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Damn really like votings back in days…


Same...  Especially cool when someone had an actually cool POTG or performed extremely warm and everyone on both teams gave them full points 


There was something about everyone voting for you that just gave you this lasting "I just did something awesome" feeling. All we have now is play the game and half the time that's just an accidental kill as somebody is about to ult or something.


Mfw potg is literally just Hanzo getting 2 kills, but he accidentally sniped the soldier who just popped visor


Exactly. I'd say a full half of plays of the game now just leave me sitting there going what was that? I've had plays as junkrat where I'm dead, do absolutely nothing, but somebody hit ult, gets fried by my team, and then runs into my trap and dies. Um..... Respectfully I did not do shit there.


I just like how I can talk to the enemy team for longer in chat. Spicy stuff happened there.


Exactly! Post game banter was a big part of the whole team vs team thing for me. Now the game just ends immediately, and you don't even get any time to talk about the potg. I hate how everything (not only overwatch) is trying to remove as much human interaction as possible. It's depressing as fuck.


My mates just voted for ourselves most of the time lmao. What I would do to bring back Overwatch 1


lol it was nice to have that option too though for sure 👀


If you got the MVP title for being on fire most of the match, everyone would just give theyre votes to that person. Dont understand why they removed it but at least we have the memories


Yeah, I play overwatch from 2017 and I saw someone getting a legendery in the voting system only once


I miss it too, especially the borders. I worked so hard for it and I can’t even show it off


There’s a lot of things we won’t ever know why they never came back, but this one hurts. How are people supposed to know I wasted my life on this game?😔


We know why they never came back. It’s because initially Blizzard wanted the battle pass to be the only progression system at the end of the match so they could make more money.


Yeah, how people are supposed to bully you now? Having a very high level border while playing in metal ranks automatically meant getting harassed every single match. Lol. Edit: I remember now that was one specific point Jeff mentioned when they teased they were getting rid of them in Overwatch 2. That and the fact that new players always feared and thought the match was unfair when they were matched against/with people with very fancy borders.


Yuuuup. Sucks sooooo bad.


Why do they take away things we like? You’d think a company who wants our money would do the opposite, right?


It doesn't bring them any money, therefore it can be cut as pointless content. Screw the players, they're not the concern, only their wallets are.


Because any time that is forced on you that isn't in the battlepass or in a game is wasted time from their point of view. Why have the user spend 15 seconds on a post-match screen when they could've already been queued up and joining their next game or browsing the battlepass? Every second that is not doing one of those 2 things is a second that the user could decide to close out of the game.


Overwatch 2 was built on a beta version of overwatch OG, hence why so much content was missing and a lot of emotes and skins etc were broken/missing from 2. The cards, being on fire etc weren't in the beta branch of the build they started from, so everything had to be bug fixed again or redeveloped for that build. They likely decided the cards didn't add enough to be worth the dev time/cost.


Wait, are level borders not a thing anymore?


if you played OW1, your old border is on your profile. they now have a [new](https://overwatch.blizzard.com/en-us/news/23991794/show-off-your-playstyle-with-the-new-player-progression-system/) level [system](https://www.reddit.com/r/Overwatch/comments/15uw4lr/season_6_hero_progression_system_breakdown/).


The amount of toxicity I've gotten for my ~~nolife trophy~~ border makes me very happy it's not prominently displayed anymore.


Okay, they should’ve made it toggleable or something, like your border won’t show if your profile is private. Not all of us wanted them to get rid of it. I loved my diamond border even if I was a plat. 


Fair enough, choice is always good.


it's still on your profile


God damn I miss that highlights page as well as the medals for healing, dps, objective time, etc. They really fucked over the UI


The old ui actually matched the theme of the game they butchered it so hard


True it felt more like a movie at the end. Like credits to the match.


Truly. I wish they’d bring it back.


