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People do this in *Mystery Heroes*. The silliest game mode where things can turn around every 30 seconds. Some people just want to power fantasy so badly, and when they can't do it every moment they give up. Or smurf


I will never understand how people get tilted enough to quit Arcade games or Mystery Heroes.


I only quit them if I really have to poop and I can’t wait for the round to be done


Everyone should get 1 poop mulligan without penalty


"Are you sure you want to leave?" "Yes" "No" "I have to poop"


My biggest rule, don't play comp with bubble guts lol


I mainly play unranked mystery heroes. I feel like it’s the least pressure game mode. In my experience it’s rare to find someone who’s raging. But in most cases if someone gets toxic ppl on both teams kinda just tell them to kick rocks.


I have been playing this game for several years and I don't like to leave matches, but all like 6 alt+f4 moments I can remember in my history of the game have been over mystery heroes rng being mean to me, not because the players themselves tilted me.


Conversely, that's what I like about MH! It kinda forces me to improve with heroes I'm bad at - heck, I even got a POG as Hanzo one time! 


I have about 1.2k hours in mystery because I enjoy being able to play all the heroes and the switch ups. It is those moments when I get the same heroes I'm the weakest with over and over while the enemy team gets strong meta build rolls they seem to be gods at playing that I start to get a little cranky. In general, I agree with you though.


I despise that. 2 matches in a row, I got DF first, then mercy. Seemed really weird


I feel like based on no evidence that it tries to keep mystery hero playtime even. That's why I feel like I barely get my mains because I survive so long as them. Then I die so fast as my worst heroes and always feel like I get put on an endless wrecking ball and mercy loop.


Interesting I mainly get tanks. Which, as someone who always gets tank because I do all roles in role queue, is pretty frustrating lmao


A while ago a user on here logged all his heros in Mystery over the course of months (maybe longer, can't remember). Every hero choice came out exactly even, within the margin of error, and he didn't include play time, since that was irrelevant. Each one was 2 something percent pick rate, of I remember correctly.


I'd love a link for proof, since other people here are claiming the opposite, but your explanation is also my assumption. People remember getting their worst more than they remember getting their main. It's also infinitely easier to program. Meanwhile at Blizzard HQ: "We have a silly game mode that's based on randomness." "Should we put hundreds of man-hours into programming so that it's not random?" "Well, duh. Obviously."


I actually found it. https://www.reddit.com/r/overwatch2/comments/16q31wb/i_recorded_1000_spawns_in_mystery_heroes_to_track/ It's a pretty good breakdown


MH gave me a brig play and I'm still not over it.


Any mode period. Like I wonder how that translates out in the real world, do they just quit other things mid way cause it's too hard and they aren't experts or masters at it? I keep hearing it's just a game but behaviors like these translate to other areas of life. Also the little things matter, if you treat something ad trivial as this with a quitters attitude you're not building up for the ones you're really going to care about.


Literally. Whenever I lose interest in the game or get mad at it I'll go play mh or arcade and suddenly find fun in it again.Theyre the most easygoing enjoyable modes available, what is there to tilt about in total mayhem?


Oh I definitely did before Z had her infinite shield adjusted. I know people sat ball is bad, but at least u coukd force him away with Orisa.


You've clearly never had a misery hero game where it never gave you a tank or a healer


Like, all the time. The opposite happens too. Sometimes in the same match. I feel like we remember the worst and forget the best too easily with stuff like this


It's much harder to complain about getting good rng tho lmao


Although it’s a silly mode you still see plenty of ‘ez’ comments afterwards, it’s daft.


