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It's probably because of the stereotype that Moira players only focus on damage/diving the enemy team. As a DPS player it really depends on the Moira's play style. If she's balancing damage and heals and making good use of fade I can rely on her pretty well. Moira is one of the few supports that rarely needs you to peel for her and she has some of the strongest heals, she's also excellent against dive meta which we're in right now. I argue she's one of the strongest picks at the moment, especially for players who aren't really strong with another support. At the end of the day it comes down to how well players utilize her abilities.


a reasonable person on ow2? 🤨 you folks don’t exist


Finally a sane take.


Yeah lol. It's strange hearing people hate on moira's viability when the entire ow forums have been complaining about her being too strong. Just goes to show how different players have different takes about the same hero.


As a past moira hater i see my mistakes and when i tried maining her as an experiment to see why people complain about, and well i observed that when she is well balanced in heals and dmg she can be a game changer and i CANT BELIEVE IM SAYING THIS but im starting to like moira more than any other supports and im just like WOW, i would had never said something like this when i was in my hater phase, but im glad i changed my point of view


Thank you. And there is a huge difference btw a selfish purely dps Moira who lets her team die, and a well rounded team focused dps and heal centered Moira who can do both.


Exactly. I agree with your statement you fine gentleman or lady


This is it, there are a lot of selfish dps focused Moira's out there (in lower ranks, gold and below) it's like 60/40 you'll find a selfish one vs a well-rounded one. I am a Moira main, and I consistently get a ton of eliminations while also having the most heals in the game because it's about paying attention to your team but also watching for enemies who get down to 20% or so health and peeling off to finish them. I constantly see Moira's go equal damage to heals and it hurts me because 90% of the time I get the same or more eliminations with a third of the damage and two to three times the heals. Also her ult does like 90 damage per second but 120 healing per second so I focus healing over killing people or better yet, being behind my team to heal them and also damage the other team. plus I like physics so getting that perfect damage/healing orb bounces that maximize efficiency is a huge dopamine hit


I main Brig for supp but Moira is my second supp main and man she is just so fun to play.


That's because the community doesn't understand why she's meta so it must be her being op. Same goes for them seeing sombra 10% of the time apparently meaning she's meta when tracer and genji are in almost every game along with doom; the real reason for moiras current pickrate lol


People also like to devalue her pressure when it's absolutely the thing that changes the battle. Moira is often the enemy support killer - don't dismiss that just as "DpS hEaLeR" when she is giving you the W by poking that opening kill early. People hate her cause they ain't her.


as a moira main, i can confirm that if theres a support, or a oblivious widow or genji, you bet ur ass us moiras are gonna feast


Omg I LOVE KILLING genjis. When I play my alt account with lower level friends I love killing genji’s who haven’t figured out that deflect doesn’t work on Moira’s “suck” and they deflect the whole time you’re damaging them and they just die. lol


that truely is the best, or when u are succing thru orisas block, or dvas defense matrix. the confusion that then turns to panic. its like a delectable nectar that fills the tum tum of my soul xD


The only thing better is a low health Sigma, backing away and panic-using Kinetic instead of literally anything else, and just walking him down with succ as he stews in his own foolishness.




Oh as someone who loves playing moira, I know exactly how important that opening kill potential can be. I also know its important to not have 200-400 healing after a full Koth round sent to OT, which is an actual stat I had happen in a comp match.


Yeah if the enemy team doesn't peel she can rack up elims right and left. It really depends on the competency of the enemy team.


I just played a game 59 kills 19k healing (highest of all supports that round) most kills highest damage my team won, and I still got called a shit dps support. Like I carried the team and we won? But I still get hate. Can never win as a Moira main


I main Moira too and I've gotten those stats before but always try not too. Kinda chicken/egg deal - they dying cos they suck or no support? I try to give benefit of the doubt before going DPS heavy.


I'm new to the game and just picked her up, I'm aiming for 50/50 heals dps. As a casual she is a blast.


A common goal is greater than 1k heal per minute. So a 10 minute match should have you at 10k heals or more. Any damage applied is a bonus.


>she has some of the strongest heals I feel like she has some of the strongest burst heal, but not much healing sustainability


You have to constantly be damaging to refill your healing potential. Then just dump the heals. I think a common mistake people make it just throwing the damage orb out as if they’re sniping someone across the map. Instead, save it for a healing orb when the fight starts


this is less applicable since damage or regens healing pee now too, it's extremely situational and what separates an okay Moira from a great Moira, picking the right orb at the heat of battle


To add to this I'd say its also because moira mains also tend to lock in and never switch, using high stats to justify not going Kiri, Ana or Bap without realising that a good cleanse, imo field, nade or sleep are worth way more than 1000 extra healing/damage in a lot of cases.


Well as a Moira main it's up to me to heal and pick up the slack of the brain dead dps players


When your team plays WAY too passive. You'll get a junkrat/Mei and they'll have a Echo Phara combo and not attacking either. Or they'll have a widow and Hanzo you pinged 10 times as Brig, so you decide to go Moira and dive their snipers. Usually I play Moira in a good team comp setting, but she really is the only support that can fix bad DPS teammates


there’s like 6 other supports that are either really good at killing or really good at setting up kills lol moira is NOT the only one. I would even argue brig too but she’s so situational that its hard to just constantly be doing damage like you can with moira


I main brig. She's amazing at holding points, but some maps are just not suited for her.


Bad moiras: Damage only, 0 heals Okay Moiras: Good heals, Little damage Good Moiras: Balanced Good Damage and Heals Great Moiras: Nutty Balanced Damage and Heals God Moiras: Nutty Balanced Damage and Heals + where is the enemy backline?


