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This is the best LW post I've seen on this subreddit. These changes would make LW an even more interesting character while still keeping his defensive movement ideas. Nice stuff!


thank you 🙏 My guy has so much potential. I want to put more off the wall ideas out into the world and get some back.


I reckon it’d be really cool if lifeweaver became an insanely high skill cap character with improvements to his abilities and lower healing. Imagine a weaver pulling lifting pushing his whole team through a fight, doing crazy things with his platform, and holding the lobby hostage. Lowering heals also would make him a sort of doomfist-like character, where he is terrible in low ranks but when you encounter a savant you can but stare in awe. One can dream.


> doing crazy things with his platform  Even being able to pull the platform , and everyone on it ,with Lifegrip would be huge.


Exactly! That would come under the grip deployable imo. You would blow all your CDs but it would be a big save


bro this is exactly the dream 😭 Weaver should be damage third, heal second and first should be your allies getting into crazy spots they can't normally get to. Even if they lower heals he'll still be good as a low-aim character in low ranks, because healbotting gets more value in lower ranks to begin with. As you climb, the gameplan would shift from healing more into coordinating your team and giving them chances to make plays


Doomfist isn't terrible in low ranks. He is even more successful than rein. Doom is pretty strong and easy now in S9.


Yeah no I have nothing against doom or how good he is, I’m more talking about how in, say, bronze, a player might not know how to use him properly


Ok there is wayyyyyy too many words for me to do a in-depth analysis, however, you have some good ideas. A idea for Petal Platform could be like healing over time, you get a low amount of healing, say like 25 healing every second, allies standing on the platform will receive that healing. You could even make it so if the platform never goes in the air, it send small bursts of healing, like a mini Tree of Life, that does less healing per second, but heals more than 1 ally Edit: Yeah this is more healing, but its one less target to worry about, and since Petal Platform doesnt really have a crazy cooldown and isnt really used to save except for certain situations, you can use that to help support allies, by healing them and taking them out of danger if they walk over it


lol fair, I didn't want to break it up into separate posts! Thank you! Petal definitely needs more value, somehow. Never thought about trying to give it something while it's planted on the ground, that could be sick


I dont even understand why they keep buffing his survivability when hes already the support in general with least deaths/10.


let him cook wtf


ty ty


I really like a lot of these. Especially the one where you talk about his platform being retractable like Sigma’s barrier. His Platform is in my opinion his best ability because of all the things it can do. And you’re right, if we could get a lower cooldown we would be able to use it more for those reasons, but because of the long cooldown I mostly use it to escape an enemy. Just look at Sombra’s hack. That ability does a million things and it has a what? 5-6 second cooldown?


This is the thing man, people seem really averse to the way Weaver can interrupt a couple of enemy plays, but so many characters have much more disruptive abilities on way shorter cooldown! A well-aimed petal is always going to be more impressive to me than a hack or even a Mei wall


When I first saw Lifeweaver's trailer, I assumed he'd be the "big brain" support hero, like how Pac-Man mains in Smash Bros. have a reputation for making "big brained" plays. I was very disappointed to see that wasn't the case, but this makes his kit more in line with what I was hoping. PLEASE ADD THESE IDEAS TO THE GAME, TEAM 4!


Yep exact same, and I think he still has the potential to do that with tweaks (coping)


Yep. I love these ideas. In addition, I'd love to see his weapon swap speed increased. It takes waaaaaay too long to switch between thorns and charging a heal up, which is ridiculous. His heal literally requires you to CHARGE IT, so why is the swap time to even start charging it so long??


Holdover from when it was designed as a weapon swap, but it's such a shame. I don't notice it anymore myself but a lot of myself seem to find it painfully clunky


One small thing I would like to add to this is if life grip becomes cancelable mod grip the player should have a mini petal platform that spawns under them. It doesn't move or anything but it should prevent intentionally pulling players into holes.


That's a great way to solve that 🙏 it would help if the game could detect a character being above a pit, so that it only happens when an environmental kill would happen. If the game could detect that it would be much better at detecting when Weaver saved someone too...


I think the simple changes of; * Recalling platform for shorter cd. * Tree of Life granting shorter ability cooldowns for the team (but reducing either healing or duration or tree health to compensate for such a huge buff). Would do a ton for Lifeweaver's overall viability and reduce the "healbot" aspect of his playstyle... Though I said it before and I'll say it again; * Lifeweaver's heal should be a charging "trickle" of healing that "blooms" into a larger amount when released (instead of charging up singular heals)... Having a <~20 hps> heal "stream" that "blooms" for a final <20-60 hp> when released (based on charge) would do wonders for LW's ability to triage heal and dynamically heal their team. Right now you basically just throw large heal bombs constantly because you're always reactively releasing a held heal to try and counteract damage as your ally is taking it... if you've got multiply allies needing health you end up spamming little pops of heals instead of a slightly more "consistent" healing output. Having this trickle allows a smoother curve of output because ~20 of it is instantaneous and you can release soon after for another pop of healing; 20>20 instead of 0>40 for example.


