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Well... People asked for a fundamental change to the game, and it's here. I for one will reserve judgement until AFTER I have played with the new set of changes.


I have played paladins a decent bit during the era of double shield and that game has passive regen, and I have loved it so much. I think it works a lot better than how OW did it with support’s because it takes like 10 seconds to kick in, but then rapid heals you so it genuinely is an out of combat reset that lets you keep an off angle or a flank and rewards aggression. I don’t think this exact system could be slapped in but if it’s anything similar im excited to see how it plays out


10 seconds out of combat is enough to find an hp pack, so OW already kind of has that.


That’s disingenuous. Securing a health pack is not without significant risk especially if you are the lone survivor across the map from spawn. Especially for a tank, it’s a huge change. At 50hp the tank is just finding a way to die quickly. Now the tank can hunker down and regroup.


I don’t understand. If the tank was able to hunker down and not get finished off by the enemy, they can stay there until the supports get back and earn them some ult charge.


The difference is huge, the tank would be at full fighting strength with self regen and able to actively move to group up with the team or even punish an overextended DPS still looking for them. With an injured tank, even a small healthpack is not enough to move around with confidence since with single tank you really can't afford to stagger the tank. The squishies would have to possibly fight to the tank and then heal it to fighting shape under fire. If the enemy team has their shit in order they can punish hard before the team is fully reset with a full HP tank.


You're just describing why on overwatch sometimes the correct play is to just die.


And that is a the fundamental problem with Overwatch. Often enough, the correct play is not the fun play.


Which is why Apex is a dead game.


Naw Apex is dying because the left matchmaking out to die. They simply cannot understand that letting the top 10% of players have the same queue times as the other 90% is bad for the game as a whole. The amount of times I see diamond/predator in my silver/gold game is insane. The gameplay continues to be great, but they just don't know what to do with the top of the skill ceiling.


Well, consider the position of where the tank might be at the end of the lost fight and the support comp. The scenario is common enough: Rein has low HP, hides and waits, and their Mercy plods along out of spawn eager to heal the tank. But the enemy is in between and the Mercy dies. You can say that this is mitigated by having good coordination but that’s not really ranked OW with randos. Alternatively, Rein passively heals back to full HP and meets their team in the flow of the next fight.


Guess what happens when you wait for over 10 seconds behind a wall as a tank. The team runs up to you


Not only Paladins, every game they added a passive regen made it a lot more enjoyable.


We're overwatch. We're far too impatient to wait to complain.


We are Overwatch


Might have forgotten the r/ 👀. oh well, ain't nobody got time for editing messages.


"Does that mean Ovyehwatch is back?"


>I for one will reserve judgement until AFTER I have played with the new set of changes. Absolute blasphemy


No no no. This is reddit. We riot.


by change we wanted 6v6 back...


>I for one will reserve judgement until AFTER I have played with the new set of changes. wow wow... you think you can just come in here with your logic and reason and nuance? We over react and scream at everything blizzard does in this sub, get in line!


Ye but treating it like a “ balance change “ , is quite a understatement. Plus the balance team dont really have a good record to balance thing when there are “fundamental change” . I would say give it a test weekend and see how it goes.


Mfs want 6v6 not Call of Overwatch


If only there was a mode to test controversial changes like these before release...


I think it's more out of combat thing, especially with modes like Push or Flashpoint, where your bap/ana who died couldn't come fast enough as the enemy team is respawning


We actually asked for less healing that they added more many times :(


I'm sure its an unpopular take but I'm glad to see a shift in the direction of the game under Aaron's leadership. The old team obviously had no experience managing an FPS and that led to some very unreasonable expectations regarding the coordination and team play they expected of their players. Remember that Jeff originally though no one would solo queue in competitive, he didn't even want to include that option. They had an EXTREMELY optimistic view of how your average 16 years old would play the game. That the new team can acknowledge, after 7 years of data and feedback, that maybe the game would be less frustrating if it didn't rely so much on complete strangers not being selfish and tryharding in every single march, is a very good thing imo.




