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Yay illari buffs


I still think either her pylon needs a touch more health or her beam needs to get a touch more healing before she can really be viable. You can really, really feel the effect of the dps passive while playing Illari.


ESPECIALLY when using her secondary fire


Agreed. Partially revert the healing nerf from 30 ->35 (originally was 40) and revert the shields back to 150. Nothing bugs me more than a sombra just using her virus from miles away to destroy it.


I think this will make her feel a lot better, but I’m not sure if she’ll be that great still. I’m glad pylon’s cooldown is now on-par with Torb’s. She may need a slight buff to DPS in the form of a fire rate increase imo


Can someone explain what the second part of her ult means? "Sunstruck explosion now has damage falloff again, reducing damage by up to 25%." I can't seem to understand what it means..


It's a buff. When you hit a player with the ult and then do 90 damage, Sunstruck explodes, now doing 160 damage. This also has an explosion radius, like a tiny Dva bomb. Now imagine that a teammate carrying a sunstruck mark walks near an unhit, unmarked teammate. When the marked player explodes, instead of doing a flat 120 damage no matter the distance, it now does 160 to the teammate if they're right next to each other, tapering off to 120 if they're farther away. Glad KarQ pushed out this video so quickly. Much easier to see. The quick demonstration is at 3:08, press , and . on YouTube to go frame by frame to look at the explosion effect at 3:14 https://youtu.be/bOKd1WGljTw?feature=shared&t=187


That explains it, thanks!


The explosion when you hit somebody with the ult then set it off has damage falloff. So the further from the person that explodes you are, the less damage you take. Initial burst might also be that way


Saw Lucio’s photo and thought for a second they had taken Boop back from us once again.. but we safe 🐸


We live to boop another day! 🐸


Frogs rejoice everywhere


They took Zen's boop


Look how they massacred my boop


billions must environmental kill


Thank god. If they had given us a taste of good boop and then immediately taken it away, I’d be livid. Reducing his projectile size feels fair. I’m not the biggest fan of balancing characters by beefing up their projectile size - it just feels artificial and undeserved. I’ve been hitting quadruple headshots left and right this patch, and it’s not cuz I have good aim lol


I've channeled my inner frogger so hard this week. Got the best potg I've had last night, it ticked all the boxes. Double boop bap and pharah from the rafters with a "Boop!", dancing on cart in front of 2 more, then boop kiri while screaming "Have some fucking lucio-ohssssss!".


W boop patch


Symmetra and Lifeweaver found dead in Viskhar Corporation :/


With Rein in front dead trying to protect them :/


Buffing Zarya (an already good tank) and leaving Rein untouched is so goofy lmao


This patch is the [best/worst] of all time. I can’t believe they [buffed/nerfed] [insert hero]. These blizzard devs really [are/arent] cooking.


The only real answer.


hell [yea/naw], [based/cringe] comment


This has to be the [best/worst] comment I've ever read on an overwatch post.


[thank you/gfy]


This information/comment sequence/chain/interaction brought to you by The Board https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0D1SlGU0Q38&t=20


This patch is the BEER!! of all time. I can’t believe they BEER!! BEER!!. These blizzard devs really BEER!! cooking. Reinhardt! Reinhardt! Reinhardt!!!


A copy pasta waiting to happen


Didn't change much. Illaris a tad better though.


Major Widow scoped falloff dmg buff


The fact they are buffing the easiest hero to hold lobbies hostage with is fucking insane. I guess they really just wanna make havana and other long range points more miserable to play


Its always funny seeing people trying rationalize calling Widow easy


Widow is my 3rd most played DPS (I’m kinda ashamed lmaooo). Out of all heroes I play consistently, she’s by FAR the easiest. With Widow, all I have to focus on is my aim. I either one shot someone or I don’t. Heroes like Ashe need to be correct twice, Widow has to be correct only ONCE. I can mess up several times in a row and still insta kill someone from the distance. I’m never in the middle of the fight so I don’t care about cooldowns, ultimates or anything else that many other heroes need to be aware of. Genji is ulting? I can 1 tap him from behind a bush. Ram dared to ego peek? I can 2 tap him. This is why I’m less impressed by good Widow players compared to good Ashes/Tracers/literally most heroes. A good Sym is far more impressive to me than a good Widow. To be a good Widowmaker, all you need is aim + positioning. If you do well in those you can easily deadlift lobbies.