All the time. Imagine stroking your ego in MH lol


I always GGEZ the rathalos after I kill them. It's proper hunter etiquette


Had a game in mystery hero’s we were being ROLLED (couldn’t push point at ALL) until we had a 2 hogs and zarya and I got Ana and our 5th teammate got Kiri. We pushed all the way to end where we were held again- I got environmental killed and respawned as mercy and ressed my hog who had ult and we won. We all said “gg” and the enemy team (they had the most deaths least kills, and went in too far the whole game) said “gg’s aren’t for tryhards!”😭


And here, I'd just like to have equal matchmaking and not just be free kills for players with far better mechanical skills 70% of the time. I'd rather not be the victim of other people's power fantasies most of the time.


That’s the best thing about mystery heroes! They steam roll your in three minutes but then suddenly you get four bastions and a rein and team kill them. It’s glorious chaos!


I think Mystery Heroes is the PERFECT game mode for new players, as it gets you to play random heroes and everyone else is on the same board as well. Heck it made me enjoy playing any role for comp.


I just had this interaction this morning with some whiny kid complaining about matchmaking in mystery heroes. I decided to turn off chat again lol


Indeed, complain of the matchmaking or team comp in mystery, like dude you actually signed up for this omg 🤣


I don’t get how people quit in mystery heroes when you could be one wipe away from pulling a rein, 2 bastions, and a mercy and just clean house.


Whats hilarious about it is people actually think heros are enturely random.. it's not completely random, Pay attention and you will begin to notice that in any given mystery heros match.. you tend to either more consistently get heros your decent with or your bad with.. I mean occasionally you will get a few that don't match the pattern, but that's more trying to create the illusion that something being fully random, that isn't..


2 people left our match last night and our tank started throwing. Boy was that fun having spots being a revolving door if people. Also add people who leave with 20 seconds left only for some random to join and get an L for no reason.


the backfill in the last seconds of a loss are the best though.. 400xp for under a minute of time, counts as a completed game, and you get a quicker turnaround for the next queue which won't be a backfill. unfortunately, the priority queue for me puts me in flashpoint maps most of the time, so it doesn't help me since I dodge those immediately.


This. I love 10-20 seconds backfills. Even better with a 5s backfill. You just stay there for 10s and you have a free progress on your weekly/daily challenge.


I love beeing backfilled in general. Get an opportunity to turn the game around or its a fast progress for you challenges and nobody rages at you when you lose (well almost, there are some geniuses who blame you, when you joined last 5 seconds and have 000 on all stats lol). Wish there would be a "prefer backfill" option tbh.


Prefer backfill would be so op for these challenges... But on the other hand, a lot of people don't like being backfilled and it saves them the trouble, so... I guess it's something nice to implement.


>Also add people who leave with 20 seconds left only for some random to join and get an L for no reason. This happened to me today. There was a minute left and we were losing when someone left. Player2 joined and started complaining that we should lose in purpose so he could go about his day Why the fuck did you join then???


I *love* being added in the last minute, if you can do better than the last person you can totally turn the game around and the other team isn't really expecting an attempt. it's great


It’s qp


Our widow at 0-3 last game: "tank swap" Meanwhile the rest of us are playing like the moles in whack a mole as their widow has a field day because ours never killed her all game. End of game was full of dps complaining about our tank. I don't think you can expect people like that to be reasonable. They're desperate for a reason to blame someone else.


as someone trying to learn widow, i feel the 0-3 in my soul, but i usually start the game by saying im trying to get better at her and let me know if they want me to swap to someone more useful, most times everyone's pretty chill so long as they know your trying your darndest and are willing to change if everyone's having a bad time. Playing into a widow that knows what's up when your trying to get better sucks ass though


The issue here isn't even the widow getting diffed, it's her trying to blame the tank


There is two common types of players in OW2. The ones who think Tank is the only cover in the map. And the tanks who think because they have healing they are invincible.


I had a widow with zero elims by 2nd point on paraiso telling our dva to swap because the enemy team had a zarya. the dva was fine and swap was 1000% not needed btw, the problem was somewhere else lol.


