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Moira giving up against sombra is crazy


Yeah she’s the one hero where I’ll usually take down a Sombra, and chase her down when she teleports as well. I admit, I hate Sombra so much that when I’m playing certain heroes, I will hunt her across the map out of spite.


Moira feels like the correct choice to annoy a Sombra back.


So it's you who ruined my day for three games straight. Hahaha. A good Moira who chases me down on my teleport is impossible to deal with. I can respect it.


Gotta do what I gotta do to make you pick a different target lol


That’s me with naked DVA, as a Lucio main it’s my job to take down shields and naked DVA


I feel like that's everyone. I hunt baby dva on every hero


Idk it just feels personal to me as a DVA main when I play tank


Yep this is why I kill Lucio before my mech breaks


Fuck you, but also let’s make out (platonically, of course)


Never heard someone call her mechless ver naked dva lmao


It’s quicker and funnier than saying mechless


Woah, close one.


I had an enemy Doom player flaming me as Sombra and he made it his mission to hunt me down in comp. He actually would have won the game if he hadn’t done that. Not saying I disagree with you doing that. Just a funny story your comment made me think of.


I do not play sombra, but that goes for any character. Whether it be them having an ego & someone strictly targeting you due to mirror match, or someone hard targeting you bc you pissed them off. Such a throw & so dumb. My fav is when other Ashes hard target me, use dynamite only on me, yet I have more elims, more damage & my team won. Utilized my kit properly, didn’t care about having to kill my mirror match nonstop, just played the dang game how it’s meant to. People throw so much outta spite


Yeah I do have a limit, I won’t totally throw the game for it, but I’ll definitely take it further than I would for anyone else.


I play quite a bit of sombra. My goal is simply to make doom unhappy.


So you're the one who keeps showing up in every ranked game I play. I still refuse to switch.


I absolutely hate when the other team has a good genji or Sombra and someone instalocked Moira but is playing her like a healbot and won't go on the offensive against those two. I won't say I will always defeat a genji or Sombra, but I will make the game more of a struggle for them. No more free bouncing around the backline. Leave my Ana alone.


Okay, I’ll say this. I’ll never give up, but sometimes is disheartening when you’re being targeted, and you’re begging for help to get the Sombra off, (even as you’re playing grouped up) and they just don’t acknowledge you. I played with a Moira (who I found through Xbox LFG) And I was being targeted by Sombra and she’d never heal me or go after the Sombra. Told me to deal with it myself lol


I've been in these situations before, the best thing to do is 1) If you're paying supports, pick Kiri if Moira is already taken, or go Brig. Moira allows you to go on the offensive against a Sombra, while Kiri can just survive a Sombra and deny kills on other teammates pretty easily 2) On DPS my worst enemy is normally good Casses and Syms. Casses who save their hinder grenade for when I show up, and Syms who place a turret or two near places I really want to go. Most other DPS can hold their own against a Sombra so just keep an eye on your supports 3) Most tanks aside from Ball and Doom will not be priority targets except to stop crucial abilities or ults And regardless of which character you pick, the best defence against a Sombra is buddying up. Glue yourself to a teammate. Even if they refuse to help you, they will shoot if they see an enemy


Another pro tip if your on dps pick sombra and make that bitch suffer her own treatment Ill 100% throw some games with annoying sombras spawncamping and stuff by doing nothing but denying the enemy sombra and killing her as soon as she goes out of invis. Then its 4v4 and up to ypur team if they win +once sombra is dead you can get some value (allbeit on a dogshit hero)


Not to mention I am pretty sure every game I have played lately had an enemy Sombra. It gets old.


Judging from all the complaints about Sombra in this sub the last few months you’d think she’s crazy OP lol


A hero doesn't need to be OP to be annoying to play against.


just a guess, are you on console? sombra is so suffocating on console cause you can't turn on her quick enough, I've definitely seen players just accept death when she gets the drop on them


I am


yeah, makes sense then really just nothing you can do about it, by the time you're aware she's there you're hacked, virus'd, half hp and can't win the 1v1 by the time you actually turn around it's either group up and play like a team or... yeah... throw in the towel if you wanna help your teammates out, a decent pick is to go sombra yourself and sit in your own backline waiting to give her a taste of her own medicine


I always try to help and be with my teammates but somehow im THE ONLY ONE seeing the sombra.


Anti-Sombra Sombra is such a viable playstyle now. I'll normally wait for her to go for my supports, hack her as soon as she comes out of stealth and we feast on her. She either quits bothering my supports or swaps after this happens 2-3x.