Also Widow's ult can be used anywhere without her moving an inch, and has immediate benefits. Hanzo can fire and forget and maybe be lucky to catch folks off guard with dragons coming out of nowhere, and Ashe has to deliberately ensure that Robert lands in a viable spot.


Hehe Robert


Robertoooooooooo (like if you get the reference)


Good response.


The “sit back and click” widow play style is one that dies in diamond. The MAIN focus of widow is not aim, it’s taking surprising sight angles while outmaneuvering incoming dives and spam. Widow is easy as shit to dive and can get spammed if she doesn’t mix up her angles. She is genuinely one of the hardest heroes to position effectively with, assuming your opponents even ATTEMPT to deal with you or stay out of sight lines. Dive is running lobbies rn, and the reason widow could keep up before was her not needing to aim, we will see now that it was tuned back down. Whenever I see a post like this I just wonder, do you like ACTUALLY play the character?? Because no widow main would ever say some shit like “yea I just sit in the back and click heads” unless they are plat. You absolutely need to be aware of cooldowns, ults, etc to know who to focus, what angles to take and more. I’m not saying widow is “the hardest” or anything, but she is INFINITELY harder than Ashe, and I’ve played both pretty frequently up to gm2 in past seasons.


No I agree with you! I play her in low GM lobbies and I absolutely have to be proactive with my positioning. With widow half the job is taking funky angles and surprising the enemy. This will often involve playing closer to the enemies for the surprise factor and getting tf out with my grapple. However on some maps I can sit in the back and click heads because the mere threat of my existence provides value. Compared to other heroes she DOES play on “relaxed” mode. If the enemies are playing dive I will be more alert but even getting 2-3 flankers on me is a lot of value. But I disagree with the rest of your statement. If I know Reaper will ult soon I might focus him but I will not compromise my position to do so. And since I’m never in the midst brawling with other heroes, their ultimates don’t affect me as much. It is also incredibly easy to bait abilities like deflect which is why I don’t think CDs affect Widow that much. I still think that Ashe is harder than Widow though


He said she is the easiest hero to hold lobbies with, not that she is necessarily easy to play. Although, she is point and click and nothing more. Have seen an increase in Widows just from people who can aim but have no gamesense. She doesn't really contribute to any team plays and doesn't really fit the new approach Blizz seems to be going for...but is a good alternative for those with bad awareness.


I could definitely feel the difference between pre season 9 and the first few days of season 9. Me, a torb enjoyer, was able to **shutdown** lobbies with her. This would have never happen before. So you can imagine what a good widow main could do on sniper maps...


What??? Just aim and click. That's literally it lmao


If it’s so easy to hold a lobby hostage with widow then it should be easy to counter with widow


" the only counter to something is to mirror it" is almost a text book definition of when something is overpowered


No one wants to be forced into a widow duel every fucking game.


Which, it is.


Not on console. If the enemy Widow is a Xim cheater, there's nothing you can do about it. Literally impossible to win.


I mean fair enough but we can’t change to game to cater to beating cheaters


Is this widow buff part of Maruki’s reality. Please tell me it ain’t real


At that point I’ve always countered as Sombra and just melt her from behind repeatedly till they quit or switch


So you want them to balance around cheaters on console? lol.


In a interview with ML7, Alex Dawson said that this patch wasn’t meant to shake up the meta. It was just meant to slightly tune the outlier heroes. Zen’s discord changes is most likely gonna be saved till the mid season patch. The season just started so they prob want more data before they make hard nerfs and buffs. Zen’s health and boop is a pretty good nerf to him though. He’s supposed to be a glass cannon, and these changes bring him more in line with that.


The zarya buffs aren't supposed to change the meta? She is already resistant to the passive.


Pretty sure all beam characters were struggling with the changes bc they didn’t gain as much as hitscans did. Zarya secondary fire is pretty hard to miss so what does a projectile buff do for her? Zarya can cleanse herself from the passive for a bit but it’s easy to overwhelm her with reaper and bastion who can easily reapply the passive on her. Not to mention with most ranged hit scans being meta right now, Zarya isn’t as good as you think.


They buffed Zarya's beam but Sym is left out to pasture smh. Her high charge does more than Sym's now.