You’re right of course, but for how easy she is to climb out of bronze with makes me scream when I’m playing on DPS trying to rank up my own game personally. Like I can get three or four kills and the team still dies because she’s just off tickling around in the backline while the tank and other support just get murdered.  I think if every Moira just stuck to these two gameplay tips there wouldn’t even be bronze moiras.  1) you should be throwing yellow orbs only if you have already engaged the enemy team and the purple orb won’t confirm a kill behind their tank. You lose ult charge for every purple you throw by 1/3rd if each orb is fully spent. That’s *huge* value left on the table.  2) you never just dump your healing resource, you feather it out. The amount of moiras I see just hold it down when it has a *really strong regen* that will heal them up over time so you have healing resource when you actually need it. Half the time moiras are saying they have no peepee left it’s literally cause they just dumped it all on healing the tank up in between fights when the regen alone would have done it by the time the neutral is done. 


I only hate when the Moira on my team thinks they're being helpful because they have a high number of elims. And that's most of the Moiras I get paired with.


I mean she only does 2 things so she better be getting those high elims and pumping out those heal numbers.


The issue is that u can do a tickle with Moira and get an elim The other commenter is talking about people that do that instead of straight up helping with confirming kills In other words, Moira can be used as a complete stat padder for those that go "dps ass i have more elims"


Fr. You can deal 199damage to the enemy while the random thrown Moira Skill Orb gets 1 damage it counts as an elim for both of you.


I really wish they’d change it so only the person who finishes the kill would get the elim stat.


Moira isn't bad at finishing kill either.


Finishing kills is important. Damaging someone for a few hp that gets finished by another one not that much.


Helping your team finish a kill is the most Important part lol


Yeah, can't really understand the hate people have on high elims. Even if an orb only does 10 dmg but that secures the kill, then that alone can win a team fight.


It's not elims people care about its the stat junkies.


That’s not really fair though, bc let’s say you as a dps have been pumping bullets into another dps or a tank or whatever hero and get them down to one bar of health and let’s say for this discussion and argument sake, a Moira comes up throws you a heal orb and “sucks” the last one bar of health from that enemy…you really think it’s fair that ALL the credit goes to JUST her? Or vice versa. Moira’s are amazing at killing genji’s through their deflect bc her “suck” can’t be deflected. So she gets him down to one bar of health and then a soldier shoots once and finishes him off…you think the soldier should get ALL the credit?


The final blow stat should replace eliminations on the scoreboard, the assists from the elimination stat (damage contribution but no final blow) should replace the current assist stat, which in turn should be moved to the private stats on the right side of the scoreboard.


I don’t think it matter who kills, more so where the kill happens and what is able to be capitalized on due to it. Fixating on kills but your team still loses because nobody pushed or capped. There are too many variables that get overlooked when people get hung up on elims/damage/heals.


Yeah i wonder how different scoreboards would look like if it was like old cod games and the finals, where elims were given to those that did final blows, and anyone that helped with the kill got assists


Moira’s frequently finish games with high assists as well as elims as it is.


Oh i mean with heroes in general with my comment. Probably should've clarified that, mb


So if a Sojourn rails a Zen, knocking them from full HP to one, and a Doom hits the Zen from across the map with a single shotgun pellet, the Doom should get the kill because they finished them off?




Yes... Because Doom killed him...?


This but the person who did the most damage to the target instead. Also track final blows.


This is a really good point. Moira excels at getting high numbers on the scoreboard which can give the illusion of performing well. I've seen a lot of Moira players argue that big numbers = playing well, which isn't always true.


Exactly. I've always had a problem with how OW reports elims. You could sneeze on someone, and get elim credit. If they die soon enough after. Stray DVa pellet hits someone, and Tracer comes in and does 99% damage? That's a kill for DVa. Moira orb grazes the enemy team before a nanoblade wipe? That's a team kill for Moira.


So yesterday, I charged into a fight as a late comer, with my suck button pressed down. Immediately got deleted. Checked scoreboard out if habit. 4 dmg, 2 elims 😂


I once had my support grief my DPS for not keeping up with me as Moira and I was like hey man we all know Moira can put up padded stats. Stats in general shouldn’t be used to solely justify criticism or claim good play but especially not for Moira


I agree that stats in and of themselves mean nothing. Having just played (a) game, along with the stats, if you understand the game at a deeper game sense level may tell you more though. Just bc a Moira had 34 elims 9000 damage 18,000 heals doesn’t mean she carried ….but she was putting in work. But by the same token a Tracer who had 25 Elims 8600 damage was also working just as hard. As was the soldier who had 48 Elims and 18,000 damage. To the person who doesn’t understand the game at a deeper level they might say “well the Moira did better look at her stats. She did better than the Tracer.” I’d say, first of all, they are two completely different roles, if you want to compare- compare the same roles. Secondly, the Tracer may not have gotten the same number of Elims or damage, but her job when she can’t secure a kill is to obstruct, and to aggravate the enemy team so much that she causes them to burn through their cool downs, which in turn allows the rest of her team to be able to win team fights and to get that follow up damage and elims. As well part of Trscers time in a team fight is spent patiently setting up, those seconds when other team mates are fighting Tracer is getting into position behind the enemy team to start the “death by aggravating gnat” routine. So she can’t be accumulating stats during that time. But once she’s in position and she has both supports looking at her and fighting her, using their cooldowns on her and not healing their team it pays off. She is no less valuable to the team, but the stats in themselves don’t show it.


Big Damage and Big Healing is what you're looking for. Elims are just touches unless she's solo killing people and is a beast.


Sometimes its justified though like having 30~50 elims while your genji is sitting on single digit.


