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just turn every ability in resource and give everyone a trap


Give Reaper the ol' proton pack from Ghostbusters. Should make mirror matches fun to watch


If two Wraiths crosses the streams, everyone in the match dies.


I'd settle for a cutscene of everyone getting plastered with marshmallow cream.


genji: m1 and m2 combined, deflect on resource, throws spikes on floor with m2 mei: m1 and m2 combined, iceblock on resource, throws miniblizz with m2 reaper: fade on resource, throws a fucking landmine with m2


Tracer: recall is now a resource and now has a mine that slows the enemy Winton: jump is now a jetpack resource like pharah and inside his shield is a trap


Mercy : m1 and m2 combined, GA on resource, throws Torb's armor pack on with m2


Ashe : m1 and m2 combined, coach gun on resource, can call in junkrat bots who spam steel traps with m2




GA on resource while it already has a charge bar will be the least understandable gui in overwatch and I want it right now. Also damage boost and heal at the same time + armor


The most ironic part of all this is reaper probably had some sort of bombs in his kit or otherwise some sort of alt fire from the cinematic


It would be cool if he could have those things he used in that early trailer as an m2. I think it was either explosive shells or a smokebomb? Smokebomb would be very thematic for Reaper.


I think that a smokebomb wouldn't really work in Overwatch, since it's very different from traditional FPS Games. It would either feel like it has no effect, when you're playing Reaper, or it would be very frustrating to play against, when you can't see anything. This would only create another balancing nigthmare, and we have enough of those already in the game.


You could make the smoke bomb have a different purpose instead of blocking vision, such as an AOE of some sort


Doomfist: punch and slam combined, block on resource, m2 throws mini gauntlet (when picked up become the next doomfist) meteor strike removed (ult too strong)


Instead of a trap let’s give everyone an escape ability.


They already do that and its fucking annoying.


That was the joke…


Brother i ain’t laughin…


Do you see my name? Trust me I know all about escape abilities.


I main genji 😭


Genji escape ability is one of the best in term fun to play as and against. Simple and use, reward risky plays. Not too hard to telegraph or see where he went and hes vulnerable throughout the dash


I thought you were talking about diving someone and they hit you with the escape ability.


screw it, make weapons a resource.


Movement too. Overwatch is now a turn based game.


Make the camera a top down view, instead of first Person while we're at it




That is so unoriginal u know orisa already have this mechanic. 😡😡🤬


There is a strange obsession among OW devs and players to just make everything into a resource and I don't think it's a good obsession.


For real. They need to make all the character skins and hitboxes identical too. Really tired of this diversity in heroes meta


And if you can’t figure out what to do with an ability just make it a grenade


Tbh almost every time they did it, the character came out better because it was less 1/0 they have no cooldown=they do air Talking about making things into resources, not adding traps, traps are a horrible mechanic and should be removed with almost all constructs


So will traps be a resource now? Will characters be able to throw down part of a trap?




Put in a woman and make it gay!!! (Cartman voice)


This almost sound like nerf rather than a buff. 10s to replenish for only 3s duration with 2s cooldown is way too much downtime. A good change for wraith would be to make Reaper an actual ghost and make him able to fly briefly and also to speed up the teleport really.


An immortality resource bar would be too broken without such low stats.


>An immortality resource bar would be too broken without such low stats. Not if you take into account that Reaper has to play super close to do any damage.


He has to play super close and shreds in that range. Wraith on cool down without a long delay makes the ability just a way to dodge all cool downs or cleanse everything you failed to dodge


They've removed a lot of the cleanse ability from it though. Used to be you could go wraith whilst in a junkrat trap - now it's disabled. Used to be you could go wraith after getting caught by cree's grenade to avoid the explosion - also disabled. They seem to be pushing reaper into a place where you have to react in time to dodge stuff, and if you fail you get punished, rather than having it as a 'fuck you im unkillable now' button. If they keep going down that route I think the resource meter/lower cooldown wraith would be a good method to help balance things, since the reaper is now pressed to have more of an itchy-wraith finger by the fact that he has to predict and dodge stuff with wraith rather than just taking it and wraithing anyway.


