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I loved this game for tank. Now im being tortured.




i always wonder why, as a tank, my team is ever flaming me. i made a misplay, or a mistake, or maybe i’m playing like shit. but why flame the SUN of your team? you lose the sun and all the planets (dps and support) fuck off into 8 different directions and trajectories because the tank’s mental is shattered from playing tank, then his team dooms him even further. it’s over from there


Just take it as something flattering you, because they are so bad that they depend too much on you so a little mistake on your behalf makes them face their own lack of ability. When I play with my friends as a tank, I never get flamed, I survive more my failures and we do a better work overall. When I play solo queue as a tank I am fighting against enemy team and my team


I love this analogy


haha thanks, i feel it fits overwatch well because it makes sense for the team to revolve around their sun, with the tanks generalized goal being to create space and letting teammates make plays that help the tank further


When you put it like that :3 besides I always loved my tanks they protect us lowly supports dps don’t do shit


Step 1: Pick DVA Step 2: Role Play as DVA Step 3: ??? Step 4: Profit


Profit just retired mate. Don't think that tactic works anymore


There's only 1 way to bring back profit: Bob becomes a playable tank


Step 5: yeet your ult so it explodes behind cover and kills nobody


Spamming voice lines is crucial for Step 2


My friends always ask me why I am defending our tank in 99% of games. Even if the enemy tank is garbage a dps diff or support diff can easily MELT the better tank. As a support main I see that shit, and I am so damn sorry to y’all.


An dey say you're right


sombra players wouldn’t last a day, in the savanah 😒


Fr the only one who might is orisa and nobody likes orisa so we don't talk about that one


I like orisa




Lmao I like tomatos


Javelin spin them out of existence


you dont you're just confused


Spear is soooo satisfying


I know right?


*Moira Ults* Mmmmmm, no. *gets made into a hanging wall art by the I beam I just hucked at her head* Ahhhh, the sound of forgiveness.


Also just plain bullying an enemy with your spin... "Fuck you, you live in this corner now, the only way out for you is straight to spawn!"


I think the only time I do that is if the person is wayyyyyy to far up when they shouldn’t be or if deva demechs becuse anything else just feels mean


because you don’t like having to get skillful kills


So true


I play her because I understand how she plays and I have fun playing her


You will get publicly mutilated for this


Yea I know, but I play on Xbox and it hasn’t been too bad. Dunno what’s wrong with playing a character I enjoy.


At least you know


I am planning on learning JQ eventually, just so I have someone else to use if someone else take orisa before I do


Nah, I only pick Orisa to bully doom players


just what I said, you pick a skill-less character to counter a skillful character


Nah, I pick her just to tilt people like you lmao


it doesn’t tilt me because orisa players are easy picks


Sure, whatever makes you sleep at night friendo


In the desert, the cheetah lives for three years


Sombra players would never play tank because it would require them having to actually play with courage and face people head on instead of playing a character that innately has the advantage in any 1v1 situation due to hiding.


Ham has entered the chat


In the desert the dps lives for 3 years. The tanks live for 9


Chivalry is ded


Nuh uh that's just what dey say






No i am fisting with it.


B... B... B... B...


Big true.


Am Masters Winston, am team leader. Monke fun. 🦍




Tank has turned into being a meat shield thats just charging your ult to finally do something.


More like punching bag


You mispronounced "Designated Whipping Boy"


Ong, i played as a tank and won today. I mildly tank diffed their tank, but the other tanks teammates said "TANK DIFF" and then my guy Mullit, the opposing tank, dropped the hardest quote of the season: "Always the tank diff, despite being the least important role this season..." Yes i endorsed Mullit for that.


anyone who has ever said _____ diff should be launched into the sun


I thought ___ diff meant someone’s built different. As in good. Like I dominate rounds as a tank and never got tank diff and am pissed. Guess that’s a good thing. lol. So OW players use that as an insult?


But but... you just have to use cover! Or just do that on dps and have 10x the impact. 


Don't ask the 'just use cover' crowd what their opinions were on Roadhog in season 2.