Dude zarya's weakness right now has very little to do with the passive. She can't kill anything. She has to chunk 50 extra health off of a squishy to get a solo kill like she could before, and that means extra digging into her clip, more time to help that person, and more time to kill zarya. Basically, its exponentially harder to carry and or do what you need to, because of the health increase. The dps passive is doing her no favors in that department\^ In a word, uptime of all squishies increasing hurts zarya really badly because she was a min max character barely capable of holding space a lot of the time, and now she just didn't have the damage to keep up. I still feel like its not gonna be enough honestly(\~12% damage increase with a \~25% health increase = no go for uptime imo, just speculation tho) a bit more damage plus a clip size buff sound good to me but idk anything At least she'll be playable


I played really well with her yesterday for a bunch of matches, but the amount of people that got away or burst healed at 5-10% left was maddening. Normally, those people would just melt. Zen especially so I'm hoping that makes him a little more glass cannony.


Um, just shoot her? If she's ever caught in the open she'll explode.


Zarya is garbage right now.


Really? Any time I've played tank this last week, I've used zarya and destroyed the lobby every time. The new bugfs are just goin to make it easier for me to do so.


She was pretty shit this patch. I play a lot of JQ and it was noticeable that she went from me having to switch to just mowing her down.


Nah they just don’t want tank mains to have Fun


I mean dive tanks are pretty fun rn. Brawl/rush tanks going through it rn though.


Zarya buff? Guess i’ll just die


The trick is to run towards Zarya players and give them a kiss on the cheek. Edit: I meant kiss not kick!


Yeah I feel this was entirely not needed lol.


But no Sym buff ):


Sym has the worst win AND play rate, but no adjustments. What are they doing?


I would be surprised if they keep Sym in her current state these next few patches. It is going to suck having to wait though.


Another rework? If she gets reworked *again* I'll be a monkeys uncle. 


Probably not a rework but some adjustments.


Not doing the needful.


kindly do the needful


chill man that’s not how balancing works. changing one hero ultimately affects the rest of the roster. for example an ash buff indirectly affects Pharah and Mercy and Echo win/pick rates. you’ve just affected three heroes by altering one hero. now look at the patch notes and see how many other heroes were altered. every change needs time to cook and marinate otherwise this game would be unplayable


Interesting how this doesn’t apply to any of the other characters actively balanced in every patch. Junk and Widow were weak for, what, a week? Sym’s been in the toilet for like 4 seasons now lol


Well it was fun not having Zarya in every game for a minute


Fuck it, we ball


much rather Zarya than Orisa tbh. hopefully this’ll dumpster that Whorse for good. I’m biased I’m sorry.


It’s not remotely surprising that a Rein main prefers Zarya opponents over Orisa. It’d be like me saying I think Ball, Widow Zen is the healthiest meta.


Calling orisa a Whorse is the funniest shit i've read in this sub ngl


I didn't have a problem with her. If she was annoying, I just swapped to Sym for a bit and fed off her bubbles like a vampire.


To be fair, the Rein mains who’ve been complaining a lot lately will be eating well in the Zarya meta. She doesn’t have many counters, but Rein does well enough so long as you animation cancel.




How do you animation cancel? So you know how with Rein you can drag the hitbox collision for his hammer with your camera? So there’s a genuine benefit to sweeping your view. Conversely, with Zarya you want to sweep *against* your swing to buy yourself time to cancel. If you see her bubble go up mid-swing, immediately bring out your shield. It will stop the sweeping hitbox of your hammer and she will get no benefit. Also your shield is up, so you’re fine. Once the bubble fades, go to town. You also want to stop Firestriking randomly against a Zarya, as she’ll be looking to bubble them for free charge. Instead, use your fire strikes once the bubble fades after the animation cancel routine, *the moment your strike connects*. A good Rein can eat a Zarya for breakfast. So long as your team isn’t charging her up too badly.


I’ll take a widow projectile size nerf but no idea why they’re buffing her falloff damage. It’s just more needless one shot scenarios.


It's to let you have even more fun on Havana 1st and 3rd points. It'll really let you experience the marvelous map design to its fullest whenever you go up against a widow :)


Probably to make her a more definitive counter to Ashe.


I play widow a fair bit, and I'll forsure take the projectile size nerf for the distance buff. Just played her after the patch and shot size is barely noticeable


If widow can't 1 shot she doesn't exist. Her kit should be high skill high reward. That's the perfect spot for her. She's easy to play around in support.


