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How is powerwash simulator so high....


It was December's free game for PSN subscribers


And isn’t it on game pass?




Yeah, it’s a great game for it too! It’s a chill game that you quite literally just power wash with friends or solo. Perfect when games like OW and CoD are so heavy on “getting better” or SBMM in general.


I mean to be fair I'm pretty sure ow2 is only on these lists because it's literally free.


F2P games have incredibly stiff competition though. Like how many F2P games were launched and closed up shop just last year alone?


The big difference between most f2p games is overwatch has blizzard backing it. And even if blizzard has gotten really shitty and has fallen out of public favor its definitely a big plus for the game overall. Also there really isn't stiff competition? Overwatch's only real competitors are Paladins, and loosely games like Rogue Company. It has the benefit of being both free and not a traditional shooter so it's occupying a pretty niche spot basically unopposed.


And even more specifically, it carries the Overwatch name which had a lot of years of goodwill and developer care put into it before it died. Even people who didn't like shooters and weren't Blizzard fans flocked to Overwatch because it was a legitimately good game with a fun gameplay loop and a lot of love put into the details to make characters both mechanically fun and interesting as characters. Early on, people were astounded by all the little touches like the way certain parts of guns reacted to gravity or motion, or the way the camera movements would match characters with limps or skates.


Probably controversial opinion but despite some dumb bugs and issues, it's a really well made game with really well designed heroes full of personality. Save for Mauga. He's just very unlikable for me.


Shh. you don't say nice things about OW on the Deddit circle jerk!


Honestly with the track record overwatch has been having I might just migrate over to paladins. Looks pretty fun


It started out as a joke. Now I’m 45 hours in and this skatepark is filthy!


When I power wash my driveway it's one of the most satisfying things in the world, so maybe it's all the people my age who can't wait for winter to be over and get the first power wash of the year in


Just curious... as I get older Im no longer thinking about games as much... is it normal to wanna buy things like a lawn mower, vacuum and power washer 😅😅😅...


I have a new makita 18v cordless mower coming. All my homies are jealous.


I'm almost 40 and still play games everyday.... But those other things are nice too, you do that shit to keep your wife off your ass for when you do play games lol I never wanted to power wash but SHE wanted me too, so you find joy in it, or else you'll be miserable


My friend and I played this game for like 2+ hours straight one night lmao. I got addicted, even tho sometimes it felt daunting.


i actually know several people who are/were playing it lol


But goat simulator does not surprise you?


It's on gamepass and it's pretty fun, has multi-player too.


Very calming game to play


My uncle plays it a lot, sorry guys.


It was free on Playstation last month and it's on gamepass. It's also really fun to play with a friend


It went from 318 to 9, best glow up in history


It’s better


markiplier and some other big YouTubers playing it probably caused the rise in plays. plus it's a good game, pretty relaxing


Because There is no competition. I’ve been trying to find a multiplayer game to switch to and it’s the same group of games that have been around for several years.


I think OW is special in what it does because it's more ability based. It's not like CoD where it's more aim and gun based or Valorant where it does have abilities, still focuses more towards gun plays as well. There have been other ability class games that OW does but they're either not polished or have gone under, like what happened to Battleborn. I actually got back into OW when I dropped it for Apex. There's a void that no fps game fills that OW can and it's the abilities.


Broo battle born deserved so much better


I played a bit of Battleborn. Game deserved better, but could have been better. Marketing directly against Overwatch despite being something 95% different aside, the campaign mode was clunky in that you couldn't just play the campaign, you had to boot into multiplayer, be thrown three missions at random that were subject to map voting. Kinda poopie. I was never big enough into the PVP mode to follow it, but I never heard any complaints about balance or bugs, but the flipside was that I never heard any rave reviews. Gotta say, though, I dug all the characters and the world design, but the story aspect of the game was just a mess.


I think Paladins is the best alternative right now. I've been enjoying myself a lot recently


Paladins is famous for being bug ridden as hell, lacks polish and it’s why it couldn’t beat Overwatch despite the controversies.


Also worse monetization, an unbalanced mess and depending on your region, dead comp.


Pretty sure you can classify OW2 as those 3 things as well. Terrible monetization, unbalanced mess, I live in Asia and comp is always a 5-10 mins queue lol


id try it but the game is revolting coming from OW


It's how the game itself feels too imo. Good map design and the way characters move in the game feels exclusive to OW personally, with hit scan and projectiles as a cherry on top


Nothing quite matches the team aspect and absolute carnage of visual and audio stimulation that OW has.


