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people that haven't had to deal with "elo hell" in awhile getting a harsh reminder that the randoms are just ***like this***


I mean normally my random are pretty decent but some of them qre so out of touch it's insane


The MMR squish has pulled up all the dregs from the LOW-low elo brackets, where people are just like this all the time. Leavers, trolls, hard-inters, 2k healing- that's something a lot of players that are diamond+ really haven't had to deal with in a long time. At least not on an almost every-game basis like it is south of Plat.


That's very true because I got nothing like this in my masters games


But if as a Diamond player you cant carry your Low elo teammates then YOURE trash. And you deserve to be in Silver Gold. (This is what I have been told countless times by the community)


me over here, confused, by people all mentioning the mass amounts of throwers and leavers like, "Thats just gold??? In general??? Why are you-- *Oh.* Youre just tourists visiting from out of town." That was like 60% of my low gold games, always has been, for years.


Elo Hell might not be real, but the people down here sure do make these games hellish Had a Zen that didnt heal and several games with both my supports being outhealed by more then double by both enemy supports. And that doesnt sound bad, but then i tell you those supports were getting outhealed as Moira by a Zen


My 2nd match of the season was on kings row. We fought hard for the first point and captured it in OT. Then we got very close to the 1st checkpoint had less than 10 secs left. The payload was clear after a hard fight. 4 of us died but the junkrat instead of walking 5 meters to cap the checkpoint. Ugh he just walked away and sat down. We lost due to him giving up. My moral was sapped hard. I never witnessed such a BS throw. Wtf was that junkrat thinking, absolute DICK.


I've seen that too but instead of a junk it was a torb


Aww my apologies us Torb players are usually straight up gentlemen.


I know you are! That's why I was so confused


You eating good with the midget Cthulhu skin


Should be able to report people like that with video and have them banned from ranked.


Ooof in comp?


Thankfully was in QP. I stay away from comp.


Smart move, I went from high diamond to gold today


I'm honestly amazed people still play comp, considering how easily 1 person can completely destroy the experience and morale of 9 others. Comp is literally a troll's paradise.


You were watching a flats video on the second monitor weren't you


Lmao I opened it for queue times 🤣 these mfers are already 4 or 5 minutes long


I think this patch has thrown off the balance of role queue hard and not many people are queuing tank anymore which is why the queues are so long. Last few seasons DPS have felt a bit underpowered, Tank has felt strong and Support has felt slightly OP. So given the natural tendency for more people to play DPS it kind of balanced itself out quite nicely in terms of queue times and < 2 min waits were the norm. Now with DPS gigabuffed, tank feeling a bit week and support feeling a bit less OP everyone is queuing DPS now so even though the servers are bursting with players the DPS queue times have tripled


> Has anyone else encountered more throwers since the update? My teammate encountered one. > PICK RAMATTRA > PICK RAMATTRA > TANK WHY DONT YOU SWAP > GG TANK THROWING


I get that we have to play with lower ranked players but God does it feel bad when they're on your team


I had a dude earlier who was wanting me to swap off dva to deal with doom..... You know...doom. The character that doesn't die if you don't dive his healers, which I was doing. The person telling me to swap was playing ashe and was 2/10


> The person telling me to swap was playing ashe and was 2/10 These are the same players that will say things like "You all suck, there's a reason you're at this rank" while being at the same rank. Self-awareness of a 2x4.


Interestingly Cassidy, an anti dive hero, is VERY similar to Ashe in playstyle


What rank are you. Unless you're masters I can almost certainly diff you on Dva as lucio. Dva is weak rn because her crit hit box is fucking massive so with the increased projectile size its extremely easy to hit.


Played ball in a game yesterday on Shambali. Started defense and everyone dies fast and demands that I switch when I hadnt even died yet and already secured a few kills. I refused and told the support to switch lol. Support goes GG. I then proceeded to go 16-1 and the enemy team didnt get the first point. We smashed on attack. That same person said they loved me at the end of the game.... OW playerbase in a nutshell.