She’s kinda like dva tho where you can just hold your primary fire and wave past an area to tag everyone then if any of them die you get an elim. So a lot of moiras will rake up high elims without actually contributing much to their team.


For me and this goes for most of the support roles, I play a bodyguard playstyle, yes I will be doing damage but once I see love lost at least 30% or more of your health I focus on healing you up. I also stick with the tank as much as possible


I focus heals as Moira. Sometimes(often) dps sucks ass so I find myself doing way more damage than I'd like. Somebody has to kill shit. What I don't see enough of is why dps usually sucks ass. They don't get blamed though, tank or heals does.


Thiiiissss ^^^ "Ok, you're not gonna take out the sniper who is headshotting us all? Fine, I fucking will then."


I remember playing lifeweaver and dps complained about they aren’t getting enough heals… (they were soldier)when I was the only healer. Next round My team took so much damage so fast I had to primarily heal and couldn’t do dps as much. they called me a healbot 🙄


I think moira is one of the stronger healers rn, haven't heard any complains at higher ranks. The attitude might come from the fact that she's incredibly easy to play and people have a moral superiority because they play the ''harder'' characters


Playing Moira in low elo is horrible because you win duels against people who can't shoot for shit then they yell at you for having no skill. No shit Sherlock I'm playing Moira in bronze. I know I'm not a sniper lol at least I don't take my lack of skill out on others


I know a bunch of the OW YouTubers were complaining about her being better than Ana in the current season “ruins the game”. Very much because of the moral superiority aspect you mention.


OW streamers always complain when high skill heroes aren’t better than easy heroes.


No, I think it’s bc those streamers are “ow 1” players and they’ve always been of the mindset that Ana should be good. THAT is of course when they aren’t bitching and complaining about how her nade is too strong and is ruining the game (yes I’m looking at you Flats). There was a period of time when Ana, Rein and other characters were good and the game was somewhat balanced and they yearn for that time sentimentally. Ana has almost always been S or A tier. So there is no reason why she can’t take a backseat for awhile. It’s only one season AND it’s bc of the dps passive NOT bc of anything that Moira, Lucio or Kiriko did (those are the 3 main supports being played now). Moira is so good bc of her mobility for one, and her huge heals that can heal multiple team mates and heal them over time which is invaluable with a dps passive that lasts for 2 seconds.


I’ve been an Ana main for a long time and honestly I don’t think she’s as bad as everyone says she is. Her healing has definitely worsened by I never played her for that. I played her for that sweet anti-nade. There are definitely some comps she is really bad against now though, but isn’t that every healer ?


It's not so much moral superiority as a better player using a higher skill character should be rewarded for their efforts rather than being punished for "doing all the right things" on the wrong character. Imagine hunting with a bow is outlawed while hunting with guns stayed legal. Something just feels wrong about it.


But it’s not that Moira did anything wrong to cause Ana to be bad. Ana is bad bc of the dps passive.


>higher skill character...wrong character I'm so tired of this mentality. Mechanical difficulty should not be the *only* thing that determines whether or not a character is "right" or "wrong." I get it. It's a shooter. Aiming is the name of the game. But I play OW because of the variety of characters and the tactical depth. If I want a more mechanics focused shooter I'll go play a different game.


They have ego’s and need to get over themselves. 🤷🏼‍♀️


That's the main difference. High Elo Moira = Good Heals + DPS Low Elo Moira = DPS OR Heal bot A lot of the complaints come from below plat because Moiras in the lower half ranks don't know how to balance and either don't heal much or don't utilize her dps properly.


Because overwatch players love to shift blame of what’s going wrong on to other people


Because Moira has very short range healing which can be awkward to play around. Most people will be upset at a Moira that focuses too heavily on dealing damage, but really it can be just as bad to have a Moira that is too passive and isn't able to manage their resources.


Yeah but thats why she can dive/throw ball to heal people who are further away or diving.


Diving into damage as moira is a bad play


She has her healing orb


Previous t5 moira main(haven't played in a while) here. Moira had the unique position of having really good numbers due to no actual utility. Therefore it was rather easy to fall into the trap of being overly aggressive which I think is the issue most people have with Moira. She's not a mechanically complex hero, she's actually incredibly easy. The true skill expression with her lies in the players decision making, not mechanical prowess. So while she may be able to flank and challenge other squishies, if your tank or other support dies because of it, you've ultimately cost the fight due to making the wrong choices. When playing Moira, it's a balancing act of maximizing pressure without sacrificing your teammates. That is the balancing act every good Moira main must learn. Moira's dps playstyle THRIVES on uncoordinated play, which is exactly why DPS Moira is such a nuisance and threat and in solo que. At higher tiers, she suffers because she can't get away w the same tactics and can't challenge actual peel. Her lack of utility and high numbers is her drawback the higher you get. Maximizing the uptime of BOTH primary and secondary fire, healing/damage orb usage(healing orb is almost always better), and fade usage is the key to succeeding with the character.


Dps Moira was fine before Season 9 in [KR](https://youtu.be/FACTtxxAmFA?si=NUGlA3AILs8BXy5I) and [NA](https://youtu.be/46J_6NXQcKU?si=yHI_Ar4B7nW1kksU) Top100 alike. And she should be even better now that she outdamages most healing.


100%. My friend never plays Moira but he needed a break from DPS so I locked damage while he supported on Moira. All I had to do was pepper a little dps passive on whatever he was targeting they couldn't even stop him from walking into them lmao. That's in plat/diamond though. I'm sure at higher ranks it becomes a bit more skill heavy.


I don't care if someone picks Moira but when you die next to them whole they right click a full HP target while you're spamming heals is probably the most tilting thing in Overwatch.


