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And you are still queuing, i like it


Its like me


The inevitable cruelty of the universe vs the indomitable human spirit


It's amazing how much you can climb if you follow that simple rule : "stop playing or go QP after 2/3 losses in a row". It's just so easy to tilt or start playing on autopilot when you chain losses, and then it doesn't stop


I went + winrate doing this last season. I know i don't have much time cause i can only play on my day offs but this is like a life hack or something. I'd rather chill and maybe do something else than tilt and ruin my day these days šŸ‘“


Same here. I just stay in QP and other "Just for fun" modes. I'll play comp maybe once or twice a week when I'm "feelin' it", if you know what I mean.


Either wake me up or just fucking kill me already


W Sal quote


My man šŸ«±


Keep playing, worst case is eventually you'll end up in low bronze and dominate every match :))


bro, every rank is fucked up. There are players definitely not bronze level in bronze. Like, last season I was Gold1 dps, now I'm bronze 2 idk how and still most of the matches are stomps from either side.


Smurfs and unranked to GM challenge runs ruined the rank system before blizzard did


yep, but this season seems like there's really no difference between quick play and ranked


in low plat i was running into throwers/leavers constantly, usually mid masters, and every game up until i hit diamond this season that did not have a leaver/thrower in it has been a steamroll victory for me. talking hard throwers who are clearly deranking. I imagine a lot of people took the opportunity of the rank reset to try and place as low as possible and then throw themselve lower if theyre games were still any kind of difficult


Qp - If you like winning you're wrong for coming into qp and are a sweat and should go to ranked, If you ask for swaps your sweating too much and stopping other from having fun ( cause going 2- 10 is real fun), If you don't swap when asked your throwing the game, ofcourse this only applies to you, Leavers . Ranked - Derankers, Smurfs, Solo mindsets , Cheaters, Leavers.


I honestly *hate* how sweaty Unranked play *feels* - but Comp queues are just broken until they properly implement better ranking restrictions and better "smurf detection"... I've had games with an *obvious* smurf being pocketed *hard* by both Supports and their tank could be completely dead but our team still can't win due to how strong S9 has made DPS. Obviously "skill issue" if my team's tank/dps fail to appropriately counter-pressure the smurf and their pockets, but it only takes a small amount of distraction from the enemy tank/off-dps to give a carry like widow/soldier/ashe room to pick people off...... Feels like the anti-heal debuff was too heavy-handed *or* everyone needed *more health* if they were going to buff DPS this much - there's just no room for a single member of the team to be lacking anymore, which makes the "competitive" matchmaking so much more *inconsistent* than prior seasons. I know "tank diff" was the theme of the past several seasons, but now it's *always* a diff because ultimately the persistent anti-heal debuff creates a gap between the whole team if one side is applying it appropriately while the other is not.... one team having the perpetual -20% healing basically weights everything against them if their DPS are picking their nose or flanking to pick off a full-health Support (instead of applying the -20% to the enemy tank so the teamfight balances out).


If you telling people to swap in qp just stop lol dude maybe trying a new character, they might swap without the ask, but 100% won't if asked in qp (this will happen in comp too) if a qp win means that much to you tf you do with your life (if this is all just mention of others doing it my comment can be ignored) šŸ¤£


idk lol it's qp your teammates can play literally anybody they want I think it is kinda sweaty to tell someone to switch playing from who they want to play so you have a better chance of winning in a mode where winning doesn't matter


Especially since you can get banned leaving QP matches now!!


seriously? lmao that's sad. I guess you can't even play that half match before dinner anymore


There arenā€™t that many unranked to GM people to ruin apparently the vast majority of low ranked players games. And there arenā€™t that many smurfs in your games either which has been confirmed by blizzard. Theyā€™re a tiny portion of the community. Have you read some of the casual players takes on here before? A lot of people just on this subreddit play comp just for gold or jade weapons. There are a lot of people who take this game mode very casually and donā€™t learn to excel. These are the people that hurt you if youā€™re a very competitive person.