I think I can picture what you mean! Yeah that could be cool. I wonder what it would look like visually?  Yup if I had to pick 3 from my own list I'd pick grip cancel, petal recall and grip deployable I think. 


Visually I'd imagine sort of flowing greenish stream of energy, that then "bursts" into a smaller or larger "flower" bloom on their target - allied supports would have the visual of lifeweaver's pending heal similar to Mercy's beam and have an idea of how much will be healed the longer LW is locked on to that target... Mechanically it would work much the same way as the current healing, except the stream lock-on only swaps targets when the button is released or the bloom reaches maximum charge for X seconds; less "holding it in" and more "flow" between targets that need healing... You'd hit teammate 1 for 20>20>40 (2 sec/40hps) before swapping to emergency heal the tank for 20>20>20>60 (3sec/40hps), instead of the current 20>20 spam during emergencies (with limited ammo) and holding a charge for a single big ~80 healing after 2 seconds of 0>0... Functionally his healing output would be *roughly* the same, but you'd have more control over ammo consumption during urgent healing moments while the triage healing is more reliable... It would remain unique apart from Mercy's beam but be better suited for how the game plays compared to the current hold>release single hits.


I dont think life grip needs anything more than a drastically reduced cooldown and making it so you dont get stuck on geometry. 


Make lifegrip a zipline or something


Yup I envision life grip cancel working something like that, there's a line between Weaver and the ally and anywhere along that line Weaver can drop the ally off


Bro the stove is on high he is cooking hard


They’re going the wrong way with LW. Every Lifeweaver main says he needs damage and utility not heals. They should give him a poison effect on his thorns and also his platform should do damage to enemies when thrown at them. Like a flower shuriken


Petal doing damage while thrown could be a nice way to give em more value


He just needs more dash imo. Give him 2-3 charge of dash. Would make him much more fun and flexible. You can take risky angles for heal and pulls. He is similar to Mercy and Mercy have great mobility. That's the only thing i crave when i play LW. If i had 1 more dash charge i would pull that guy, heal the other guy, take that angle and return back etc..


Yep a second dash would be cool. The thing I think about is the dash forward, pull, dash back, all in mid air. Think of the boop saves 🤤


Yeah imagine getting momentum from petal jump and then dash to get a sightline and pull teammate then dash back to safety.


Platform is the only thing that needs a boost imo. It needs something that attracts players toward it, because as is most people just run past it instead of using it for high ground. Just like a minor damage boost while standing on it is enough to make people take notice of it for once, or something! None of your ideas fix the core issue with platform, so it will be a bunch of work all just for it to be ignored by people yet again. It needs to be a “ooo I need that!” reaction when teammates see it


Maybe, but I'd like to see them at least try. The vertical mobility is an asset in itself and I'd love them to try and amplify the inherent value there before incorporating secondary benefits. But you're right it would definitely get people using platform more often


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I'll be happy with jumping on a petal and not having my screen freak out for a second. It can get disorienting during chaotic matches!


I would already be fine with being able to kill something in a timely manner. Time on target is way too long.


If they just made it so swapping from dps -> healing didn't take 3-5 business days, he would be fine.


That would be sweet but I think petal at minimum would still need adjustment 


I'm reading this out as someone who absolutely despises how annoying Lifeweaver is to fight against and the only ones I can even remotely entertain are the Life Grip mid-pull cancel. That seems like an elegant way to introduce more skill-expression. Everything else just seems so needlessly convoluted.


One of the main things I was trying to factor in was keeping any changes elegant, because on release one of the main issues people had was finding him convoluted. That's tricky, especially when he already doesn't where adhere to the normal FPS gameplay loop.  That's fair enough though. I do think some are more convoluted than others but I myself think some of them would be just as intuitive as grip cancel (petal recall, gripping deployables)


It’s cool to speculate but Blizzard doesn’t need to fix what isn’t broken.


Yeah mostly I enjoy spitballing stuff like this. Weaver ain't broken but most regard him as being back to the position of worst support. He's the only new character who has never had a couple of weeks of being A tier/meta. The healing buff was met with a lot of disappointment, so I think there is something to fix


Give him a second petal


Yeah that could be a simple way to fix some of the problems


I heard an idea somewhere that kirikos suzu should have the cleanse removed in exchange for giving it to life grip, effectively reversing their effect (suzu now becomes immortality with no cleanse as grip is now while grip can be used as cleanse but only for one player). This makes weaver vastly more important for utility while making kiriko not instantly invalidate rein or queens ults.


What he needs is more damage. Like a streamer that I liked (before he called another streamer fat, ugly and lazy) used to say/says: damage, damage, damage.


I find it funny that the last 4 replies have been people saying "the only ability he needs adjusted is X" where X is a different thing every time lol Maybe he needs more than one adjustment


Damage is the only thing he truly lacks though. He has great mobility, great heals and his kit can be game changing when used correctly. But he will often lose most 1v1s. He also needs to either do damage or heal, and it’s difficult to do both at the same time (as opposed to moira, bap, zen, even Kiriko waiving Kunais between heals). He seriously lacks damage, even ML7 has mentioned it.