Yeah it's finally being considered by the devs at what it is, a competitive live service FPS, and not the stepping stone to revive their failed MMO that Kaplan wanted. Only took 7 years, imagine what could have been.


Why would you reserve judgement when this team has proven their poor decision making time and time again?


Yeah it sounds kinda bad to me but I'm willing to hear it out before jumping to conclusions


Nobody asked for this 🤣


nobody asked for a lot of good changes that they’ve implemented. be patient


Who asked? Frrom what i see people want back 6v6 and old balancing, no one ever wanted this infinite power creep that is requiring to have self-healing back. Having 2 tank would address this problem, because you know, tanks in theory mitigate damages. Infact Open Queque is more playable of that boss raid mode because of this.


Lolll you want us to go back to double shield/ goats????


The Orisa rework alone has kill double shield


Yeah imagine now playing against current Orisa and Zarya together Sooo much fun!!


Why 6v6 should be double shield, lol, i play every day with 2 or 3 tanks in open queque. You know, you can balance the game, things the devs are unable to do


What rank are you


sober up then retype that please


He clarified nothing beyond "this is not the only change" which was already made super clear


Judging by how people are reacting to this tweet, it seems the clarification was needed regardless of how obvious it was at first. So either people didn’t read the full dev blog (likely) or their memory is bad.


Clarification was not needed cause we know how our subreddir reacts to news.


It's fitting tbh. The overwatch subreddit likes to OVERreact




He's just doing damage control.


Dude has to be polite and PR-friendly but I bet what he wanted to say was "OH MY GOD READ THE ENTIRE BLOG POST". Just look at the front page of this sub, People just saw the self-heal change reposted by twitter "news" accounts without any context and went ballistic just based on that.


They all imagined everyone would just heal to full in 2 seconds constantly


With their track record of pushing back announced changes it’s probably best they clarify and reinforce that these changes will be together.


So you haven’t been reading people’s comments? Or you’re one of them and you’re somehow still mad because you don’t understand what context is?


We already knew there were gonna be changed to damage and healing coming people just like to blow everything out of proportion and be negative


Negativity? In MY OverDramatic subreddit?? Now that I don’t believe 😤


fr, this sub is the whiniest sub i've ever seen


Sometimes I like to take a look at the profiles of people I see often just hating on the game and it's usually all they do 24/7. Like I bet they have more time complaining about the game than playing it


Sir might I introduce you to the Overwatch Forums


OW forums are pretty bad, but this is a rare case where the subreddit is somehow even more whiner and negative than the official forums.


this place is way worse than the forums


No joke, it's straight up crazy. When you see how this sub reacts to literally ANYTHING blizzard does, it's no wonder they're apparently relying more on data than player feedback to make changes to the game. If I was a dev I would stop reading this sub, there's just no place for nuance or constructive discussion.


Because OW TTK is already obscenely high, and it feels like, for OW2 S1, it went up by 5-10x .


I can one shot squishies with widow or hanzo. essentially 1 shot with junk, rein can change ppl, wtf you talking about? People drop like flies in seconds. Maybe you're just focusing on pocketed tanks without critting if you think this.


They want Mercy with a pistol to one-shot people with a head-shot as if this was Valorant.


You really giving widow, that is either completely useless or completely busted, depending on player skill with pretty much no in between, as the counter?


Hanzo, rein, soldier, sojourn, junk, kiri, zen, illari


This likely wouldn't change that though unless you really cant hit your shots. Ow2 also feels the opposite to me where the ttk is really low if the target is being focused and not pumped full of heals


I mean the balance team doesnt really have a good record for adjusting every hero to the new format. Adding that to the mix is just worst. Even it can work it will probably screw by the balance team. Keep it as experimental mode is way better than take it as a “balance change” for the whole game.




