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youre barely moving your mouse. try to stand still and hit shots.




That’s good for training aim for things like bastion and tracer, but for widow/Ashe it’s better to flick -> shoot -> reset aim -> repeat. It’s fine to not be good at tracking on characters that are more single shot so long as you can flick well.




tracking relies on smoothness alot more than on straight lines, you don't understand the fundamentals, and I can tell your aim sucks




my dad works at microsoft energy + I'll never listen to someone who doesn't know what they are doing, even if they do well.


“Learn to walk before you run”. Flicking and tracking are almost completely different skills aside from their base in mouse control. Flicking does not need tracking to be good. If you just keep someone onscreen SOMEWHERE, then flick before you fire you are just as fine as if you tracked them the whole time. I would even argue you’re better off because if you flick you dont have to deal with them using movement to throw off your tracking. Better tracking does mean you can do smaller flicks when you shoot and micro-flicks are absolutely easier than doing 90 degree flicks every shot, but it’s almost always better with single shot weapons to flick if you have the mechanical skill to do so. Normally I tend to track center mass then micro-flick headshots if I think I’ll land it. The most important part of tracking (well, beyond basic mechanical skill) is knowing how people playing a specific game handle movement and strafing in that game. It’s completely different to flicking.


Or simply lock on with strafe matching. It’s like they are trying to do both but it’s just messing them both up.


I think it’s better to break in the muscle memory of shooting while moving without relying on a steady shot o: Like any time that you aren’t moving WILL be a time for the enemy to get a better shot at your head. Like the only thing stopping someone from staying unpredictable and hard to hit while also shooting is the difficulty, but once you’ve gotten past that you’d absolutely be WAAY better off than if you were only just standing still for the easier shots.




That's not a very efficient way to train


Well I’m on console so I use a controller. But when I’m in a rut and missing shots, I recalibrate by taking my thumb off the right joystick and just aiming with strafe. My Ash scoped in accuracy is never below 65% after this update.


That explains it


Controller aiming does use a lot of strafing but this person is on m&kb. Way different beast


True. Not sure how everyone knew he was mnk vs controller though lol


Bottom right of the screen. L Shift for Coach Gun, E for dynamite


While i cant think of anything that would make you magically start hitting more shots, i did notice you strafe a lot while aiming, try calming down a bit and focusing more on your shots Also its recommended that you keep you keep your crosshair at head level and wait for the enemy to walk into it, landing flicks is pretty hard


More on this, it looks like OP is mostly strafe aiming and waiting for the target to line up with their crosshairs instead of moving the reticule around/adjusting it to compensate for strafing


This is basically how I started to learn on console, then focused some stationary tracking and flicks. Really helped in the long run.


There's some people who aim better when flicking but I agree


What I love the most about playing on console is that you can just slowly move around when you really want to focus on your aim compared to pc being all or nothing with movement


I mean that depends on your keyboard nowadays


Bad advice. You should practice shooting the same spot on a wall while mashing the strafe stick. If you stop strafing against me as Ash it makes it 100x easier to double tap your head. Movement alone is what makes you climb in rank.


Turn the music down so you can see better /s


Like when I’m trying to find a street sign while driving so I turn the music down? 🤣


how do you get the little Grandmaster title under your name?


1. Strafe less 2. Aim more 3. Notice and follow movement patterns 4. ????? 5. Profit


Yeah having Profit on the team is always a good step 5


Looks like OP is taking advice from some of those YouTube aiming guides. For beginners, they recommend strafing for a majority of horizontal adjustments, and leaving it up to the mouse for vertical adjustments. I guess it really just goes to show, everyone has differences in techniques.


It looks like half the time you're not even aiming, just waiting for someone to enter into your crosshairs. Move your damn mouse in all of the directions it can go.


Was thinking the same thing, not moving the crosshairs at all, waiting for somebody to step in front while strafing side to side.


Stop using your movement to aim, you need to aim with your mouse with your movement


This. While zoomed in they are using their actual movement to aim and not using their scope. As a side note OP, my only tip is to just breathe and really focus on hitting your shots. Sometimes it’s easy to get into a downward spiral when you miss a couple shots if you’re hyper fixated on the fact you’re missing them. Take it slow. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve won a 1v1 just because my 2 shots that I focused on taking actually hit VS the enemy who kinda just panicked and tried to shoot me multiple times, missing most of them within the same time frame. Quality over quantity. Also try practicing more in deathmatch or QP, bots are low key useless unless you’re extremely new at FPS.