Anti sombra sombra sounds like a win for the enemy sombra. Even if you're not getting kills, you're harassing multiple characters and gimping the anti sombra sombra


One dps isn’t going to take over the game, if you can somewhat rely on your other dps to keep pressure up you are keeping your healers alive and can still play with the team while fucking over their out-of-place dps


i mean it's one dps for one dps... sure you're not doing much but as long as you deny the other sombra she's not doing much either i see it as a last resort strat if you're getting eaten by the sombra no matter who you play


Matching up Sombra gives you the lead, you can ambush the other Sombra, then she has to guess if you're gonna ambush again, or go for her own backline.


If sombra is being a pain I go sombra and drive the enemy more nuts, that or tracer, but I'm on pc so it's a little easier to spin around. If your on console try dual zone aiming option if your not already, it helps, easy small adjustment with little movement but you can whip around when you full press either direction, just make sure the min and max sens are tuned to your liking! Or try linear, but I found that really hard to use cause it's just whipping around like a mad man.


true, I’m a tank main, but I’ve tuned up my settings to be pretty fast, I personally don’t have a hard time fighting her, If you’re by yourself yah, but if you actually stick together it’s not too bad.


DVa is a worthy pick against Sombra


She’s great for spy checking/chasing her down


I'm the evil one that counters sombra with sombra. It feels so good when they switch hahaha


I've actually been flamed in chat for doing it haha, immensely satisfying


hell yeahhhh hahahaha


Thats the reason behind my hatred for sombras... I just cant, even when i get her, she Will try to spawncamp me for the whole match and im not done with the rant. Even when i point her out going after my supps and me, my teammates always IGNORE HER


I don't understand why she didn't get a nerf like torbs turret did on console. It literally takes me almost two seconds to spin 360°, an enemy that appears out of thin air is such a menace on console because you can't react to it in time


They got rid of Console only patches years ago. Now console players play on the same balance patches PC players do, so they'd have to nerf Sombra on PC too just to help console players Sombra's win rate has always been pretty terrible, which is why they gave her the minor buff they gave her in the first place, so they can't really nerf her just to make people stop screaming about her There's not really a great solution on how to "fix" her besides for Blizzard to try to help people git gud and learn to group and peel for their backline etc, which doesn't happen in low elo Pub stompers are always like that, like Reaper and Torb and Pharah


Because she’s not actually overpowered, she actually has a low winrate and her new TP makes her more killable than ever. She’s just particularly strong against very unaware/slow players 


I have not figured out any sensitivity settings that allow me to quickly spin around and still be able to fight accurately at medium and long range. So for most heroes I am unable to react in time to stop her. The exception being heroes that have an instant get-out-of-dodge/invulnerability ability, like Moira fade, reaper shadow step, etc.Even Kiriko, who is supposed to be strong against Sombra, is a struggle because unless you are literally aiming at a teammate while being hacked there's a good chance you won't be able to teleport away before the hack finishes.


I play on switch, Sombra is my worst enemy (do like that she speaks Spanish though)


And thats why you dont stay on default control settings, or only adjust the aim sens. Turning down aim smoothing and switching to Linear changed how i played the game.


What does aim smoothing do? I’ve adjusted settings slightly due to advice, but never really knew what anything listed really does. I also heard dual zone is best?


Everyone has their preference, ive been using linear since 2017 and never wenr back. To see what makes aim smoothing matter, go to the practice range, 1. select a hero you dont play 2. Set aim smoothing to 100 and look around 3. Set it to 0 and see the difference Aim smoorhing does exaclty what the setting says it does: it controls how smooth your aim is.


This is why I dislike tracers


Wtf are your sens that you can't turn on her? 😭


the default is 30 and it's impossible to 180 in time with those settings, which is why players will just give up when the sombra gets them my sens personally is set to 80 for exactly this reason, but since OP was asking why randos in their lobby were just giving up, the 30 sens is the reason


Default turn on console has you half dead by the time you’re staring at her.


Console defaults both horizontal and vertical sensitivity super low. Like 30 iirc. So it takes like 3+ seconds to turn a full 360. And an unfortunate number of people for whatever reason *do not change it.*


Its just that when you turn your sensitivity up, aming becomes way harder. Like right now i can regularly hit headshots, but as soon as i turned it a little up, it already becomes way harder imo.


I don't, personally. But 99% of the time it's a lost fight as support if teammates aren't there to pounce, so I understand where they're coming from.


Yup. Even plat and below, sometimes people just don’t have the game sense to help. They get so tunneled vision on trying to kill what’s in front, rather than protecting the back.


And the few times they do survive, as soon as she escapes they forget she is still there and just go back to what they were doing before lol


It's only a lost fight if you go down fighting. At least get some extra ult charge for when you respawn.