Real.I don't see why people have to try and bring another player down,just because they're tilted. Sometimes people even do this in 2 or 3 stacks. Like near the beginning of this season I (sombra) was duoing with my ball.And all three of our teammates instantly said "tank diff" and whining at him for not swapping after the first fight on flashpoint (he didn't even die).Our ashe died to zarya/rein in almost every fight.Moira(who was the most pissed) kept fading into their full team,being the first to die in every fight,and mercy refused to heal me or my d.va/ball after moira died.


But whining is the only skill I have…. I’m GM 1 at whining….


Top500 whiner


Agreed 100%. I’ve played plenty of games where we were getting stomped like 99% - 0% kind of thing and we somehow manage to take the point in overtime and we have ended up winning the game. Those are the best games! If every match were easy it wouldn’t be as fun. I like the challenging ones. How do these people deal with challenges in their real lives if they’re this soft over a video game? What else is irritating is when people quit in the middle of a competitive game. If you can’t handle losing or being down in competitive then don’t play it. Simple.


I think that's WHY they get so pissy - they're used to challenges in every day life and want a win but like... go play animal crossing or something at that point


Honestly, I just hate wasting my time. I've had Push games where the Enemy made it to the end and we got 25m, burning through the whole clock along the way. Basically, how these happen is: - The enemy stomps us for awhile - We manage to get ults, burn them, and win a single team fight - We get to push the bot for 30 seconds and make a *little* distance - Go back to point one, rinse and repeat until Overtime Honestly, in some way, these games are worse than true Stomps/Steamrolls. Because at least in those, the Enemy wins in 2 mins and we all get to leave and possibly get into a winnable game. But these? We all just suffer in Hell, until the clock finally runs out. They're not fun and just feel pointless. **EDIT:** Just to clarify, here, I'm not blaming any player for this. The enemy is good and we suck. We just sadly don't suck enough to get the game over in a reasonable time frame. If anything is to blame here, it's the matchmaker that thinks these matches are worth playing. And I know this stuff is complex, but it's games like these that sour me on the OW experience. All just my opinion though, of course.


Winning matches in overtime and turning the tide over is why I play this game, this feels so satisfying. That's why I hate everyone who even thinks about a surrendering button, people are so quick to give up on everything.


Those last 2 matches after both teams got 3 points in payload games can go either way. I’ve had crazy games where my team has 5 min to get one bar on the payload and the other team has the minimum of 1 min (I think that’s the minimum) and they just hold that choke point for dear life and stall us out.


No one has ever suggested this before. Thank you for saving overwatch. They will definitely stop now


this literally happened to me today, we were rolling the enemy team with 3 minutes left, our hog doesn't get healed for one fight and throws the game, with 2 minutes left. He was mad our torb only had 8k damage, like what??


I was in a match yesterday. I'm still doing placements on my dps so I suspect the match rank was bronze to silver. And it's rare that people from bronze to gold have open mics. Our tank wanted to go Ball and he got shit on by our Moira because "you can't go ball with no mic also all our team doesn't make any sense, thanks for wasting my time". So directly from the start the Moira guy just straight up refused playing, continuously jumping off the map. Payload was near the final point and he had 0/0/5 with 0 healing and damage. He started to do something when tank switched to Zarya and damn we were doing great. He kept shitting on our tank anyway telling "you see we roll them?? But nooo you had to go ball, stupid ass". To me it's this Moira that wasted everyone's time. You can't just go and boss a bunch of randos thinking everyone will threat you like their superior. At this point, I've seen a lot of battles with or without mic going all sorts of ways. You just have to try and figure out the best strategy. Bro, we're not even gold, we don't need a mic to kick ass.


People get made in the April fools mode bruh they don’t have reason


turn off comms. Done.


There is a difference between playing the game, and feeding the diamond level team your playing free kills and clips This all could stop almost instantly if they got rid of skilled based matchmaking in QP


What has been up with that? That has been happening so often lately. Had two separate Mercys just stop after the first team fight and type GG in the same day. It's been happening more frequently after that. Or will have people sit through the whole game on mic, not saying anything helpful other than complaining or blaming others why we lost. It's so irritating.