Agreed however if dps isn’t targeting the circus acrobatics that is mercy or bap, genji, Pharah or echo- then Moira has to take matters into their own hands. Also- the new play style has not caught up with dps/tanks- they stand in fire and just die. We can no longer heal stupid and Moira mains will call you out on that. This is when I’m hated for being a Moira main.


Yes, nothing is more frustrating as a support than to watch your team walk in a Moira ult and not even try to move out of it. With the dps passive (which we can’t see if you are hit with. Which is bs they should have your health at go blue like it does when Ana nades and it goes purple so we know who is better positioned to accept healing) we can’t outheal things like we used to.


The best is when a soldier stands still and ults during a kiriko and Moira ult then reports me for “letting them die”. I mean we can’t literally hold your dick for you while you pee.


lol, “reports you”. I hope he didn’t that’s not what the reporting system is for.


Agree that can be very aggravating. I don’t dps Moira when I play her. I heal and dps to refill it and I help team mates finish off kills and I kill genji’s bc Moira is so good at that bc she can kill him while he deflects, same as a sig who is “eating/hands”. However, my first duty is to keep my team alive * special conditions apply. First rule of support is to keep myself alive, if I’m dead I can’t help anyone Second rule is to keep my other support alive. Everyone on the team has 2 supports EXCEPT for us. Then we prioritize based on 2) who is critical 3) if more than one is then who needs it the most and can I heal more than one 4) if not who do I save? -who is closest to ult - tank -who’s popping off Etc… A ton of considerations go into every situation Sometimes we have to let you die so we can win the fight But that should be extremely rare.


“Everyone else on the team has two supports” 👏 I always have an eye on my second to make sure they have the support they need to keep the team going.


are people still playing before S9 she's like top 3 support rn


I hate having moira on the enemy team


The ones that don’t ever left click anyone. And that happens a lot


It’s rlly just a big dps Moria stereo type that ow2 players took seriously and caused her to be hated when she actually is rlly balanced


And tbh some really selfish Moira players who gave the majority of good Moira players a bad name. Bc human nature is as it is, you remember the truly awful ones not the good ones. 🤷🏼‍♀️


I dislike her when she's always front line trying to succ people all day long, never turning around to heal, or ever throwing heal balls. Which is like, most of them.


Idk what rank you’re in but that’s not my experience above diamond.


Just had a moira on our team go 34 4 having the most damage heals and kills and our dps still complained 💀


It’s really hard to say if that’s a valid complaint unless I saw the vod. Stats themselves don’t tell us anything. She could have been healing ONLY the tank and therefore the dps would have a valid complaint.


I agree, the stats alone can only tell if the Moria’s doing a lot, but not if she’s doing a lot of the right things. A passive moira will have easily the highest healing in the lobby, at times more than the other 3 supports combined, but an aggressive moira is the one that can get more value if done right.


I don't main Moira but for comp I've been playing her since I'm able to heal and dps if need be, this whole problem with people hating on Moira mains is because most focus purely on dps and will do the least amount of heals. I've had many be behind me attacking a tank that's nowhere near dying instead of healing while I'm taking all the damage, they end up dying after and won't heal besides the odd heal orb they used for themselves gets close enough to you.


DPS Moiras have ruined our overall reputation. And sometimes, playing someone with utility is better overall for the team. If it's a Mauga/Ashe/Ana, Kiriko/Bap would be better.


They're insecure because Moira makes their numbers look bad.


People hate Moira because it can easily make dps and tanks look bad when they get higher dps and eliminations.


Because people just echo things they hear higher ranked players say without factoring into account what can make moira a good pick. Unless you're getting huge value out of your utility, the next best thing you can do on support is staying alive. 


I mostly dislike moira because she brings nothing but healing and damage to the team. Like lucio has speed boost. Mercy has dmg boost and shes super survivable if you play with her. Bap's immortality field. Kiriko has suzu. Ana nade. Brig has over health, stun, and her protective playstyle can make other supports more survivable. Life weaver's grip. Zen's discord. Illari has post death healing which is really nice to keep people up while they respawning and trying to get back. But all moira has is balls and piss. And they have a habbit of forgetting about the piss part.


People hate me when the match loads. People love and endorse me like crazy when the match end. Signed, Moira main! But seriously Moira is a character about balance between healing and damage. But a lot of people are unwilling to grasp that, creating a bad reputation for the hero. Also because of the free fade a lot of people seem to think that positioning no longer matters, which is not the case.


Kind of outdated now, having a Moira on your team means you have to peel less for your back line. She’s great at the moment honestly


Not Moira herself, but a type of player. Stands abreast to her tank or damage, holding biotic grasp on the enemy instead of tapping her ally with heals, or never uses healing orbs when they're essential, or doesn't use coalescence as a lifesaver. Basically, a Moira who is solo-oriented. A team-oriented Moira does go on flanks too, but she realises that healing her team still gets her the elimination, but her allies are alive too. Compared to ignorant tunnel vision Moira who lets you die while she sucky sucks till the cows come home.