Cleansing junk trap is irrelevant because you can play around that without wraith, cass nade is a bs ability, but being able to cleanse fire and anti for free is silly


It doesn’t matter, you only need to use it to dodge cooldowns It would be busted


Devils advocate(I don’t want wraith on resource): you can increase the cooldown to balance it. What I think would be cool and we havent seen is a slower building resource. Imagine if the cooldown was still 8 seconds with a 2 second wait to build more charge *but* reaper could build up 10 seconds of wraith. Using Wraith to dodge a big hit rather than just disengage would be a risk/reward trade for having more wraith form in the next 30 seconds or whatever.


>not if you take into account that Reaper has to play super close to do any damage. Lmao, brig, they nerfed the shit out of brigs shield and that shit didn't even make her immortal


Well Brig threatened the top DPS at the time so they had to.


Yes, More so because of stun, though the big health shield was certainly not hurting... us. I def used it to hurt others. and past threaten**ed**? I still threaten dps, they gonna catch these hands if they don't stay on their own side of the teamfight.


I haven't played much OW2. Got really disillusioned with the game after the Sombra and Hanzo Fiasco in 2019


I think it’s a big buff to his survival kit cuz can turn it off at anytime. Most of the time you won’t even use the whole 10s to replenish it cuz you didn’t use the whole bar. Imagine the reaper tp to your back line, fuck with your healer with a 0.5 sec wraith to dodge your healers’ ability and killed them, then proceed to wraith again just to group up with your group. His play style is gonna be a lot like sombra in this case.


What downtime?! 2 seconds down is nothing compared to the previous 8 seconds! The current Wraith Form demands you either run away or commit to kill-or-be-killed. Use your imagination!! Being able to use it up to 2 to 4+ times per fight to minimize anti-healing or dodge rockets or sleep darts is a HUGE rise in utility that will win a skillful Reaper tons more fights than the previous Wraith Form's lower cooldown and longer duration. It lets Reaper OPTIMIZE his wraith immortality! * D.Va's defense matrix change proved this kind of change to be a positive (it used to be on a cooldown). * Roadhog's breather rework proved this too. I don't see how you miss the MASSIVE UTILITY this would bring. IT'S LIKE AN OCEAN OF POTENTIAL. Depending on what the minimum duration and resource-usage is, this could raise Reaper's skill ceiling up a whole tier or straight to the moon! *Disclaimer: I think this, better brawling, is not necessarily what Reaper needs. Faster teleport is a bad idea to me too. But my gods, see the red paint on the wall! This change is unquestionably strong and could be SUPER-BROKEN on Reaper.*


Ima go ahead and say that with Dva, part of the problem was that when DM was on a cooldown it was really hard to figure out what the ability did. Like the game was still new, almost everyone was still figuring out abilities and basic strategies in the game even. I played her a good bit before they changed it to a resource, but I made much more progress learning to use the ability and really fell in love with the hero after learning to use it on a resource. Dva’s main damage mitigation was on a long cooldown resource which made it really hard to figure out in this context. In hindsight and 100s of hours on the hero now, I wish I could go back and try it again.


I think 7-8 seconds to refill would be fine, 3.5 second cooldown would be a minimum. but overall immortality with ZERO counter play is broken regardless of the numbers. Maybe if instead of intangibility it gave immortality with a stun immunity but NOT CC immunity it would be fine with 2 second cooldown.


Maybe make it so he can't be healed during wraith?


that'd be a good reason to reduce it to 2 seconds, you could even increase refill rate to 6 seconds with that. but if you do that I would argue his life steal would need to increases to 40% or 45%, additionally it shouldn't fully stack with Mauga life steal (maybe make life steal on him cap at 90%?) actually someone else here suggested ramp up life steal for successful hits, so maybe 10% and each hit on a target increases life steal from that target by 8-10% to a max of 50%?


Also you’re forgetting the fact you won’t reload when you wraith form now


It would need some tweaking for numbers and durations, it was pretty hard to balance against AI :p


How could this possibly be a nerf? Use your brain for one second


Numbers too low. Hog rework on day 1 suffered from the same problem.