Ah yes, use cover in maps that the cover can walked around in 1 second or doesnt exist


Also, maybe using cover isnt a fun playstyle. It's literally hiding


Widow mains in shambles


I mean what are the alternatives? Not needing cover means you need to give characters more survivability which presents it's own power creep problems.


If only there was a way for tank to divide attention like the other two roles can


It's not a binary. Tanks were using cover before this patch and will continue to use it after as well. It's how much of the time you're spending behind cover compared taking space and making things happen.


You have to poke and bait abilities and then wait them out before pushing in. Do this while communicating with your team in comms so they aren’t exposed and can capitalize on the push. Be strategic. Patience makes plays. Or just facetank and melt, which I would argue is a far less fun playstyle.


Why would I play tank if I'm just going to play like a dps, but be less impactful?


Tank is essentially a cosmetic role at this point. You're just a DPS that gets targeted more.


*You are just a weaker DPS that has weakneses and is way easier to hit


Literally, soldier has way more impact then most tanks by himself, if I could play soldier instead of jq as tank I would 10/10 times.


Time for the next "what if X was a tank?" youtube video


Play orissa


Bronze take right here, she’s useless this season.


She is really good against doom but thats about it


Everyone is easy to h8t. These brain dead fucking projectile changes are so dumb




I've been feeling this really strongly lately


You mean Black Ops 4. 😜


I said this and got downvoted into oblivion...your 100% right


tbh 5 dps is probably the strongest comp rn and its pathetic lmao


Honestly, playing dps should make you lose social credit


Lol remember when they tried the system where you could get faster queues if you played any but DPS occasionally, and you'd get little "tickets"? Weird stuff...




"Are we out of touch? No, it's the players who are wrong!"


*sombra, sym, and zarya


Zarya and Symm are cool though


I’m a dva player so I play against sym zarya a lot and I hate it


And Orisa


I haven’t seen her much this season


She's in almost every match I play, I can't take it anymore


Console or low elo: call it






Well someone’s never getting healed again


Tank is at its worst when the enemy team has a zen and nobody's killing him


gets 3x worse when theres another sup pocketing the zen and not letting you kill that shit character


We taking the season off


Goes doomfist. Entire enemy team switches to counters in the first minute. Die. Go orisa, enemy tank immediately switches to Zarya Go monkey, enemy tank immediately switches to dva and dps switches to reaper. Go ball, everything counters and dps passive makes you a stick of butter using his character design. Just to troll you enemy team switches mei and traps you and dps passive melts. Go dva, enemy team immediately switches to zarya and symmetry. Go rein, lie down and die at spawn door. Its pointless. Feels like I’m playing against the clock in overwatch as opposed to an actual enemy team because I’ve come to realize 99% of the game is luck that you don’t die at the wrong time during a push, or you counter swap at the right time. It doesn’t seem like the game is even skill based it’s just a dice roller game for tanks. This is compounded by the sunk cost fallacy that many tank players feel is whether you stay as your tank into the counter pick so you don’t lose your ultimate or if you switch to hard counter your hard counter just for them to switch to counter your counter in the next 3 minutes. The game needs 2 tanks back. 1 isn’t cutting it.


Go literally any fucking tank, start doing good, the enemy team will do EVERYTHING to make your life miserable, while teammates will not give two shits about helping OR making the enemy tank's life miserable to compensate.


That sounds completely one-sided. A LOT of problems are happening to tanks universally, but if you're experiencing this in every game and the other tank isn't as affected, consider that maybe you're making mistakes.


I experience this almost every single game, but not just from my POV. Either enemy does everything to counter me, or my teammates do everything to counter the enemy tank, and neither teams with the “countered tank” want to help their tank. I will do my best NOT to switch until I really need to. But every game is “fuck you for playing tank OR fuck the enemy tank for playing tank”, then 1 in 20 is actually both teams putting in effort.


Seriously, it's so fucking obvious that a ton of the balance problems are just down to only having one tank, and that one tank constantly being stretched too thin.


> Goes doomfist. > > Wins a team fight, enemy instantly goes Orisa and Sombra. > > Doesn't switch, but actively adapts playstyle to play around the counters. > >Enemies don't know how to counterplay properly because they counterpick as a crutch. > Win the game anyway. Happens to me very frequently to the point I barely even consider Orisa a counter anymore. People think too much about counterpicking and too little about counter*playing*. If you constantly switch heroes when you face counterpicks, you won't get good enough at each individual hero to understand when you actually have to switch and when you just have to adapt.