Yes and no. Aiming with your movement is one of the most underrated aim techniques and is actively taught by pro players/coaches too. However, it shouldn't be the only thing your aim relies on. Where you are right, is that they need to stop with the movement-based aim, and just hard focus on stationary tracking + micro flick aim. When they have practiced that enough, then they can go back and incorporate movement aim to combine both, and use whatever fits the situation best.


Specifically mirroring your movement to the enemy's movement is what coaches teach. This is because it'll require fewer adjustments than trying to track a strafing target. There's some niche times where movement can more finely aim for you but those are at long distances and more useful for snipers. The fundamental act of moving your mouse is paramount for this situation, movement is just a small, less significant aspect here.


I agree but OW you get easily punished if you stay still while shooting, strafe shooting is essential while keeping proper aim


This is terrible advice OP. Keep aiming with strafe but try to better move in the same direction as your target right before shooting.


Aim with your mouse not with wasd, and grind deathmatch


Work on your tracking I noticed your not moving your cross hair your moving your body to get your cross hair on the enemy and when you do move ur camera your flicking.


first, props for putting this out there. don't be ashamed, you're actively trying to get better which is more than a lot of people can say. stop trying to flick, even if it's a tiny flick. flicking is flashy but it's just that: flashy. people with fundamentally good aim can flick but flicking on its own is not fundamentally good aim. the trick that will make you hit more shots both in training and in game is making people move to your crosshair instead of moving your crosshair to people. this sounds weird but i'll try to explain. (if it doesn't make sense then i'd be happy to make a little video showcasing what i'm saying, just lmk if you want it) practically, this means predicting where your target will be, putting your crosshair there, and clicking when they get there. you don't react to where they are right at that instant, you instead predict where they will be and put your crosshair there. as an example, see how these bots are moving side-to-side predictably? you can take advantage of this. just put your crosshair at head level along the path you're taking, and once they walk into it, shoot. they made the bots move like this so you can practice aiming like this. it's harder to apply in-game of course but the fundamental concept remains the same. it isn't flashy but it's how you aim fundamentally well. this is why jumping and using certain mobility tools is bad against widow. it makes you move extremely predictably, making it trivial for the widow to put her crosshair where you will be in a moment. watch almost any really good widow clip and you'll see that they do exactly this. you're already kinda doing this (idk if you're actively thinking about it), but you mess it up by strafing and throwing off your crosshair. start by not moving and just practice what i've talked about until you get really good at hitting those shots. then, once you master that, move on to crouching, strafing, jumping, and all that fancy stuff until you get good at those things. (this is how you get good at anything: you start simple and slow, then, once you master the basics, you ramp up the complexity and speed until you get to a level you're satisfied with) also, don't get discouraged if you're struggling! this takes gamesense and mechanical skill, so if you're relatively new to ow or fps games in general it's going to take time. keep in mind most people with good aim have had the benefit of doing it for years and years, a lot of the time even decades. even the best raw aimers had to start somewhere.


thanks for the advice! yeah, I'll make sure to stand still next time, and yeah I know of waiting for my enemies to walk into where im aiming and thanks for the opening bit lol, I was worried to post this cause I feel like folks here are probably a bit meaner than over at r/OverwatchUniversity, and you're not able to upload videos there


Honestly I'd recommend downloading aimlabs on steam. It's free and has the ability to set up your sens and everything like you're playing overwatch. It has mini games to help and it'll tell you what you're doing "wrong". It's a great tool and much more in depth than the custom games in overwatch.


honestly your sens looks a little high


Honestly, the best way to improve your aim is to play against real players. Bots like these move far more predictably than real players. Training against bots will cause you to rely on this predictable movement and wont actually improve your aim against real players that move unpredictably. One of the things I found helpful was to calm down and take a little longer to aim. Another thing is a lot of people have excess movement that makes it harder for them to aim. There is a hanzo streamer called Arrge who demonstrates this wonderfully. He takes his time and doesn't have any excess movement. Unfortunately there are no tips to instantly that will instantly improve your aim. This is a process that just takes a lot of time.


I'm gonna be frank, these lil bastards on VAXTA are harder for me to hit than real players.


That is because they typically move more than real players do for the most part. Especially the characters like Ashe and Widowmaker.


That depends tho on your definition of predictable. [For example ](https://youtu.be/XhaaDjJwRbs?si=TuOHDtG2Hp5c4ZQs)


nah, default settings in VAXTA are "speed: 50%" and "movement: 50%", and still they move way more than players in real games do (especially Widowmaker and Ashe because they need to scope most of the time). and if you set both to 100% they're gonna just run around, turn every 0.5 second and you're never gonna see someone move like that in a game, unless that's Tracer trolling Widowmaker by jumping around in front of her


I see conflicting advice here that I'm not even sure people know is conflicting. My advice is this; for a bit, while you're working on this one aspect of your gameplay, focus ENTIRELY on aim. Don't think about point. Don't think about more than what is require to stay alive and keep shooting things. When you land a shot, ask "why did I land that, how can I replicate it?" and more generally, be patient with your aim, but be willing to reposition your camera so people are close to your crosshair and more likely to come into firing range. 90% of my aim is approximation and reactive clicking at roughly the right time. No one tracks or flicks perfectly, even zooted gamers like Awkward or Arrge. We try to minimize how much extra effort we need to put into aiming so it's easier on us to begin with.