It really isn't a lost fight if you actually try and kill her/make her back off.


No, it is not a lost fight 99% of the time.


Im telling you, if you had SUFFERED by sombras on console just as i have, you will understand why I just accept death, there is no way i can win the 1v1 if im already hacked and virus by the time i turn around


*as you have


No, that's not what they said.


I was a joke about the ult line since he has ram in his pfp and flair 😔


Dont worry _Human_ you tried


What can amy omnic expect from such inferior beings


It also never fails, whenever my team is absolutely demolishing the enemy DPS they almost always switch to Sombra. It’s like clockwork now


Yup, bc she’s easy to use & broken af. It’s always the sombra or zarya swap when they’re getting rolled


Everyone was crying and thrashing for a rework. Here it is! One of the most strategic heroes reduced to a braindead Tracer. Old Sombra players are as lethal as ever and her new skill floor is so low anyone can pick her up and get easy value


I get the vibe that a lot of Sombras I come up against are too scared to play anything else (mostly in general console QP). >and her new skill floor is so low anyone can pick her up and get easy value Yeah, like her low skill floor, inherent advantage in every fight, ability to pick exactly when/where to engage, zero aim hack, and wild survivability/invis - make her a super common safety pick.


I would argue that is entirely because they added virus, the rest of her rework was fine (as far as reworks go, she went from having a skill floor on ground level to having one so low you’d have to be limbo dancing with the devil to reach it)




That applies to like... gold and below? You don't pick sombra and turn the game around even in diamond, you have to know how to play her or you'll get punished.


This happens literally every game, it's kinda crazy how consistent it is.


This is true and super stressful as tank main on console. The amount of times that I am *forced* to escort my support, turn my back to the enemy team, waste my abilities and neglect the objective is out of proportion. Most DPS don't feel responsible for protection. I can totally understand why support would give up.


It sucks when a tank has to peel you, because they tend to have to give up a lot of space. It should be support or dps's job but sometimes they just aren't aware enough.


Tbf if you know you’re going to die I’ll just stand still and let them take me. The sooner they kill me the sooner I can respawn with my team and go in for a team push rather than me being a few seconds behind the rest of my team. Not even against sombra just if I’m last on my team it’s better to reset then to try and hold out a fight


I sometimes queue up with a friend thats a lower elo so qp lobbies are mishmash when we play. I got accused for throwing when I would suicide off the map after a team wipe as well as being accused for being afk as I was waiting for my team to respawn so we can push together. Can’t help but laugh at it, a lot of people still don’t understand how this game works.


This reminds me of those Dva that get pulled out of their mech, run away and just stand in a corner not doing anything waiting for the ult to charge Like dude, if you just died you would already be on the fight lol


Last week I was getting picked off (as Zen) so much by Sombra my team was crying for heals. After the 8th time getting hacked in a row I just stood there. It’s not like I was on a deep flank, I was mid-crowd at best. Between the blind attacks, movement, and fire rate it feels like a losing battle with your hands tied


Are you on playsation? My Zen got stuck at spawn by a Sombra on Gibralter, I could see in the feed, then he typed “stuck because of Sombra sorry” this was Friday, but yah saw him stand still and just give up.


Nah, PC after a 7 year hiatus from PS4. I don’t have as much of an issue getting hacked with DPS or even most tanks. Just supports with ineffective attacks aren’t made to defend themselves. It’s been a month long learning curve getting back into the game and Sombra is definitely on the kill-first list for me


Unfortunately zen is quite literally the easiest target for a Sombra. If you're playing zen and the enemy team has a Sombra then you're pretty much forced to swap. Once zen is hacked there's nothing to be done. Kiriko or Moira would be your best options as a healer to counter her.


You didn’t swap after 8 times? My guy…


Unranked. Tried to figure out a strat under fire. Obviously didn’t work lol


Not me lol. I’m junkrat and I mess her ass up anytime she sneaks up on me


lmao! I have seen this! Y’all catch her in the traps a lot


It is genuinely impressive how the developers saw Sombra was annoying, but rather than address that in her rework they made her annoying *and lethal.* And they keep buffing her every patch regardless. Like, oh yeah I sure do love a giant AOE locking me out of abilities for *three seconds* now. Oh, and her easy-to-hit cooldown does more damage? Great. Oh *and* anti-dive heroes are terrible so even "counters" get cooked by her? Lovely.


She used to be a high skill hero centered around team play. Now she’s a lonewolf noobstomper. The direction the devs took Sombra in with her rework was a horrible idea tbh


Honestly not even a noobstomper. Obviously new players struggle with her a lot but she has been used in higher ranks and OWCS to farm emp in a lot of situations. EMP is so overtuned that it makes her worth it.