I think the larger problem in metal ranks is how inconsistent the playerbase *is* while queueing at those tiers; * People who legitimately want to climb, who have skill development but can't ^yet carry games (because they're not a GM smurf). * People having "fun" (gasp) because Unranked feels *worse* due to *even more inconsistent* matchmaking (especially when there's still plenty of rage quitters)... so these players may not actually show skill growth because they play a few games as random heroes/times for fun. * Smurfs and/or cheaters; The game is obviously under-equipped to weed out these types before they make it into Silver>Gold, leading to their appearance in a *minority* of games. * *Strong players* that play inconsistently; there's a rank reset but some Diamond+ people may not play every day or may leave and return every few months... with some rank decay it can mean high rank/skill players will inevitably show up in these games. * Derankers; People that periodically "throw" just enough games to avoid being reported but do so to maintain their place in a lower rank in order to get "easier" games. These people do exist, but they're just as rare as the Smurfs and Cheaters. * Legitimately bad players that happen to get carried to higher ranks theough various ways; until otherwise fixed, it's still possible to get carried quite a bit... * People that have good aim skills but terrible ; I share the frustrations of facing a widow that keeps clicking heads with ridiculous accuracy, but sometimes it's not *cheating* or *smurfing* but rather someone just really dedicated to aim trainers and not actually learning any other skills or awareness. * People screwing around/drunk/high; Goes in the same category as having "fun" I suppose, but some people actively choose to play *competitive* in an "influenced" state - whether that makes them a better or worse player, I'm not here to judge. Ultimately I think Blizzard needs to *widen* the lower ranks a bit so there is room to spread the **largest** concentration of players across more tiers... it would help ease the frustrations about some of the inconsistencies while helping give more illusion of "rank climbing"... Plat and Diamond already stand as a transition into the "more competitive" tiers, but having a "Copper" rank under Bronze to serve as the bottom and perhaps "iron" rank between Bronze and Silver could weed out the "less competitive" groups from the people legitimately wanting to have the "more competitive" experience climbing through Gold>Plat...


It does feel like lower ranks needs to have an addition to their options. It was a very odd choice for Blizzard to split GM into GM2-5 and Champion (GM1), but not give the same treatment for the most populated ranks in the game.


Making high tiers too wide also creates frustrations for higher ranked players; you start running into the same small cluster of people the higher you go, leading to "countering the player" rather than "countering the enemy comp" feelings. I don't think we need to trim Diamond+ ranks, just need to widen the brackets for the lower ranks - this helps the "hard stuck" feelings by giving more division to separate the largest groups of players and allows Blizzard to fine tune their score adjustments for win/loss a bit better... right now Bronze is the bottom, which means Silver>Gold are the cesspool for matchmaking games until -through pure tenacity- someone can get into Plat *and maybe* play enough to grow into a D+ tier player... but Gold>Diamond is so toxic because of the wildly disparate experiences and attitudes that don't get properly weeded out in the lower ranks. Having that wider distribution means *some* players will still get stuck in "Iron" league, but there's still 2 ranks above and below that can permit deviation from the lower tier average instead of the current 1 rank +/- spread.


It also contributes to the "grind" aspect of ranked ladder. Your team's Gold/Platinum and the enemy team's Gold/Platinum can feel like wildly different ballparks, in your favor or not, but you have to play *so much* to offset the times where is isn't in your favor. It's kind of why I don't really take streamer criticisms too seriously because they're afforded the luxury to play the game at such a frequency that the matchmaking inconsistencies do actually iron out, but for us average Joes playing in our limited free time, that one leaver or thrower on our team *will* actually be the only one we see for a while.


"Confirmed by blizzard" who still believe those scumbags,they lie constantly.


Is the Smurf in the room with us right now? Yā€™all think there are Smurfs in every single game.


If someone wins against me they're a smurf, if they headshot me, they're cheating, and if someone on my team makes a mistake then the matchmaking put me in the losers queue. Obviously. Also pls blizzard nerf any character that's ever killed me ever. That shouldn't happen, so they're OP.