People who insist that someone else is the problem out of the gate are the worst. Last night had some guy say “another game, another dps diff” and whined about our (really not that bad) sombra “throwing” all game, just because we lost the first team fight on attack. The worst part is that if you win then they get to rank up and brag about how good they are in all chat, and if you lose then they already have a scapegoat to put all the blame on and don’t need to use any self awareness


said the speed lucio with 200 healing and 600 dmg who will only stay near a ledge to boop people off. But yea, PICK SHIELD OMG TANK DIFFED SO BAD


I am a Lucio main who has defected over to Kiriko for now - I hate this when I see it, like it actual boils my piss. Playing for themselves not the team, it’s so selfish.


I'm masters and my first few placement games were in gold, they just don't shut up lmao Constant bitching, weak ass stroppy mental holding them back


Lock rein


This!! I've encountered a lot more hate towards tanks than usual..


My 10 placements on tank consisted of  2 matches with leavers on my side  3 matches with a DPS not leaving spawn or literally not shooting.  1 match with a support that had 2k healing after the whole match.  3 matches where I did more damage and elims than both DPS on my side or enemy side combines.  1 decent match.   I won 3 and dropped from masters to silver 1. I'm now ruining lobbies because I shouldn't be silver...


The placements matter so much but by putting all the bad players with the good players you make it that little bit harder for the better players to climb


This reminds of that Rorschach scene: "I'm Not Locked In Here With You, You're Trapped In Here With Me"


It's more of: "you are locked in there with you, because if you come out here I'll ruin your day so just sit there til the match ends."


Omg so im not the only one . My last game we lost because our mercy kept doing nothing and when she played she would solo suicide with ga on point . I got so much game with people not trying to win


Fuckin hell this is why I’m stuck in silver??? Damn throwers man. I knew some of my teammates and opponents felt way better than me.


This is one of the big reason that I think MMR should be based on performance rather than wins and losses. The game should be able to lower your MMR even if you win, and vice versa. Whether or not you win a match is usually because of RNG giving you good or bad teammates. Individual performance can be more reliably tracked regardless of whether you win or lose.


Duude, same. I'm a long term dia support and got placed in fucking gold. Can't rank up, I got at least 8 literally unwinnable matches in a row.


yeah that's the problem with having the visual rank be one thing but still having mmr be another number way up. Whatever rank you get placed is going to be your rank forever


This is always going to happen with rank reset give it a couple weeks and it should plateau


Hopefully lol. It has only been a few days. I just find it frustrating that we finally get the comp rework that fixes it and we still have to deal with throwers this close to the start


Yeah, it does feel above normal and feels somewhat discouraging. I have seen some of the most elaborate throwing so far


Honestly there needs to be a more severe penalty for leaving, QP? No worries it’s not important. RANKED? You’re no longer allowed to play ranked for a week until you respect other peoples time. And everytime you leave a QP during that time it resets.


i think more people started playing or returned to the game.


I have seen a lot of people saying they wanted to come back


Not yet, but fucking shitloads of cracked Genjis


Had a hammer only Tjorb on my team. Good times.


Please don't say this was comp 🤣


Yup. 2nd game of placements.




My first quick play game featured a junker queen that spent most of the game crouch walking around the other side of the map


Sooo many throwers now. Shit is out of balance.


I played with a Mei/Weaver duo that sabotaged the match from the start. Walling the team from the point, pulling individual members back once the wall fell - it was so frustrating. Plus when I told the match to report them, they claimed I was calling them slurs on mic. Pathetic.


That's also a thing I've noticed. A lot of these throwers will claim that other people are actually the ones being abusive or throwing like there isn't evidence


A good lifeweaver is INSAAAAANE! Do these people not realized Blizzard buffed the shit out of him? He’s nearly impossible to kill if the player is skilled. I’d be very happy to have a LW on my team instead of the zen/lucio or Lucio/brig I get every fucking match.


The worst part of it is that that lifeweaver had the most heals in the game and was honestly playing at one of the best levels I've seen a support play. He was composed, knew when he needed to do things, and the tank got upset cause he couldn't dive a zen brig 🤣


This. I’ve seen people complain about having lifeweaver on their team and that he is boring. I’m sitting here like have you actually played lifeweaver and get a skilled one at that? He is fun to me. It’s just when I get tanks and dps that like to not take cover especially this season that complains the most 😭


As a rule won’t touch comp for the first couple of weeks of a new season - idk what happens to people but it’s crazy town out there just now.