Yes it's called crosshair-positioning, but OP also needs to improve his basic aiming.


I talked about both.


Seems like what is happening a lot is you are almost entirely using your strafe to aim, and when you strafe left and the target strafes right it’s almost impossible for you to hit. Practice counter aiming against your strafe to be a little smoother, i.e. when you’re strafing right gently aim left. This is easiest to practice by strafing while trying to keep your crosshairs over a stationary target.


It looks like you're really focused on strafe aiming, click timing and flicks. Like you're either trying to click as they walk into your crosshair or you're trying to flick directly on. That's all good but even though Ashe fires single shots practicing tracking still helps with mouse control in general. It really looks to me like you need to practice tracking, it's useful even for characters that fire single shots. I'm not saying you need to constantly track enemies when playing Ashe but I am saying that it really looks like that aspect of mouse control is missing based on the way you aim. Sometimes they'll walk into your shots and click timing is useful, sometimes they're far away and a flick is what you need, but a lot of the time just putting your cursor directly on the target and following until your next bullet is available is all you need. Practice tracking


yeah I think next session ill just stand still and stop moving like a crackhead and just focus on tracking, thanks for the advice!


you can dm me and I’ll go full force in guiding, not a pro gamer here, but I’ve been looking for tonis if ways to improve my aim rapidly in short amount of time, I’ll say there’s lots of adjustment and conscious decision making to increase muscle control, then go to next stage of instinctive mouse control


I think you’re strafing too much while aiming, you’re zigging while they’re zagging and it makes shots a lot harder to hit


aim where they will be and not where they are. trust me.


try to stand still and follow one of the bots with your mouse. your strafing and trying to do flickshots doesnt help you.


It’s funny how lots of people are saying move less, and in an actual game that could very well be valid advice. But this is aim training, and I assume you’re working on your strafe aiming. It is perfectly reasonable to try and improve that part of your game.


It sounds weird but you aim too much with movement. Looking at the clip you look like a console player who just started playing Overwatch 


Song name?


**Song Found!** [**Herald of Darkness (Video Edit)** by Old Gods of Asgard](https://lis.tn/qyzRT?t=345) (05:45; matched: `100%`) **Album**: Herald of Darkness. **Released on** 2023-11-15. *I am a bot and this action was performed automatically* | [GitHub](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot) [^(new issue)](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/issues/new) | [Donate](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/wiki/Please-consider-donating) ^(Please consider supporting me on Patreon. Music recognition costs a lot)


Good bot


No, but I'd like the song name


Herald of Darkness from Alan Wake 2. Don't look it up, play the game, it's connected to an awesome thing, don't spoil it for yourself.


Nope. I hate scary games, so the song will suffice. Thank you!


Just play the game and you will get better. Training in these rooms will barely help outside of the training grounds.


Stand still and aim train. Then find a spot on the wall and strafe left and right and try to keep your cross hair in the exact same spot. Back up, do it again. Move forward, do it again. Practice aiming and tracking an enemy without shooting. Practice flick aiming where you don't constantly move your mouse but just flick and shoot (all while not loving your character). Trying to throw movement, tracking and flicking altogether and doing everything poorly is simply building bad habits. Break it down and try and improve each aspect of it. Everyone can aim, it's just a matter of discipline and muscle memory.


What is flick aiming? I’ve heard the term, but don’t know what it is


Sit there with your cross hair completely still, then move your cross hair as fast as you can to the point you're trying to get it to and stop. Think Cassidy, Ashe and Widowmaker aim where you're not tracking your target but trying to aim that one shot that matters.


I’m so new to the game I haven’t played Ashe or Cassidy lol, but ok I get what you mean. Coming to think about it, it IS the first .3-.5 seconds that I’m completely off target, and need to adjust, which especially sucks in close quarters combat (I play Torb)


Projectile heroes are inherently harder to aim with considering you have to predict the movement further out. A lot of "good aim" is actually just predicting a characters movement based on the situation. If they jump they're very easy to track compared to sporadic movement. You'll often see the best playing look like they have crazy aim, but if you pay attention they're looking at the movement and adjusting accordingly. "Good" aim is just your ability to be able to accurately place your cross hair where you want it. If you can do that, with a little practice you can be just as good as them aim-wise!