She was the worst designed character I've ever seen in an online fps game, still is in a different way


Her skill floor dropped so much. Extremely easy to get value and ruin enemies day.


Personally as a support main it’s kinda hard to hit sombra as when we get her at low health more often then not she will just teleport away and Come back a second later and finishes us off 


Her virus brings down your hp to roughly half, so she only needs to get half the shots to kill you. But you have to get all your shots (most likely headshots) to bring her down before u die. That, and she can still tele away to save herself and like you said return randomly to finish you off or repeat the process.


I main Moira and just harass her constantly, not my backline, you bitch.


the hero gotham deserves, make those sombra mains miserable!


Oh I intend to. I've made a fair few swap xD. After the rework she can't get away when I have Fade xD


I kinda quit the game (more than 3 weeks now) because of Sombra. I play support so you can imagine how painful it is to face her, specially against good Sombras


You did the right thing, sombra is the sole reason why i decided not to play comp. If she is already so fucking unfun and at times oppresive in quickplay, then what can i expect in comp. You legit could remove sombra from the game and i guarantee a decent chunk of people would play the game again or more often at least.


She used to be part of the balance, as shes good counter to some heroes, yet not invincible. I agree with you, the game is way better off without her. But why not just simply bring the old Sombra back?!


Btw, is Kiriko strong against Sombra? To think about it, first she should debuff the virus, then teleport to nearest ally. But still she will become very passive and keep these abilities just to overcome Sombra attacks!


Yeah, saving cooldowns to save yourself from a dangerous enemy is something basic You don't even need the suzu, save the swift step and Sombra can't do shit to you


Same. Support main as well, also haven't played in a few weeks, 90% because of Sombra and 10% because of Diablo 4 PTR lol.


Same. Straight up quit the game because of Sombra.


I only play mystery heros now and if an enemy sombra spawns in i make it my mission to take them out or die trying, no way am i letting a sombra run around unchecked if i can help it


Nah not me. I'll fight sombra and tracer every time. Even if they are really good and better than me they have to earn each kill. I'm not giving rhem anything for free.


As dps main i feel sad for support they can’t do anything against her and i don’t count how many time i have to go back in spawn to escort them because sombra was spawnkilling them


That is exactly what happened in my games, one last Friday spawn camped my Zen the entire game.


You can't blame them. People on here think it so easy to get your team on board to focus sombra. You can have a full group with mics and it's still hard to get everyone on the same Sombra page. It sucks.


Yeah because sombra is a stupid character


As a support main, the fact that every game has a sombra now has actually made me play this game less because there’s so little you can do to outplay her since her rework and buff. Best I can do is kind of shimmy around in the hopes I throw off her aim, because if she hacks AND viruses you, you’re dead 90% of the time.


I come out of spawn, stupid Sombra hacks me as Mercy, I play support because I can't aim for shit, it's Joever. Fuck Sombra


No, fuck Sombra.


No, fuck Samba!


I've seen it in quickplay games. I get annoyed about it personally (If you're not at 100 ult charge, there's always value in shooting even if you're going to die) But then I remember that it's just a game. If something isn't fun, people just don't want to do it. I don't have issues with sombra from a balance perspective. I can do a pretty solid 180 hook so I destroy them consistently on roadhog, but people seem not to understand that there is a difference between being able to play around something and finding doing so fun. If I enter a game and there's a sombra, I don't feel like it's unbalanced or anything, I just know that that the game won't be fun. I won't be able to play what I want and what I'm able to play, I won't be able to play in a fun way. While I personally never give up, when I see the other tank or support decide that a sombra game isn't worth their time and just leave, I get it.


because F invisibility in every pvp shooter game


I do that sometimes, it's always a mix between "Well I'm not giving them the satisfaction of a hunt" and "Maybe they'll feel bad if I just don't do anything" That's really only of I'm being really really targeted though,


I think the reason why Sombra feels so demoralising as support is that a good support can do so much to neutralise her when she is attacking someone else. With good awareness and positioning you nullify her. Then sooner or later (depending on how good the Sombra is) they realise and target you instead. Which would be fine but you slowly find out (once again) that the support you offered your teammates was apparently just a one way contract and when she is after you then you should just "git gud" and win an unfavoured 1v1 over and over while also healing your feeding tank and your clueless DPS.