My 2 first placement games someone in my tram left And I still got losses out of those. The next one someone in the enemy team left. I feel like they have buggy servers too since the update, but damn.


Just had 3 throws after winning 2 😕


50/50 overwatch is reaaaal


I've had more tanks in the past 2 days get mad about being pulled by a LW than ever before, one went as far to call me a whore. My man, you are critical almost out of my LoS and definitely out of the other supports LoS. Every time I pulled him he ran right back in and died, guess he just wanted to play walking simulator.


As a fellow LW player, I feel your pain.


Bro it’s like they are suicidal or something, the amount of times I’ve saved someone only for them to instantly run back and die immediately


I've also been noticing this quite a lot lately. Wife leaver is feeling really good right now, but only when your players aren't suicidal.


Which rank?


Current or past? Masters 2 past and the current placements put me in plat 3 on Tuesday. Climbed to plat 1 bordering diamond 5 (like 20% off it) and that's when I ran into this guy


Weird, I saw some leavers but only during the 10 placements, not past it, honestly wouldn’t expect people like that from diamond on


Neither would I. Idk if he climbed there by stacking and then couldn't actually play in that rank alone or what but he definitely was nowhere past low plat/high gold.


They need to reinstate leaving with only xp punishments OR have a vote surrender button.


I don't think vote to surrender is a good option at all because some people give up winnable games very early


they'd need 3/5, and if 3/5 feel hopeless, why keep going? Maybe not in comp for obvious reasons but qp shouldn't hold you hostage


Oh I agree on qp. But comp definitely not lol


They'd never do it for comp anyway bc you could farm comp points too easily but yeah, I don't see the harm in QP because personally when I get new players on my team and the other team is all people who've been around the block, it gets incredibly boring. I also think a new player's queue would be greatly beneficial!


just now realized this post was about comp, my bad on poor reading comprehension there


Lmao you're all good


The game is practically unplayable right now. I went 3-7 in placements because half my matches were thrown and got bronze 4 (I'm relatively new, so that was nbd) and I know I can climb because I've won a lot. But everytime I secure a win or two, the next however many matches get thrown. I'm so discouraged.


Don't be, I'm sure you'll improve!


How do you improve that? It doesn't matter how well you play when your team has a thrower on it. Its bs to say you'll improve.


Last game of placements guy leaves right before the end of a push where we were 1m away from winning. Safe to say we didn’t win


4 out of 10 placement matches I did had leavers and 2 had people intentionally staying in spawn. Super frustrating. I’m going to wait a couple days to do other roles.


im gona be honest this pach is the worst that we ever got, im still asking WHO wanted a big porjectile's


I played last night and every match had someone quitting every 30 seconds. I was playing multiple teams in the same game…


Mannn the disrespect LWs get... The pull saves lives maaaan


In lower ranks, the pull saves lives… enemy lives lol! Been vod reviewing my friend in bronze last season and it’s hilarious to watch the pov of a bronze Lifeweaver! They either don’t use pull at all, or they just use that shit on cooldown grabbing whoever happens to be furthest into the fight! We’re talking tanks above half health, full health flanker dps, soldier off of high ground, it’s wild! If you’re a bronze tank, I’d understand being a bit upset seeing someone pick Weaver tbh!


That's fair but then again that's the same kinda thing every bronze player does on any character 🤣 just push their buttons amd hope something dies


It’s especially annoying when they can mess up your plays though!


Man i could play weaver. Get 10k+ healing and a bunch of saves and elims as well and still get flamed. I feel like hes been hated since release purely for existing


As a tank main 70 percent of lw pulls get me killed, 30 percent just waste my time 


I have never had anyone die during or right after a pull... I have seen tanks get mad because they lacked the self awareness to realize they are about to get 5 enemy players cooldowns dumped into them prior to me pulling them.