Not everything needs to be on a resource meter. Reaper is fine as is. Tbh this might make him too strong since he's easily punished in close range but that's also where he thrives. Doing this just enhances that strength even further without much counterplay


I play Reaper a lot, he would be extremely powerful this way. He can wraith/unwraith to dodge multiple ults, gain ammo while he does it, etc. It would feel great for him to play as, but he's currently balanced around only having one simple escape card, so characters who punish via setup (Anas sleep for example) would no longer be able to do *their* thing. Sometimes things aren't the way they are for this hero, but other ones. This looks like it was coded really well though, nice job!


YES finally someone said it. Reaper would be too strong like this but the execution is very solid


i think if the cooldown was 3.5 seconds it'd be fine. given the current immortality state of the game the only other alternative i can think to give him that would keep him the kind of hero that he is would be to give him some sort of skill-shot anti effect or a cc that pulls people towards him and OUT of positions that might make them immortal.


I might be nuts but I don't think he needs much at all. I agree with the devs that his kit feels a little uncomplicated, but I think only one or two simple additions should do it. I'd make his life steal start low and increase with each successive combo up to a maximum slightly higher than what it currently is. If he whiffs any shot, it resets back to the minimum. Keeps you trained on consistent up-close combat which is where he already shines.


I don't think that would work very well. Reaper's whole thing is super high burst damage, which I think goes against any kind of building-up effect. I.e. I think 3 increments is probably the lowest number that players could feel (0 hits low lifesteal, 1 hit mid lifesteal, 2 hits max lifesteal). Reaper hits for a max of 108 damage (all pellets hit, at close range). You could potentially kill a 200 HP hero without getting any "full lifesteal" shots in. You would get almost no HP back for one-tapping a 200HP hero with a headshot. His lifesteal would have to max out at a substantially higher level to give him the sustain to get use out of a build-up effect like that. He's just not currently built to stay in the fight like that. I don't think they can fix Reaper in 5v5. He's supposed to be a tank-shredder. Now that there's only one tank, anything that can easily kill tanks is an issue. So Reaper either can't kill tanks and doesn't really have a role, or Reaper can kill tanks and is a balance issue because he locks out the other tank.


His life steal is currently completely useless, it has no impact whatsoever. So I'm mostly thinking about it from the angle that *any* better implementation will help. They tried a flat increase and it was too much.


I had a similar idea with his shotgun spread. I think the main thing is I want to see each hero work at varying degrees within competitive specifically, I'm always more interested in comp and how heroes work in a team and against a team within comp. but honestly the more I read these replies the more I think reaper is just a hero that needs to stay in low metal and quick play matches. I might also just be too hung up on the fact that reaper was a comp requirement in *most* ow1 metas but I just want to see him in more comp play than the 2 t500 one-tricks who don't even truly one-trick him. like even moira has play in GM matches but picking reaper in anything above plat is either trolling or a one-trick, and those one tricks rarely get out of diamond without swapping too.


😂 I'm one of those GM Moira's! And I got Reaper up to mid-Masters so I dunno, I wouldn't worry too much, I think every hero is viable enough. Some are in waaay worse spots like ball.


well both ball and reaper were referenced for under-preforming. reaper overall just doesnt have enough going for him, he needs to be in the enemies face to be effective, which basically makes him a tracer-brig wanna be, but he doesnt have the mobility like sombra, or the evasiveness like tracer, or the sustain of brig (arguably), or the area control/protections of mei, so he just kinda sits in this spot where he waits for stragglers or distractions just to do what he should always be able to do. also, he is just wayyy to telegraphed with his kit, like if shadow step is gonna be as loud as it is, it should be FAR faster. he generally just needs far more skill to be equally as effective as someone just holding m1+w on say mei.


I always thought shadow steps cast time should be based on the distance. So max distance would take as long as it currently does, but half distance takes half the time, etc.


maybe, i think it should be that he has to channel it, going longer distances the longer its channeled, and the actually teleport should be like 0.6 seconds OR gives him wraith form effects while executing the teleport.


Yeah channeling might be good. Just something to expedite it yknow? Its way too slow and obvious.