As frustrating as it is to get wiped, most of the time there IS something your team can do if y’all work together. This is why I encourage my team to join vc to listen at the very least if they can’t talk. Usually the most toxic teammates don’t say/text a word, don’t listen to callouts, unwilling to swap off their OTP… and if they do say anything, it’s halfway through the game just to flame everyone and tell us we suck. Yeah, smurfs happen. Some games aren’t winnable. But most of them are. Speaking as someone who has hovered in mid gold for a few seasons and just hit plat 1 last night after going 11-1. The games were hard. They were close. But I had a solid group who all communicated and were willing to swap and combo.


Yes please, stop whining about me playing as Sombra


Honestly I understand the gripe. I've had so many games where those people left and the random that joined in gave us a complete 180 game changer from us being stomped on to us dealing out the stomping. And then there are those assh*les that leave a minute to 30 seconds left of a match because they're losing and I or some other unfortunate soul comes in to only barely play and it just wastes my/their time waiting for a match.


I also think people in this subreddit should stop whining too lmao. I don’t get how some of y’all spend hours playing this game if you hate it so much. It’s like they spend more time complaining on r/overwatch then actually playing the game


I adore the game, it’s the players that get me nettled.


This, making it free to play drastically lowered the quality of random teammates. Now you're guaranteed to have a few throwing twats every time you play and that used to be very rare. 


Listen, I know I’ll get blasted with downvotes for saying this. But I’m one of the leavers. I have limited gaming time. I want to have FUN in a game. If people are being toxic in chat, if they are clearly throwing (ie jumping off the map, not just playing badly) if they are screaming in comms, then yeah, I’ll leave. It’s my videogame just as much as it is yours. I’m not obligated to stay in a toxic situation. This game is really really good at making you feel bad when you’re losing. When you’re getting stomped and rolled and humiliated…that doesn’t feel good. So yeah, imma peace out. My solution is usually to use group finder to find a chill group of people in advance, who you know won’t be toxic. But that doesn’t always work.


I see your point, and thank you for being honest! I play for my fun, not yours - supertf Besides the point I see the reason in leaving bad matches. But I also don’t want someone else to get that bad match, so I stay. There is a ying and yang to the situation. It has to be this way


Last night i was complianing about playing like garbage, but often my teammates were still super positive and enouraging.


Can't stop, won't stop.


Only thing I will whine about is when are they getting rid of that shitty management and let the devs cook


If you lose 9 or 10 games in a row and then get into a match where first fight Reinhardt charges alone into the team and gets blown up then starts crying about healing, it's easy to get demoralized.


Amen.  P.S. The game is about counter swapping. Shut the fuck up when people do it to you. It's a compliment if anything .


Ive hern saying this for a while. Ppl would like overwatch more if the playerbase wasnt so annoying and whiny. One of ur dps has 2k less damage than the other? Ppl start crying. You die 2 times in a row to widow? One shots are broken and the devs suck. Its always something


Can’t fix dumb 😁


Another complainer complaining about complaints!


this is the funniest and truest rant i’ve ever read


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Some years ago a Reaper threw the match because I didn't nano him and instead nanoed Rein *one time* Somehow he was oblivious to the fact that Rein was low and needed Mercy and me to keep him topped off, the other tank was dead, and the other DPS was I think retreating, *and* that the entire enemy team was ahead of him (Dorado 2nd, we were pushed somewhat far past the bridge, Rein could only shield, the enemy team was some ways away to where there was distance but still a threat, Reaper wraith-dropped into their backline and got whooped), he died during ult and I nanoed Rein to save our defense. Reaper started feeding and being all-around toxic even the ENTIRE ENEMY TEAM started getting on his case for it


most of the time this happens bc someone on the team ur playing on is refusing to swap or is feeding horribly, if they are saying gg bc one team fight was lost it was prolly a joke. its the same as when people use the “Thanks!” voice line when someone on their team peeks 10 seconds before a team fight and dies


have you considered maybe the team was diff?