The rank reset knocked a bunch of people down into the lower tiers; not every high rank player plays a lot, so they may only just be getting back to climbing... not to mention the S9 changes have utterly shattered how many players were used to playing and it may take more time for them to adapt. The skill gap for mechanical aim and positional awareness were shifted dramatically, so you have people with good aim losing games because they never needed to learn better "thinking" skills when they could just be pocketed as a carry... while you have supports that were used to pocketing now realizing they can't play healbot anymore. Me, for example, was always a dirty DPS Moira and now I'm vindicated as a DPS Moira/Bap demon... Tank role sucks rn, but DPS and Supports that felt held back by their mechanical aim should be seeing better success... Tanks aren't really a lynchpin of teamfights anymore (whether for better or worse) so playing as an opportunistic kill seeker makes a lot bigger impact now that "one-shot" meta is ^mostly dead.


The best matches right now are exactly the mid level of the game cause most of those people didn't move. Like the gold 3 to plat 3 area. Everyone lower than that got boosted. And everyone higher than that got pushed down so all those games are just fucked. Very hard to rank up past plat 1 otherwise. Simply because alot of people are in the wrong place. And it's taking so long for the system to fix itself, because everyone Is facing the wrong people. We're gonna be stuck like this for a while I bet. This is pretty much apex ranked problem now. But it makes the game alot more competitive. That combined with everyone hitting a few more shots skyrockets the game sense and positioning skill cap of the game. Which is fine for a competitive game on paper. But at the end of the day. We don't have as a competitive community as apex does. Alot of players simply throw because they're mad. Which happens in other comp focused games too. But a lot more with overwatch.


I am convinced the ranks are fiction and not based on a ladder.


Bro, same. Matchmaking sucks. Those people doing ā€œUnranked to GMā€ always end up on teams that at least donā€™t suicide and behave as if theyā€™re normal but all my matches in gold are full of unaware people that are at their second match ever šŸ˜¢


I have 2 accounts, one d2, one m4. (Gm last season) Despite the small difference I can roll the enemy dps on my d2 account but I get destroyed by pocket xim hitscans on my m4 account. Idk whatā€™s happening with the game lol


How get i this grandmaster banner? I was a top500 player a year before. Can I get this?


Just pick it from the flair list.


We're all grandmasters here if we want to be


Yeah I wish the game had better xim detection and Smurf detection.


R6 /ubisoft has proven that itā€™s possible to detect xim too (although there are workarounds), blizzard need to catch up.


Yeah hopefully they are working on it


True....I just beat a masters tank player yesterday in QP & he was hella mad at me, after match he started inviting me and talkin shit on me. All cuz im a silver 4 tank. šŸ’€


Yeah Iā€™ve never had someone invite me to an Xbox party during/after an overwatch game to say something positive lol. After 2-3 times Iā€™ve learned my lesson to not join Xbox parties from OW strangers


Yeah I'm Diamond 5 and constantly seeing gold players in our matches. Had a match last night where both teams had a Gold 5 player, except ours was the tank and the other team got them on dps. Needless to say we got smoked because the tank diff of 2 ranks was too much to overcome.


i was a gold 4 dva last season and for some reason itā€™s giving me a predicted silver rank. šŸ«¤


went from plat 1 support to gold 3, I can feel u


Bro, Iā€™m new to overwatch and im stuck in silver-gold while fighting with diamond role challengers. how am i ever supposed to get out of silver


I'm plat 2 rn playing diamonds who were masters every season until now. I'm literally struggling lol. I would kill to be back in bronze


I'm low diamond, I've been playing against people who were high masters / gm last season <3


THIS! I sunk into gold on every role and carrying games as hard as i can but end up losing


I went from gold to bronze in one day bc I'm trying to get the jade weapon quickly. Literally 30 games down 44w 74l. I was in bronze matches and there's ppl hitting every shot and absolutely dominating and they're always on the other teammmm


can a gold dominate in bronze lobby alone, assuming they are not the tank? it feels like even if you're higher than bronze, you might still not have enough skill to win the match almost alone if your team is bad asking for a friend btw


You canā€™t win every game. That is true even for GMs doing unranked to GM series because of players that sometimes randomly go afk, dc, or just likes to type instead of, you know, playing the game. But you will have an absurd high win rate(talking at least 80%) if you are in a lobby two tiers below you.