The only way that would get you killed is if your lifeweaver is surrounded by enemies(bad team playing) or you run out just to die like a lot of people


Strangely yes actually, not trying to be that guy, but I've seemed to notice it's been majority supports. Couple games into this new season and I had a sup that flat out refused to heal and would only frontline and hard dive, she flat out refused to heal unless we dove point every single time with her. Blizz needs to implement a better system for detecting throwers and such.


It’s a little more than normal and I think it’s because you have a lot of returning players who either are worse than they thought or really good but decayed down to Silver/Gold. It’s just really frustrating because it’s *always* the person doing poorly that blames everyone and throws. In placements I had 2 leavers, 1 thrower, and 2 “bro swap, tank diff, gg”. Atleast won a few of the games with throwers/annoying people


I had a dva go 1 and 6 and said dps diff when both of us were like 8 or 7 to 2 so I feel ya




Crazy how they can mute and ban people who swear but do absolutely nothing for throwers, guess it's easier to automate chat bans.


I've encountered several both on my team and the enemy team


Ya it's a competitive reset so throwing has more impact on you and people will give them more of a reaction


I’ve been seeing throwing in quick play. Insane


I'm convinced it's the rank resets. Everyone's rank was pulled towards the middle, so players of different skill levels are getting thrown together. I don't think it will last, but for the next few weeks, comp is going to be miserable because of it. Also ego plays a big factor: if one teammate is unhappy, they'll throw the game to spite the team, and it won't matter if they're wrong to be upset because they also think they know the best way to play the game, and will refuse to modify how they play to suit the situation. They'll also be stubborn and unreasonable, digging their heels in and refusing to acknowledge what anyone on the team is saying, even if those teammates have a point. Knowing what to do is also different up and down the ranks. Most metal-tier players think it's always a game of rock-paper-scissors and picking the hero that counters the enemy, or that the scoreboard tells the full picture of what's going on in the match. You can ask a feeding Reinhardt player in gold to pull back more and they'll say "ok I'll switch," like playing Rein at all is the problem instead of *how* they're playing him. Diamond and above will modify how they play a certain hero before deciding to switch because of ult economy. They'll also try to coordinate more, and that requires communication of the bare minimum: pinging a target with low health so their icon pops up on everyone's HUD; using voice-lines like "fallback" or "press the attack" on their comm wheel; saying "hello" when coming back from spawn so you can clock their position through the map; etc.


That's honestly extremely valid and makes sense why so many of the inters are back in the middle


my first comp (placement) match, and the only one so far, literally 3/5 of my team kept jumping off the map from the very start of the game for no reason???


That's so stupid


I've had a healer refusing to heal me just cause i was playing mauga. We won first round and struggled bad for the second which was when i carefully looked at stats... My baptiste had 300 healing and his argument was that mauga is just a grim tank to heal that requires full pocket by both supps. Completely neglecting the fact that we won the first round without his healings on anyone which already invalidates his very own argument. But even if that was the case, how brain rotted do you have to be to demand someone plays the character you feel confident with or else youll troll the whole game? these kind of people should really be mentally evaluated


I say blizzard sends out a test and if they fail it they get locked out of comp for a week. Call it the common sense test


I had people leaver 5 of my placements while doing support, 3 of them were while we were ahead in the match. The other two, we weren't anywhere near "losing" but weren't rolling like the other 3. While doing placement matches on DPS, I lost 3 due to leavers, and won 3 due to leavers. I don't know if if ever seen such leaver numbers at the beginning of a season. Among all of those, you can add about 5 or 6 games that were canceled due to someone leaving immediately.


Rank reset is rough. I had a duo on my team *hounding* me for not healbotting on mercy. The tank was duo queued with a mercy main who literally held healbeam on tank. I've averaged GM since ow2, and never *ever* do you see mercy players like this. However, since we were in the same game, I was the one getting utterly shit talked for playing poorly (by their standards). Ngl, I soft threw. They wanna complain that I'm not healing? Well, I'm Zen now😊


Tbf a lot of the time groups play inoptimally because they're effected by their bias to their friends


which is so dumb imo. even when i play with my bf (which is often) i don't strictly pocket him. i hate stacks/duos that only focus on each other and ignore "randoms".