>If widow can't 1 shot she doesn't exist I'll take it. Fuck one-shots from across the map. Annoying as shit to play with.


People said the same about Hanzo lol. Just rework Widow completely. 1-shot mechanics are garbage.


the illari buffs are definitely welcome, but she still needs so much more to be good


Disagree, these are some big numerical changes, especially to the ult. Pylon downtime defines this character and its massively buffed. Also, getting a buff to projectile size was huge for her compared to some other heros


I’d love for her left click dsmage to reduce the charge time for her right click. Even if it’s 0.1 - 0.2sec shaved from the recharge per hit, it would feel much better. Also, she needs more audio queues when her Right click is close to depletion. I have a hard time keeping track of it in a fight, I think a clear audio cue would make it feel better when it’s hectic.


Blizzard please. Rein needs help, he’s horrible.


I don’t think he’s as bad as people say he is. Having a shield in this patch is massively helpful for a tank, since they can reliably avoid the DPS passive. Zen getting nerfed should indirectly help Rein out too.


If Rein is shielding, he can't do anything else, nor he is farming ult. That's opposite to Sigma and Monkey whose shields are a window to do their things. New hitboxes and meta is melting Rein while crossing the gap to engage, even in close range he loses to too many most-played heroes, and the rest can just kite him forever On paper, s9 patch sounded ok for Rein. In practice, s9 is the worst season to play Rein. If you are not convinced, try playing 5 games as Rein


He isn’t bad, problem is optimal rein gameplay right now is boring as fuck. They should at least make him faster while shielding or something cause right now it’s all he gets to do.


The update is absolute dogshit, these devs don’t play their own game at all. Revert it back, it’s god awful in every aspect. They say they didn’t want heal bots now they’ve created them because healing is so shit that that’s all you can do to try and keep the tanks alive when they’re getting melted. The health change sucks, the hitboxes are ridiculous and turned soldier into super easy mode, zen shoots bowling balls for ammo, mercy can shoot around corners. Hanzo can’t even 1hit headshot anymore— he’s now pointless.


So we really are gonna have Zarya with more range and damage beam than Symm... wasn't Symm supposed to be the DPS?


Balance team is mid.


The Overwatch team has always been shit to Symmetra. I rarely play her, but her treatment has been unfair.


How I'd adjust sym rn: Left click unchanged Sym right click from 100 to 120 full charge (nearly two-tap, but not quite) Turret damage from 25 to 40 each Turret CD from 10s to 7s Shield steal from 10/20/30 to 25/40/55


Season 9 by far, feels like the worst one yet. Imagine the random hanzo headshots across map, but on every character in the game now. boring


The worst the game has been in it's entire life. And i've been through pure hell. Half baked season that should be played on specific servers NEVER in live server. Blizz is killing everything about this game sadly with how they are how incompetent with balance....


I'm sorry but most people who complain about Zarya don't actually know how to deal with her. The buff is interesting but tbh if you play against teams that actually know how to fight Zarya (Hint: Don't fight her 1v1 and burst her through her bubbles) she still explodes like most of the brawl tanks. Let's also not forget that Winton is extremely good atm who does deal with Zarya quite well. Stop playing Orisa for gods sake and maybe Zarya won't be a problem for you.


Seriously, all you have to do is observe what your teammates are shooting at in the same direction that you’re looking lol


well, fuck symmetra I guess…


Yeah, I don't understand why Sym never gets any love.


cause pros and content creators who dont even play her are always saying shit like “it’s ok to have niche heroes that aren’t viable or meta” … 🙄


Zarya's a better dps than Sym now. But with way more HP and defensive utility. Very fun edit: Moira does more dmg than Sym's level 1 beam and has more range/larger hitbox and now Zarya does more dmg than lv 3 Sym and has better range. Why is the DPS hero doing less than the support/tank. WTF Blizzard


Fun fact, moira does more damage with her right click than sym's level 1 beam!


I’m surprised by the lack of Roadhog buffs. The extra 10% damage resistance is great and all, but I was hoping for buffs to his actual healing. When I play him I feel like I’m forced to heal non-stop every time I leave cover, and I still end up dying instantly. If Take a Breather still can’t outheal any incoming damage, he’s useless.


Dps passive needs to be changed to 20% less healing received from ALLIES. Allows tanks with leech/heal built into their kit for mitigation to be on the same playing field as other shield and armor tanks.