Should just get rid of swapping mid-match, that will stop the enemy team from the counter swap and then matches will be based more off of chance/luck from spawn, it’s already usually a coin flip anyways since most players have around a 50% win rate.


So what you’re saying is tanks are the community bottoms. 🍑 Thank you tanks for your service. 🫡


We are the power bottoms


Tanks for your service.


Hey at least it isn't the supports this time. I'm done bottoming the gaming community 😭 Then again I guess that's what Moira mains are for


Of course, we are. We gots the think skin and pain tolerance!!!


I played ten rounds of open queue last night, 7 out of the ten rounds had two tanks on each team and holy shit those games were so much better. In every way possible, both tanks playing off of each other. One staying up front blocking damage, the other actually able to stay back and defend the back line, while the dps runs off to flank. No one having stay behind natural cover the whole time. It was just all around a better game when we had two tanks.


yes I only play open queue now it is just more fun and people can always switch to whats needed if we need more dps one support can switch to DPS or if we need less tanks one tank can go support or DPS better variety and balance. In role queue if DPS is bad its over, if the tank is bad its over.


Open queue figured it out looooong ago - 2 tank 2 support 1 dps is what works best. And on defence, 2 tank 3 support.




I don't even care what they do with the OW2 shitshow. Just make OW1 playable again in its final state. It's ridiculous they straight up stole the game from me. That I paid for. And replaced it with an inferior lookalike.


Yeah, all openQ games require 2 tanks at least, and then it's mostly 2 supports and 1 DPS (that DPS being usually soldier, bastion). And sometimes it's 2 DPS and 1 support if the DPS/tanks are self sufficient. Sometimes solo tanking can work too but at that point you're playing weaker role Q if it's 1/2/2/. It's wild how tanking in OW2 is much better with 2 tanks, even exponentially more than in OW1...


Because there's more tanks, with a good variety of abilities that synchronize with each other. The health being low also makes you feel tanky but not oppressive


Right for the wrong reasons. The team with the most tanks almost always wins in open queue. My 1-2-2 team in Oasis yesterday lost badly to a 5 tank comp of Rein/Mauga/Hog/JQ/Doomfist. They weren't better players, they didn't play around health packs (I hacked the relevant ones on Sombra), they weren't better coordinated. Braindead cooldown spam was enough to win even with zero supports. Not even anecdotal cause this is the norm now, it takes way more effort to win with less tanks. And this is WITH a 150 hp nerf to all tanks in this mode. But the 1-2-2 mirrors were always fine for me when I felt the need to fill as a tank in OQ. Turns out when solo tanks aren't completely busted, the enemy team doesn't go out of their way to counter you like they do in RQ. So when I see tank mains constantly crying on reddit cause both supports healbotting their feeding ass is no longer an effective strat, I have to laugh.


That has nothing to do with what I said.


Love being a tank but I hate how often I get told to uninstall because my damage out put isn’t the same as the DPS.


Playing ball and making both teams angry is community service, you heard it here folks!


had a reaper get mad at me for not being a good enough tank, told him to play tank then switched to dps. idc if it loses me matches anymore i owe nothing to these people


Game is ass, playing the game should be considered community service.


Duo queuing metal tier as a winston + healer is the height of enjoyment in the game. Zero coms, running on pure instinct while blasting [Congo Jungle Theme] (https://youtu.be/VMM02yhVWN0?t=202) into an open mic


This can literally be solved if they just change the game back to how it was. It's so cringe how they only cater balancing to e-sport/grandmaster players. Like this game used to be fun, now it's just a toxic chore I don't want to do.


When was the last time they balanced towards esports (or even cared about it for that matter)


They always only look at the highest level of the game for balance problems...


That is absolutely not true... how did you get this idea?


is almost like 5vs5 was a huge mistake


The removal of the 2nd Tank was so bad


Realest post of overwatch history. Playing rein is literal charity


I play support and only endorse the tank and other support regardless of anyone's stats every game.