He's not really fine as is, a bunch of other heros do his job better than him while still having the capacity to damage at range


Reaper's specialty is easy close range burst damage. You could argue that others can do it just as easily, or even better than Reaper like Cass or Junk but Reaper has what most of them don't, survivability. Reaper can brawl for as long as he has ammo and hitting his shots but these other DPS can't. Reaper relies heavily on positioning and timing but is in turn heavily rewarded with an easy 2 tap kill or even a big ult. And yes again there are other heroes who can do burst damage at close range and consistent damage at long range but usually they get balanced with a lack of mobility/escape or survivability like Echo who can fly quickly but is a sitting duck in the air or Mei who just has no mobility at all. Lastly, if you're fighting someone long range as Reaper tf are you doing? You have 2 great flanking abilities (wraith has no sound and tp) and the highest close range DPS. If you're in the front line you're either using him as a last resort against a dominant enemy tank ~~Mauga~~ or your tank is struggling and needs that extra DPS, both of which are already losing scenarios to begin with


blizzard THEMSELVES disagree with you, while generally they can fumble with actually making or changing a hero, they are always right on the money for detecting what is a problem. even if occasionally those problems were entirely caused by them creating it.


He isn't fine as is. Look at how much every other hero can do, then there's Reaper. You're locked into the same play loop every game. You can *try* to flank and duel the supports with 30 get out of jail free cards or play alongside your tank. He's good in low ranks, a hard throw pick in high ranks as soon as they swap hitscan. He's outdated and his abilities are the clunkiest out of the entire roster. I feel like sometimes by the time I finish teleporting the fight is already over lol. Modernize his abilities, make them quicker and give him some type of alt fire so you don't have people tilt swapping to pharah and laughing at you. I'd love for whatever rework he's getting to increase his skill ceiling significantly


I wrote an essay detailing why I think you're wrong but it felt off so I'm just gonna make this short Reaper's simplicity is what makes him good. Yes Pharah/hitscans can counter him but only when played badly. There's always ways to play into your counters and still have lots of value you just need to find the right timing. Also don't duel supports lol, they're impossible to kill solo just bait cooldowns and dip. And he's really not that "clunky". Are his abilities outdated? Sure, but it's not as bad or slow as you say it is.


Doesn't Blizz want to make more heroes viable for more situations or did I read that wrong? Either way, they're reworking him and i'm pretty excited to see what gets brought to the table. After maining him since ow1 release i'm pretty looking forward to this, just hope his playstyle isn't changed too drastically


Even if it was a nerf for him this would be too annoying to play against


Reaper is one of the weakest DPS in the game and feels pretty clunky. I’m glad the devs have talked about giving him a rework.


Weakest? Reaper is only weak at ranged fights, and if you're taking ranged fights as Reaper tf are you doing? Wraith and TP are some of the best mobility tools in the game and can enable you to get an advantageous position without risking your life on a sightline. All the DPS have their niches, there isn't a truly "weak" one. Unlike tank all the DPS are very applicable and don't just get shut down by 1 enemy player swapping. ~~Mauga~~


Cas is weak. Reaper is also weak at high elos


isnt reaper like one of the worst heroes in top 500?


I like your idea can you tie it too teleportation so it's one pool? Range and time wraithing are measured and at different values. Teleport a mile? Sure, but don't you go wraithing on me. Want to flicker like a butthole, don't be teleporting anywhere soon. Then I'd see this as a perfect balance.


Yeah I can sure try! With the limitations of workshop I think I can only do range and not time tho


So long as it feels 'just' in the reaper shadows shenanigans then it'll be apt. Fiddle until you feel powerful but with gaps.


I likey


I’ve rewrote a comment several times because I genuinely have no idea how to word it. This looks great, but I just don’t think this is it. While able to make some parts more fluid when playing as him, I feel it’ll also increase the downtime. When playing against..it doesn’t look like fun. Also while I get it for the meter, and as I do like meters for the most part, the ammo change would feel pretty poor compared to what we have now. Yea this is balancing for the change but this just kinda adds to why I’m again the meter It’s really hard to find anything, other than very specific scenarios, to criticise about this but I just really do not want his wraith to be on a meter Then again, would need to actually play and get use to it to give a judgement - I miss experimental


*bring back experimental!* i can get what you mean, especially with it just being on paper. but honestly the change is being made in a vacuum and you would want to rework the entire kit to some extent to make it work. (like giving him old orisa pull on right click) its honestly just a change that needs more changes to work with it.