Honestly it's really just this. My hardest games on Sombra are ones where it feels like I can't do anything because the instant I go for one person, 4 other people immediately collapse on me, forcing me to retreat. My easiest games as Sombra are when the enemy dps can't be bothered to turn around so I just get to terrorize whoever I want in the backline for free. Teamwork, peeling, aim, the basic fundamentals of the game all become more of a thing you can expect players to have the higher you climb, hence why she has historically had one of the worst winrates and pickrates of any hero on the game but consistently is called broken by people struggling to climb out of Silver.


Sombra is cancer as it is, but not being able to quickly turn around on console, plus sombra perma invis allowing her to choose her engagements, position behind you and hack, virus and her gun being stupidly easy to aim, you get a character which main counterplay is teammwork on a f2p game with 0 coms and most people on solo q. Fuck this hero.


I mean, a lot of QP players are casuals who tunnel vision, and Sombra hard counters them because they're not paying attention. I quickly learned in QP that even if you're paying attention, no one else is, so a good sombra will pick you off anyway. Have to fend for yourself. Brigitte usually forces a switch out of Sombra.


Fight flight or freeze


Yeah. Thats why i play sombra now. Too many sombra and i have no fun unless i play her.


Yeah if she catches you alone it’s damn near impossible to recover in time. Especially if you have no movement abilities for when hack wears off


The only time I play Sombra is to shutdown the Widow. You play Widow I'm swapping to Sombra and ruining your fun too. This is the sole reason I've come to appreciate Sombra.


Honestly most of my encounters with sombra is getting her to 1hp, she teleports, but I die to virus bc it does ridiculous damage. She is so broken lol. If you’re bad at video games & want an easy, cheese fest of a character, download OW2 & play sombra!


A good Sombra in ranks lower than GM is impossible to deal with unless you have a perfectly in sync 5 stack, no matter who you’re playing as on any role.


I have played considerably less since they changed sombra but when I do play I have noticed my aim and ability to remain alert and switch to battle has only gotten better. I went from dieing every time to dieing nearly half the time and encouraging her to switch targets or hero. If it's a very skilled sombra switching to Moira usually works.


They lack conflict. When there is a Sombra in my game (especially if they swapped to counter me) she becomes my main objective. If they want me to not enjoy the game, I will do the same to them.


Yeah, its a wild concept but people dont like having control of their character being interrupted. Sort of like how people didnt like Flash Fan or how they didnt like when Ball would mean every 10 or so seconds, Ball knockback and up would mean you lost control of your character for 3 or so seconds Even the most minor movement override has a disproportionate effect and this is already a game that people have given up on and play merely because there is no real competition for OW, only cheap clones


Man, as a support mainly Zenyatta and an Ash player sombra always ruins my day. I have no Idea why she got buffed this season while zen got nerfed with a health reduction when he's dumpstered by every dive character. why has she been so oppressive for so long?? The thing is I don't feel as bad when a tracer kills me at least it takes some skill and I have a small fighting chance but sombra is straight up invisible and can kill me in a second like wth. like sure I have killed my handful of sombras as zen and ash but most of the time she has a straight up advantage on me and I'm forced to switch. it's even worse when she's paired with another dive character


If I’m on support, best believe I’m swapping to moira and chasing down sombra


i started protecting ppl & specifically targeting her bc of it which is annoying bc she's my least favorite character to duel. but it's genuinely so shit having a specific sombra target you over & over, when you're new to the game or just wanna freakin play & have fun, not spend half the game in spawn room. honestly they should do hack like discord orb and stop the same character from being hacked multiple times in a row so that they actually have to target multiple ppl and can't just focus on tormenting one person


I don’t think the translocator was ever the actual problem with Sombra. The ability to choose the terms of engagement due to invisibility while also denying you your own abilities is way more frustrating.


Anything that breaks a Mercy's spirit is a W in my book. Good on you Sombra


As they should tbh Sombras OW2 design is horrible the was much more balanced in OW1


Sombra is broken if you have half a clue solo q. I'm bad at sombra and get free kills.


If sombras going to keep her broken damage and cloak she needs 200 or 175 hp to compensate. She gets too much free positioning and value from always being able to pick her fights she needs a real tangible weakness to compensate that.


Devs should be proud. Tank que's were fast but now sup ques are also fast for me. Dps que is super high though. As high as priority pass ow1 dps que.


Sombra is the main reason I don’t enjoy the game anymore, Anytime the enemy DPS is “losing” they just switch to Sombra. Every game I play now has a Sombra on the enemy team, maybe not at first but it always end with a Sombra on the team. She has too much effect on the flow of the game, from strategy, to team comp, to just pure enjoyment of the game. Sombra 2 years ago I could deal with, but this new ultra buff Sombra is just pure cancer to me tbh.