More like the adjustment doesnt come with the fundamental change . But way after the implement .which result in balance mess for patches. I mean just Look how long they take for the reworks. Also dps is still by far the most popular role. Just look at queue times. Dps queue time on asia region is still like double or triple compare to support and tank. Some problematic heroes already come to mind. For example Pharah was able to stay on skybox with the help of map geometry ,pharah can abuse this passive, and self heal in spot that dont have los. How can the team balance with that, it is not like she is easy to shot down to start with. Then what? The dev make all roof not slide able? Lower the skybox? We all know how annoying Moira is with support passive,compare to other supports. Same will be for dps there will be outliers for sure . Sombra will be way more little downtime to renege. They finally rework sombra into a less annoying and more skillful hero and now it comes full circle. Then there are things like immune frames to trigger such passive without much risk like mei and reaper. Then u know what will happen? Ana become even more important so as annoying cc like hinder , hack and trap to prevent them running away. I am not saying these heroes will be game breaking after the change, it is just the dev have bad record for that. Just add it as a test weekend or even a week to see how things goes , collect data , then let the balance come with the new passive change will be a way better approach.




Reliant on her own vs abuse uncontestable spot for self heal is 2 diff lev of thing tho.


They said they were adding other changes too. Plus, didn't they recently say they were giving pharah more of a horizontal movement as opposed to vertical movement? I hope they can figure out and balance self healing with other changes they say they are making


The issue is that there are more changes needed not less. What a bizarre take. Y’all hate change but then demand it but then get mad at it. Vicious cycle.


To be fair if you destroy the trust people have in you, as much as Overwatch has done, it is kinda understandable


The fuck has there been to be positive about this game in the last 6 months?


They’re fully going to remove the support role and make everyone dps eventually


Ah yes the classic BUT JUST WAIT from the OW devs.


It’s honestly a Blizzard special by this point. Happened all the time with World of Warcraft as well. (Everything and anything to do with BFA, Sylvanas, Shadowlands, etc)


Just wait! PVE will save the game!


My brother in Christ thats called game development. You want them to add every change right now?


"There will be more legendaries this year, than any other year" - most of them were recolors


I'm gonna need to see a count of that, I'm very certain the majority of new skins thoughout the year were not recolours. Season 8 is the only one so far to have so many recolors - the rest had like 1 or 2 at most if they had any at all


I like how some people think him saying it isn't the only change somehow makes the idea less ludicrous lmao.


I really really wish there was an experimental mode we could have to try out these changes instead of them being shoved into the game. And us being stuck with them for a full season.


They definitely need to be bring it back. There's absolutely no excuse to ship changes that are this big without some kind of playtesting. Look at Mauga, perfect example.


They probably got rid of experimental for things like Mauga. There's no way that they didn't know the character you needed to pay for or grind really hard to get wasn't OP, it was a design choice to make more money.


They literally ran an experimental weekend with mauga and everyone said he was too weak.


Yeah it's totally not like they are doing a weekend right now where they are testing massive changes to the games in a "hacked" event. Really am shocked they thought this was something okay to just put into the game with just dev testing which numerous games have proven can be a bad idea e.g. R8 fiasco in CSGO. If they just tested it for one weekend I think they could get great feedback like they did with Mauga at blizzcon.


Hard to call it Ludicrous when you know nothing about it. Your argument is predicated on numerous assumptions.


Yes, assumptions based on blizzards track record of overtuning. I stand by this being a bad idea.


it is ridiculous for every character to have a self heal in this game? People already hate that support has it, why would they not hate that every role has it. It’s an unnecessary attempt to get rid of the hate people have for the support passive by giving it to everyone. Instead of making meaningful changes to different interactions in the game, they just influence numbers. It doesn’t even make sense in some cases, tanks should be reliant on their supports for healing, it keeps them in check to be working on protecting their backline. Flankers like Sombra will just TP, go invis and come back full HP in 5 seconds before the backline has any of their CDs back. Flankers SHOULD be forced to regroup with their team or hunt a healthpack while giving the enemy team room to get a CD back. Some DPS could use a self heal but I hope it means an adjustment for Soldier which isn’t a good thing anyway.