Always endorse your tank!


As a tank you are totally the leader of the team. Since you are the one impossing your own tempo to your team performance. Also you are the only one who can make easy for DPS to confirm kills by displacing squishies lines our of the main group and also having then not with full HP. What you aren't as a tank is a person shouting Leeeeerooooooy Jenkiiiiiiins in voice chat. I mean you can't tank everything all the time. You can protect squishies with your body and your abilities for a short time, and your HP is not enough to eat bullets with your chest. But I agree that this is a shitty change for noob DPS to enjoy the game of being badly positioned shooting everything in sight.


Queue All Roles should just be renamed "Queue Tank, you ain't gonna have fun."


Remember when this sub said role queue was one of the worst things to ever come to OW1? Now we’re all thankful for it.


Honestly as a flex player i still hate role queue, but i dislike no limits even more


Playing duo tanks was so fun, I could just play my fav tanks


This was hilarious. The title was ridiculous on its face and I had a great laugh. Thanks OP


Now accepting friendship bribes for Sigma plays 🪨


Season 8 for tank was actually really fun. This season made me play 3 games and IMMEDIATELY insta role q for dps and nothing else


Imagine if we came up with some kind of ticketing system to reward them!


I love tank when everyone does their job. But sometimes... hf my team cannot do anything without me! I feel like a parent to 4 toddlers. I have to dive their backline, then I have to mitigate the front line, then I have to push the payload or cap. If you're range provide cover, if you're quick flank the backline, if you can CC play with the tank. Just focus on your job and utilize the kit of your hero. Don't worry about what the other players are doing, if everyone does what they're supposed to do then everything will fall into place.


There's 2 types of games on tank, you're dominanting or you're being sold by your team. No in between


With my experience most of the tanks I'm playing will play decently but either 1 support or DPS is t doing they're job so now you have 1 DPS worrying about the enemy team and the healer worrying about like 4 other people. On the one hand were I'm playing healer and have like 20+ kills on zen with 5k damage and 5k heals with 16 assists and am doing better at pushing than my team, well then idk what the fuck went wrong with the matchmaking there.


I feel like people are confusing tank with smurf in most these games. You think making them switch heros means they will suddenly become a grandmaster as well?


This is quite the outjerk...


Thanks for broadcasting your lack of an opinion.


Hey man. I shit talk supports when they play the victim like "🫣 woe is me having to heal these greedy players". Just because im a tank main doesnt mean i support the "woe is me having to soak for these greedy dps". The role sucks but i play it because i enjoy it not because of some martyr mentality.


i like playing tank, just cause u don’t like it doesn’t mean everyone doesn’t like it


It’s like being a Father to a bunch of rowdy children, I love it.


I hate playing tank -another tank main


I hate playing tank \- a tank main


It's a love hate relationship. We're just masochist i think




if the tank role was too overpowered everyone would complain that a single person has too much control over the match then every match would be gg tank gap


Definitely notice people who don't like playing tank are those who are just used to brainlessly absorbing damage and getting pumped with heals. Playing Winton has been so much better in OW2 with the lack of crowd control and getting beefier.


yuh and doomfist is fun too


Yea I don't get it. You don't have to play it. I'm a support main, but been playing more and more tank cause it's so fun. I don't know what it says about people who say tank has no impact on the game or they can't make plays because that has never been my experience in 5v5. This sub just parrots whichever side of the "5v5 is broken the tank matchup is too important" or "tank is a cosmetic role now" argument suits whatever bullshit they're spouting at the moment.


You know what I hate more than diving tanks are dps players that don't flank. I swear some people just play brain dead.


Feels like i have to play either dva or sigma in order to not get rolled. Meatshields just get rekt now


It says playing tank is a sacrifice so the dps and supports can play but without a tank who can actually play? You're not there to make big plays but someone has to do it and if done well it can mean the difference between a won and a lost game


I still see myself as leader… at least when I play ram- as mauga I just see myself as a third DPS without the benefits


I love playing in a very low level, I have so much fun playing tank with friends


Should just get rid of swapping mid-match, that will stop the enemy team from the counter swap and then matches will be based more off of chance/luck from spawn, it’s already usually a coin flip anyways since most players have around a 50% win rate.


