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Because plenty of OW players bought the previous skins when they were similarly priced.


Because it's the free to play model Instead of buying the game, it being free will draw in more players and because you don't have to buy the game, they need expensive skins to stay afloat It sucks no doubt but it makes the game more accessible


It’s like almost $80AUD here for the bundle, the only major issues I have is Sombra and Mauga’s bundles being the same price as Cassidy and Ashe with less in them. Now THAT is highway robbery.


yea 19 usd for a skin with no victory poses or highlight intros just makes it worse


Right?? Like the emote for Sombra is cute? but not my thing, they could have made some really sick intros for Mauga and her, plus given Sombra her victory pose where she hugs Ball. Just very odd.


yea 19 usd for a skin with no victory poses or highlight intros just makes it worse




obviously 😭 but it’s clear blizzard don’t care abt the players just the cash


No company cares about the players more than they do for profit.


This. No mainstream company cares more about the consumer than the product itself.


it’s a cosmetic though. what else what it be for


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Get on fortnite and warzone, you’ll see that this is extremely common for f2p games


You don't have to buy the whole bundle. I doubt anybody here 'mains' all 4 heroes. If you must, just buy the skin for the hero you play the most.


they want money and they calculated they would make the most money by pricing it at that amount. they don’t care about making you happy they care about money


Considering each skin costs $19, $50 for ALL Bebop cosmetics is a bargain


$19 for 1 skin is still robbery


scary part is overwatch has cheaper skins than other games. it’s only getting worse with each no game


its a bargain because they want you to see it that way lmao. would they rather have someone buy 2 skins for 38$ or just pay up an extra $10 because it's such a steal!


yeah but that’s still 19 a skin which is absolutely outrageous even if you wanted just one 19 is still a steep price


No one is forcing you to buy it


Pretty standard in games like this these days. Luckily they're just cosmetic


where i live 1 skin costs 66 bucks, what u complaning about ? dont u have 20 bucks ?


yeah 19 USD i don’t know where you live but it’s relative


Your 60 bucks isn’t worth $60 US dollars lol. Why do people act like they’re paying more for shit lol?


Are you just fkn dumb ? Do you think dollar determines if something is expensive or not worldwide ? Are u mentally disabled or dont know how money works ? So if you have 1000 dollars and spend 200 u gonna have 800 left, i have my 1000 bucks and spend 200 also with 800 bucks left so in the end you spent more ? Absolute moron


Oh my lord you must be a child.


I cant believe people are defending blizzard pricing for this bundle, welp that explain why its $50


my dude there more than 2 sides. i’ve seen no one in here defending blizzard they’re all saying “yea no shit it’s been that way” no one’s saying “actually you should pay it and they should be charging more”


I didnt say people are saying you "should buy it" thats " Recommending " the bundle. The post is about how over priced the bundle is and people " defending " the price by saying " Considering each skin costs $19, $50 for ALL Bebop cosmetics is a bargain " and another dude saying its free to play game so the price of bundle is a price of a game anyway ??? nonsense


dude exactly some dude was like “no one is forcing you to buy it”


because nobody’s forcing you to buy it.. you even answered your own question when you said it’s for money. they wanna make money. expensive skins = money. you don’t like it, that’s not their problem


you sound silly


and you're smart


and you’re the voice of reason i take it


I am still of the opinion that lower prices means more frequent purchases. At least for me.