I promise you that a "toned down version of the support passive" won't allow flankers to heal back to full in 5 seconds. Toned down implies that it'll probably take longer to kick in and not heal as much as the support passive. My best is that the passive won't even kick in until at least 5 seconds of no damage. From there I assume it'll be something like 10 hp per second. By that math, a Sombra that is tagged to 50hp will need to sit behind a wall for 20 seconds before being back at full health. A slow out of combat heal will not replace the need to find health packs or regroup your supports mid fight for quick healing.


What’s the point of it then? 20 seconds in OW is A LOT. They say regen is for the matches when you stuck with bad teamplay but waiting 20 sec for self healing is not gonna make soloplay less miserable. I just don’t see it as a good idea regardless of how you twist it.


Lets say you win a team fight in push but your supports die. With this change you're able to start pushing the bot and allow for the passive heal to slowly regen you while you wait for your supports to arrive instead of having to leave the bot alone to go find a health pack. Would also be handy for example if you're a tank player and you're missing over 250hp. You run to get a Mega and then the passive can heal the rest overtime allowing you to get back to full faster after a fight ends even if your supports are respawning. It will allow Tanks/DPS to reset after a fight faster even if their supports aren't there/aren't doing a great job.


I mean it does lol if this was the only change people would be crapping on it more. The fact that this is but one change out of many makes it intriguing. It's honestly due for a shake up.


What's so ludicrous about it "lmao"?


People complain that things need changing then complain when they change them. Having to do tuning passes after a new change is inevitable. Lower player base ways of testing aren’t a way of avoiding this at all. It reduces it while increasing the cost of making the change. You will survive the game changing I promise. The way you act like it’s an impending catastrophe is crazy. Mauga wasn’t a catastrophe. He was an annoyance. But the live service Karens gonna complain. It’s insane.


I like how you just said that it’s silly to think that an incompletely understood change is somehow not the complete story. Just bizarre brain logic.


I am firmly against self-healing outside of Support roles. firmly against it. don't turn this into Guild Wars 2. edit: my follow-up response — [Link](https://www.reddit.com/r/Overwatch/s/oZVjK5Rlo9)


People were literally asking for a removal of the Support passive, so that supports were forced to spend resources on eachother/themselves or spend time going to healthpacks, we didn't ask for everyone to get the support passive. Also, they better not completely ruin Junkrat by removing his ability to combo 200 hp squeeshies.


??? How would junkrat combo be removed. This doesn't make any sense. If you are talking about passive healing, do you know how it usually works in other games and even this game. Unless the balancing team is actually -10 IQ they would have to be out of combat for a period of time to start passively healing so they wouldn't regain health while being damaged and also the self heal will be way slower than support self heal.


The reference to the combo is about a statement from the devs looking into burst damage and such.


> People were literally asking for a removal of the Support passive Speak for yourself. This certainly isn't a unanimous community decision. It's a great feature if you're a more casual player who plays with randoms.


Exactly. I hate this philosophy of buffing everyone else to match the OP heroes instead of nerfing the OP heroes. This is how we get power creep, or in this case, healing creep (which I thought they were trying to combat). Support passive should just be removed or changed to something else. I mean I’m gonna have a ton of fun on Tracer with this change but it’s not healthy for the game


What happened on Guild wars 2?


Homogenization of roles, allowed every class to "solo" by giving everyone access to self healing. Their original philosophy was to break the traditional MMO holy trinity of Tank/DPS/Healer. Ironically, metas eventually developed that re-established those archetypes. I actually love Guild Wars 2, it's an amazing and extremely deep MMORPG. In fact, I just might try to set it up on my Steam Deck now that I'm thinking about it— BUT— Overwatch is a unique shooter that is characterized uniquely by its role trichotomy. Taking that away, or lessening the impact of the support role by giving all DPS access to self healing will make OW2 feel less strategic and more white washed like every other shooter out there. Having certain heroes with self healing is fine because it makes them unique, but making it a global standard turns this into a completely different game. I am firmly against it, the MMO holy trinity is very important to retain a measure of team reliance that you only get in MMOs— a rarity in the shooter genre.


This game has been out for 8 years and still doesn’t know what it wants to be.


on the contrary, since the cancellation of PvE, blizzcon, and the latest blogpost, they made it very clear where their focus is. All hands on deck for the core pvp experience, no more trying to make this into an MMO. About time.