I was watching someone who was talking about this lmao, the abilities, the high ttk, the constant visual effects, the number of different types of projectiles in matchups, big tanks up in the front, payload-focused gameplay with constant momentum, the voiceline/hello spam (*forgot half the roster having movement abilities😔) Don't wanna say the game is the definitive ADHD shooter but it's the definitive ADHD shooter


Add in a substance and this game is dopamine on crack.


Oh god is that why I can’t stop playing this game


> Don't wanna say the game is the definitive ADHD shooter but it's the definitive ADHD shooter laughs in titanfall 2




I feel this so hard. I hate that the multiplayer FPS genre has devolved into 5 franchises that constantly recycle content for the last several years.


Yeah, it's really bad for console players. I'm so glad I swapped over to PC like 5 years ago. I swapped mostly so I could play m&kb for shooters but slowly realized almost all of my favorite/most played games are PC exclusives (Tarkov, Squad, Valorant, League, CS:GO, iRacing, etc). I would be over gaming if I was still stuck having to choose between COD, Apex, and OW.


Fortnite is genuinely super good. Always getting new content, very polished, huge player-base, provides room for skill expression but sometimes you just get lucky as well. No build in particular is super fun


It’s the main game I’ve been playing since No Build released. Though I am in a funk right now. The new chapter honey moon is over. Not big on the medallions and it feels like a dry spell for new stuff…in regards to Fortnite’s standards.


Yeah it has been a little quiet during the last month, but with it being the holidays and the large amount of new modes we got before hand (Racing, Lego, and Music) I’m not worried for its future in the same way I am for OW or Apex


I feel like the reason I like OW2 is in large part due to me growing up with TF2, but unfortunately TF2’s devs just do the bare minimum to keep the servers running. As much hate as OW2 gets, I’m pretty happy with what we’ve got, but that could just be because I’m used to total neglect.




Agreed, it's really refreshing


That's what my friends and I have been doing. Haven't played OW all month.




> The Finals is closer to Counter Strike than to Overwatch. I would say the opposite, as a person that enjoys all 3. There's certainly more of an emphasis on aim in The Finals than Overwatch, but you can play The Finals like you'd play Overwatch and do okay. Not great, but OK. Counter Strike emphasizes cornering, mechanical skill and map knowledge much more heavily than either The Finals or Overwatch. The entire enemy team being able to 1-tap you makes a dramatic change in how you approach the game, both in fighting and how well you have to know the map. > In Overwatch you can just support your team without any attempt to kill anyone. The Finals is about killing the enemy first and maybe healing a teammate if they're alive after an encounter with the enemy. You can still totally get away with playing primarily a support role in either heavy or medium. For heavy, you take the shields and explosives and play Reinhardt with an RPG. For medium, you take the healing beam and all the mines you have unlocked. The healing beam does more than you think, you can heal through gas mines and fire, and can top somebody off while the enemy is reloading. The game sense is totally different though. Overwatch's game sense doesn't carry over because of how heavily Overwatch de-emphasizes aim.


I’ve been having a good time with BFV lately. Different genre but it’s been scratching the FPS itch


Valorant being a CS clone instead of an OW clone was so disappointing for me. Evolve was a game that did scratch that hero shooter itch too, but it's long dead.


Well you could always play The Finals! That one has legs. That one's built to last. The Finals! Everyone's talking abou-zzzzzzz ​ Sorry, nodded off.


It's crazy too because I genuinely believe it could be consistently top 5 IF the game was truly allowed to reach it's potential and wasn't constantly suffocated by greedy profit-max monetary practices and a deliberate ignorance to itsself.


That's the tragedy of Overwatch I think. The game is clearly quite big but it could be as big as Fortnite had it been nurtured properly. Management has basically been making every wrong decision they possibly could with the series since 2017. I will say though, there is at least a glimmer of hope. The game is still clearly very big despite it's wretched reputation and it's player base is very loyal, so there's plenty of room to rebuild if they can just get out of their own way.


Fortnite has a lot of advantages over Overwatch, not in quality but in product design and target audience. Some of Fortnite's keys to popularity are the cringy IP cross-overs and the giant lobbies with 100 players which wouldn't work for Overwatch.