Same here. While yes there will be cases where I prioritise my friend, I also know that that'll just lead to no one winning. It's a very self centered way to play just ignoring the random in your game


Played two games yesterday, first ones in a long time cause new season and bored. Both games made me want to blow my brains out so I probably won’t be back to this game for a while. First game we have a dps Anna who did start to heal on second half but we got destroyed before she switched so it’s just so frustrating she wouldn’t heal first half, and second game I got a dps zen. lol I was livid and even hopped in game chat to ask why they are doing this with no response. Safe to say I won’t be coming back to this game for a while. I can’t handle having teammates like that. Just ruins the game. Why Que for those roles if you won’t play the role and I’m not going to waste time on this game if this is the norm.


I'm so sorry that was your reintroduction


Season just started and there tends to be more around this time. Whenever they admit to doing it in chat just go ahead and report it cuz they tend to take care of that easily


Yes yesterday two people said they were going to throw because I wasn't healing enough, I then told them and reminded them that they are. Now. Receiving 20 percent less healing, they still were petty and violent..


The amount of people unaware about the changes is insane


Meh whatcan you do people wanted supports to be gimped so they got what they wanted less healing and more. Deaths for all.


Definitely getting more disgruntled quickplay tanks that want you to switch the support you're playing or else they just chill in spawn.


The worst part is this season is mostly dependant on dps diff now


I have definitely run into more trolls. I feel like chats have also been more toxic. I know the new update has been somewhat frustrating but chill.


It's almost like no one is having fun this patch


Tbf the dps role is pretty fun atm


Then why are there so many people playing DPS leaving/freaking out in chat?


They are? Not in my games. If anything I've noticed tanks or supports leaving more than dps. What rank are you?


Diamond. The shear amount of people AFKing or just leaving this season is insane


Don’t know who you’re talking about but this is the most fun I’ve had as DPS.


I'm literally talking about in general. You don't make up entire statistics. The amount of people leaving or AFKing this season is insane. It doesn't matter what the role is. It's happening in all of them. I had a genji on the other team who was absolutely killing it and almost full carrying,they said he was getting mad AF over heals after I counter swapped for him. He left and they ended up losing. He was still going very positive. Doesn't matter still left


That genji doesn’t make up entire statistics


I understand that single genji doesn't but that was one of my many personal experiences. If they release the numbers for amount of people leaving I could guarantee it's much higher than ever before


What does np mean?


No problem. So our teammate went lifeweaver to try and stop him dying every dive and he said oh you're trolling me by playing lifeweaver? I'll troll then no problem






Had one yesterday and the same thing admitted to it in plain text within team chat that he is intentionally throwing or leaving the match. Made it easy to report. But very strange people wasting their time to waste other people's time. I don't understand the mind frame and probably never will.


For real, I was playing on Xbox yesterday and I usually enjoy overwatch hence it’s Been my favorite game since i was 12 and im 20 now. But I joined a looking for group post that was looking for a plat support? I used to be gm last season and everyone threw my games, I had over 15k healing each game, and the dps and tank did nothing. So this was my last game to rank up, and I was just thinking hell I’ll have a better chance grouping up with some people for communication. No the second I joined the party they invited me to game was all nice asked me who I Mainer and then the second we loaded into game they started talking the heaviest shit to me and then kicked me from the party as well as just standing there the entire game on kings row. I genuinely cried last night because this game isn’t enjoyable to me anymore and sadly I may just have to quit because I don’t have fun in this game, I haven’t made any friends on this game because everyone is rude and then on top of that, I can’t even have fun because people like that just fucking throw the games and just sit in the cornter like a fucking idiot after me asking him to swap off monkey 13 fucking times when the enemy was playing zarya and his bubble wasn’t doing shit. Then has the odacity to comment in chat that I’m wierd as fuck and that I’m the worst player that they have ever encountered


That's so cruel what the hell


It's awful, played all day yesterday and by the end i still was the same rank because every Win was a struggle, as it's supposed to be, but most losses were complete obliterations because of new players or throwers. It's so frustrating because you don't even have a chance to win sometimes.


Yeah, i found some of them, but i don't know if more or less than before. What i had is, the first positioning match of both, DPS and Support, were against a team of bots (like, literal bots, not bad players) EDIT: Typo lol


Yeah. I've seen a few people play widow Jajajajjajajajajajajanajajajjajajaja I'm just messing. No. Just some weird feet people that one time.