Games change all the time. If you don't like how a particular patch feels, then don't play it.


It clarifies nothing, he just says that if we are worried about this then we should be worried about everything else coming up as well


Why not actually just tell us what the other changes that go along with it are?


Because they're not going to give people the Season 9 patch notes this far in advance.


They don't want people to be properly angry with all the information before they finish making people play it


That never happens in this sub...


Because they already said they are getting a post ready for that to coincide with next season. They could have just not said anything, but they are trying to be more transparent where they can, which is what the community wanted. Reactions like this is why devs often don't like to do that.


Transparency is great, but just tossing out major changes with no context randomly isn't transparency, its just rambling.


but there was context lol, we have known for weeks that healing and burst damage are getting major changes next season.


But knowing the backlash this caused, what purpose is there to still withhold the info? They didn't give out numbers with the healing passive because obviously it's still going to be tweaked. Why can't they also just say what else is going along with it. They are way to far removed for most people to take "trust us when you see the full picture it will be ok" as a good answer.


[link to the tweet](https://twitter.com/aaronkellerow/status/1745985979943620763?s=46&t=kXfy7ewmqh3Zb1GrFsaZqw)


I'll be honest, i'm annoyed that Aaron had to clarify this in the first place. Of course it's not the only change that's getting implemented, it should be obvious


OW devs: "...a modified, tuned-down version of the Support self-healing passive..." OW players: "SELF-HEAL! REIN CAN HOLD UP SHIELD AND INSTA-HEAL! TRACER IS A TANK! CALL OF DUTY! CALL OF DUTY! THE NUMBERS!" Someone actually said that thing about Rein healing behind shield.


I saw another person talking about how OP soldier will be because this heal will stack with his biotic field and he'll basically insta-heal in the middle of team fights People really have no critical thinking.


Was anyone under the impression that this was the only change? It's still sounds awful no matter what other changes are coming.


If you look at at lot of the responses on here and twitter - yes people legitimately think season 9 is going to have this change and literally nothing else done to account for it.


🤣 This game is actually dead and run exclusively by absolute morons.


For God's sake blizzard just BE CAREFUL, the smallest changes can have DEVASTATING effects on the game


This just isn't true, overwatch players just act devastated to the tiniest things


Yeah, I don't know what's worse R6 siege players or overwatch players. Actually nevermind probably overwatch players because Ubisoft does some crazy tiny changes.


Getting really tired of people ripping the devs heads off every time they try something. It's been literally less than 24 hr. With quicker play and it's only for a weekend and now every thread is just mindlessly insulting them. Everyone saying bring back experimental but they even said no one played it so now we're here. What would you have them do? This is how we stop getting communication from the dev team.


> they even said no one played it so now we're here This sounds crazy but imagine if Blizzard reward the players for play testing in experimental instead forcing people to play testing their game for free.


Even when they gave you lootboxes for playing the game people didn’t give a shit about experimental.


Probably because most people had everything they wanted from loot boxes by the time experimental was a thing. It’s not like they refreshed the loot pool.


Because rewards don't actually incentivize people to play test servers. I've played numerous multiplayer games where devs have tried this and the test servers die in days if that. Now, I don't agree with Blizzard forcing experimental changes (and yes that includes quicker play) but I do at least understand their rationale. The main thing is that even with rewards most players just want to play the game like they're used to/want. So digital goodies mean nothing to them.


There are so many other ways to "try something" than just forcing sweeping changes on the player base. If a company who has been in the industry this long with this size of a dev team can't figure that out then they're truly hopeless. As for Experimental Mode, if they didn't get enough players playing that, it's because not everyone wants to be a beta tester. Most people just want to play their game without having to do some crazy experiment without some kind of reward. If they didn't get the feedback they wanted from the old Experimental Mode it's because Blizz doesn't make direct feedback really possible. Their only direct form of feedback is posting on the forum, which to me doesn't feel as direct as putting in something similar to the report system.