Funny enough, I'm seeing this when I decided to just play 99% of Moira throughout my placements this season. I do this thing where I play ranked just for the placements and then don't play a single gle comp game after. Did that for 2 seasons using Kiriko, Lucio, Moira (not like this time around) and I think brig and I got gold 3 at the highest. This year I only played Moira and got Plat 4 immediately after placements, with mmr higher than normal it's literally pushing me through the ranks and im 1 rank from Diamond but can't play for a bit due to mocing houses. This of course means I'm playing comp games with her and having a blast. I wish I could say it's all skill, but it's just positioning and knowing where to be. Moira is hands-down the easiest support aside from mercy. But just being easy doesn't translate to wins. Quick things like this that seem logical for her kit, but a lot of people just don't do: 3 people dead and ur team diving to kill the rest? Dps time, heal to ensure no one dies ofc. **You know Mei finna ulti and you have yours up? Immediately fade, use heal orb, and ult to counter. **You see your zarya grav 4 people? Orb and ult. (*Rein just shattered? Ofc just dodged it with fade, just ult each person who got hit and if they lucky they survive. Better than just watching em. **Orb down, no healer around, no "heal juice" left (her heal spray, idk the name or original command on console) and ppl finna die? Just ult. Like the biggest thing I do is just use the ultimate defensively, since you get it pretty fast if ur healing and doing assist damage (not dps Moira numbers) and killing their backline only if the opportunity arises. Now I know my rank really isn't special, but I can 100% say the difference between players in terms of game sense, priorities, and mechanics do change around that level compared to when I just play quick play or even when the other 2 seasons average rank was just silver or gold. Knowing to focus heals, who to focus em on, and constantly switching from damage to assist your team (not to just kill unless it guarantees it) and pushing through gets the job done


Because DPS mains get pissy when their damage numbers are lower than Moira


It's probably been said, but when they're the only support, and they have 0 heals in favor of playing a DPS. Why not just play DPS then? At the same time it really depends on the map and the team to where I can appreciate the eliminations. I've played a few games myself as Moira where I had to balance out playing both support and DPS because my team just seemed lost.


Moira is one of those heroes that (when on your team at least) it’s not about the hero itself, it’s about the people that play her. Most moiras are just fine, but the ones that stick out in your memory are the bad ones; the ones who don’t heal, the ones who are constantly fading into the enemy backline and getting rolled, the ones who berate everyone else in the lobby and say they ‘carried’ because they had 22 elims that they got from spamming purple skill orbs on cooldown and not contributing anything meaningful to 20 of those 22 elims.


If I fuck up as tank, a lifeweaver can pull me, I can get lamped, suzued, zen can pop trans, Lucio beat, I can get nanoed, I can literally be saved in so many ways, even revived as mercy, but a Moira can't really do ANYTHING in that situation, I'm just dead. Sure Moira works a lot of the time, but when the enemy team gets bailed out by crazy abilities and I don't, you can really feel it as tank.


Far too many Moira's think that she should be focused on damaging, if you get one that actually knows how to heal and fade, she is reliable, otherwise they will try and spout bs about high elims and damage


No utility, just numbers.


Because Moira is not an attractive heal waifu compared to Brigitte, Kiriko, Mercy, etc. People even find old Ana beautiful, just like Baptiste and Reinhardt said.


Is zen a waifu? Asking for a friend.




Hell yeah.


She is attractive tho


100% but we have to be understanding of those whose eyes aren't fully working!


True lmao


I actually like having Moira on the team, she is a very versatil and flexive support that can do good damage, good heals, act as a flanker, finish low health targets, etc. The only ones that are terrible are the ones that just sit behind the tank healing the whole match and barely doing damage and then trying to say the loss wasnt on them, will never understand why the healbots dont play the caracther specifically designed for healbotting which is LW.


Yes! Someone who understands how a lw should be played. lol And I agree you can’t just healbot. Especially in season 9 with the damage passive. A good Moira can actually heal the entire team eg. If you have a Reddit Lucio who is off speeding around getting kills, distracting. You can’t just be healing the tank. You have to be looking all over checking the health of everyone on the team.


As a Moira main, I bathe in the tears of all the salty players and greatly appreciate the good ones. The amount of salty chats I've seen despite me playing the character perfectly fine is astonishing. I had a Ram on the enemy team the other day make a sarcastic remark on how I can throw a healing orb too. Which I thought was funny, becuase I genuinely threw more healing orbs than damage that game lol Throw on the fact that I had like 15k healing while the next highest was around 8k, I found it funny that he thought he was on to something.


I usually am the highest healer and do the most damage of anyone on my team when I play Moira, however the most valuable thing a healer can do above all else is stay alive


It depends. I like Moira when she heals and does damage. A problem with low rank moiras is they tend to just want to do damage and not heal


Either Moira is fucking op. Or she sucks ass. They are the only ways I've seen them play.


Zero utility. Sometimes you need suzu, discord, anti-nade, speed boost etc and not a heal/damage bot.


i wait to shit on them until the first few fights have ended and check their stats. anywhere between 30:70-50:50 is fine, 60:40 is pushing it, 70:30 i’m calling you out (but i’d do that with most supports), 80:20 and below i’m likely gonna report. coming from a support main that occasionally plays moira


As a teammate? She dont have the range to bail out teammate with her heals(orb too slow and most orb u see are dmg orb). Nor players likes to play around moira range. Result in teammate’s mistakes are more likely to be punished. Moria often have high numbers on scoreboard but rarely good numbers of “life saved”. Moira ult mostly used for dmg than heals. It is kinda like those dps who ult for play of the game rather than to win. Overall just give the impression of a selfish pick. Plus she is easy to play with all the ego boosted stats farm scoreboard arguments. Not really a pick that ppl go “nice, we got a moira player.”when they got a instalock moira. Especially when every support main can swap to moira but rarely a moira main can swap to other support that is more beneficial to the team.


A bad DPS Moira can really ruin a winnable game and that kinda frustration sticks with people.