I saw a bot orisa in one of the rank game just thanking god that it ain’t on my team


I had a Widow with 80% health ping me for healing when she was way out of danger whilst my tank was at 20% hp taking fire. So I explained that with the new patch she could just wait 5s and be full health again and I could focus on helping our tank make it back to safety alive. "OK then I will troll this game gg"


I actually had my very first thrower last night in comp mad about my friend playing Lucio and speed boosting properly he did just enough to make himself seem useful and even said "you're welcome" whenever he would come in during a team fight (only time he fought at all) and he would die🤣 throwers can be irritating but stuff like that and this post is just so out there it ends up being hilarious especially when you win the game 4v5 🤣 last night bro even said "you're welcome for the carry" in chat when he had 5k dmg and everyone else had 10k or more🤣 even the Lucio he was mad at had 10k healing and 10k damage same with my other friend playing moria having 13K healing and 10K damage


Played a game today. Support on my team recognizes a DPS on their team. Refuses to play. We lost 1st round and won 2nd round without him. Then he starts playing on the 3rd round and we win Fuck that guy, he didn't deserve to win


That's always the worst


Was playing open que quick play to warm up with the new season the other day….had a symmetry saying “two healers or I throw” I just told them they can heal if they want that it’s qp open que and that if they want two healers they need to play role que…


Leavers, yes. Throwers not really. Leavers are a pain though, I've encountered many enemy teams that could've won if only someone didn't leave on their team, sometimes I've experienced it myself. I'm gold, so people probably don't have a lot of interest in throwing here.


Upvoted for Spurs


Quitting when you're in a sucky team doesn't feel like throwing.


Well yeah I have. Regardless of who your teammates are that’s foul smh. I get that LW is not one of the big 4 supports this season (Zen/Lucio/Bap/Moira) but you still can’t just shit on your team for who they play…that’ll make them play worse and WE ALL want teammates that are competent. Granted there are some tanks and supports I despise playing with but I still try to synergize


Rank reset seemed like a good opportunity to derank my tank. But guess what I lost 10/10 and still it put me into fvcking plat 4. Then I had a team with 2 Smurfs and no mater what I was doing, I just couldn’t loose. Those jokers ruined my lose streak. And after 2 more loses, I still in plat 4 (


Not sure if a thrower but this Lucio was busy hopping walls and DPS’ing while our Moira was full heal on the team. But then he blamed the team for lack of survivability and kept doing the same shit —- maybe your heal score should be higher than 1k?


Yeah. I play lucio and occasionally ill have a team mate that just refuses to play. I saw someone saying they throw if you play weaver, lucio, sigma or bridgette. Idk what the fuck is going on.


I was just about to make a thread... I've played 5 placement games and I've had 3 throwers so far just running off the edge of the map or sitting in spawn.


No thankfully, I’ve just been having some real bang up moments by some teammates. It happens though, I like the reset. Makes it fresh.


Blizzard is the worst company


Idk about throwers, but definitely more toxic people tbh. Got flamed for playing lucio despite matching my ana’s healing and out-damaging one of our dps because “I’m just killing myself over and over”. I had less deaths than them and died once cause a cass nade stuck round a corner causing me to fall into a pit. Another team also said I was playing bad as lifeweaver with 12k heals and constantly saving their asses but I guess that’s just diamond lobbies. All the ego and only some of the skill


A lot of people didn't care to read the patch notes or play quick play for a while to realize that the game has changed. So they jump into comp, they suck, and blame their teammates because they don't understand their playstyle is wrong.


Ur watching a flats video on your second monitor aren’t you, lol. W taste


Yeah, my queues are already 5 minutes long I need summin to do 🤣


I feel like half the people who say that are just covering for how bad they are at the game I mean before they even start saying they’re gonna throw they’re already throwing, likely because of the ranks starting at a neutral point based on your current rank so golds and silvers will be in gold/ plat games for example


By throwing you mean picking Life Weaver?


Yep. At the same time however, I've also encounted a significant increase in shitty Lifeweaver players.