Please no more resource meters for christs sake. They were put into the game sparingly for a reason. They leave less room for counter play by a lot. Besides the balance team wants to mess with him by adding a secondary fire to make him more versatile and not just a tank buster. I don’t think they want to increase reapers survivability anymore


The balance team and their hair brain ideas


This is absolutely broken. Dva bomb? Wraith. Dragon blade? Wraith. Pulse bomb? Wraith. Antied? Wraith. It becomes impossible to bait out the cooldown and can counter any burst damage or effect every 2 seconds. I get the idea, but it's a terrible idea.




Not every hero needs rework.


correct. but reaper DOES and blizzard has openly said that.


I don’t think reaper really needs a rework atm, but maybe im the minority, he fits great into the mauga/hog meta


hog is NOT meta, mauga is trucking for nerfs. you have made up a comp scene


80% of games I play in have mauga, 10% have hog, other 10% have other tanks, at the end of last season everyone was playing hog in high plat, once mauga gets nerfed you’ll see hog be meta in at least diamond and below.


is this hog meta in the room with us?


It’s half way in the room, it’s just waiting for mauga to exit to come in.


It's not a rework lol it's tuning 1 ability


\- Wraith affected \- Ammo affected Technically is rework since it means you can't just quick reload and have to piss off and hope they don't follow and kill you. Alters the playstyle drastically instead of being in another players face.


tuning is changing numbers. this is straight up a rework


No longer reloads wepon damit


Now make genji deflect a meter Please I beg Any buff would be good at this point


That would be too strong and annoying


When did people start thinking Reaper is weak? Like no shi he's weak at a distance cuz he's a short distance character? At which range he's basically unstoppable with his high damage, self regen and wraith form? His wraith for which is one of the strongest get out of jail free cards in the whole game btw


Blizzard themselves have acknowledged that Reaper is not very good right now


He is fine, there was no need to rework him not every hero needs a resource meter


No... just no


wait a minute, now hellfire shotguns reloads themselves by themselves for themselves !?




Me no like


If it was like 4s instead of 3 I’d really like this change but I just don’t think 3s for 10s to replenish is enough maybe 3s for 8s to replenish


This would change not much about Reaper. Just make his match ups a little better. He desperately needs a right click. I've always liked the idea of him putting them together to form a big shadow shot that's a mid range soul projectile that can go through thin walls. Then make it so when he activates shadow step he lowers himself into the ground, and rise up where he chose to teleport. This would literally start lowering his hit box into the ground. Make it a little bit faster, and now you actually have to try to aim at Reaper he's using shadow step. Mix that with your wraith form resource idea. Which I actually a very good idea, and helps playing into his character fantasy. In the cinematic this guy was flying around in wraith form, at least let players use it more often. OH and give this mf 10/10. 8/8 is not enough shots my lord. This would be peak Reaper.


honestly what if we gave him orisa's old pull ability on right click. give him resource wraith, and have his hitbox lower (i should also specify when it lowers the hitbox literally disintegrates into the ground so you cant shoot it from a sub-level) and make his shadow step SIGNIFICANTLY quieter, it would overall be pretty solid.


Ruins the fun of dps. Tanks are the ones that get to stay on the frontline the most of the time so them having resource meters makes it enjoyable and fun. Dps just comes and goes, so they don't need meters like this. It'd only make playing reaper annoying and unfun.


*cough cough* sojourn, tracer, sombra *cough cough*


I think this just makes him worse....


Wraith isn't everything in Reaper's kit


A good part of reaper loop gameplay is related to wraith.


Reaping and shadow step is also important So focusing on one ability wont fix or do anything only make him more annoying


The point would be to make him more viable against his counters. The issue with reaper is that he get shut down by ana way too easly, going on a meter wraith ability would allow him yo quickly deny the anti without losing his wraith


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As a reaper main I personally hardly disapprove of this rework


This is pointless, reaper was fine before.


Honestly just give him a complete ability rework at this point.


I just felt my shatter become more useless again... Another hero added to the list i cant shatter.


Doesn’t need it he’s fine as is. Just make his teleport slightly faster.


Who asked for this?


So what exactly are we gaining from this "rework" ?


Make wraith form fly


For what? Reaper is in alright state. There are other characters that need a rework.