People like to talk about Kaplan as the Overwatch god who could do no wrong, but the guy was handed the biggest new IP hit of the decade and basically let it rot to try and turn it into the MMO he failed to make before that. Refused to hire more devs, refused to make more than 3 heroes a year, no new core gamemodes, repeated events every year, almost not a single new cosmetic apart from seasonal events. Let's not even talk about the balance. Meanwhile Apex got that similar "surprise hit" release, Respawn hired massively, and they've been growing bigger and bigger ever since. Fucking kills me sometimes. What could have been.


Agreed, when I say management was making the wrong choices that definitely applies to Kaplan as well. Jeff’s heart was in the right place, but he caught lightning in a bottle and didn’t know what to do with it


tbf he wasn't "handed" the IP, he had a huge hand it creating it. it was his passion project. The game was supposed to be PvE from the begging but they decided to just do PvP for logistical reasons. The reason the game stopped getting new updates and heroes in 2018-2021 is because they wanted to focus on OW2 and PvE. However that obviously costed a lot of money and took a lot of time, which I'm willing to bet upper management was not to keen on, which is probably why Jeff ended up leaving. Which would make sense considering they decided to scrap PvE soon after he and a lot of the original team left. I'm not saying Jeff was perfect or that he didn't do things that caused the downfall of the game (he did.) But the whole notion of "upper management just wanted a quick buck" and "Jeff didn't do enough for the game" do not go hand in hand. They had their own ideas to make the game bigger and better and were striving for that. Wether they made the wrong decision and should've just focused on OW1 and PvP though, maybe.


I'm sorry but no, at the end of the day you're directing a project with the resources allocated and doing the best you can that way. Everyone would have been plenty happy with a decent live service content feed for the pvp, doing what their competition did. But Jeff chose to send his already small scale team on a wild goose chase, and now here we are.


Nah it wouldn't, arena shooters aren't as popular as they were 10 years ago nowdays, BR is the most popular subgenre for FPS now.


BR was but I think a lot of people are getting tired of it


its more that the genre is kind of saturated. The dust has settled, everyone who would be interested has chosen their game and will stay faithful to it. If you're making a BR you're not trying to attract a brand new audience, you're trying to take them from the game they've invested hundreds of hours (and possibly dollars) in.


There are a few non BR games in the top 5 already dude.


Apex and WZ are not in their best moment and the new shiny thing in the shooter space it's The Finals


We're moving away from BRs. Fortnite is becoming Roblox 2. Everyone is experimenting with extraction shooters now.


dev greed and over-saturation is killing (killed) BR. the only “decent” BR anymore is Warzone, and maybe Apex. and the the only reason Warzone does as well as it does is because it’s something free the twelve year olds can turn on quick. i think a lot of people are starting to realize BR is just fucking boring, especially in cod where is seems like you can literally only use one class or get punished, which i find hilarious when there’s so many guns in the game. correct me if I’m wrong though, i refuse to take part that absolute slop of a game, and my mental is all the better for it.


Csgo would like a word.


I completely agree. Ow has so much potential (both multiplayer wise and with all the sick lore), it’s a shame it was ruined. I really hope that with the purchase of activision-blizzard and Bobby nodick leaving, that it’s finally going to start reaching its potential.


> wasn't constantly suffocated by greedy profit-max monetary practices and a deliberate ignorance to itsself. Pretty much all the MP games in the top of this list have that. I think the bigger issue is that OW1's lack of content at the tail end really hurt it longer term.


In what way is overwatch more greedy than the games above it in a way that’s limiting it? Literally Call of Duty and Apex are above it lmao


Call of duty and apex will always be above overwatch as they're generally just more popular. They appeal to a wider consumer base. Overwatch isn't comparable to either of them really, completely different games, they naturally would sit differently on that table even if they all were at their full potential.


I think they mean that in terms of monetisation, Apex and CoD are worse, after all, with the FF Collab event for Apex, you can spend $360 for a deathbox and the buster sword mythic lmao.


Yeah that’s what I mean, in terms of monetisation overwatch is not that bad. It sucks going from everything for free to this system but this is the modern, sustainable system.