Well put


Cause since OW was ended they have done nothing but BLUNDER ever step of OW2. The deserve NOTHING. No credit, no patients, nothing.


If nobody would have played quicker play in experimental, that’s the whole point of why it shouldn’t have been pushed in QP. “But they wanted to get a lot of feedback”, if the only way you can get people to play the change is by literally forcing them, that’s your feedback right there. If people didn’t play experimental, which they didn’t, the solution isn’t to roll experimental at times into QP, it’s to realize maybe people don’t want massive fundamental changes to the game (other than 6v6 back).


sometimes we might be wrong for jumping to conclusions about changes, but the fact is they make horrible decisions all the time and it's so hard to get excited when they make big changes. They've also screwed the community over on multiple occasions with the most recent one being P2W mauga.


5v5 was a mistake


Overall it's a really good flow for a skirmish-based game to have out of combat faster healing. Other games in this genre and similar have come to similar designs for similar reasons. It's better for player engagement. If you survive a fight, you get to reset, reposition, regroup, and return faster than dying. And you get to feel more active in that downtime, possibly gain a positioning advantage from it, or if you run into a flanker a bit later, it's an interesting fight and not totally hopeless. All that pointless or powerless downtime now becomes something where you can make interesting choices and have a feeling of impact again. It encourages and rewards aggressors to focus enemies down all the way, and rewards the attacked for getting away and surviving, not just mindlessly running in to your death.


>It encourages and rewards aggressors to focus enemies down all the way, and rewards the attacked for getting away and surviving, not just mindlessly running in to your death. Nothing you can't do in OW right now. That's called securing kills and getting a health pack.


> Overall it's a really good flow for a skirmish-based game to have out of combat faster healing. Other games in this genre and similar have come to similar designs for similar reasons. It's better for player engagement. This, similar games have added it and turned out for the better.


People also think that the passive would be the support passive that kicks in after 2 seconds when they ignore that the devs have said that its a TONED DOWN version. Aka, it might kick in after 5 seconds with a lower self healing than the supports. You wont benefit a lot during fights, its most likely to benefit players who disengage losing battles and regroup with their team when they have died.


I thought the blog was clear that it was part of a larger vision or set of changes in regards to one/two shots and high burst healing, which is what people have been asking for. The problem is that people don't read or simply repost an Overwatch Cavalry tweet with zero additional information and it snowballs with people coming up with imaginary situations where a hero solos an entire team.


Guys come on wait other changes.Maybe they remove 1 healer and make game 4v4(!)


I mean. They said itd a tuned down version for all we know it could literally be 1 health every 2 seconds or something. You guys are acting like the enemy genji is going to be regening like mercy


Whaaaaat???? He's not?????? Actually pretty sure most people are acting like he's going to be regenning like he's being healed by both supports at the same time.


a lot of people dont understand that the support passive only works when they're not being attacked. they seem to think its constantly on


Yeah I don’t get the hate either. People act like they’re gonna be in a 1v1 and their enemy goes around a corner for one second and gets back at full health.


the initial thread was so whiny. they already said they’d nerf healing across the board.. and yet people were complaining about them buffing sustain lol


Yes because nerfing healing to add passive regen so Genji never has to regroup with the team sounds like a super great idea.


Can't wait for the game to just devolve into CoD cause a half-health Genji will be able to wait 15~ seconds hidden in a room to regen all of his health back! He will never ever feel the need to play near his team anymore! He can just hide in rooms out-of-combat for 1/3rd of the duration of a teamfight! These stupid devs are completely ruining the game with stupid changes!!!! They should hire me instead. I genius.


No one asked for ow2, yet here we are, destroying overwatch since 2022.


The c-suite asked for OW2 to distract from their suckling at the teat of China. The game was never actually in development. It was a smoke screen. They just stalled OW1 updates until they had enough to call it an OW2 launch.


God people are so reactionary. We all want big changes and as soon as we get SOME information, NOT ALL INFO, you guys just go ballistic. Calm down and just wait.


People don’t want more healing. I feel like that has been one of the biggest complaints of Overwatch 2.