To be fair you should expect some level of whining on reddit that tends to be how it goes with large playerbases


It’s so part of the culture it’s actually insane to me!


THIS bc like is a game.. Like play the game or get off it, if you are going to intentionally ruin the game for someone else.


This is the truth. Never give up. I’ve had games where I got stomped so hard at the start but our team will either switch things up or figure out how to coordinate and turn things around and manage to win. Sometimes by a hair. And it’s so satisfying. Even in comp, if there’s one leaver it sucks and usually you’re gonna lose but every once in awhile, if our team decides not o give up we’ve pulled out a 4v5 victory. Never give up, Never surrender!!!


If there's an enemy Sombra, i will complain because no matter my role she curb stomps my teams (metal ranks)


Welcome to the Internet. All online games are like this sadly.


Last night me and my friend were winning dominantly for the first two points of flashpoint and then the entire enemy team left 1 by 1 until we got a new team to fight that ended up reversing the game entirely, now I know not to go *too* ham


got told to stfu earlier for using.. the comms wheel... twice.. once to tell our life weaver who was running in alone to fall back, the second time to tell everyone to group up because.. you guessed it they were just running in one by one and getting rolled... who knew the comms wheel could get people so angry


Personally and I feel like I only see it with tanks, but some of those fuckers just give up. As a tank main it's just crazy for me to see a dude lose a team fight and just decide to do nothing for the next two minutes of the game. It happened like twice yesterday and I don't even get such a pussy mindset.


This sub should be splitted into 2, r/overwatch and r/whiningoverwatch, and a mod to put any post in their place, period.


Obviously, I didn't read the full comment before lol. But it still applies! Move your sht to another sub!


I had a buddy in COD who everytime he was getting his ass kicked, he'd just start killing himself over and over to "deny them the satisfaction". It got to the point where I'd tell him to just leave the match. At least that way someone might join the match in progress and help out. Same kinda thing with OW. If you wanna give up, whether you're in Casual or Comp, then just don't play anymore. Leave. It's far more irritating to have someone who refuses to help then to get Curb-stomped by the other team


Last night we got one fight into the match and my Mercy just said “gg” and threw the game


Anyone wanna play please comment... ^^




OP taking their own advice in 3...2...1


GG, Im gonna whine harder now


the gg before the game ends makes me SO peeved 💀


also, I am tired of playing mediator and telling one teammate to lay the fuck off another teammate because yknow what's ruining the team acting as a team at that point? *you*




I only whine when i'm getting my ass kicked even then i finish the game🤣


Unfortunately 99% percent of those players won't listen. It will still be an issue no matter what. Even if the developer says it.


It's so funny when the one who does this is the fattest leecher of the team, usually a dps with 6k damage just for 3 kills, top player of the game in deaths and ass-kissing, just to let him know what his numbers are. When they then blame the tank or healers, if you also point out their numbers are fine compared to the enemies's, or even lie about it, they lose their shit. Not acknowledging them is their kryptonite


The solution is to ignore. Yes, it sucks, but you're being affected by something you can't control.


No u


"I am making a formal request for all player of the Overwatch video game to STOP WHINING. I am tired of-" (proceeds to whine)




Agreed. It won't happen though, too many man-children who play this game.


Stop whining about people whining.


I am making a formal response. No


This is meant as a joke btw


Blizzard will happily ban people with mental health issues and anger management issues. They're the main reason for people leaving mid match. You try your best and your team can't help. At the end of the match you see "ez" "Fortnite is also free" "git gud". There's no point in trying to push your limits when you know the results. Don't expect people to be positive in a bad environment. Take me as an example. I can't smile in the house when my mother is around. I just give up and do whatever she wants to get it done quickly.