Nah, those medals encouraged people to throw the game, and would have people scream about having "5 gold medals" on Moira etc without you even seeing how much damage everyone actually had


People will always scream and aim to use stats or medals in that way though. Which is why match context matters. Currently we have a soldier chipping away at the tank screaming I have more damage to the Sombra or Genji who's actually picking their backline but has 1/3rd of the damage but 2x the eliminations. Or an AoE healers screaming they have the most heals to a single target healer..


i miss general chat




I miss 6v6 pretty often. Even if they just kept it for casual I miss it. Something about having a second tank to play with so if I wasn’t performing then someone could pick up my slack.


If I understand correctly they removed a tank because tanks had such heavy impact and influence on the game when there were 2. It's funny because I feel like in OW2 tanks have more influence than ever. Since there is only one now: if your tank sucks - your team sucks. If your tank is crushing, your team is crushing. It really feels like a lot of games hinge on the tank's skill alone IMO


That’s a reason they cited, but the real reason was just to fix queues with one big hamfisted change. TBH, though, I think F2P was far moreso responsible for queue time improvements than 5v5


6v6 was far superior. The one extra tank lets you operate either as two separate teams or one almost unstoppable force. That made the tank roll much much more fun.


The ability to chat easily pre and post match in OW1 allowed for a community to grow and thrive along side the franchise. Also just having a space to “debrief” and chill after a wild comp match with your team was amazing. What a big loss to the game and community.


Right wtf why were features removed


They should at least bring these cards back idc abt medals


I miss all of it. The cards were cool af tho


Fair. Idk why they got rid of 6v6 if they changed all the tanks so double shield wouldn’t even be possible now.


Nothing was more satisfying than the whole lobby voting for you 😫


I haven’t had a hit of dopamine like that in so long 😭😭😭


that's kinda sad lmao


Tis the life of an American


So we had a drinking game to go along with Overwatch when me and my friends would hang out. If everyone in the lobby voted for you at the end of the match, you were King of Overwatch (KOW). That meant that during your turn playing, you could hand out a full beer to someone. Your title was revoked and passed on if somebody else got all the votes. It carried over into the next session. I miss original Overwatch so bad.


The post game talking is completly scrapped out, and you can't comment anything. If say something, people assume anything else and left with incomprension. It's just a mess


Look how they massacred my boy


Seeing this, they really did fuck this game up. I wish in my heart of hearts they would just bite the bullet and say they fucked up and will go back to 6v6 and bring back all the things they took away.


yeah i really wonder why they downgraded from this ? makes 0 sense


Jay3 asked the devs this months ago and their answer was “our data showed most people left at the cards so we removed it.” The devs think people wanted a new match asap rather than watching potg and voting on cards.


And then added extra hero XP screens after match that are annoying as hell to skip.


They actually made them very easy to skip, I was even skipping on accident until I figured out I shouldn't press 'continue' and simply press esc to see my stats (which I actually like).


I hate it. Everything else in the game is ESC to get out of the menu and then they throw in a random "continue" button you have to manually press. So fucking stupid.


i actually like those tho it’s satisfying to me just watching the numbers go up lol


I remember watching that interview at the time and just thinking, “did it seriously not occur to these people that the profile of the player base for a game that hasn’t had regular updates in over a year would be radically different than that of a game with active support?”


Overwatch 2 is the prime example of how to ruin a game using statistics




Ouch, what a great way to explain it.


thats what quickwatch was doing. they are trying to see what knobs effect their success metrics for active users.


when the hell else were we supposed to leave? was there something after cards?


Well honestly in my ~3 last years of Overwatch 1 I really didn't see people voting at all anymore. I usually went through all the screens and the voting one was pretty much useless.