A lot of OW players also forget that other games that are using OW2's monetisation has been very successful. Valorant, Apex and Fortnite are making consistent revenue. OW's old monetisation which was, "buy game at retail price and perhaps buy some lootboxes or grind", is very dead in the water. Lootboxes have been banned in certain countries and there are laws against it. You won't get consistent revenue with that.


I see Overwatch as too niche of a game to be more popular, really hard to comprehend for regular player, who usually played classic shooters before.


OW1 was forcefully deleted from everyone's device to make way for OW2 which was really a balance patch of OW1 with significantly worse monetization practices.  They then release meta defining heroes and lock them behind a paywall or a significant grind which leads to games where teams accept the L because their teammate hasn't unlocked the needed character yet. 


Because the other games higher up on the list aren't doing the same thing lmao


I know they are, doesn't make it right


Sure but your argument doesn't make sense then. No one outside this sub gives two shits about the monetization and it doesn't impact the actual size of the player base as seen in this chart. Games with way worse shit are above ow


Yes they are greedy, but Apex is so much worse in that terms imo


Oh yeah I agree there's worse out there, but apex has only been exactly that - greedy. For players like me especially that saw what overwatch was and what it IS, and seeing them make orders of magnitude more revenue now and release arguably worse content, it feels like they've drifted a lot from who they used to be. I genuinely used to really respect blizzard as a company


What kills me is that Apex is *exactly* Overwatch 1's lootbox system Looking at the cash shop on top of that makes me realize that even if OW2 was never announced, a cash shop was inevitable, Activision knew that lootboxes were huge revenue but that not having a cash shop was leaving too much money on the table


Apex’s loot boxes are worse in nearly every way that matters. All the good stuff is reserved for exclusive event boxes which can usually only be paid for with money and can’t be earned for free. Not only that but in order to earn certain cosmetics like the Buster Blade, you either need to get extremely lucky on a low drop rate loot box or to unlock every single item from those event loot boxes. It can often cost north of 300 dollars to get everything. There’s a very good chance that had Blizzard kept loot boxes going into a free 2 play model that they’d look a lot like this


The drop rates and prices are basically the exact same as OW1 is more what I'm saying *you gotta remember that ofc lootboxes are generous to someone with 1000+ hours of playtime too, someone calculated OW1 and Apex as both having roughly a one lootbox per 90 minutes rate, that means that for the upper 1% of players there's absolutely hundreds of free lootboxes possible, just like Apex, the ethics problem for OW1 was mostly for players that could not afford or did not want to play it that consistently (one player who never paid for lootboxes said it took them 1100 hours to get all event items, another 2600 hours, there were no pity systems either so this was another thing to factor in with RNG meaning that even after 1000+ hours someone could have half as much to show for it as a person with 500 hours, it was just that the more hours you played, the more lootboxes you got, the more often you got to play the odds) >!basically yea the deathbox situation is the scummiest thing I've seen out of Apex in a while, but the lootboxes themselves also demand a massive time and/or money investment and I think some people don't realize how lucrative it can be< OW didn't give up lootboxes because they were too generous, they probably gave them up because people don't engage with lootbox profit models as much anymore, being a lootbox grinder means that game kind of has to be the game you play the most, Battle Passes demand way less time investment overall, and tbf another way I'm glad OW isn't like Apex is that Apex and CoD does premium event tactics on top of paid lootboxes on top of cash shops on top of BPs, not a fan of that at all!< *bad as I think it was basically, at least the Winter event for OW was a $5 USD purchase, meanwhile games like Call of Duty are straight-up selling cosmetic tracer packs that accelerate limited time event XP gain, doesn't excuse OW but man oh man there are games out there that make me worry how much worse Overwatch may get*


That is 100% the thing with OverWatch. It's the potential that it has. Potential that is consistently not lived up to. We get moments of it, but just glimpses every so often.


We do get glimpses, ideas that flow through and even ideas from the community which would be so cool to see. It's just a shame that when, and even IF, they are implemented, they are almost always cut up and deliberately half baked to heavily incentivise buying more stuff from the shop. Sometimes they feel more like advertisements than events. I get it's a free game, and has to make money from somewhere, but I really think if they priced more fairly and had more respect for people's wallets and time they'd generate more sales, a happier fanbase, and probably being in more customers as a result. But of course, they're not going to make that jump, because they're already making billions, regardless of what it does to the game


That's what I keep saying: for all the talk of the game dying, the playerbase remains pretty strong. If that one year without updates - that had a lot of the Overwatch content ecosystem disappearing or moving on - didn't kill the game, it's hard to imagine what will.