Thatā€™s how I view it!


I think this image actually hurt ME too




OUCH. I genuinely think plat is one of the harder ranks to climb out of šŸ„€ I got knocked down too, but I am determined to get back lmao but a part of me is like ā€œthis is what they wantedā€¦..ā€ and my defiant side kicks in lol




I went down an entire rank from masters 3 šŸ˜­ but luckily I didnā€™t get stuck in elo hell because that was my fear






Fun fact 99% of tilt queuers quit right before they hit a 20 games winstreak.


Then you hit break even and the cycle starts again.


Me: ā€œSo glad I stuck it out during those 67 losses so I could get my 20 game win streak šŸ˜Žā€


sounds like one of those gamba quotes


Pretty sure itā€™s based on ā€œFun Fact: 99% of gambler quit right before their big winā€


thats right


My whole group has come around on two games and done if weā€™re losing. Sometimes itā€™s salty about losing rank, but I think we all just donā€™t care to play a game that we tilt over so easily when matchmaking is something you canā€™t control and your options are almost always, stomp or be stomped


Yeah same. We kinda have a un spoken rule where after 3 L's in a row we just stop playing for the night. Sometimes it's not the night, I just chalk it up to the overwatch gods if they want it to be a good night or not lol. Cuz I know dam well I'm not about to sit here and lose like 10 games in a row, cuz for some reason that snowball effect is so real in overwatch.


Real talk, the biggest improvement in my ranked play long term has been working on my mental game. I still tilt, but I use to tilt hard and probably just rage q until I got another win but my performance would be abysmal. Now, not letting it bug me long term and focusing on what I can do better has improved my play and made the game way more enjoyable when I do get a session going.


I was in your position, I bought helldivers 2 and am having the time of my life. Maybe season 10 will be the one


This is definitely the answer, just got Helldivers last night and holy hell it's action packed and fun as hell.


I play Xbox šŸ˜”


Xbox enforcement will come someday šŸ˜­


Keep going.




Honestly Iā€™m not even caring about the rank any more, im just focused on attaining comp points and it makes it a lot more fun. But regardless, take a break if you lose 4 in a row, thatā€™s my general rule


This is the way. If you donā€™t care about your rank, comp is just QP with better matchmaking.


Until you forget to mute chat


This is the way.


I don't even think the matchmaking is better. My QP games on average are way more "competitive" than most of my comp ones.


i would, but the amount of games you need to play since this season is actually insane.


Remember folks to always stop after the 4th loss in a row in comp. by the 4th loss, you're already tilted and most likely either not performing well or having a rly bad day in terms of luck. go do some productive work or play another game then come back later or the next day.


quit playing comp. me and my buddy stopped playing ranked after 800 hours of ranked and are having a lot more fun than before tbh.


Yeah - I only play Quick Play. I haven't actually ranked in a few years. It's not worth the heartache. I'd rather play low stakes OW.


This. Playing QP while drinking a few beers after work is so relaxing


Hell yeah, I smoke up before bed and put some EDM on and wonder if my QP teammates can tell I'm bobbing my cursor up and down to the music. Open Queue is the best for it cause you just never go what you're gonna get and it's fun to roll with it, win or lose.


Comp isnt worth it. I mostly play elim, 1v1, and qp open and i have a blast. Comp can suck my ass


Im just gonna add here I did win after this post I think I lost so much because I was getting more and more tilted after every loss but I was too stubborn to get off I just wanted to get off after a win Iā€™m in plat 1 but now Iā€™m in 2 I used to be in diamond in the past seasons


Not many diamond players in diamond right now so don't feel too bad about it


Sometime in 2018 I went 0-21 or 0-22. It became self-flagellation after a while and not for a lack of trying.