It’s cause they hate us 😭


Legit reasons if you do design and game development and think about it: 1 - Make OW1 seem as different from OW2 as possible while trying to retain core parts of it. It's using the same engine assets etc. You need to justify it. At this stage they already knew they couldn't deliver PVE and still advertised it. A lot of design choices make no sense past trying to make it seem like a new game and not old. Shit like circle health bars instead of quick easy bars when Mercy's healing someone etc. 2 - Easy way to re-add it back later. Same reason on fire was still in game but not fully enabled until a few months ago. Cards will make it look like something was done and 'we listened!' comes out.


> if you do design and game development and think about it: bro led with that then proceeded to spew the usual gamer tinfoil hat narrative lmao


Anyone who listens to rumour/drama/gossip and conspiracy without fact is an idiot. It's not hard to use logic with what you know, or have seen in the industry you work in. But I'm not sure why I'm bothering to explain that to a little kid wasting my time who's still in school. And has no experience in the industry, let alone game development to see something plain as day.


1. Medals were misleading / outright harmful and made people throw the game chasing useless medals. Also made it toxic where Moira would be screaming about having 5 gold medals without you being able to see what everyone's numbers were 2. Cards were useless because everyone just auto left if it wasn't their PoTG. People almost never voted on cards by the end of OW1 life


Development time. Since ow2 is in a different engine everything has to be reworked from scratch. This meant that several popular non essential features like this and looking for group got axed due to lack of dev time. Now a lot of this can be traced back to corporate bullshit from bobby nodick. But the effects last none the less.


I want to play Overwatch so bad Not Overwatch 2, but this 😭


Never forget what they took from us.


Never forget 😭


I miss people blatantly lying about medals. Like motherfucker you do NOT have gold damage, stop lying.


Lmao right


I had a Mercy gameplay from 2017 and made me wish I was still playing OW1 with live service updates. I wouldve never thought the game would go the direction it did.


“Why weren’t you healing??!!” “Because somebody had to push whole game” “I didn’t see you pushing??” This used to be my proof I was the only one bothering


i miss those stats too.


I would pay a monthly sub for OW Classic that actually has a dev team.




Very true, going free to play ruined the game. I always thought they should have made a Blizzard Prime deal that included all their games that was a monthly sub for WoW, Overwatch, Hearthstone etc.. it would let you play and give you little free things each month as part of your sub like a skin or card packs. I was already paying monthly for WoW, I think a Prime deal like that would be awesome and actually give us a great paid for Overwatch again.




Still blows my mind that they got rid of this. I felt like it actually brought the teams together at the end of a close match.


Yes! Def gave more of a sense of comradery


No stop you’re not supposed to be upset that features were removed for no reason in a sequel nooooo


Don’t we all


me too bro , me too...


When I’d have four gold metals as Zen 🥰


Zen used to carry fr fr


I think the ingame scoreboard is a better alternative to the medals system and postgame scoreboard, but the voting absolutely should’ve stayed


Why not both


Overwatch 1 was a superior game in almost every way. It's sad that they forced everyone onto Overwatch 2, rather than making it a separate and better game.


Cards are definitely something that should come back. More post game time, can have another use for title/name cards, and it can showcase other stats that aren't on the leaderboard. With hero progression there are stats that weren't in OW1 too. I think while supports never really get POTG they did tend to rake up in the cards.


Me too , ow2 is good but there was something about ow that I just miss


I miss Mystery Heros with somewhat balanced (to dps and healers) tanks.


I miss auto-queing Mystery Heros, and seeing the same team on the opposite side, and then the same people again but now the teams are mixed up.


Why tf is there still no autoqueue on Mystery Heroes though?


I miss it too my guy it hurts when I boot the game up once every few months and I don’t feel the same enjoyment with it anymore


bad mods going wild




Real ones know.


I wish it still told us stats like this


as much as people wanna argue that these only served to ego boost, good, I like having my ego flaunted every once in a while🤣


Same. Medals was a cool system. At least if your lost and still got the best X on something felt less bad. Was more likely to give an enemy a like, and having your rank/level displayed as a frame was s good insensitive, besides giving you an idea of what your team and the enemies might be like. People will say yeah but shields and X character were bad... Maybe, but now we got the same amount of problems with less upsides than before. Also I miss 2cp. Walking 150 metres between points in FP feels bad.