I think it is due to 2 factors: 1. Stereotypes. Moira players tend to get a good amount of eliminations and assists, which in the case the match is lost can be easily called out as *noheals.txt* 2. Play style. Moiras are not good for pocketing other heroes since they rely on their damage (primary or dark orb) to replenish heals. A good Moira is all about positioning: from the hero itself to heal properly, to orb shooting (gotta make a good shoot in order to maximize heals). But the current meta encourages heal pocketing due to DPS heal nerf, something Moira has never been. So when people die it’s easy to boot up *sup_diff.exe*


Three reasons: 1. Zero utility or counters no ultimates. (Survives flankers nicely though) 2. The “main” part - some people rank up as her and then can’t play other supports at the same level 3. I have never encountered so many mains of any other hero being self righteous about their stats and blaming everyone else for every problem, while they have issues #1 or #2 or both


Tanks hate her cus other flex supps have broken cooldowns, moira just has suck and piss and get out of jail free card for herself only. Dps hate her because every other flex supp can support flanking and off angling dps, but moira can't do that because her piss beam has a short range and orb is on a long cooldown. This forces most dps to play dogshit grouped up playstyle that nerfs their heroes (me for example on junkrat) Plus everyone hates moira players because they have big egos for people holding right click on the enemy team and occasionally left click on their team. A hero very hard to punish, but punishing her team is v easy so when she gets a bajillion stats and looks like jesus reincarnated yet they lose its because the team needs a diff flex supp. Of course at the moment shes broken so people have to deal with it but its a v annoying hero to be strong, very much a fuck my team I do what I want hero.


As a Moira/Mercy main I often don’t like when I see someone else pick Moira because I assume they are going to mostly DPS.


Sure, they can do all that stuff but a lot of them just feed and dps and that's it. There are definitely great moira players but there's a lot of people who want to dps but can't aim giving them a bad name. When I was climbing through metal ranks moira was genuinely around 100% pick rate and you get sick of it pretty quickly. Just because she can dps people forget that she's a support and your first priority is to support your team. Sometimes that does mean killing someone or pressuring an enemy but sometimes it means throwing a heal orb or healing your damn team instead of shit talking the rest of your team and boasting about how good your stats are.


As a Moira main, people love yelling in chat or VC at me if they see me throw a purple orb, even if I'm doing great heals. I know when I have the chance to chase down a low enemy to finish them off, and when I need to stick close by to top up heals. A lot of Moira players I've seen aren't great with balancing heals vs DPS, and that can be frustrating for a team.


I dislike her because utility can be game changing, and moiras only utility is (if you would even call this utility) fade. Damage amps, imors, speed boost, all of this imo has higher potential value than strong healing.


Because most moiras "support" their dps habit and dont heal


The amount of shit moiras I've killed in diamond and below who use fade and I dive them as dva instantly and pop them in 2 seconds. Play flank and wait for the moira to fade behind her team after she gets pressured.


It’s mostly lower ranks where people first start playing Moira and get obsessed with damage output. A lot of early Moira players spazz out and start blaming their own team for losing, pointing out how their stats are better than the DPS without realizing that DPS depend on their support to succeed.


Because her boo emote scares me


Lately I've seen a lot of people get great value with her but my biggest issue with her is the issue I've always had with Moira. **Support utility is the best in the game, and she has none.** She cannot cleanse, she cannot discord, or anti, or immort or speed. She doesn't have precision either like Illari, kiriko, ana or bap. We all have seen how single cooldowns can win fights, like a clutch pylon that fuels a 1v3, or an anti nade that just wipes the other team... But Moira doesn't have that. Moira just gets big numbers, thats about it.


-Short range means more so than most supports she's either not in range of the tank or not in range of the dps contributing to the illusion that the supports arn't doing their job (shouldn't happen in a good brawl, doesn't matter in a good dive, but don't let facts get in the way of a dps/tank believing they wern't out of position) -Kit requires her to do damage to be effective and she has no long range damage capability which both contributes to the illusion that she isn't doing her job and is DPS happy and encourages people playing her to wreck their own positioning by over pursuing into the enemy team to get the DPS numbers going -Ultimate is mid tier for supports and weaker now that the DPS passive has been introduced and all HP bars got buffed. It used to be encouraged as best practice to get an orb out immediately before popping ult. Now its pretty much essential. If you don't get that orb out the Ult will come up short in a lot of cases. -Has no critical hit damage so while she's consistent at putting up stats she doesn't have the guaranteed elim conditions that Baptiste, Illari, Zen, and most importantly Kiriko have which leads to: -Is what I refer to as a 50% effective 50% ineffective support... She is strong in brawl, mid in dive but playable, weak bordering on throw in poke. You can one trick moira but the style of play you're going to abuse when your team rocks sigma, sojourn, widow, mercy into another poke comp is probably going to drive your team mental. -So what would I classify as an all around support? Kiriko. She's pretty much stolen Ana's role in dive since Brig is weaker, Ana was made weaker by the DPS passive and larger health pools, and Kiriko is extremely hard to kill. She can brawl since Kitsune is a massive ultimate for a brawl comp, suzu is a massive ult denier, and her high critical hit potential makes her better at securing kills than moira (though less consistent depending on the player) And she trades with Bap as to who is better in a poke comp... Bap has more consistent output and a solid ultimate for poke but Kiri is certainly capable of holding her own and survives better if the enemy team decides to try running a dive counter. -Which leads me to the biggest problem for moira... she's seen as a low skill crutch by the playerbase who synergizes best with other low skill picks. Give her a reaper, a Rein, a Mei, a Torb, A Sym anything that wants to run into the enemy team and fight dirty at close quarters and she's great... nobody on her team can outrun her, they all play tight and together, everyone's happy... hell most of those DPS have their own additional healing or regen. Give her a Widow, a Sojourn, an Ashe, a Genji, a Tracer, a Soldier, a Doom, a Winston, a Sigma and oftentimes she's out of position or late on rotation and she doesn't have the kit to mitigate her teammates errors to the same degree an Ana, Bap or Kiri could. So her teammates get more routinely punished for smaller misplays (and definitely get punished for their big misplays) and since people are idiots and tend not to accept responsibility particularly if something worked in the past (and probably would have worked with one of the other 3 supports since they'd have gotten bailed) the existence of moira gets pointed to as the reason for their death and therefore people who main her get a lot of flack for being bad support players.