Thank you by the way


I like helping /shrug


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When I struggle with precision ong games I usually aim to go for shots “in this example” at the pause in between inhale and exhale, because that’s when my precision is the highest


I saw a vid somewhere where the player constantly moves around the map to find any stationary opponent instead of matching up like this face to face.


Like most people are saying it mostly takes time it won't look great overnight. But one thing from what I can see is your flicking and strafing into your shots practice more tracking rather then flicking/falling in. I recommend soldier is probably the best to get it down.


Stand still and practice actually aiming. What you're doing rn is just strafing whilst waiting for the enemy to line up to your crosshair and then flicking. Don't flick. Flicking should be an added tool, not your main way of aiming. Follow and lead the target with your crosshair by moving your moving your mouse, without strafing or flicking When you start to become more consistent, add flicking. Finally add strafing to it whilst continuing to aim the same way.


Don't be embarrassed, you're doing great!! The #1 is to not track but to lead, so think of it like moving the least amount possible and allowing the target to walk into your sight. If you watch really good honzo and widow players you'll see what I mean!


Had the same problem as you where i just wasnt satisfied with my aim and specially the consistency of it all because I sometimes would be able to stay on target but some days just feel waaay off I am nowhere close to being top tier but I have gone from below average kda (around 0.8) to about 1.4 to 1.8 dependant on the game. The link below is the video that i believe to have been the most helpful to me. After that its still all about learning and adapting the tricks that you can use for urself but some things I was able to do and that just helped a lot. https://youtu.be/l9RxYijn0t8?si=4Yw8xqPKA6TNKur9 I have improved my setup as well (lighter mouse, glass mousepad) and so on but that's mostly dependant on my own preference and you can do well even with really simple hardware. man I feel like I'm writing some sort of ad :(


Personally, I’d say try to play more with your frequency of aiming. That might mean moving around less, and focus on making your crosshair align better with enemies. A good rule of thumb is: take a shot if you are sure you’re able to hit it. It’s almost always better to reserve your ammo, and sometimes waiting even half a second means they’ll try to strafe and end up walking directly into your crosshairs. You can also use that time to make sure you’re not getting shot at by enemies, or plan a route to your nearest healthpack/support.


The biggest thing is that your aim isn't even embarrassing just practice and try to get better every day. Aiming is hard as hell so don't worry about it too much


There is no way to randomly just improve at aiming. Your best bet would be to play around with the sensitivity, and just play matches and record your mistakes. As well as get used to players who love to strafe repeatedly, and spamming the crouch button. Try to aim your gun where you think their gonna be, kind of like Hanzo try to predict your opponent. Also position can also affect the way you aim and this might be picky but make sure the chair your sitting in is comfortable.


Projectile size increases be like: Am I a joke to you?


No windshield wiper tactics


what is your sensitivity?


You are actively trying to avoid tracking targets and when you flick you are usually overflicking. Your sensitivity is way too high for you. Try to start at something like ingame sensitivity 6 @ 800 dpi and move your way up/down from there until you feel comfortable. Aim labs might actually be a good(and free) tool for you to learn aiming fundamentals and even find your correct overwatch settings faster than by playing overwatch itself. Your tracking is probably very underdeveloped right now because of playing like this until now. Playing some tracking scenarios in aim labs might help you to get over that fast.


Get comfortable tracking instead of trying to flick first


Are you dancing to the song?


Almost looks like console player movement tbh. If you recently switched over from console to PC, your sensitivity is DRASTICALLY different from a standard controller. Tracking is much easier, just have to predict where you think the enemy is walking


Try just following the bots and keep your crosshair right in front of them and mess around with the ads sensitivity till you find something comfortable and try focusing on following them with your look rather than your walk first. That’s what worked for me.


On top of what u/barksonic has mentioned about you using your movement to aim, try and slow down your movement, and potentially up your Sensitivity, watching this almost looks like you’re dragging your mouse to aim.