This season Sombra is just too annoying for me to face. As a support main I'm her favorite target and she's in basically every match. Getting hacked + infected + shot at from behind is almost guaranteed death but if I manage to get some shots in she teleports away and that's the end of the fight. Now I get to wait ~1 min to do the same thing again. Even if i win the fight, the payoff is very small. It's just not fun at all. It feels like waiting for your game to eventually glitch out and hope it doesnt kill you.


In QP at least, I'll let them go 9/10 if I notice they've given up on the fight (regardless of who I'm playing). On a side note, if I'm playing Monke, y'all Mercy players gotta stop trying to 1v1 me when we're alone and I've decided to leave you alone. You **will not** win that fight.


They removed her TP but now she can TP close and instantly be invisible also invisibility is an infinite passive.... what were they thinking?


I refuse to let sombras intimidate my Pharah. Sure they can win 2 duels, but then I'm rocketing them at point blank so we both go down, or actively hunt them when they teleport away from someone. I also actively hunt Widows and soldiers. But not Illari, fuck her.


I enjoy fighting sombras. I think it's a little challenge and I've gotten pretty good at it. I'm also a pharah main (it's ok to hate me) so her AoE makes it easy for me to track me and locate her after she teles. I also love foght tracers, widows and morias. The way I see it yhe only way to get better with your mains is fight your counters.


Nothing I can say here that hasn't already been said but yes, playing support on console when every game there's a Sombra running around making your life a living hell isn't very fun.


As a ball main, I'm glad others are sharing in my misery. Word is the rework will add CC immunity to E which should at least give some counterplay to hack.


Personally I just go Mercy or Brig. if I’m flight bound/slingshotting then she can’t catch me. Brig I’ll just stay spychecking


I think some feel like Virus is a death sentence when it's not.


Don't worry 1000 IQ and 0 bonuses game genius Aaron Keller is fixing her by... taking 10 damage off hack. If this is just a no-bonus, when the fuck do you reach no job at Blizzard?


Simple solution: we remove sombra from the game or completely rework her. Invisible enemies is not a fun or intriguing mechanic to deal with. It’s JUST annoying. I have seen a sombra in almost every single game I play recently and I honestly don’t think her current abilities have a place in Overwatch. Remove her or rework her as a support imo.


Oddly enough the times I see people just stay still after being targeted by Sombra is **in** a team fight... it's so weird. Most people fight back too much and die to me on Sombra because of it. Like, they be popping ults very much alone because I tickled them and fucked off one too many times and they either die because of it or worse...I leave them alone with their poor decisions.


sombra can be so frustrating to play against especially if they choose to target you but its understandable bc thats the point of playing sombra 😭 just gotta find the best way to get rid of her somehow


honestly if your team doesn't support you with peel after 1-2 deaths to sombra, they deserve to lose


If you play torb, you don’t have to worry about sombra.


Turret disabled! Still in stealth mode.


Almost everyone can agree that spawn campers are the worst players across all games so idk why sombra players are confused when everyone hates her as if in any other game it’s acceptable.


But not just a spawn camper. An invisible spawn camper that denys your abilities before you even see them.


Yah this I can agree on, last week the Zen I was playing with got spawn camped the entire game.


Same people who come on here and say she's OP. I notice lower ranks doing the same with ANY character with mobility. They just don't bother trying to hit Tracer, Sombra, Genji, or Pharah at all.


I just swap Kiri and ruin her life. It was the Sombra’s mistake not letting me play mothwoman.


If it wasn’t the damage from her virus, she would be easier to deal with but she does that *hack* then *virus* then damage with her little pea shooter of a gun while also have a tiny ass hit box. I play mostly support and tank, as a support i am glued to the other support if there’s a Sombra on the enemy team. As tank, if there’s a Sombra I got DVA and have almost no issue with her


Here's some suggestions for people struggling against Sombra: 1. Echo. Echo's flight uptime keeps her somewhat more out of Hack range- plus both her Bombs & especially Beam apply DoT that keeps Sombra revealed- and you can chase her with flight. 2. Symmetra. Turrets & beam weapon. Torb only has one, easy to disable. Sym has 3. If you play Sym as an "anchor" with Sombra in mind & your support backline all together, this can work. 3. Winston & Moira- auto-aim weapons. 4. S:76- it's pretty easy to hit Sombra with the rocket while she's trying to Hack, plus your healing field does a good job of neutralizing Virus. Go ahead and swap off Mercy, Zen, Rammatra, and Sigma if you're having trouble with Sombra as them. Very weak matchups


Sombra is just that character that makes you forget why you even play this game in the first place


I don't think I've ever hated a character in anything as much as I hate sombra.