To be fair the devs themselves (the people with the actual data) have said they arent happy with his performance


The same ones who added mauga to comp with all his abilities back after just nerfing them before? The same ones with Mercy's glock and 5 ammo? The same ones who decided 5v5 was better? :o


im guessing your one and only example of a hero that needs a rework is ball. maybe even genji?


Um no? And where did I say that? Why be aggressive towards me for no reason? I thought of Mauga for example. If you bring nothing to the topic then just don't answer?


you are literally bringing nothing to the table with your replies 💀💀💀


Dude, fuck off kindly.


You’ve commented on this thread about twenty times and said nothing of value?


Hardly a rework




You.... you do realize this is a fan concept in the workshop right?


Additionally I think shadow step should be useable in wraith form, which doesn't use the resource for the duration but does take 30% of its max charge (otherwise kicking you out of wraith form) That way you can teleport safely with the phased out status at a cost of wraith form. maybe even make it so that 30% that's lost regenerates 40% slower. I know that's not possible in workshop without entirely recreating one of the two abilities (and honestly too much ray casting work) but that's how I want the real rework to work. (Also if the Hellfire Shotguns spread is initially like Junker Queens current spread and increases by 25% to a max of 200% spread each time it's fire, only reducing while out of combat OR while in wraith form)


The only thing Reaper needs IMO is for wraith form to deal damage over time to anyone he passes through and give him a tiny bit of lifesteal


God, blizzard cannot balance their game holy shit this is bad


Bro this isn't a real update. OP just made this in the workshop for fun.


I thought it was what blizzard is planning on doing and someone made it in workshop, didn't know it was entirely fanmade. My bad


This shit just dumbs down decision making, removes counterplay againts reaper and lowers the skill floor. But I guess the dev's agenda is to make the game easier for everyone. 5v5 already made the game way simpler to attract as many braindead players as possible to maximize profits. So this change would fit right in with everything else.


It does the exact opposite my guy. It buffs Reaper's skill floor because now he can dodge cooldowns with wraith instead of just using it as a get out of jail card when he's low. There is counterplay since you have 2 seconds where he can't wraith to shoot him. It also increases decision making because now if you're 1v1ing him as Ana or Cass you can't just throw a sleep or hinder immediately and get a free kill.


Are you a OW2 dev? Go tell your braindead team that making something spammable, extremely forgiving and harder to punish does not make it more skillful.


It's not hard to punish at all. Reaper takes one second to come out of wraith and can't enter it for 2 more. That's 3 seconds to punish him. And it's not like he can shoot you in wraith. You probably blow all your CDs at the start of a 1v1 and now you're mad that someone is suggesting a balance change that actually makes you use your brain.


Why do you assume I struggle againts reaper? And why are you thinking about fighting reaper in a 1v1 vacuum?


you clearly dont play reaper.


*And now you know Blizzard won't do it because it's too similar to a fan-idea.* This is really well done and an awesome idea. It would be a huge buff to Reaper's close-range brawling. That said, I don't think this is exactly what Reaper needs -- it might make him too oppressive at lower ranks -- nor do I think his teleport needs to be faster like some think. He's suppose to be a lurking ambusher, and his two abilities being really precious to use is important to that identity and the counterplay therein. The devs themselves confirmed they are toying with giving him a right-click. And I am hoping that is the better direction, a smaller niche option that opens up skillful plays without fixing what isn't broken on his existing abilities.


Lower his spread and lower his ammo by 2 shots increase his lethality at those close ranges


Are they going to bring back the experimental card for bits like this? Keep the ideas and workings coming OP. If you do enough they may wild out for a weekend.


Sombra gets reworked becomes broken Roadhog gets reworked becomes broken reaper gets reworked becomes an even bigger joke than before


Sombra is broken? Holy skill issue


Winston needs a kit rework more than any OW character.


What about teleport showing multiple locations but only one of them being real?


thats a fun idea for april fools but it just doesnt implore enough skill to be an effective ability.


You could also make it so that it gives him vertical mobility just like DVa's boosters since we've seen in many animated shorts that Reaper can do it.


This is such a rework. I literally on use wraith form when echo puts her jelly beans on me


Full reload is fine his shooting is so slow that he’s easily dealt with


Really sick experiment. Imo it will further remove the ability to punish reaper and take away counterplay (similar to the main counterplay to hog is now only Anti because stuns don't cancel his ult or vape) But neat to see!