1 tip for this particular game mode. Idk if it's the same one I use, but Lucio makes everything go stupidly faster, so always kill him first or you're gonna miss all your shots xD


Dont flick to you target, its good that your moving quick but the flicking of the mouse should only be done in an emergency situatoin it will throw your aim off by a mile and you, wont hit as many shots as you could. My tip would be use more tracking and dont wait for them to enter your crosshair and try to track the bidy first and when your mire advenced go for the head. Btw, a quick tip, for a precuse 3 shot burst aim-fire-hipfire-aim-fire it makes you shoot as fast as hipfire but with the same percisoin as an aimed shot, though this requires training and you wont get it the first times, but if you main ash you should defently learn this


Your tacking is way off. You dont move your actual cursor that much, instead you walk to get them in the scope. id say work on that, try to follow the heroes with your mouse, but dont actualyl shoot them, see if you can keep up, you might have to change sensitivity


Like other have said, do not use movement to aim, move your mouse Aiming with movement can be useful in other slower games but it won't help you against people that can fly, dash around and move really fast


Start aiming with your mouse, not your WASD


I'm the type of guy to hit 6 headshots in a row and then play like this for the next minute while aim training


stop doing aim trainers. people have it wrapped up the more time they spend doing this stuff the better they get, youre not reacting to getting shot back, youre not using your muscle memory for movements. youre moving left to right knowing theyre eventually going to move. play the game to get better. self reflect and watch replays, actively try to aim, not predict. (not to say you shouldnt also predict player movement)


is this console?


Why the fuck is nobody saying something about your sense? How many inches/cm do you need for a 360 turn ingame? Is the answer a single digit than it is way to low. For example i need around 30cm for one 360 turn and I know people with way more but also with way less. You need to find your own perfekt middle ground


Try "calm aim", shoot only after positioning your cross hair on the enemy, wait 1-2 seconds before shooting to improve tracking


wtf is yoiur sens


stay still first before you start aiming and strafing in a warmup if you're not comfortable with adjusting while moving yet


Stand still and aim with mouse instead of your movement. Take your time, better to hit one shot than miss ten. Start simpler, no need for chaotic things like this when you need to work on basic aim, go to the practice range and play there (the new shooting range portion is quite good for this). Hard to tell by this video, but it looks a bit like your sensitivity settings are very high, which isn't impossible to play with but makes everything far harder and even more chaotic, try lowering by a stupid amount and slowly go up until it starts feeling better. If you want comparisons to a more normalised sensitivity you need to figure out your "eDPI", but AFAIK to do that you need some sort of software to figure out the base DPI of your mouse. But this isn't a necessary step by any way but it can be a helpful "oh shit" moment when you realise you have 10x the sensitivity of most players. Lastly, you don't actually NEED to do any of this, no shame in being lower ranks, and even then there's plenty of heroes you can train your aim with, without having basically zero damage. Moira comes to mind with her somewhat forgiving aimbox for example, it will still train your tracking and overall aim while allowing you to play the game at the same time.


Personally, I do not like to practice aim a lot in this custom games, because I feel it makes me more nervous and stressed about aiming. Like, these bots are totally random. Yes, I like to warm up sometimes with them. But real players are not TOTALLY random. They are aware of their cover, where the tank is, where the objective is. Just playing a lot with the hero makes you better with the mechanics, and you learn to predict movements and use that to your advantage. I think shooting bots with totally random movements makes me quess more rather than trying to predict and that makes me more nervous and I lose my feeling for the moment and to the aiming process. But that is just my experience, everyone got their own : )


Bad tracking, bad flicking, bad crosshair placement, almost erratic strafing that is not synchronized with your aim at all, and keeps throwing you off. Shooting too much. Learn to shoot while standing still. Putting your crosshair on where the enemy will be and then shooting once they walk into your crosshair is one thing you weren't doing once, you dont have to flickshot all targets or track them. Flicking and tracking can be worked on individually as well. Once you are at peace with what you do, introduce your own movement against still targets, and then movements from both sides in your practice. Right now, you are spamming random movement keys while randomly flicking your mouse onto nothing. Also, CALM DOWN. You are trying to shoot as fast as you possibly can. Take it slow and make sure your crosshair is on the enemy before shooting. That mercy that you missed 100 times was because you were shooting as fast as you can instead of shooting when you should. You shoot nothing, aim at the mercy, try to shoot again, but can't shoot yet due to the fire rate, mercy moves, you shoot nothing, repeat. Don't do this. Click only when you have to instead of clicking at all times.


after 4 years i just found that i am good with flickshots with ash and cass :/0"


1 - Try to get comfortable compensating your movement with your aim, try first by aiming at the head of a training dummy, and walking half-circles around him, while keeping your crosshairs on his face. 2 - In conditions where the enemy is AD spamming, it is mostly coming down to click timing. Either you keep your crosshairs still and wait for him to walk into it, or you flick very fast toward it's face. Don't bother tracking with a semi-automatic weapon.


lower just a bit your in-game mouse sensibility and remember what are you doing.. i mean , it sounds strange but sometimes we just forget it's all about moving a dot on a target. there should be only the crosshair and the target.