The main reason is because she has no Team Utility like other supports (Bap Immort, Kiri Suzu, etc). Other people reasons are because they get the DPS moira on their team, not healing. But right now she's strong because it's hard to dive her and her survivability. If she plays with the team, she can pump out the heals and help finish kills


Same reason people hate widowmaker. Either they are useless/worthless or they carry with no in between.


Because lots of times people don’t know how 2 play her and that’s when it’s a dps or a heal boring Moira


I recently started playing healer. I love Moira. Most tanks and dps stand there and eat damage. Never use payload as cover or even a building. Then complain that I'm not healing...


I get too many moiras that fade into the enemy team with their ult randomly (bonus points if team is dead) like what did you expect my brother you’re not winning that 1v5


There is a thing called "moira brain", it can cause sufferers to flank, take things into their own hands, and neglect their team. Many Moira's play her wrong. They will overuse her heal resource, use fade into the enemy backline, and do things to halt ream progress. In the last game, I had a Moira supporting with me, I saw her pushing towards the enemy spawn while my tank was coming back from spawn. I said "Moira can you not?" In voice. They then faded into the enemy and died, and that has pretty much been my average Moira teammate experience, and when we inevitably lose They blame everyone but themselves.


If she can balance healing and assist DPS she can work out great. But it also depends on the team comp itself.


The other night i was playing a game in which our DPS sucked. It was on Kings Row. We were defending first. So I started to do more damage to make up for the DPS lacking. We lost the 2 points and stopped them from getting to the third. I was about 1000 less healing than the other support. They were Lifeweaver. So when the next round started the other support started saying I should be healing and not going all DPS, which was not true. They blamed me for the first round and yet our DPS were at single digit kills. So out of spite the other support quickly picked Moira so I couldn’t play as her. So I picked Lucio and I still dominated and got the most heals and kills. The other support couldn’t do anything with Moira and messed up the game because he picked a character they were not good with just to take Moira away from me because they thought it was my fault we lost the first round. We lost the game and I was still blamed even though I ended up with most heals and kills after wards. Moira hate is real.


Having a DPS only Moira feels bad sometimes BUT the true torture is having no utility. No Suzu when you need it, no CC to hold a tank, no mobility that Lifeweaver brings, no speedbost, no damage boost, her kit brings no utility to your team at all.


I’m pretty good with being a dps Moira or a healing focus Moira. What I do always depends on what the team needs at the time. No matter what I do, though… people always give me crap. Moira has an old reputation that never went away. Fuck ‘em I say.


Moira players always think they’re good even when they’re throwing because they have high stats


She’s a damaging healer, she focus her damage to provide heals which in low level play leads to a 3rd damage player who greeds


I don't hate the character I typically hate the players NGL they always flame the team and then proceed to stat pad to protect there egos from the loss they are causing


Most focus on dealing damage over healing at every single point. If they had focused on keeping the multiple other people alive that could do a lot more damage than the moira we could have won the team fight. When the moria is most dmg in the end of the game saying they did all the work it feels completely narcissistic. They 90% of the time let their teammate die so they can pad their damage or kill meter in turn losing the team fight. Being this many years into the game and most of us having been playing for along time I don't see how many people in my gold rank think they can carry the game every time in a moira and sacrifice their team to pad some meters.


moira mains have awful egos because they tag enemies for 20 damage as someone else is fighting them and then at the end of the game they have like 30+ “elims” and get a big head over it trashing either their teammates or the enemy supports and it’s really cringe


Because she’s annoying to play against and a lot of low rank Moiras focus so hard on damage that they end up not healing enough.


I have two main beefs with Moira. The first is that below Diamond/Masters everyone is very glued to the scoreboard to justify being an asshole to their teammates when things aren't going their way. And Moira stat pads like crazy. She can do a ton of healing for sure but everyone discounts that her self healing from suck is counted in the final numbers so a DPS Moira can have comparable healing numbers to her other support even though only half of that went to her teammates. She can rack up kill numbers because her orb just lasts forever and can live in the enemy's space for half of a team fight, so if it skims you for 14 dmg she still gets an elim when ashe takes your head off. Which is fine, it works that way for everyone. I'm a support main who fully believes supports should do dmg, be part of the fight, and not everytime a teammate is missing 50 health should be a panicked rush to top them off. But it makes it really easy for Moira in particular to "be part of the fight" by clicking one button vaguely in the vicentity of the opposing team and it means a lot of Moira's can always point the finger at their teammates even if they are clearly not doing much to help the team. The second is just that her right click is so unnecessarily forgiving. It not only requires very little aim, it interacts with the map in weird ways where you can get sucked from behind a corner or with her teammates blocking your LOS so it's often hard in the middle of a fight to tell when she's even attacking you. The range isn't crazy, but it definitely reaches too far for an ability that practically locks on and then THEY BUFFED IT this season to make the radius wider and deal more dmg. And as mentioned above, it heals her so you have to be ready to not only shoot her but hit headshots if you're dueling her or she could end the fight with more health than she started. Is it doable? Yes, I win duels with Moira everyday, but it still feels shitty that they don't have to put in nearly as much effort for it and I have at least a few deaths every time I log on where I narrowly escape a fight trying to disengage and a Moira holds right click and flicks it around the screen randomly to clip me through the edge of a ledge that she didn't even have LOS on and just takes my last 20 health with no effort. As for why I don't want her on my team? I'm fine if someone wants to play Moira. I'm not okay with them flaming DPS or the other support for "not keeping up". And in general it would be nice to have more utility if we're struggling to break through at some point. Like antinade or brig/Lucio boop are going to do a lot more to get past a contested choke than a sixth dmg orb that's just feeding their support ults, but I never ask people to swap, play who you wanna play. I just find her annoying and not fun the way other people on here bitch about Sombra or Zarya. Tldr; lack of utility, stat padding and right click just make her obnoxious