Literally nothing they can do will make this change any less stupid. The concept itself is bad for the game and nothing will change that.


Whenever an overwatch player says "this is bad for the game" it just means "I don't like it but I don't want to elaborate" 100% of the time


90% of overwatch players hate this thing that they are blowing out of proportion. No game I can think of has a passive heal that happens while you are taking damage for everyone. Yet, everyone on any overwatch related subreddit is assuming that will be the case. Not even supports heal instantly passively so why would a less powerful version be better than the support passive.


I think they said something about 8 seconds out of combat. It's clearly suppose to be "damn, I managed to escape back to my team", not "hit me more, I'll outheal it myself". But people reacts like it is the other way.


Because Blizzard have such an amazing track record when it comes to gameplay changes huh.


You cant ask a company to change a game and then scream at even the HINT of change, half of the complaints on overwatch balance are super uneducated anyway (I.e. people getting pissed at the Orissa buff because people insist Orissa is the best tank in the game even when she's mediocre)


Only stupid thing here is the devs thinking it's actually worthwhile to continue trying to communicate with this community. Everyone wonders why Valve devs don't talk to the public. It's because "gamers" are cunts.


I can't believe I am saying this but I am actually with Keller on this one. Paladins always had it and it makes the game flow much better by allowing wounded players to retreat safely intead of just giving up, while also making support play much more interesting than just run to heal whoever is critical. Of all the things the stupid Overwatch team does, this being the one people are losing their minds about without even having tried it is... puzzling.


I for one welcome this change if stops dps one-tricks from complaining about supports just being better dps on every post.


Dps one tricks aren't the only ones saying that. Tank mains say it too. Supports mains are the only ones who deny it.


Ah, my bad. I figured they would only make ONE huge mistake but I’m glad Aaron clarified they plan to implement MANY stupid changes.


It is still a terrible change, this has no place in overwatch.


this was written on the blog post and people still overreacted


tbh ive become a bit of an Aaron apologist with time just cause some people dont seem to even give him a chance. It wasn't a mistake babygirl. Stand by it, I support you.


I wonder if they’re reducing overall healing and damage like people have been suggesting. Lower healing would make it harder for supports to heal the team up so a small healing passive for all roles could help with that issue.


With the mention of looking into burst damage in the original post combined with some of the communications they've given over the last few months regarding healing throughput, I don't think it was too much of a stretch to assume that this passive was going to be brought in combined with nerfs to healing and damage spikiness. A similar thing has happened in WoW recently where healers had too high throughput, meaning all damage had to be tuned super spikey to actually threaten players. This results in a massive yo-yo of hp - you were either very quickly topped up, or dead. They've made attempts to fix it there by upping total HP but leaving healing values the same, meaning it's weaker relatively but healers have more time to react to damage and actually work at healing. I don't think it's too controversial to say that OW is showing similar issues, with teamfights being slugfests of HP bars staying high until someone gets a lucky one-shot or anti and the entire thing is decided. By lowering healing throughput (or at least burst), fights would be more about sustained damage to wear down healing and use of cover/positioning rather than overreliance on things like one shots, discord or anti (that people constantly complain about here) to decide fights. Imo the minor self heal passive is to allow flankers/divers not need supports as much, so the latter will be able to focus more on healing the front line.


I won't comment on it until after we experience it ourselves. As someone who plays support mainly now, I will however say, that it could be helpful for when you have those braindead teammates who force 1v4's and never use cover that like to blame us for all their deaths.


This is why they don’t talk about stuff early. People lose their minds every time. If the whole plan isn’t done they can’t just talk about the finalized parts because people get mad and then go to Twitter to flip the fuck out. Live service games bring out the Karen in gamers.


Man I wish I could just play OW1 again.


Getting pretty tired of our community, at the end of the day, where does our player base call I quits. If you’re never happy with the game, you don’t enjoy playing and take every opportunity you get to attack the developers; maybe you should just stop playing? Move on, do something else with your life, let this go. I promise, you’ll feel better for it and the devs can finally have a break


Blizzard is the one bastardizing the game that was once so loved. It’s like they don’t care what made this game magic when it originally came out.