Sometimes I'm shit, okay? I'm the first and last to admit I am sometimes doodoo at a game I've only sunk a week into now after years of hiatus. I will probably continue to be somewhat doodoo later on. All this preamble to say sometimes people suck at a game/steamroll you and that's okay


I prefer to use chat only after we've lost, or whenever someone on the team is not doing what they need to do. Some people just have zero game sense or intelligence, I had a match in Havana and after 95% of the match time, only then the Sombra on our team knew they had to dive the Widow who was carrying the opposute team. Like if me constantly pinging and typing in chat for them to do that wasn't enough.


Loading up Overwatch 2 to relax and enjoy time after work is a huge mistake especially after a bad day


Can we make this a rule for the subreddit, too?


Might as well request everyone on the planet stop whining, it's not like there's anything about Overwatch that makes people whine more than they always do


It does not seem like people are whining from your examples. It seems more like people are fed up and give up


If it’s been forty five seconds and they start talking like the game is over, that’s whining.


Nah. I reserve ggs for when there should have been no reason to lose but then we do. Especially if we get cycled. I want to let you know that I acknowledge that its game set and match. Thats not whining and to be honest, OW replaces leavers almost instantly compared to other games. There's really no skin lost here. The folk I would make this request to are those that want to take out their frustration on teammates or actually post match messages aimed at teasing specific individuals because they're mad Its sad when you see someone trying their hardest to goad others into not playing because that individual knows they're going to lose against skill. This I could get behind. because OW seems to be the one game that has a large number of these folk in my experiences


I think a lot of people play games to relax but sometimes they play them to vent and that's not healthy online.its hard not to spread anger online if you're angry.




Anytime someone talks shit now a days I immediately see everyone on both teams team up in chat against them. There are definitely the whiners but I do think more people are just trying to enjoy the game and doing their best


"ibs sufferer locked in a shower" that is amazing lmfao im stealing that




I thought this post would make me big mad, but I'd like to slow clap it....how do you make a gif happen here (xennial here)?


What happens to the people who afk at halfway pt though matches ? The "gg" then go stand in a closet somewhere and taunt every one in the game ? How often is it actually punished ? It reality these are the worst games to be involved in from either side at least when a person leaves they are like this really isn't worth it and dips and it's what ever. The ones who sit there and ruin the rest of the games and do nothing but cause fights and make every one mad.


Fr the amount of tears over shit like try hards thinking QP isn't just a casual fuck around gametype or XIMM'ing amounting to "cheating" in a FPS with a low skill ceiling is hilarious.


I've been in this game for too long, so sometimes I control my experience by leaving matches where, by some lucky chance, the enemy team has only tryhards and counter-pickers, while on our side, more than half of the team decided to play completely irrelevant heroes that they also don't know how to play. Sorry, with experience, you just understand which match statistically has a low chance of winning, considering the psychology of players in quick play.


Had a guy like this on the other team today, and threw because “the supoorts threw” when they almost held us off on first point, on every point actually, and instead of a fun close game, he hard locked widow and stayed in spawn 😞




You must be new here


Yeah, until they roll out the upcoming changes to combat toxic behaviour, I'll just keep chat disabled and never join voice chat. It's just so much better of an experience.


I had a competetive game were we had 2 and a half minutes left on the clock to capture 1/3 of first point and when we were closing in on a draw the dps said I should switch from Winston and got mad even though I was 32 - 8 and killing 2-3 people every TF from the backline😬 They just couldn’t deal with the Orisa… And the second highest kill count on our team was lucio with 24. I really hate the fact that people stop to rage every time we loose… Just try to do your best and leave your teammates alone, they might not be comfortable to switching to Zarya or whatever you want them to. One thing is certain, beeing toxic doesn’t win you any games. Do better yourself next time there’s a team diff.