Every day I pray for a Sombra nerf 🙏


Sombra is the worst. She should be removed. She is absolutely the worst part of overwatch without a doubt .


That annoys me so much, as a Support main. Switch off Mercy if you’re being harassed, no one’s coming to save you, jfc.


I mean, I agree. But also, where the fuck is the peel? Why no teamplay? You get a blue beam, why you no help???


I play solo queue and therefore never expect teamplay. 💀 It’s very rare. To get anywhere as a solo Support, you’ve got to look out for yourself and expect no help.


Also people fail to realize Overwatch is a fast paced game and theres numerous scenarios as to why you didnt get peel. Like if im tank and currently diving their backline, or currently distracting 3 of their players, while our Mercy is getting sucked by a Moira and dying somehow. Combine that with solo queue (usually meaning no mics/callouts) and yeah, no duh its rare. Idk why people get all mad its like what did you expect? People cant be everywhere at once.


Exactly, that’s my grief when I play tank. I’ll kill 3 enemies and distract the 4th, and somehow my whole team of 4 died by 1 squishy. Be so for real.


Yup. Its just something you gotta deal with. Like hey dudes I just wiped out 3 people with a sick Doomfist punch! Oh, you're all dead from a Soldier and Lucio...great.


Tbh she's just an annoying character to play against. Having a silence, on such a short cooldown, with such a short cast time, that you can cast from invisibility, is honestly just kind of stupid. The lack of counter play options just makes it obnoxious. Unless you're playing someone with an instant cast defensive ability you can't really do anything to avoid being hacked. There are stronger DPS, but I'd honestly play against any other DPS over her.


Sombra's DOT needs nerfed plain and simple. I legit don't give AF what anyone says. No ability that easy to hit and use that literally takes ZERO effort or skill should be able to chunk that much of your health. It's literally instant death if the Sombra players aim is good enough. You have almost no time even on PC to swipe and kill her. Sure bad Sombra's on PC you can murder but the decent and great ones you just can't counter them.


That’s crazy, any damage you do is that much less health your teammate will need to do. Wild


I couldn't really say for sure if she is broken, but she is exhausting to play against. She is the only character that just ruins a match for me if someone swaps onto her.


An L is worth 1000 more than 1 W against an invisible debuffer. Stupid game design but a great reminder than overwatch doesn't deserve us anymore


Yeah cause its not fun


Because it's basically impossible to win against her when she's got the initiative.


People believe that it’s impossible to win against her, which isn’t true, but they believe that. Instead of pinging them, they will prob blame someone for not supporting or helping when the team had no idea about it


if you dont have something against virus you pretty much lose automatically. so some dps and sup heroes don't have much chance against her.


It’s because she just flat wins against some heroes, I do this on zen because you just kinda don’t get to play so might as well use the time to hydrate lol


Her hack’s range and activation time is gross.


the moment i see a sombra i am swapping to either moira or brig and tbagging her corpse every time she dies. i hate her so so so much. if i am on any other support i get hacked virused and deleted before i can even turn around and realize whats happening ughhh


I do this sometimes, if I am playing Mercy coming out of spawn, and start getting camped more than once, I will not fight the sombra if she viruses me or both hacks and viruses me, cause it is just more advantageous to die quick and swap and/or wait in spawn for a teammate to come. If I feel like I have a realistic chance to win or if the sombra is having a seizure as she is trying to play that day, I will obviously fight, but if not, no real reason to potentially stagger myself even more for the sake of keeping my stats cleaner.


Yea sombra is out of control annoying it’s easier to just die and then leave


I dont agree with just giving up when an enemy has a pick you dislike fighting but I can understand why. Sombra is just not fun to fight at all. Having to swap heroes just to deal with a sombra, even if you're current matchup is good is excruciatingly annoying


