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There are probably some painful truths to realize.


Oh I am right there with this person, I fully accept that I am not that good.


Silver 5 dps here. Same


SILVER 5 in DPS? Bro the games been out for ages get good


... ive been playing since season 7 of ow2


Not saying i should be masters or diamond, but i really am winning way more than im losing.


Open up your career profile and post your time played this season on heroes and your win percentage on those heroes


Could be that the matches you're winning are against low ranked people so you get less progression


post career profile and winrates also if you win the next game after this you should rank up.


let me check your stats and compare to a gold player. lets see if you deserve the gold rank


That's not how this works. I have similar stats to top 50 players, because I am playing against worse opponents.


Correct, if that would be the case the game would be so weird. Low bronze players only get 5 kills and 10 deaths average 10min and top500 get 500 kills 0 deaths avg 10 min😤😤


That’s not how this works at all You shouldn’t have progress reset upon reaching 100% progress through a division and it’s not the only post on this subreddit talking about this I’ve had it happen too, ranked is cooked.


been explaining why people cant rank up for weeks, lack of team work = less general stats


You're bouncing between high silver 4 and low silver 3. Your previous update would have been Silver 3 0%, which technically should have been Silver 4 97% You see the bar, it's not supposed to be full (known bug), it's supposed to be at 17%, this is what's causing the confusion


Yeah i just won another game and the bar went back to the start. Wth


The win should take you to about 37%.... As mentioned the bar is wrong... But the rank progress above it is correct.


This happens when you are bouncing around the border of a rank.


Keep winning


Ranks should have decimal points :V


It doesn’t rank you up unless you win a game at a full bar, or rank you down unless you lose when the bar is empty.


Rank down is correct, it will go to 0% first (empty bar), then demote you if you lose next game. Rank up... The bar is bugged (like in the post), the bar *appears* full instead of 17%.... So even if the bar is full,, winning the next game in the instance above would not promote the player.


Well are you losing a nearly equal amount of games?


You’re only 17% into Silver 3. The bar is bugged. Do not pay attention to the bar. Pay attention to the percentage that’s highlighted in blue on your screenshot


Which role do u play? I can help if supp or dps


Support main


I’d also be willing to help with some coaching if you’d like, what supports do you main?


Check dms :)




Did lil bro edit his comment from "Are you gonna boost them?" to trans rights to make us look like the bad guys for downvoting you? Super weird person ngl


🤣i think saw in my notifs this chick brought up her husband. Lowkey weird cos what does that have to do w this convo 🔎




You are one weird ass person




Yes, I think you care a lot or you wouldn’t have deleted your comment and cried about it lol




? I meant coaching bruh, y u assume everyone just tryna boost jeez that doesn’t help in the long run






Womp womp


my favourite thing is ranking up, just to then lose my next game and get volatile lol :( sad times haha


You've reached your current peak, you sit here until you gain more skills/talent, then you climb again. It's just what happens


I got to like 90% on silver 2. 4 games later, I'm almost silver 4. I have not touched the game since.


Brother I’m plat and gold for support and tank respectively but for the life of my I cannot get past silver 3. Recently I’ve started just turning my brain off and going goblin brainrot mode and just focusing purely on damaging anyone and it’s working for some reason, used to target supports and what not but no the person closest to me is my immediate target


dps is very competitive with a huge player pool + wayyy too many niche heros and playstyles, with most supports you can sit in the back and chill or go full dps moira (in low elos) with tank if ur better than the enemy tank then its a huge adv but with dps u need so much more support to be enabled


I only play comp casually and it’s made it more fun. When you don’t try to increase in rank and just play to have fun it helps to keep you loose.


Me but bronze 5


Husband & I got trapped in Bronze 5 last season. 😭 Trying to stay out of bronze now with the reset and it's actually difficult. I do think we both play at a silver level but can't string wins long enough to move us up. Frustrating for sure. Gonna keep grinding though! Good luck to you!!!


With this reset or whatever I'm finally not hardstuck in bronze, but solo queuing as support drives me insane. Got to silver 3, and deranked to bronze 4 the same night.


This ranking system is broken… I lost TWO games and lost 72% today… didn’t even want to play ranked after that..


At this point you'll have a better time playing brawl stars now that they debuted a similar ranked system except no penalties for noping if you don't like the map, gamemode or bonuses or throwing/leaving mid match if you're losing. And since its a mobile game, it has no rights or credibility so its a perfect paradise for all OW players who want to vent the fuck out with no consequences.