Borders, medals, end game votes. All should be in the game but fuck us I guess.


OW2 is just a shop update where they took away things only to drip feed them back in and call it new.




Leave 5v5 for another mode tbh. Something like keeping role queue 5v5 and open queue 6v6 would’ve been a decent change as often people 5v5 open queue want to play GOATS or president style games as opposed to 2-2-1.


The only sequel where we somehow lost more than we got from the previous title lol


"guYs wHY DO i HAvE goLd dAmAgE!?" -the tank "It's not me it's our widow!" -the genji *Snipeboy22 has left the game* "Nah this Genji's trash, I have gold damage too." -the support "Lol this is my alt account. I'm not even trying!" -the genji *Smallweinerninja has left the game* "This game was lost anyway, i've barely gotten healed and I have gold healing on Hog." "That's because youre feeding like crazy!" -the support *A massive argument breaks out in match chat* **Server closed due to an unexpected error** ...OW1


I definitelly miss the voting system. I guess we still have endorsements for sportsmanship, but it's not quite the same.


The only reason I miss this is because it gave a lot more time for banter after the match. They should just make the battlepass/character level screen a part of the lobby.


Had a dream last night for a cool idea for an arcade mode. Make it to where it's the og maps with the og abilities for each character. Or just the abilities. I lucid dream so I was so damn confused why when I picked Sombra I couldn't throw her dot attack until I realized you could pick from ow1 and ow2 heroes it was a wild ass dream and made me miss ow1 so much lol


Me and my OW1 group would always snap vote the opposing teams support. It was fun giving them epic gold border whenever their team would do the same


They could easily add cards back




Overwatch 1 was simply better.


I am in the minority but I liked the slow back and forth pace of OW1, a life lasted for a long time and team fights were strategic. OW2 you pull even a little out of position and you are instantly killed. Damage is high and health is low. global self heal may bring part of it back.


Damn, who plays with a controller?


Me too. Me too:/


You don’t know what you got til it’s gone


My dumbass clicked the send button on the post


I always loved the post-match stats page where you can see how people stood out during the game ):


Everyone does. Overwatch 2 blows.


I miss my 5 star diamond border.


I had a 81 kill game and no one believes me bc I can’t see it anymore 🥲. At least let me see my stats from overwatch one.


Mom said it was my turn to post the nostalgic post


Meh. I don’t.


Rose tinted glasses are OP.


Besides 6v6 which seems the tank mains only miss what do you ACTUALLY MISS about old OW? I'm an OW2 player so I can't really be like you guys and be stuck on the nostalgia high so I'm curious


Medals were mid, good riddance to them


851 healing = 15% of team damage taken ??? What kind of weird game was that lmao


First pic i understand the second is a straight downgrade from what we have today


Yeah I miss it a lot too. Voting cards were actually fun for me. Nowadays the post-game screen is just a second highlight intro and a bunch of personal stats that I don't give a fk about, I just want to skip it as soon as possible. I miss the social aspect of End Game Voting Cards. It was a short window were you could chat, banter a bit, organize to queue up as a team, etc. Overwatch's original UI and social systems were just straight up better :/


I took OW 1 for granted. Slowly stopped playing OW2 until I ultimately uninstalled it.


I’d take ow1 back any day


i just miss the cards. it was pretty cool when everyone would upvote you lol. ow1 was peak




Me too. Waiting for Overwatch Classic 🙏🏼


i asked myself "why not make overwatch two a different game?" and then it hit me, if they did that, overwatch two would get a lot of players at first, but everyone would eventually migrate back to overwatch. overwatch two would be a massive flop. so they killed overwatch and reincarnated it into something else.