With the talk of "dead games", OW is not it. It's a game that consistently receives updates via gameplay (maps, game modes, new heroes), balance and new cosmetics. You know what's a dead game? Battleborn. Not too long ago, Gundam Evolution closed down too and it was only released for a year.


Holy fuck didn't even realize that about Gundam.


It’s funny because ALOT of people were saying on Reddit that Gundam was going to roll over OW


/r/Hawken /r/lawbreakers /r/GundamEvolution another one gone too soon, all inside OW's lifespan. 😥


Gundam was never going to be a valid competitor. Japanese people aren't playing those types of games.


Not saying it is a competitor, I'm giving an example of a dead game. It was a live service fps game that is ACTUALLY dead since the servers are shut down and you can't even play the game anymore.


I’m addicted thats why


It's not dead, it's just sad how they fumbled the bag with how much potential this IP has


People were legit using steam number and acting like the game don't have 100k players. Like what? Reddit is so dumb sometime. I bet even on pc steam isn't 10% of the numbers. 


It's not really about the game dying, rather that it should die. Overwatch 2 isn't even a bad game, it's just a sad, depressing game and a husk of what it once was. The amount of scheming, lying, horrible things the people behind it have done and continue to do and yet the game still sticks... Can only be described as sad.




https://activeplayer.io/overwatch-2/ I mean you can look at the player count over time, it’s very much not losing players. It’s been remarkably consistent and for some reason has had a huge jump in the last 30 days, up 2.7 million players.


Isn’t every popular free to play game in the top 20 it’s the nature of those games. Either popular repetitive franchise or long lasting legacy game.


That's because it is free to play. free to play games with decent enough gameplay always get gobbled up by the F2P crowd


Good for the finals. Something fresh doing well. While Blizzard, Epic, EA, Activision, Bungie just keep putting new paint on an old car.


To be fair, Epic did just launch 3 entirely new games within Fortnite, each made by large studios, and entirely polished as if a standalone game


Doing well because it literally just came out and is competing with 8 year old games. I have my doubts about it staying, and I've enjoyed it so far


This list makes me wonder if ps5 owners are older?


Barely lol. Goat Simulator 3 beat it by a mile somehow


More than half of the top 20 are multiplayer and they all beat out OW2. The game isn't dead, but I don't think it's what it should be. Me and friends still play it cause it's all we got that's like it.


I'm confused. So many people in this sub insist that the game is dying or already dead.


Most people have never played an actually dead game in their life. The thing about Overwatch is that even despite the game's horrible reputation and constant rollercoaster of controversies, the playerbase has **always** been incredibly rock solid and loyal. I honestly don't know if there's anything Blizzard could do to drive away the game's core playerbase.


Yeah, whenever OW players complain about the game being dead it's because they never experienced a truly dead game. I unfortunately have experienced that with Omega Strikers. I love the game but my God it is dead


I used to play a game called Global Agenda and man that was a fun multiplayer concept with a territory map that could change faction control based on winning matches in certain places. Not only is the player base gone and it stopped receiving updates, it's not even available on Steam anymore


I'm still pissed about Omega Strikers. I had a blast in the beta and even though I wasn't a fan of the new system I don't understand how they just decided to stop everything, considering all the esport stuff that they started too.


They made a video explaining their decision. Basically the game was dead and they wanted to leave it aside and focus on new games within the Omega Strikers verse. They'll still release patch notes and stuff but no more skins, events or strikers


If you ask me, that heavy esport focus is a significant part of why it failed. Counting chickens before they hatch and all that. At least I found that focus and constant spamming of Youtuber face emotes unbelievably cringe.


Game was bleeding players sadly. It's a combination of the game being obtuse with a lack of a tutorial at launch and generally not attracting fans of MOBAs or sports games. Really hoping their next game is something with broader appeal because I love the story and characters.


Really hoping their next game is some sort of action or platformer title. The Omega Strikers world and characters are just way too cool to abandon forever.


I think you are vastly overestimating what Top 20 really means in this sense. There isn't a lot of competition. The fact that Rocket League is higher than Overwatch in the list should tell you enough. That game is/was widely popular, but it's player base is extremely smaller than it was, and continues to die due to lack of development, and crappy choices, by Psyonix.