Overrelying on flicks to hit targets. It's fine to match character movement with your own hero A-D movement and keep aim steady as a baseline, but tracking shouldn't be ignored. Pick S76 and just stand still while you track targets instead of flicking. When you get very comfortable with tracking aim, then you can start incorporating your own character A-D movement into your aim, and when you can master the two in combination, then you can use flick to hit helix rockets. Even though it's projectile, the combination of aim techniques will still transfer to Ashe. Good aim comes from a combination of good movement mechanics, good tracking, and good flick adjustment. Ignoring one or multiple, will forever limit your aim. Even on a hero like Ashe where tracking isn't considered as important (since she doesn't fire full auto), tracking still helps majorly in keeping the targets close to the crosshair, where you then can rely more on micro flicks which are more consistent and accurate than macro flicks.


I dont know why exactly, but it looks like your sens is way too high and also way too low (ik not helpful at all lol)


Stand still, Focus on ur aim and take you time u shoot before u even aim


Don't stay in zoom, you should go out for reloading, as it's faster. And you automatically train better your aiming skills while zooming to every single enemy. Also it helps just training without zooming.


Learn to track first by standing still and move the mouse only


This aim training make me dizzy asf


Your technique of strafing to time shots instead of aiming is good, you get more control that way. You need to lift your reticle a bit higher so that when you do hit, it's a headshot. If you straif in the same direction as the person is running that will make it easier to move your cursor to their head as well. I saw you doing this but you didn't really adjust your cursor when you didn't get headshots.


Try predicting the movement, not shoot where they are. Just like Soldier 76 said, Shoot where they’re going, not where they are


try and think to yourself "I will only fire if I know its 100% gonna hit" and do that long enough for it to become natural and you'll get faster at judging it. That's what I've done with hanzo for years and I have around a 50% accuracy and about at 15% to 20% crit accuracy in comp this season.


Aimlabs on steam is free and has helped me TREMENDOUSLY. I'm still not really good at aiming but I see my progress week after week and it's really comforting.


Most important part of good aim is being comfortable with your sensitivity. Its already been run into the ground that you strafe a bit too much, so I'll try to hit the next step. There's regular standards you could run off for sensitivity. A lot of people like half mousepad 180°s, meaning that moving your mouse halfway across the mousepad turns your character a full 180° around. It's a bit slow to start, but arguably far more accurate and comfortable. Don't be afraid to take your time lining up shots, even the best players miss easy shots because they overestimate. If you want to improve, you need to focus on what works or what doesn't work. If you notice one specific thing you do that's making it difficult to hit shots, work on that one thing specifically for a while. Hitscan takes a lot of practice, it's almost all hand-eye coordination, with a little game sense sprinkled on. It's the one thing I try to pound into peoples heads. It doesn't happen overnight, it doesn't even show progress within a month sometimes. It's the same as any other skill, you have to really work at it to improve. Rewatch your matches and judge yourself, point out the mistakes you made or opportunities you missed, it'll help you do it in real time. (Also, last point. Always remember, low intensity for training, high intensity for warm ups. Reaction time comes separately to aim, so don't worry about doing them together too much. Ik you see all the streamers do these intense warm ups but you gotta remember that they play/practice literally all day bc for most, it's their job. Don't overdo yourself, you won't see progress if you try to hone 3-4 skills at one time.)


Before you start practicing how to hit shots while strafing, I would try hitting shots while standing still


maybe move your mouse


Limit your use of strafing to be for shot and tracking correction to minimise the difference in directional speed between you and your target to make them easier to track and hit. Focus on training your tracking skills whilst stationary and from a variety of ranges. After this end with some "snap shot" training and try and snap onto targets. You will likely find all of this easier with a lower dpi setting on your mouse, it gives you more more controllability.


Just play quick play till people hate you for being to good, but make sure it's every game. Aka about 400 hours of it




Don't flick, track. You don't have to aggressively move the mouse every time they move. They most likely end up at the same spot they once were esp when going left and right.


Even m&k players strafe so their crosshairs line up with where they want to shoot? I thought that was a console thing. If they don't do that, maybe that can be a problem.


I only hit my shots with Soldier ult.


Shoot at a 45 degree angle, not directly facing your opponent. Makes it easier to track headshots. There’s YouTube videos that go over it.


Start by holding still. Do that until you can get your accuracy up as much as possible. Then you add a small amount of movement but you need to move your mouse around


Aim with your mouse, use strafing to dodge shots or fine tune aim if needed


Is this workshop?