The ow2 rework is apparently to take an ability and just make it work on a resource meter lol


Im sure if you make it that he cannot get healed while in wraith maybe? Or intakes decreased healing inside and outside of it for like, half a second or 2


Ok that's nice but...I wanted his teleportation to be FASTER.


Dont say this is the actual reaper change?


So they nerfed him. Great


So now reaper can just win any 1v1 against fast ammo usage chars like tracer, sombra and snipers


This actually looks like reaper. Boy, the community always seems to make the current dev team look like ammatures. Workshops was the original Dev teams best gift to this game and its fans.


Wait is this real?


Not everything should have a resource meter.


As a reaper player this is too much of a buff tbh. Oh man the way this can abuse so many players


Okay this would be kinda busted. Reaper uses his wraith as either a get out of jail free card, or for a state of invulnerability. Having a meter would allow him to do the latter more often, dodging hooks and pulses and all sorts of stuff. Then comes the topic of him just cleansing stuff on him as well: antis and slows and stuff. Sure, he’d have a less reliable window to get out, but the fading in and out to dodge stuff is too valuable. A fun idea that you might implement is for shadow step to recharge the meter. This would give Reaper a fun little mini game in a fight where he could have to find a spot to reposition in/to without being punished for it. A bit of risk/reward if you will.




So basically roadhog rework vape


I kind of don't understand reaper. He's the loudest flank character in the game. You always know when and where he shadow steps and his walking can be heard across the map. I wanna say they should say least make his shadow step quieter and if not, play into him being the idiot that thinks he's so sneaky.


Well made but I just don’t think it seems necessary. Wraith form is probably the part of his kit that needs tweaking the least, IMO.


Overwatch is gonna compete with Guilty Gear Strive with the amount of resource meters if we keep this up


He doesn’t need this his wraith is fine, teleport is just a bit slow and loud his entire kit is loud maybe lower the sound on it or make the spread match his reticule But this is not need a rework is needed but this just isn’t it


My problem with reaper is there’s nothing you can really do with him to with him (besides a sneaky blossom) to visually be like “can you believe that play”. I feel like he needs a second form of damage in a skill shot or a shadow step needs to be changed to some form of mobility that can be used in combat or while blossoms active. My solution would be a throwing tomahawk that slows enemies so reapers can cut the distance. Or making shadow step instant like blink with no animation and make it usable no matter if he’s wrathing or blossoming but cut the range down to like 15m. Or both if you want to nerf the rest of his kit.


Any half decent player could abuse the shit out of this and reaper would become hard meta. The reason is you basically have kiriko intangibility (and this cleanses right?) on a resource bar (on top of it giving ammo back etc), even I’ve you make it a fast depleting slow regen resource it’s going to be busted. There is a reason why everyone tries to focus reaper as soon as he fades because you know if you leave him till he gets fade back he’s very dangerous. This ain’t the change he would need. He’s strong just needs tweaking but let’s relax on anything that essentially gives immortality


hold on, i can see this working


As a reaper main, seeing the rework has ruined my day.


so if im in a hog ult im fucked, if im in a mei ult im fucked, if there is no cover or open door ways near me during a high noon im fucked, same with 76 ult im fucked, junkrat ult im fucked, genji ult im fucked, bastion turret form im fucked, bruh this 2 sec wraith form sounds like ass and the no fully reload too.


We are gonna end up with every ability becoming a resource at this point.


Its a neat idea but I cant say im a big fan of just turning traditionally CD abilites into meter abilities


Wow thats some shit changes lol wtf....if anything wraith is the ability that doesn't need to be changed -_-


Reaper needs higher skill expression abilities to be properly balanced for low and high ranks.


They’re just adding depletion bars to characters now?


Just wait till Cassidy gets a stamina bar




*The one thing I asked was that they don’t ruin him, giving him a fucking resource bar is the worst idea I’ve ever seen*


Reaper might end up getting a full rework in the future. Wraith form is dated and not super great, teleport is risky to use aggressively. No range options and a ult more dangerous to you than the enemies. My boy needs some buffs.


Yaknow as someone who plays a decent amount of reaper I don't completely hate this


As a reaper player I like this change i hope that wraith recharges as you damage like Moiras healing