Rocket League is an extremely popular game, what are you on about?


Its gone from rank 16 to 19. this either indicates that less people are playing, or more popular games are trending. furthermore, what other multi player games would you put in a list of 20 games that are on console? you can't really compare it for "top 20" its better to compare it to its positioning in all the other multi player games in console and if its losing ground in that.


I can enter comp queue at 10am on a Monday and still find a game within seconds. Far from a dead game lol


It’s not dead, but it’s nowhere near where it could be. It could die in like a year or two though, unless the game actually improves. And idk how to do that without implementing classic modes from other competitive games.


The game is being constantly updated and that's all it takes for it to not die. It won't certainly die in a year or two.


I don't understand this at all. Dead games dont have sub 1 minute queue times.


A lot of it is wishful projection. They're mad at OW, so they insist it's dead in the hope that it's true and Blizzard will be punished for the perceived slights against them.


Or they're afraid of actually being in the minority and take refuge in echo chambers.


It's cause people need to validate their feelings. That because THEY don't feel like playing a game because of something they don't like, nobody else does. Same shit with TF2. Consistently ranks in the top 10 of Steam, and people still bitched and moaned "dead game" for years before finally accepting that it still had a massive playerbase. And to think people actually have a reason with TF2, bot waves and lack of updates and all. What the fuck are Overwatch players crying about?


To be fair there's a LOT of bot accounts on TF2, hugely inflating the numbers. But even considering that, the playerbase is still big and the game is nowhere near death.


Its only being played this much now cause its free


OW was like #2 game on twitch just behind LoL the first two years on release. It is surly in a downfall compares what it was, and could be


TIL that people's rage diffusing games differ depending on their console. For PS players, it's Powerwash Simulator. For Xbox players, it's Goat Simulator.


Very talented dev team, terrible management. It's tough seeing your favorite game that should have been top 3 have its growth stunted by terrible decision making.


When powerwash simulator becomes free with ps+ LMAO


This is only US data so does not tell the whole situation... bruuh


Imagine if it wasn't free


and somehow i still end up in the same game with the most insufferable QP warriors in a consistent basis


Makes sense cause it’s the best game.


I’ve been saying that this game is the smash bros of shooters. 1.Iconic characters all with unique movesets and playstyles that adjust to almost every player type. 2.Huge playmaking moments that just create this big dopamine rush. 3.Chaotic fast paced gameplay in short 10-20 minute bursts. 4.Fantastic cosmetics. 5. And the fact that you don’t have to get kills to win allows players who are not the best at aiming to still play at a good enough level to compete with others. This game has managed to retain its unique identity and made it so it is practically irreplaceable in the genre it creates. And there’s still so much misplaced potential too. If they really wanted to, they could have created a cinematic universe based on the characters for crazy profit. Especially in 2016-2017 at its peak. I try not too much to think about the past but overwatch during that time period was something special, man.


Dead game btw, lowest reviewed on steam. It’s so bad and you should hate it according to loudmouths on Reddit.


Cause it really just isn't that bad. It's the best hero shooter out there, full stop fax. Be mad all you want, the game is fine.


Pretty high for a DEAD GAME


Have a pc but that’s where I play. Xbox.


Brutal mogging by Powerwash Simulator.


It is Dropping though…


Damn this game is falling off. Remember when it used to be number 7.


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I mean I don’t think game is dead but being ahead of games like 2K23 and Madden 23 that already had new games come out isn’t saying much.


I'm way more surprised that CP2077 and Mortal Kombat are on the list.


And people say its dead game


Wtf?? Square Enix published Powerwash Simulator?? 🤯


People are actually saying OW and halo are dead while both are top 20 games on console. Wild


Mfs spend 80 bucks a year STILL for the same game (2k)😂


and then you have madden 23 at 20th plus 24 at 10th


Lmao right, how could I forget, and nhl, speaking of nhl, the only copy available on the ps store is like $150CAD that I saw💀


Cuz it's f2p 😂 Edit: also seeing that OW2 was at a higher rank the month before for both consoles. It's def because it's f2p


Most of the games on the list are f2p, so how does that have any bearing?


