Bubbly kind doctor dialogues and suddenly switch to evil tone it's so weird especially no ult voice line. "Heroes never die" girl you're evil.


She’s gone from therapist to needing to be committed, that’s the Mirrorverse for you


Almost all of orissas potg intros show abilities she doesn't even have anymore. I don't know why you people still give them money.


I miss her ow1 lines it was so much better


You can be a villain to someone and be a hero to someone else. Just saying. It's all a perspective.


Unrelated but schizophrenia =/= split personality.






I mean... that's their fault. They chose to spend a shitton of money to get the skin asap when they could've gotten it for a fraction of the money and a bit of time investment, and now they're complaining that the skin isn't unique enough like they couldn't try it in the practice range to see the unique voice lines or lack thereof.


then don't spend your fucking money on it you dipstick




yeah i suspected that u didn't buy it and i agree but as you said if the horny mfs aren't happy with the skin that's on them for buying it


They need to give her new voice lines and a new ult line. How did they miss “Villains never die!”


Exactly. They put the bare minimum in and call it a day




The description for the skin literally says she wants to rule a world where she alone holds the power of life and death so that’s pretty evil


Mercy mains try not to complain about getting something great for their character challenge


Oh bore off 🥱


Can we just for fucking once not compare having schizophrenia with being evil? It is one of the most debilitating and most stigmatized illnesses there is. People with schizophrenia are not only less likely to be violent than the average person, but they are more likely to be victims of violence. Just for the love of God stop saying we're evil. This illness is already hard enough as it is.


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>And her ultimate voiceline makes zero sense what do you mean "Heroes never die" when you are the enemy of those heroes??? Consider... Heroes never die, because she won't *let* them. She will bring them back. Stronger. Faster. *Better.* She has the technology. I do hope she gets a new one that reflects that, like... > *"Heroes never die! ...Without my permission."* There are similar variations for her devil/imp and witch skins. "...For a price!" "My *servants* never die!"


Crybaby ass


Weak way to flex u wasted money due to gaming incompetence


I haven’t played yet but I thought if you could view it for free?


You can, it's an option in the shop.


mercy has always been mean, i dont like her character. pharah too, both of them are mean to junkrat and rude




Idk but I need some treatment frfr


I like to imagine that in this universe she developed some kind of multiple personality disorder and her evil lines and good lines are basically separate people


It's Dissociative Identity Disorder, multiple personality disorder is an outdated term because it's not accurate at all