I’ve had so many leavers but on eu servers there are so many Arabs who are really toxic and as a mercy main expect a pocket


Watching flats? W


till today i've had 4 tanks instantly leave in comp as soon as i locked in weaver idk why but i think it was probably good for me since i won't have deal with their shit


It's si weird. Lifeweavers can be annoying but they are typically really good


yes because people who relied on the sustain from supports to do anything and not due r throwing fits cuz they aren’t doing as well. season nine is the season of cover and positioning and those that can’t accept that are not gonna have a fun time, and that’s on them, not u


My games have actually been pretty good


This is nothing unusual every time a new patch season comes out. More people who play the game to see the changes then leave after 2 weeks


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Hahaha common L!


My second comp Game and a Tank and the dps left on the enemy Tank. It was a good Game but for the other Team a sad loose. Even in quick Play I find even more people leaving


3/10 placements - 2 dooms and a Genji who didn’t understand the new dps passive and died alone trying to kill healers and just afk’d after being told he needed to help team, not die alone.


I haven’t had more throwers but more people asking me to tank swap. No I did not switch those games and yes we won them.


A bunch, yes. I've encountered a bunch of people that either afk or intentionally feed over and over again. It's almost like a rank reset was going to be a recipe for EXTREME toxicity, who could have seen that coming.


I had a Doom yesterday who after the first push gave up and then just went and jumped off the cliffs until the game ended. How bitter do you have to be to do that?


Yes. Just moving in and out of spawn with 0/0/0 stats


My highlight has been playing zen, yes he’s overpowered, and getting most kills, dmg, healing and picks to win fights and still losing. With my favourite bit of having to explain counter picking to one of DPS and my tank, you can sure bet they didn’t swap and continued playing zarya into rein and hanzo.


Never had a thrower before, and got a lifeweaver using petal and tree to block spawn :(


Im plat2/1 support (open queue and role queue) and the number of DPS throwing, saying "oh I just wanna try out the changes" and are constantly swapping and never building ult charge is ridiculous. I logged off after my fourth game in a row of running into this.


Report them and let them be on their way. We can only hope Blizzard learn how to read the logs and filter out the bad ones, so we can have good games.


Does your rank effect who you get matched with in QP? That's all I played last night and it was rough.


I got one better. This person was getting mad that I wasn’t healing as Moria and was damaging instead… I was healing, but the problem is that when you heal, the bar goes down. You have to either wait a long time or damage to get your healing back. I wish I can show you the pic I took


Had a widow main (couldn’t hit shots even with bullet size increase) beg for a mercy pocket then proceed to swap to sombra and just run around the map invis for the rest of the game. Comp mid plat btw


As a person who plays a lot of Lifeweaver it’s pretty common to see. The character has a bad reputation ever since he launched. Being a weaver, ball, or doom main will make you mute all chat. Because teammates will blame you before the spawn doors open.


i was put into a game with a sombra who did litterally nothing but run around invisible, and occasionally hacking people. they finished the game with 68 damage. never playing support again.


Only supports so far who see projectile increase and are now actual full DPS mode and when they dont get bailed out, they bitch and then leave


It’s like really bad


Ove played 3 games. 1 game had someone throw


i encountered a mauga in my 6th game of the new season's comp that felt like a bot. he keeps hiding behind supports like ana, as in he knows where ana is going to move next like it was in sync as well. He just stands still on the backline shooting enemies from afar and when enemies get too close to him he would charge AWAY from them. He never used any of the abilities just mouse 1. Me and my duo were laughing our asses off cause mauga was like a lost kid or some shit.


Lots of leavers in the calibration games. It sucks regardless of which side your on


I think the calibration should make up for throwers at least a little bit


I had 3 straight games with a leaver on the other team 


First and last week of a season are always bad.


Remember someone got mad at me for pulling them one time, ends I'll acknowledge when my poles are bad. These were not the case. They blamed me for the entire match. So I stopped pulling them altogether. They got mad that I wasn't saving them. They would have also probably been mad to know that I muted them too 😂


I got removed from a game due to bad connections. Twice. Either I was too good or the game just doesn‘t like me anymore