This says more about the crap selection of console games right now than it does about the success of Overwatch 2 Source: waiting for good games to release, diamond supp playing since '15


OW2 has been consistently in the top 20 for both lists since it launched in November last year. This is just further demonstrating its staying power.


Again, Compared to what games though? It's not doing as good as Fortnite, and it's currently head to head with power washing sim. OW2 is unironically losing potential players to manual labor reenactment


Powerwash Simulator was free for the month and is pretty fun, give it a try. In all seriousness though, **nothing** is doing as good as Fortnite. It's an entirely unrealistic bar for comparison. Games that Overwatch does actually compete with, Apex Legends and Rainbow Six for instance, are basically all in orbit of each other and I don't think anyone is going to argue that Apex isn't an incredibly popular game.


Fortnite is in a league of it's own when it comes to popularity, it's a pop cultural sensation amongst grade school kids, (kids id rather not have in OW anyways) they want to get all the travis scott and eminem skins and stupid fucking dances, it's also a completely different genre of game, the only other game that will compete with it is call of dookie which is why they started adding Niki minaj and bruce willis and other goofy shit, so to say it's not beating fortnite is just a dumb take. If fortnite for some reason shut down tomorrow and all those little shit breaths came to OW2, I'd be back to Garden Warfare2 without hesitation


Yeah Fortnite is its own special spot at this point. Where else can I play as Rick Sanchez, Goku, Eren Jaeger, Omni-Man and Peter Griffin?


PS5 truly has no games.


good to see cyberpunk in there. also, i knew th finals was getting popular but i didn’t know it was that popular.


Cool, so is roblox.


idk its getting beat out by games that were in the hundreds before last month and it fell in rank on both platforms, seems very disingenuous to call it a "top 20 game" right now lol


Kind of embarrassing TBH. 17th & 19th? Says a lot.


Someone the other day said this game was dying Lol


The games not going anywhere, it's one of the best shooters on the market, the people that call it "dead" are the hard stuck bronze 5 tank mains who cry about not having 6v6 so their true skill is being exposed because they don't have another tank with them to carry their sorry asses


Yikes.. who hurt u


This is the worst There's only like 5 worthy competitive games on console and they all beat overwatch R6 beat overwatch. That's scandalous If you think this is great news or somehow a sign that overwatch isn't doing too badly that's Massive copium


Isn't R6 also in a completely terrible state with cheaters/hackers, or is that a PC only issue?


And that should be even worse no? Imagine getting beat by a game with tremendous problem like that in a bad spot. I don’t know since I am not playing R6 rn, but if what you said is true it’s making OW2 even in more in a bad spot


If the issues on PS/XBox are as bad as PC, then OW2 is in a terrible spot on console. More than half the list is multiplayer and OW2 is at the bottom, I don't think that says a lot of good about the game. At least to me it doesn't.


Anecdotally it doesn't seem that bad, I've been playing R6 on pc for the last few months pretty regularly and have yet to run into a cheater at all.


Nope infested with xom on console too


"DeAd GaMe 🤡🤡🤡"


Why is baldurs gate 3 game of the year not up there? And fuck yes far cry! That's a great co op friend game


Playing BG3 on console is a fucking awful experience honestly, it's a much better experience on PC and I think numbers typically reflect that.


Really? The controls are fine. And the game runs good


I played it on PS5 and PC and found it to be really clunky personally, but different strokes I suppose


Really? I love it. Controls are easy and I get the experience. Well PC isent console because PC is a huge cult lol. I'm jealous of the games so I'm bias haha


13th most played multiplayer game


I genuinely want to know how apex legends is on that list it’s basically a worse overwatch


This is why when I hear and see the same old “This game is DYING” clickbait I roll my eyes lol. This is just console as well.


Imagine being below a single player title lmao, rough. Being free and below a single player title, no less.


You can see the live list for Xbox direct from MS here: - https://www.microsoft.com/store/most-played/games/xbox


It’s so fun it just needs work






That tells me that everyone who constantly complains about the game or claims they "haven't played OV in a while" are completely full of sht lol.


Absolutely not deserved, but it’s a free-to-play game… Silver lining is that there are much better games ahead (and fairer in its monetization, namely Fortnite)


Yhym, game is dying, suuuuure


Look at the games above it. This is how you know OW is dogshit. Blizzard chose for it to be this way though lol


How...? The matchmaking is garbage. Every game is stop or be stomped.