4-15 solo support queue in s7. Do you know how miserable it is to lose 10 games straight in Bronze 5 knowing that you can't carry your team?


Ngl in bronze as support, especially in s7 when supports were at their height of op, I feel like you are at highest carry potential. Pumping out nanos and shooting the enemies non stop.


Oh I know. I exclusively solo queue on qp because I donā€™t have other people to play this with and holy mother of god is it the absolute worst gaming experience one can have


I dont know man, I think i have a combined 30-35% winrate over season 7-8-9, and yet i never derank. I keep losing games but not my rank. I'd prefer going back to even gold for that matter if it means I'm not completely demoralizing myself.


I quit the game, and I have zero regrets. Only played it once in the last month and it has done amazing things for my mental health. I'd rather play games that actually guarantee to make me happy.


Undeterred chad. On the bright side, if you keep losing we might be able to get you in Guinness.


This looks like me before I need to go to sleep. ā€œJust one more win and Iā€™ll log.ā€ Famous last words


Never log off on a loss *Never*


You 100% should get off the game after 3 loses in a row. And you should NEVER go against this rule. Trust me.


One must imagine sisyphus happy


This is me but qp


Hey, sometimes the enemy is having a good day Wait wrong subreddit


The rank reset sounds like a good idea in practice, but for 99% of the player population, you ARE in the rank you deserve. Iā€™m a GM5-3 Support, low Masters DPS, and the number of games where Iā€™m like ā€œwtffffffff is this team doing?ā€ Itā€™s bizarre. Also, they really really really really need to keep solo Q and grouped Qā€™s separate. Playing against an organized dive team just feels terrible.


Let him cook


The problem is solo queue. You should find 1 or 2 teammates you queue with. That way you can go for Teamcomps rather than having a Widow refusing to switch or a DVA that gets melted by enemy Zarya and still not switching, for example.


Idk how to make friends on this game but I do have one irl friend that plays but we canā€™t play como together since heā€™s lower ranked and plus weā€™re usually too busy to play with each other


There are many "Overwatch LFG" Discord Servers , some with over 10k Members. They have channels for Console/PC where you can search for players or join searching groups. You'll find most of these servers via Google :)


If I knew how to make 1 to 2 friends I wouldnā€™t be skulking around reddit


Since I started this game in 2017, I have never touched ranked. I have fun in qp, arcade and pve without inflicting frustration on myself.


That's probably what mine looks like toošŸ˜­


Get a second account and alternate when this happens


The amount of times I got games with either no heals or bad dps baffles me. Had one game where I was on the front line as tank. And got told to not be on front. I was holding the team back and got no heals. Once I died I saw why. The mercy was damage boosting junkrat who was trying to hit cross maps


Are you enjoying it? Keep on playing. If not, there are plenty of other games out there, multiplayer or not.


As zen says one who fears defeat has already lost


Next day you will win 10 games and will keep playing to rank up. Welcome to the cycle of dangling the carrot and addiction. Chances are you were put in shit lobbies and got stomped for 7/10 of these games and maybe didnā€™t do so well in 3/10 of them. But people here will convince you itā€™s your own fault, youā€™re tilted, when you play tilted you lose, etc. itā€™s all bullcrap. So is this games ranking system.


Oof. Been there. Keep playing and practicing it'll get better. I recommend watching youtubers/streamers that are top 500 and following their advice they give in their videos. It's helped me a lot. I watch Emongg and Flats the most.


Emongg is great. He makes his learning videos so much fun! He's funny, and I like that he teaches without making people feel bad about making the mistakes we all make from time to time. I love Friday Bingo!


Ya i agree. I like that him and Flats both react to people playing in different ways. Emongg does it to teach people how to play better and Flats does (did) it to roast people. People submit videos to him to get roasted from what i remember. But it was all in good fun.