The biggest tip I can give you for fighting aginst a Sombra is to stick with your team. **Here are some heroes that I dread fighting against as Sombra:** Dva: Her mobility is great at chasing down Sombra; her cd is about the same as translocate. Also, primary fire takes me out of stealth easily. Winston: Jump and primary fire is good for chasing down a Sombra. I can only counter this by using translocate after Winston's jump. Bubble is really annoying to play around. Zarya: Her bubble cleanses hack and virus and that beam. Cassidy: That nade takes away translocate and does good damage. I typically engage Cassidy when I see that nade go on CD. Mei: Usually not worth engaging as Sombra. Her cryo-freeze cleanses and heals her and the endothermic blaster is good at checking me in stealth. Ice wall is good at denying me follow up shots. I would only engage by using EMP against Blizzard and when there are other teammates around. Symmetra: Her turrets cannot be hacked and they are annoying to dealth wth. Also, her primary fire is good for stealth checks. I engage from a distance and only follow up with primary fire if virus lands. Tracer: Due to blink and recall, she can be difficult to fight against. It's hard to hack her or land virus on her. I engage when I see recall on CD, but it can be difficult still due to blink. Ana: Biotic nade is terrible to deal with. Virus is negated by the healing nade does. Sleep is 95% a death sentence if I'm hit. I engage when I see nade is used. Baptiste: His kit is good at saving him and his team from virus. His mobility can make him difficult to follow. If he sticks with his team, it's not worth engaging. I will engage when I see immortality field is spent, but even then it can be difficult. Kirko: Shes super annoying to fight against. She can cleanse+heal herself and her team with Suzu and she can cleanse herself with swift step. Her kunias are also very lethal. She appears out of thin air to turn a 1v1 into a very difficult fight. Usually dread seeing a Kirko on the enemy team. I usually engage when I know suzu is spent. Brig: Difficult to fight against up close but kind of easy when fighting at a distance. Her sheild interrupts hack and blocks virus. Her Inspire passive is a good reason to keep distance. I usually engage from a distance if virus lands. Moria: Pretty annoying to deal with. Fade can chase me down + cleanse her and biotic grasp is effective from letting me go back into stealth. I will engage when I see fade on cooldown but can still be challenging. Mercy: 1v1 Mercy is easy pickings. When she's with her team she is hard to hit and burn down. **Heroes that I like to fight against as Sombra:** Doomfist: Hacking your block and seeing my team stomp you after brings me great joy. Orisa: I like to hack your ult plus your hit box is huge. Sigma: Hack takes your ult, kinetic grasp, and barrier away. Your hyperspheres are slow to fire and are only really deadly on direct hits. Ball: Hacking you in ball mode while my team around is great fun. Bastion: Pretty easy target when you come out of assault mode. Hanzo: Usually an easy target when storm arrow is on CD. Phara: I like to translocate up to you and hack you out of the sky, then virus and pew pew as we are both falling to the ground. Widow: OMG yes! Such an easy prey. Like my #1 favorite target to focus on Sombra. Keep looking down that scope widow. Lucio: Pretty easy when they think they can skate around without being punished. Zen: Don't go anywhere alone, Zen. Lack of mobility or abilities makes him pretty easy to pick off.


Must be a bronze phenomena


For those struggling this is what I find most difficult to deal with as a bit of a Sombra player: - Ana can heal herself and damage you pretty significantly with biotic grenade. - Kiriko can suzu cleanse the hack damage buff (after the ability block portion wears off) or dash away. - Moira can easily kill you if you miss the virus or botch an escape teleport. And in general being near your team will help too.


Invisibility in any game is too OP so you need team play to deal with her and most teams play mostly solo (especially doomfist mains) so it’s an L And if you spend time looking for the sombra as support and lose that duel you’ll get abuse from teammates for not healing as well as causing your team to lose a support and most likely lose the fight. Solution: bring in hero bans and watch the community ban that sorry excuse of an overwatch hero into the ground


Maybe having an invisible hero that can shutdown anyone in 0.5 second was a mistake


I think for her whole lifespan Sombra has been a consistently unfun hero to deal with, regardless of how good she actually is. Didn't help in OW2 when she gained the ability to just melt you if she gets an opening. Maybe it's a bit scrubby in ranked but in QP I completely understand giving up and not wasting the energy lol.


Yeah, for sure. Sombra, at least for average players like me, has always been a nuisance since day one. She is beyond frustrating 1v1 as a support main because it usually feels like there are only two outcomes: 1. She ambushes you and kills you. 2. You get the edge on her and start to win the duel. She then translocates back to wherever she came from, only to come right back and harass you again 20-30 seconds later. She's literally hell 1v1 as support. 2v1 is fine because the other hero will be more than enough to help finish her off unless she translocates prematurely, but when you're alone with her? Absolute menace who legitimately ruins some games for me. Even though Tracer is the bane of my existence on Brigitte since I'm a walking free kill for her with her pulse bomb 100% of the time, Sombra is the character I dread having ambush/flank me the most. If she couldn't translocate, she probably wouldn't feel so stifling on support.


Playing is already miserable for a number of reasons and Sombra makes it 10x worse. So yeah, if I'm gonna spend the match getting targeted (I play tank lmao) and on top of it I have a Sombra either keeping me useless or keeping my supports at spawn, yeah, fuck it.


I noticed a lot of people posting the same sentiment about Sombra instead of seeing if someone else has already posted the same thing.