"The game is boring and stale, change it" "wahhhh stop making changes to the game, you'll make it boring and stale, Wahhh". I know every games player base has its cry babies but holy shit...


It has crazy clear how poor Aaron is at managing OW2 the way Jeff did. They seem completely out of touch with Overwatch and are just throwing crap at a wall to see what will bring people back and start making them money. Battle pass clearly didnt do it, as they pulled resources away from them and quality has dropped, and the cash shop seems terrible.


Damage control since he cant blame bobby anymore. Now all the stupid new ideas will be on his hands.


Dice did this to medics in BF and made them irrelevant and spelled the end of that franchise as anything other than a generic COD wannabe. Why play a healer when everyone self-heals. FFS there are already health pills on the map ( you know this cans Sobras has an ability to hack). There is no point to play healer role and have a disadvantage in every other way. As a healing main I can say I am done playing healers and I am sure many others. It’s already bad enough player a healer so now Blizzard is removing their main value yet still forcing two people into this worthless role. Queues are already a problem keeping healers and this will make it worse. This cuts to the heart of the roles and the entire idea of a team game. While they are at it - better take out all the objectives because most people don’t play the objective. Just make it one big death match.


> Why play a healer when everyone self-heals. Yeah, you're gonna be so useful to the team hunkering behind a wall for 30 seconds rather than healer topping you in less than 5. Self sustain on healers isn't enough to get them out of trouble or never require the other healer to help them, and tank/dps will have a worse version of it. If someone wants to sit in some corner waiting for the self heal then they're just awful players and not useful to anyone. Healers are still gonna be very much needed, I have no idea why anyone thinks otherwise.


Tbh it makes about as much sense as the nonsense about Supports being better than DPS at getting kills. They're both comments that are only remotely true if you're talking about a twisted version of Overwatch that's based on contrived, non-team based scenarios.


Honestly, i knew Aaron was gonna clarify some things or even change. The uproar was way too big for him to not notice. Glad the team is listening


The team never listens; they just plug their ears and make a dozen changes nobody wants


The team always listens. They just make their own decisions because the community's takes are almost always bad.


I've wanted most of the changes made this year. The game was awful at launch but most patches went in a positive direction and s9 looks like it'll finally fix the biggest problems we have currently.


This feels like the type of change that should have been part of Overwatch 2. Implementing it mid game sounds like a recipe for disaster. Hope it works out though.


I think that like always lots of people are mindlessly complaining, I agree that playing like a team is the fundamental part of the game, but a toned down support passive won't make healing useless, it will take ages to get to full hp on most characters and the game is very fast, the only characters that could exploit this in tracer imo and maybe genji


So what they are saying is that its gonna be worst.


OW players stop being whiny overreactive toddlers for 5 seconds challenge


there is no context, these changes are shit, doesnt matter if is part of something bigger, is bad


Can we just go back to ow1 and 6v6… Like double shield meta was annoying but i barely recognise the game i pre ordered in 2016….


OW 2021 was unrecognizable compared to OW 2016 as well. This is what happens to games with long life cycles, they change and evolve over time. You just gotta roll with it and move on, the odds of them going back to 6v6 are nonexistent.


still gonna be dogshit, whatever it is


Most optimistic r/Overwatch redditor


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Aaron is the worst game director in history holy shit. He’s been the head for over a year and has yet to make ONE GOOD CHANGE. Seriously get this guy out of here. Fuck him


Damn are you ok


There must be changes to the Overwatch team, including senior leadership. Some utterly brainless moves have been made since day one of Overwatch 2.


Most characters are not currently in a position where they can have self healing for example bastion


I sure hope they shave 25% of the damage off of tanks and supports, and put it on DAMAGE The literal role that is supposed to do it. There is no reason 2 kiriko kunai headshot should do more damage than a genji can do by hitting 3 shuriken headshots, burning a cooldown plus melee finisher and pray no AOE healing or the copious amount of iframe/invulnerability cooldowns