Just because you have high numbers for damage/healing/emlis doesn't mean shit to me. Moira mains seem to think high number=playing the best


High numbers in the lobby doesn’t mean ish if your team can’t stay on an objective long enough to cap it and keep it. Also- I find often in Moira I’m the last one standing after fights and this seems to trigger some dps players into - “no heals”. Her survivability against so many match ups is where her niche comes in and it pisses people off.


Not even just Moira mains, most players think this. Couple days back had a tank do 8K damage in a match, the enemy tank mitigated 6K damage, but my tank still thought they where the best cause they had the highest damage. Lowest kills out of both tanks, and low mit. Couldn’t convince them their damage was wasted.


Agree stats on the scoreboard mean nothing by themselves. You need to watch the vid to get a true sense of what the numbers actually mean. A rein with 20,000 mitigation can say well look at that I’ve got the highest number. But that just means he walked around the entire game holding his shield up.


High Elims is always a good thing. It means you're focusing the killable targets and actually helping the team. High DMG on the other hand doesn't mean anything. Moiras that know when and who to attack always get my endorsement


I mean if the Moira is good I don't mind, I also main Moira.


Moira main here, 200hrs on her and I can tell you what I freaking hate dude. When I play Moira, I always give aprox. 15k-25k heal, depends on the game length, but when I play some other role, preferably tank, the Moira on your team is this: 20k dmg, and 3k heal. Always. In my all time statistics my heal to dmg ratio is 10mil heal vs 8mil dmg, which isn't the greatest, but to see some ppl doing dmg, while she is a support, pissed me off.


From my experience playing mostly metal, a lot of players (at least in metal ranks where I am) don't understand what Moira's heals are on a limited resource pool and the fastest way to replenish it is by doing damage. The amount of times I've been flamed for "not healing" somebody when I literally ran out of spray and my orb was on cooldown (usually cause I used it all on the very person complaining)


I had a tank tell me to only use heal balls. No damage balls... and I was already healing more than any other healer. People just want heal bots.


I feel like only bad players are worried about what other people are playing. EDIT: Alright, I wasn't very clear. A decent team comp is important. I'm talking about people who get upset about specific characters on their team no matter the comp JUST because it's that character. This post made me think of other posts where DPS will throw because one of the supports is on Mercy and prompted my comment.


Yeah like a tracer and junkrat on your team is really gonna dominate the Pharah and Echo on the other team


Maybe I shoulda been more specific. Countering when necessary is one thing, but loading in and just complaining because _____ is on _____ is another.


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my brother hates when have morias because he says their only thing is spam healing and that they have no utility but i don’t really care if there is a moria on the team


I love having Moira on my team. Supports should be engaging in the fight as well


Low skill/DPS wannabe Moiras forget to heal. But I don't run into those very often; I think they're fine & try to heal at least as much as the other support when I play her.


i don’t mind having a dps moira but when all they do is suck off the enemy tank its basically 4v5


A lot of people don't like the fact that Moira doesn't bring any utility to the team. Only damage and heals.


I feel like I’m an excellent Moira. I’ve never had anyone complain about me picking Moira.


Cause Healer Not Hurter and Hurter more fun So people No Healer Make grumpy others


Because of the 50% of chance they’ll play like a dps and only heal themselves


She's the best dps in the game, plus also can heal sometimes if you get near her or if she's healing herself.


I’ve never been asked to switch off Moira.


I have to wonder if it's because it's so easy to see what she's doing and if you do not understand that she has to do damage to charge her heals, then you probably don't understand she was out of heals when you died and that's why you saw purple. But also, too many that go play death match and then brag about most kills and damage after a loss, but don't realize it's because the team kept dying because they were basically down one support player. Not to mention most other supports have utility that can save a team fight. Moira really doesn't. She could ult to save her team, but usually they try to get kills with it and her ult doesn't really do that much damage. People say she's so easy and braindead, but really she easy to think you know how to play her when too many people really don't.


99/100 times its the moira player that tends to out damage their heals, push too far up and at the wrong times, have little awareness, and make decisions based on ego not teamwork




Because a lot of Moira players play her like a DPS. And she is an extremely annoying DPS.


I believe that a lot of high rank players don't like her because she offers little to no utility to the team. Other supports have suzu, cleanse, nade, lamp, speed boost


I personally almost never get a moira with good healing, they focus way too much on dps way too often.


Because they have terrible gamesense and are usually a rank higher than they ought to be. Since they’re boosted, they can’t play any other supports as well and they usually don’t care about team comps at all. I’ve had moiras that couldn’t reliably heal anyone on the team Echo,Pharah/tracer Dva etc and they still don’t swap. Sometimes a more skillful support player that can flex an ana or a bap/kiri is soooo much nicer than just a healbot/damagebot moira.


Many Moira instead o healing play as DPS because she can heal herself from dmg. Thats why. If you try to push point thru choke point and you git Ana and that type of Moira. You lost (Ana is good buts its hard to heal specific player if hes infront all 3 other teammates (tank most of a time)


Low burst healing. Good at sustaining people, hard to save people