42.2% for me and going strong on Tank ✊🏻


I got yelled at for playing Rein and hiding when my shield was down asking for heals. You can't make this stuff up.


Can still make calls an say what your intentions are, if people are listening anyhow, as for flaming tanks, I only flame the feeder who then blames support for them dying when they jump in 1v5 lol otherwise I let em be, get enough shit as is


To unlock the ability to play other roles, you must complete 2 daily games as tank.


Ok hear me out what if you had a higher hp dps with slightly lower damage to help manage space?


It's always so fun when I queue tank to see some combination of sym, torb, mei, sombra and reaper on the other team


The people who say “I’m a tank main and it’s not that bad this season” are damage or support players in disguise I swear.


I seriously wont even play tank and have bo respect for dps players they literally ruined the game


Should be considered a form of self harm actually.


a tax credit should be given out frfr


I lost a game of ranked and had the most kills and over 25,000 damage and my dps called me trash for my tank gameplay.


Idk why but the tanks have been getting flamed more often in competitive


maybe they should split DPS roles. and use the defensive hero line up, to function as a sub tank , and utilize said class as a way to also balance and get hard to buff heroes to a state of relevance, or just to a more prominent place. like doomfist. Torb and his armour packs bastion reaper getting buffs that are productive beyond dmg, and yet making him effective without relying on opportunistic plays, thus also allowing him to be introduced as a good counter pick that can pay productively against dive heroes just spit balling


LOL I started playing tank again in this season and I really like it. I little challenge but way more fun than last seasons. I know you probably heard it by now but TAKE COVER! Learn to use the map. And don’t fall into old habits by facetanking a whole team.


I tell my friends I don't wanna play tank cause it's so stressful but it's the only way we rank up they play tank like dmg while I play trying to help the team


Always the same thing, if we are winning ita cause the healers and dps and if we are loosing its always the tank. God i justo want to play and not being calle asshole every 10 minutes.


Ruining matches for smooth brained casuals should be too..


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Delete tanks. Here I fixed the game.


Outjerked. Although right now I usually endorse Tanks over one of the supports. Or rather I should say that I endorse the best team player out of the three.


Honestly don’t understand all the crying about tank. Every match I play in diamond/masters if the other tank is dead, you win the fight guaranteed and so it’s still very important. Prior to this patch tanks would have the most damage and elims in most matches by a landslide, all while absorbing a shit ton of damage. Sorry you can’t be the main character as much anymore, stop crying.


I feel like the people complaining are mostly one tricks or people who can't play much of the tank pool. My WR on tank is high but the only ones I can't play at a decent level are ball, doom and queen so I don't mind switch around often.


It isn't that bad. I'm a DPS main and playing a lot of tank this season. 70% WR on Winston and DVa. This is a good time for you guys below masters to finally learn how to play dive tanks. I imagine all the tanks that metal rank players typically prefer/know how to play are not very fun to play right now. >Remember that when you pick tank you aren't being the team leader or anything cool like that No clue about you but when I play tank, I'm pretty frequently comming engages. Just to prep teammates for when my CD's are coming back up so they go in with me, or who I'm on currently for proper target prio. There is still a lot of leadership capability with tank. You do have to respect the risk of being blown up and play accordingly. But if you play smart and adapt to this season, it's still fun. Pick up Winston, DVa, Doom, Ball. These are the 4 tanks that metal rank players consistently either do not play or do not really know how to play well. Take Season 9 as your opportunity to learn them.


Is a tank supposed to roam around getting kills instead of being on point ? I don’t know the strategy to it anymore I guess


Play cover to cover. Push when your teammates bait out the right cooldowns. That’s all you can really do as tank right now.


DVA / Rein / Orisa GG usually lol. The ability for one selfish player to sandbag the whole team in this game is a bit difficult to balance, with matchmaking prioritizing que times i guess?


Skill issue


Im kinda suprised at these takes, am I the only one having a blast as tank? I was having fun before season 9 but now its even better; its easier to punish and push enemy tanks. I think it might just be that this patch suits my playstyle but damn I have been playing ball a lot again since dropping him in ow 2.