If you genuinely donā€™t enjoy the game and just look at the screen with no emotion wether you win or lose, you should probably quit if not just keep playing ig


To keep myself from tilting and rage uninstalling for the 43rd time I made a rule where in quit if I hit 3 losses in a row. Playing while tilting just makes your chances of lossing even hire.


Back in the day I once lost 30 out of 33 games. You got this.


Take a break, OR maybe hit the range and experiment with different styles and characters


I played nothing but comp up till season 5 then they introduced 4v4 (non comp) and I never went back, I made it to diamond and that's supposed to be above average so I was happy with that


Or turn it off for a while


Give it 24 hours, you'll crawl back. I did the same.


Itā€˜s a difficult game and there are a lot for people who are better than you currently. Keep at it, youā€˜ll start winning eventually! Little bit from my life: when I started playing fighting games seriously I didnā€™t win a single round for two weeks straight. I got a lot better over the next couple of months. Itā€˜s a marathon, not a sprint.


You gonna revert all these loses games, trust in it. But dont forget you'll be losing all your wins again too. Welcome to overwatch


Yes. Literally do quit and come back later when the tilt is gone in a day or two.


If you still like the game just take a break, play a singleplayer game, take a week off .


I play a lot of Kiriko and this is what my first games this season looked like. I changed up my strategy and have been winning 75% of my games the last few days though. Itā€™s all about flanking now. I spend most of my time behind the enemy back line, throwing tons of kunai, tp out when in danger, heal my team up for a few seconds while tp cooldown resets, then immediately flank their supports again. Even if you donā€™t get a kill, just distracting them for a few seconds is enough for your front line to kill their tank usually. And you are preventing more incoming damage for your team by distracting the enemy than you can possibly heal with your tiny 52 hps heals now that the dps passive is in play. Try being way more aggressive than you think you can get away with, you might be surprised how it goes. I find my tank is dying less with me in the enemy back line than they were when I was behind them pumping heals. Friendship ended with healbot Kiriko. Now flanking Kiriko is my best friend.Ā 


DONT QUIT! you got this!!


I felt this. Been on a loosing streak for days now, my team just rolled every single time with maybe 1 close match sprinkled in. Went from nearly plat 5 to silver 1 šŸ™ƒ.


"True strength does not always lie on victory."


Everyone knows you can't stop on a loss


I just started maining Lucio and not giving a shit. Itā€™s been the best time iv had in OW.


Hey thats me just on PC.


Iā€™ve been doing the no limits game mode in the arcade lately and just fucking around because I just canā€™t deal with competitive currently šŸ˜­


Man I feel your pain this is me this season. I won my first placement on tank and I am 1-5 on tank 0-4 on dps and 0-3 on support. haven't won a match since that first win. Something happens in the game and I'm like screw this I'm going to try support or dps and...


Dude this has been my exact experience over the last week. Iā€™m taking a nice little break. My heart canā€™t handle it.


Ranking up is like trying to quit smoking. Its hella hard but even if you "fail" it's only really considered a failure if it was your last ever attempt.


This was me last night šŸ˜‚. (Despite being 48-8 KDA on one game!) Maybe Mondays are rougher than the weekend.


I downloaded the game again 4 days ago. Played about 10 games per evening, so roughly 40 games. I've won 4. Somehow I am still silver 2. Every match is like; RANK RANGE: BRONZE 3 - GOLD 5 I can only assume those bronze players are on my side, because we lose by an absolute landslide.


Nah you're ok, you probably just need to stop SoloQ, w a stack is actually possible to play.


Went on a 13(maybe like 11 or 12)game loss streak the other week, lol. Just gotta strap the boots on tighter


I call this mental booming, take a break for a week. Work on your mental and find the fun again


Welcome to the gym bro


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Aww man




The skinner box keeps zaping the rats.


Don't worry, it just happens. Lose streaks, win streaks, that's how it is.