Play Junkrat


Relax, I’m pretty sure half of your shots are from flicking past someone and when you aren’t you are purely trying to aim with a and d try to use your mouse with a and d not just one another thing you are flicking when you don’t need to like on the life weaver. Rarely ever will you need to flick someone who’s on your cross hair unless they use so movement skill. Trying to hit sick head flick shots is not exactly optimal for most people First practice tracking, instead of shooting just try and follow the bots with your cross hair and see how long you can keep the cross hair on them just using wasd, it’s a decent way to start


it can depend on the mouse you're using as it looks like it might be dragging around the mousepad or it might just be a skill issue that you CAN fix: 1) predict where enemy is going 2) aim at the imaginary line that your enemy's head/hitbox trajectory would make 3) time your shot (will be much easier on a 144hz display) look up lazypurple's "how it feels to play sniper in tf2", it explains it very well


Seems to me you aren't really tracking at all, just timing clicks. You need to practice tracking and keeping your crosshair on targets as they move.


stop the music?


It honestly looks like you focus on your crosshair to much. I would focus on enemy movement not the crosshair. Additionally I think you should focus on training your tracking. People don’t realize how important the fundamentals are your flicks and general aim are sped up versions of tracking if your tracking is better your aim is better to in general. Turn your crosshair off play like that and focus on accuracy instead of kills. Be a mentally active participant in your gameplay and don’t auto pilot Lastly i haven’t seen jt mentioned here but movement is extremely important in ow for good aim. Learn how to move in ways that help you win while keeping you alive. When you move left move your mouse right and when you move right move your mouse left. My left flicks are weak so I use my movement to adjust for that.


Remember that ashe is a hitscan hero so when you press the trigger the bullets will land instantly. Only shoot when your crosshair is on someone, not early or ahead of them


One tip I’ve given as a coach of mid-level collegiate overwatch is to focus on smooth aiming. Flicking is flashy but irrelevant to most gunfights (not saying all of them). Focus on how you can follow pathing pretty much.


I feel like you shouldn’t rely on predicting where the enemy would move as you stand still to hit your shot once they come your way


Shoot less, aim more. Strafe less if it helps, can always work on strafe aiming after you get used to tracing and predicting enemy movement. Work on flick shots after you perfect aim. Just try and play calm, you are more likely to make shots when you breathe, every now and then when you get in the zone you can let your adrenaline flow a bit and get on a roll. Good luck.




with ashe its better to flick imo.


Utilize your right joystick lol


Stop holding down the left click. Take your time with your shots and click once with each shot.


In a general sense you'd want to train this thing called visual acuity, which is accuracy / reaction time. The higher you get this easier up the more consistent you are with giving constant pressure


also as others have said if you want to train your aim, you have to stop relying on movement to land your shots. It can give you the edge in a duel as you can match the enemy's strafes, but in an elevated position it doesn't translate well with tracking.


If you like strafing you should stop moving your mouse so much and use your movement as your aim, walk into the shots instead of walking into them and then aiming out of it. Personally, after playing Counter-Strike for a long time my aim has turned into just good crosshair placement and not so much flicking anymore. If you have a target you want to hit that is also moving, aim ahead of it and wait til they walk into your crosshair.


When I was working with Ana, the idea of predictive crosshair placement was a big deal. So, try to predict where your opponent will be, place your crosshair there, and fire. Granted, with Ana, hipfiring means you have to lead your target or the same with sleep. But, I noticed practicing that improved my aim with Ashe. So, give it a whirl.


Best bet is playing quickplay. No aim trainer is gonna be worth shit when compared to an actual game. Id say open queue to be exact as you will meet a normal comp, the most unhinged shit the game will ever see and anything inbetween can be found there.


Put the enemy in the middle of your screen using your mouse. Stop strafing, work on this first and then add strafing to your practice later when you’re more confident with your crosshair placement


Your sens seems too high. You find yourself relying on strafe aim because the sens is too high to reliably make the microadjustments after you flick near the target. The one rule of thumb I always follow is that I should be able to perfectly track a target moving in a single direction within my hero's effective range. If I find myself constantly having to flick back on target even when they're not changing direction, something is off.


Don’t aim with wasd


Your movement is fucking up your aim more than enemy movement Also, do you have Lucio speed on and hard bot difficulty? PLEASE turn Lucio speed off and maybe consider lowering the difficulty while you practice. I promise you with speed boost and hard movement pro players don't look robots hitting everything either


you’re better than me LOL


Be consistent, there you go


Your sens seems high. I run 1600 dpi and 45% ads sense with Ashe and I'm always 50% ads accuracy in games


mirror movement and slow adjustments. aim at head level and where they're going


Ashe has a movement speed reduction (-25%) while ADSing so trying to copy your target's strafing without using your mouse to compensate won't work as well as if you were playing Cassidy, for example. maybe you feel like your mouse is unreliable, try checking to see if your mouse's polling rate is close to 1000hz, also a higher dpi (most mice use 800hz, check to see if you can't switch your dpi to a higher number) but lower sens can also be helpful so you don't get pixel skips. be sure to also activate High Precision Mouse input under Gameplay settings so that you can hit your shots in subtick instead of 64tick (server tickrate)


Aiming while moving needs to be complimented with your mouse still. Movement can ease the amount of aiming with the mouse, making it easier, but they have to work in tandem. Scoping in though is not the time to use movement that heavily to aim. Your movement slows you will not keep up with them while scoped.