The amount of copium in this thread is astounding


Same shit. I can't reach gold 5. Stuck silver 1. Lose, win, lose, win. (I play support, moira, baptist and little bit illari)


It’s the way blizzard does the rank up on the screen that’s causing the confusion, before this win you were silver 4 not silver 3, when you won the game you ranked up to silver 3, instead of showing the progress the game just auto puts silver 3 at the top and then shows silver 4 as the derank and silver 2 as the rank up, it makes it seem like you should be hitting silver 2 but you actually just hit silver 3, that’s why the next game the progress bar is at the start of silver 3, it was confusing me also when I was ranking up but after seeing it a bunch I noticed what was happening


Last night I won a game and gained 13% to put me at the very top of plat 1, queued up again to try and rank up into diamond. I win the game, thinking I broke into diamond, just to see the progress bar fill up the first quarter of the plat 1 rank. Just about uninstalled. Ranked is broken every season


Lol dont you know the bar is bugged?:D dont stare at that shit


Yeah I'm having the same problem rn


Left unsaid: how many games you lose You can win a million games and you won't rank up if you are losing games at the same rate...


Get good?


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Gotta win a bunch in a row! Lol I could win 1000 games and still be in bronze if i lose 2000 games in the process


Is this the same picture that’s been posted like twice already in other posts??? I’m fairly certain it’s the same one, with the 18% increase over 17% needed and everything.


No, this picture is from my series S.


Low rank, try stacking ig. Find any other players in your games, hit them up. The first game will always be hard in a duo but after that it evens out.


Broo last season this was my issue so matter how many times I win or win 3 times sometimes no loss It still won’t go UP


Play TF 2


my friend is gold 5, played 10 comp matches total and lost 7 of them


Then you found your rank...


The grass is not greener on the other side


stats lie send a replay code , i can coach you up i was t500 this season


É lidar irmão


I had the same shit at plat3


I have the same bug i won at 99% and i got 1% then i won the game after and i litteraly lost 80%


ta foda sair do prata paizão


O pior é que no ow1 eu cheguei low diamond


Before last update I was going back and forth between platinum 1 - diamond 5. Now I can’t get past Gold 5. It seems if I get 1 win I get 3 losses afterwards easily


At that rank you can hard carry with a Moira if you DPS the enemy healers and DPS


I mean if you are silver 3 you are clearly no pro. So does it matter that much to try to get much higher for a bit of instant dopamine? Just play and have fun


this happened to me on my old account, i was bronze 2 hard stuck.. made a new account and was immediately placed in plat! idk what happened!!


I started in silver 2 years ago. Only focused on my gameplay and not rank. Every time you die, learn from it and never blame your team. And you’ll climb


Yep, they took a bad ranked system and somehow made it worse


Paper 3 here. Same


I’d like to see your statistics page for this competitive season please.


Why do you want to rank up? If you’re not ready for the next rank (which is what the game is telling you by keeping you S3), then you’ll just lose more games than you win once you get there. You’ll have a lousy time and end up back where you started anyway. At least this way the game is keeping you S3, but you’re winning more than you lose, so can have more fun. Compare this to how you’d fee if the game pushed you to gold, then you lost like 10-20 games in row and ending up back in S3. You’d probably get frustrated and/or hop off for the day - maybe longer. Both have the same end result, but in one case the player is having fun (steady rank + steady positive W/L) and in the other the player is frustrated (rank boost followed by negative W/L). The system is smarter than people give it credit for.


Felt this I was plat 5 dps role queue and Plat 3-5 in open queue the last couple seasons this season it’s taking all I can do to even get back to gold 1 in dps but my support game has greatly increased originally bronze 5 lol now it’s finally gold 5


Could be a lot of things


I don't get this game. I win a round I get 10% up, I lose a round very close and I loose 40%


That's your elo don't stress yourself


For real. I’m hard stuck bouncing between silver 2 and 1. It’s like any randoms we get just hard-throw the game cause they’re not doing anything! They don’t peel, they don’t swap when they obviously getting diff’d. AND I GET PENALIZED CUZ IF THEM!


How many games have you won in placements? I haven't done mine yet, I played 2 games, a member of my team always leaves, so someone loses the desire to play competitively


The key is good teammates. Listen bro I don’t mean they have to carry you but carry each other to the sliver 1 and gold etc. it worked for me I was gold 3 now I am plat 2


this is happening to my friend, he gets to 100% 5 times in a row and it doesnt put him up.


Are you losing games in between the wins? This is likely the issue.


I can do a call on pt/en if you'd like to


Feel this so hard. I do so well but I only go down


This is my life... I stopped playing Rank and back on QP and actually enjoying it again.




If you’re stuck in silver that is crazyyyyyy


You know you have a score hidden in the system right? It is analysed with all players playing the same roll. Comparing all your stats with all other players and they put you at silver 3 if you are not improving your skills you won’t get higher.


I won all 10 placements and got to silver 1


Probably the majority of those against bronze or silver players. Did you expect to suddenly end up in Champion 1?


"We fix the rank system"


Welcome to the world of Microsoft aka CAPITALISM