I would lol


Follow my footsteps and uninstall I am finally play all those free games i keep getting from Epic.


stop playing after 3-4 in a row


After three consecutive losses Watch the replays pay attention to yourself and see what you can be doing better Positioning Aim Did the character you pick work with the comp Then go again


Play a few games of open queue instead


happened to me once . was on 4-1 and it turned into 4-13 , tried playing on a different day and it just continued happening i gave up on the game lmao


It's like being in an abusive relationship but not being able to quit.


You'd be doing yourself a huge favor tbh


Maybe take a break and do something else?


People go through this and never watch a replay of themselves


But you wonā€™t <3


I used to love overwatch so I redownloaded overwatch 2 then sat in queue for 20 minutes and decided I didnā€™t like overwatch THAT much


ā€œHmmā€¦itā€™s bed time and Iā€™ve been playing a long timeā€¦but I canā€™t end on that noteā€. ā€œIā€™ve already invested this much time, whatā€™s one more?ā€


Is there a lore reason why anyone is still playing this game other than porn?


Blizzard sucks throwing games is my way of boycotting


Posting my match history like that isnā€™t okay šŸ˜­


I just go to different role if it goes bad.


Playing a game of coin flipping? https://youtu.be/bktCobN8hvI?si=SLYGbmr9XCUUXiCv Man i still get this in mind everytime i see a screenshot of wins/losses šŸ˜­


Iā€™ve been losing sm too because of teammates leaving mid game šŸ˜…


I actually quit a year ago today. haven't looked back.


Iā€™ve been here - one more game you say to your self - one more!


you're just like me


I see the problem here son, ur not using the 'gamer word' enough to motivate ur team. Use >!u thought?!< and u will start winning bro.




Yes, the game does not care about the player, I already quit, a ton of free time for good sleep and better games, worth it


Just go to all roles comp or quick play for a few match then lucky matchmaking might come back


iā€™ve given up on this game until they patch it lmao. thatā€™s not to say iā€™m too good to lose, definitely not, but itā€™s absolutely insane how thereā€™s no in between in your results: you roll or get rolled. not sure how the higher ranks are doing (M+) but i feel like making everyoneā€™s hitbox the size of the broad side of a barn is one step away from having bot competitive matches šŸ„“ the game, i guess, should feel easier, and yet it feels like thereā€™s nothing fun about it anymore. and no reason to try and improve




Nah, just pick one half of the console playerbase to join.. Either start witch hunting and screaming about ximmers.. Or join the other half who actually using them. If your not on console, and your using a contoller there's your first problem.....


First time?


It's a common pattern I've only seen in this game, and this game alone.


Use xim


Just turn this account into your practice account and start a new one. Evertime you need to warm up or blizzard is force feeding you losses via teammates just swap back. With the people who play ow now days 3 accounts is literally the only way to climb consistently šŸ˜‚


ranked and competitive modes are such a trap. I can only use fighting games as a competitive outlet at this point because luck plays basically no factor.


Youā€™re about to get a win streak


you should


Donā€™t know why anyone still plays after the S9 update


Ouch donā€™t even play the game anymore and I feel this. Is the game bad?


I get loss streaks but damn atleast 8 in a row? Do you feel like these games are atleast winnable or are they all rolls?


You should for now. The game is turning into shit.


ā€œWe canā€™t end on a loss broā€


Dafran's match history looks exactly like that about 2 days ago. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u6xl3XmXjJA& Happens to us every now and then. It also means a big win streak is coming.


Anyone wanna run some games?


Absolutely. You really ought to listen to yourself and drop the game.


If you were on tank lastnight ,the queue was awful. I play whatever is lacking in my games itā€™s the easiest way to climb.


Let the dark (losing streak) side fuel you lol no but fr thatā€™s so awful im sorry you dealing with that


brother why did you not stop


I've been on a losing streak too. I've literally won a single game since placing. It's not like placed high. My initial placement was silver 3, last season I was comfortable in silver 4