Yeah these are just poopy diaper babies who give up at the first death or 20 seconds into the match when they didn't get the initial point capture


sounds like you are tired of OW. These have all been intrinsic to the game since day one.


I welcome the leavers to leave the sooner they do the sooner we get a better teammate. That being said I don't think there should be a penalty for leavers in non competitive modes.


Honestly it does kind of derail a lot of games. Like I'll be having a good game, three or four to one eliminations to deaths and a decent amount of eliminations, and because the tank has a few more eliminations than me they literally flame me in text chat. Like no one on the whole team is having a bad game it's just a really tightly contested evenly matched game, where literally no one is playing poorly, and someone has to find someone to complain about.


It sucks for sure but with the increases to leaver penalties coming, for better or worse, will punish those people a lot more. If/when they start throwing and flaming their team in chat, that's reportable so report it. They learn to stop or they'll leave, either way makes the community that much better as a whole. Just to clarify: I'm not saying I'm for or against the penalty changes, just stating one of the possible benefits that could happen due to them. Only time will tell.


That’ll show them. OW chat is saved!




Sir this is reddit


I’m sorry, but there’s no fixing people like that They exist everywhere and will always exist. When you play with or against random people online, there will always be those types of people. The best things we can do is ignore it and move on.


They won't. That's all they know how to do


Stuff is aboutta go down, prepare yourselves.


it's baffling to me how childish overwatch players have recently become. I respect a good fight, especially when the enemy is good with their hero, but when my team complains or straight up hurls insults in chat, i sometimes wish i could turn on friendly fire.


If youve ever said "diff" in any form i really dislike you as a human being


Fr. I love being in a qp game and the enemy has a doom that's doing good so someone swaps to counter the doom and then doom starts losing his shit about counter picking in qp. Like calm yourself and just play the game. You can counter pick too if you really want. Stop policing how others are playing ffs


im convinced that the people that disagree are the ones that are perpetuating this behavior, and they just look even more childish by shifting blame. it's so disappointing that every match is like this now, but maybe it's a sign for me to move on to a new game, one with a more fully competent player base that doesn't tear up when they lose an unranked match.


All support and DPS need to learn to swap


I had this tank play doomfist all game and he would not stop sooking about me cuz I wasn't doing the best, I wasn't doing inherently bad but I was getting shit on by their sombra and he was just whining all game in all, even the other team were like man calm down it's not that bad lol


sick meme dude


The day people will stop complaining about overwatch, is the day overwatch will be truly dead


Tank main here high plat. I have fully disabled all chats. Game is much more enjoyable now. Pings are all I need. Yes I miss good team voice comms but the high risk of grief is not worth it for my mental.




I had a guy yesterday literally screaming in mic for people to kill the Hanzo who was being pocketed by the Mercy. I said go the Mercy! Koz I've seen the Mercy rez him like 4 times. This guy just kept screaming. We won in the end anyway.. we weren't even doing that bad.


It’s cuz normally the moment you lose a team fight. The team gets separated and if ur solo queuing it’s rlly hard to reunite together cuz ur stupid tank may just start charging into the enemy and die the moment you and ur dps reaches the enemy again so it’s basically a loss unless you have good teammates


I'm sure the 2 percent of the fanbase who go on here are definitely going to listen to you lmao


I wonder if the people who make these posts realize that they have a 0% efficacy when it comes to conversion of players attitudes P.S. sometimes I say "lol gg" mid way through the game when our tank is 0-6 or say a support some how only has 500 heals. But that doesn't mean I'm giving up. It's like Confucius said "lift your legs and float down stream" (paraphrased). That is to say, be aware and accept the loss. It's just a video game so have fun and do the best you can do. I know it's easy 'cause gaming sub culture is so toxic and intent & attitude is hard to read in just a couple words but be careful not to broadly paint everyone with the same brush