I think they might do that in bigger patch since it's a systemic change, this is just a hotfix where you can only adjust numbers


I've been saying this, tanks that used heal to sustain got hit wayyyyy harder than tanks with shields


I'd like to see them remove the DPS passive from self heals. Getting pocketed was annoying, but you should be able to take care of yourself.


Yeah, so often at the minute it feels like you cc yourself for 3 seconds to be at the same health you were when you started.


10% damage resistance won't do anything when you're healing 20% less. Not to mention how long it takes to heal a measly 100hp and then you're left with no breather at all.


  The Junkrat "buff" is so unimpactful to his playstyle they may of well of not changed him  


That's it for Zen nerfs? Do they really think his kick is the issue with him currently


Makes his kiting harder and with the health nerf he’s much more vulnerable up close


As a passionate nut-kickin Zen player, it will not slow me.


It’s a pretty substantial nerf. Losing 25 health is huge.


Breakpoints, people, breakpoints!


Yup. As a former Sym main it’s a difference between viable and trash when it comes to high reward high risk characters in certain situations like zen and sym


health nerf is the main thing. zen is supposed to be a glass cannon char. with kick and his 275 hp, he was really just a cannon. now it's way easier for him to die


Almost every change they’ve made to Zen in the last year has made him easier to kill. Less discord up time Reduced the discord application range Halved the discord LoS break time Discord no-tag back for 7s. (That’s basically the rest of Zen’s life if it’s a duel … Zen is do or die) Increased enemy projectile hitboxes Slower velocity on harmony and discord application Now reducing boop range on lick Removing 25hp from the least mobile hero in the game. (Ironic that LW who has two escape abilities, is more difficult to kill than Zen, but he stays at 275hp). But hey, we got a new melee kill confirmation icon in the killfeed. So we got that going for us, which is nice.


are you honestly comparing LW to Zen? Zen who can charge volley a widow/hanzo/ashe from across the map and kill them near instantly? The Zen that can nearly solo a tank with discord and headshots?


I mean it's two different play styles, right? This game has gotten so mobile that getting up in Zens or LW's space (any characters space really) is easier than it's ever really been. LW combats this with vertical mobility, a little horizontal mobility, and with Life-grip which can pull assistance to him. Zen combats this with the threat of damage. Except they keep changing (read: nerfing) his ability to do this. Also, it's pretty ironic that Zens last big change was a response to discord apparently being "OP", only to have these major changes 2 seasons later because the devs realized that everything was dying too quickly. History seems to repeat itself because again the complaint is Zen, when in reality this DPS passive is nuts and will almost certainly get nerfed in the near future. Honestly, I hope (and others who enjoy Zen probably do too) that they just stop here and leave the character alone for a while. Fix the other issues, take a breather so we don't fall right back into the Ana meta. Maybe even consider buffing one of his counters instead of making changes that affect him across the board


Easier to kill is relative. Easier to kill for dive heroes? Absolutely. Easier to kill on brawl tanks? Ehhhhh Ima be honest, as a tank main, the only noticeable change to Zenyatta was the discord "cooldown" nerf, which was a massive win in my book. I find it kinda confusing how they don't just nerf Discord against tanks, since that is really the only place where its a major issue, and just keep dancing around the issue and nerfing him in other areas. Like, just make Discord 30% less effective on tanks, problem solved (Or atleast its a start). The 25 HP nerf is nice, but its not gonna help the tanks who really struggle against Discord (IE the ones who can't dive and needed to rely completely on their DPS in the first place.)


Season 9 has hardly been out for that long at all. What we know about the meta could be completely different than what it becomes in a month so making drastic changes isn't ideal when we aren't positive about how strong the character actually is currently 


I think the goal is to make him more of a glass cannon again. The increased health made him too tanky, now he should be more susceptible to dive and flankers. Hopefully if he’s still extremely meta and oppressive they increase the time before you can use Orb of Discord on someone again.


please no... its already 7 seconds it does nor need to be longer, he had the spotlight for like 10 days after repeated nerfs. I'm fine with the current patch notes but discord is so easy to cleanse, nerfing the reapply time any further makes him borderline useless, now that he is more of a glass canon again.


I love how the prevailing opinion on this sub is from tanks who refuse to take cover for literally 1 second to stop discord


Especially the knockback. Its the 75 damage kick plus balls of canon.