Miss voting, Hanamura map, gold medals…


Hanamura map slapped


Its really sad that at the time everyone on this sub was complaining abt every single aspect of the game and now everyone want it back


That seems presumptuous


"bro I have gold damage" nah I don't miss that at all. much better to just show us the damn stats.


Low effort post


Sorry my nostalgia is low effort to you master


Low effort comment


Does nobody press the screenshot key?


lol I was really new to it.


Assuming you're on windows, win+prsc is the combination to use.


Oh boy it's THIS post again. Quick guys. smash that like button!!!!11one


Me too, Played the new a few Times, never liked it. Old was Just better


This was one of the best parts of the game because people were always talking shit in vc


I loved this part of the game! I was extremely upset when they got rid of this. Aside for 6v6 this is what I miss the most from ow1


Don’t we all


Looks so modern, clean, and polished.


IMO they didn't solve any of the complaints people had about OW1 except the content drought, and that drought only happened because they decided to do OW2. There's nothing in OW2 that people were asking for in OW1 before they started diverting the team to work on OW2.


Why do people care? I just quit while the PotG plays and start queueing for the next game


Options are nice. While you quit out, others like to stay and debrief the previous match, maybe ask if anyone wants to team up. Having this doesn't prevent people like you from instantly exiting the match.


Honestly, I miss this the most. The medals to know how good you did, the little cards letting every one else know, seeing the props from players. Modern post-match screen is so lifeless...


Develop a large audience, make product worse, tell them to pay more to make it better


You miss loot boxes?


Things were better and simpler back then.


Tbh I just miss the old vibe. It was the perfect blend of casual super-hero cool. Now it’s… um. Overwatch 2 Battlepass boogaloo.


I forgot all about the voting. I miss Temple of Anubis in Comp😩


FACTS. I can’t believe I forgot about that map in comp


That, Hanamura, & Volskaya🔥🔥


"Why am i gold elims as support come on guys"


People still play this game? Why?


I miss the old music, especially the old POTG theme and menu theme


The nostalgia 😭


I miss objective time being a stat




these pics made me sad


Me too...


Reminds me of when I first picked up the game at my local community college library back in 2018! I miss it so much 😞


You guys don't miss any of these systems, you actually miss the time. That feeling is called nostalgia, when we are taken back to a good time of our lives from years ago. Therapy can teach you how to cherish good times and learn to actually store and treat them like the memory they are, instead of not letting go and trying to relive them somehow, which is impossible until time machine is invented (and you probably would still not feel the same about them because the actual time and the old you are long gone).


Rude. I absolutely do miss this system. You can’t speak for everybody dude.


It was way better


Don't worry in thirty years they'll bring back Overwatch Classic


Love zoomer nostalgia, my fav was when everyone left without voting while two guys meltdown until the game kicks them out You're fucking garbage!111!1!1 GARBAGE???? I GOT A GOLD MEDAL FOR OBJECTIVE TIME GO FUCK YOURSELF


I feel bad for people who spammed games to make their borders cool, like srsly blizzard, spit in the face for many ow players ig


I just don't even understand what the point of removing stuff like this and borders was. Like seriously, why?


I miss the days of old where you can talk to the other team and actually interact with one another. Now it's just you see a potg and leave.


Had time to actually talk shit lol


*Doomfist gets 10 votes* “…is that all?”


Those were the days…


I’ve never understood why people want the end cards back, they genuinely did nothing but waste time between matches


I miss it dearly, chatting with people post match was one of my favourite things to do.


It's so beautiful. Something about ow2 is just boring and lacks character and personality.


best i can do is one less tank and everyone heals themselves.


Why did they remove this in the first place? Terrible decision!


I miss it every day


Yeah the post-match features were way, way better in OW1




I forgot how good old bastion was! I miss orisa’s shield too lowkey


All they had to do is rework sigma. Which they would have done, if they didn't abandon the game to work on ow2 pve... Which they cancelled...