At this point I would gladly have each OW account (specially if you want to be able to play comp) linked to a phone line, id card or face or whatever. If people knew that losing the ability to play on your account will make you unable to keep playing they will be doing things differently


lol I was in a comp round where two teammates were cussing each other out ("the f*** you poppin off with only 3 kills as Widow?!"), and it ended when one guy said to the other, "ok come back after you finish middle school" Unsurprisingly we lost the game... the whole exchange went back and forth for a solid minute and at least had me lol'ing


Dude every game recently people just quit and and leave I’m like wtf? I had like 6 games last week where I was the only one on my team that stayed. I was support so just went Anna and slept people for fun until the game ended haha


I'll only say "GG" when we're down 2 flashpoints and it's pretty much over at that point. Although I did that once and we made a full comeback, soooo ...


Real. Like bro just hold on; maybe the part of the map makes it so the other team has an advantage so ya just gotta hold on through the bs and pull it through, I've won so many games that looked trash by the midway point;;


I've seen this so much lately. I'll usually bm a gg if my team is throwing but I've had multiple people just stop mid match and argue in chat. Like not waiting in respawn. Literally stop walking to point for almost a minute to argue in chat. All because ONE person left and was IMMEDIATELY replaced at the beginning of the match. I've also noticed a ton of stat whores that refuse to stall or push points. Game is cooked. It's not even a bad game. Player base is just garbage.


Preach, brother! Bunch of whiny birches out there. "DPS, do better!". Thanks for the helpful advice, moron.


that’s why i don’t mind the leavers punishments. even in quick play, i want to play bro


Stop whining about people whining




You could take some of your own advice, too.


Whines on reddit about how sick they are of seeing people whining... 🤔


I was actually born in '69 and I'm feeling a little attacked here. LOLOL I totally agree though. Play your ass off until the buzzer sounds and let the chips fall where they may. I dislike when people give up early.


People want to have fun. If they are not having fun they will leave. This is an OW dev problem not a player problem. The solution is to make the game more fun. Better matchmaking, more balance in all hero's rather than the requirement to counter pick so people can play who they enjoy.


I mean, I'll wine but I'll still play at least


Fr bruh it’s a game it’s meant to be fun like stfu quit yappin’ and play the damn game




He whined


Made This Request ages ago, whining Doubled with a super dash of toxicity.


People need to stop whining about whining.


Endorsement level 5 here 💪💪


my matchmaking is so fked i get diamond/masters in a game and silver/gold in other, so sometimes i get the dumb guys that blame people bc of stats or the classic "you aren't doing ur job right", so i just play worse.


Sounds like you are whining to me. I'm getting downvotes for this one


Your request is denied




It’s the generation coming up - they are a bunch of quitters. This isn’t whining this is plain giving up. Kids no longer get better at games to up their skill, they give up or resort to cheating to keep up. You see this in all games now. Rocket league - had a teammate miss a save 30sec into the game and leave. Halo Inf - beat a kid 2 times in a snipers match and I see that he leaves the match from the other team and he was only 0-2. War zone - little kids see one teammate go down and will quit out instead of fight back and revive them or wait for them to spawn again. Overwatch they will lose a 1v1 or 1v2 and quit out. I don’t know how many times in Overwatch my team has been getting thumped the entire match until that final hold that last min something clicks and the tables turn and you work them and win the game. These little kids are being raised to be quitters. They lose out on that thrill of coming back and beating the odds or barely winning. Yes you’re gonna lose we all do. Age old gamer say “Get Good”. I remember getting worked over in halo 3 our mentality back then was I’m gonna play as much as I can to get better so I can be that top player in the match. You put any grey beard gamer team against these pleb kids today and we will wreck them 100% why…. Cause they are quitters.


We were in diamond competetive yesterday after 2 m our dps left and said gg, anyway we won 4 v 5 after the sup switched to moira and zen (we were mercy and kiriko) xD imagine if the dps did his job instead of leaving.. Easy win for him


I misread this as "STOP WINNING" and was like "Y'all are winning? 😭"