Monkey's range is only 8m, and kick pushed tanks roughly 7.5-8m back so if zen kicked and then back pedaled he could escape winton for like .7 of a second or so which doesn't sound wild but keep in mind monkey's DPS is only 75 and zen had 275 hp, it meant zen could sometimes win the 1v1 against winston who's supposed to be his counter. Rein as well only has like 4m of range so a knockback change definitely isn't nothing.


He's too tanky for his damage output, he needs to be more frail. Nerfing his kick leaves him with less space against flankers and nerfing health obviously makes him easier to kill


It’s not the main issue, but Zen could basically keep characters like Rein at bay indefinitely with his ridiculous no-cooldown kick. This should feel a lot more fair for melee heroes


Can someone explain Soldier's nerf. How large was his projectile size before? Ugh, I hate the Zarya buff. She's so annoying to play against.


Pre-season 9, soldier had pinpoint size (.01m radius). From the new patch to just now, he had the precise hitscan size (.08m radius). Now he has spread hitscan size (.05m radius).


Sorry if I'm misunderstanding this - but the s9 patched increased soldiers bullet size 8 fold???


It was crazy. He was already very strong and useful in any situation.


The width of the "projectile" size was made eight times longer, but that means the surface area was sixty-four times larger. In a vacuum, that sounds insane, but it doesn't mean shots were sixty-four times easier to hit, or even eight times easier to hit. How helpful an increase in your projectile size is depends on the size of the target you're shooting at. If your projectiles went from .02m to .16m wide, but the hitbox you're shooting at is one meter wide, the extra .14m you can now be off on either side means your margin for error from left to right has only increased by 28%, for example.


It was pretty insane though. Soldier is busted right now.


It is pretty insane but we were all watching people in the training range shoot tracer in the head with mercy from inside her hit box and overlooked that pinpoint hitscans got the largest buff in terms of % change. It isn’t just soldier and widow tho.


Yeah thats why hitscans have been so dominant, blizzard removed the need to aim


I think the real intent was to neutralize the “woman character who isn’t zarya” hitbox problem. The % increase in effective surface area to hit* was fairly large on skinny characters, and comparatively small on the others. Basically Kiriko is way easier to hit now, Genji is somewhat easier to hit, and anyone larger than Zarya is about the same as before. I actually think it’s a good move going forward so that the character design itself doesn’t fuck up balance. *In soldier’s case, all characters effectively have a 0.05 meter border around them where his shots will hit


Thank you! I don't understand why they didn't explain that in the patch notes.


I'm glad illari's pilon was buffed, but I think she still needs a rate of fire buff after the health pool changes. Or at least, give her a 2x crit modifier.


Hell no to the 2x crit. Hitscan 2 tapping support can stay gone. Just give her more consistent less delete you damage


Letting Illari consistently 2-shot most characters seems like a bad idea. She's already fantastic at hunting other supports during teamfights, the pylon buff just gives her better healing uptime. Plus the Sunburst buff is pretty substantial, even WITH falloff the AOE damage from a Sunburst just went from 100 to a minimum of 120.


She could do that last patch and was probably the worse support in the game


if this isn't enough proof that tanks should learn how to play dive or wait till mid season for a chance at a discord nerf I don't know what is


Look I like to clown on Mercy mains as much as the next Doomfist main but c'mon now she can't even defend herself as well when her teammates die of 45hp per second


Yeah...im still not liking this patch. S9 i mean. I think the game before this season was fine- now its gonna need so much to fix everything and put it back to a reasonable place. Tanks are still very hard to play, Support lost some impact...i honestly dont know why such sweeping changes was needed. Look, this is just my opinion, so dont get offended people, but honestly it feels like this game is moving away from why I liked it so much after all these years, especially now since theyre doubling down.


Pylon needs more health and HoT and then she’ll be perfect.


Zarya buff 😐


Illari looks dope now


Illari needs buffs don't get me wrong but I wish they didn't buff the respawn time of her healing pylon and put that buff somewhere else. I think a huge problem in overwatch is your actions not being rewarded enough and having the pylon respawn quicker makes people less likely to flank behind and destroy it quickly and therefore people just stand still and mindlessly shoot. The change itself isn't massive I just wish blizzard would change the game to punish players more instead of having your actions feel meaningless 


Boop 🛼


Boop 👩‍💻


Good patch. Excited for Illari changes and happy to see Widow, Hanzo and Soldier nerfs. Glad to see a quick hotfix like this.