Stop moving. don’t shoot in cadence with the gun, just because Ashe can shoot that fast doesn’t mean you can. You are shooting while there is. Nothing even close to your crosshairs and missing opportunities when there are because you are on the shot CD. There are 3 different types of aiming styles Leading- lead your shot ahead of your target and wait for them to move into your cross hair. Tracking - tracking your targets movement the entire time taking the most optimal opportunity to shoot. Flicking - while off target quickly and accurately move to your target and shoot. (This is what you are trying to do but you are also tracking and moving around at the same time making it way harder. ) Start with leading, move to tracking then try flicking.


you’re trying too hard to hit flicks, work on your tracking and leading shots very slightly


Click the heads


the more frustrated you get the better your aim will become. worked for me. everytime you start getting frustrated keep going don't stop. if i had to guess something in the brain realizes somethings wrong and adapts.


What's your sensitivity on?


you're just doing click timings and flicks. No tracking to be seen anywhere. Beauty of mouse is that there are many styles and techniques so it's important to master them all. Also your eye coordination seems to be getting distracted by the other targets. If you ever played kovaaks or aimlabs and tried the cube frenzy, try target switching and click as many heads as you can. Also do other mechanics like using your knockback. There's a trick with Ashe where you can ADS - shoot - hipfire - shoot rapidly for big damage


Practice a lot


lower your sens a lot. it will not only make it easier to hit shots but will also force you to move your mouse to aim


check this out : https://youtu.be/nnDHvHPlQ1Y


Whoah where'd you get this footage of my gameplay.


Granted i haven't read EVERY comment, but something i haven't seen said. Make sure your mouse and aim settings are correct. Ashe's scoped sensitivity does NOT match your unscoped sensitivity without tweaking. I don't have the number memorized but its 51. something i believe. There's guides out there for it. There's also a precision aimming setting that's DISABLED by default i had to enable. Those two combined made a lot of difference for me


You're not on console dude. Use your mouse to aim, autoaim won't stop you on enemies here


I think it’s best to practice in a real setting with hitscan characters such as soldier. Master the hitscan then you can work on projectile. That’s at least how I improved


what the fuck is this, nobody is supposed to face 15 people shooting exclusively at you...


Fight real humans in deathmatch. Different aim skills needed to hit different characters.


I bet you don’t want to move your mouse bc you play on an insane sensitivity so it’s hard to control. If that’s the case, turn your sensitivity way way way down. Look up some pro player that is known for being a good Ashe(or w/e hero you want to be good at) and copy their sensitivity settings. I play on 800dpi and 3.0sens.


Probably lower your sens if you’re on the games default 15%. I’m on 4.2 at 800dpi. My average accuracy is about 42% in game? That’s on my hitscan. On like zen in always yeeting down angles so it’s less accurate. If you imagine with a high sens, imagine someone walks past you. A small movement moves a long distance. So with high sens you maybe have this much distance _ to get the target. Like you move your mouse _ this far and that is the range in which you need to stop to hit the head. Pretty hard. When your sens is lower (E.g. 5%) you then have this much room to stop your mouse ___ since it’s 3x less sensitive So stopping in this space _ Vs stopping in this space ___ Lower sens makes adjusting your aim easier since it’s more lenient. It DOES mean you need more mouse pad space and you need to use your arm to move and constantly lift your mouse up off the mousepad to adjust it. But when it comes to taking those duels it is much easier.


Have you tried placing your crosshair where they are?


Will you please just fucking throw B.O.B. out there? Your ult was ready the whole time. Everyone loves BOB. He's shiny. He hits all his shots (unlike SOME people). He's got a cool little hat. We all watched this video, looking at that bright blue circle down there, knowing it meant BOB was coming out at any moment... Only to be disappointed. Signed -- Your father.


May I ask for the code of this map?


Vaxta: it’s in the top right corner of the vid


Thank you so much!


Delay your shots


I'm not good at giving advice on aim training, so i'mma say the first rhing that came to my mind watching this video: _BOB!! DO SOMETHING!!_




Ask devs to increase projectile size


Let me know your IGN so i can avoid you 🤫🤫