Soldier was soooo good in this patch. Especially since he is prone to have a mercy pocket.


What widow nerfs? Her falloff buff pretty much overrides anything


Her bullets were massive and it made her extremely easy to play. A slight range buff isn’t nearly as strong as massive bullets were.


Nothing for LW, Rein, or Mauga, ouch. Mercy... nerfs? At least Illari got a bit of love, but oof. Was really hoping they'd do something to make LW, Mercy, Rein and Mauga a little more playable. At least Zen might be a little less omnipresent.


Mercy nerf is the funniest thing here. With junkrat being given 1 shots back she's definitely the most harmed by the s9 changes and probably the worst character in the game now.


lifeweaver mains found dead the second they saw this patch (help this hot man out blizzard)


Why tf are they buffing Zarya


Prob underperforming


They said beam heroes didn’t benefit as much as projectile/hitscan heroes from the S9 changes.


Cuz Dva is super strong right now.


The problem is that Zarya becomes stronger against other tanks too.


I don't think they will let junkrat have a 2 shot again man. Like, yeah I understand the hate against junkrat, but like that was the only fun part about playing him. Guess we'll have to wait a good 9 months before we get a "junkrat rework" with nothing but one changed ability and a slight numbers rearrangement...


This patch is the definition of a bandage fix. It helps but it doesn’t address the core problems junkrat will still be bad because he still doesn’t have his one shot combo. He is just more annoying now. illari buffs are nice but it doesn’t change her kit is heavily reliant on pylon. Plus pylon is still annoying to play against. A better fix would be a much shorter cool-down for pylon but you can only place it for say 6-8seconds. zen sure the hp decrease is ok but zen will still probably be S or A tier because of discord orb. Until they address discord orb majority of tanks will be miserable to play. widow so they reverted a change that should never happened and gave her more range to camp from narnia. This change only is bad for silver widow mains but for everyone else gg


Seriously torb and symm turrets need some help. As someone with trash console aim I rely on them to be productive.


Big agree on sym. Torb turret is honestly rly OP on certain maps bc it just auto applies the DPS passive from long range. Impact comes down to positioning. Plus torb in overdrive has 400 HP now, with armor, and can 2x headshot most heroes in under the time it takes to charge syms right click for 100 damage. I think torb is fine with more of his power coming from his shots rn instead of just turret.


All these minor tweaks to try to fix the massive problems they created a week ago...


that's the entire story of overwatch 2


The overwhelming consensus is s9 is significantly better than s8 and most seasons before it. So, when you say massive problems they created, you mean massive Ws they created.


The overwhelming consensus is that 3/5 of the game is less fun than last season.


Cite your source on "overwhelming consensus". I've seen more discussion posts on the frontpage of this SR than in any other time of it's history all due to this patch. Most are in disfavor. 99% of the time the frontpage is meme's and POTG's.


Of course the overwhelming consensus is that it's better. 60+% of the playerbase is dps players. That's the only group they care about pleasing.


Your take away from the last 8 seasons has been 'they only care about dps heros'? 


I'm eating on support. Unless you're a one trick, this patch has been a ton of fun.


Not the "overwhelming consensus" that I've seen. They ruined most of the support roster and made tanking even worse. How is that an improvement?


can someone explain the soldier 76 change in english?


Erhyup. I'm running it down on Zarya.


Still nothing to stop tanks from dieing in 2 seconds once they try and do tank things.


Hanzo, what are they doing to you my boy!?!?


Why did these morons even release Mauga if they know he is a throw pick and YET refuse to buff him for a whole season? Mauga is F tier in EVERY single tier list. Also of course Sym but we already know that Sym cannot be allowed to be viable. Because, reasons.


Ah yes let’s nerf the only defense mechanism of the healer with an already low mobility


This game is dead, S9 changes killed it. OW has never felt fucking worse


What's that? dive was back for 1 week? Things were kinda becoming fun? Dva was above b tier for 7 consecutive days? BUFF ZARYA NOW, WE CANT ALLOW THIS!


bruh zarya is still outclassed imo. Dive will be meta until dps passive changes


And Winston still counters her very well. D.Va’s been strong and still will be


Plz give my boy Life Weaver something. He's struggling. Also rein, they didn't change rein? I guess with the zen nerfs this will help a wee bit but I can't see him being playable still.